Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 405 Get out, get out, get out

For Zhao Xi, this is destined to be an unforgettable memory.

Her mind went blank.

Even when I just decided to close my eyes, I was already mentally prepared.

But, after all, I have never had such an experience before.

As the daughter of Prime Minister Zhao, she had never even spoken to other men in the past, let alone contact with him. Right now, my brain is shutting down.

Becoming overwhelmed!

Apart from being nervous, there was only a feeling of... shyness.

It's hard to describe the complex emotions.

However, when these emotions were mixed together, I suddenly found...

She doesn't seem to resist? !

This was a subconscious thought that even she was completely unaware of at the moment.

Zhao Xi, whose mind was confused and blank, had lost even half of his usual sense.

Lin Jiangnian considers himself a good gourmet!

Therefore, he knows very well that tasting delicious food requires skill.

How to taste a delicacy requires rich experience and skilled skills, as well as an understanding of the food itself.

...This is an ability that requires a long period of actual combat!

First of all, when tasting delicious food, you must chew slowly and feel it carefully. Remember not to wolf it down or rush.

When eating, the most taboo thing is to gobble it up!

It is said that Lin Jiangnian has tasted many delicacies with different flavors and styles, and each delicacy has a different texture. It’s hard to describe the quality of these delicacies, they are basically on par.

After all, Lin Jiangnian is a picky person!

And as the prince of Prince Lin, he is naturally picky.

At the same time, in the room filled with warm fragrance, dim lights flickered and it was airtight.

The cold winter wind is blocked outside the door, and the room is as warm as spring.

For ordinary people, winter is undoubtedly a difficult season. Whether you can carry it through depends on God's will. But for dignitaries, winter days are not much different from ordinary days.

The cold wind was blowing outside the door, but the temperature in the room was getting higher...

Lin Jiangnian could gradually feel that some external obstacles were beginning to weaken, and he, who was always good at pushing the envelope, naturally did not miss this opportunity.

At the same time, Zhao Xi suddenly came to his senses and stopped Lin Jiangnian's behavior: "No!"

Lin Jiangnian lowered his eyes and quickly looked at Zhao Xi's beautiful face, which was on the verge of tears. A few strands of hair were stuck to his forehead, giving him an indescribable sense of beauty.

Her almond-shaped eyes were filled with shyness, mixed with a bit of panic and a hint of determination.

Feeling uneasy, I felt pity for him.

However, the look in his eyes was very firm!


Faced with Zhao Xi's panicked rejection, Lin Jiangnian was silent for a moment, and agreed without forcing himself to continue.

Hearing this, Zhao Xi seemed a little surprised. He didn't expect Lin Jiangnian to agree so simply?

Thought he would...

Thinking of this, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and when he looked at Lin Jiangnian, his eyes were filled with indescribable gratitude and tenderness.

"But then you have to make it up to me!"

But soon, Lin Jiangnian spoke again.

Zhao Xi was startled when she heard this and raised her head slightly. Before she could ask what compensation was, Lin Jiangnian told her the answer with his actions.


As a result, the rationality that she had just regained gradually dissipated.

Gradually, Zhao Xi wrapped his arms around Lin Jiangnian's neck at some point, as if subconsciously or unconsciously, like lovers in love getting along with each other, the movements were very intimate.

At this time, Lin Jiangnian was still not idle, he changed his goal.

And this time, Zhao Xi was obviously not as determined to refuse as before.

In the process, Lin Jiangnian transformed into a professional craftsman.

As we all know, Lin Jiangnian is indeed a professional craftsman with an extremely deep understanding and research of handicrafts and artworks.

As a professional craftsman, you must first treat artworks with utmost rarity. Real works of art are very fragile and need to be handled carefully to prevent any accidents.

And when he saw a rare work of art in the world, Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but marvel... It was really a flawless, almost perfect work of art.

And after appreciating it, the next natural step is... to start practicing!

As we all know…

"Practice is the only criterion for testing truth."

Lin Jiangnian has always regarded this sentence as his life creed.

Zhao Xi closed his eyes, unable to muster any strength at this moment, and his head felt dizzy, as if he had been hit by a weak muscle.

Until a certain moment, she seemed to feel something, and couldn't help but open her eyes slightly, opened a small slit, and met a pair of deep eyes.

