Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 404 Miss Zhao took the initiative to send it

Things like atmosphere are very important!

Just like the sense of ritual that some women want, once the atmosphere is established, it will naturally fall into place and everything will fall into place.

When Zhao Xi became angry just now, his aggressive attitude completely destroyed the atmosphere.

Despite her attitude of forcing Lin Jiangnian to take off his clothes, if Lin Jiangnian really got what she wanted, he would end up in a disadvantageous position.

He prefers to take the initiative into his own hands.

Just like right now.

When Lin Jiangnian changed the topic and made Zhao Xi fall into deep thought, the originally tense atmosphere between the two gradually eased.

In this way, the initiative was back in Lin Jiangnian's hands.

By the time Zhao Xi noticed and reacted, the socks on his legs had been peeled off and were casually discarded on the carpet.

The snow-white legs that were originally hidden under the skirt were exposed to the view without any cover.

The ankles are slender and smooth, with a touch of softness. The looming tendons are revealed on the delicate skin, and the small and exquisite toes are neatly gathered together and slightly arched due to tension.

"You, you still touch?!"

Zhao Xi's voice and breathing were a little quick, his face was red, and he stared at Lin Jiangnian.

Feeling the hot touch of skin on her feet, her whole body tensed up, and an indescribable weird feeling quickly spread throughout her body.

There was a vague feeling of paralysis and numbness, which made her feel anxious.

He, what does he want to do?

"Still, why don't you let go?!"

Zhao Xi's voice was a bit harsh, and her slightly stuttering tone betrayed her nervousness at the moment.

"Not urgent."

Lin Jiangnian answered calmly.

Zhao Xi's pretty face turned red and she was extremely embarrassed.

Not urgent?

Nonsense, of course you are not in a hurry!

"You, have you touched enough?!"


"I, I only let you take it off, no, I didn't let you touch it!"

Zhao Xi was furious. She had known that this guy would take advantage of her, but she didn't expect that he would be so bold.

Zhao Xi's face was red with embarrassment, and he wanted to pull his leg back bitterly. However, how could her strength be compared to Lin Jiangnian's? I tried my best, but it still didn't move.

The slender snow-white jade legs with the stockings removed were pressed onto Lin Jiangnian's thighs, tightly controlled, and she could not move.

Zhao Xi, who was sitting on the soft couch, leaned his upper body back slightly, revealing a blushing face, gritting his teeth and staring at him.

Seeing Lin Jiangnian's indifferent attitude, she was ashamed and angry. After struggling to no avail, she simply turned away and gritted her teeth.

Out of sight!

Her self-deceiving demeanor was like that of a good girl who had been bullied and molested by gangsters. She was pitiful and helpless and could only let others bully and defile her.

Lin Jiangnian was sitting on the left side of the soft couch. When he lowered his head, he could see the slender jade feet stretching out from Zhao Xi's side. They were just like the spotless temperament of the Miss Zhao in front of her, with a clean, delicate, and delicate look. Glowing beauty.

His left hand prevented her from struggling or moving, while his right hand was open, covering the delicate and smooth instep of her feet, feeling the smooth touch from the palm of his hand and moving slowly.

Follow the silky jade-like skin, slowly go up, and land on the fair and well-proportioned slender calves. The slightly cold touch makes the feeling in the palm of your hand extremely strong.

"Well... don't..."

Zhao Xi, who originally turned his head in anger, felt the hot breath getting stronger, and his delicate body trembled slightly.

"It's itchy...don't, don't touch it..."

Her body wasn't that sensitive, but for some unknown reason, the touch from her legs seemed to be infinitely amplified, stimulating her five senses!

The numb and limp feeling all over her body became more and more intense, and her head went slightly blank due to the stimulation.

But the movements in Lin Jiangnian's hands did not stop.

His movements were very slow and gentle, as if he were caressing and appreciating some kind of exquisite work of art. From beginning to end, from bottom to top, he slowly played and tasted...

"By the way, where is your father?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and suddenly asked: "Mr. Zhao should be very busy today, right?"

Zhao Xi's pretty face was blushing, her beautiful eyes were filled with a somewhat confused look, she was dripping with sweat, and an unspeakable feeling of shame and irritation suddenly surged into her heart.

She gritted her teeth and wished she could bite him twice!

This guy actually has the nerve to mention her father at this time?

Zhao Xi gritted his teeth and ignored it.

"I heard that the palace has been sealed off today and no officials are allowed to enter the palace. Such a big thing has happened. The other officials are panicked and have lost their backbone. Prime Minister Zhao must be very busy today, right?"

Lin Jiangnian said again.

Zhao Xi glared at him in shame and said nothing. However, her father is indeed very busy today!

At midnight last night, Prime Minister Zhao had noticed the movement in the city, realized that something was wrong, and immediately sent people to the city to investigate. When the spies who went out in the middle of the night reported back the information, they were sure that something big had happened in the palace!

