Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 403 The atmosphere is here

See you in the picture!

It turns out that this is the real purpose of Miss Zhao? !

Playing tug-of-war with him?

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and looked at the crimson and heart-thumping face right in front of him.

I have to say that the Miss Zhao in front of me can be said to have mastered the timing just right. She was in the mood right now, and Lin Jiangnian was really pinched by her sudden appearance.

"Should I say no?"

"What do you think?"

Zhao Xi bit his lower lip lightly, leaving a slight mark, which was extremely tempting.

Her expression was pitiful, as if she was delicate yet somewhat inadvertently seductive, giving people an indescribable urge.

"Can't refuse."

Lin Jiangnian sighed.

This Miss Zhao can be regarded as catching him.

Hearing this, Zhao Xi's eyes filled with amusement, and he smiled lightly: "Your Highness, are you no longer a gentleman?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the pair of beautiful legs that had retracted under the skirt. Zhao Xi's knees were slightly bent, and the hem of the skirt was vaguely visible, making people have the urge to take a closer look.

He shook his head gently: "No conflict."

"This prince is a gentleman to begin with!"

Zhao Xi stared at him for a while, his face still red, and couldn't help but said: "When did you become so hypocritical and shameless?"

"When I first met His Highness, was He not so hypocritical?"

"Isn't this generous of Miss Zhao?"


"If you don't pretend, I might not be able to control myself."


Zhao Xi was slightly startled, then a trace of shame flashed in his eyes, as if he thought of something, he narrowed his eyes: "So, His Highness turns out to have thoughts about the Nu family?"

"Does it count just because the body has thoughts?"


Zhao Xi's pretty face turned red, "It turns out that your usual sanctimoniousness is all just an act."

"Isn't it the same with Miss Zhao?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "How could those in the outside world have imagined that Miss Zhao, who is dignified, elegant and charming in person, would be so... charming and charming in private?"

As he spoke, Lin Jiangnian's eyes glanced at her inadvertently.

As if he was electrocuted, Zhao Xi's delicate body trembled slightly, his expression became more and more shy, and he subconsciously turned his head away.

"Hmph, Master You, change the subject."

Zhao Xi snorted: "Tell me about last night!"

Lin Jiangnian took a step closer and sat next to Zhao Xi.

The soft couch was not very spacious. Zhao Xi sat up and sat on the side with his legs bent. As Lin Jiangnian sat down, the soft couch seemed slightly crowded. There was inevitably some contact between the two.

Zhao Xi's body stiffened slightly, as if he was not used to it. She quietly moved behind her, feeling a little nervous. Her rapid breathing and the visible rise and fall of her chest exposed her emotions.

She is not as carefree as she appears!

"How did you know I was at the palace last night?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her.

Zhao Xi hugged her knees with her hands, her head slightly knocked on her knees, her beautiful red face slightly covered by her scattered hair. She raised her eyes and looked into Lin Jiangnian's eyes.

There's something indescribably...cute about such a nervous look?


Lin Jiangnian looked at her dark eyes and sighed: "Miss Zhao, do you think I'm a fool?"


Zhao Xi snorted, knowing naturally that he could not hide this excuse from him.

"My man, I happened to see you entering the palace yesterday!"

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes: "Did I see it by chance, or did you secretly send someone to follow me?"

Zhao Xi looked away with some guilt: "They are all the difference!"

Lin Jiangnian did not dwell on this with her: "So, you had a premonition that something would happen last night?"

Zhao Xi did not deny it: "That's right."

She, the Zhao family, has quite a few spies in Beijing, and it is impossible to hide what happened last night.

"Since you already know everything, why are you still asking me?" Lin Jiangnian asked.

"My people can't enter the palace!"

Zhao Xi shook his head and bit his lower lip: "I heard that the third prince led troops into the palace last night and ultimately failed in his rebellion and was imprisoned, but the specific details are not clear..."

She raised her eyes and looked at Lin Jiangnian: "What happened in the palace last night? How did the third prince force the palace, and how did he fail?"

"...Were there any other forces in the palace last night?"

Looking into Zhao Xi's eyes, Lin Jiangnian heard what she meant and chuckled: "You want to ask, did Chen Zhao get involved in the third prince's rebellion last night?"

A faint smile appeared on Zhao Xi's face, her beautiful eyes flowing: "Am I so obvious?"

"It is clear!"

Lin Jiangnian said calmly: "The third prince has no grievances or enmities with you, so why would you suddenly care about these things, unless it is... related to you?!"

There is no direct grudge between Zhao Xi and the third prince, so she has no reason to pay attention to it, let alone pay such a 'price' to obtain information.

The affairs of the imperial court were what his father should be concerned about, and had nothing to do with her, the daughter of Prime Minister Zhao.

But, if it is Chen Zhao, it will be different!

Lin Jiangnian had long ago noticed that there was a secret collusion between Mi Tiansi and the third prince. The news brought by Chen Changqing a few days ago also confirmed this.