Naturally, she quickly realized Lin Jiangnian's purpose, but...

"You, don't..."

Panic and uneasiness spread in her heart. The development of things tonight had completely exceeded her expectations and bottom line. She couldn't calm down and didn't know what to do. While feeling embarrassed, an unspeakable fear arose in my heart.

It was the instinctive fear and uneasiness of facing an unknown territory that filled her brain.


Lin Jiangnian's slightly hoarse voice came.

"No, no!"

Zhao Xi's voice trembled slightly, but became more determined.

This, this is her final bottom line!

She was completely unprepared mentally, and was confused if she didn't want to...

Zhao Xi shook his head repeatedly and tried to stand up: "You, you, let me go first... This, this is really not possible..."


There was a hint of weak begging in her trembling voice.

Seeing the pitiful look in front of her because of fear, she who had always been confident showed such a weak look, which proved that she was indeed scared to the extreme.

Lin Jiangnian's heart softened. He was silent for a moment, took a deep breath, and wanted to calm down.

But, how can it be so easy to calm down?

"Then what should I do?" After a moment, Lin Jiangnian looked at her and asked.


When Zhao Xi heard this, he lowered his head subconsciously.

Then, he looked away in shame and blushed: "I, do I know?!"

"You, you figure it out yourself!"

Lin Jiangnian put the responsibility on her: "You caused this, you have to find a way!"


Zhao Xi gritted his teeth, looked away in shame, and said, "I, I can't help it..."

"No, you do!"

Zhao Xi's expression was frightened again: "That, that won't work..."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "There are other solutions."

"No, any other way?"

Zhao Xi blushed with embarrassment and looked at him in surprise.

I don't know what he has in mind.

Lin Jiangnian, on the other hand, pondered for a moment, as if thinking of something, he lowered his eyes inadvertently...


Zhao Xi was still stunned at first, but soon she noticed something from Lin Jiangnian's gaze.

Extremely ashamed and angry!

"You are obscene..."

"I haven't spoken yet?"

"There's something wrong with your eyes... No, absolutely not..."

"Is it really not possible?"


"No use refusing!"


"It doesn't matter, I can teach you!"


Less than half an hour later.

In the room, the dust settled.

Lin Jiangnian tidied his clothes and felt refreshed. Then, he turned to look at the soft couch beside him.

A waist-length black hair is scattered on the carpet, which is very beautiful. And that face that should be alluring and beautiful is now being covered tightly by a blanket, not even a bit exposed!

It’s like he has no face to see anyone!

It’s like pretending to be an ostrich, deceiving yourself and others!

Zhao Xi's graceful figure lay on her back on the soft couch, motionless. Under the plain white skirt, a pair of fair and slender legs were exposed. The thighs are plump and round, the calves are shapely, slender and exquisite.

Delightful for the eyes.

"Miss Zhao..."

After a moment of silence, Lin Jiangnian gathered his thoughts and was about to speak.


Under the blanket, Zhao Xi's angry voice came out, slightly trembling. Covered by the blanket, his voice was muffled.

But it can still be heard...she is gnashing her teeth.


"Get out of here!"


"Go away, go away, go away!!!"



Seeing that Miss Zhao's angry voice was getting louder and louder, Lin Jiangnian immediately stopped being angry and gave up as soon as he could. Come to the door, put on your shoes, open the door and walk out.

Now that Miss Zhao is so angry, it’s better not to offend her first!

Wait until she calms down before thinking of a solution.

Lin Jiangnian pondered in his mind and came to the corridor.

In the corridor, the cold wind was fierce.

It's getting dark.

It was not dark yet when we arrived, and now it is late at night.

Lin Jiangnian was about to leave when he accidentally saw a figure standing quietly under the eaves not far away.

A woman in smart clothes with an expressionless face was standing there silently.

Lin Jiangnian took a closer look and quickly recognized the identity of this person... He was the subordinate next to Zhao Xi, whom he had met several times before.

This person is a close confidant of Zhao Xi. He is usually responsible for helping Zhao Xi collect intelligence from the capital and handle some affairs in the capital. He has a very high status and should be roughly equivalent to Lin Qingqing who is next to Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian had no interaction with her and never spoke to her. After looking at her a few times, she happened to look up at Xiang Lin Jiangnian.

