Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 407 The Emperor’s ‘Legal Edict’

Imperial City.

Health Hall.

The cold wind is still raging, but the air seems to be getting heavier.

In the courtyard of the palace.

"Father still doesn't want to see Gu?"

Li Cunning, dressed in white and brocade robes, was still kneeling in the courtyard, his figure becoming more and more lonely, as if he would fall down at any time.

"Your Majesty is in retreat at a critical moment, and no one is here... Your Highness, you'd better go back first."

Chen Zhao's rickety figure appeared at the side, sighed and spoke, trying to comfort him.

"Your Highness, you have been kneeling here for a day and a night. Your Highness just fell seriously ill not long ago and has not yet recovered. His body and bones are in critical condition. If something goes wrong, this servant cannot afford it..."

In the courtyard, Li Cunning slowly raised his head and looked at the hall in front of him. After a moment, he turned to look at Chen Zhao.

There was no expression on his face, but his eyes were extremely determined.

He stared at Chen Zhao quietly for a long time and finally spoke slowly. The voice almost came from the throat, extremely low: "Father, are you really in retreat?"

"Your Highness, what do you mean by this?"

"You know what Gu is talking about!"

Li Cunning stared at him.

"Why did my father completely ignore the government affairs this time in seclusion? Why has no news about my father come out after such a long period of seclusion? Even though the court is in danger now, the northern grassland tribes are stationed with troops, and our Daning Dynasty is on the verge of collapse. But there is still no news from my father..."

"Mr. Chen, father, are you really still in seclusion?"

Li Cunning's voice was low and hoarse, but seemed to be shrouded in a shadow as he asked coldly.

Chen Zhao's expression also changed slightly after hearing these words: "Your Majesty is practicing the way of immortality, so he should be blind to what is happening outside the window..."

"Before His Majesty went into seclusion, he ordered His Majesty to supervise the country. This is a sign of trust in His Majesty..."

"Could it be that His Highness is doubting this old slave?"

Li Cunning stared coldly at Chen Zhao in front of him without saying a word.

Chen Zhao stood quietly aside, his figure still stooped and bent, his old face without any emotion, and his eyes sunken.

Li Cunning retracted his gaze and looked towards the inner hall ahead, his expression slightly condensed.

Then, he slowly stood up from the ground.

"Gu, I want to see my father!"

Hearing this, Chen Zhao spoke again: "Your Majesty is closing..."

"I want to see my father!"

Li Cunning repeated coldly, interrupting him.

"What, you want to stop me?"

"I don't dare!"

Chen Zhao lowered his eyes, but then said: "I have been ordered by Your Majesty to strictly prohibit anyone from approaching and disturbing His Majesty's Qing Dynasty... Your Highness, please don't embarrass me!"

"I want to see my father!"

Li Cunning's voice was still cold and he repeated it again.

This time, the tone was full of determination and indifference.

The next second, he walked towards the inner hall.

"Your Highness!"

Wearing a black robe and a stooped figure, Chen Zhao stood in front of Li Cunning.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

At the same time, there was a rush of footsteps outside the hospital.

Several figures flew in from outside the courtyard, accompanied by the sound of swords being unsheathed and a sharp cold light. When the original guards in the palace saw this, they immediately drew their swords.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the inner hall was tense.

Confront each other!

Seeing this scene, Chen Zhao's eyes were deep and his voice became hoarse: "Your Highness, why are you embarrassing this old slave like this?"

"Today, no one can stop me from seeing my father!"

Li Cunning put his hands behind his back and stared at Chen Zhao with cold eyes.

"Chen Zhao, do you want to take action against Gu Gu and commit rebellion?!"

Behind him were countless guards with murderous auras. At the same time, there were several majestic and powerful auras surging outside the inner hall.

There are experts who have been waiting for a long time!

Chen Zhao's reaction made Li Cunning more and more convinced that something might happen to his father.

Today, he must see his father!

No one can stop it!

The atmosphere became increasingly tense, and it seemed that the swords were about to confront each other in the next second.

Just when they were about to reach an unavoidable conflict, a deep voice suddenly came from the inner hall.

"Ning'er, come in."

As soon as this voice came out, Li Cunning suddenly raised his eyes.


There was a hint of excitement in his eyes, and he looked up at the inner hall.

Father, have you finally responded? !

At the same time, the guards all around who were at war with each other fell to their knees one after another.

"See Your Majesty!"

Chen Zhao, who was standing in front of Li Cunning, heard the voice, his expression remained unchanged, and he slowly stepped aside.

