Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 410 This is an era of good looks


In the woman's boudoir where the fragrance lingered, the atmosphere seemed to freeze at this moment.

Li Miaomiao, wearing a long white dress, stood quietly at the table, holding the open book in one hand, and holding the sketch paper between her delicate fingers, looking down at Zhao Xi quietly.

The beautiful eyes are cold and still unruffled.

However, those calm eyes seemed to be mixed with a touch of strange emotions.


Is there a hint of surprise?

Faced with Li Miaomiao's understatement of questioning, Zhao Xi first looked flustered, feeling guilty as if he had stolen a good sister's fiancé.

Even though Li Piaomiao's eyes were not aggressive at all, and there was no questioning tone at all...

But Zhao Xi still felt a sense of tension piercing his back!

At this moment, my palms actually started to sweat.

However, after a brief moment of embarrassment, Zhao Xi quickly calmed down, and the panic on his face gradually calmed down. Then, a playful look reappeared in her beautiful eyes, and she looked at Li Miaomiao, who had a cold gaze in front of her, with a half-smile.


"Do you regret it?"

Facing Zhao Xi's slightly provocative and playful gaze, Li Miaomiao lowered her eyes and landed on the rice paper portrait on her fingertips.


Her tone remained emotionless.

"Just curious."

"Really just curious?"

Zhao Xi didn't believe it. She stared into Li Miaomiao's eyes and said, "I have fallen in love with your fiancé. Are you really not feeling the slightest bit...uncomfortable?"


Li Piaomiao thought carefully for a moment, then said with a normal expression: "No."

Zhao Xi stared at her for a long time, until he couldn't see any other emotions on her face, and then he looked away.

I don't know why, but I feel vaguely... relieved?

Then, she stepped lightly on the carpet with her bare feet and approached Li Miaomiao. He took the portrait from her hand, glanced down at it, and then said playfully: "The painting I drew looks pretty similar, right?"

Seeing that Li Miaomiao didn't speak, Zhao Xi paused for a moment, raised his eyes and looked at her with a smile: "If you really don't regret it, then..."

"Will he be mine from now on?"

After hearing this, Li Miaomiao's face remained unchanged, and he just looked at her calmly.

"Have you thought about it?"

"If you like it, you just like it. What else do you need to think about?" Zhao Xi asked back.

Li Piaomiao looked at her and said, "Your father will not agree."

"It's his business if he doesn't agree. As long as I am willing, no one can stop me!"

Zhao Xi shook his head gently, his eyes soft and confident.

Seeing that Li Pianmiao was silent, her beautiful eyes flashed, and she suddenly came closer: "So, you..."

"Are you really going to break off the engagement with him?"

Li Miaomiao lowered her eyes, looked at her, and looked into Zhao Xi's shining eyes. There was a long silence and no words were spoken.

The slight smile on Zhao Xi's face gradually solidified and dissipated with Li Miaomiao's silence.

When asked this question in the past, Li Miaomiao would always give a cold and decisive answer.

But today...

Did she hesitate?

Zhao Xi's heart jumped inexplicably.


"Yesterday, I met my father!"

Li Piaomiao suddenly spoke casually.

Zhao Xi was slightly stunned.

"His Majesty is out of confinement?!"

Li Miaomiao shook her head lightly and said calmly, "Father, please let me do something."

"What's the matter?"

Zhao Xi vaguely felt that something was not right, and...had an inexplicable premonition?

Li Piaomiao glanced at her and remained silent for a while.

"Marry him."



There was a long silence.

"You agreed?"

"not yet."


Zhao Xi's eyes narrowed slightly and he looked at Li Miaomiao in front of him with suspicion. Thoughtfully, he had obviously guessed something.

"Your Majesty, are you planning to take this step after all?"

Zhao Xi stared at her: "Since His Majesty can think of this step, how could Lin Hengzhong not think of it?"

"Or is it that His Majesty is a little too blindly confident in you?"

Li Piaomiao looked as usual: "I am just a chess piece in the hands of my father. I may play a vital role, or maybe..."

"Just an ordinary chess piece!"

Her tone was very calm, as if she had already anticipated her fate.

Zhao Xi was silent, she understood Li Piaomiao's mood.

"So, this is why you are in a bad mood tonight?"

She realized that this might be where the eldest princess hesitated.

