Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 409 Do you really like him?

Inside the prison.

The third prince Li Yuan fell to the ground with his hair disheveled. His thin clothes were messy and embarrassed, and he was extremely miserable.

Overnight, he fell from the supreme power that was about to be at his fingertips to a prisoner. Such a chasm-like gap had a heavy blow to the third prince's self-confidence.

The plan he had carefully prepared for so long was so easily disintegrated. In fact, even one of the most trusted military advisors around him turned out to be an undercover agent who had been placed beside him for a long time.

This truth dealt a heavy blow to the third prince who used to be extremely conceited!

All his efforts turned into a joke!

The experience of falling from heaven to hell was enough to make him unable to recover!

At this moment, when he saw the imperial brother in front of him again, who he had been extremely jealous, fearful, jealous and hated since he was a child, he appeared in front of him with a superior attitude.

The third prince, who had given up on himself, had eyes full of sarcasm and self-deprecation.

He sneered and spoke sarcastically... What is he here for?

Come to show off to him the joy of success and mock his incompetence as a loser?

To satisfy the vanity in the other person’s heart?

"I don't think so."

Inside the prison.

Li Cunning's eyes were calm and complicated.

The third brother in front of him finally embarked on a path of no return due to a mistake in his mind and the jealousy and resentment in his heart.

As the elder brother, he also has an unshirkable responsibility.

"When I saw my father yesterday, my father told me something."

Li Cijing looked at the third prince with a sneer in front of him quietly, and said slowly: "Father, he said that in fact, you are more suitable to inherit the throne of father than Gu."

The third prince froze on the spot. At this moment, he even wondered if his ears had heard wrongly?

Then, he suddenly raised his head and stared at Li Cunning: "What did you say?"

Li Cunning said calmly and calmly: "My father said that Gu's character is too soft. Now that the dynasty is in trouble internally and externally, perhaps the third brother can control them better than Gu."

"Originally, you were the most suitable candidate. But... you are too eager for quick success and instant gain!"

Li Cunning felt heavy. His father was indeed right. In the current situation between the government and the public, in some aspects, the third brother was indeed more suitable than him.


Similarly, no one can guarantee that if the third brother succeeds to the throne, it will lead the dynasty to another extreme...

The third prince was stunned on the spot, unable to regain his senses for a long time.

Emperor father actually said that he was more suitable to be emperor? !


How can it be? !

He stared at Li Cunning, trying to find evidence on his face that the other party was lying.

But, no.

Li Cunning's calm expression didn't look like he was lying.

There was no joy on the third prince's face, but an indescribably complicated expression.

"No, it's impossible..."

"Father, since my father thinks that I am more suitable to be the emperor, why am I not the heir apparent?"

"Why doesn't he pass the throne to me?!"

The third prince stared at him and questioned.

"You really don't know the reason?"

Li Cijing looked at him quietly and asked, "Then, why does my father want to keep you in the capital?"

"Why are you allowed to form cliques in the court?"

"Why do you turn a blind eye to the little tricks you have done secretly over the years?"

"Do you really not know this?"


The third prince froze on the spot.

The already lonely face became even more silent at this moment. It was as if he realized something in hindsight and was a little dazed.

"So, my father still appreciates me?"

The third prince's voice was hoarse and low.

The tone was very dull, but there seemed to be a touch of indescribable... excitement and joy!

"Father, he really appreciates me..."

The third prince's voice gradually became excited, as if a naughty child had gained recognition from his elders for the first time.

Excited, uneasy, and a little embarrassed...

Various emotions appeared on his face, and the third prince suddenly laughed, then fell silent again. Then he cried and laughed, as if his emotions were gradually collapsing, like someone who had lost his mind and gone crazy.


The chains on his body were shaking and making a harsh sound. The third prince was lying on the ground, as if he had lost all his strength.

"You are here to tell me this now, don't you just want to humiliate me?"

The third prince sneered again and again: "You win, my skills are inferior to others, it is your turn to take the throne after all..."

"But, I'm still not convinced!"

The third prince raised his head, staring at him with resentment in his eyes.

"You were either born earlier than me, or you are luckier than me... If I were born earlier than you, the crown prince position would be mine!"

"be mine!!"

Facing the third prince's low and resentful voice, Li Cunning did not have much emotion: "The end you have ended up with today is all your own fault."

