Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 406 Why is she my sister?

In the bathroom, it was steaming and smoke was curling up.

Zhao Xi's entire body was completely immersed in the bathtub, letting the hot water fill her body. Her eyes were blankly thinking about something, and she remained motionless for a long time.

What remains are the occasional waves on the water and the looming snow-white figures under the water.

Diffused in the mist, it is mysterious and full of beauty.

It wasn't until a long time later that Zhao Xi in the bath seemed to finally come to his senses. The eyes that were originally in a trance became a little more brilliant.


With the sound of water falling to the ground, Zhao Xi slowly stood up and walked out of the bath.

She stepped barefoot on the edge of the pool, letting the crystal water droplets slide down her body. She soaked for too long, and her skin was slightly tender and red, and the heat filled the air.

The waist-length green silk hair was wet and scattered, clinging to the white and smooth back, with two petals like the full moon. In the hazy mist, those straight and slender legs stood together without any gaps.

Delicate, white, slender and round.

It was filled with fog and illuminated by lights, giving it a slightly fairy-like atmosphere.

Zhao Xi slowly walked aside, took off the towel and began to wipe the water drops on his body.

In the past, her personal maid Xiaoyue came to serve her. But today, Zhao Xi had just driven Xiaoyue away and specifically told her not to get close.

The reason is self-evident.

The soft and delicate towel wiped the water droplets on his body. When it wiped his chest, Zhao Xi's beautiful and delicate eyebrows frowned slightly.

There seems to be some pain.

He glanced down and saw some red marks.

It's not obvious, but...

As if recalling something, Zhao Xi's expression turned red again, and his eyes were filled with embarrassment.

How could my already delicate and smooth skin withstand being played with like this for the first time?

The fiery breath seemed to spread throughout his body again. Zhao Xi concentrated his mind and took a few deep breaths before gradually calming down.

Then wipe the water off your body and put on your clothes.

Wearing a light-colored luxurious dress with a golden phoenix embroidered on the skirt, it wrapped her already graceful figure and restored her previous noble and elegant temperament.

However, there was always a touch of red on that fair face that could not fade away for a long time.

Second floor.

The boudoir is filled with the fragrance of a woman.

Zhao Xi sat quietly in front of the bronze mirror on the dressing table, looking at himself in the mirror, lost in thought.

Behind him, Xiaoyue was carefully wiping the lady's wet hair.

The movements were gentle and skillful.

From time to time, Xiaoyue would get closer, smell it, and then couldn't help but exclaim: "Miss, you smell so good!"

When Xiaoyue looked at her young lady's beautiful and rosy face reflected through the bronze mirror, she was even more amazed: "Miss, you seem to have changed?!"


Zhao Xi was slightly startled and looked at the bronze mirror: "What has changed?"

"At once……"

Xiaoyue couldn't put it into words at once. She just felt that the lady was a little different, but it was hard to describe what was different.

The lady seems to look better today?

He also seems to be more energetic, and his face is rosy, as if he has been greatly moisturized?

Also, Xiaoyue can feel that the young lady has an indescribable... smell?

Xiaoyue racked her brains, but couldn't describe the change in her young lady. In the end, she could only reply: "My lady has become more beautiful, even better!"

Zhao Xi looked at himself in the bronze mirror and quickly realized the changes Xiaoyue mentioned.

Not to mention Xiaoyue, even Zhao Xi himself noticed that her face in the mirror was more rosy and dewy, as if she was more...feminine?

Zhao Xi stared blankly until Xiaoyue's voice came from behind him again: "Okay, miss, your hair has been dried!"


After coming back to his senses, Zhao Xi nodded slightly: "You go down first."


Xiaoyue said: "Miss, if you have any orders, call me again!"

After that, Xiaoyue went downstairs and left the room.

Zhao Xi was still sitting in front of the bronze mirror, and was in a daze for a while before looking back.

Looking back, he glanced at the corner of the balcony in the room.

"Where's my dad?"

In the corner of the balcony, the woman who had been guarding under the eaves was standing there quietly at some point.

If you don't observe carefully, it will be difficult to even detect her existence, just like a shadow in the dark.

"The master hasn't come back yet."

Zhao Xi was not surprised when he heard the news.

"Where is the palace? How is the situation?"