"Your Highness, please!"

Li Cunning suppressed the excitement in his heart, straightened his clothes, and stepped into the inner hall.

There are several Buddha statues placed in the inner hall, and tributes are placed in front of the Buddha statues. Other than that, it was empty.

Behind the Buddha statue, there is a secret door.

Li Cunning walked into the secret door, followed the dim light, walked through a long stone wall corridor, and finally came to the innermost secret room.

Standing at the door, Li Cunning became more and more excited.

Finally, he reached out tremblingly and slowly pushed open the secret door.

Behind the secret door is a secret room!

The secret room is surrounded by stone walls and is extremely simple, in sharp contrast to the luxury of the bustling imperial city.

The niches around the stone wall were lit with lights, and the entire stone wall seemed airtight, giving people an extremely depressing feeling.

Right in front, there are also several unnamed Buddha statues enshrined. Sandalwood incense is lit in front of the Buddha statues, and smoke curls up.

On the futon in front of the Buddha statue, a slightly aged figure sat there with his back to the door!


When he saw this figure, even though he hadn't seen him for a long time, Li Cunning still recognized him at a glance.

He looked excited and fell to his knees with a plop.

"My son, please pay homage to your father!"


The old and deep voice came, seeming to be indescribably weak.

Li Cunning slowly raised his head, and the emperor on the futon in front of him had turned around and looked at him at some point. But when Li Cunning's eyes fell on his father's face, his eyes immediately became horrified.

"Father, you...what's wrong with you?!"

At this moment, Li Cunning was extremely shocked.

What appeared in front of him was an old man who looked like he was dying.

His hair turned gray, his skin became old, and his figure became thin and rickety. There was not much life in his body, like an old man who was about to die at any time.

This scene made Li Cunning unbelievable!

My father is only in his early fifties now. Although he is not young, he is definitely not old either. The last time I saw my father, he was obviously in good condition. But it has only been more than half a year since we last met. Why is my father in such a state? !

"What the hell is going on?!"

Li Cunning's tone was trembling: "Father, you, what on earth is going on with you?!"

"Who turned you into this?!"

On the futon, the Daning Dynasty is now the emperor, the emperor who single-handedly laid the foundation for the prosperity of the Daning Dynasty today. At this moment, he looks like a dying old man who is about to enter the grave, with no trace of his former glory.

He looked at the prince who was kneeling in front of him, and something seemed to be flickering in his eyes.

"I'm afraid I don't have much time left."

Emperor Ning's voice was hoarse and low, as if he had run out of gas and was very old. It was completely different from the sound of the strong inner force penetrating the secret room and reaching the Yangxin Hall just now.

Li Cunning looked shocked when he heard this: "Father, what is going on? Why do you suddenly become like this when you are so good?"

"Don't worry!"

Emperor Ning waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to worry.

"I should have died a long time ago. It is a miracle that I can survive until now!"

Emperor Ning squinted his eyes and said in a hoarse and low voice: "I, when the imperial commander personally conquered southern Xinjiang, he was seriously injured..."

Hearing this, Li Cunning raised his head in shock.

He had indeed heard about this matter. Historical records in the palace recorded that more than ten years ago, his father had conducted a personal expedition against the countries in southern Xinjiang.

That year, my father was in his prime, the age when his body and ambition were at their strongest!

Some people say that his father was worried that Lin Hengzhong, the general of the Southern Expedition at that time, was too powerful and prestige, so he went to the expedition in person to beat him.

Some people also say that the father wanted to expand the territory himself, and wanted to be like Taizu and become an emperor who could kill enemies on horseback and rule the country on horseback.

There are different opinions on the purpose, but it is recorded in the palace historical materials that not long after the emperor's personal expedition, he returned to the court with his troops. After that, the matter was never mentioned again in the palace.

No one noticed anything unusual at that time, but they just felt a little strange about His Majesty's behavior!

Now, after hearing his father's words, Li Cunning finally realized something... Was his father injured during that personal expedition, leaving serious sequelae? !

"I was in my prime at the time. Although the injury was serious, it was not serious. However, I still underestimated the insidiousness of the tribes in southern Xinjiang..."

Emperor Ning's voice was unusually low.

More than ten years ago, Emperor Ning was a master of both civil and military arts. He was proficient in both literary and military skills. Although his martial arts skills were not unparalleled in the world, he was definitely considered a top master.

Ordinary injuries are not serious to him.

But the problem is...

