Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 401 The Lu family ransacked their homes

Faced with his aunt's sudden questioning, Lin Jiangnian naturally denied it: "This is absolutely not the case!"


Jiang Yuxiang stared at him suspiciously, trying to read something from his face.

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "In the eyes of my aunt, am I this kind of person?"

"Is not it?"

Jiang Yuxiang sneered and stared at him with burning eyes: "Do you dare to say that you didn't have this evil idea?"

"Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence?"

"This is naturally a coincidence..."

Lin Jiangnian argued.

In this regard, he really has a clear conscience.

After all, he really didn't think about it from the beginning.

When he was interested in Liu Su and Zhi Yuan, he didn't know the relationship between them.

As for when I learned the identities of the two people later, I was naturally... even more excited!

However, even if Lin Jiangnian explained, Jiang Yuxiang did not believe it.

She stared at Lin Jiangnian for a few times and said angrily: "You can't even try to deceive me. That's what that brat must have planned!"

At this point, Jiang Yuxiang thought of something and narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly: "If I remember correctly, those twin sisters named Jasmine and Fengchi were also brought back last time, right?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed secretly when he looked at Jiang Yuxiang's questioning look.

It seems that I can’t explain it!

The jasmine wind chime was really not brought back by him, but was given to him by Zhou Boyan. But it seems, there doesn’t seem to be much difference?

Obviously, my aunt has decided that he is just trying to get both sisters together!

It’s really hard to clean up now!

However, Lin Jiangnian had no intention of clearing his name.

After all, this is what he is currently planning!

"Hmph, just take it easy!"

Seeing Lin Jiangnian not explaining, how could Jiang Yuxiang not understand?

This brat really wants to take down Zhiyuan and Liu Su together...

Why is he so greedy?

It will really make it difficult for yourself!

"What are you going to do?"

Jiang Yuxiang looked at him and couldn't help but ask: "Can you make the two of them live in peace?"


"Then you still dare to think about it?"

"Isn't this just a thought?"

Jiang Yuxiang: "..."

Jiang Yuxiang glanced at the yard next door behind him, and his face became serious: "I don't care what your idea is, you can find a way to solve it yourself. No matter what, you can't hurt the two of them! Whether it's Zhiyuan or Liu Su, they both I have lost my parents since I was a child, and now... everything is in your hands!"

"Anyway, you can't let them down, do you understand?"

Listening to his aunt's serious warning, Lin Jiangnian looked slightly serious and nodded: "Don't worry, aunt, I will never let them down."

The serious expression on Jiang Yuxiang's face relaxed slightly. Then he remembered something: "By the way, there's Liu Su..."

She sighed softly: "If you have time, have a good chat with her. It's best to persuade her to stay... She is a girl and has no one to rely on. It is not good to wander outside."

After learning about Liu Su's life experience, Jiang Yuxiang has been worried and distressed. A child who has been without a father and mother since he was a child, living alone in the world, is very worrying.

When she saw Liu Su for the first time today, she liked this girl very much, and she felt more and more distressed for this girl who looked weak and weak.

She must have had a hard time outside these years, right?

Now that the relationship between Lin Jiangnian and Liu Su was confirmed, Jiang Yuxiang naturally did not want her to continue wandering outside.

If something goes wrong, the consequences will be disastrous...

"I will give her some advice."

Lin Jiangnian spoke.

Although Liu Su would most likely not listen, he would still try again.

Like his aunt, he also hoped that Liu Su could stay, and it would be best if she stayed with him.

As for the Celestial Religion...

Lin Jiangnian was wondering, should he find a way to wipe out this god of heaven and uproot him?

If Liu Su's way back was cut off, wouldn't she have no choice but to stay obediently?

However, although it sounds simple, it is not easy to implement.

Naturally, the Tianshen Sect cannot compete with Prince Lin's Mansion, but the most important person in the Tianshen Sect is still the leader! If you want Liu Su to stay, I'm afraid you have to find a way to get rid of this leader!

While Lin Jiangnian was thinking about the feasibility of the plan, Jiang Yuxiang rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Okay, I'll go over and take a look at the kite first."

"You, take it easy!"

After giving Lin Jiangnian a final reminder, Jiang Yuxiang walked to the courtyard next door.

Lin Jiangnian stood there and couldn't help but sigh.

Although the aunt scolded him, she was still facing him and hoped that he could find a solution. However, under the current situation, it might not be realistic for Zhiyuan and Liu Su to live in peace.

How to solve this problem is a big problem...

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but sigh deeply.

In the final analysis, he is still not strong enough at present to be able to revive his husband!

His status as the majestic prince was completely insignificant in the eyes of the two of them!

