Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 399 Meeting the Parents

outside the door.

Jiang Yuxiang blushed and looked at the door with a little shame.

Indecision, dilemma!

Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year.

But Jiang Yuxiang didn't sleep well last night. In the past two days, she was always a little uneasy.

Especially after discovering that there were suddenly many strange guards inside and outside the Jiang Mansion in the past few days, she became increasingly uneasy.

She didn't fall asleep in the middle of the night last night and got up to go find Zhiyuan to have a good chat with her. But when he came over, he found that Zhiyuan was not in the room. Not only was Zhiyuan not there, but Lin Jiangnian's whereabouts were also unknown.

Where did the two of them go this late at night?

You can't just go out for a tryst on New Year's Eve, right?

Jiang Yuxiang felt something was wrong, and was about to ask Xiaozhu, but he ran into Lin Qingqing, who was dusty and well-armed. Although Lin Qingqing did not reveal too much information, Jiang Yuxiang still noticed something was wrong...

Last night, I'm afraid something happened!

That brat, I'm afraid he's hiding something from him again!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuxiang was so angry that he completely lost sleep last night.

Especially in the middle of the night, I could still vaguely hear the sound of heavy footsteps 'dong dong dong' coming from far away in the capital. It was like soldiers of the army were rushing through the city, and the sound of swords clashing was vaguely heard.

This made Jiang Yuxiang even more worried.

What on earth was that brat hiding from her?

What happened in Beijing?

With uneasy feelings, Jiang Yuxiang fell asleep in the middle of the night. When I woke up this morning, I learned from the maid at the house that Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan had returned. When I was about to come over to question them, I learned that the two had not slept all night last night and had just laid down to rest when they arrived at the house.

This made Jiang Yuxiang even more suspicious. He didn't sleep all night? Where did the two of them go to become thieves last night?

Jiang Yuxiang was feeling uneasy and did not immediately wake them up. Instead, he quickly found someone to inquire about it.

It didn't matter that she was inquiring. The news she got from the inquiring made her dumbfounded and shocked.

"The third prince...conspired to rebel?!"

Jiang Yuxiang was almost stunned when he heard the news.

Although what happened last night was hidden, it was impossible to hide it.

The south gate of Beijing was destroyed and was in a mess. Although the corpses inside and outside the gate were disposed of, the remaining traces and blood were also cleaned up. But the smell of blood in the air and the chilling atmosphere of countless city defense officers gathered inside and outside the city gate still revealed something.

Especially last night, the sound of footsteps of generals, soldiers and horses could be heard in the city, as well as the sound of fighting coming from the defense forces in the city, which all showed that something big and unknown happened in the capital last night.

Early in the morning, Jiang Ningkang left home in a hurry.

The news of the third prince's mutiny and rebellion last night spread quickly in the city after dawn.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

The common people who had just woken up on the first day of the Lunar New Year and were still immersed in the joy of the New Year heard the biggest gossip explosion of the New Year!

The news spread quickly as if it had wings, reaching every corner of Beijing in almost one day.

For a time, the area in central Beijing was in turmoil!

People are panicked!

After Jiang Yuxiang learned the news, he was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses.

Compared to the common people, she obviously knows more. Especially since she has a close relationship with the current empress, she naturally knows the ambitions of the third prince.

The third prince stayed in the capital, always coveting the position of crown prince, and secretly competing with the current prince.

But she didn't expect that the three princes would rebel.



Jiang Yuxiang, who was in a daze, reacted immediately... Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan suddenly left the Jiang Mansion last night, which may be related to this matter.

Did Jiang Nian and Zhi Yuan participate in the third prince's rebellion last night?

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuxiang finally couldn't sit still!

The third prince's rebellion is no small matter!

She could foresee the coming turmoil in the capital, and as Lin Jiangnian was the prince of Prince Lin, if he really got involved, the consequences would be disastrous.

So, the anxious Jiang Yuxiang finally waited until the afternoon. Seeing that Lin Jiangnian was still awake, he finally couldn't help but come over to look for him.

She wanted to ask clearly what this kid did last night!


She had just arrived at the door, and she thought that this brat had not slept all night, so he might not have woken up yet.

As a result, when I arrived at the door, I heard... an "unbearable" sound coming from the room.

What 'don't bite'?

What 'lighter'?

Jiang Yuxiang's face turned red and he was very angry.

This bastard actually announced in the daytime...

It seems that I still underestimated him. I thought that this brat was still resting after being very tired last night, but I didn't expect that he was already up and active and stopped doing business!

Jiang Yuxiang gritted his teeth, furious.

Turned around to leave.

