Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 408 The obedient Miss Xu

In the backyard of Jiang Mansion, the lights flickered in the room.

In front of the table, rice paper is laid out. Lin Jiangnian stood in front of the table and slowly started writing.

The writing is strong, effortless, and done in one go.

After half an hour, I put the pen down.


Young Lin Jiang took a breath and raised his eyes.

In front of the desk, a beautiful figure was standing quietly aside.

After hearing Lin Jiangnian's words, his eyes fell on the rice paper: "Everyone is here?"

"The contents of the second and third volumes of Xuanyang Mental Technique are all here."

Lin Jiangnian said casually: "I can go and give it to your leader!"

Liu Su stared at it for a moment, then raised her eyes and looked at him suspiciously: "Is this the complete Xuanyang mind method?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows and smiled: "It doesn't matter whether it is complete or not."

"What matters is whether your leader believes in it or not."

Liu Su's pretty eyebrows frowned slightly: "Are you sure you can hide it from him?"

"He can't see it."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head and said in a very confident tone: "My father and I are the only people in the world who have seen the complete Xuanyang Mind Technique. No matter how powerful our leader is, there is no way we can detect anything wrong here..."

Liu Su was silent for a while, then nodded.


"What else can I say to thank you?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her, paused, and then asked, "Can we talk now?"

Liu Su raised her eyes: "What do you want to know?"

Lin Jiangnian reached out and tapped on the table but said nothing.

Liu Su was silent for a moment and then said: "The leader will not let you go... When you fully explain Xuanyang's mental method, you will die!"

Lin Jiangnian was not surprised by this. He did not think that the leader of the Tianshen Sect would be a good person.

Last year, Prince Lin's Mansion eradicated many of the Tianshen Sect's strongholds in Linzhou. The Tianshen Sect suffered heavy losses, and this account has not yet been settled.

"So, you want to transfer the Xuanyang Heart Technique to your leader for me?"

Liu Su did not deny it, looked up at him and said, "You can't see him again."


"The leader's purpose has always been Xuanyang Tu!"

Liu Su said in a deep voice: "The Xuanyang Heart Technique is only a substitute after all, and... it doesn't have much effect. As the leader, what he ultimately wants is the Xuanyang Diagram..."

Liu Su's heart froze slightly as she recalled what the leader had told her when she met the leader that night before the year before.

"Xuan Yang Diagram..."

Lin Jiangnian thought silently. To this day, he still doesn't know what the Xuanyang Diagram is. What is the purpose of this leader's perseverance in obtaining the Xuanyang Diagram?

"The leader will definitely find a way to get the Xuanyang Diagram through you, even if it means using any means..."

Liu Su raised her eyes and glanced at him, warning: "You have to be careful."

Lin Jiangnian squinted his eyes slightly, thoughtfully.

What Liu Su said was indeed correct. Even though Prince Lin's Mansion was not afraid of the Tianshen Sect, this mysterious leader was a hidden danger after all. This leader is extremely skilled in martial arts, and it would not be a good thing if he was targeted.

Lin Jiangnian didn't want to live in panic and vigilance all day long. There was no way to guard against thieves for a thousand days.

This hidden danger always needs to be solved...

Liu Su's eyes fell on the rice paper on the table. What was left densely on it were all the formulas of Xuanyang's mental method.

It's very complicated and mysterious.

Even though Liu Su couldn't understand it in a short time, she didn't dare to look any further.

She didn't know what kind of tricks Lin Jiangnian had played in this, but based on her understanding of Lin Jiangnian, there must be something wrong with the Xuanyang Heart Technique formula.

After the ink on the rice paper dried, Liu Su carefully folded the rice paper and put it in her arms.

Looking up, she saw Lin Jiangnian looking at her without blinking.

"Anything else?"

"You seem to have forgotten something?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her chest and reminded: "I promised you, but it's done."

Liu Su paused, seeming to realize something. After a moment, she shook her head slightly.

"Actually, I didn't talk about anything with her..."

Liu Su raised the corner of her mouth slightly as if she was mocking herself: "She actually told me that she didn't mind if I stayed..."

"I can't tell, when did she become so broad-minded?"

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised: "Then you..."

"I refused!"

