Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 386 The unstoppable third prince

Late at night, under the rain curtain, it was a joy to watch.

Perhaps a friend who has been together for several years is suddenly leaving, and it is inevitable that the atmosphere will be a bit sad.

"Let's take a rest tomorrow and let's have a farewell party for you!"

"Thank you so much, Brother Liu!"

"You're lucky. You're still young. You can do some business when you go back. If you are bullied at home in the future, you must tell your brothers!"

"Don't worry, I can't stand bullying!"

"That's hard to say. What if you were bullied by your wife?"

"She dares?!" Xiao Li blushed, but still stared, trying to show that he was not afraid of guilt.

But we have known each other for several years, so how can we not understand him?

"Come on, you have little arms and thin legs. If you are taken care of by a few of us, ordinary people with flat heads will probably bully you. You must be a coward in front of your wife!"

Xiao Li blushed angrily and wanted to refute, but he didn't refute a word.

When everyone saw this, a happy atmosphere was active in the air.

"Okay, don't be ridiculous. The last shift is tonight. I'll have a holiday tomorrow after I finish my station. I can have a good rest for a few days, but don't make any mistakes at this critical moment!"

"Don't worry, you can't get out. How can anything happen during this Chinese New Year?"


Although everyone said this, they quickly returned to their respective posts.

The rain seemed to be falling harder, and the cold wind was blowing, biting and slapping on the face. These city defense soldiers wearing thick armor were still shivering from the cold.

Looking up at the scene of brightly lit lights and fireworks soaring into the sky not far ahead, I couldn't help but feel a little envious.

Especially the young man named Xiao Li, who looked forward longingly.

I wonder what my wife is doing at home?

The daughter-in-law should be with the mother, right? I don’t know what they had for dinner tonight… My daughter doesn’t know if it’s strange or not…

In a few days, he will be able to go home!

Thinking of this, Xiao Li's spirit trembled, his eyes brightened slightly, as if there was some impulsive emotion emerging, and even in this cold winter, he couldn't feel the chill anymore.

At this moment, the sound of a column of horse hooves suddenly came from ahead.

In the sight of the rain curtain ahead, several figures on horseback suddenly appeared.

These figures were all wearing long black clothes, shrouded in darkness, wearing bamboo hats on their heads, and were riding quickly towards the city gate.

The soldiers guarding behind the city gate immediately became energetic when they saw someone approaching suddenly in the dark night.

"Who's in front?!"

The city defense general immediately took a step forward and stood in front of these black figures.


The leading shadow man took out a token from his arms and threw it on the ground in front of the city defense general.

The token was stained with rainwater and mud mixed together, making it instantly dirty.

The city defense general's eyes narrowed, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes. But he still endured it, lowered his head and picked up the token on the ground. After just one glance, his eyes suddenly changed, with a flash of panic, and then he became respectful.

"Open the city gate!"

The leader of the man in black had a hoarse voice and a tone without any emotion.

The city defense general did not dare to slack off and immediately turned around and waved: "Open the door!"

After hearing the order, Xiao Li, who was responsible for guarding the city gate, immediately came to the city gate with several colleagues nearby.

Although it was unclear why anyone dared to leave the city gate this late at night, since it was an order, they did not dare to disobey it.

Xiao Li took off his saber, came to the door with several city defense officers, and opened the city gate.


As noisy sounds sounded, the city gate was slowly opened.

Xiao Li leaned aside, panting. He was very tired from opening the city gate once.

"My lords, please!"

The city defense general spoke respectfully and lowered his head.

On horseback, the leader of the men in black raised his eyes expressionlessly and looked outside the city gate. In the rain curtain in the distance, there seemed to be some dark shadow moving quickly.

It is approaching the city gate at great speed!

"What is outside the city?!"

Someone quickly noticed something was wrong.

When the city defense general heard this, he subconsciously turned his head and looked outside the city gate.

When he saw the figure approaching quickly like the shadow of an ant outside the city gate, the experienced man immediately realized that something was wrong!

That, that's a person...

Yes, the army? !

not good!

As soon as this thought came to his mind, the next second, his whole body suddenly froze in place. A sharp pain hit the back of my neck, followed by a dizzying sensation.

His head fell heavily into the soil, and in his last glance, he saw that his body was still standing upright.

It seems that he hasn’t realized what happened yet!

Immediately next to him, a man in black wearing a bamboo hat had an expressionless face, holding a knife out of its sheath. The blood on the knife was quickly washed away by the rain!

This sudden scene stunned everyone!