"You should never, never should..."

Li Cunning looked at him, his eyes gradually becoming colder: "You should not collude with foreign countries and betray the country for your own selfish desires and to achieve your own greedy goals..."

As soon as these words came out, the third prince trembled suddenly, his eyes widened in disbelief: "You, how did you..."

"Do you really think you did it perfectly?"

Li Cunning's face was pale and weak, but his eyes were staring at him like a sharp edge: "Do you really think that I don't know that a few tribes in the north suddenly stationed troops to threaten the dynasty's border..."

"It has nothing to do with you?!"

The third prince was completely frozen on the spot, with a horrified look on his face and a blank look in his eyes. But after a while, he sneered wildly again.

"Haha, yes, it's me!!"

"It was me who colluded with them and plotted to destroy Ning..."

"It's a pity that their bunch of losers are too timid and dare not send troops. They only dare to wait and see... Otherwise, how would you have the chance to react?"

"Now that you know everything, why are you talking nonsense?"

"Kill me!"

The third prince smiled ferociously and stared at him: "Kill me, and you will forever be known as a brother-killer. Even if I die, you can't be innocent..."

"Even if I die, I will drag you into the dirty water!"

Li Cunning's eyes gradually turned cold and disappointed.

Finally, he said no more.

The third brother has completely lost his mind and gone crazy. No matter what he says, he can no longer listen.

"Just take care of yourself."

Li Cunning said no more, turned around and walked out of the prison.

The third prince was still sitting where he was, staring at Li Cunning's figure leaving with resentful eyes, and always had a grin on his face.

It wasn't until Li Cunning's back completely disappeared that the ferocious smile on his face gradually disappeared bit by bit.

Until the end, he became completely expressionless.

His eyes were still staring ahead, but they gradually became hollow. Like a corpse that has lost its soul, half of its life is gone.

Outside the prison.

The imperial guards of the East Palace were surrounding the prison, waiting for a long time.

"Your Highness."

When Li Cunning walked out of the prison, the generals outside the door came to greet him.

Li Cunning's expression remained normal and he nodded slightly.

"Your Highness, a large number of officials have gathered outside the palace in the past two days. Many ministers knelt outside the palace to beg to see Your Majesty. Some old ministers knelt for two days and fainted from exhaustion..."

A general said worriedly: "Now the people are panicked and the situation is gradually getting out of control. If it continues, I am afraid it will cause even greater panic..."

"These old ministers all want to see His Majesty. His Majesty's side..."

Li Cunning was not surprised by this result.

He said calmly: "My father is at a critical moment in his cultivation. He is in seclusion without seeing anyone. The affairs of the court and central government have been fully handed over to me."

Hearing this, the generals around him breathed a sigh of relief.

That's good!

His Majesty has full authority to handle state affairs, and their subordinates feel much more relieved.

Li Cunning glanced at them and asked, "How was the capture of the Third Prince's traitor?"

"Back to Your Highness, all the masterminds and accomplices involved in the Third Prince's rebellion plan have been arrested and are under interrogation. They are awaiting Your Highness's disposal..."

"As for those officials and aristocratic families who are involved with the third prince, I have temporarily carried out the operation in accordance with His Highness's order and have not arrested them, but they are all under my supervision..."

Listening to his subordinate's report, Li Cunning thought for a moment and nodded slightly: "It's almost time."

After saying that, Li Cunning said coldly: "Send the order, open the palace door, and let the officials and ministers enter the palace to attend court tomorrow morning."


"By the way, send someone to the Zhao Mansion and ask Prime Minister Zhao to come to the palace tonight. If you have any important matters, we can discuss them with him."

"As you command!"

After Li Cunning passed on the order, when he was about to leave, another confidant asked in a low voice: "Your Highness, what should we do with the third prince...?"

This confidant looked at His Highness with some concern.

Everyone knows that His Highness is soft-hearted and indecisive. After all, the third prince is His Highness's biological brother and is related by blood.

If His Highness is temporarily soft-hearted...

Li Cunning was silent and didn't speak.

"Your Highness, you must not be merciful!"

Seeing His Highness's silence, this confidant became anxious and said quickly: "The Third Prince intends to rebel and kill His Highness... This crime is absolutely unforgivable and is a capital crime!"

"If Your Highness lets him go, there will be endless troubles in the future!!"

Li Cunning was silent for a long time.