Liu Su's tone was very relaxed and straightforward.


"I'm different from her. I can't accept her least for now, I can't accept it."

"So, I'm leaving!"

Liu Su looked at Lin Jiangnian quietly and smiled softly at him: "You don't have to persuade can't persuade me."

"Of course, I might come back someday."

"If there is still that chance..."


Liu Su's tone was always relaxed, as if she was saying goodbye in a free and easy way.

Just like the gorgeous woman in red who broke into his room every night when he was still in Prince Lin's Mansion.

It's just that compared to the freedom and ease at that time. At this moment, Liu Su seemed relaxed, but there was a vague emotion between her brows.

It seems a little heavy!

Lin Jiangnian said nothing.

After Liu Su made up his mind, no matter how much he tried to persuade him, it was of no avail.

She doesn't want to stay, even if she is forced to stay, it may not make sense. It might even be counterproductive and arouse the rebellious psychology of the Lady Liu.

Rather than doing this, it would be better to follow her wishes.

The two looked at each other, the lights flickered, and the room suddenly became quiet.

It was late at night outside the window, and the cold wind was howling.

"Aren't you going to say something?"

Liu Su spoke again, half smiling.

Lin Jiangnian looked up at the night outside the window and said, "It's getting late, it's dark outside..."

"so what?"

"be safe."



Liu Su frowned slightly and stared at him.

"Of course, if you are not in a hurry to leave..."

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and said, "You can also rest for one more night and leave tomorrow?"

Liu Su: "..."

"No need!"

Liu Suqing refused aloud, turned around and walked towards the door.

As soon as he reached the door of the room and opened it, he suddenly stopped again.

"It's really late..."

Liu Su raised her eyes to look at the night outside the courtyard and seemed to mutter to herself. He paused in silence for a moment, then took steps to leave.

As soon as she took a step, a hand suddenly pulled her back into the room.


The door was closed again.

Liu Su turned her head and looked into Lin Jiangnian's deep eyes, staring at her intensely.

"what are you doing?!"

Liu Su struggled.

"I gotta go!"

Lin Jiangnian hugged the stubborn woman who was twisting and struggling in his arms, "It's too late, can we leave tomorrow?"

"No...let me go!"

"There has been turmoil in the city recently. It's dark and it's not safe."

Lin Jiangnian made a serious suggestion: "There's no rush now... Why don't you rest one night and wait until dawn tomorrow morning before leaving?"

Liu Su lowered her eyes and remained silent, seeming to be thinking about this suggestion.

After a while: "I can rest for one more night...but I have a condition!"

"you say!"

"You...don't move your hands or feet!"

Liu Su gave a stern warning with a cold face.

"Don't worry, I promise you won't do anything."

Lin Jiangnian vowed to do so.



Not long after.

The lights in the room suddenly went out and dimmed.

A cold wind blew in the courtyard, and occasionally there was a rustling sound in the room.

It sounded intermittently and then calmed down quickly.

Soon after.

"My mouth can't do it either..."

A slightly embarrassed and trembling voice came from the room.

Then, it quickly evolved into another sweet and melodious song.

On this late night of the New Year, it was played on loop for most of the night.

Until dawn.

Late at night, the palace.

Inside Jingning Palace.

The queen has already gone to bed.

The queen's health was not very good, and she had contracted a cold during this period, and after learning the result of the internal fight between her two sons, she was overly sad and her body collapsed a lot.

Inside the Jingning Palace, a layer of shadow shrouded the place. It was quiet in the dead of night and the lights were dim.

Extremely deserted.

The moonlight is extraordinarily bright tonight, the moon hangs high, bright and bright.

In the courtyard on the east side, Jinxiu lay lazily on the edge of the window, with a graceful figure and a somewhat feminine charm.

She yawned, looking a little more sleepy, and raised her eyes to look outside the courtyard in front.

"Why hasn't the princess come back yet?"

"It can't be...something went wrong, right?"

At the door of the wing, An Jing stood there quietly, with a cold look and an expressionless face.

I completely ignored Jinxiu's question.

It seems like I’m still angry with myself in the afternoon!

However, her eyes always fell outside the courtyard, mixed with a bit of worry.

"Did the princess sneak out of the palace behind our backs?"