Zhao Xi looked at her again: "You haven't thought about it yet?"

Li Piaomiao nodded.

"What are you hesitating about?"

"have no idea."

She didn't know what she was hesitating about, but she was instinctively confused!

Can't find the answer.


Zhao Xi seemed to have thought of something, her beautiful eyes slightly raised: "Are you worried about me?"

She smiled lightly with light eyebrows and her eyes moved: "Don't worry, if you really plan to marry him, I won't take advantage of him... I can give him to you."

"After all, you are his fiancée!"

Li Miaomiao looked at Zhao Xi quietly, and after a while, said: "I won't compete with you."


"There's always another way."

Li Piaomiao's eyes were empty, as if he was thinking about something.

Zhao Xi narrowed his eyes: "You really don't regret it?"

"This is your last chance... When the time comes, you won't have a chance to regret it."

Zhao Xi warned.

Li Piaomiao just remained silent and didn't speak.

"In that case, it's settled!"

As if he was afraid that Li Miaomiao would regret it, Zhao Xi immediately made up his mind and said with a smile: "I will tell him later that you would rather disobey His Majesty's will than marry him?!"

Li Piaomiao's eyes were indifferent, and she didn't seem to be worried about this.

However, there seemed to be a bit more curiosity in Zhao Xi's eyes.

"Why do you like him?"


Zhao Xi asked back: "Do you need a reason to like someone?"

Li Piaomiao was stunned: "Don't you need it?"

"I don't know that."

Zhao Xi shook her head. She had never liked anyone before, so how could she know whether she needed him or not. Even now...she doesn't know if that counts as liking.

She thought for a while and then added, "If you have to give a reason..."

"Because he's good-looking?"

Li Piaomiao frowned slightly: "Just because of this??"


Zhao Xi blinked: "Isn't this enough?"

"Isn't it the most important thing to look good?"


"You don't want to marry an ugly guy, do you?"


"Do you like people who are ugly and disgusting when you look at them?"

Li Piaomiao frowned: "How can a life-long event be so superficial and only look at the appearance?"

"Of course you can't just look at looks..."

Zhao Xi nodded in agreement, but couldn't help but said: "But, he is really good-looking?!"

As she spoke, her eyes fell on the portrait in her hand, and she could clearly see that the figure in the portrait was dignified, majestic, extremely eye-catching, and pleasing to the eye... Isn't this enough?

Li Piaomiao was silent.

She knew Zhao Xi's personality and preferences, and his eyes were higher than his head. But I didn't expect that her obsession would be so deep?

"What if he looks ordinary?"

Li Piaomiao asked again.

Zhao Xi thought for a while and said honestly: "Then it probably won't happen..."

Seeing Li Pianmiao looking at her expressionlessly, Zhao Xi sighed quietly: "If he had been born with an ordinary appearance, I wouldn't have called him into the house in the first place..."

"Of course, I probably won't have any interaction with him."

Li Piaomiao: "..."

So, it still depends on the face? !


Li Piaomiao was silent.

Maybe I don’t know what to say anymore.

"I am leaving!"

After a while, she spoke.

Turn around and walk to the door, bend down, lower your head, put on your shoes and socks, open the door and walk out.

Outside the door, cold wind rushed in.

Zhao Xi looked at Li Miaomiao's leaving figure. She came very quickly and left very gracefully. Not long after, the figure disappeared from the courtyard.

Zhao Xi sighed quietly.

"Will she marry that guy?"

Zhao Xi muttered to himself, not knowing what he thought of, and a look of solemnity appeared on his cold face.

"Pianmiao and he already have an engagement, and His Majesty has not left seclusion. Why did he suddenly bring up the engagement with Pianmiao again at this time?"

Zhao Xi frowned slightly, seeming to notice something unusual.

"Your Majesty wants Miao Miao to marry to Prince Lin's Mansion and become a pawn that restrains Prince Lin's Mansion... But how could Prince Lin's Mansion not predict this?"

"His Majesty's move is actually not safe. It even has a bit of a risk and a sense of gambling..."

Zhao Xi murmured to himself, analyzing the pros and cons, as well as some information he couldn't get.

After a while, Zhao Xi sighed again.

I can't figure out the rest, but...

If Ruo Miao Miao really decided to marry that guy... she would really benefit from that guy!