"The imperial city is sealed, and the situation in the palace is currently unknown. People in the capital are panicking. Today, the imperial army in the palace raided the residences of many officials, including Lu Fusheng, the Minister of Civil Affairs..."

At this point, the voice paused for a moment: "However, the people who were arrested and confiscated by the imperial guards today were basically officials directly related to the third prince. These people were more or less involved in the third prince's rebellion. But the remaining people involved in the case , there was no movement..."

Zhao Xi said nothing, she was still sitting in front of the bronze mirror, her beautiful eyes slightly lowered. A hint of concentration appeared on the originally red cheeks.

After a while, Zhao Xi's voice came again. However, this time the tone was a little colder.

"Where's Mitiansi?"

"There was no movement."

Zhao Xi suddenly raised his eyes and stared at the dark figure in the corner of the balcony.

"Mitiansi, are you safe?!"

"So far, there has been no movement in Mitiansi... The imperial guards in the palace have not been to Mitiansi either!"


The room suddenly fell into a long silence.

very quiet.

It was so quiet that it was even eerie.

Zhao Xi's beautiful eyes were filled with an indescribable solemnity.

It is almost an established fact that Mi Tiansi has colluded with the third prince. Now that the third prince's mutiny failed, why didn't the court liquidate Mi Tiansi?

Your Highness, what kind of medicine is being sold in the gourd?

After a while.

"Where's the eldest princess?"

Zhao Xi spoke again.

"Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess has not returned to the Princess Mansion since entering the palace yesterday, and is still in the palace."

"Let her..."

Zhao Xi was about to speak, but suddenly stopped. After a moment of silence, he waved his hand and said, "Okay, you should step aside first."


The maid in the corner of the balcony disappeared quietly, and Zhao Xi was still sitting in the room on the second floor, her pretty eyebrows furrowed.

There must have been something happening in the palace last night that she didn't know about.

Lin Jiangnian probably didn't lie to her, which meant that he didn't know what happened in the palace last night?

Zhao Xi suddenly realized that the relationship between the Crown Prince and Chen Zhao might not be that simple!

If Chen Zhao cannot be successfully defeated this time, will there be another chance in the future?

Zhao Xi's heart sank.

This is not a good sign.

Chen Zhao was favored by the emperor and had great power. Even if the third prince rebelled this time, his position would not be shaken. Then does she still have a chance to avenge Sister Xu?

It was late at night, and Zhao Xi still didn't have much sleepiness.

He rubbed his temples, feeling a little tight in his chest for no reason. He raised his eyes and glanced at the night outside the window, got up and went downstairs, wanting to go out for a walk.

When he reached the first floor and passed behind the screen, Zhao Xi suddenly stopped again. His eyes inadvertently fell on the soft couch not far away.

The soft couch has been rearranged a long time ago, and is neat and tidy, not as messy as before.

Zhao Xi looked at this scene, but in his mind, he unconsciously recalled the memory scenes that happened here not long ago.

Deep and clear!

The dull feeling that had been accumulating in my chest seemed to be getting even tighter.

Zhao Xi's delicate body felt a little warm, as if it were boiling hot. Vaguely, the beautiful snow-white legs hidden under the skirt were slightly soft.

She covered her chest with one hand and propped her other hand on the table. She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths.


When she opened her eyes again, Zhao Xi's eyes were filled with embarrassment, she clenched her silver teeth and said bitterly: "Humph, my advantage is not so easy to take advantage of..."

"This time, you have to help me!"


Night enveloped the imperial city.

In the dark night, rows of imperial guards patrolled the city closely. The sound of heavy and rapid footsteps was suppressed in the heart, making the originally cold imperial city even more eerie.

The palace doors were closed, and the atmosphere was terrifyingly dull. The chain reaction caused by this mutiny has just begun.

It rained heavily last night and the ground is still wet. Outside the palace gate, on the flat ground in front, several officials were kneeling.

These officials have been kneeling since morning, begging to see His Majesty and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. Among them were some famous and high-spirited officials in the past, but now they could only kneel down outside the palace gate in loneliness.

But the palace door was always closed, and the guards of the imperial army stood guard outside the palace door with their swords drawn, and a murderous aura rushed towards them.

On the order of the prince, they intercepted all these officials who had enjoyed great fame in the court outside the palace.

