Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 385 Who is your most important person?

Cold tone, unkind expression.

This Saint Liu of the Celestial God Sect is like a thorny flower at the moment, delicate and in full bloom, yet repelling others thousands of miles away.

Wearing a red dress and a fresh skirt, she has a cold eye.

Lin Jiangnian said nothing and stared at her quietly.

Look at this familiar yet cold and delicate face so close at hand. After a while, he sighed softly.

"How is your health?"

Liu Su didn't speak, but looked at Lin Jiangnian equally coldly.

The two looked at each other, and her cold eyes were filled with stubbornness, as if she was having some kind of silent confrontation with Lin Jiangnian!

Such a cold and arrogant attitude made Lin Jiangnian shake his head inwardly.

As expected of sisters, this Lady Liu is really similar to Zhiyuan in some aspects!

The character is also very stubborn!

Sighing, Lin Jiangnian walked slowly to her side.

"what are you doing?!"

Liu Su noticed Lin Jiangnian's movements and stared at her coldly and warily.

Lin Jiangnian ignored her threatening gaze, sat down next to her, and sighed, "Do you really not want to see me?"

Liu Su still looked coldly and said nothing.

"Today is New Year's Eve, and tomorrow is the New Year!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her and sighed softly: "In the blink of an eye, we have known each other for almost a year..."

About a year ago in the spring, the two met for the first time in that ruined temple. Under Liu Su's coercion, Lin Jiangnian was forced to pretend to be Prince Lin's son and sneak into Prince Lin's mansion...

Thus, the unclear relationship between the two was formed!

In the blink of an eye, one year has passed!

When Liu Su heard Lin Jiangnian's words, her expression was slightly moved and her eyes were in a daze.

one Year?

Time flies so fast!

You Ran still remembers the scene a year ago when the guy in front of him was groveling in front of him, walking on thin ice.

In the blink of an eye, it was a long time ago!

And this guy... he had become the real Prince Lin inexplicably, and her relationship with him had also undergone earth-shaking changes due to an unexpected combination of circumstances.

As a result, this guy who had always been under her control has now grown into a being that she has to face up to, and even has some helplessness about.

Thinking of this, Liu Su looked a little embarrassed.

She glared at him lightly.

Weird thoughts.

Lin Jiang young sighed with emotion, from the time the two got acquainted by chance until now, too many accidents have happened.

So much so that Lin Jiangnian sometimes felt unexpectedly in a daze.

Seeing that Liu Su's expression seemed to be gradually relaxing, Lin Jiangnian asked again: "Didn't you go out for a walk today?"

Liu Su glanced at him and said coldly: "There is nothing to leave."

"I'm still thirty after all..."

When he said this, Lin Jiangnian stopped talking again.

He suddenly remembered that for ordinary people, the New Year is a year of reunion and celebration.

But for Liu Su, this was not the case.

Her parents passed away early, and she grew up in the Tianshen Sect. For her, reunion should be considered a fantasy.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian's eyes became softer and more distressed.

He slowly stepped forward and took Liu Su's hand.

Liu Su noticed something and suddenly became alert: "What are you doing?!"

Seeing her hand being grabbed by Lin Jiangnian at some point, she immediately wanted to shake it off. Lin Jiangnian held on tightly, not letting her get away.

Liu Su couldn't shake him off, and immediately became angry: "Let me go...don't force me to do it!"

Seeing that she was so stern and soft-hearted, and deliberately pretending to be a temperament, Lin Jiangnian didn't say anything, but just tightened his grip.

"Do it, if you like, just do it!"

"I will never resist!"

Liu Su sneered: "Did you resist?"

Although this guy's martial arts has improved very quickly, he is still far behind compared to her.

If she really takes action, how can he have a chance to resist?

Lin Jiangnian looked at her and said seriously: "Even if I resist, I still can't bear to resist."

As soon as these words came out, Liu Su's delicate body trembled slightly. Especially when she looked at Lin Jiangnian, her soft gaze made her feel inexplicably hot.

For a moment, I didn’t dare to look at him!

Liu Su subconsciously avoided his gaze, and her face was a little embarrassed for some reason.

She bit her lower lip tightly, as if she wanted to say something.

But in the end not a word was uttered.

She looked away and did not resist again. Instead, she said with a cold face: "What on earth are you doing here?!"

"I'll stay with you!"

Liu Su was silent for a moment and sneered: "If you come to me, what will she do?"

It was naturally impossible for Lin Jiangnian to say that he came to see her just after spending time with Zhiyuan.

He looked at Liu Su quietly and said softly: "She will understand."


After hearing this, Liu Su sneered again after a brief silence: "No need!"

"Just go and accompany her, I don't need you to accompany her!"