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Xi felt a little worried...what if Pian Miao really got married to him.

What about yourself?

What should I do?

Could it be that... he lowered his status and became sisters with Pian Miao?

Thinking of this, Zhao Xi's eyes were shy, and a light blush appeared on his fair and delicate face.

Like mist and clouds, the beauty is beyond compare!

As the imperial edict from the palace spread, many people were destined to have insomnia that night.

The forces from all sides are gathering together, and they are panicking.

Under the cover of night, undercurrents surge.

But this night, Lin Jiangnian slept soundly. When I woke up, it was already bright outside the window!

Xiaozhu's voice sounded outside the door.

"Your Highness, are you awake?"

Immediately afterwards, the door to the room was pushed open, and Xiaozhu, who was wearing a light green skirt, stood on tiptoes and carefully walked into the room holding the hem of her skirt.

When he saw His Highness sitting up behind the screen, he breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest which was not majestic but still slightly round.

"Your Highness, you're awake!"

"It's time to wake up!"

Xiaozhu quickly walked behind the screen and came to the bed. Just as he was about to help His Highness get dressed, a big hand reached out from the bed and skillfully lifted her onto the bed.

"Well... Your Highness... don't, it's time to get up... don't, don't touch..."

Xiaozhu fell into His Highness's arms and was carried on the bed by Lin Jiangnian, who held him in his arms and 'bullied' him.

He didn't give up until the little maid in his arms had a red face, was panting, and her beautiful eyes were blurred.

"Your Highness, Your's really, really bad..."

Xiaozhu spoke angrily.

Lin Jiangnian glanced down and raised his eyebrows: "There are worse ones, do you want to try them?"

"no, do not want……"

Xiaozhu looked panicked and said quickly: "Outside, outside...Sister Qingqing is looking for you!"

Only then did Lin Jiangnian think that Lin Qingqing came to him for something serious.

"Okay, let me let you go first!"

Lin Jiangnian pinched the little maid's pink cheeks, then gently rubbed the bulging part of her messy and wrinkled clothes, and then let her go.

"Remember to come over and warm His Highness's bed tonight!"


Xiaozhu's face turned red and her eyes were filled with shyness. She covered her chest and said angrily: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty knows how to bully others..."

"I, I won't come!"

Although her tone sounded angry, there was no anger at all in the little maid's big, watery eyes.

As for whether or not to come tonight...

The little maid's dark eyes were wandering, wondering what she was thinking.

Not long after, after helping Lin Jiangnian dress and wash up, Lin Jiangnian opened the door and walked out of the room.

In the courtyard, Lin Qingqing had been waiting for a long time. She bowed her head and said respectfully: "Your Highness, information has just been sent from the palace..."

"The palace gate opened this morning, and the ministers who had been waiting outside the palace gate for many days were finally able to enter the palace and attend the morning court..."

"This morning, His Majesty did not show up. He is still in retreat..."

"Your Majesty, you have given full authority over the affairs of the imperial court to His Highness the Crown Prince..."


This morning.

The palace doors, which had been closed for several days, were finally reopened, ushering in the first morning event of the new year!

But this morning dynasty is different from the previous morning dynasties!

In the court, many ministers were missing. At the same time, it is much quieter than before, and it is a bit strangely calm!

It was like there was an invisible depressive atmosphere hanging over everyone's hearts.

The host of the morning court this time was still His Highness the Crown Prince, who was ordered to supervise the country. But compared to the past situations where various forces and factions were quarreling in the court due to some conflicting interests, today's morning was eerily quiet.

Compared with the lively discussions among the people and the capital in the past few days, no one in the morning court took the initiative to mention the matter of the third prince.

As if, as if no one knew!

In the end, it was His Royal Highness the Crown Prince who took the initiative to announce the news of the third prince's rebellion, and at the same time once again conveyed the emperor's will.

Regarding this matter, no one in the court objected, and even agreed with it. The direction of the trend was almost one-sided...

After all, the overall situation has been decided at this time, and no one wants to get angry.

Of course, there will still be some dumbfounded people who will stand up and question it!

Do you question whether the third prince really rebelled?

Are you questioning whether His Highness the Crown Prince is making something up out of thin air and wants to take the opportunity to kill his brothers and consolidate his own power?