They stared at the officials in front of them with cold eyes, their minds unfocused and their eyes cold.

No one cares what these officials think.

This mutiny and rebellion was destined to rewrite the situation in the capital.

And the fate of these people in front of them may soon come to an end in this turmoil.

At the same time, inside the palace.

In the health palace.

In the courtyard in the center of the main hall, Li Cining was kneeling in the courtyard.

Wearing white robes and brocade clothes, he has an extraordinary temperament.

The courtyard was empty and silent.

Li Cunning raised his eyes and looked forward, his already pale face seemed to be getting weaker. But he remained motionless, looking firmly at the hall ahead.

That's where the father retreats!


The cold winter wind howled, causing Li Cunning's body to tremble slightly and he coughed twice violently.

"Your Highness, please take care of yourself!"

The palace maid kneeling behind her quickly spoke anxiously.

"It doesn't matter!"

Li Cunning took a deep breath and waved his hands.

At this time, a stooped figure in gray robe appeared under the eaves in front.

"Your Highness, go back."

A slightly hoarse sighing voice comforted His Highness.

Li Cunning slowly raised his eyes and looked at the man in gray robe in front of him.

His rickety body was like a waning old man, bent over, as if he would fall down if a gust of wind blew.

An extremely ordinary face, without any visible features.

Chen Zhao!

The most trusted confidant around my father.

"Eunuch Chen, where is your father?" Li Cunning stared at him and spoke in a deep voice.

Chen Zhao sighed and said: "Your Majesty is in retreat and doesn't see anyone... Your Majesty, please come back in a few days."

"No need!"

Li Cunning raised his eyes and looked at the main hall in front of him with a firm gaze: "I have something important to meet with my father. Please go and inform Eunuch Chen again!"

"Your Highness, why are you doing this?"

Chen Zhao sighed deeply, "When your Majesty is in retreat, no one is allowed to disturb you. This is an ironclad order. Your Majesty, aren't you putting this old slave in trouble?"

"If there are any consequences, I will bear them all!"

Li Cunning raised his eyes and slowly stared at Chen Zhao in front of him. There seemed to be some emotion brewing in his eyes. His voice was low: "Gu, I want to see my father!"

Chen Zhao's wrinkled face was like a dead tree, and his eyes were sunken, making it almost impossible to see clearly.

He was silent for a moment.

"In that case, let me go and inform His Highness again."

Chen Zhao slowly turned around and stepped into the hall again.

Li Cunning was still kneeling in the courtyard, staring at Chen Zhao's figure disappearing into the inner hall, neither happy nor sad, and said nothing.

Jiang Mansion.

When Lin Jiangnian returned to his house, it was almost midnight.

The house was quiet. When Lin Jiangnian returned to the courtyard, he found that the lights were still on in the room.

The door is slightly open.

Lin Jiangnian walked under the eaves and came to the door of the room.

"Your Highness?"

Soon, Xiaozhu's voice came from the room. Immediately afterwards, Xiaozhu, who was wearing a skirt, yawned and stood up to greet him in surprise.

"Your Highness, you finally come back..."

Xiaozhu walked in, and when he was about to speak, he suddenly stopped, sniffed, and his eyes gradually widened.

"Your Highness, you went out to eat secretly with Sister Zhiyuan on your back again?!"

Xiaozhu's eyes widened in disbelief.

Obviously, Xiaozhu smelled the lingering scent of another woman from His Highness who had returned from travels.

The scent is very familiar and strong... Obviously, His Highness must have had deep and intimate contact with another woman tonight!

Otherwise it would never be so rich!

! ! !

"Can you speak?"

Seeing Xiaozhu's wide-eyed look, Lin Jiangnian hugged her into his arms, tapped her head lightly, and ravaged her again: "What does stealing mean?"

"That's what it is!"

Xiaozhu covered his head with an aggrieved face: "Your Highness, you just went out to eat... There are Sisters Zhiyuan and Liuye in the house, and Your Highness, you went out to have a good time..."

The little maid's voice was obviously aggrieved, and she sniffed carefully... Yes, it was a woman!

It smells good, she must be a very beautiful woman!

And the identity must not be simple... Xiaozhu can smell that the rouge used by the other party is very expensive.

However, Lin Jiangnian didn't believe it. This little maid has been with him for a long time, and she is less and less afraid of him.