Why doesn't he know this truth?

However, when it came time to actually kill his brothers, he still couldn't make up his mind.

Perhaps, he is not suitable to be a cold-blooded emperor!

Li Cunning took a deep breath and thought for a long time. Finally, he spoke slowly.

"The third prince Li Yuan led troops into the palace with the intention of killing the king and his brother. The crime is unpardonable... Starting from a certain date, the third prince Li Yuan will be deprived of his title and demoted to a commoner..."

"The imperial mausoleum is imprisoned and you will never be able to take a step forward!"


Jiang Mansion.


"Girl Jinxiu, happy New Year!"

Lin Jiangnian stepped into the front hall and saw the Jinxiu girl whom he had not seen for a long time.

Dressed in splendid and luxurious clothes, the tall figure of the eldest princess's personal maid was fully exposed. It's graceful, gentle, and has an indescribable airy and elegant temperament. Especially when he smiles, his face shows two shallow pear dimples, which is very sweet and has a kind of charm that cannot be described as natural.

"Your Highness, Happy New Year!"

"You're welcome and safe."

When she saw Lin Jiangnian, Jinxiu's eyes in the front hall lit up slightly, like a crescent moon, and she stepped forward to salute with a smile.

"Miss Jinxiu, we are all old acquaintances, so there is no need to be polite."

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand and asked, "Miss Jinxiu came to see my prince today. What is the important matter?"

"Of course I came here on behalf of my princess to deliver a letter to His Highness."

Jinxiu smiled lightly, took out a letter from her sleeve and handed it to Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian took the letter, and there was still a warm breath on the letter, as well as a faint scent of a woman.

He opened the letter and looked down at it.

Lin Jiangnian raised his head and asked, "Your princess, want to see me?"

"Exactly." Jinxiu nodded.

"What's the matter?" Lin Jiangnian asked.

Jinxiu shook her head: "I don't know."

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes slightly. The eldest princess suddenly wanted to see him. Naturally, she couldn't come to him to drink tea and talk about love.

What could be the reason at this juncture?

Lin Jiangnian was thoughtful. After a moment, he put the letter away and said, "Go back and tell your princess that I will keep my appointment as scheduled."

Jinxiu smiled lightly and said: "Then the servant will go back and tell the princess that we are waiting for His Highness to come?"

After that, he turned around and was about to leave, but was stopped by Lin Jiangnian again.

"Don't leave in a hurry yet!"

Lin Jiangnian said: "It's hard for Miss Jinxiu to come here once, why don't you sit down for a while?"

Jinxiu paused slightly, looked back at Lin Jiangnian, and blinked, with a hint of meaning in his beautiful eyes.

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness, but my princess is still waiting for the slave to go back and report the situation~"

"There's no rush now."

"It's very urgent."

"It's okay. I'll just send someone to talk to your princess."


She looked at Lin Jiangnian, blinked, and said with a faint smile: "Your Highness wants to keep this slave here so there any purpose?"

Young Lin Jiang said with a smile: "It's been a long time since I last saw Miss Jinxiu. I miss you so much. I want to catch up with Miss Jinxiu!"

Jinxiu blinked: "Just reminiscing about old times?"

"Of course, if Miss Jinxiu is willing to discuss something else with this prince, that's not impossible."

"for example?"

"For example, the origin of the world we live in, the reproduction of species, or... the secret of the structure of the human body?"


Jinxiu was slightly startled, and when she came to her senses, a blush appeared on her fair face.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Your Highness is as usual... nasty!"

Lin Jiangnian approached slowly and said with a chuckle: "Isn't it the same with Miss Jinxiu? You understand it as soon as you hear it?"

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I really miss Miss Jinxiu."

Jinxiu tilted her head with a smile: "Your Highness is really thinking about your slave, or...does he have other purposes?"


Jinxiu sighed: "Your Highness, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"What does your princess want from me?"

"This slave really doesn't know..."

Seeing that Lin Jiangnian didn't seem to believe it, Jinxiu added, "Actually, this servant is quite surprised."

"How to say?"

"My princess seems to be in a bad state these past two days..."

Jinxiu hesitated, but still told Lin Jiangnian about the princess's strange reaction yesterday and today.

"The princess suddenly said that she wants to see you. As for the purpose, I don't know...but it should be something very important."

"Not in good condition?"