Jinxiu said to herself, the more she thought about it, the more possible it became.

The princess always walked alone, but she rarely stayed out at night. If you haven't come back tonight, something must have happened.

Just as Jinxiu was thinking about it, a figure in white appeared quietly in the courtyard.


An Ning saw the princess at the door for the first time, and he inadvertently let out a sigh of relief on his tight and cold face.

Jinxiu, on the other hand, quickly got up, not even bothering to put on her shoes. She stepped on her stockings and held up her palace skirt to greet her.

"Princess, you are finally back!"

"Princess, where have you been?"

"Nothing unexpected happened, right?"

Jinxiu looked at her princess up and down with worry on her face. Although he knew that his princess's martial arts skills were unparalleled, she was still worried that something would go wrong.


Li Piaomiao looked cold and shook her head slightly.

Looking at the two people coming up from the eaves, he said softly: "Let's go back to the room first."

inside the room.


Jinxiu sat upright and looked at the center of the room, where she saw an unparalleled princess in a long white dress.

He asked cautiously: "Your Majesty, how is he?"

After the Prince's visit in the afternoon, the princess went out and said she wanted to see His Majesty.

The princess has just come back now, so what's going on with His Majesty?

Is His Majesty, who has been in seclusion for more than half a year, about to come out?

Not only Jinxiu, but also An Ning, who always had a cold face, seemed to be interested in this.

inside the room.

Li Miaomiao looked at the twins Jinxiu and An Ning in front of her. They were the two people she brought back to the palace from Kendo, and they were also the closest and most trusted maids around her.

At this moment, both of them were worried.

Li Piaomiao shook her head slightly: "Not very good."

"not too good?!"

After hearing this, Jinxiu and An Ning's expressions changed slightly, and they looked at each other with a bad feeling.

"Your Majesty, he..."

Jinxiu couldn't help but feel a little uneasy: "Could it be..."

"Father is still alive."


Jinxiu was keenly aware of something.

What the princess said is... still alive?

Doesn't that mean... it's coming soon?

This thought made Jinxiu's heart skip a beat. Although it had been expected for a long time, when this day came, it was still a little caught off guard.

"Then, princess..."

Jinxiu asked slightly worriedly: "What should we do next?"


Li Piaomiao did not speak, but there was a bit of confusion in her beautiful eyes that had always been empty and cold in the past.

"I have no idea."

She spoke calmly.


Jinxiu looked shocked.

She vaguely noticed that her princess's emotional state today seemed... wrong?

"Princess, what's wrong with you?"


Li Piaomiao shook her head slightly, and then suddenly stood up: "You should rest early."

After that, he left the room.

Jinxiu and An Ning were left in the room. You looked at me and I looked at you, looking at each other.

"Princess, what's going on?"

Jinxiu couldn't help but asked in a low voice.

An Ning's face was expressionless, but there was also a hint of worry in her eyes.

"have no idea."

Outside the door, in the courtyard.

Li Miaomiao stepped into the courtyard, her face was cold, and she looked up at the night sky. Pointing his toes to the ground, he jumped up and landed on the eaves of the palace.

In the dark night, a long white dress rustled in the cold wind.

It was a cold day in winter, but she didn't seem to feel the slightest bit of cold.

He stared at the distance in the night sky. Looking far away, he seemed to be able to see somewhere outside the palace and west of the city.

The thoughts in his mind kept thinking about his father's last words not long ago.


"Piaomiao, you are smarter, calmer, and better than your brother. Father, I believe you can do it..."

"The Lin family is entrenched in the southern part of the dynasty. They have strong soldiers and horses, and have a high prestige and reputation among the people. The only way is to disintegrate them from within..."

"And Pianmiao, you are the most suitable person..."

"Now, you are the only one who can save Daning! The future of our Li family depends entirely on you..."


The night is getting deeper!

above the roof.

This white dress is like a cold sculpture. Under the moonlight, it is filled with a holy and lonely temperament.

And Li Piaomiao's gaze always fell outside the palace. From start to finish, there were no hiccups.

early morning.

It's not completely light yet.

Xiaozhu, who lived in the small courtyard, woke up and got up quickly. After getting dressed, making the bed, and dressing up, I opened the door and walked out.