In the past, this little maid was respectful, obedient and cautious in front of him. Look now, even His Highness dares to make fun of him.

Is there any fear at all?

In the past, she was afraid that Lin Jiangnian would teach her a lesson, but now that Lin Jiangnian said he would teach her a lesson, it seemed like he was... rewarding her!

As expected, seeing His Highness ignoring her, Xiaozhu pouted her lips in grievance, but soon she started asking questions with interest.

"Your Highness, which girl are you looking for?"

"When will you bring it back?"

"Your Highness, you are carrying Sister Zhiyuan and Sister Liuye out to eat secretly... Aren't you afraid that they will find out?!"


Lin Jiangnian interrupted the little maid's enthusiastic questioning and ordered: "Go and prepare hot water, I want to take a bath!"


Xiaozhu snorted softly and pouted: "Your Highness, you just want to destroy the evidence, right?"

"Xiaozhu, you are so free, why don't you wait and help His Highness rub his back!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhu's face turned red immediately, and he quickly broke away from Lin Jiangnian's arms, shook his head and said in a panic: "No, no, no, no..."

What a back rub...

It's obviously an excuse!

His Highness always uses the excuse of rubbing his back, but something is wrong every time he rubs it!

She was the one who suffered in the end.

Either my hands are tired or my mouth is tired... Anyway, I am tired!

She doesn't want it!

After Xiaozhu broke free, she ran out of the room, fearing that Lin Jiangnian would really grab her and rub her back.

However, just as he ran to the door of the room, Xiaozhu thought of something again and stood at the door and turned around: "By the way, Your Highness, today... after you left, Sister Liuye went to Sister Zhiyuan's room..."

Having said this, Xiaozhu had a little worry on his face: "Your Highness, you have to be careful..."

Have you met?

Lin Jiangnian was not surprised when he heard the news. Zhiyuan said in the afternoon that he wanted to see Liu Su and chat with her. As for what they talked about...

"What's going on?" Lin Jiangnian asked.

"have no idea……"

Xiaozhu thought about it carefully, shook his head, and then added another sentence.

"There's no fight!"

Lin Jiangnian took a hot bath first and quickly washed away the dust and dirt all over his body.

At the same time, the remaining 'criminal evidence' today will also be eliminated!

Then after changing into clean clothes, he went to the next door.

"Zhiyuan, are you asleep?"

At the door of the room, Lin Jiangnian knocked on the door as usual.


Inside the room, the cold voice of Zhi Yuan came, and Lin Jiangnian opened the door and walked in.

The lights flicker and the warm fragrance fills the air.

Behind the screen, Zhiyuan was sitting on the bed, lowering his head and reading a book.

The upper part of her body was resting lightly on the head of the bed, covered with a quilt and wearing thin plain white pajamas. Her black hair was casually tied up with a plain hairpin, and her temperament had an indescribable cool beauty.

When she saw Lin Jiangnian walking in, she raised her eyes slightly. He noticed that Lin Jiangnian had just taken a bath and changed his clothes. He glanced twice more, said nothing, and lowered his head again.

"It's so late, what are you looking at?"

Lin Jiangnian came closer, smiled softly, and looked at the book in Zhiyuan's hand.

I thought that Zhiyuan was reading some miscellaneous books as usual, but when his eyes glanced around.

"Martial arts book!"

Zhiyuan is holding a secret book of martial arts moves in her hand. Judging from the content of the moves above, the origin of this secret book of martial arts is not simple.

"So diligent?"

Lin Jiang smiled young and sat on the edge of the bed, gently hugging Zhiyuan's waist.

Zhiyuan didn't struggle, raised her eyes slightly, glanced at him, and said calmly.

"If you want to ask, just ask."

Lin Jiangnian's expression slightly condensed, then he chuckled.

"Zhiyuan, you understand me best!"

Zhiyuan looked away, seemingly rolling her eyes, and ignored Lin Jiangnian's flattery.

"Have you met before?"

Lin Jiangnian hugged the girl in his arms tighter and asked softly.


Zhiyuan's answer was neither cold nor indifferent, making Lin Jiangnian unsure of her thoughts for a while.

"How's it going?"


Lin Jiangnian: "..."

What does okay mean?