Lin Jiangnian thought thoughtfully: "You princess, what happened in the past two days?"

"These two days..."

Jinxiu was about to speak, but suddenly shut up.


"can not say."

Lin Jiangnian looked at her and asked suspiciously, "What secrets can't you tell me?"

"Anyway, I can't say..."

Jinxiu shook her head: "Won't you know when you see the princess?"

Lin Jiangnian said nothing and looked at Jinxiu quietly.

Jinxiu's eyes immediately became alert: "Your Highness, are you planning some bad idea?"

"What bad thoughts can I have?"

"You have...there's something wrong with your eyes!"

Jinxiu took a few steps back warily: "You don't want to use force on this slave, do you?"

Seeing Lin Jiangnian's hesitant expression, Jinxiu blinked, and soon revealed a pitiful and delicate face, with a look that was pitiful to me: "Your Highness, please stop bullying this slave..."

Jinxiu looked at him pitifully, her beautiful eyes seemed to be covered with mist: "I am just a messenger, I really don't know anything..."

"Okay, stop acting!"

Lin Jiangnian said angrily: "I really want to use force, and it's useless for you to beg for mercy."

"Hehe, I knew His Highness would not bully a slave."

Jinxiu smiled lightly, then winked at Lin Jiangnian: "Then, slave, please leave first?"

"go Go."

Seeing that he couldn't get any more useful information from Jinxiu, Lin Jiangnian waved his hand and sent her away.

"Slave and princess, please welcome your highness tomorrow!"

Jinxiu looked relaxed, with a bit of a smile on her face, and left humming a cheerful ditty.

Lin Jiangnian continued to think about the reason why the eldest princess suddenly came to him. Could it be...that it has something to do with this incident in the palace?

While he was thinking, there were footsteps outside the hall.

Lin Kong rushed in, dusty and dusty.

"Your Highness, there is new information in the palace!"

"Just now, an imperial edict came from the palace..."

"Imperial decree?"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes suddenly focused.

Although the current prince has the responsibility of supervising the country, he does not have the power to issue imperial decrees.

This imperial edict...

"The imperial edict came from the Yangxin Palace..."

Lin Kong reported in a deep voice: "The emperor who is in seclusion finally made some noise!"

"not dead?"

Lin Jiangnian squinted his eyes, thoughtfully.

There had been rumors before that the emperor might have died.

Now there is another imperial edict coming from the palace, and the rumors are self-defeating, but there is still a lot of confusion.

After all, the possibility that the prince falsely conveyed the imperial edict cannot be ruled out. This palace change of the third prince successfully allowed the prince to take control of the military and political power of the palace and the capital.

Nowadays, even if the emperor suddenly dies and the prince directly ascends the throne, Lin Jiangnian will not be too surprised.

"The emperor has left seclusion?" Lin Jiangnian asked.

Lin Kong shook his head and said: "There is no news of the emperor leaving confinement for the time being, but the imperial edict has been spread..."

"It is said that the third prince led troops to rebel and committed a heinous crime. He was demoted to common people and imprisoned in the imperial mausoleum..."

"The relevant personnel involved in the third prince's rebellion case will be executed after the evidence is found. The nine clans will be executed and their homes will be confiscated immediately..."

After listening to Lin Kong's retelling of the imperial edict, Lin Jiangnian's eyes were clear and thoughtful.

What suddenly occurred to him... Could it be related to the emperor's imperial edict when the eldest princess suddenly invited him to meet?

And this, could this be a...Hongmen Banquet aimed at him?


This sudden imperial edict from the palace instantly caused an uproar.

Accompanied by a series of chain reactions.

Imperial decree!

It’s been more than half a year since I showed up!

Since His Majesty went into seclusion for practice more than half a year ago, there has been no news from him since.

Over the past six months, many people have been secretly speculating. Did something happen to His Majesty, or was His Majesty already ‘died’?

As time goes by, such news spreads more and more among the people.

There are even rumors that Chen Zhao, the old gelding eunuch in the court, conspired to kill His Majesty and kept it secret in an attempt to subvert the court and monopolize power...

Now, as this imperial edict is spread, it is announced to the world. It can be regarded as a reassurance for the originally chaotic situation in Beijing.

Many people who were originally anxious were worried that this rebellion would cause chaos in the world and make people's lives miserable.