Xiaozhu started his day's work!

Strictly speaking, Xiaozhu can no longer be regarded as a maid.

After being tricked into bed by His Highness, the little maid's identity also upgraded. Under normal circumstances, Xiaozhu should even be accompanied by two maids to take care of her.

But Xiaozhu still failed to change his identity, and still took care of the daily life of Sister Zhiyuan and His Highness as usual.

In the eyes of the little maid, Sister Zhiyuan is already the future Crown Princess and her mistress.

When the busy work was over, Xiaozhu ran to the yard on the other side to visit the 'Sister Liuye'!

In Xiaozhu's opinion, Sister Liuye might be His Highness's concubine in the future... After all, she was the one who dared to flirt with His Highness in front of Sister Zhiyuan.

Even Sister Zhiyuan acquiesced... Isn't this already obvious?

But when Xiaozhu came to the courtyard, he found that the door was ajar, the room was empty, and Sister Liuye was no longer around.

"Where are the people?"

Seeing this scene, Xiaozhu was stunned for a moment, and then opened his eyes wide.

Sister Liuye is missing? !

"Your Highness, it's not good, Sister Liuye..."

Realizing that Sister Liuye was missing, Xiaozhu quickly turned around and ran towards the courtyard next door, wanting to tell His Highness the news quickly.

But just as he ran to the door of the next courtyard, Xiaozhu saw something not far away. A figure leaned on the wall and hobbled out of His Highness's room...


Xiaozhu's eyes widened when he saw this scene.


Big Year.

The gloomy weather that had shrouded the capital for several days finally dissipated and cleared up.

The temperature is gradually warming up, and there is a hint of spring.

Jiang Mansion, backyard.

Two sisters, Jasmine and Feng Ling, were practicing martial arts seriously in the courtyard.

After this period of practice, the two of them have made obvious changes and progress.

The two people who were still a little weak before have obviously gained a bit of toughness. Compared with how thin they were when they first came to Jiang Mansion, the two of them are obviously much plumper.

It seems that the food in Jiang Mansion is very good.

The two people's boxing and kicking skills are also beginning to show signs. In the backyard, they are waving their fists in a vigorous and vigorous manner, and they have already begun to show their skills.

The sisters' martial arts talents are indeed good, and they can master it with just a few clicks. However, being able to make such great progress in such a short period of time was not only due to their martial arts talent and Zhi Yuan's personal training and guidance, but also due to their hard work.

Under the eaves behind the courtyard, Zhiyuan, dressed in a green shirt, quietly watched the sisters practicing martial arts in the courtyard.

On the side, Lin Jiangnian was also standing under the eaves, following Zhiyuan, watching the sisters practicing martial arts in the courtyard.

The atmosphere is cozy.

"she left!"

After a moment, Lin Jiangnian suddenly spoke softly.

Hearing the news, Zhiyuan was slightly startled, without looking back or speaking, and nodded silently.

"She, let me pass on a message to you."

Lin Jiangnian hesitated to speak, not knowing whether to say it or not.

Zhiyuan looked ahead quietly, without waiting for the next sentence for a long time, and glanced sideways at Lin Jiangnian.

Frowning slightly: "What?"

"she says……"

"She is the elder sister, and she also said that she will let you call her elder sister next time we meet..."

Zhiyuan glanced at Lin Jiangnian expressionlessly.

"She said..."

Lin Jiangnian immediately distanced himself from the relationship to avoid accidental injury.

Zhiyuan retracted her gaze and looked into the courtyard again. After a while, she said, "Let's wait until she has the ability."

The tone was neither cold nor indifferent.

Lin Jiangnian was a little bit dumbfounded. It felt like the conversation between the two of them was...pity?

At this time, Zhiyuan asked again as if inadvertently: "Why doesn't she stay?"

"She said she couldn't handle the situation in her heart..."

Lin Jiangnian paused and sighed in his heart. He knew that Liu Su was trying to get into trouble.

But, there is no way to change it.

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes slightly and did not speak again.

Lin Jiangnian suddenly asked again: "Zhiyuan, what about you..."

"Why would you let her stay?"

This is a question that Lin Jiangnian has wanted to ask for a long time!

