Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 400 Have you been thinking about this for a long time?

After a heavy downpour last night, the sky was gray, as if a shadow had been cast over it.

The air is filled with moist cold air, mixed with a biting chill, giving people an indescribable feeling of loneliness.

A heavy rain turned the entire courtyard into a mess.

The various rare flowers and plants placed in the corners of the courtyard were also damaged and humiliated by last night's heavy rain.

Withered, dilapidated, and embarrassed, it fell in a corner of the courtyard.

Extremely pitiable.

Under the eaves, Xiaozhu was wrapped in a thick cotton jacket, his little face slightly flushed by the cold wind, and he was walking towards the door of the room with a bowl of hot ginger soup.

After taking just two steps, he met a figure head-on.

"Your Highness?"

Lin Jiangnian appeared under the eaves at some point. He looked at Xiaozhu and then at the thing Xiaozhu was holding: "This is it?"

Xiaozhu explained: "Sister Zhiyuan just woke up, I'm going to deliver some ginger soup to Sister Zhiyuan!"

"give it to me."

Lin Jiangnian nodded, took the ginger soup from Xiaozhu's hand, and thought of something else: "By the way, Xiaozhu, go help His Highness with something!"

Xiaozhu looked excited: "What's going on?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the room not far away, leaned into Xiaozhu's ear, and whispered something.

After Xiaozhu finished listening, a look of surprise appeared on his red face: "Your Highness, you..."

"Go quickly."

"Okay, okay..."

Xiaozhu nodded obediently, turned around and tiptoed towards the courtyard next door.

Watching Xiaozhu leave, Lin Jiangnian turned around and came to the next room with ginger soup.

Knocked on the door.

"Zhiyuan, are you awake?"

Not hearing a response from the room, Lin Jiangqing pushed the door open gently.

The door opened and he walked in with ginger soup.

The sky was overcast and the room was slightly dark.

Lin Jiangnian walked into the room and saw Zhiyuan, who had already stood up and put on a plain white thick dress. She was sitting quietly at the table, lowering her head and reading a book.

The cool temperament vaguely blends into the atmosphere in the room.

"woke up?"

Lin Jiangnian carefully placed the ginger soup on the table, came to her side, and chuckled: "It's cold, are you hungry? Let's drink some soup to warm up first."

Zhiyuan ignored it, still looking down at the book in his hand, without even raising his head to glance at him.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian stepped forward behind Zhiyuan, bent slightly and came closer, and chuckled: "What are you looking at? Are you so fascinated?"

As if aware of Lin Jiangnian's approach, Zhiyuan frowned slightly, with a cold face, and glanced back at him.

Lin Jiangnian didn't seem to notice. He reached out from behind and hugged Zhiyuan's slender waist, and pulled her into his arms.

He rested his chin on her shoulder and turned his head slightly, smelling the fragrant scent of the girl and her delicate and flawless face.

It seems cold, but in is really deserted.

Hugging the girl's delicate body, you can feel the girl's slightly tight body, as well as the slight resistance that seems to be absent.

Lin Jiangnian understood and kissed the girl's smooth and delicate face, then chuckled and said, "Are you still angry with me?"

After being kissed suddenly, a hint of embarrassment flashed in Zhiyuan's eyes.

However, maybe it was because I had experienced it many times before. Although I was a little embarrassed, I didn't have much strong reaction.

She struggled slightly, but to no avail, so she gave up. She had a cold expression on her face, didn't look at him, and didn't speak.

Such a slightly cold and stubborn look was inexplicably cute in Lin Jiangnian's eyes.

He couldn't help laughing, but he couldn't help but get closer and kiss her.

At this time, Zhiyuan finally had some reaction, turned her head slightly, and glared at him slightly angrily.

Are you saying you're not angry?

This is obviously a sign of anger, and his emotions are written all over his face.

Lin Jiangnian sat down next to Zhiyuan and took advantage of the situation to hug her and sit on him.

Sensing Lin Jiangnian's movement, Zhiyuan's face finally changed slightly, showing a hint of shame and anger. She twisted her body, trying to struggle down.

"Hiss... don't move, you might get angry..."

Hearing this, Zhiyuan's body froze in place, not daring to move.

A blush climbed up from the crystal clear earlobes in her hair, and soon half of her face was red.

She stared at Lin Jiangnian with wide eyes, feeling ashamed and angry.

There is also a bit of indescribable anger, which makes people look a little bit sympathetic.

"I'm kidding you!"