If he had the strength to conquer the two of them, why would he need to go to such trouble? As soon as their tiger bodies shook, the two of them surrendered obediently, and then staged a drama of sisters serving together...

The essence of the problem is easy to solve, but it is obvious that Lin Jiangnian cannot do it yet with his strength.

Then, he can only walk on thin ice for the time being, deal with it carefully, and strive to move forward together... without capsizing.

New Year's Day.

This New Year has not been peaceful!

The news of the third prince's rebellion quickly spread throughout the capital area as if it had wings, causing an uproar that was no less than a major earthquake!

The entire capital, from the common people to the aristocratic families, to the imperial officials, were all shocked by the news. People were panicked for a while. On the first day of the New Year, a layer of depressive atmosphere seemed to appear in the capital, shrouding everyone's hearts.

For the common people, this New Year is indeed still fresh in their memories.

When he woke up, the city was sealed off.

On the streets that should have been lively in previous years, the scene of people visiting each other to pay New Year greetings on the first day of the New Year has disappeared. The streets are empty, with the remains of last night's fireworks and firecrackers mixed with mud and water. There is a chilling atmosphere hanging over the entire streets of the capital.

Heavily armed city defense officers patrolled the city non-stop, and there were even more imperial spies hiding in the dark.

The wind in the city is ringing, and the trees and grass are all under attack!

These common people secretly inquired about each other and learned about the major events that happened last night. They were discussing and feeling uneasy. Many people were worried that the third prince was rebellious. There would definitely be a purge in the capital, and they didn't know if they would be affected. .

Compared with the worries of ordinary people, the aristocratic families in Beijing and officials in the DPRK are obviously having a worse life. Especially those parties that followed the third prince in the past are now even more fearful that the end is coming.

The third prince's rebellion failed, and the court's liquidation will surely fall on them soon. After having a premonition that something was not going well, the entire court officials were in chaos, with undercurrents surging.

Countless people realized that this might be another reshuffle of the imperial court in Beijing. How to survive this turmoil or obtain sufficient benefits from it is a question that these officials and people from aristocratic families need to think about.

When the troops stationed dozens of miles away from the capital to defend the capital were ordered to enter the palace to quell the rebellion, they arrived outside the capital. The rebellion provoked by the third prince was finally put down completely.

The liquidation of the imperial court also began quietly and quickly.

In Beijing, the Lu family.

Outside the dark and forbidding Lu family compound, the atmosphere was deserted and tense.

In the courtyard, there was no trace of the joyful atmosphere of the New Year, and the entire mansion was immersed in an atmosphere that was almost extremely cold.

In the lobby.

Lu Fusheng, who was wearing a gray robe and official uniform, sat quietly on the Grand Master's chair with an expressionless face. His expression was gloomy, his face was pale, and his eyes were full of anxiety about his upcoming fate.

His face was gloomy and he remained silent without saying a word.


At this time, a figure hurried into the lobby. It was Lu Xuan, Lu Fusheng's only son.

"Dad, I have sent Mom and Tao'er out of the house according to your instructions, and I will arrange for someone to send them out of the city when the time comes..."

After hearing the news, Lu Fusheng's originally gloomy expression softened slightly.

He looked up at Lu Xuan and said in a deep voice: "Xuan'er, please leave here later and find a way to leave with your mother and the others!"

"Dad, I want to be with you!" Lu Xuan said firmly, "I will face it with you!"

"Confused, if you stay, you will only die!"

Lu Fusheng reprimanded with a sullen face: "You are the only bloodline of my Lu family, so nothing can happen to you."

Lu Xuan's face turned ugly: "Dad, is it really that serious? Our Lu family has been in Beijing for so many years, and our power is not weak. Is it really going to happen this time..."

"You underestimate the seriousness of this matter!"

Lu Fusheng interrupted him and said with a gloomy face: "This is rebellion, this is a serious crime that will kill the nine tribes!"

"The third prince's rebellion failed, and the situation is over. Our Lu family and the third prince are like grasshoppers on the same rope. If he is finished, how can our Lu family still have a way to survive?"

"Will those opponents of our Lu family let us go? They will be eager to eat our Lu family completely, leaving no bones left!"

At this point, Lu Fusheng's face turned completely pale.

He has already anticipated his upcoming end!

Wrong team!

The third prince's mutiny failed and everything was over!

The Lu family must bear the consequences.


Lu Xuan's face was completely drained of color. Who would have thought that the Lu family, which was so prosperous just a few months ago, would end up like this?

A few months ago, Lu Xuan got married and almost half of the family officials in the capital were entertained. The scene at the Lu family manor was so lively!

But now...

Overnight, everything changed!

This is the factional struggle in the imperial court. A single thought can lead to a life-and-death crisis!

"Deng Deng Deng!"