Logically speaking, the relationship between the two of them is not good and they are incompatible.

Based on Lin Jiangnian's knowledge of Zhiyuan, how could she allow Liu Su to appear under her nose?

This is very wrong?

It can't be that... Zhiyuan is looking for a sister for herself?

Facing Lin Jiangnian's confused eyes, Zhiyuan's expression remained calm and calm.

After a moment of silence, he spoke.

"Isn't that what you said? She is, after all, my biological sister who is related by blood..."

Zhiyuan looked into the courtyard with deep eyes and wrote lightly: "She has lost her parents since she was a child and is homeless..."

"I shouldn't sit idly by regardless of emotion or reason. I can't let her continue to wander..."

"after all……"

"I am her biological sister!"


Lin Jiangnian quietly looked at Zhiyuan's delicate and delicate profile. When she said these words, she seemed to be filled with an indescribable emotion.

It was very peaceful, so peaceful that Lin Jiangnian was a little moved.

Zhiyuan finally relented!

Maybe it was because of his blood relationship with Liu Su, or maybe there were other reasons... In the end, Zhiyuan chose to give in.

In other words, when Zhiyuan took the initiative to invite Liu Su to Jiang Mansion when she left the palace a few nights ago, she had already made her choice.

And this also made Lin Jiangnian suddenly realize...perhaps the relationship between their half-sisters is not as bad as imagined?

"After Miss Liu left the Jiang Mansion this morning, she went to the east of the city and met with someone. She then returned to the inn that the Tianshen Sect secretly set up in the capital and never came out again..."

"Two days ago, a ban was implemented at the city gate, and all people entering and leaving the city gate were strictly checked. Miss Liu originally planned to leave the city, but did not find the opportunity..."

"Miss Liu seems to have discovered that our people are secretly following her..."


In the courtyard.

The sky cleared.

Lin Jiangnian was lying on the rocking chair under the eaves, his eyes half-closed, his expression lazy and relaxed.

Under the eaves on the side, Lin Qingqing was reporting on the intelligence coming from the capital.

Reporting all the movements of Saint Liu since she left Jiang Mansion this morning.

Lin Jiangnian listened quietly, eyes half-squinted, and nodded slightly.

The capital is dotted with spies from Prince Lin's Mansion.

Even if Liu Su left Jiang Mansion, her whereabouts were still under Lin Jiangnian's nose.

"Don't follow too closely!"

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly and warned: "You can't hide it from her. Just confirm her whereabouts and don't worry about the rest for now."

With Liu Su's strength, it was impossible not to notice that someone was following her.

She didn't take action, so she naturally guessed that it was Lin Jiangnian's arrangement.

As expected, she would soon find a way to get rid of Lin Jiangnian's spies.

However, Lin Jiangnian was not worried.

Prince Lin's Mansion has many hidden secrets in the capital. As long as she appears, she will not be able to escape.

As for after she leaves the capital...

Lin Jiangnian had already made preparations, although he could not determine Liu Su's whereabouts in time. But as long as she still haunts the territory of the Daning Dynasty. As long as Liu Su shows up, Lin Jiangnian will have a way to find her.

"Look, where can you run this time?"

Lying lazily on the rocking chair, Lin Jiangnian murmured to himself with half-closed eyes.

"Lin Jiangnian?!"

A surprise, a slightly familiar and excited voice suddenly sounded.


Lin Jiangnian glanced away.

In front of you, at the entrance of the courtyard.

A familiar figure that I hadn't seen for a while appeared at the entrance of the yard.

Xu Lan!

Miss Xu!

Xu Lan, who had not seen her for a long time, was wearing a light blue waist-length skirt with a long coat. The girl's youthful and beautiful temperament was undoubtedly revealed.

At the same time, this light blue outfit gave her an inexplicable and heroic temperament. It lacks the 'manly' appearance of the previous handsome features and has a bit more girlish appearance.

The specific description is...a bit like a woman!

Don’t tell me, it’s quite amazing!

This young lady Xu had obviously been carefully dressed. Her black vertical hair was slightly rolled up, and her hair was dotted with delicate hairpins. Her slightly delicate face was filled with excitement.

She ran in with cheerful steps.

