Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 402 Help Miss Zhao take off her clothes

After giving instructions to Lin Qingqing, Lin Jiangnian went to the front yard to see Mother Jiang again.

Jiang Ningkang hurriedly left home before dawn this morning and has not returned yet. Jiang's mother also heard the rumors outside today and was particularly worried about it. Lin Jiangnian went over to comfort her.

"Auntie, don't worry, uncle will be fine."

Lin Jiang young spoke in a soothing voice.

Jiang Ningkang learned about what happened last night early in the morning, so he hurriedly united with several friends to discuss it. He originally planned to enter the palace to meet His Royal Highness, but was stopped outside the palace. He doesn't yet know what is going on in the palace, and is still discussing the matter at the homes of several fellow officials.

The third prince's rebellion was a serious matter. As an official of the Sixth Ministry, Jiang Ningkang could not stand aside.

After comforting Mother Jiang, Lin Jiangnian left. As soon as he left the small courtyard, he ran into Jiang Shaoan.

At this time, Jiang Shaoan was no longer as arrogant and domineering in front of Lin Jiangnian.

The injuries from the beatings in the past few days have not completely subsided, but today Jiang Shaoan is particularly excited. He couldn't help but ask: "Brother... I heard from outside that the third prince led troops into the palace last night and wanted to kill His Highness the Crown Prince?"

It could be heard that Jiang Shaoan was suppressing his shock and slightly excited emotions.

Conspiracy, such an exciting thing to kill the nine tribes, would naturally easily attract his attention. Especially when the other party is the third prince, this is even more exciting!

Lin Jiangnian could understand Jiang Shaoan's mood at this time... shocked, complicated, but also excited with joy!

There is no other reason than that the third prince is the eighth prince's backer. Now that the third prince has rebelled and been arrested, it is obvious what awaits him. Even if he doesn't die, he will definitely be deprived of his title and reduced to a commoner. And the eighth prince who followed the third prince was naturally in a miserable situation!

Even if he won't be implicated, without the backing of the third prince, what kind of disturbance can he, a powerless prince, still make in the capital?

Not to mention, in the past, the Eighth Prince had offended many enemies in the capital thanks to the support of the Third Prince. Now that the third prince has fallen, the good days of the eighth prince have come to an end!

And Jiang Shaoan naturally realized...

Here's your chance for revenge!

The last humiliating experience of being beaten in public and having to smile with a smile on his face, I'm afraid he really has a chance to wash it off. How can this not make Jiang Shaoan excited?

Lin Jiangnian naturally saw through his little thoughts at a glance: "Where did you hear about it?"

"Outside, there are rumors everywhere now..."

Jiang Shaoan couldn't help but ask: "Is it true?"

"I heard that His Highness the Third Prince failed in his rebellion and was caught in a prison... Is this true?"

"So be it."

Lin Jiangnian nodded.

"It's actually true?!"

Jiang Shaoan opened his eyes in disbelief. No matter how bad the rumors were, they were just rumors and could not be confirmed.

But Jiang Shaoan knew the ability of his cousin in front of him. Since what he said was true, he probably couldn't be false.

Jiang Shaoan was shocked for a while, and then he couldn't help but ask: "Why did the Third Prince want to...conspire against him?"

"Children, don't ask so many questions."

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand, too lazy to explain.

Jiang Shaoan didn't ask any more questions, his expression gradually became a little shy, and he glanced at Lin Jiangnian: "Well, what you promised me last time..."

"What's up?"

"Just, didn't you say last time that you would help me... seek revenge from the Eighth Prince?"

"Oh? Are you talking about this?!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him: "Don't worry, just wait!"

Jiang Shaoan was a little impatient and impatient. Now that the Eighth Prince had no backer, wouldn't this be a good time to beat up a drowned dog?

Seriously humiliating someone?

"How long will it take?"

"Wait until the time is right!"

"So when is the right time?"

“When the time is right, it’s the right time.”

Jiang Shaoan: "..."


Not long after Jiang Shaoan was sent away, a maid from the palace walked in outside the courtyard.

"Your Highness, someone outside the door has sent you a letter!"


"The other party didn't say anything. He just asked the slave to hand the letter to you, Your Highness."

The maid delivered the letter, and Lin Jiangnian opened it and took a look.

There is only one very simple sentence in the letter, and the writing is elegant. It can be seen that the owner has some calligraphy skills.

"Old place, waiting for you!"

Although there was no signature, Lin Jiangnian could still tell at a glance whose handwriting it came from.

Who else could have such a delicate writing style besides that Miss Zhao?

old place?

Wait for him?

This seems a little ambiguous!

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but think of the sneaking behavior under the table with Miss Zhao a few days ago in Nanhu.

Don't tell me, it's quite exciting!

Speaking of which, I haven't seen him for a few days since I met him once in Nanhu a year ago. Today she suddenly sent someone to send an invitation, why?

Are you here to settle a score with him?

Or is there something else important?