He lowered his head and stared at Zhiyuan's fair face. After hesitating for a moment, he asked again: "What did you guys talk about today?"

Zhiyuan raised her eyes and glanced at him: "You want to know?"


"I do not want to tell you."


Bad learning!

Zhiyuan must have learned bad things... and been led bad by Liu Su!


Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but ask.

The more this happened, the more curious he became about what Zhiyuan said to Liu Su today. What can these 'plastic' sisters communicate with each other?

However, Zhiyuan had no intention of saying it

"You can ask her."

Zhiyuan said calmly: "She might be willing to tell you."

Go ask Liu Su?

He would definitely ask her later, but Lin Jiangnian obviously couldn't say anything now.

He coughed lightly: "Since this is a secret between you sisters, I won't ask..."

He didn't plan to dwell on this issue for too long, and thought of quickly removing it and changing the subject.

"By the way, what's going on in Beijing tonight? Have Qingqing and the others sent any new information?"

"Nothing happened."

Zhiyuan glanced back at him again: "Where did you go tonight?"

this problem……

Lin Jiangnian's heart trembled, and he said without changing his expression: "I went out to inquire about the situation in Beijing..."

He didn't lie... He went to find Zhao Xi, originally intending to find out the situation. As the daughter of Prime Minister Zhao, Lin Jiangnian thought that she might know some hidden secrets.

As for what happened next, it is uncontrollable and cannot be described in detail...

Zhiyuan listened to Lin Jiangnian's explanation and nodded slightly without saying much.

Then, she closed the book in her hand and put it down.


"Then take a rest early."

Seeing Zhiyuan take the initiative to take a rest, Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised. When he was about to take action, he saw Zhiyuan didn't move and looked at him calmly.

Without blinking.

The smile on Lin Jiangnian's face gradually condensed: "Zhiyuan, are you... trying to drive me away?"

Zhiyuan didn't speak and stared at him quietly.

It's obvious.


"I am not happy."

"Why are you unhappy?"

Lin Jiangnian was wondering, was Zhiyuan having a conflict with Liu Su after meeting?

At this time, I heard Zhiyuan speak expressionlessly.

"You lied to me."

Lie to her?

Lin Jiangnian was about to explain when he met Zhiyuan's cold eyes.

"Are you really going to inquire about the situation tonight?"


Lin Jiangnian was eventually kicked out.

Standing outside the door in the cold wind, he sighed deeply.

Although Lin Jiangnian tried his best to quibble, his original intention of going out tonight was to inquire about the situation... But obviously, this excuse was enough to deceive Xiaozhu, but it was not that easy to deceive Zhiyuan.

Lin Jiangnian, who was kicked out, could only sigh and turned to another courtyard.

Since Zhiyuan won't let him in, he came to Liu Su.

However, on Liu Su's side, Lin Jiangnian couldn't even get in and was turned away!

Standing in the Cold Wind Courtyard, Lin Jiangnian felt an inexplicable and lonely feeling of being abandoned.

Early the next morning.

Lin Jiangnian got up early.

In the early morning, he was very angry!

I was provoked to anger by Miss Zhao last night, but it was relieved with Lin Jiangnian's repeated requests and her help. But Lin Jiangnian, who had practiced the Xuanyang Heart Method, already had strong Qi and blood. As a young man, naturally it is not easy to get angry.

When he woke up in the morning, taking advantage of his strong Qi and blood, Lin Jiangnian crossed his legs in the room to practice internal energy.

As he practiced day after day during this period, Lin Jiangnian never slackened off. Now his internal strength is getting stronger and he is becoming more diligent!

Lin Jiangnian is even confident that with his current internal strength, he is confident that he will defeat all the protectors from Mi Tiansi not long ago except for the great protector!

As for facing the great protector... Lin Jiangnian was confident that he could dodge a few moves.

Lin Jiangnian stood up, changed into powerful clothes, came to the courtyard, and started practicing external martial arts.

A true master cannot slack off in both internal and external skills.

Must practice both!

What Lin Jiangnian is practicing today is - "Nine Techniques of Sword"!

This set of supreme swordsmanship skills taught to him by Senior Li in Ruyi Building in the past has still not been put to practical use by Lin Jiangnian. The more you practice, the more you will discover the subtleties of this set of swordsmanship. The moves are complex and cumbersome, and the moves are ever-changing!