Lin Jiangnian sighed in his heart and looked at Liu Su quietly without refuting her harsh words.

"But, I want to stay with you, and..."

Lin Jiangnian paused for a moment, and held Liu Su's cold, soft hand tighter under his sleeve.

"I need your company!"


As soon as these words came out, it was obvious that Liu Su's expression changed!

Even if he tried his best to hide it, there was still a bit of panic that was difficult to hide, mixed with a bit of shame.


She wanted to say something to cover up her panic at the moment.

But when his mouth opened, not a single word came out.

Looking at Lin Jiangnian's calm eyes, she felt ashamed and annoyed, and a strange emotion came to her heart.

Until a long time later, she suddenly calmed down!

When he met Lin Jiangnian's gaze, he suddenly lost his shyness.

She didn't know what she was thinking of, and she was in a daze for a moment.

Lin Jiangnian held her hand tightly and spoke softly: "There are not many people in this world that I care about, and you are the most important among them..."


Lin Jiangnian silently added two words in his heart.

"At the same time, you are also the person who worries me the most!"

Compared to Zhiyuan and Xiaozhu who stayed with him, Liu Su was indeed the person he cared about the most.

This Saint Liu of the Celestial God Sect has a free and easy personality, disobeys discipline, and is free and loose. At the same time, as a saint of the Celestial Sect, she faces many crises when she goes out.

Even within the Tianshen Sect, there are still many crises.

Under such circumstances, how could Lin Jiangnian not be worried?

"I know it's hard to keep you by my side."

Lin Jiangnian sighed and said: "I won't force it, but I hope you can be safe and I hope you can be honest..."

"At least don't have a cold face every time we meet..."



It has to be said that every time she saw this Lady Liu, she basically looked down on Lin Jiangnian.

This is not the first time we have met!

I have even slept with him several times... my body structure is almost unlocked.

It turns out that Saint Liu is really fickle!

One thing on the bed and another under the bed!


Liu Su snorted softly, as if she felt guilty, and moved her head slightly.

She doesn't know why either!

Even when I haven't seen this guy, I always think of him inexplicably.

When I saw him, I was obviously very surprised.

But I don’t know why, but I always have a cold face subconsciously and unconsciously!

Especially when I really see him, the scene of this guy being intimate with that woman in Jiang Mansion will always pop up in my mind unconsciously.

In my mind, I would inexplicably imagine the two of them hugging each other and making love, rubbing each other's ears, or even taking off their clothes and doing those... unsightly and obscene things!

Thinking of these, she felt extremely uncomfortable!

Being so uncomfortable, his expression and tone naturally turned cold subconsciously!

Especially when she saw this guy's playful smile... she became even more unhappy!


Liu Su took a deep breath, calmed down slightly, and stopped thinking about the messy images in her mind.

He looked up at Lin Jiangnian, about to say something.

But when the words came to his lips, he unconsciously asked questions.

"What about her?"


Lin Jiangnian was stunned for a moment and didn't react for a while.

Of course she was referring to the paper kite?

But what was Liu Su asking?

Looking up, he saw that Liu Su still had a cold face and spoke expressionlessly.

"Since I am the most important person you care about...what about her?"

"she is not?"

Lin Jiangnian: "..."


The capital, the palace!

It's late at night, and darkness covers the world.

The bustling place in the city is celebrating the arrival of the New Year.

However, inside the palace, I could not feel the atmosphere of the New Year!

A dull atmosphere enveloped the entire imperial city, and this ancient and solemn imperial city remained as usual.

The rain gradually became heavier and heavier, and large raindrops hit the eaves, making a snapping sound. In the distance, there is a curtain of rain in the sky.

In the courtyard, under the eaves, in the room.

The fire was burning brightly, and the room was as warm as spring.

A figure was lying on the desk, looking at something intently.

The light was dim, reflecting a slightly frail figure.


After a while, several coughs came from the room.

"Your Highness, take care of yourself!"

The old slave on the side quickly stepped forward and put on a long mink velvet coat for His Highness, and spoke with concern.

After coughing a few times, Li Cunning's face turned pale. He waved his hand: "It's okay to go down first!"

"Your Highness, please take care of yourself and don't overwork yourself!"

The old slave had a worried look on his face, but he still left the room respectfully.

Li Cunning raised his eyes and stared out the window at the heavy rain in the courtyard. He didn't know what he was thinking about, but there was no movement for a long time.

Until the room door was pushed open again.

A beautiful figure in white slowly walked into the room.

Li Cunning looked up, a little surprised: "Piaomiao?"

"How did you come?!"

An unexpected joy appeared on Li Cunning's face: "Where is the queen mother?"

"Just went to bed."

Li Piaomiao was dressed in white clothes, as cold as her temperament. Holding the 'Silver Moon' in his arms, the sword was filled with a touch of cold air.