In response to this kind of voice, His Royal Highness, who had always had a peaceful personality in the past, changed from his normal attitude and rewarded the questioning minister with a set of 'Nine Tribes Xiaoxiaole' package!

As a result, the few remaining voices of opposition in the court completely disappeared.

The rest is completely one-sided.

While angrily scolding the third prince for his wild ambitions, as a prince he is so ambitious and unconscionable that he deserves what he deserves. On the other hand, they praised His Highness the Crown Prince for being virtuous and virtuous, and for loving the people like a son. This time, he even planned strategies to save the dynasty from danger. It was indeed a blessing for the dynasty to revive...

The scene is extremely ironic!

Lin Jiangnian was not surprised when he learned the news.

The third prince's mutiny was too hasty and ended too quickly, leaving no one a chance to react.

As this morning's court had completely determined the third prince's rebellion, even if some people had other opinions and ideas in their hearts, they did not dare to speak out.

At the same time, in this morning's court meeting, while the prince ordered the liquidation of the conspirators who followed the third prince in the rebellion, he also released another message... He would not really kill them all!

For those ministers and aristocratic families who have good personal relationships with the third prince but are not involved in the rebellion plan, they will not be implicated.

This news made many ministers who had always been worried about it finally feel relieved.

Lin Jiangnian, however, understood another meaning from this decree.

If the case of the third prince's rebellion was to be completely liquidated, most of the officials in the court and people from countless aristocratic families in the capital would have to be involved.

In the past few years, the third prince has been in the capital, and with the tacit approval of the emperor, he has won over many officials from aristocratic families, and the power behind it cannot be underestimated.

For the prince, the most important thing at the moment was to stabilize the court and stabilize the people's hearts. It is unrealistic to forcibly uproot all the ministers and aristocratic families who have had an affair with the third prince, and it will definitely shake the foundation of the country.

On the other hand, this category, which was not involved in the Third Prince's rebellion... is somewhat ambiguous.

It's a bit like...the prince has the final say!

After all, who can really guarantee that those ministers from aristocratic families who are good friends with the third prince will be completely unaware of the third prince's plan to rebel?

Even if it can be guaranteed, how can it be proven?

If His Highness the Crown Prince doubts that you are involved in the rebellion of the Third would you explain it?

All we can say is that the prince made a good move.

However, this good move cannot be sustained by him alone.

Then, there must be another person... Prime Minister Zhao!

Zhao Xi's father quickly appeared in Lin Jiangnian's mind!

The current prime minister of the Daning Dynasty...Zhao Chuanan!

This morning in court, Prime Minister Zhao, although he did not say anything, tacitly stood in the camp of the prince.

Without the presence and support of Prime Minister Zhao, who is a senior figure in the court, it may not be that easy for this young prince to stabilize the court...


The prosperity remains.

The third prince's rebellion has added a lot of talk to this New Year.

As the imperial edict was announced to the world, the people in the capital who were originally worried gradually became relieved.

It's just a prince who rebelled. Your Majesty has told the world that the matter is over and the world will not be in chaos.

Then, naturally it is time to continue... eat and drink when it is time!

Wish you New Year's greetings and walk through the streets. Yanliu place in the middle of the capital still plays and sings every night.

Occasionally, there will be heavily armed imperial guards on the streets, followed by a column of city defense troops walking through quickly.

The people around were pointing and talking about whose house was going to be ransacked!

Some scholars who like forensics gathered in restaurants and teahouses to give advice and reveal inside information that they had heard from nowhere.

The people nearby listened with gusto, and it was a bustling scene.


It is located on the west side of the imperial city, separated by two bustling streets.

Princess mansion!

Outside the house, it was deserted.

A carriage slowly stopped outside the princess's residence, and the curtains were opened.

"His Royal Highness, we are here!"

In the carriage, Lin Jiangnian stepped out of the carriage with the help of the guards outside the mansion.

Lift your eyes and look forward!

This is Lin Jiangnian’s second visit to the Princess Mansion!

The guards outside the mansion recognized Lin Jiangnian at a glance and respectfully stepped forward to greet him.

"Your Highness, please come in!"

Lin Jiangnian entered the mansion with the help of the guards.

Not long after he entered the house, he heard a clear and sweet voice.