When he first started learning, Lin Jiangnian's strength was still not able to display one-thousandth of it. Even now, Lin Jiangnian's power is less than one-tenth.

But the more he studied, the more Lin Jiangnian was able to understand the essence of this swordsmanship. No wonder it is called the highest secret of swordsmanship. This also makes Lin Jiangnian more and more curious about the relationship between senior Li in Ruyi Building and swordsmanship?

And Lin Jiangnian believed that as his martial arts became more refined and his strength continued to improve, this swordsmanship would one day flourish in his hands.

Maybe one day it will play a truly vital role.

While Lin Jiangnian was practicing diligently in the courtyard, he saw someone in the courtyard next door and at the entrance of the courtyard. At some point, a graceful figure was leaning there quietly, watching Lin Jiangnian practicing in the courtyard.

There was a hint of indescribable surprise in those beautiful eyes.

Liu Su's mood was very complicated.

Perhaps, she still underestimated this guy's martial arts talent.

When they first met, she did find that this guy had good martial arts talent. But he never expected that his martial arts would improve by leaps and bounds in less than a year.

It is not easy for ordinary people to get started in practicing martial arts. It can take at least a few months or at most a few years. If you want to practice martial arts, you must first lay a solid foundation.

And if you want to truly step into the ranks of masters, it is impossible without several years of hard training.

But this guy, in less than a year, went from a guy who didn't know any martial arts to where he is now. Even with the resource bonus from Linwangfu and the guidance of top experts and famous teachers, many detours can be avoided.

But, it’s already quite surprising!

Although there is still a long way to go before we are among the top masters, according to the current progress, it seems that it is not impossible for this guy to surpass her one day in the future?

Thinking of this, Liu Su's mood became more complicated.

This guy is the son of Lin Hengzhong, and of course he is talented in martial arts. He also has Xuanyang Mind Technique, one of the top mental skills in the world, at his side. In the future...

For some reason, Liu Su suddenly remembered the bet she made with this guy the last time she was in that house...

No, will it really happen one day?

In the courtyard.

The sword energy was everywhere, and the place was in a mess.

Lin Jiangnian was sweating profusely and panting. His clothes were soaked and clung to his body, vaguely revealing his strong tendons.

Lin Jiangnian became more and more proficient in swordsmanship and martial arts. Lin Jiangnian was very satisfied with this. He sheathed his sword and was about to turn around when he saw the figure at the entrance of the courtyard not far away, who had been standing quietly for a long time, observing.


Lin Jiangnian smiled and said hello.

Liu Su frowned slightly and looked at him: "The swordsmanship you practiced just now was... the nine sword arts?"

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "Exactly."

"Who taught you this?"

Liu Su looked suspiciously: "That eldest princess?"

"Nine Techniques of Sword" is an unparalleled secret of swordsmanship. Where did Lin Jiangnian learn it?

The only possibility that Liu Su could think of was the successor from the swordsmanship... Li Miaomiao!

She even taught him the "Nine Arts of Sword"?

Thinking of this, Liu Su's eyes became more suspicious. What is the relationship between him and the eldest princess?

"of course not."

Seeing Liu Su's suspicious eyes, Lin Jiangnian shook his head lightly and explained: "I learned these nine sword skills when I was still in Prince Lin's Mansion."

But Liu Su didn't believe it: "Don't tell me, there are even top swordsmanship skills such as "Nine Arts of Sword" in Ruyi Building?"

She knew that there were countless martial arts secrets from various schools in the world collected in Ruyi Tower. But "Nine Arts of Sword" is not an ordinary martial arts secret.

It is the supreme art of swordsmanship, and there are very few people who can learn this swordsmanship. What's more, the close relationship between swordsmanship and the imperial court would allow Lin Wangfu to obtain such a unique skill?

"Of course there is no "Nine Arts of Sword" in Ruyi Tower!"

Lin Jiangnian explained in a young voice: "However, there is a mysterious senior in Ruyi Building..."

Lin Jiangnian briefly explained the existence of the senior in Ruyi Building to Liu Su. After listening to this, Liu Su fell into deep thought for a while, seeming to be thinking about the origin of this mysterious senior.

But then, Liu Su suddenly remembered something and raised her eyes to stare at him: "Wait, so you learned the "Nine Techniques of the Sword" when I was still in Prince Lin's Mansion?"