Totally didn’t expect what was going on!

what happens?

Their heads were, killed? !

Killed by one of your own? !

The soldiers at the gate of the city stared blankly at the head of their leader, which fell into the dirt, mixed with blood, and refused to rest in silence.

They were in disbelief and had no idea what was happening!

When they reacted, the black figure on the horse had already raised the knife and rushed into them like afterimages.

The knife falls from the hand!

Blood is flying!

Several bright red lives were taken away in an instant!

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!"

At this moment, the soldiers of the city defense finally realized that something big had happened!

But before they had time to organize a resistance, these black shadows quickly came to kill them again.

Everyone is a first-class master, their martial arts skills are unfathomable, and they are simply not something that these city defense soldiers can resist.

In just a short moment, corpses were already strewn at the door, and countless people were wailing in pain and shouting loudly.

At the same time, Xiao Li at the door was also stunned.

He stared in shock not far away, where his leader's head fell to the ground, and he felt cold and trembling all over.

He was almost stunned and froze in place.

Until a cold arrow suddenly struck!


A figure quickly stepped forward and threw him to the ground.

Xiao Li fell to the ground, and then he saw that the person who had saved him just now was...

"Brother Liu?!"

"What are you doing standing there stupidly? Waiting to die?!" Brother Liu cursed.

Xiao Li's eyes were dull and frightened: "What, what is going on?"

"How the hell do I know?!"

Brother Liu looked solemn and cursed. When he saw Xiao Li still looking dull, he immediately shouted angrily: "Don't be stupid, come and close the city gate!"

Hearing this cold shout, Xiao Li seemed to be brought back to his senses by the shout. He immediately jumped up and looked up at the door.

His face turned pale instantly!


All people!

Densely packed people...

Wearing armor, fully armed... soldiers!

"Close the city gate, close the city gate quickly!!"

At the city gate, some soldiers had already noticed something was wrong.

Open the door and there are people outside!

An army of heavily armed soldiers appeared out of nowhere!

They must not be allowed to enter the city!

Xiao Li struggled to get up, his whole body felt weak, and he staggered to the city gate.

"Brother Liu, let me help you..."

Before Xiao Li could finish his words, a long arrow whistled from the distance outside the city gate.

Instantly penetrated Brother Liu's body!

Brother Liu, who was struggling to close the door, went limp and fell to the ground stiffly.

Blood instantly splashed all over Xiao Li's face.

"Brother Liu?!"

Xiao Li's face turned pale with fear. He stepped forward in panic and tried to help Brother Liu. Brother Liu vomited blood and his eyes were unwilling to give in. He struggled to reach out his hand.

But in the end, it fell powerlessly!

Brother Liu, is he dead? !

Brother Liu, who was chatting and laughing with him one second, died in front of him the next second!

At this moment, Xiao Li felt cold all over his body!

A deep fear surged into my heart, followed by anger!

Surprisingly angry!

Revenge, he wants to avenge Brother Liu! !

Xiao Li grabbed the long knife that Brother Liu had dropped and turned around angrily.

But the next second, his pupils suddenly dilated.

In the sight of the dark pupils, a fierce horse galloped from a distance. On horseback, a long silver knife illuminated the night.

The cold light passed by!

Xiao Li's body was frozen in place, motionless.

After a while.


His head fell silently from his body, but his face still maintained the anger and a somewhat confused look.

Before he finally lost consciousness, all he saw in his sight was the dark figure, rushing in like a tide.

Submerge him completely!

late at night!

Imperial City.

Shrouded in rain, the atmosphere was tense.

Just outside the imperial city, it is located in a mansion a few streets away from the bustling place.

The atmosphere in the courtyard was tense and filled with a sense of solemnity.

"call out!"

In this moment of silence, not far away from the south gate outside the city, a bouquet of fireworks suddenly lit up.

Fireworks soar into the sky, loud and turbulent!

In this silent night, it was booming and spectacular.

"It's done!"

A surprised voice suddenly sounded.

In the room, a figure wearing armor suddenly stood up, with dark eyes and deep and uncontrollable excitement.


As the fireworks signal came from outside the city, the originally silent late-night streets suddenly became lively.

Countless figures gathered from all directions outside the imperial city.

Outside the imperial city, the imperial guards were patrolling. Leng Buding looked ahead and saw several embarrassed figures stumbling towards him.


The commander of the Imperial Guard who was in charge of patrolling at the door immediately drew his sword and blocked the intruder.

"Who dares to make a noise in the heart of the imperial city late at night!"