At this moment, rapid footsteps suddenly came from outside the hospital.

"Master, it's not good, someone from the court is here..."

The servants' anxious voices came from the mansion.

Lu Fusheng's expression changed, and he made a decisive decision: "Xuan'er, leave quickly... live well and leave a piece of incense for our Lu family!"

Lu Xuan didn't expect that people from the court would come so quickly?

Hearing his father's words, he felt frightened and sad, but he didn't have time to think too much now.

"Dad, take care of yourself!"

With tears in his eyes, Lu Xuan spoke in a deep voice, walked quickly to the door of the room, opened the door and prepared to leave.

At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps outside the hospital. Immediately afterwards, countless elite Imperial Guards in armor swarmed in, surrounding the entire courtyard.

Full of murderous intent!

The cold light of the bright swords filled the entire courtyard.

"It's over!"

Seeing this scene, Lu Fusheng's face turned ashen. His body swayed and he almost fell.

He knew that the Lu family might be completely ruined this time!

"Master Lu, come with me!"

An expressionless and cold voice came, and then he waved his hand and said without leaving any trace of emotion.

"Fengfu, capture everyone and bring them back!"

Such dramas are constantly being staged throughout Beijing!

Lines of forbidden troops dispatched from the palace and the city defense army began to search and ransack homes in the city.

As soon as the third prince fell, the forces that originally followed his camp became the first targets to be searched and captured.

Some people want to try to escape, some are struggling to death...but in the end, the fate is the same!

This time, the Crown Prince in the palace showed no mercy.

It seems that he has been waiting for this day for a long time. Either he will not take action, and when he does, he will use thunderous means without giving any chance to breathe! He wants to wipe out all the alien forces in the DPRK and China at once and uproot them!

Fear, like a doomsday atmosphere, enveloped everyone.

And days like this may continue for a long time.

"The army to protect the safety of the capital has arrived outside the city and is currently stationed not far outside the capital. The leader of this army is a close confidant of the current prince and is loyal to him..."

"The imperial city has been sealed off, and no one is allowed to enter or exit at will. Today, many officials wanted to enter the palace to inquire about the situation, but they were blocked outside! Many officials were kneeling at the south gate, begging to see His Majesty..."

"Starting this morning, many officials in the capital have been arrested by the imperial guards. Most of them are from the Third Prince's lineage..."

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince in the palace seems to be planning to take this opportunity to eradicate dissidents..."


In the front yard, under the eaves,

Lin Qingqing is reporting to Lin Jiangnian on the situation in the capital today!

Since last night, the Prince's troops in the city have been paying close attention to the changes in the situation in Beijing.

With the failure of the Third Prince's mutiny, the power of his line collapsed almost instantly. Since dawn this morning, the imperial guards and city defense troops in the palace have almost never stopped, and have been searching and arresting people in the capital.

By now, I'm afraid the cells in Jingzhao Mansion are already overcrowded!

This turmoil was so great that it was almost enough to affect the situation in the capital. What's more important is that the palace is still closed, and neither the prince nor the emperor has appeared in seclusion.

So far, no one knows how long this reckoning will last and to what extent it will go. Because of this, people are panicking, and no one knows whether this turbulent liquidation will implicate themselves.

"Your Highness, the chaos in Beijing is good news for us. Do we want to get involved in it?"

Lin Qingqing asked tentatively.

The civil strife in the imperial court is indeed good news for Prince Lin's Mansion.

Taking the opportunity to make this civil strife even bigger will definitely severely damage the vitality of the imperial court and make it difficult to recover in a short period of time.

As a result, the imperial court will no longer have the energy to target Prince Lin's Mansion in the short term.

"Being not."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head. The situation in Beijing was still unclear. At this time, it was best to stay safe. Not long ago, Lin Hengzhong asked Dongfang Guanshan to bring him from Linzhou, and he also asked Lin Jiangnian not to get involved.

Lin Jiangnian was not interested in the rebellion in the imperial court. Now that the third prince's rebellion had failed, his goal was achieved, and there was no need to cause further trouble.

"Let's wait and see."

Lin Jiangnian paused and then ordered: "During this period, everyone should keep a low profile and secretly observe and keep an eye on the movements of various aristocratic families and officials in the capital. Don't let any signs of trouble go unnoticed."



As if remembering something, Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes and said, "Go check on Prince Xu from the north and his sister!"

Lin Jiangnian thought of the brother and sister he met in the middle of the night last night, and he always felt that things were not that simple. This pair of brothers and sisters suddenly came to the capital from Xuzhou. The timing of their arrival was too coincidental, so he had to be careful.

"Keep an eye on them and always pay attention to their movements. If there is any situation, report to me at any time!"

"I obey my orders!"


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