"But you didn't tell me?"

"You met that mysterious senior the first time you went to Ruyi Tower, but you have always kept it secret from me?"

"Have you been lying to me since Prince Lin's Mansion?!"

Faced with Liu Su's sudden reaction to the question, Lin Jiangnian remained calm. Although he felt a little guilty, he still said confidently: "How can I lie to didn't even ask!"

Lin Jiangnian did have reservations about Liu Su at the beginning and did not fully explain it honestly.

At that time, he was thinking about how to get rid of Liu Su's control, and that senior Li was Lin Jiangnian's greatest hope. So in front of Liu Su, Lin Jiangnian deliberately concealed the existence of Senior Li.

Apart from Lin Hengzhong, the only person who knew about the existence of Senior Li was Zhi Yuan. Therefore, as long as Lin Jiangnian didn't mention it, no one would know.

But now as his relationship with Liu Su progresses, the original concealment naturally becomes irrelevant.

Liu Su obviously realized this, clenching her silver teeth and staring at him angrily with her beautiful eyes.

Even though she knew what this guy did was right, she would still do it even if it were her. But...when she thought about how much this guy had lied to her in the first place, she felt inexplicably angry!

Was this guy plotting against her from the beginning?

The more I think about it, the angrier I get!


Liu Su Leng glared at him, ignored him, and turned away angrily.

Lin Jiangnian wanted to catch up, but found himself covered in cold sweat. It was better to take a shower and change clothes first. After changing into clean clothes, he came to the door of Liu Su's room.



"Xiao Susu?"


"Shut up!"

In the room, Liu Su's impatient voice came from gritting his teeth.

This title gave her goosebumps.

"You open the door first."

"not open!"

"You open the door first and let's have a nice chat."

"I have nothing to talk to you about."

"If you don't open the door, will I force my way in?"




Lin Jiangnian was just outside the door, thinking about how to force his way in. The door was suddenly opened, and Liu Su, whose face was a little red, appeared at the door, glaring at him with a cold face.

"What are you doing here?!"

"Don't you want to talk to you about this?"

"Let's talk."

Liu Su blocked the door, raised her beautiful eyes slightly, and spoke with a cold face.

"Let's talk after we go in."

Liu Su blocked the door.

"If you have anything to say, just say it here."

"Go in and talk!"


Liu Su refused coldly and glared at him: "I'm afraid you have evil intentions towards me!"

"Am I that kind of person?"

Liu Su sneered: "Aren't you?"

Lin Jiangnian wanted to refute, but couldn't refute a single word.

Not to mention, Saint Liu is really good at reading people...

"...Wasn't this because I was ignorant before?"

Lin Jiangnian made an excuse. Seeing that Liu Su was still blocking the door, he stepped forward to hug her.

"What are you doing?"

Liu Su was aware of it and retreated to avoid it.

In this way, the way to the door is cleared. Lin Jiangnian took advantage of the situation and stepped forward with one foot, followed closely by the other foot, and squeezed in.


Lin Jiangnian closed the door skillfully.

inside the room.

Seeing Lin Jiangnian forcing his way in like this, Liu Su had no choice but to be angry again. She snorted coldly, walked to a table and sat down with a straight face.

"If you have anything to do, tell me!"

After closing the door, Lin Jiangnian approached Liu Su again.

Liu Su raised her head and warned: "You, stay away from me."

Lin Jiangnian saw this: "Are you still angry?"

"Why am I angry?"

Liu Su glanced at him and snorted: "I don't want to get too close to a married man, so as not to be misunderstood!"

Lin Jiangnian couldn't laugh or cry: "What are you talking about, a married man?"

"Is that wrong?"

Liu Su glanced at him and sneered: "Aren't you the fiancé of the eldest princess?"


"Aren't you still going to marry the guy next door?"


"Married men, stay away from this saint!"

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

How could he not understand what it meant?

"Jealous and angry?"

"Why am I jealous? What does it have to do with me?!"

Seeing Lin Jiangnian continue to approach, Liu Su glared and warned him: "Stay away from me...did you hear that?"

Lin Jiangnian naturally didn't listen and sat down next to Liu Su. Seeing Liu Su struggling to retreat, he grabbed her hand to prevent her from running away.