The gate of the southern city was lost, corpses littered the ground at the gate, and the fighting between the city defense army and the rebels confirmed that the third prince led troops into the palace with the intention of rebelling.

Zhao Xiang was shocked and angry when he heard the news, but he seemed to have expected it... Perhaps, he had already guessed that such a day might come.

However, since the palace gates were strictly guarded by the Forbidden Army, no one knew what was going on inside the palace. Until dawn in the morning, judging from the movements inside and outside the city, as well as some clues coming from the palace...the third prince failed in his rebellion and was captured.

For a time, the officials in the DPRK and China could not sit still. Especially at this juncture, they had to find ways to prepare in advance. And Prime Minister Zhao, who has the highest prestige and status in the court, naturally became their backbone.

"I heard that the third prince came to see Prime Minister Zhao a few days ago?"

Lin Jiangnian asked again lightly.

Zhao Xi raised his eyes and stared at him: "How do you know?"

Lin Jiang young smiled and asked: "You can send someone to follow me, but I can't?"


Zhao Xi's eyes were angry, he looked away, snorted softly, and said: "The third prince did come here years ago."

"He wants to win over Prime Minister Zhao?"

"It doesn't count as solicitation."

Zhao Xi bit her red lips and said: "My father is the prime minister of the current dynasty and has extremely high prestige in the court and among the people... If the third prince wants to secure his position by forcing the palace to rebel, he will definitely find a way to get my father. support."

"If my father does not support him, the officials of my father's faction in the court will not support him, and the people will not recognize him..."

Lin Jiangnian said thoughtfully: "So, he wants to show favor to your father?"

Zhao Xi was noncommittal and hummed: "My father doesn't want to get involved in the struggle for imperial power."


Lin Jiangnian laughed, but then said: "However, if this matter spreads, I'm afraid it won't be good for Prime Minister Zhao, right?"

Prime Minister Zhao met with the third prince in private. After the third prince's rebellion failed, if someone digs it out...

Zhao Xi said coldly: "My father behaves upright and sits upright, how can he be afraid of these rumors?"

Lin Jiang young smiled and said: "Then I'll be relieved."

"What are you worried about?"

Zhao Xi glanced at him lightly, and just as he was about to speak, he realized something and said with a blushing face: "You, have you touched enough?!"

While the two were talking, Lin Jiangnian never stopped moving.

His big hands covered the smooth and delicate skin, feeling the silky touch. He took advantage of it and played with the long and coveted snow-white legs.


Lin Jiangnian answered honestly.

At the same time, he climbed up along the calves that were like bright jade bamboo shoots, and penetrated deeper into the skirt bit by bit.

When Lin Jiangnian's hands moved from the slender and straight calves to the plump and jade thighs, he felt these slender and well-proportioned legs with beautiful curves.

Finally, a plain hand pressed his hand hard.

"Stop, stop..."

Zhao Xi's voice was urgent and anxious, his face was red with embarrassment, and he stared at him: "No, don't touch me again!"

He, he really takes it too far, is he addicted to touching?

If you let him touch it again, I'm afraid he will have to...

As if thinking of some indescribable scene, Zhao Xi blushed and became extremely nervous.

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the very beautiful, delicate and heart-stopping face in front of him, and he suddenly came closer.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Zhao Xi's beautiful eyes widened and she subconsciously looked back nervously. With that, she almost lay down. Lin Jiangnian, on the other hand, looked at her condescendingly.

"When Miss Zhao seduced this prince, wasn't she very courageous?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her with a smile: "Why, are you scared now?"

Facing Lin Jiangnian's deliberate provocation, Zhao Xi was ashamed and angry.

Can that be the same?

No matter how courageous she is, she is still a young lady who has not yet left the court. How can she be compared to an "experienced" veteran like Lin Jiangnian?

In Lin Jiangnian's eyes, her little tricks were more like... provocations!

When he noticed that the woman in front of him was breathing messily and her face was flushed, even her eyes seemed to be filled with a vague blur, and the hand that originally prevented Lin Jiangnian from going deeper seemed to be a little weaker.

Lin Jiangnian seemed to realize something, his eyes were strange: "Miss Zhao, you... must have feelings, right?"


Hearing this, Zhao Xi was ashamed and angry.

As if the deepest secret in his heart had been revealed, Zhao Xi was angry and anxious, raised his head and approached Lin Jiangnian, opened his silver teeth and bit his shoulder viciously.

Very hard!

Even through the thick clothes, I could still feel the slight pain coming from my shoulders, and the Miss Zhao in front of me was so embarrassed that she used her strength to suck milk, so hard that her delicate body was trembling slightly.

Lin Jiangnian sighed secretly... Why are these girls all the same when they are angry, like biting people?

Are there any new tricks?

Zhao Xi indeed bit hard!