Seeing Zhiyuan's expression, Lin Jiangnian quickly spoke softly, hugged the girl's soft and slender waist, took her full hands, and held them tightly.

Looking at the girl's embarrassed look, Lin Jiangnian spoke loudly: "I'm here to apologize to you!"

Zhiyuan seemed slightly startled, staring at him.

Still didn't speak.

"I know, you must be angry with me... Why should I bring her back to Jiang Mansion..."

"You must feel uncomfortable, I..."

"I don't."

Before Lin Jiangnian could finish speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by Zhi Yuan.

She spoke calmly, glanced at Lin Jiangnian, and suppressed the shame in her eyes.

Not angry?

Lin Jiangnian looked her up and down, staring at Zhiyuan's white and red face, as beautiful and innocent as a peach blossom, as if he wanted to see the truth in her words.

How does she look lifeless?

Soon, Lin Jiangnian thought of something: "Not angry, but unhappy?"

Zhiyuan looked away, expressionless.


That is the default!

Sure enough.


Lin Jiangnian thought about how to talk to Zhiyuan.

The situation before him did give him a headache. Zhiyuan and Liu Su were not dealing with it, and there was a conflict between them.

The source of this contradiction is also very complex and difficult to resolve.

Lin Jiangnian was stuck in the middle, which was indeed difficult to deal with.

Wanting a bowl of water to be balanced... it's hard!

Just as Lin Jiangnian was feeling emotional, Zhiyuan slowly shifted his gaze to Lin Jiangnian.

"What are you going to do?"

She spoke suddenly.


Lin Jiangnian didn't react for a while: "What?"

"How do you plan to arrange it?"

Zhiyuan stared into his eyes and asked casually.

How to arrange it?

Lin Jiangnian was a little unsure of Zhiyuan's idea for a moment, and asked tentatively: "What do you think should be arranged?"

Zhiyuan didn't speak, just stared at him quietly.

Lin Jiangnian's calm eyes stared at him, making him feel more and more guilty.


"I would like to hear your views."

Young Lin Jiang held her hand and spoke softly: "No matter what, I respect your thoughts..."

Zhiyuan was silent. After a while, she looked away and stopped looking at Lin Jiangnian.

"I have no idea."

She spoke calmly.

Not only did Lin Jiangnian not think about it well, but she herself didn't think about it well either. She didn't know what she was thinking, she just felt complicated and confused.

After a while, she looked at Lin Jiangnian again and suddenly said: "Do you want her to stay?"


Lin Jiangnian didn't seem to expect that Zhiyuan would suddenly ask such a question. He hesitated briefly: "She might not be willing..."

With Liu Su's character, it would be difficult to keep her here.

"how about you?"

Zhiyuan asked again.

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

Zhiyuan's aggressiveness seemed to suddenly become much stronger.

Faced with Zhiyuan's fierce questioning, Lin Jiangnian hesitated for a moment, but finally said what was in his heart: "Ahem... If you are willing, I naturally hope you can..."

Zhiyuan's face still showed no emotion: "What if I don't want to?"

Lin Jiangnian hugged her tighter, feeling the girl's smooth and delicate body, and the fragrant body fragrance filled the air.

He sighed softly: "If you don't want to, of course I will respect your idea."

"No matter what, I don't want you two to be estranged because of me, and I don't want you to cause any unpleasantness..."

"After all, no matter what, she is the only relative in the world who is related to you by blood."

Lin Jiangnian said it very sincerely.

But when he thought about it carefully, he realized that his remarks were somewhat...shameless?

After hearing this, Zhiyuan still didn't show much emotion on her face.

She is not like an ordinary woman. Even if she encounters such a thing, she remains silent most of the time and does not like to express herself.

She doesn't lose her mind, on the contrary, she is always calm.

It's just that occasionally calmness can be dominated by emotions. After all, she is still a person with feelings, unlike the eldest princess in the palace.

Zhiyuan was silent, maybe it was Lin Jiangnian's last words that touched her. There seemed to be some emotion brewing in those bright eyes.

This time, she was silent for a long time.

When Zhiyuan raised her eyes again, her tone a little more determined, she looked at Lin Jiangnian: "I want to talk to her."

Lin Jiangnian looked at her, a little surprised.

But at the same time, he was a little worried: "You..."

Zhiyuan's beautiful eyes were calm: "I won't argue with her."

"What you just said is indeed correct. After all, no matter what you say, she..."

Zhiyuan's beautiful eyes were glowing with something, she looked out the window quietly and spoke lightly.