"Are you saying you're not jealous? I can smell the strong sour smell in the air."

Lin Jiangnian sighed.

"Oh, is there something wrong with your nose? Where does the sour smell come from?!"

Liu Su sneered and continued to struggle hard, trying to get rid of Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian refused, and the two began to secretly compete.

After a while, Liu Su gave up.

Can't break free.

Unless you take it seriously!

The guy in front of her is not weak in martial arts now. Although he is not as good as her, you have to be serious if you want to break away from him. But once she gets serious, she can't hold back...

Thinking of this, Liu Su became even more angry.

Seeing Lin Jiangnian clinging to her like dog skin plaster, she glared at him angrily: "Have you touched her enough?"

"My name is Qian!"

"Then have you had enough?"


"You have the ability to hold her in front of the woman next door!" Liu Su sneered.

There is a woman next door on the left and a woman next door on the right. You can hear the anger in Liu Su's tone. This made Lin Jiangnian even more curious. What did the two of them say last night?

"Okay, okay, don't be angry yet!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke in a comforting voice.

"Let me go first!"

Lin Jiangnian saw this and let go of her.

With his hand free again, Liu Su continued to glare: "Stay away from me."

Lin Jiangnian did not move away. He quietly looked at Liu Su, who seemed to be angry, and sighed softly: "What did you two talk about yesterday?"

Liu Su sneered: "She didn't tell you?"


"Then why should I tell you?"


"Okay, then I won't ask."

Facing Liu Su, who was irritating every word in front of him, Lin Jiangnianming did not continue to stimulate her.

"Then what are your plans next?"

Lin Jiangnian said: "The third prince's rebellion will have a huge impact in the future. Your Tianshen Sect will definitely be implicated... Do you still plan to return to the Tianshen Sect?"

Seeing that Lin Jiangnian did not continue to press, Liu Su fell silent, and her expression gradually softened a lot.

She lowered her eyes, glanced at Lin Jiangnian, and said as if mocking herself: "If I don't return to the Tianshen Cult, where can I go?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her quietly: "You know, as long as you are willing..."

"What if I don't want to?"

Liu Su raised her eyes, looked into his eyes, and asked.

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and said, "I will respect your wishes. No matter where you want to go, I will support you."

Lin Jiangnian knew that he could not trap Liu Su. Forcing them to stay will only be counterproductive. Rather than doing this, it would be better to simply do it.

If Liu Su could really be forced to stay by him, then she wouldn't be the Saint Liu whom Lin Jiangnian knew.

Liu Su was slightly startled. She looked at Lin Jiangnian in front of her quietly, silent, her red lips trembling slightly. In the end, nothing was said.

She took a deep breath and looked away.

"In fact, I do not know."

"I haven't decided yet, where should I go..."


After a long silence, Liu Su looked up at Lin Jiangnian again: "I won't stay either."

Lin Jiangnian looked at her quietly: "Why?"

"No why, if you have to give me a reason..."

"I feel so embarrassed!"

"I can't get over this hurdle in my heart, and I can't accept living under the same roof as the woman next door..."

Liu Su spoke expressionlessly.

How could she accept this kind of thing?


"Why does she dare to call herself my sister?"

A sneer appeared on Liu Su's cold face, "She doesn't even know when she was born, so what qualifications does she have to call herself my sister?"

Lin Jiangnian was stunned. He didn't know the specific time of Zhiyuan's birth. When Princess Lin rescued Zhiyuan, she was still in her infancy. We can only roughly estimate the date, but the exact time is not clear.

"how about you?"

Liu Su Leng glared at him and said nothing.


Lin Jiangnian understands!

have to!

She doesn't know either.

So, this is... a story about a pair of biological sisters, neither of whom knows when they were born, arguing about who is the older sister?

"what are you laughing at?"

Liu Su glanced at him.


Lin Jiangnian suppressed the smile in his eyes, took her hand again, and held it tightly: "Is it because of her that you don't want to stay?"

This time, Liu Su did not resist. She glanced down and let him go.

"Not entirely..."

Liu Su pouted.

Just when she was about to say something, she seemed to think of something and suddenly stared at Lin Jiangnian.


"Don't you want to know what I told her yesterday?"

Liu Su looked at him, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Please help me do something!"

"I'll tell you!"


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