"Something big happened, something big happened!"

A figure wearing armor and covered in blood staggered up to the commander of the Forbidden Army: "Enemy attack, there is an enemy attack!"

"The south gate was lost and troops entered the city..."


When the commander of the imperial army heard this, his eyes suddenly widened.

South gate lost?

Troops entering the city?

This, how is this possible? !

This is an important place in the capital, how could there be soldiers and horses showing up?

Unless... someone is plotting rebellion? !

But just as this idea emerged, the commander of the Imperial Army suddenly felt a murderous intention coming, and his hair stood on end!

He was instantly alert.

But it’s too late!


A dagger stabbed into his heart.

The commander of the imperial army trembled, lowered his head and looked into a pair of sinister eyes: "You..."

"go to hell!"

The commander of the Imperial Guard's vision turned black and he collapsed suddenly.


Before the word "enemy attack" could be finished, many of the Imperial Guards present were quietly eliminated by their accomplices! The scene was in chaos, and then, a figure walked out from the Forbidden Army and stepped forward respectfully.

"Your Highness, the Third Prince, your subordinate Sun Wu has removed all obstacles for Your Highness, and everything is smooth!"

Behind the crowd, the third prince, wearing black armor, rode out slowly.

"here you go!"

The third prince looked happy: "Look back, I will never treat you badly!"

Sun Wu immediately waved his hand: "Open the palace gate!"

Following his order, the palace door opened.

Sun Wu fell to his knees with a plop and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, Sun Wu, welcomes your majesty into the palace!"

As soon as these words came out, the third prince looked extremely excited.

His Majesty?

He is about to succeed!

He has been planning hard for so many years, isn't it just for today? !

It's almost here...just one step away!

"Commanders, follow me into the palace!"

Following the third prince's order, hundreds of elites gathered behind him poured into the imperial city.

For this plan, the third prince has made full preparations!

Whether it was the city defense of the capital or the Imperial Palace's imperial army, he didn't know how many forces had infiltrated in these years!

He has been planning for so long, and finally tonight everything will pay off!

The southern city gate has fallen into his control. As soon as his troops enter the city, they will directly attack the city defense forces in the middle of the capital, catching everyone off guard and taking over the city defense.

By then, the big deal has been decided!

The third prince led three hundred elite soldiers and entered the palace with the support of the imperial army.

Solve the last trouble!

"Divide the troops into two groups, act separately, and fight quickly!"

At this moment, late at night, heavy rain was falling, and the third prince's tone was tense and excited.

He has been waiting for so many years, and he is finally going to succeed tonight!

He doesn't plan to cause any complications!

Everything must be settled!

Solve all the troubles before dawn!

This world belongs to him!

"The rest of you, follow me to the Hall of Cultivation of the Heart!"

Under the cover of night, the third prince led his elite soldiers and approached the Yangxin Palace.

Along the way, people will kill people if they block them, or they will kill people if they block them!


West of the city, inside the inn.

Liu Su, who was wearing a red dress, stood under the eaves, quietly looking at the entrance of the yard not far away, silent and silent.

Not far behind him, Ling'er stepped forward cautiously, glanced at his saint, and blinked: "Saint, are you..."

Ling'er was about to ask something when Liu Su turned to look at her.

Linger immediately swallowed back everything she wanted to say.

"What's up?"

Liu Su spoke calmly.

Just now, Liu Su suddenly received a secret reminder from Linger.

This means something important is happening!

So, after Liu Su drove Lin Jiangnian away, he asked about Ling'er.

Ling'er then remembered the business and looked a little worried: "Holy girl, I just received information not long ago... The leader has entered the city!"

"Tell me I'll see you later!"


Liu Su frowned.

The leader wants to see her?

It was so late, why would the leader suddenly come into the city and ask to see her by name?

Liu Su concentrated his attention, vaguely feeling that something was not good.

When I was about to continue asking something.

"Liu Su!"

A hoarse and cold voice came.

Liu Su turned his head suddenly.

Not far away, under the eaves, a figure in black robes appeared silently. The bronze mask was ferocious and terrifying. It appeared under the eaves like this, silently.

This made Liu Su's heart suddenly sink.

Leader, it seems that my martial arts has improved again...


Liu Su lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "I wonder if the leader has any important instructions for me!"

The figure shrouded in black robe could not hear any emotion in his tone.

"Go help me kill someone!"

Liu Su's expression remained unchanged: "Who does the leader want to kill?!"

"The third prince of the Daning Dynasty!"

"Li Yuan!"


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