When he saw Lin Jiangnian under the eaves, he paused and then quickened his pace.

"Happy New Year!"

Xu Lan excitedly ran under the eaves and came to Lin Jiangnian. His face was slightly red from the excitement of running.

Say hello with excitement!

Under the eaves, Lin Qingqing, who was standing quietly aside, saw this scene, calmly retreated and disappeared quietly.

"Happy New Year."

Lin Jiangnian was still lying on his back in the rocking chair, straightening the blanket covering his body, and glanced at her: "Did your grandpa let you out?"

"Yes, yes!" Xu Lan sounded excited, like a little girl who had been bored for a long time and was almost exhausted.


Lin Jiangnian was a little perfunctory, and then thought of something, and wondered: "It shouldn't be, Beijing is in such chaos now, will your grandfather allow you to run out?"

"Humph, I have my own way!"

Xu Lan sounded a little proud, then puffed up her cheeks and hummed: " grandpa and the others are very busy these days and are away from home. They didn't have time to pay attention to me, so I ran out!"

Lin Jiangnian keenly captured something: "Your grandfather and your brother, what are they busy with?"

"Who knows?"

Xu Lan curled her lips and said, "I've been so busy all day long that I haven't come home. I asked them, but they didn't want to tell me..."

Xu Lan muttered softly.

Lin Jiangnian was thoughtful.

"By the way, how are you doing these days?"

Xu Lan didn't dwell on this and quickly changed the subject and asked about Lin Jiangnian's current situation.

"It's good. I eat well and sleep well."


"if not?"

"You haven't done anything else during this time?" Xu Lan's eyes were burning and she was very curious.

"What should I do?"

Xu Lan said: "You can't be like me and stay at home every day to eat and sleep, right?"

"That's not true."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head, "I'm not as good at eating as you are."


"It's not easy to come here, but you will be angry with me when we meet, right?"

Xu Lan stared and said angrily.

"Calm down, you are a lady now, a rich lady... don't be so angry."

Lin Jiangnian reminded.

Xu Lan glared at him: "You didn't mess with me on purpose?!"

As she spoke, she hummed twice more and looked around with a pair of dark eyes.

"What are you looking at?"

"Where's Miss Paper Kite?"

Xu Lan asked, glancing into the side room from time to time.

"she is not here."

"That's good."


"Ahem, it's nothing..."

Xu Lan felt slightly guilty, but quickly covered it up.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at Miss Xu again. Not to mention, she had changed a lot after not seeing her for a while.

After she stopped pretending to be a boy, she did look more like a girl.

A good-looking girl who used to dress like a man. Although he looks pretty, he still doesn't look very pleasing to the eye.

Now, it's much better!

...Of course, there are some congenital defects that cannot be compensated for at the moment.

We can only hope that it will develop later in life...

"Come here and rub your shoulders for me."

Seeing Xu Lan's sneaky appearance, Lin Jiangnian spoke again.


Xu Lan came to her senses: "What?"

"Come here and rub my shoulders!"

Xu Lan opened her eyes wide: "You call me?...Why?!"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "Have you forgotten that you promised to be my maid for a month?"

The expression on Xu Lan's face quickly froze... She almost forgot about this.

The bet they made when they were at Prince Lin's Mansion ended up being a complete loss for the confident Xu Lan the last time they met.

This guy who couldn't even beat her in the past has now become... very powerful!

Thinking of this, Xu Lan felt angry.

"Aren't you this maid incompetent?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "Forget it if your words don't count, you still talk back to your master!"

"Who said I don't keep my words?!"

Xu Lan stared and spoke angrily.

"Then why are you still standing there?"


Xu Lan snorted heavily and reluctantly moved behind Lin Jiangnian. After hesitating for a moment, he took a deep breath, put his jade hand on Lin Jiangnian's shoulder, and began to knead it gently.

"That's not how you rub it. Use a little harder...are you touching me?"

"...Take advantage of me, right?"

Xu Lan's face turned red and she gritted her teeth: "I, I won't..."

She, the dignified eldest daughter of the Xu family, would just rub her shoulders for him, but he would still be picky and arrogant.

She was so angry!

Xu Lan glared angrily and began to use force on her hands angrily.

" want to murder my prince, right?"


