Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 384 Go with your paper kite

The appearance of Prince Xu and the princess was just a small episode tonight.

New Year's Eve is approaching.

There was drizzle in the sky and the cold wind was fierce. On the bustling streets in Beijing, the lights never sleep.

In the distance, thousands of families are reunited with lights, and joyful laughter comes from the houses from time to time, celebrating the arrival of the New Year reunion.

Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan returned to Jiang Mansion with Xiaozhu who still had unfinished thoughts.

The little maid usually gets tired of staying at home. Tonight she went out to see the prosperous New Year scene in the capital, which was very novel.

It's a pity that the weather is bad and the smell of fireworks is missing on rainy days.

Occasionally, fireworks not far away explode in the dark night sky, bringing the excitement of the New Year.

"Where have you been?"

Just when several people had just returned to Jiang Mansion, a voice came from the front.

He raised his eyes and saw Jiang Yuxiang leaning under the eaves of the courtyard at some point, with his arms folded across his chest, looking at Lin Jiangnian and others.

"Where did you go just now?"

Jiang Yuxiang looked at the people, obviously they had just come back from outside.

"You guys are out?"


Lin Jiangnian nodded and explained, "Let's go out for a walk!"

"Okay, why don't you call me when you go out for a walk?!"

When Jiang Yuxiang heard this, his eyes suddenly widened: "You forgot that you have an aunt, right?!"

Hearing his aunt's sudden attack, Lin Jiangnian was startled and coughed lightly: "Auntie..."

"Don't call me auntie, I'm not auntie!"

Jiang Yuxiang rolled his beautiful eyes and said in a faint tone: "It's good of you. It's sweet to go out on New Year's Eve, leaving me alone to stay in the empty room..."

Listening to this pitiful and faint voice, those who didn't know really thought that Lin Jiangnian had done something heartless.

Zhiyuan on the side heard her aunt's words, her cold face turned slightly red, she walked up to her side, lowered her head, and said softly: "Auntie..."

"Have you forgotten your aunt when you have a sweetheart, right?"

Jiang Yuxiang glanced at her sideways: "Forgot who brought you up?"

"Forgot who fed you bite by bite?"

Lin Jiangnian on the side couldn't help but said: "Auntie, how old were you at that time..."

"What's wrong with how old you are?!"

Jiang Yuxiang glared: "Zhiyuan was only two or three years old at that time, and I was five or six years older than her. Wasn't it me who took care of her?"

As he said that, Jiang Yuxiang turned to look at Zhiyuan: "Zhiyuan, tell me, did your aunt drag you up?"

Faced with her aunt's request for credit, Zhiyuan pursed her lips, a little embarrassed, but nodded her head.

Indeed, her aunt has been by her side since she can remember.

Her aunt, who was only five or six years older than her, was still just a little girl, but she always acted like an elder in front of her!

However, since she was a child, her aunt has always played the role of an elder and grew up with her.

"See, am I right?"

Jiang Yuxiang rolled his eyes and glared at Lin Jiangnian.

Seeing that his aunt seemed to be dissatisfied, Lin Jiangnian understood the situation and did not continue to talk back.

He thought about taking Zhiyuan and Xiaozhu out for a walk, but he forgot about his aunt! Lin Jiangnian always subconsciously regards his aunt as an elder, but ignores that her age is not much different from Lin Jiangnian's.

It's New Year's Eve tonight, and there are very few people in the Jiang Mansion. Lin Jiangnian took Zhiyuan and Xiaozhu away, leaving his aunt alone in the house.

No wonder my aunt is in mood!

After comforting her, she snorted softly, pulled the kite and left, not knowing what to whisper.

Lin Jiangnian also touched Xiaozhu's head and asked her to go back to her room first.

"Your Highness, aren't you going back?" Xiaozhu blinked doubtfully.

"Your Highness still has something to do. Come back later!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke softly, and after comforting Xiaozhu, he turned around and left the Jiang Mansion.

When leaving Jiang's Mansion, the drizzle that had been falling seemed to become heavier. The sky was gloomy and dark, as if a heavy rain was brewing.

Between heaven and earth, the cold wind is fierce.

Lin Jiangnian held an umbrella and walked through the streets.

Not long after, we arrived at an inconspicuous corner inn.

After scanning the surroundings, Lin Jiangnian's figure disappeared into the darkness and climbed over the inn wall silently.

The raindrops hit the eaves, making a ticking sound.

Under the eaves, at the window sill, a figure was sitting quietly by the window sill, looking up at the occasional flash of fireworks in the distance, wondering what he was thinking.