Looking into each other's eyes, Lin Jiangnian could see a bit of... indifference in her eyes!

Not the kind of hostile indifference, but a completely devoid of fear, neither humble nor arrogant.

This surprised Lin Jiangnian slightly and successfully attracted his attention. This subordinate obviously did not flatter him like the others.

Under the eaves, the woman stared quietly for a few times, then lowered her eyes again, not looking at Lin Jiangnian again. He said nothing and stood there quietly, as if he was one with the darkness.

Lin Jiangnian's heart was slightly frightened. The woman in front of him was not weak in martial arts and had a strong aura. She might not be weaker than him.

On second thought, as the daughter of Prime Minister Zhao, it seems not surprising that Zhao Xi has such a master protecting her.

But soon, Lin Jiangnian suddenly thought that if he had forcibly violated Zhao Xi's wishes in the room just now... would the woman in front of him just sit idly by and ignore him?

Will she loyally break in and save her young lady?

Or should I stand guard outside the door and play the song "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix" for fun?

After thinking carefully for a moment, Lin Jiangnian still felt that the former was more likely. Thinking of this, he felt a little lucky. After looking at the maid a few more times, he turned around and left.

inside the room.

It fell into an eerie silence.

There was silence all around, except for the sound of heavy breathing. After a long time, it finally calmed down.

On the soft couch, Zhao Xi slowly opened the blanket covering his face, first revealing a pair of beautiful eyes. After making sure that there was no one in the room, he completely opened it, revealing his exquisite, crimson face, which was stunningly red. !

The shame and anger in the beautiful eyes has not subsided for a long time, as if they were stained with blood, and they are so beautiful.

"Asshole, scumbag, vile, disgusting, perverted..."

Zhao Xi gritted her teeth and muttered all the words she could use to describe Lin Jiangnian.

A feeling of embarrassment filled her mind, making it difficult for her to calm down for a long time.

My heart is in turmoil!

In the chaos, there was so much confusion.

There's something vaguely weird that I can't describe...

The mind trembles.

Terrified and uneasy.

After a long time, she closed her eyes again. When I opened it again, I finally calmed down a lot.

She struggled to sit up, but she still felt paralyzed and weak. After a while, she was panting and struggled to sit up, arranging her slightly messy clothes.

"Barbaric, rude!"

Zhao Xi spoke bitterly.

Immediately, his eyes fell on his beautiful legs.

Very long, very white, and very red...

Very beautiful!

Just when Zhao Xi was thinking about something, she seemed to suddenly discover something, and her face instantly turned red again.

Beautiful eyes widened!

Shy voices sounded from within the room.

"Xiaoyue, Xiaoyue, Xiaoyue!!"

Soon, there was a sound of trotting outside the door.

"Miss, what's wrong?"

Xiaoyue's voice sounded outside the door. She heard the lady's anxious voice and was worried.

"Go, go prepare hot water, I, I want..."

"Hurry, hurry up!!!"

Backyard, bathroom.

After driving Xiaoyue away, Zhao Xi carefully walked into the bathroom.

First, she was very embarrassed and washed her legs with hot water over and over again, until her delicate and beautiful legs were flushed red.


But the weird feeling is still indelible.

In the end, Zhao Xi gave up!

She took a deep breath, stood by the bathtub, and took off her clothes. She stepped out of the bath and allowed the hot water in the pool to completely envelop her, with only her head floating on the water.

On the water, long black hair is scattered.

Under the water, Zhao Xi hugged his knees with his hands, feeling the hot water washing over his body. He stared blankly ahead, his head gradually becoming empty and slightly blank.

Complex emotions kept flashing across her face, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

It wasn't until a long time later that she came back to her senses. She lowered her eyes slightly and looked at her long, snow-white legs under the water, rippling with the water waves.

Her eyes were stunned, and she seemed to remember the scene not long ago...

For a moment, my breathing was a little rapid and my mind was unsteady.

Finally, she closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, her confused look had weakened a little.

After a while, she seemed to be mumbling something.

"Piaomiao, this time..."

"I'm afraid I'm really going to steal a man from you!"


This chapter took more than four hours to write, and I revised it for more than a dozen times before finally releasing it. It feels like it has been changed beyond recognition... For the sake of the author who has worked so hard, please give me some monthly votes~

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