"Although my injury seems to be healed, I was poisoned without knowing it..."


Li Cunning couldn't help but said: "Didn't the imperial doctor see it?"

"That is not an ordinary poison, but an extremely rare poison in the world!"


"This kind of poison is so subtle that ordinary people can't even notice it... Although I felt unwell at the time, I didn't take it to heart."

Emperor Ning's eyes were deep, and there was a hint of regret in his eyes.

"When I was young, I had strong internal energy, so this poison could not cause any harm to me... But as I got older, my body began to gradually deteriorate, and this poison gradually eroded me in my body. wasn't until a few years ago that I finally realized something was wrong..."

Li Cunning also suddenly remembered that his father had suddenly announced that he would practice seclusion a few years ago, claiming to the outside world that he wanted to practice the art of immortality.

At that time, the officials in the court were admonishing him, and some officials even scolded his father for being fatuous in his later years. But my father still went his own way... It turned out that at that time, my father noticed something was wrong with his body, and the seclusion was just a cover?

"Over the years, I have been sending Mi Tiansi to secretly search for the antidote. I have also sent people to southern Xinjiang to find the assassin who assassinated me, but to no avail..."

"My body has finally begun to collapse. Although I am still alive, I am aging faster..."

When he said this, there was a hint of trembling in Emperor Ning's tone.

As if he was afraid of something.

When facing life and death, even the lofty emperor of the dynasty will inevitably feel fear.

"More than half a year ago, I should have died...but Chen Zhao found a life-extending prescription from the folk, and I have been able to survive until now..."

"However, I don't know how long I can last..."

Speaking of this, Emperor Ning's breath seemed to have disappeared, and his whole person became more and more gloomy.

It seems like it will disappear at any moment!

At this time, Li Cunning finally understood the reason why his father had to go into seclusion...not for immortality at all, nor for his father to become a coward, but...for survival!

In order to survive, my father has reached this point.

The so-called retreat is a last resort!

Li Cunning felt extremely heavy, and this truth still made him a little uncomfortable: "Father, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Why has there been no news in the past six months?"

"I thought you..."

He did not continue.

Before meeting his father today, he had countless speculations in his mind. Even in the court, there are many speculations and suspicions among the people.

The most speculated person is that the father may have... passed away!

In Li Cunning's heart, he was even more suspicious of Chen Zhao. He even suspected that his father's seclusion was just a cover. The real situation was that Chen Zhao controlled his father and tried to coerce the emperor to order the princes and bring trouble to the court.

"I can't show up again!"

Emperor Ning looked at Li Cunning in front of him. This was the prince he had supported and the heir he had chosen.

However, he is still too young now and cannot support such a huge dynasty.

Even more...

Ning'er's personality is not suitable for being a prince!

"I must not appear in the court like this, and I must not let anyone discover me."

"Otherwise, the world will be in chaos!"

Emperor Ning's voice gradually became serious. Even now, he still had an aura of calmness and authority.

Once word spreads about his waning appearance, it will definitely cause panic in the world.

The death of the emperor means that there will be a change of dynasty, which will inevitably lead to turmoil.

At this time, how could Ning'er, who was still young and had not yet gained enough prestige in the court, suppress the civil and military forces of the court? !

How can we suppress the two powerful kings with different surnames in the north and south? !

Therefore, he cannot die!

Let alone anyone knowing that he is going to die!

And retreat is his best choice.

Emperor Ning's decades-long career as an emperor, during which he fought in both the south and the north, not only created the current prosperous situation of the Daning Dynasty, but also accomplished the long-cherished wish of unifying the dynasty that had failed to come true for generations of previous emperors...

In terms of merit, he is comparable to Taizu!

In terms of prestige, Emperor Ning has almost reached its peak in the court and among the people!

As long as he is alive, there will be no chaos in this court, nor in the world!

But once he dies, the peaceful scene that barely maintains balance will be broken in an instant!

Therefore, retreat is also a deterrent.

Let those who are ready to take action not dare to act rashly.

At this time, Li Cunning also instantly understood his father's good intentions, and an indescribable choking emotion emerged in his heart.


Li Cunning's voice trembled slightly and he wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Emperor Ning waving his hand.

Emperor Ning's voice suddenly became a little lonely: "In the future, the power of the Ning Dynasty will be in your hands. I hope you will not disappoint me, nor will you disappoint the ancestors..."

Li Cunning's eyes turned red, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Father, don't worry, I will definitely live up to the expectations of you and my ancestors!"