Her cold eyes fell on Li Cunning, staring at him for a moment without saying a word.

"It's okay to spend more time with your mother if you have nothing to do!"

Li Cunning nodded slightly, and a look of relief appeared on his pale face: "My mother rarely talks to anyone in the palace on weekdays. It is rare for you to enter the palace, so remember to visit your mother more often. My mother is very happy to see you today... "

Today is thirty, and it’s rare for a family to get together.

It can be regarded as a reunion dinner!

This is already very difficult for those of them in the royal family.

However, there are still some people missing from this ‘reunion dinner’!

"It's a pity that my father is still in seclusion..."

Li Cunning coughed twice: "You went to see my father today. How is it?"

Li Piaomiao shook her head slightly.

Li Cunning gave an expected answer and smiled bitterly, "Father's thoughts are really unpredictable..."

"Now the situation in the capital is getting more and more dangerous, and urgent reports are coming from the north... Those tribes in the north are ready to move, and they are eyeing the border of our Daning Dynasty..."

"But Father, he..."

Li Cunning did not continue speaking. He looked up at Li Mianmiao and saw that her expression was cold, as if she was thinking about something. He asked, "Mother, did you say anything else?"

Li Piaomiao nodded.

"It must have something to do with third brother, right?"

Li Pianmiao was silent and nodded: "The Queen Mother said that no matter what happens in the future...she hopes that you can spare Li Yuan's life because he is your biological brother!"

Hearing this, Li Cunning fell silent!

"Mother, does she really believe that I will win against my third brother?"

Li Piaomiao said nothing.

"But, I am also his child..."

Li Cunning murmured to himself, a wry smile appearing.

"I never thought about killing my third brother..."

"But what if my third brother wants to kill me?"

Li Pianmiao looked at him quietly: "The Queen Mother said she would persuade Li Yuan to give up."

"Do you think that's possible?"

Li Piaomiao calmly said: "No."

"I seem to have no choice?"

Li Cunning smiled bitterly.

But no one could answer him.

Perhaps, he already had the answer in his mind.

"I hope it won't have too big an impact, right?"

Li Cunning looked up into the courtyard and murmured.

"Now the imperial court is suffering from internal and external troubles and cannot withstand the torment... I hope that the third brother will not cause too much trouble..."

"I also hope that it will not affect the foundation of the imperial court..."

Li Piaomiao also looked towards the courtyard, and the 'Silver Moon' in her arms became increasingly cold.

"When will he take action?"



Li Miaomiao suddenly turned her head and looked at Li Cunning, with a hint of doubt in her beautiful eyes.

"Probably, right now?"

Li Cunning smiled calmly at Li Miaomiao, but there was no hint of happiness in his smile.

He murmured.

"If nothing unexpected happens, it should be coming soon..."


Late at night.

It rained heavily.

The heavy rain enveloped the entire city, covering up the joyful atmosphere of the New Year.

As the clock strikes midnight, the new year arrives.

The city is filled with the sound of firecrackers and fireworks.

Not far away, the south entrance of the city.

Under the city wall, heavy rain poured down, but the soldiers guarding the city still stood at their posts.

Many soldiers looked up outside the rain curtain, seeing the fireworks in the distance and the crackling sound of firecrackers, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"The New Year is here!"

"Another year to live."

"The flavor of the New Year this year has faded again, it's not interesting..."

On the occasion of the New Year, the patrols of these city guards in the city have also relaxed a lot. The soldiers who were on duty during the New Year and could not go back gathered together in twos and threes, chatting, playing cards, and talking about family and family matters.

"Xiao Li, what are your plans after the New Year?"

Just under the wall, several soldiers guarding the city gate were chatting together.

A dark-faced, somewhat honest-looking soldier, about twenty-four or five years old, was considered the youngest among the soldiers guarding the city.

"Brother Liu, after the New Year, I plan to go home!"

Xiao Li smiled and spoke.

"Go home? Go back to your hometown?"


Xiao Li nodded and said: "I just received a letter from home a few days ago. My wife gave birth to a daughter for me..."

"I decided to go back to my hometown and do some small business as long as I can support my wife and daughter..."

Xiao Li is thinking about his future life.

Although several soldiers nearby felt sorry, they still wished him well.

"That's fine, at least stay close to home and spend time with your wife and children. Life can be considered complete!"

Xiao Li smiled honestly and nodded: "So, this should be my last night on duty, and also the last night to accompany you brothers. Thank you brothers for taking care of me in the past few years. If you are free in the future, you are welcome to go When we play in my hometown, my little brother will definitely entertain me!"

"Okay, then it's settled?"

"I will go to your hometown next time and I will kill your kid..."



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