Earlier, Lin Jiangnian had mentioned this matter to Zhao Xi, and I think she had probably investigated it privately.

It makes sense that Zhao Xi was so concerned about what happened in the palace last night and couldn't wait to ask Lin Jiangnian for clarification.

The real person behind Mitiansi is Chen Zhao. The third prince rebelled last night. Will Mitiansi be involved? When the third prince rebelled last night, did Chen Zhao secretly help?

You know, Chen Zhao, who controls Mi Tiansi, has great prestige and power in the palace... If he really colluded with the third prince, how could he miss this golden opportunity last night?

Listening to Lin Jiangnian's analysis, Zhao Xi always had a slight smile on his face. He was not surprised that Lin Jiangnian could guess her purpose.

"So, did he... last night?"

"Not sure."

"What do you mean?" Zhao Xi frowned slightly.

Lin Jiangnian carefully thought about what happened last night. Last night, he and Zhi Yuan witnessed from a distance outside the Yangxin Palace the whole process from the third prince leading troops to force the palace to rebel and the failure of the plan. But from the beginning to the end, Chen Zhao was never seen, let alone any Mi Tiansi!

Last night's drama of forcing a mutiny in the palace was more like a one-man show of the third prince from beginning to end.

When Lin Jiangnian told Zhao Xi the news, Zhao Xi looked a little more solemn and seemed unsure: "He, there was no movement last night?"

"That's not quite clear."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head. He did not go to the health palace where the emperor retreated last night. As the eunuch closest to the emperor, Chen Zhao should logically stay in the health palace.

However, there is currently no way to verify it!

But from the clues found in the palace last night, and from the mysterious master who broke out of the palace when he left the palace in the morning, Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but think of another person...the eldest princess!

When I saw her at Yangxin Hall last night, she didn't look right. She seemed to be hurt?

If so, would her injury have any connection with the mysterious master who forced his way out of the palace?

After Zhao Xi heard this, he stared at him with burning eyes: "What is the origin of the mysterious master who forced his way out of the palace?"

"Not sure."

"Where did he go last night? Did he go to the Health Palace? What does he have to do with Chen Zhao?"

"I don't know."


"So, what exactly did you see last night?"

Zhao Xi looked at him and bit his lip: "Everything you know...I want to know!"

Regarding Zhao Xi's persistent questioning, Lin Jiangnian did not hide anything and slowly started talking about what happened last night from the beginning.

The third prince led the troops into the palace and rushed to the Yangxin Hall with overwhelming force. When the third prince effortlessly captured the Cultivation Heart Palace and forced the prince into a desperate situation, he thought that he had all the chances to win, and when the dust settled. As a result, the situation suddenly reversed. The imperial guards who had been waiting for a long time took action and captured all the people brought by the third prince...

Although there are still some details that are not clear, such as what the prince and the third prince talked about in the Yangxin Hall. But as a bystander, Lin Jiangnian did have a panoramic view of last night's drama.

After listening, Zhao Xi lowered his eyes slightly and fell into deep thought for a long time.

Lin Jiangnian was not in a hurry. When Zhao Xi didn't say anything, he didn't continue to speak. He looked casually at the gorgeous and charming Miss Zhao in front of him.

Her eyebrows are like crescent moon, her skin is like gelatin, and the blush that has not yet dissipated is spread all over her delicate face, forming an inexplicable contrast with her serious and contemplative state at this time.

Extraordinarily tempting!

Even though Miss Zhao was wearing tight clothes today, Lin Jiangnian had to say that Miss Zhao tonight was more attractive to her than before.

It even made Lin Jiangnian feel a little uneasy for no reason...

What a beauty trap!

It is indeed the most vicious strategy in thousands of years!

"and you……"

At this time, Zhao Xi, who had been thinking for a long time, gradually came back to his senses and was about to speak when he suddenly noticed Lin Jiangnian's gaze.

"You, what are you looking at?!"

When he realized where Lin Jiangnian was looking, Zhao Xi's legs under her dress shrank subconsciously.

Seeing Zhao Xi's reaction, Lin Jiangnian looked as usual, raised his eyebrows and smiled softly: "Didn't you agree to take it off for me? Are you regretting it again?"


Zhao Xi's face turned red with embarrassment and said angrily: "You, can you stop thinking about these messy things in your mind?"

What he was about to ask was immediately interrupted by Lin Jiangnian's thoughts.

"Aren't you the evil one who complained first?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed helplessly: "No, Miss Zhao, you just asked me to help you take off your clothes... Why did you suddenly turn your back on me and bite me back?"


Zhao Xi became more and more annoyed and couldn't refute for a while.

Indeed, it was her who took the initiative just now, but...

"Forget it!"

Before Zhao Xi could speak, Lin Jiangnian waved his hand again and curled his lips: "Since Miss Zhao is unwilling, I don't like to force others. Just think that Miss Zhao is dishonest and breaks her word. I will suffer some losses." Forget it, let’s just let this matter go and let’s not mention it…”

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Xi's eyes widened slightly, shocked!