"such a pity……"

Emperor Ning seemed to have thought of something, and there was a trace of worry in his deep eyes: "I have left you with two difficult problems. I'm afraid you need to find a solution on your own!"

"My son, I will definitely find a way to solve it!"

Emperor Ning nodded, looking pleased. But after a while, he sighed again: "It's also my fault that I was too confident and too eager to achieve success back then!"

At that time, Emperor Ning was very high-spirited and wanted to fulfill his long-cherished wish for unification that had eluded generations of people.

He succeeded!

After destroying more than a dozen large and small countries in southern Xinjiang, the dynasty was finally unified.

But at the same time, there are also hidden dangers.

In this battle for unification, a man named Lin Hengzhong emerged. This man was excellent in both culture, military and military skills, and was a rare general. Emperor Ning reused Lin Hengzhong, and Lin Hengzhong did not disappoint him. In just a few years, he brought out an elite army, which was overwhelmingly powerful, and the countries in the southern border were now unified.

But in the same way, as Lin Hengzhong destroyed the countries in the southern Xinjiang, he made great military exploits and gained a high prestige among the people and the army! There are even rumors in the army that Lin Heng will occupy the south and establish himself as king!

With such illustrious military exploits, no reward other than being crowned king would be enough to compare with this person's military exploits.

And Emperor Ning had to make an exception and be crowned king again.

A hundred years after the establishment of the dynasty, there is another king with a different surname!

For Emperor Ning at that time, he was in high spirits and immersed in the dream of becoming an emperor for eternity. He has a high prestige among the people and the military, and he is not worried about being unable to suppress Lin Hengzhong.

And he also has plenty of time to weaken Lin Hengzhong and regain control of him.

But before Emperor Ning's plan could be fully implemented, this sudden physical change disrupted all his plans.

So much so that it has reached the present point.

Since he is still alive, there is no need to worry too much about Lin Hengzhong's rebellion, but what happens after he dies?

Can Ning'er control Lin Hengzhong?

With hundreds of thousands of troops at their disposal and entrenched in the southern territory of the dynasty, will the Lin family repeat the drama of dynasty split in the next generation, or the next generation after that?

Li Cunning understood his father's worries. He gritted his teeth secretly and said firmly, "Father, don't worry, I will never allow anyone to split the dynasty!"

Emperor Ning looked pleased and nodded.

"However, I have not been completely unprepared all these years. When the time comes, I will hand these over to you, and I can help you a lot at critical moments... But the rest is up to you..."

At this moment, Li Cunning felt sad.

He could tell that his father was giving his last words and funeral arrangements.

The waning father in front of him has lost half of his former majestic and powerful aura. His father's words were like a heavy responsibility, weighing heavily on his shoulders.

On his shoulders is the hope of the entire dynasty!

He couldn't relax no matter what.


Li Cunning looked up at Emperor Ning, his eyes full of sadness. But at the same time, there are still many doubts and puzzles.

Waiting for the father's answer.

Emperor Ning seemed to see what he was thinking and said, "If you want to ask anything, just ask."

Li Cunning hesitated and asked, "Third brother, he..."

"You want to ask, why do I want to keep Yuan'er in the capital and become an obstacle to you?"

Li Cunning lowered his eyes: "Father, do you want to train your sons?"

"You were half right!"

Emperor Ning spoke slowly: "Actually, Yuan'er is more suitable to be emperor than you!"

Li Cunning said nothing, quietly waiting for his father's answer.

"In terms of ability, strategy, and country governance... Yuan'er is not as good as you. In these aspects, you are indeed much better than him. But Yuan'er has one thing, he is much better than you!"

Emperor Ning looked at him: "Yuan'er is more cruel, decisive, and cold-blooded than you..."

"That's what you lack...and now, our Daning Dynasty needs a ruthless and iron-blooded king to shock those little ones..."

"Yuan'er is undoubtedly more suitable than you!"

Li Cunning was silent.

He instinctively wanted to retort, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say a word.

He suddenly realized vaguely that maybe his father was right?

"If nothing happens to my body, after I remove all obstacles and leave a peaceful country for you, you can indeed become a king of the prosperous dynasty. But your temper is too soft, which is exactly what you need as an emperor. Fatal flaw…”

"You can't control the current ministers in the court, nor can you control the Lin family and Xu family in the north and south..."

"Although Yuan'er is not as good as you in everything, his temperament and methods are just right for sitting in this position."

Li Cunning was silent for a long time: "But the third brother is ruthless and too cruel. I am worried that he will..."