"She is my sister after all!"


Outside the hospital.

Lin Jiangnian thought back to what Zhiyuan had just said, and he always felt that there was something in her words?

But he didn't figure it out for a while, but he breathed a sigh of relief.

Apart from anything else, Zhiyuan basically never lies. Since she said she wouldn't care about Liu Su, it's probably true.

As for Liu Su, Lin Jiangnian was not sure!

So far, he didn't know Liu Su's thoughts.

She always had a sense of hostility towards Zhiyuan. Whether the two sisters could sit down and have a good chat calmly was a question.

I don’t know how my auntie and Liu Su were talking. I just asked Xiaozhu to listen in the corner, but why hasn’t he come back?

Lin Jiangnian returned to the courtyard while thinking about it.

Not long after he came back, he met Jiang Yuxiang who was standing under the eaves waiting for a long time.


Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and saw Jiang Yuxiang standing under the eaves, arms folded, looking at him with a somewhat condescending air.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the courtyard next door behind her: "Are you done talking?"

Jiang Yuxiang crossed his arms and said with a cold face: "Come here!"

Lin Jiangnian didn't know why, but he felt that his aunt had some bad intentions. He took a step back and said warily: "Aunt, you have something to say...what's wrong?"

"I'm telling you carefully...come here first!"

"I won't go there. Auntie, just tell me."


"I heard Liu Su say just now that you always bully her?!"

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian was stunned: "When did I bully her?"

"Liu Su told me personally, how can it be false?"

Jiang Yuxiang said angrily: "You are really becoming more and more promising, and you specialize in bullying girls, right?"

Apparently Liu Su didn't know what she said to her aunt.

Isn’t this obviously a mouthful of words?

"Auntie, do you believe this too?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed.

"if not?"

Jiang Yuxiang sneered: "Don't think I don't know that you like to bully Zhi Yuan on weekdays?"

"Liu Su is a girl who has no one to rely on and is drifting away. Can you not catch her and bully her?"

"Auntie, did you do it backwards?"

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but said: "She is not just a girl, she is a holy girl of the Celestial Sect, with a distinguished status and unfathomable martial arts... Auntie, do you think I can be bullied with my three-legged cat skills?" she?"

The expression on Jiang Yuxiang's face was seemed to make sense?

"Is she very powerful in martial arts?" Jiang Yuxiang couldn't help but ask.

"Much better than me!"

"Can't you tell?"

Jiang Yuxiang's eyes were suspicious. She had just communicated with Xiao Liusu. The girl was weak and cold-tempered, a bit like Zhiyuan. Where can I see that it looks very powerful?

Is she clearly a weak and weak woman?

"Of course you can't tell, aunt...she hides it so deeply. She is the one who bullies me on weekdays..."

Lin Jiangnian sighed.

Liu Su's bite back is contrary to Tiangang!

"Hmph, no matter what, I'm still a girl, how can I bully you? I'm afraid you've made me suffer a lot, right?" Jiang Yuxiang glared.

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

Why do you feel that people in the Jiang family are a bit unreasonable and like to turn their elbows outward?

Lin Jiangnian suddenly understood Jiang Shaoan's mood.

Seeing that Lin Jiangnian was silent, Jiang Yuxiang also calmed down slightly, glanced at Lin Jiangnian, and sighed: "What are you going to do next?"


"The two of are you going to deal with them?"

"Not ready yet……"

"Not ready yet?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yuxiang glared at him and said angrily: "When you provoked this girl before, why didn't you think about the consequences? Don't tell me that you want to let Liu Su down?"

"Of course not!" Lin Jiangnian shook his head.

"I'm sorry you don't dare!"

Jiang Yuxiang glared lightly and warned: "If you dare to be reckless and give up on others, see if I can break your legs!"

Lin Jiangnian wondered: "Am I this kind of person in the eyes of my aunt?"

"Anyway, I'll warn you first!"

Jiang Yuxiang hummed: "I like this girl Liu Su very much. She is good-looking and polite... Anyway, I recognize this niece-in-law. If you dare to treat her badly, I won't spare you!"

Lin Jiangnian said: "What about the paper kite?"

"Zhiyuan is naturally me too..."

Jiang Yuxiang spoke subconsciously, and then suddenly seemed to think of something. He raised his eyes and stared at Lin Jiangnian, and said suspiciously: "Wait a minute, have you been making this idea for a long time?"


"You you want to have two sisters?!"

"Am I right?!"


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