Under the control of shame, she briefly lost her mind and just wanted to bite the guy in front of her who bullied her to death!

How could he... speak so obscenely? !

So annoying?

But what makes Zhao Xi feel most ashamed, angry and horrified is...

It wasn't that she felt extremely angry when she heard this, but... she felt furious as if the secret in her heart had been revealed.

Lin Jiangnian was indeed right...she did have feelings!

It feels like being touched!

That kind of strange feeling that is difficult to describe, as if something is crawling all over the body, and a burning sensation rises deep from the bottom of my heart and fills the whole body.

She could even feel an unspeakable...wetness under the hem of her skirt and between her intertwined legs.

If she hadn't tried her best to prevent Lin Jiangnian's hand from going deeper, she would have been discovered by the other party in the next second...

It was this feeling that made her a little scared and confused.

In panic, he had to use intense emotions to cover up his uneasiness.

Finally, after taking a hard bite to vent his irritated emotions, Zhao Xi seemed to let out a sudden breath.


too tired!

It almost took all the energy in her body.

"Have you bitten enough?"

Lin Jiangnian's slightly cynical voice came to his ears. Zhao Xi raised his eyes and met Lin Jiangnian's eyes.

He was looking at her with soft eyes, as if mixed with a hint of smile. His sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes are sharp and angular, and his eyes are deep. He does not look like a white-faced scholar, but he has a bit of scholarly air, and there is a bit of indescribable handsomeness in his elegance.

Zhao Xi was stunned for a moment.

It has to be said that the Prince Lin in front of him has perfectly inherited the advantages of Prince Lin and Princess Lin, both in appearance and temperament.

When Zhao Xi met Lin Jiangnian for the first time, he was indeed attracted by the appearance of the prince in front of him.

She admires him!

And as the contact between the two increased, this appreciation also intensified. It wasn't until the relationship between the two became increasingly ambiguous that this appreciation gradually changed...

Now, even if Zhao Xi didn't want to admit it, she had to admit...she didn't hate Lin Jiangnian in front of her.

What's more, even when the other party took off her stockings just now and took advantage of her, 'invading' her never-explored territory, she felt not only angry but also nervous. Apart from emotions, there is not much resistance...

"Maybe it's because he looks good, right?"

Zhao Xi thought to himself.

I found a suitable reason for myself.

"Ms. Zhao, did you take the initiative to throw yourself into my arms?"

Lin Jiangnian's voice pulled Zhao Xi out of his daze.

Only then did she realize her situation at the moment...

In her embarrassment just now, she stood up and tugged on Lin Jiangnian's clothes around his waist, biting him hard on the shoulder. After letting go, she suddenly realized that the smooth and slender legs under her skirt were still matching On Lin Jiangnian's legs. In this way, her current posture seemed to be that she was actively sitting sideways in Lin Jiangnian's arms.

Very ambiguous!

Realizing this, Zhao Xi was embarrassed and wanted to struggle back. But as soon as she made a move, Lin Jiangnian's other hand passed through her waist as slender as a willow, firmly holding her in place and preventing her from breaking away.

"You, what are you doing?!"

"You're already here, don't leave in a hurry!"

Lin Jiangnian looked down at the face in his arms that was getting closer and closer, and raised the corners of his mouth.

Lin Jiangnian had never taken a close look at Miss Zhao's face because he was attracted to other parts in the past. Now under his unscrupulous gaze, he felt more and more the stunning appearance and temperament of Miss Zhao.

This Miss Zhao not only has good-looking legs, but also other parts of her body are also good-looking.

For example... it rises and falls with rapid breathing, and is vaguely visible...

Zhao Xi's delicate body stiffened slightly. She raised her eyes slightly and saw Lin Jiangnian's unscrupulous gaze staring at her, which seemed to be vaguely burning. It was as if he wanted to strip her naked and eat her alive...

As if he realized something, Zhao Xi's delicate body became more and more trembling and tense. The hand holding the clothes around Lin Jiangnian's waist subconsciously became harder and harder.

At this moment, Zhao Xi was almost extremely nervous. Under Lin Jiangnian's increasingly burning eyes, she did not dare to look at him anymore and slowly closed her eyes...

Lin Jiangnian was slightly startled when he saw this scene.

Staring at this exquisite and elegant face with pink peach blossoms, it is almost impossible to find any flaws in the facial features. She has slender eyebrows, long eyelashes that tremble slightly, a delicate nose, and thin lips as delicate as rose petals.

Soft, plump and delicate.

At this moment, Zhao Xi seemed to be waiting for something. With his eyes closed, he looked like he was ready to 'take' from you.

Nervousness, mixed with a bit of...expectation?

After Lin Jiangnian was stunned for a moment, he looked at the beautiful face in front of him with a playful smile on his face.

Then he lowered his head slightly, leaned closer, and skillfully kissed the full, soft, red lips that he had coveted for a long time.

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