"He cannot become a tyrant!"

Emperor Ning said, "Now the kings of the north and the south are eyeing each other, and the factions in the court are complicated. Whether you or Yuan'er takes this position, they will face pressure from all parties... How will he have the chance to become a cruel emperor?"

Li Cunning was silent. This was something he had not thought about in detail.

But when he heard his father's words, for some reason, he felt a little... recognition?

In peaceful times, a ruthless prince without the restraint of power may indeed become a cruel and unkind tyrant.

However, nowadays, the Daning Dynasty is experiencing internal and external troubles, and there are many factions in the court. Even if the third brother really takes that position as he wishes, how much power does he have in his hands to allow him to act as a tyrant unscrupulously?

Thinking of this, Li Cunning fell silent!

After a while, he finally spoke: "So, my father always wanted my third brother to be the heir apparent?"

Emperor Ning looked at Li Cunning in front of him quietly and said in a deep voice: "Yuan'er, I still lost to you after all. This is his life. He can't blame others!"

Li Cunning was silent for a long time, and then said: "If my father wants, I can let my third brother go, and I am willing to let him go..."


Emperor Ning's tone suddenly became furious, and he interrupted him with a cold scolding.

Li Cunning's body trembled slightly: "Father..."

"Do you know why I don't think highly of you? It's because you are so indecisive, too soft-hearted, and useless!"

Emperor Ning stared at him coldly, "Do you know that if it wasn't you who appeared here today, but Yuan'er, what do you think would happen?!"

Li Cunning lowered his head and did not dare to speak, like a child who had done something wrong.

"Yuan'er will definitely kill you without hesitation. He will never give you any chance to survive, let alone be stupid enough to say the stupidest thing like giving up the throne!"

"Winning is king and losing is bandit, you win, you win. Yuan'er can't compare to you, that is his own fate! Giving up what you have won to others is the stupidest behavior in the world!"

"When you are in the emperor's house, you must not be the least bit merciful!"

Emperor Ning stared at him coldly: "You are the future emperor and the future hope of our Daning Dynasty. You must be a cold-blooded and ruthless emperor who kills decisively..."

"If you are so virtuous, how can I trust you to leave the country of Daning in your hands?!"

Facing Emperor Ning's sudden rage, Li Cunning always lowered his head, as if he had done something wrong, unable to say a word.

He knew that his father was right in scolding him!

He is indeed too soft-hearted and is not suitable to be an emperor at all.

"Father, I know I was wrong."

Emperor Ning was heartbroken. After taking a deep breath for a long time, he gradually calmed down.

His time is running out, and now he has no chance to re-elect his successor. The Li Cunning in front of him was his only choice.

"You must remember that you must never be soft-hearted towards your enemy, even if it is your brother. When he chooses to go against you, he is your enemy!"

"To deal with the enemy, you must use the most ruthless and decisive means to deal with him!"


"My son, I obey."

Emperor Ning closed his eyes and slowly opened them again, his tone softened a lot.

"This time, you did a good job."

"Yuan'er's rebellion is also an opportunity. Take advantage of this major reshuffle of the court to eradicate all the foreign parties in the court and the officials who do not obey your orders..."

Emperor Ning stared at him: "This is the best opportunity for you to establish the prestige of the court. You must not be soft-hearted. Kill when you should, let go when you should, use both grace and power. Whether you can clear the court depends on this opportunity!" "


"However, don't go too far to avoid backlash. There are also various factions of aristocratic families in the capital. You have to balance these family forces, which can provide you with great help..."

"And Prime Minister Zhao... He will be your biggest help in the court. Prime Minister Zhao has assisted me for many years and is loyal to the dynasty. With him here, you don't have to worry too much about chaos in the court..."

Having said this, Emperor Ning paused for a moment, his eyes gradually became serious. He stared at Li Cunning and said: "Remember, your biggest opponents will always be the Lin family and the Xu family... The Lin family in the south controls Daning. The dynasty has a large territory in the south, and the Xu family is located in the north, and is also responsible for guarding the country..."

"They are the sharp weapons of the dynasty, but if one day they rebel, they will immediately become the dynasty's biggest threat..."

"My son, I will definitely remember my father's teachings."

Li Cunning lowered his head and spoke respectfully.

Emperor Ning's eyes gradually became cloudy, as if he had exhausted all his energy. He looked deeply: "If I remember correctly, the Lin family...that boy is in the capital, right?"

Li Cunning nodded: "Prince Lin has been in the capital for two months, and I have seen him twice!"