Although she was embarrassed, as Lin Jiangnian's elder, it was obviously not appropriate for her to disturb him at this time.

But Jiang Yuxiang, who had just turned around, suddenly remembered something.


When she first came here, she came from the Zhiyuan courtyard next door. I learned from Xiaozhu that Zhiyuan hasn't gotten up yet, so...

Jiang Yuxiang looked suspicious.

Not a paper kite?

Who is the woman in the room?

Who is the woman in the room biting that brat? !

Jiang Yuxiang stared at the room suspiciously, a little more curious.


After thinking silently for a moment, she suddenly coughed twice deliberately and violently.

As these two coughs sounded, the movement and sound in the room disappeared instantly.


Quietly eerie!

"Jiang Nian, are you awake?"

After a moment of silence, Jiang Yuxiang's voice sounded outside the door.

And in the room.


"woke up?"

"woke up."

"Is it convenient for me to come in?"

There was a brief silence.

"Auntie, come in."

Hearing this, Jiang Yuxiang walked to the door. For some reason, she suddenly felt a little nervous. Taking a deep breath, he reached out and pushed open the door.

In the room, the light was slightly dim.

In the sight not far away, Lin Jiangnian was sitting at the table outside the screen, his clothes were neatly dressed, and there was nothing messy or unbearable in his imagination.

What's more... there's no one else in the room!

Jiang Yuxiang was stunned for a moment, and quickly glanced around the room, only to find that there was no one else except Lin Jiangnian.

Where are people?

Where have you gone?

Jiang Yuxiang's eyes became more and more suspicious, why was there no one there?

She clearly heard the sound in the room just now... Where did she go?

"Auntie, what are you looking at?"

Lin Jiangnian's words brought Jiang Yuxiang back from his thoughts.

Jiang Yuxiang's eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian's face, and when he saw him looking at her calmly, he narrowed his eyes: "Where is she?"

Lin Jiangnian blinked: "Who?"

"Stop pretending to me!"

Jiang Yuxiang stared: "Where is the girl in the room just now?"

"Don't tell me no?!"

Seeing his aunt's aggressive questioning, Lin Jiangnian sighed helplessly: "Run away!"


Jiang Yuxiang was confused: "What do you mean?"

"What else could it mean?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the window aside: "She doesn't dare to see you, so she ran away!"

"Afraid to see me?"

Jiang Yuxiang was slightly startled: "Why don't you dare to see me?"

"Maybe I'm afraid that you are too fierce, aunt?"

Jiang Yuxiang glared at him angrily and said angrily: "Am I mean?"

"Auntie, aren't you being fierce now?"


Jiang Yuxiang couldn't help but stepped forward and wanted to slap him hard: "Stop talking nonsense, what's going on?"

"What else could happen?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "You are my aunt and my elder. Can she not run away?"

When Jiang Yuxiang heard this, he was startled.

It seems to make sense?

She is this brat's aunt, and she can be regarded as his serious aunt... Even if she is not a biological aunt, the seniority relationship lies here.

It seems normal for the girl to be afraid and worried when seeing her?

"Am I that scary?"

Jiang Yuxiang said dissatisfied: "I won't eat her!"

"Who knows?"

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand.

When she heard her aunt's voice coming from outside the door, the normally majestic Saint Liu ran very fast!

He fled in embarrassment, completely losing his previous graceful and unparalleled temperament.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Jiang Yuxiang said angrily: "Which girl is it this time? When did you bring her home?"

"Auntie, I don't want to hear what you are saying. What do you mean, and which girl is she?"

Lin Jiangnian said unhappily: "You're talking as if I'm a flower picker who goes around seducing little girls?"

Jiang Yuxiang sneered: "Is there any difference?"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and nodded: "There is a difference."

"What's the difference?"

"The flower-picking thieves are only greedy for their bodies, but I am different... I want them all!"


Hearing this, Jiang Yuxiang couldn't help but blush slightly, and reached out to grab his ear again, but Lin Jiangnian dodged it.

"You still have the nerve to say this? Do you still want everything?...Do you have the ability?"

Jiang Yuxiang seemed to have thought of something and said angrily: "Last time I asked you to call the girl named Liu Su to come and let me meet. It's been so long and you still haven't called her..."

"You didn't get any of them, and you still hooked up with other girls. You show mercy everywhere and let down other girls. See if I don't teach you a lesson for your mother..."

"Auntie, calm down!"

Seeing Jiang Yuxiang praising himself as an elder and rolling up his sleeves to teach him a lesson, Lin Jiangnian quickly said, "Didn't I call you?"

"Did you call?"

Jiang Yuxiang paused and asked suspiciously: "Where is that person? Where is he?"