This, why does this still sound like it's her fault?

What does his expression of reluctance and self-confidence mean?

Co-authored or is there something wrong with her?

Zhao Xi's pretty face turned red with anger, and her delicate body trembled slightly. Seeing Lin Jiangnian's look of giving up, she did not relax, but instead became even more... angry!

Although he knew that this guy might have deliberately provoked the general, Zhao Xi was still curious!

She's not trustworthy?

She broke her promise?

"Take it off, take it off! Take it off quickly!!"

Zhao Xi, whose face was red with anger, seemed to have something accumulated in her chest. Even she, who had always been calm, was slightly losing her mind at this time.

The originally bent legs suddenly straightened, and they were thrust into Lin Jiangnian's arms angrily, and rested on his legs.

"Are you satisfied?!"

Looking at Zhao Xi's face that was red with anger but still beautiful, he lowered his head and glanced at the beautiful legs wrapped in silk stockings that were offered to him.

Lin Jiangnian was unmoved.

"Don't take it off."

"Take it off quickly!"

"Don't take it off."

"Can you take it off?"

"I won't take it off if I don't take it off!"


"Haven't you been thinking about me all the time? I've given it to you now, aren't you satisfied?!"

Zhao Xi's beautiful eyes were filled with shame and anger, and she was already a little angry at Lin Jiangnian's rejection.

"Miss Zhao, calm's not sweet to be so strong!"

"Stop pretending, haven't you touched me enough in the past few days?"

Zhao Xi exposed it with a sneer.

When we were on a cruise in Nanhu Lake a few days ago, was it enough that this bastard took advantage of her under the table in front of Miao Miao?

Why didn't I see him say that the strong melon was not sweet?

Lin Jiangnian sighed, how could anyone rush here to let him take advantage?

"Ms. Zhao, this kind of thing requires an atmosphere, a mutual consent, and you can't force it."

Zhao Xi blushed and gritted his teeth: "Stop talking nonsense... In one sentence, will you take off your clothes or not?!"


This was the first time Lin Jiangnian saw Zhao Xi with such an expression. Even the last time he accidentally broke into the bathroom, he had never seen her look as shameful and angry as now.

However, Lin Jiangnian remained calm. He glanced at Zhao Xi and suddenly asked, "Miss Zhao, do you think Chen Zhao became the third prince's accomplice last night?"

Zhao Xi didn't expect Lin Jiangnian to suddenly change the subject, and didn't want to pay attention. But when he heard that it was related to Chen Zhao, his blushing face sank slightly, and he gritted his teeth: "There is collusion between him and the third prince... He must have done something behind his back last night!"

"So sure?"

"There is a disagreement between Chen Zhao and the prince. Once the third prince falls and the prince ascends the throne in the future, Chen Zhao will not have a good end... Last night, there was no way he could just watch the third prince fail!"

Zhao Xi's tone was determined.

Lin Jiangnian thought about it, and it made sense...

Zhao Xi thought of something, and a sneer appeared on his cold and red face: "But his conspiracy was useless after all. The third prince's rebellion failed, and there was no chance of turning around..."

"Chen Zhao, his death is not far away..."

Thinking of what was about to happen in the near future, Zhao Xi's breathing became more rapid, and his face finally showed a touch of excitement... red rhyme.

She has been waiting for this day for a long time!

The third prince's rebellion failed, and as an accomplice, Chen Zhao was at odds with the prince. In this case, how could the prince tolerate him?

His death is coming!

As if thinking of something, Zhao Xi's delicate body trembled slightly, and her eyes became a little moister.

She could finally watch the real murderer of the Xu family being caught with her own eyes!

Once Chen Zhao loses the emperor's protection and power, it will be easy for her to seek revenge!

"When the time comes, I will personally use his head to pay homage to Sister Xu and the innocent souls of the Xu family!"


Zhao Xi took a few deep breaths and closed his eyes. After a long silence, he gradually calmed down.

And at this moment, she suddenly felt that something was wrong?

Why are the soles of my feet so cold?

Zhao Xi opened her eyes and suddenly realized that just when she was immersed in the joy of being able to avenge Sister Xu. And Lin Jiangnian, at some point, skillfully took off the silk stockings wrapped around her feet.

Throw it aside.

A pair of delicate, fair and jade-like women's arched feet were exposed to the air. Their skin was crystal clear, their feet were perfectly shaped, as smooth as gelatin, and dazzlingly white.

And Lin Jiangnian's big hand fell on her smooth skin without any hindrance, making close contact.

Feeling the hot breath of the big hand covering his skin, Zhao Xi's mind went blank for a moment. When she came back to her senses, her pretty face was as red as blood.

Her beautiful eyes were filled with shame and anger, her delicate body was tense, she was ashamed, shocked and angry: "You, didn't you say you wouldn't take off your clothes?!"

Faced with Zhao Xi's shy questioning, Lin Jiangnian smiled shyly.

Like an innocent young scholar, his smile is gentle and bright.

"What a coincidence..."

“The atmosphere is just right!”


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