The temperature warmed up in the afternoon and the courtyard was calm.

Under the eaves, Lin Jiangnian half-closed his eyes and dozed off, enjoying the 'gentle' shoulder massage service from Miss Xu.

At first, he was very unfamiliar, clumsy, and even made trouble out of anger. However, under Lin Jiangnian's guidance, he gradually became more proficient and began to behave.

"My skills are good and I have talent. If I work hard and practice hard in the future, I will definitely become an excellent craftsman."

Lin Jiangnian opened his mouth to praise.

"You are so beautiful!"

Behind him, Xu Lan's face was slightly red, she was panting from exhaustion, and she didn't have the courage to speak.

Do you want her to study hard and practice hard?

Will you give him a massage every day from now on?


day by day?

For some reason, Xu Lan seemed to remember some other scenes.

His eyes became a little strange, and his expression became a little unnatural.


Lin Jiangnian suddenly mentioned: "Have you heard about what happened in the city these two days?"


Xu Lan came to her senses in shock.

"Are you talking about...the third prince's rebellion?"


"Of course I've heard about it a long time ago. It's spread everywhere in the city."

When mentioning this matter, Xu Lan became interested and her eyes lit up slightly: "I heard that the third prince was defeated and arrested, and is now being held in a prison. Is it true?!"

"Isn't it already spread outside?"

"But it hasn't been confirmed yet!"

Xu Lan sighed: "The prince has ordered that no one be allowed to enter the palace. No one knows what is going on in the palace..."

Saying that, Xu Lan looked at Lin Jiangnian: "Don't you have an informant in the palace? Do you know what is going on in the palace now?"

"How come I have an spy in the palace?"

"How could it be possible that you are the prince?"

Xu Lan looked unbelieving.

"Don't talk nonsense."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "This is a serious crime of decapitation!"


Xu Lan didn't believe it and rolled her eyes: "I don't believe you didn't."

It was naturally impossible for Lin Jiangnian to admit this kind of thing.

He changed the subject: "Where is your father, still in Linjiang City?"


"Still thinking about how to backstab my Lin family?"

Xu Lan: "..."

Her face immediately fell.

"I don't know...I don't understand what my father and the others think."

Speaking of this, Xu Lan looked a little uneasy, looked at Lin Jiangnian cautiously, and said worriedly: "You won't attack my father and the others, will you?"

"That's not certain." Lin Jiangnian shook his head.

"Ah?" Xu Lan suddenly became nervous.

"It depends on your performance."

Lin Jiangnian looked at her with a half-smile, and pointedly said: "Miss Xu, you don't want anything to happen to your grandfather and your father, right?"

Xu Lan: "..."

It was obviously a very serious matter, but for some reason, when these words came out of Lin Jiangnian's mouth, they gave Xu Lan an inexplicable weird feeling.

Why does something sound wrong? !

"How do you want me to behave?"

Xu Lan was a little nervous and a little wary.

"Please give me a good massage first."

"Still pressing?"

"Change somewhere."

Lin Jiangnian patted his thigh and motioned for her to come over.

Xu Lan glanced subconsciously, her face immediately turned red with embarrassment and panicked: "You, you..."

"What's your look?"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were suspicious: "I just asked you to massage my thighs, why are you blushing... are you thinking wrong?"

"No, no!"

Xu Lan blushed and gritted her teeth to deny.

"Then why don't you come over?"


She hummed softly and turned her head.

He stood there and hesitated for a moment, biting his lower lip, and his delicate eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian's handsome profile. He squinted his eyes slightly and looked lazy.

After a blank look, he seemed to have made up his mind and walked up to Lin Jiangnian.

Then, he slowly squatted down and lowered his head...

Blushing, not daring to raise his eyes, he shyly stretched out his hands and landed on Lin Jiangnian's thighs. The movements are unfamiliar but serious.

Lin Jiangnian closed his eyes comfortably while enjoying the massage service provided by the dignified Miss Xu.

Not to mention, although the movements are unfamiliar and unskilled. But Miss Xu's hands are just different from those of the maid in the house.

More exciting!

After enjoying the 'attentive service' from Miss Xu, Lin Jiangnian finally said slowly: "For the sake of our relationship, I can give your grandfather and your father a chance..."