As for the old place mentioned in the letter, there is naturally only one place - Miss Zhao's boudoir!

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes at the sky and saw that it was still early. After hesitating for a moment, he made up his mind and decided to go meet Miss Zhao.

Zhao Mansion.

Under the eaves outside the door, red lanterns are hung high, filled with joy. In the early spring and New Year, it is rare to feel a bit of the spirit of the new year.

The carriage slowly stopped outside the Zhao Mansion. Lin Jiangnian got off the carriage. There were servants waiting outside the door for a long time.

"Greetings to His Royal Highness Prince Lin!"

The servant at the door respectfully welcomed Lin Jiangnian into the Zhao Mansion. Lin Jiangnian waved his hand and asked the servant to leave, then rushed to the small courtyard where Miss Zhao lived alone.

Having been here several times, Lin Jiangnian was already familiar with the location of Miss Zhao's boudoir.

He arrived outside the small courtyard with ease. The maid Xiaoyue had been waiting for a long time.

When she saw Lin Jiangnian, Xiaoyue's eyes lit up slightly, and a joyful smile appeared on her face: "Your Highness? Happy New Year!"

Xiaoyue's eyes were bright and her face showed excitement.

"Happy New Year!"

Lin Jiangnian also greeted him with a smile. He had been here many times and he had become familiar with the little maid next to Zhao Xi!

"Your Highness, are you here to see my young lady again?"

Xiaoyue looked excited and energetic.

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "Is your lady here?"

"here I am!"

Xiaoyue nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, then I'll go find your lady first."

After that, Lin Jiangnian stepped into the courtyard.

Xiaoyue stood at the door, staring at the back of Prince Lin Wang, her eyes staring blankly, with a hint of infatuation.

"Humph, the young lady still refuses to admit it... No, His Highness couldn't wait to come to see the young lady on the first day of the new year. How could this not have something else to do with it?"

"Young lady is still tough, but you can't deceive me!"

Xiaoyue muttered to herself, determined in her heart that there must be some kind of ulterior relationship between her young lady and His Royal Highness Prince Lin!

Then he was full of energy again...

Doesn't that mean that the young lady may become the Crown Princess in the future?

Are you the personal maid of the Crown Princess?

Thinking of this, Xiaoyue couldn't help but feel excited and looking forward to it.

So excited.

The cold courtyard looked a little messy due to the heavy rain last night. Under the flowing water of the small bridge, the lone swing not far away was also damaged by the heavy rain, like a fallen flower and a willow.

No life left at all!

Lin Jiangnian came to the door of the room under the eaves.

Knock on the door!

"come in."

A clear and slightly lazy voice came from the room.

It's nice to hear, and the sound makes my heart feel a little itchy.

A scene suddenly appeared in Lin Jiangnian's mind: in a room filled with warm fragrance, Miss Zhao was wearing a thin long skirt, lying on a soft couch in an extremely lazy and slightly inelegant posture, dark and black Thick black hair is scattered randomly, and a delicate and beautiful face looks slightly bored.

And under that long skirt, a pair of slender, well-proportioned, white and tender legs stretched out from under the skirt, exposed to the air, randomly arranged crosswise, and it was so beautiful.

The snow-white skin is delicate and shiny, the crystal clear white to delicate legs are small and exquisite, and the toes are slightly curled, which is extremely tempting.

As soon as the picture emerged in his mind, Lin Jiangnian's thoughts moved slightly.

Every time I met this Miss Zhao in the past, there would always be some ambiguous relationship between the two. Therefore, whenever Lin Jiangnian thinks of her, he can't help but think of Miss Zhao's disheveled clothes, exposed snow-white skin, and her seductive posture.

I have to say that the first impression is indeed more profound and unforgettable.

After adjusting his mood, Lin Jiangnian reached out and pushed open the door and walked in.

The room was filled with heating as imagined, and the warm and fragrant air reverberated in the room, driving away the winter chill.

A light fragrance unique to fresh women lingers in the air, making you feel relaxed and happy.

Smells great!

"Miss Zhao!"

Lin Jiangnian took off his shoes skillfully, stepped on the soft blanket, and looked up into the room.

As he expected, on the soft couch not far away from the screen, Miss Zhao was lying on her side, holding a book and looking down.

The posture is very casual and the expression is very relaxed. It wasn't until he heard Lin Jiangnian's voice coming from the door that he paused slightly, subconsciously raised his eyes and met Lin Jiangnian's eyes.

this moment……

Lin Jiangnian was a little disappointed!

The imagined scene of Miss Zhao wearing cool clothes and having a moment of beauty did not appear.

On the contrary, Zhao Xi wore a little too much today.

She was wearing a plain white dress underneath, and a coat with light gold patterns on the outside. Although it didn't look thick, it covered her whole body tightly.

Lin Jiangnian's eyes drifted downwards out of habit, but he was disappointed to find... He was wearing socks!

The plain white socks, as thin as silk, wrapped the pair of small feet. Lin Jiangnian, who was originally full of expectations, was instantly disappointed!