"I didn't expect that His Highness would be quite punctual!"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes, and in front of him, a graceful figure was approaching.

Wearing a goose yellow tube top skirt, long silk cloud sleeves blowing in the wind, carefully combed mist hairpin floating like clouds, a silver butterfly hairpin on the temples, with slender beaded tassels hanging down from the butterfly hairpin, along with the same strands Silky hair cascades down the side of the chest.

His eyes are clear and lively, his temperament is sweet, and his face is not at all sad. With willow eyebrows, almond eyes, and cherry lips, she is graceful and charming, and she is looking at Lin Jiangnian with a smile.

Between the eyebrows, there is a beautiful smile!

The temperament is cool and there is an indescribable tenderness!

It is Jinxiu!

Jinxiu walked slowly to Lin Jiangnian with gentle steps: "I originally wanted to greet His Highness, but I didn't expect His Highness to have arrived so soon!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "It seems that Miss Jinxiu doesn't really want to take over my son, right?"

"how come?"

The beautiful willow eyebrows stretched, and she said with a smile: "Isn't my slave here?"

"It's too late, I'm not sincere!"

Jinxiu blinked: "Your Highness is questioning your sincerity to Your Highness?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "Have you ever heard of Miss Jinxiu!"


Jinxiu raised her eyes and asked doubtfully, "What are you talking about?"

"Those who are willing don't need to be taught!"

After Lin Jiangnian finished speaking, he walked forward.

Jinxiu was left in a daze, looking blank.

What, no need to teach?

"Your Highness, what does it mean that those who are willing do not need to be taught?"

On the way, Jinxiu thought for a long time, with a look of confusion on his face.

Do you seem to understand but don’t understand? If you do, you don’t quite understand?

"literal meaning."

Jinxiu thought for a moment, seemed to realize something, and blinked: "So, His Highness is still blaming the slave?"

"You are complaining that I didn't go to greet His Highness earlier?"

Lin Jiangnian paused slightly and glanced back at her: "Is this prince's behavior so obvious?"


Jinxiu smiled brightly, with a small pear dimple on her face, which was very sweet.

Then, she innocently blinked at Lin Jiangnian: "I know your mistake. Next time, I will pick up His Highness early... and never keep His Highness waiting?"

"It's too late, my prince is very angry now!"

"Then, how can His Highness not be angry?"

"Then it depends on your performance!"

Jinxiu continued to blink: "Your Highness, how do you want me to behave?"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on Jinxiu's delicate and delicate face, which seemed pitiful, but there was a hint of mischief in those bright and beautiful eyes.

Obviously, she didn't take Lin Jiangnian's anger seriously.

Therefore, I have no intention of squatting down to put out the fire for him...

Lin Jiangnian looked down slightly, along her slender white neck, and slowly landed on the goose yellow tube top skirt.

With the plump breasts holding up the clothes, at such a close distance, from Lin Jiangnian's perspective, he could accidentally catch a glimpse of snow-white through the slightly opened gap in the collar...

Jinxiu quickly noticed the slightly fiery gaze of His Highness the Crown Prince next to her, and subconsciously lowered her head.

Then, a blush rose from her pretty fair face.

He took a step back in a panic, reaching out to cover his chest. His eyes, which were originally filled with a hint of mischievous smile, suddenly turned a little red with embarrassment.

"Your Highness..."

"Why are you looking so obscenely!"

Jinxiu bit her lower lip lightly, her beautiful eyes filled with shame and a bit of resentment.


Only then did Lin Jiangnian come to his senses: "When did this prince become obscene?"

"Just now...what were you looking at, Your Highness?"

"Of course I'm looking at the most beautiful thing in the world!"


Jinxiu's already blushing cheeks seemed to turn even redder, obviously hearing the meaning in Lin Jiangnian's tone.

"Your Highness, is this how you usually look at other women?"

Jinxiu looked at him with anger and shame.

"of course not."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head in denial.

"This prince is all aboveboard."



Jinxiu's face was filled with warmth, and she stopped asking any more questions. If she continued to ask, there might be something more shameless that His Highness would say.

She had really felt it, and the previous rumors in the capital could not be said to be completely wrong... At least, the Prince Lin was indeed what the rumors said.

Lewd and obscene!

Jinxiu really felt this.

