Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 411 Why are you wearing His Royal Highness’s clothes?

"Personally? Admit it?"

Lin Jiangnian looked shocked: "Miss Zhao, when did you admit it personally?"

He had to doubt this... Zhao Xi would admit this to her personally?

How can it be?

Seeing Lin Jiangnian looking suspicious, Li Miaomiao looked calm and said, "Last night."

"last night?"

Lin Jiangnian then realized something. Did the eldest princess see Zhao Xi last night?

And Zhao Xi admitted to her...this?

Lin Jiangnian's eyes became more suspicious... Will Zhao Xi really admit this to her?

like him?

He was confused, but Lin Jiangnian did not continue to ask.

Firstly, his relationship with Zhao Xi was not suitable for too much discussion in front of the eldest princess. Secondly, Lin Jiangnian did not really believe in the eldest princess's remarks.


"Then, what does the princess want to tell me?"

Lin Jiangnian paused and asked again.

Li Piaomiao glanced at him, then turned her gaze away and looked at the bamboo forest in the backyard in front of her.

The bamboo forest is dense and fresh and green. The cold wind blows and the bamboo leaves rustle.

Very green!

"When did you become so close to her?"

Li Piaomiao spoke coldly.

Lin Jiangnian, on the other hand, fell into deep thought.

What exactly does she want to test?

Do you already know something... or are you just telling a story?

Lin Jiangnian's heart froze slightly. Although he didn't know the purpose of the eldest princess, he was very cautious.

"Princess must have misunderstood, Miss Zhao and I are not close at all!"


Lin Jiangnian spoke cautiously: "Miss Zhao and I have only met a few times to get acquainted with each other... As for the closeness that the princess said, it should not be considered."

Physical contact is considered close, but relationship communication is indeed not close!

"Is it?"

Li Piaomiao looked sideways and stared at him quietly.

Lin Jiangnian's expression was as usual. In this regard, he had already remained firm and still, so naturally he was not worried about her seeing anything.

After a while, Li Miaomiao spoke again: "What about you?"


"You treat her..."

Li Piaomiao raised her eyes slightly: "Are you interested in her?"

These words...

The question is already very straightforward!

Lin Jiangnian became more and more confused... What kind of medicine was this eldest princess selling in her gourd?

Isn’t it a pimp?

Want to match up your fiancé and your best sister?

Listening to her words now, it seems that she really means this? !

Lin Jiangnian felt increasingly uneasy... Something was wrong!

Something is very wrong!

How can any normal person do such a thing?

But when I think of the character of the eldest princess in front of me... doesn't it seem impossible?

But the sudden and unusual appearance of the eldest princess was probably a deception.

Lin Jiangnian did not answer this question, but looked at Li Piaomiao. Their eyes met, looking at the beautiful and delicate face in front of them, without any emotion, but extremely pleasing to the eye.

It really makes people want to take it home or stand it at the door of their home as an ornament...

"Your Highness, why do you have to speak in such a roundabout way?"

Young Lin Jiang sighed: "Princess, please tell me what you want to say? It doesn't seem like your character to ask around in a roundabout way, right?"

Li Piaomiao's expression remained unchanged.

"Just curious!"


Lin Jiangnian shook his head and didn't believe it: "This is not something that Her Royal Highness would be interested in... The princess called me here today. There must be other things, right?"

Li Piaomiao did not deny it and nodded: "Yes."

"What's the matter?"

Li Piaomiao was silent for a while, seeming to be hesitating about something.

It was rare to see such a tangled look on her face, and Lin Jiangnian was even more surprised... What could make this eccentric eldest princess so tangled?

After a while, Li Miaomiao raised her eyes slightly, but there was still no emotional change in her cold eyes.

He spoke in a casual and understated tone.

"Will you marry me?"

Lin Jiangnian: "?"




Li Piaomiao's understatement sounded like she was talking about an extremely ordinary thing.

But, is this unusual?

Lin Jiangnian froze on the spot, his eyes briefly dull...

It’s also a bit shocking!

The expression on his face was frozen, and he stared at the eldest princess in front of him for a long time, wondering if he heard it wrong?

Didn't you hear it wrong?

What is she talking about... nonsense? !

Lin Jiangnian stared at her suspiciously, but saw that the eldest princess in front of him never had much emotion on her pretty face.

As if the person who just spoke was not her?

How could she be so calm and collected?


Is this considered a 'forced marriage'?

Or 'proposal'?

Lin Jiangnian was at a loss, and he was still a little at a loss.

"Will you marry me?"

These words echoed in Lin Jiangnian's ears like lingering sounds.

"Princess, what do you mean by this?"

After a long silence, Lin Jiangnian finally came to his senses and spoke tentatively.

Li Miaomiao looked at Lin Jiangnian quietly and said calmly: "Don't you understand?"

"I really don't understand..."