What about trust between people?

How could she... wear so much?

His reaction naturally did not escape Zhao Xi's eyes.


The corners of Zhao Xi's mouth raised slightly.

Lin Jiangnian came back to his senses and looked into Zhao Xi's eyes with an indifferent expression.



Zhao Xi immediately exposed him and sneered: "The way you looked at me just now was full of lust... Don't think that I don't know what you are planning."

"Miss Zhao is overthinking, this prince is a gentleman!"



Zhao Xi didn't believe a word of this nonsense.

A few days ago, I wonder which gentleman grabbed her legs and took advantage of her?

Are you starting to pretend now?

Zhao Xi stared at him with a half-smile but not a smile, as if he had read through his thoughts: "Does His Highness the Crown Prince think that this girl will dress as before today to please His Highness?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her and sighed: "So, you did it on purpose?"

"That's right!"

"Why bother?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "Where is the most basic trust between people?"

"Miss Zhao, how can you guard against a gentleman like me?"

"It's you I'm guarding against!"

Zhao Xi glared at him lightly.

How could she not know what this guy was thinking?

After all, didn't this guy just want to take advantage of her?

It’s still the kind of person who doesn’t want to take responsibility!

What a beautiful thought!

However, recalling Lin Jiangnian's disappointed face when he came in and saw her just now, Zhao Xi couldn't help laughing and felt happy.

Seeing this guy's disappointed and deflated look, she felt inexplicably good!

Seeing that Lin Jiangnian still acted like a 'hypocritical' gentleman, Zhao Xi narrowed his beautiful eyes slightly, as if he thought of something, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly again.

"Then, as a gentleman, can you do me a favor?"

"What's the deal?"

"Of course..."

There seemed to be an impenetrable charm in Zhao Xi's eyes, and then he saw her still lazily lying on the soft couch. She stretched out her bare hands and placed them on the hem of her skirt. She gently pulled it and pulled the hem of her lower body up slightly. Lifting it up a little, revealing one beautiful leg wrapped in Yunluo's white stockings.

The silk Yunluo white socks are not too thick, just enough to wrap the small and exquisite feet tightly, but even so, you can still see the beautiful and exquisite curves.

It's so looming, but it has a more artistic conception.

Zhao Xi's movements are very light and slow, full of beauty.

It's like...deliberately tempting and seducing.

Obviously nothing was leaked, but it gave people an indescribable sense of taboo excitement. Zhao Xi's eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian again, biting his red lips, showing a weak and lovable look.

"I can't move. Your Highness, the noble prince, can you help me take off my clothes?"


The atmosphere in the room suddenly became ambiguous!

The atmosphere in the room filled with warm fragrance gradually became solemn, mixed with the faint scent of rouge, mixed with the body fragrance of the woman.

It makes the atmosphere even more...something wrong!

This ‘refreshing’ and exciting picture in front of you is particularly eye-catching!

I have to say that this Miss Zhao seems to be born to seduce people. In every gesture, her dignified ladylike temperament formed a sharp contrast with her charming image at the moment!

"Miss Zhao, are you challenging this prince's weakness?"

Faced with Miss Zhao's provocation, Lin Jiangnian slowly approached and stared at the delicate and charming pair in front of him, which was also a bit delicate and charming at the same time.

Just like gazing at autumn water, the beauty is beyond compare!


She blinked and gave him a charming, silky look: "So what?"

A bright smile appeared on Lin Jiangnian's face.

"Since it was Miss Zhao who requested it, I am naturally willing to help."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Jiangnian skillfully reached out and grabbed Zhao Xi's slightly raised beautiful legs, holding the little feet wrapped in silk white socks in his hands.

The moment he touched it, he felt as if the small and exquisite feet had been violently stimulated. They suddenly tightened and the toes under the white socks curled up. Zhao Xi almost subconsciously pulled them back with force and hid them under the skirt again.

Lin Jiangnian raised his head, looked at the eyes that were gradually turning red with shame, and there were a few indescribable watery eyes, and squinted.

"Miss Zhao, are you scared?"

An expected result.

He didn't think that Miss Zhao would let him take advantage of her for no reason. Since she wanted to play, Lin Jiangnian would naturally take advantage of her and get her wish.

Zhao Xi's face turned red, and the roots of his ears were almost red, as beautiful as if they were stained with blood.

So beautiful, so stunning!

Her breathing was slightly rapid, perhaps due to nervousness, and her delicate body was always in a state of tension. She bit her lower lip lightly, sat up slightly, and stared at Lin Jiangnian, her beautiful eyes seemed to be filled with water, as hazy as mist.

"Suddenly I feel that you have taken advantage of me. This girl is at a huge disadvantage!"

"so what?"

Zhao Xi's face turned red with embarrassment, she bit her lower lip lightly, and spoke Yingying: "First tell me in detail what happened in the palace last night... and then I will let you take it off!"



Make up for the last leave update

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