"My princess seldom lives in the palace on weekdays. She lives here most of the time..."

"Princess Xi Jing, if nothing happens on weekdays, no one in the house will bother you..."

Inside the princess's mansion.

Jinxiu explained softly while leading Lin Jiangnian towards the inner courtyard.

Not long after, Jinxiu led Lin Jiangnian to the inner courtyard where he had been last time.

"The princess is in the backyard, come with the slave."

With that said, Jinxiu led Lin Jiangnian into the inner courtyard.

As soon as he passed under the eaves of the inner courtyard, Lin Jiangnian saw an additional figure not far away in the courtyard.

There was a pavilion in the courtyard not far away. In the pavilion where Lin Jiangnian and Li Miaomiao met last time, a woman with a cold temperament appeared!

Holding the sword, he stood there expressionless, like a sculpture, looking at Lin Jiangnian who was led in by Jinxiu.

When his eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian, the frost on his face seemed to grow a little more.

At the same time, there was a hint of panic in his eyes.

Lin Jiangnian paused slightly.

He recognized the girl in the pavilion!

Wasn't it the girl he mistakenly identified as Jinxiu when he came to the princess's house last time?

Jinxiu’s twin sister?

What is it called - tranquility? !

Jinxiu also saw An Ning in the pavilion, stopped and asked her, "An Ning, where is the princess?"

In the pavilion, the girl An Ning looked at Jinxiu and Lin Jiangnian expressionlessly.

No sound.

Then he turned around, ignored her, and left directly.

"An Ning, did you hear me?!"

Seeing that An Ning ignored her, Jinxiu was startled, and then said angrily: "Do you take my sister seriously?!"

An Ning turned a deaf ear and left without looking back.


She was furious!

Is this little girl getting angry with her again?

While he was still angry, he saw Lin Jiangnian looking in the direction An Ning left, retracting his gaze and looking at Jinxiu.

After looking at it twice, he clicked his tongue and spoke.

"Obviously they look exactly the same, but why do you twins have completely different temperaments and personalities?"

It’s rare to find sisters with two extreme personalities!

Lin Jiangnian sighed with emotion.

"She is not my sister. I don't have such a disobedient sister!"

Jinxiu said a little angry.

Lin Jiangnian was a little curious: "Is she born with this temperament, or did she learn it from your princess?"

"All of them."

Jinxiu rolled her beautiful eyes and sighed softly: "She has been silent since she was a child, and she doesn't like to talk. She is also a bit introverted and autistic... I thought she would get better when she grows up, but I didn't expect that she would learn from the princess... The result is what it is now!”

"This ghostly look makes me so angry!"

Jinxiu complained.

Lin Jiangnian thought it was interesting. When the little girl named An Ning saw him, she looked obviously panicked.

Obviously the last experience made her a little scared. The introverted and timid Jinxiu said probably didn't run away!

Such an introverted and timid child, in order to hide himself, followed the eldest princess and learned to use a cold temperament and aura to disguise himself.



Jinxiu didn't hear clearly.

"I said your sister is quite interesting!"

Lin Jiangnian seemed to be smiling but not smiling.


After hearing this, Jinxiu's eyes immediately became suspicious: "Your Highness, you..."

"Could it be that you have a crush on my sister?!"


Lin Jiangnian turned around and saw Jinxiu's slightly wary and uneasy look. Just as he was about to speak, he thought about it and suddenly there was a touch of amusement on his face.

"What? Can't it?"

Lin Jiangnian seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and he meant something: "My lord, your sister seems to be a slut..."

"No, absolutely not!"

Before Lin Jiangnian could finish speaking, Jinxiu interrupted Lin Jiangnian in a panic: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you, you can't have any ideas for her..."

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "Why not?"

"Because, because..."

Jinxiu hesitated, but couldn't make it clear for a moment: "Just, it just can't work, she, she..."

"I think your sister is very good!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Jinxiu with a smile: "It just so happens that I still lack a bed warmer..."

"No, no!"

Jinxiu looked completely panicked.

How could His Highness really have his mind set on her sister?

"Me, my sister is still young..."

"Where is the small one?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "Aren't they the same age as your twins?"

"...On the contrary, it is very small anyway!"

Jinxiu blushed: "She, she has a bad temper, and she doesn't know how to serve others..."