"How is this boy?"

"Great wisdom is like foolishness, but it is deeply hidden."

A sneer seemed to appear on Emperor Ning's old face: "How can Lin Hengzhong's son be an ordinary person? You used to hide your shame in Linzhou, do you really think I can't see it?"

Li Cunning said nothing.

"Where's the Xu family?"

Emperor Ning asked again.

Li Cunning said: "Years ago, I heard that Prince Xu and the princess also came to the capital. The purpose of these two people is unknown for the time being..."

Emperor Ning narrowed his eyes and said expressionlessly: "They probably followed Xu Hong's order to come to the capital to test whether I am still alive."

Li Cunning was shocked: "Father, Prince Xu...really have any objections?"

Emperor Ning's face was expressionless: "You must be on guard!"

"Be careful, they don't have any fuel-efficient lights!"


Emperor Ning seemed to be thinking of something again: "Where's Piaomiao?"

Li Cunning said: "Piao Miao is accompanying the queen in the palace."

"Let her come and see me."


Li Cunning spoke respectfully.

Just as he was about to get up, he seemed to think of something: "Father..."


"Third brother, how should we deal with him?"

Emperor Ning looked at him indifferently: "What do you think?"

Li Cunning lowered his head and said nothing.

"You are now the crown prince of the country, and your decision is my will. Yuan'er led troops into the palace with the intention of rebelling. How should I deal with it? Do you still want to ask me?"

Facing Emperor Ning's cold gaze, Li Cunning remained silent for a long time, and finally took a deep breath.

"My son, I understand!"

Li Cunning slowly stood up from the ground, and when he was about to turn around, he suddenly stopped.

"Father, there is one more thing!"

"The third brother has a secret relationship with Mi Tiansi, and also colludes with Mr. Chen, who is close to my father..."

Having said this, Li Cunning did not speak again, but looked at his father.

Emperor Ning nodded calmly: "It's my instruction."

"My son, I understand!"

Li Cunning nodded, "My son, please retire!"

Li Cunning exited the secret room and came to the Health Palace.

Outside the palace, the soldiers of the imperial army were fully armed and waiting for a long time.

"Your Highness!"

Seeing Li Cunning appear, the commander of the Forbidden Army quickly stepped forward to greet him.

Li Cunning waved his hand: "Go to Jingning Palace!"

After saying that, Li Cunning turned back and glanced at Chen Zhao, who was standing there quietly under the eaves. The rickety figure looked a little groveling.

Li Cunning took a deep look and walked away.

Inside Jingning Palace.

The decoration is in ancient style and the pavilions and corridors are exquisite. The courtyard is filled with blooming flowers.

It was still winter, but there was a bit of spring in the palace.

This is the palace where the current empress lives. The empress likes to be quiet. Except for some maids, the palace seems a bit deserted on weekdays.

In the inner courtyard, under the eaves, a woman wearing a brocade skirt was sitting under the eaves, tearing flowers in her hands out of boredom.

The beautiful flowers were destroyed all over the place, but the woman's eyes became more and more bored.

"It's so boring!"

After a while, the woman sighed softly.

"I really want to go out for a walk, but I don't know what the situation is like outside... I'm almost going crazy holding it in here..."

The good-looking woman sighed and glanced not far away.

A girl with a cold temperament was standing upright under the eaves, like a sculpture.

Obviously the two of them have almost the same appearance, but their temperaments are completely different. One is slightly warm and charming, the other is cold and cold.

The same appearance and different temperament perfectly show the contrast between the two people.

"Aren't you tired of keeping a straight face every day and imitating the princess?"

Jinxiu couldn't help but say: "Don't you find it boring?"

Under the eaves, the cold girl said nothing and was too lazy to pay attention to her.

"Don't you think you are drawing a tiger-like dog? You can't imitate the temperament of a princess. Don't you think it's funny if you are neither fish nor fowl?"


"Don't you think your behavior is really childish?"


"Hey, am I talking to you? Is this the way you treat your own sister?"

The cold girl who had been unresponsive finally looked back at her and said with a straight face: "I am my sister."

A cold tone.

It's not like sisters talking, more like enemies with a grudge.

"You are my sister!"

"I'm my sister!"

"Where do you have the courage to say that you are my sister? How can you compare to me?"

Jinxiu rolled her pretty eyes: "Are you as tall as me? Are you as mature as me? Are you in better shape than me? Are your... breasts as big as mine?"