Now that His Majesty's decree came out, everyone felt relieved.

As long as His Majesty is still here, those little ones will not dare to cause trouble! As long as His Majesty is here, there will be no chaos in this world.

Of course, when this imperial edict came out, there were some who would question it.

After all, His Majesty never showed up!

This makes people doubt the authenticity of the imperial edict.

On the other hand, the content of this imperial edict also made many people increasingly uneasy.

The third prince has been convicted and dealt with, then, what about the others?

How many people will be involved in this rebellion? How many forces will this storm affect?

There was never a clear answer in the imperial edict.

The answers to all this will probably have to wait until tomorrow morning. At that time, it will be the time to announce the death date of many people!

And this night, many people will have insomnia and cannot sleep all night long!

Capital, Xu family.

The carriage slowly stopped outside the door. Xu Lan jumped out of the carriage and returned to the house without stopping.

"Miss, you are finally back!"

In the yard, the maid Xiaolu saw her young lady coming back and hurriedly came forward to greet her. She looked a little aggrieved: "Miss, you didn't even take me out this time... I'm so bored at home alone!"

Xiao Lu expressed her objection to the fact that her young lady left her at home and ran out to find Prince Lin alone.

"Oh, didn't I forget this time..."

Xu Lan chuckled and comforted: "Don't worry, I will definitely take you with me next time!"


Xiao Lu quickly became happy again: "Miss, don't lie to me?"

"It will not!"

Xu Lan promised, and then asked: "By the way, where is my grandfather?"

"The master hasn't come back yet."

"Not back yet?!"

Xu Lan frowned.

"What about my second brother? Is he back?"

Xiaolu shook his head: "The second young master hasn't come back either!"

"Where did they go?"

Xiaolu explained: "The master and the second young master have not come back since they left this morning..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Lu seemed to have thought of something, lowered her voice a little, and said cautiously: "Miss, I feel that something is not right with the master and the second young master these days!"


Xu Lan asked: "What's wrong?"

"that is……"

Xiao Lu couldn't describe it, "It's just that the atmosphere in the house is not right these days..."

Xiao Lu glanced at her young lady and knew that her young lady was heartless and would not pay attention to this. However, Xiao Lu was keenly aware that something was not right in the house these days.

"When I saw the master and the second young master coming back yesterday, their faces were solemn, as if something big had happened..."

Xiaolu whispered about her discovery.

Xu Lan was stunned.

Looking solemn?

Grandpa and second brother, what are they doing?

For some reason, she suddenly remembered what Lin Jiangnian said to her before.

Let her observe Grandpa more?

Let’s see who grandpa has contact with?

Could it be...that he knew something?

Xu Lan suddenly had the urge to go to Jiang's house again and ask Lin Jiangnian for clarification.

That guy must have guessed something!

Deliberately not telling her!

"Grandpa and the others..."

Xu Lan was a little worried: "No, what's the matter?"

Xiaolu looked a little worried, but still comforted in a low voice: "It shouldn't happen. The master has been an official in the court for so many years. He is considered highly respected and has many connections. He will be fine..."

Listening to Xiaolu's comfort, Xu Lan gradually felt relieved.

At this time, the servant's voice came from outside the courtyard.

"The master is back!"

"Grandpa is back?!"

Xu Lan's eyes lit up and she hurriedly ran out.

She had to quickly report to her grandfather what Lin Jiangnian had told her.


Xu Mansion, front yard.

An old man with gray hair was walking into the yard, his face solemn, and he seemed to have an unsolvable sadness.


A crisp sound brought him back to his senses.

"Lan Lan?"

The old man looked up and saw his precious granddaughter trotting over in front of him.

A smile appeared on the old man's face: "Lan Lan, why are you in such a hurry? Slow down and don't fall... Do you have anything to do with grandpa?"


Xu Lan nodded heavily and said seriously with a small face: "Grandpa, I have something very important to tell you!"

The old man's eyes were full of doting: "Lan Lan, tell me, is there anything important you want to tell grandpa?"

"It's not convenient to talk about it here."

Xu Lan looked around and spoke hesitantly.

Although the old man didn't think that the important things his precious granddaughter said were so important, seeing Lan Lan's serious expression, he still said, "In that case, let's go to the meeting hall?"

Inside the meeting hall.

"Lan Lan, do you have something important that you want to tell grandpa secretly?"