"She's not good at anything anyway..."

"Your Highness, you, why don't you find someone else?"

Jinxiu tried her best to explain, trying to dispel Lin Jiangnian's idea of ​​hitting her sister.

"What you said seems to make sense!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded thoughtfully, "But, who should I replace as the heir apparent?"

As he spoke, his eyes fell on Jinxiu.

He looked her up and down.

The expression on Jinxiu's face froze.


It's over. The idea has come to her? !

"Miss Jinxiu has a good temper, right?"

"'s not good either!"

"Miss Jinxiu can serve people, right?"

"No... not very likely..."


Lin Jiangnian suddenly took a step closer to Jinxiu. In this way, the two people became very close to each other.

Jinxiu subconsciously wanted to retreat and run away. She guarded her chest with her hands and became more and more embarrassed: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Jinxiu's face began to turn red, and a bright red color appeared on her fair and delicate skin.

Instantly beautiful!

The originally smart and beautiful eyes were filled with a layer of mist, like mist. He looked so nervous and confused that he was at a loss what to do, which instantly made people's hearts beat.

The personal maid next to the eldest princess still retains her charm...

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but reach out and pinch her pink cheeks gently.

Watery and very elastic!

It feels good in the hand too.

Lin Jiangnian couldn't put it down, so he squeezed it again.

Soon, a blush appeared on Jinxiu's delicate cheeks.

Jinxiu, who was originally nervous, flustered and shy, was also stunned by Lin Jiangnian's sudden behavior.

Looking at him blankly, a little confused!

"Okay, I'm kidding you."

Lin Jiangnian took a step back, looked at Jinxiu's slightly shy and nervous mood, and shook his head: "My prince will not do anything that is difficult for others, and I have no interest in a cold little girl like your sister."

Hearing this, Jinxiu subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.


Lin Jiangnian's tone suddenly changed, and he looked up and down at Jinxiu in front of him with playful eyes: "However, I am indeed very interested in someone as big and small as Miss Jinxiu..."

As soon as these words came out, Jinxiu was startled, as if she thought of something, and subconsciously glanced down.

Then his face turned red with embarrassment and he subconsciously covered his chest.

I held it a little too hard due to nervousness, causing it to be pressed too much.

Even more impressive!

Lin Jiangnian glanced at it for a few more times, then looked away and said with a smile: "Whenever Miss Jinxiu figures it out, she can come to me at any time. Miss Jinxiu will always be welcome in Prince Lin's Mansion!"

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand and continued moving forward.

Jinxiu stood there, still holding her chest, her pretty face flushed, and her expression slightly resentful.

His Highness, the Crown Prince, teased her again!

Bully her!

Jinxiu bit her lower lip lightly, her eyes dark. At the same time, another indescribable emotion emerged.

She, she’s not going!

I'm afraid it wasn't Prince Lin's palace that welcomed her, but Prince Lin's... bed, right?

If this really happened, how could he be eaten up by this Prince Lin?

No, it was stripped clean!

As if she thought of something, Jinxiu's delicate body trembled slightly and her face turned redder.

Behind the inner courtyard, there are patches of bamboo forest.

Green and beautiful scenery!

In the backyard, Li Miaomiao, dressed in white, stood quietly in front of the bamboo forest, staring at the green scenery, motionless.

The long white dress seems to blend vaguely with the bamboo forest. That cold face was always calm and lifeless.


Very cold!

But she also has an alluring face!


The beauty is suffocating, the beauty is beyond compare!

Such cold beauty gathered on her body, but she didn't feel inconsistent at all. Instead, she wore a long white dress and a cold temperament, making her whole person look like otherworldly fireworks.

Not like a human being!

Doesn't look like a normal person!


Until, the voice from behind broke the silent atmosphere.

The woman in white slowly turned around and looked at the two figures appearing not far behind her.

Jinxiu quickly approached, lowered her head and said, "Princess, the Crown Prince is here!"

Behind Jinxiu, Lin Jiangnian walked towards the backyard and came not far from the eldest princess. He cupped his hands and said, "I have met Her Royal Highness."

The two looked at each other. Lin Jiangnian was neither humble nor arrogant, and his expression was calm.

Li Piaomiao nodded slightly and looked at Jinxiu beside him. The blush on Jinxiu's face has not completely dissipated, mixed with a bit of shame.