The cold girl listened to Jinxiu's chatter and remained silent.

After a moment, he glanced at the plumpness wrapped under Jinxiu's skirt, then lowered his head and glanced at himself...

More and more silent.

"You are shameless...who wants to compare with you?"

"You don't care what I compete with, can you compete with me? If you can't compete with me, just be my sister!"


Just as the two were arguing about the boring topic of who was the sister, footsteps suddenly came from outside the palace.

Immediately afterwards.

"His Royal Highness is here!"

Your Royal Highness is here?

Jinxiu and An Ning stopped at the same time and looked back. Not far away from outside the palace, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, dressed in white robes and brocade clothes, walked towards him with dusty steps.

"See His Highness the Crown Prince."

Jinxiu and An Ning stood up and saluted.

"Where's Jinxiu, An Ning, and Miaomiao?"

Li Cunning asked.

"The princess is accompanying the queen in the backyard." Jinxiu answered.

Li Cunning nodded and went directly to the backyard.

Jinxiu and An Ning stood there, Jinxiu looked at the back of His Highness the Crown Prince, thoughtfully: "His Highness's complexion seems to be getting worse again?"

"There won't be any accidents, right?"

Jinxiu murmured to herself, as a maid beside the princess, Jinxiu also knew some inside stories.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's health has not recovered, and his condition is somewhat serious.

"I heard that the princess plans to go to Prince Lin's Mansion in Linzhou and enter the Ruyi Tower to find medicine for His Royal Highness to heal his injuries. Do you know?"

Jinxiu suddenly turned to look at An Ning.

An Ning said nothing, but she had obviously heard about it.

"When the time comes, will you go with the princess?"

An Ning's eyes were stunned. She rarely left the palace and had not considered this issue.

While she was thinking, Jinxiu on the side interrupted her.

"Don't think about it, I won't take you with me."

Jinxiu smiled and said: "You are stupid and stupid. You don't know how to take care of the princess. You are just a drag. Taking you will only drag the princess down..."

"Just stay in the palace obediently and watch me and the princess go out to sleep and fly together, hehe..."

When An Ning heard this, her eyes widened slightly and she stared at her coldly, seeming a little angry but not knowing how to vent her anger.



There was only a heavy cold snort.


Jingning Palace, back garden.

Li Miaomiao was admiring flowers and chatting with the Queen in the courtyard.

It was said to be small talk, but in fact no one spoke.

Li Piaomiao has always been taciturn and not good at words. The Queen seemed to be in a bad mood and didn't speak much.

Until Li Cunning's appearance broke the silence.

"Mother, Piaomiao!"

Li Cunning approached.

The eyes of the two people in the courtyard fell on him.

Li Miaomiao remained unchanged, but the Queen's expression changed.


The Queen's voice trembled slightly, and her face was even more sad. She looked at him with complicated eyes and her eyes were red.


Li Cunning stepped forward and spoke respectfully.

After the Empress took a deep breath, she asked cautiously: "Where is your third brother?"

Li Cunning knew what the queen was worried about and shook her head: "The third brother is fine."

Hearing this, the Queen breathed a deep sigh of relief.

"Then, what are you going to do with him?"

Such a big thing happened in the palace. Even if she was in the harem, how could she not hear about it?

What's more, this is related to the feud between her two sons. No matter what the outcome is, she doesn't want to see it.

Li Cunning was silent for a moment.

The Queen's eyes immediately turned red again: "He is your biological brother..."

Li Cunning was still silent.

"Mother, I know, but..."

"Third brother, after all, he wants to rebel this time..."

Li Cunning did not continue, but the Queen understood something and her delicate body trembled.

"Just, can't you let your brother go?"

Li Cunning was still silent.

After half a ring.

"I will try my best."

Hearing this, the queen opened her mouth and stopped asking any more questions.

She also knew that Ci Ning had indeed tried her best.

Yuan'er has committed such a heinous crime this time and cannot escape death, but...

This result was obviously not what she wanted.

Thinking of this, the Queen's tears kept flowing down, and she was heartbroken.

"Mom, don't be too sad..."

Li Cunning sighed, comforted his mother for a while, and sent someone to send her back to her room to rest.

In the back garden, only Li Cunning and Li Miaomiao were left.

"Pianmiao, how is your health?"

Li Cunning asked with concern.

"It's no big deal."

Li Piaomiao shook his head, his expression neither cold nor indifferent.

"That's good."

Li Cunning breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that although Pian Miao still had a weak look between her brows, she seemed to be fine.