The old man looked at Xu Lan, his eyes full of doting.

Xu Lan hesitated, how to speak.


"What's wrong?"

"that is……"

Xu Lan hesitated and said in a low voice: "I went to Jiang's house today."

"Jiang family?"

The old man was slightly startled and didn't react for a while.

"Which Jiang family?"

"That's right, Crown Prince Lin..."

The old man came back to his senses and his eyes became serious: "Lan Lan, are you going to see that boy from the Lin family again?"


Xu Lan lowered her head, like a child who had done something wrong.

The old man wanted to blame him, but seeing his granddaughter in this state, he sighed deeply.

"Lan Lan, it's not your fault. Grandpa knows that you have known that boy since childhood... But our Xu family and Lin family are now..."

The old man paused for a moment, but finally did not speak.

There are some words that he doesn't want to say too clearly for fear of hurting his granddaughter.


Xu Lan knew what her grandfather wanted to say. Although no one had mentioned it to her, she knew everything.

"Lin...Jiang Nian told me today that he wants to meet Grandpa!"

"see me?"

The old man narrowed his eyes slightly: "That boy, what do you want to see me for?"

"He said he wanted to have a good chat with you..."

"Let's talk?"

The face of the Minister of Rites became more and more serious. Why did that boy suddenly want to see him?

What's the purpose?



"Actually, he knows everything..."

Xu Lan hesitated, took a deep breath, and said, "Actually, the Lin family has long known that our family... betrayed them."

The old man's face was slightly condensed. He had already expected this result. The Lin family's hands and eyes are very good, so it's impossible not to find any clues.

The Xu family was naturally well prepared, which was why he was in a hurry to bring Lan Lan to the capital.

"Grandpa, the Lin family is kind to our Xu family... It is really unjustifiable for our Xu family to do this..."

The old man was silent, and after a while he said: "Lan Lan, you don't understand, our Xu family has no way out."

"No, there's more!"

Xu Lan suddenly became excited and said, "He, he said..."

"Lin Jiangnian said that for the sake of our long-term friendship with the Lin and Xu families, let's forget about the things our Xu family has done before..."

"He won't lie to me!"

"He is willing to give our family a chance so that grandpa and dad don't make the same mistakes again and again..."

"He said, I hope you can think carefully, grandpa. He also said, please don't insist on having your own way, which will lead our Xu family to destruction..."


Night falls.

Zhao Mansion.

In the study, the lights are brightly lit.

Beside the desk, the half-white-haired Zhao Chuanan was checking the folders sent on the table, frowning, and his old face became more solemn.


A voice sounded: "There is something going on in the palace!"

Then, the visitor reported the news of the imperial edict from the palace to the master.

After Zhao Chuanan heard this, his eyes were calm and he murmured: "Is the prince finally going to take action?"

Then he raised his eyes, and those deep sunken eyes seemed to be filled with some kind of brilliance.

"Where is your Majesty?"

"Your Majesty, you didn't show up!"

This ray of light suddenly dissipated.


At the same time, footsteps sounded again outside the hospital.

Zhao Jing walked in quickly.

"Master, there is someone coming from the palace. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince invites you to come into the palace. We have important matters to discuss!"

Zhao Chuanan's expression was neither cold nor indifferent. He glanced at the night outside the window and seemed to understand something.

He stood up slowly, and the servants on the side quickly put on the coat for the master.

"Let's go to the palace!"


Zhao Mansion.

In the inner courtyard on the other side, it was quiet.

Under the eaves, in the room.

The lights are bright and the warm aroma fills the air.

On the first floor, outside the screen.

Zhao Xi, who was wearing a light cyan double-breasted dress, was stepping barefoot on the carpet. Under the hem of the skirt, those slender, snow-white legs were looming.

At this time, Zhao Xi was paying full attention.

Right in front of her was a drawing board.

As Zhao Xi started painting, a figure gradually appeared on the drawing board.

A familiar face.

The face on the drawing board, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, is extremely handsome. Especially the eyebrows are expressive, revealing the playful look between the raised eyebrows.

Zhao Xi stared blankly for a few times, as if recalling some profound memories, and couldn't help but feel a little warm in his delicate body.

Some are so shy that they want to avoid looking away!

But his eyes never left.

Staring at the familiar face on the drawing board, he fell into a trance and fell into some kind of thought.