Li Miaomiao looked thoughtful and glanced at Lin Jiangnian.


"My slave is here."

"Make tea!"



In the backyard, under the eaves.

Beside the stone table.

Jinxiu made tea and poured two cups of tea. He glanced at his princess cautiously, and then secretly glanced at Lin Jiangnian.

Seeing Lin Jiangnian looking at her with a half-smile, he suddenly panicked, lowered his head quickly, and retreated in despair.

In the backyard, only Lin Jiangnian and the eldest princess Li Miaomiao were left.

The two sat under the eaves in silence.

Lin Jiangnian picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip. Put down the tea cup and look at the eldest princess beside him.

The cold and unparalleled profile, the ethereal and deep eyes, and the indescribable aura that makes people want to look up...

I have to admit, it does look good!

Just this face with almost no flaws can make people look at it without any evil thoughts.

If you get married and put it as a vase, it seems quite pleasing to the eye?

"I wonder why Your Highness the Princess is looking for me today?"

After thinking wildly for a while, Lin Jiangnian broke the silence.

He actually had nothing to talk about with the eldest princess. There was no common topic between them.

Lin Jiangnian simply stopped turning around!

Take the initiative to speak.

Li Miaomiao turned her head slightly and looked at Lin Jiangnian, staring at him quietly, thoughtfully.

After staring for a long time, the atmosphere was a little strange.


Lin Jiangnian spoke tentatively.

At this time, Li Miaomiao came to her senses, looked away, and said lightly: "No wonder she likes you."

There seemed to be a hint of surprise on his face.

Lin Jiangnian: "?"


"You look really good."

The eldest princess spoke again.

Lin Jiangnian: "??"

Is this a compliment to him?

But when these words came out of the mouth of the eldest princess in front of me, why didn't she feel any sense of joy and accomplishment?

"Princess, what exactly do you want to say?"

Li Piaomiao glanced at him: "Don't you know?"

"How would I know?"

Lin Jiangnian was at a loss.

What do you like about him?

What looks good...wait!

Lin Jiangnian suddenly realized something...


The eldest princess in front of her does not have many friends. To be precise... there seems to be only one person who can be called her friend...

"The princess is talking about...Miss Zhao?"

Li Piaomiao looked at him calmly: "Could it be that you have many other confidantes?"

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

Why does this sound a bit harsh?

"Princess, what did you mean by that just now?"

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes and said, "What Her Royal Highness the Princess just said was... Miss Zhao, do you like me?"

Li Pianmiao looked at him quietly: "Isn't it?"

"Princess mistaken..."

Lin Jiangnian spoke subconsciously, wanting to explain the relationship between him and Zhao Xi.

But as soon as the words came to his lips, he reacted quickly.

It seems...can't explain it? !

If it were before, Lin Jiangnian could still explain it confidently.

But since what happened two nights ago, Lin Jiangnian can no longer say that he and Zhao Xi are innocent!

Not only did he become a craftsman that night, but Miss Zhao also became a craftsman under Lin Jiangnian's careful guidance... There was a bond of mutual help between the two!

Not clear anymore!


Lin Jiang young coughed, but he didn't feel panic at all. After all, he had no relationship with the eldest princess in front of him. Apart from the marriage contract that neither of them wanted to acknowledge, there was no connection whatsoever.

The only thing that made Lin Jiangnian a little embarrassed was... the relationship between Zhao Xi and the eldest princess in front of him.

However, seeing that the princess didn't seem to care much, Lin Jiangnian was relieved.


At this moment, Lin Jiangnian suddenly remembered something and looked at her suspiciously: "How did the princess know?"


"Princess, why do you think Miss Zhao likes me?"

Lin Jiangnian could vaguely guess that Zhao Xi had a crush on least he didn't dislike him.

Otherwise, the nights two days ago would not have gone so smoothly...

But Lin Jiangnian was not sure whether Zhao Xi liked him or not.

And how did Li Piaomiao know about it?

Lin Jiangnian wondered if she had noticed the little moves he and Zhao Xi made under the table when they were on a cruise in Nanhu Lake last time.

Then you started to have doubts?

Facing Lin Jiangnian's suspicious gaze, Li Miaomiao remained calm and said calmly.

"She admitted it herself."


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