Ling'er's voice came from behind. Ling'er held up the hem of her skirt and walked into the room cautiously, blinking: "Holy girl, should we go out for a walk?"

"Don't go!"

Liu Su's voice was lazy and indifferent, and she refused simply.

"Holy girl, today is New Year's Eve!"

Ling'er blinked: "It must be very lively outside, it's pointless for us to stay here! Why don't we go out for a walk?"

"It's no fun outside!"

Liu Su curled her lips, with a look of boredom in her beautiful eyes.

For her, the New Year is not much different from the usual days.

She basically spends every Chinese New Year alone!

Oh no, Ling'er is also accompanying me.

As a member of the Tianshen Sect, Ling'er had known her since childhood and was loyal to her. The two of them had basically been dependent on each other these years.

Ling'er seemed to notice that her saint's temperament was not very high, so she took a closer look and said, "Saint, are you unhappy?"


"Holy girl, it's just the two of us on New Year's Day. How pitiful."

Ling'er felt a little emotional.

Liu Su glanced at her: "What? Are you lonely? Are you in love?"

"No, no!"

Ling'er's face turned red, and she quickly shook her little head: "Well, it's not just the two of us... It's like this every year, it's quite boring!"

Listening to Ling'er's words to herself, Liu Su's eyes were slightly absent-minded, and she continued to look up at the sky outside the courtyard not far away.

I don't know what he was thinking about, but there was some indescribable emotion on his face.

Finally, a hint of darkness flashed in her eyes.

Sighed softly.

At this moment, there was some movement in the courtyard.

Liu Su, who was extremely keen, noticed something immediately, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.


This place is a stronghold of the Tianshen Sect in Beijing. It is extremely hidden and difficult for ordinary people to approach.

Who broke in quietly? !

Liu Su's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and she suddenly raised her head and looked forward.

In the courtyard in front of me, under the darkness of night, the rain fell.

In the courtyard, a figure holding an umbrella appeared.

When Liu Su saw this figure, he was suddenly startled, with an incredible look on his face!

The night falls.

Zhao Mansion, small courtyard!

A steady drizzle enveloped the sky and earth.

Under the eaves, Xiaoyue came to her lady's door with a bowl of hot soup and knocked on the door.


"come in."

A lazy voice came from the room.

Xiaoyue then opened the door and walked in.

"Miss, my servant has brought you soup!"

"Leave it there."

A lazy voice came, slightly weak.

Xiaoyue put the soup on the table beside her and looked up at the room.

In the warm and fragrant room, the lights are bright.

The surrounding decoration is antique, with exquisite patterns carved on the windowsills and walls. The surrounding furnishings are simple, but give people a fresh and refined feeling.

The quiet boudoir of a woman is refreshing and refreshing.

There was a soft blanket on the ground. When you step on the blanket with your bare feet, you don't feel the coldness of winter at all.

Soft and very comfortable.

Not far away, on the other side of the screen, on a soft couch, a beautiful woman was half-lying quietly.

The woman lay very casually, but her casual temperament was fully revealed. Especially the thin and delicate long skirt on her body showed off her curvy figure.

The hem of the skirt is slightly open, and a pair of slender, well-proportioned, white and silky legs are casually placed on the soft couch.

The owner of the beautiful legs was quietly sitting on the soft couch, holding a book in his hand and looking through it boredly.

Xiaoyue secretly took a few more glances at her young lady's beautiful face, and couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

Miss, you are so beautiful...

Even she couldn't help but want to go up and touch a few of them!

If the young lady dresses like this on weekdays, how can she be so obsessed with Prince Lin? !

In a matter of minutes, he knelt down under the skirt of his own lady...

"Miss, you have to drink the soup while it's hot. It'll be cold later!"

Xiaoyue came back to her senses and reminded her loudly.


Zhao Xi then closed the book in his hand, threw it aside, and slowly sat up.

A head of loose hair fell down as she stood up, revealing her pretty face that was slightly messy but delicate and beautiful.

The delicate facial features are perfectly contoured, but there is a hint of sadness.

She glanced at Xiaoyue: "How is it outside now?"

Xiaoyue said: "Miss, it's very lively outside tonight... On New Year's Eve, many people are playing outside!"

"Miss, do you want to go for a walk?"

"Not going."

Zhao Xi curled her lips, she was someone who didn't really want to go out.

Not very interested in the outside world.

"Okay, if nothing happens, you can go down first."


Xiaoyue nodded and exited the room.

Zhao Xi was left sitting there, his beautiful eyes looking out the window, lost in thought.