Until, there were footsteps outside the door.


Xiaoyue's voice came from outside the sudden door: "The eldest princess is here!"

The eldest princess?

Piaomiao is coming? !

Zhao Xi, who was in a daze, suddenly came back to his senses.

Looking at the familiar face on the drawing board in front of me, I suddenly felt guilty and panicked, and subconsciously wanted to tear it off, crumble it into a ball, and throw it away.

But just when he was about to start, he stopped again.

In the end, I still couldn't bear it.

Carefully remove the rice paper from the drawing board, fold it, and stuff it into a book on the table.

Just after finishing all this, Li Miaomiao, dressed in white, appeared at the door.


Zhao Xi turned to look at the door, took a deep breath, quickly adjusted his emotions, and a look of surprise appeared on his face: "Why are you here?!"

"come on in!"

Li Miaomiao took off her shoes and socks at the door, stepped into the room, and stepped on the carpet with her bare feet.

Outside the door, Xiaoyue closed the door thoughtfully.

"Why are you free to come see me today?!"

Zhao Xi looked at Li Mianmiao with a happy face, but still complained softly: "You haven't been here for a while... I tried to find you, but I couldn't find you."

Li Piaomiao said: "Busy."

"I knew you were busy, so I didn't bother you."

Zhao Xi sighed softly with a faint look in his eyes, and then asked: "How is the situation in the palace now?"

"It's okay." Li Miaomiao's tone was neither cold nor indifferent.

At this time, Zhao Xi seemed to notice something, his eyes fell on Li Pianmiao's face, and he stared at it for a moment.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Zhao Xi vaguely felt that something was wrong with her mood?

Although it looks normal, Li Miaomiao has always been like this in the past.

But tonight, something feels a little different?

"I'm fine."

Li Piaomiao shook his head.

"No, there's something wrong with you!"

Zhao Xi looked at her with a slightly serious look: "There is something wrong with have learned to lie!"

As Li Miaomiao's closest sister and best friend, how come Zhao Xi doesn't understand her?

There must be something wrong with this reaction.

Li Piaomiao was silent.

"What happened?"

Seeing that she didn't speak, Zhao Xi's expression became more solemn, he became more and more sure of his suspicions, and became worried.

What happened?

What happened to make this always cold-tempered eldest princess become even more taciturn?

"What accident happened in the palace?"

Zhao Xi seemed to have thought of something, and his face changed slightly: "Could it be related to His Majesty?!"

Li Piaomiao glanced at her: "Father is fine."

"Then what happened?"

Zhao Xi was puzzled: "Can it make you feel bad?"

Li Piaomiao looked at her and asked, "Can't I be in a bad mood?"

"Others can, but you can't."


"You are different from normal people."

Zhao Xi sighed faintly: "I have known you for so many years, but I have never seen you affect your mood due to anything... This is the first time in history."

"Can you tell me what happened?"

Li Piaomiao was silent and thoughtful.

"Actually, it's nothing."

"Isn't that nothing?"

Zhao Xi obviously didn't believe it and looked at Li Piaomiao. Calm, deep, and ethereal, like winter frost...

"Forget it, forget it, if you don't want to say forget it!"

Zhao Xi gave up.

She rolled her eyes and said in a resentful tone: "You don't regard me as one of your own anyway, so forget it if you don't want to say it."

Li Piaomiao was still silent.

"I originally wanted to find you, but since you came to my door yourself..."

Zhao Xi looked at her: "Just in time, I have something to ask you."

After saying that, she asked: "Third Prince, was the army defeated?"


"What about Chen Zhao?"

Zhao Xi asked what he was most concerned about.

The third prince rebelled and was defeated. Why was Chen Zhao still safe and sound?

Li Piaomiao was silent for a moment, "He's fine!"


Zhao Xi stared at her: "Chen Zhao has colluded with the third prince...why is he safe and sound?"

Li Piaomiao said: "The prince said it was the father's instruction!"


Zhao Xi looked shocked and said in disbelief: "You mean, is it His Majesty's intention that Chen Zhao colluded with the third prince?"

Li Piaomiao nodded.


Zhao Xi naturally didn't believe it, "How could he be His Majesty..."

Zhao Xi wanted to refute, but couldn't produce any favorable evidence.

My instinct felt wrong, but I couldn't refute it.

"Do you believe it?"