Xu Lan subconsciously raised her head and met Lin Jiangnian's eyes.

"When you go back, tell your grandfather that if I have time, I will visit his home in a few days!"

Hearing the news, Xu Lan felt a little nervous for some reason: "You, you want to see my grandpa?!"

"Can't we see you?"

"No, it's not..."

Xu Lan shook her head, feeling a strange feeling in her heart.

Just as he was about to say something, Lin Jiangnian spoke again: "I can tell your grandpa that for your sake and for the sake of the Lin and Xu families' long-term friendship, the Lin family can forget about the things they have done in the past."

"If your grandpa is willing, the Lin and Xu families will still be family friends, and this will not change."

"However, what happens next depends on their sincerity!"

Hearing this, Xu Lan's delicate body trembled slightly, and she looked up at Lin Jiangnian in disbelief.

She originally thought that the Xu family betrayed the Lin family behind their backs, and it would be a great thing for the Lin family not to pursue the matter.

Unexpectedly, not only was he willing to let things go, he also...

Thinking of this, Xu Lan felt moved in her heart, her eyes were a little moist, and her eyes gradually changed when she looked at Lin Jiangnian.

"Stop it, don't be moved to the point of committing yourself." Lin Jiangnian interrupted her casting.


Xu Lan, who was originally filled with touching emotions, was about to burst into tears, but was suddenly interrupted.

The sparkling light that filled his eyes was blocked back.

"I-I didn't!"

She said harshly.

Turn your head.

He was fuming in his heart.

Who, who wants to commit himself to me?

Beautiful him!


But then, Xu Lan wiped her eyes again and asked, "Then, should I go back and tell Grandpa about this now?"

"Go ahead."

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand, and then added: "By the way, I'll take a closer look when I go back. Who has your grandpa been hanging out with lately?"

Xu Lan was startled: "What, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting... Just remember to pay more attention."



Shortly after Xu Lan left, Lin Qingqing, who had disappeared quietly, reappeared under the eaves not long after.

"Your Highness? You are looking for me!"

"Go and find out who the old man from the Xu family has been close to recently."

Lin Jiangnian said: "Check again to see if they have any dealings with the third prince before."

Lin Qingqing was a little surprised when she heard the news: "Your Highness, do you suspect that the Xu family was involved in the third prince's rebellion?"

"Don't rule out this possibility. Let's check first."

Lin Jiangnian nodded, his face slightly condensed.

I hope this is his illusion this time, otherwise, the Xu family may be in catastrophe this time.

Lin Jiangnian didn't care about the life and death of the Xu family, but this girl Xu Lan...

You still have to save it if you can!

While Lin Jiangnian was thinking, footsteps sounded again outside the hospital.

"Your Highness, there is a girl outside the house looking for you!"


"The other party said he was from the palace and his name was Jinxiu!"


Heavenly prison.

In the dark and gloomy sky prison, there was a bloody and depressing atmosphere.

Those who can be imprisoned here are either high-ranking people or people who have committed heinous crimes.

The dim underground passage was shrouded in shadow.

In the innermost part of the heavily fortified and heavily guarded prison, in a prison cell.

An embarrassed and lost figure was sitting slumped in the corner. His hands and feet were shackled with thick irons, his hair was disheveled, and he had no energy at all.

And this is also the current situation of most prisoners detained in sky jails.

Being imprisoned here basically means death.

"Deng Deng Deng!"

Footsteps sounded in the empty sky prison, and a burst of footsteps gradually approached.


The sound of the door lock being opened sounded.

"You guys go down first."

A familiar voice sounded.

As the rest of the footsteps left, a figure walked into the prison room and came to the man chained up.


Silence fell all around!

There was no sound.

After a long silence, a voice sounded.

"Gu, I have met my father!"

It was these words that made the third prince, who was slumped on the ground and lost his mind, finally slowly raised his head.

Under his disheveled hair, he revealed a miserable face. The high-spiritedness of the previous two nights was gone, and there was no trace of the princely temperament.

However, his deep and sunken eyes seemed to be sneering, staring coldly at Li Cunning in front of him.

"so what?"

"Are you here to show off your glorious victory to me?"


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