After a while, he thought of something and muttered to himself: "I don't know what that guy... is doing now?"

"It's New Year's Eve today, so he must be accompanying his little maid in Jiang Mansion, right?"

"What's it called? Paper Kite?!"

Thinking of this, Zhao Xi's face suddenly showed some indescribable emotions for some reason.

A little angry!

"Heartless man!"

Zhao Xi secretly gritted his teeth and looked at him with shame and annoyance.

She didn't know why she felt like this, but she suddenly wanted to scold him!

"A heartless man, a disgrace, a pervert...and audacious..."

Zhao Xi gritted his teeth secretly, the scene of what happened on the South Lake cruise ship two days ago was still vivid in his mind.

Her breathing was a little faster and her face was slightly flushed.

That guy is so courageous!

How dare you secretly... touch your fiancée in front of her? !

What's more, I didn't expect that Pianmiao would have discovered it a long time ago... Why didn't she tell her if she found out?

Just let herself be 'bullied' by her fiancé?

Thinking of this, Zhao Xi's face felt a little hot.

She took a deep breath and tried to suppress the images that came back to her mind.

In the past two days, the scene in Nanhu would appear in her mind from time to time, especially the feeling of the hot heat falling on her soles, which she could not forget for a long time...

This made Zhao Xi's jade feet hidden under the skirt couldn't help but tighten slightly, and her delicate body trembled.

Zhao Xi, who had never had contact with any man, experienced such excitement for the first time in her life, which was enough to make her unforgettable for the rest of her life!

So much so that she has been a little distracted these past two days!

When he thought that he had been taken advantage of by the other party, Zhao Xi thought that he must take revenge. But the thought emerged, but it became more and more blurry...

Even she herself didn't know why she had such emotions.

Especially tonight...

New Year's Eve, the day of joyful reunion.

That guy is probably accompanying his 'beautiful wife', loving her sweetly and affectionately, so how can he still remember her...

Thinking of this, Zhao Xi quickly reacted.

Wait, what does this have to do with her?

She has nothing to do with that guy!

What should be worried about is Piaomiao!

Pianmiao is his fiancée. That guy didn't accompany his fiancée during the Chinese New Year. Shouldn't it be Pianmiao who should be angry?

Thinking of this, Zhao Xi immediately angrily defended his good sister!

How could she leave that guy alone?

Does she really have no idea about him at all?

She didn't believe it...

As if thinking of something, Zhao Xi's beautiful eyes lit up slightly.

But soon, this light gradually returned to calm. Zhao Xi sat on the soft couch, with a lot of thoughts in his mind, and he was confused for a while.

Zhao Xi sighed quietly and raised her eyes to look out the window. In her dazed vision, she gradually became more and more confused...

Even she herself didn't know what kind of emotion this was.

The rain is getting heavier!

Late at night, raindrops fell into the courtyard, and a crackling sound could be heard.

Under the eaves of the courtyard, in the room.

The atmosphere is a little weird!

"How did you come?"

Liu Su was dressed in red and sat quietly aside, staring coldly at the 'uninvited guest' in front of her.

"Can't I come?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at the familiar and deserted face in front of him and smiled.

Liu Su was silent for a moment: "How did you find this place?"

She never told him where he lived, how did he find it?

"It's really difficult to find someone in the capital!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her quietly: "However, it is not difficult to find you."

Liu Su said nothing and looked at him quietly.

Lin Jiangnian continued: "You were injured a few days ago. I guess you will definitely find a place to rest. There are not many places in Beijing where you can rest. From what I know about you, you will most likely find a place to rest in the Tianshen Sect. A certain stronghold..."

"And it's much easier to find the stronghold of the Celestial God Sect. After a little investigation, we can find you!"

Liu Su's hiding place was not hidden, and it was not difficult for Lin Jiangnian to find out.

Liu Su remained silent after listening.

No words were spoken.

She wasn't hiding from him originally, so it wasn't surprising that he found her. What Liu Su didn't expect was that Lin Jiangnian would suddenly appear in front of him tonight.

"What are you doing here?!"

Liu Su glanced at him and spoke expressionlessly.

Lin Jiang young spoke with soft eyes: "Come to stay with you."

Today is New Year's Eve, and he knows that Liu Su has no relatives or friends in Beijing. Lin Jiangnian originally wanted to invite her to the Jiang Mansion to celebrate the New Year together, but with Liu Su's temperament, it was absolutely impossible for her to agree.

But no matter what, Lin Jiangnian had to come and see her.

"No need!"

Liu Su still had a cold face and spoke calmly.

"Go with your paper kite!"

"I do not need!"


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