Then, he got down to business!

"Father, he is still alive."

"But, the situation is very bad..."

Li Miaomiao was stunned after hearing the news.

"what happened?"

Li Cunning said in a serious tone: "Father, I'm afraid he doesn't have long left..."

Hearing this, Li Miaomiao finally raised his eyes, his body slightly condensed.

"Father, he...has been poisoned!"

Li Cunning said in a deep voice and briefly explained his father's current situation to Li Pianmiao.

"My father is now in very poor health and can no longer show up. I can only secretly frighten those who covet the government and the public... My father's time is running out. We must make preparations as soon as possible..."

Li Piaomiao listened quietly, with no reaction on her face.


Li Cunning looked at her: "Father, I want to see you!"

"see me?"

Li Miaomiao was startled for a moment, but there was not much surprise on her face.

She quickly recovered and nodded.


Health Hall.

Li Miaomiao, dressed in white, walked through the deep stone wall passage and came to the secret room.

Open the door and walk in.

On the futon, Emperor Ning was still sitting quietly.


Li Piaomiao walked in.

Emperor Ning in Putian slowly raised his head and looked at his most beloved daughter in front of him with a dazed look.

And Li Miaomiao quickly saw clearly the current state of his father.

Although she already knew the situation from the prince's mouth, when she saw it with her own eyes, she was still stunned for a while.

Father, is the situation so serious? !

"Father's there nothing we can do about it?"

Li Piaomiao frowned.

"The poison has penetrated into the bone marrow and there is no cure!"

Emperor Ning said in a hoarse voice: "There is no need to waste your efforts. I don't have much time left."

Li Piaomiao was silent. At this time, she didn't know what to say. She is not good at expressing emotions, and she does not have deep feelings about life, separation, and death.

"Pianmiao, do you know why your father wants to see you?" Emperor Ning also knew his daughter's temperament and spoke slowly.

"Piaomiao I don't know." Li Piaomiao said.

"You are my most beloved daughter. You have always been excellent and have never let me down..."

"Now I don't have much time left to live. When I die, the peaceful situation of our Daning Dynasty will directly collapse..."

"The century-old legacy left by our ancestors must not be ruined here..."

"Your imperial brother has an indecisive personality. I don't trust him. When necessary, you must handle some decisions for him. You must not be soft-hearted..."

Li Piaomiao's expression remained unchanged: "Piaomiao understands."

"Also, I hope you can do something for me..."

Emperor Ning spoke again.

"What's the matter?"

Emperor Ning said in a deep voice: "Pianmiao, I have always placed high hopes on you..."

"Whether I let you practice martial arts from a young age, send you to pass on swordsmanship, or study books on literary, military, military, and country-governing strategies, it's all for preparation..."

"I know you don't like it, but I don't have a better choice... You were born in the royal family. This is your luck and your misfortune. Do you understand?"

Li Piaomiao's eyes were neither happy nor sad, and she looked calmly at Emperor Ning in front of her: "Piaomiao knows."

Emperor Ning looked at Li Mianmiao in front of him and was filled with emotions.

For him, perhaps, the Li Miaomiao in front of him is the most satisfactory 'successor' in his heart!

She is as intelligent and talented as Ning'er, but also has a more cold-blooded mood than Yuan'er. She will not be swayed by any emotions, but can become a decisive and decisive emperor!

The only pity is...she is a girl!

It would be great if she was a boy...

Emperor Ning sighed in his heart, looking at his daughter who was always shrouded in coldness, and said: "I have trained you since childhood, and even married you to Prince Lin, all for this day..."

"Lin Hengzhong has a large army and is entrenched in the south of the dynasty. He is watching with eager eyes. After my death, your imperial brother will definitely not be able to suppress him. Even if he does not resist, the Lin family will completely lose control and become a cancer of the dynasty... "

"No one can guarantee that this 'cancer' will one day threaten our country, Daning!"

Li Miaomiao seemed to realize something. She raised her head and looked into Emperor Ning's eyes: "What do you mean, father?"

Emperor Ning's expression was very weak, as if he were dying, with little life left in him. The voice was hoarse, as if it was difficult to spit out the sound from the throat.

"I originally wanted to delay it a little longer until the time is right. Now it seems that I am running out of time and it is too late..."

"Only you can do this...and only you can do it!"

Emperor Ning stared into Li Miaomiao's eyes and said word by word:


"I want you to marry Prince Lin!"

"Are you willing?!"


Eleven thousand words updated, please vote for me! ! !

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