Zhao Xi asked her.

Li Piaomiao was silent for a moment: "Father said so."

"But I don't believe it!"

A solemn look appeared on Zhao Xi's delicate face. She looked at Li Pianmiao: "Where was Chen Zhao that night?"

"Health Palace."

"Has he always been in the Health Palace?"


"how do you know?"

"That night..."

Li Piaomiao glanced at her and said calmly: "I'm here too."


After listening to Li Piaomiao's narration, Zhao Xi fell silent.

Even if you don’t want to accept it in your heart, you have to accept it...

On the night when the third prince rebelled against Chen Zhao, he stayed outside the Yangsheng Palace from beginning to end, and all the imperial guards in the palace saw it with their own eyes.

Even Li Piaomiao saw it.

Zhao Xi can not trust anyone, but she will not suspect that Li Miaomiao lied to her.

And she also investigated that that night, Mi Tiansi was also silent!

This means that...everything Chen Zhao did before was most likely the result of His Majesty's instructions.

After learning the news, Zhao Xi was silent for a long time.

She didn't believe it, but the facts were right in front of her.

This also means that her plan to take advantage of the third prince's rebellion to bring down Chen Zhao has completely failed.

"Is it really impossible to kill him?"

Zhao Xi's tone was a little disappointed and unwilling.

But more than anything, it was frustration.

"He won't live long."

Li Piaomiao suddenly spoke.


Zhao Xi raised her eyes slightly and saw Li Miaomiao's cold expression. She smiled bitterly: "I know you want to help me, but you are the eldest princess. If you kill him, it will bring you a lot of trouble..."

"What's more, he has always been on guard against you. As long as he keeps hiding in the Health Palace, you may not be able to kill him."

Li Piaomiao said nothing.

Now, it is indeed impossible to kill.

Even her father wouldn’t let her kill him!

But soon, it will be!

After his father died and the prince succeeded to the throne, Chen Zhao would die after losing his father's protective umbrella.

When the time comes, no one will be able to protect him!

Li Piaomiao's eyes gradually became indifferent.

He glanced at Zhao Xi, who was in a depressed mood, and opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

She doesn't comfort people.

She couldn't tell her about her father's situation... Even if she trusted Zhao Xi, she believed she wouldn't tell.


can not say.

In the end, Li Piaomiao could only remain silent.

Silence is the theme tonight.

Her cold eyes scanned the room, falling on the drawing board beside her, and then on a book placed on the table beside her.

Li Miaomiao picked up the book on the table and opened it at will.

"Even if I can't kill you this time, I will never give up!"

After a brief period of depression, Zhao Xi quickly recovered.

She still has not changed her determination to kill Chen Zhao for revenge. Even if she fails to take advantage of the situation this time, she can still proceed according to the original plan... However, the plan may have to be slightly changed!

"By the way, Piaomiao you..."

When Zhao Xi was about to speak, he glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw a book in Li Miaomiao's hand, which he was looking down at.

And that book...why does it look familiar?

Zhao Xi's eyes fell on the empty table next to him, and then looked at Li Miaomiao, who had already opened the book.

And the rice paper originally sandwiched in the book cover happened to be opened.

At this moment, Zhao Xi's eyes widened and his scalp went numb!

As if someone had discovered the most shameful secret in his heart, a panic suddenly surged into his heart. Zhao Xi's whole body was shocked, as if he had been shocked by electricity, and a biting cold feeling emerged from his back.

A feeling of guilt and panic came over her, and her pretty face was flushed with panic.

"Piaomiao, you, you..."

At this time, Li Miaomiao slowly raised his eyes and looked at her.

The two looked at each other.

Zhao Xi's eyes dodge, and he feels guilty. The guilt of being caught and raped instantly surges into his heart.

But... the situation is really similar!

Zhao Xi didn't dare to look directly into Li Miaomiao's eyes. His face was as hot as fire, and he had the urge to crawl under the carpet with shame and anger.

The previous joke was just a joke, and the teasing was still teasing.

But when the day finally came, Zhao Xi still unconsciously... panicked.


Just when Zhao Xi was at a loss, Li Miaomiao slowly picked up the rice paper with the portrait that he took out from the gap in the book.

And the portrait on it clearly identifies the other party.

Li Piaomiao looked at Zhao Xi calmly, with still no emotion on his face.

"Do you really like him?"


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