"Didn't she run away as soon as you came?"

"Just ran away..."

When Jiang Yuxiang heard this, he was suddenly startled.

Turning to look at the window not far away, he suddenly realized something and stared at Lin Jiangnian.

"The girl in the room just now was Liu Su?"

"if not?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "Auntie, you always misunderstand me. I am a very dedicated person and never hook up with little girls casually..."

"Cut the nonsense!"

Jiang Yuxiang couldn't sit still when he heard that the girl in the room just now was Liu Su.

"When did she come? Where is she now?!"

Jiang Yuxiang's tone was excited. Seeing Lin Jiangnian still standing there, he immediately said angrily: "Why are you still standing there? Get her back quickly..."

"You brat, you brought the girl back and you didn't tell me?! I'm so angry... If I don't see her today, look at how I'll deal with you..."

Lin Jiangnian: "?"

Sure enough, she is not my aunt.

You don’t regard him as a nephew at all, right?

The courtyard next door.

in the room.

Liu Su hid in the room and took a deep breath. The heat on her face did not subside for a long time.

Recalling what happened just now, she felt indescribably angry. That guy's aunt was actually at the door. Didn't that mean... she heard her?

Thinking of this, Liu Su felt inexplicably guilty and ashamed as if she had been caught red-handed. She was so ashamed and angry that she had no face to see others, and she lost half of the aura that the saintly daughter of the Celestial Sect had in the past.

The more she thought about it, the more uneasy she became, and the more she thought about it, the more shameless she became. She had the urge to escape from here!

So, she was really ready to run!

Just as she opened the door and was about to leave the yard, a clear and elegant voice suddenly came from the side.

"Liu Su?"

Liu Su paused, subconsciously looked sideways, and saw a woman appearing at the door of the side courtyard.

A woman with beautiful and elegant appearance and excellent temperament!

She has exquisite facial features and a mature temperament. She looks almost the same age, but there is an indescribable softness about her. It's like the doting eyes of an elder looking at a younger one, looking at her in surprise.

Liu Su's eyes were stunned, and she quickly realized the identity of the person in front of her... Jiang Yuxiang!

That guy...the nominal aunt? !

Liu Su was inexplicably short of breath, and even her palms began to sweat. She looked panicked and at a loss...


Uneasiness arises.

For a moment, I didn't know whether to turn around and leave or what to do. I stood there blankly, my mind going blank for a moment.

At this time, Jiang Yuxiang walked quickly to Liu Su, her beautiful eyes full of tenderness and surprise, and said softly: "You are Liu Su, right?"

Liu Su had not yet come to his senses at this time, his head was stiff and he nodded blankly.

"Great, I finally see you!"

With a gentle smile on her face, Jiang Yuxiang said enthusiastically: "Hello, my name is Jiang Yuxiang, and I am Jiang Nian's aunt!"

"Little,, hello..."

Liu Su spoke subconsciously.

The voice is a little... stuttering for some reason?

Hearing this, Jiang Yuxiang's eyes narrowed. She stepped forward to hold Liu Su's hand in surprise and said with a smile: "I have heard Jiang Nian mention you for a long time. I have always wanted to meet you, but unfortunately I have never had the chance... ...I finally met you today. You are indeed more beautiful than I imagined. That brat Jiang Nian is lucky..."

"Don't be nervous. I have no ill intentions. I just want to see you. Relax and don't be afraid..."

"I'm only a few years older than you. If you want, you can call me sister..."

"Since you called me aunt, we will be a family from now on. This will be your home from now on. My aunt welcomes you back at any time..."

"If that brat Jiang Nian bullies you, you must tell me and I will teach him a lesson for you..."


Liu Su's whole body was tense and nervous.

When she met Lin Jiangnian's elder for the first time, she subconsciously felt an innate fear!

But when I saw the aunt in front of me was so amiable, with a gentle and enthusiastic face. The tension and uneasiness in Liu Su's heart gradually relaxed a lot.

Listening to Jiang Yuxiang's gentle and warm voice in front of her, as well as the surprise and concern in her words. In a daze, Liu Su felt an indescribable emotion in her heart.

Liu Su, who had lost her parents since childhood and grew up in the intrigues of the Tianshen Sect, felt the concern of her elders for the first time.

Even though this elder looks about the same age as her. But it still gave Liu Su a strange feeling. The originally nervous and wary mood softened a lot.

She bit her lower lip lightly and took a deep breath. Looking at my aunt's eyes full of tenderness and love.

He paused and nodded heavily.


"He just bullied me!"


Not far away, Lin Jiangnian was hiding outside the hospital and observing secretly.



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