Lin Jiangnian was full of doubts at this time, wondering why the eldest princess suddenly went crazy!

Willing to marry her?

Isn't that what you said last time? !

Li Piaomiao seemed to have read through Lin Jiangnian's thoughts, her eyes were calm, and she said slowly, "The day before yesterday, my father summoned me."

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian's eyes suddenly focused: "Your Majesty, are you out of confinement?"


Li Piaomiao shook her head slightly.

Lin Jiangnian's heart gradually became solemn.

Did she meet the emperor the day before yesterday?

That means...the emperor is still alive?

The previous speculation about the death of the emperor was probably wrong, but...

Since the emperor is still alive, why doesn't he show up and come out of seclusion?

Even just showing up is enough to suppress the current chaotic situation in the court. Why rely on the prince to support him?

Lin Jiangnian squinted his eyes, thoughtfully, waiting for Li Miaomiao's next words.

Li Piaomiao is obviously not a qualified storyteller, and her words are always concise and to the point.

"Father, he mentioned your marriage and mine!"

"He hopes that your and my engagement can be put on the agenda as usual..."


Lin Jiangnian was not surprised when he heard this.

He came to the capital this time for this matter. When the emperor learned that he had entered the capital, he would definitely mention this matter.


Wasn't it already discussed in advance?

Lin Jiangnian had previously reached an agreement with the eldest princess in front of him. Neither of them agreed with the marriage, so they decided to work together to find a way to terminate the engagement and live in peace.

According to the previous plan, when the emperor mentioned the engagement, Li Miaomiao, as the eldest princess, would find a way to postpone the engagement, and Lin Jiangnian would also find a way to cooperate and try his best to postpone the marriage.

If you put it off, there will definitely be a solution.

But now, from the tone of this princess, it seems that something went wrong in the plan?

"Princess, you..."

Lin Jiangnian's eyelids twitched slightly, and he had an inexplicable foreboding feeling: "You can't be the one, promise your majesty, right?"

Facing Lin Jiangnian's increasingly solemn, uneasy and suspicious gaze, Li Mianmiao remained calm and said, "I didn't agree!"

"That's good!"

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian felt relieved and suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"I didn't refuse either!"

Li Piaomiao added another sentence.


Lin Jiangnian slowly typed again: "?"

"Didn't refuse?!"

Lin Jiangnian was anxious.

His eyes were suspicious and questioning: "Didn't you act according to the plan we agreed on?"

Li Piaomiao was silent.

"Are you really regretting it?"

Lin Jiangnian stared at her, trying to read something on her face.

Li Piaomiao remained silent.

"Do you really want to marry me?!"

Lin Jiangnian was so anxious!

Why didn't this woman come out according to the routine... It caught him off guard, right?

Li Miaomiao was always calm. She quietly looked at Lin Jiangnian who seemed a little angry and said calmly: "Are you angry?"

"What do you think?" Lin Jiangnian felt that he had been greatly deceived.

"You don't want to marry me?"

"Of course not!"

Lin Jiangnian said angrily, "Nonsense, who do you want to marry and go around in circles with her?"

Could marrying her be a good thing?

Not to mention anything else, he also promised to marry Zhiyuan when he returns to Linzhou. What would Zhiyuan do if he married her?

Lin Jiangnian was reluctant to let the paper kite grow smaller.

Unless the eldest princess doesn't mind being a concubine...

But it’s impossible even if you think about it!

"So, you were lying to me when you said you wanted to marry me before?"

Li Miaomiao seemed to remember something and stared at Lin Jiangnian with cold eyes.

"You deliberately spread rumors in the capital earlier, and you prepared some betrothal gifts in the Jiang Mansion... It was all intentional, right?"

Faced with the eldest princess' sudden reaction to the question, Lin Jiangnian finally remembered that in order to strike first and force the eldest princess to give in, Lin Jiangnian had indeed deliberately created a scene in which he was willing to marry her. , and even did not hesitate to build momentum in Beijing, just to force her to sit still.

However, after being exposed by Li Miaomiao, Lin Jiangnian didn't feel very blushing.

"So be it."

Lin Jiangnian admitted it simply: "If I didn't do this, why would you lose your composure so quickly?"

Li Pianmiao stared at him quietly, and for the first time there was some emotional change in her cold eyes.

It seems to be colder.

"I hate it when people lie to me!"

"Isn't it the same for you?"

Lin Jiangnian was not afraid at all and asked: "It was originally agreed, but what do you mean by suddenly stabbing me in the back?"

"You say you don't want to marry, but are you trying to trick me behind your back?"

Li Piaomiao's eyes were cold: "I didn't say I wanted to get married!"

"Then why didn't you refuse?!"

Lin Jiangnian asked.

Li Piaomiao was silent.

She couldn't explain it.

It was even more impossible to tell Lin Jiangnian about his father's current situation.

After a while, she slowly lowered her eyes and said, "This is my father's will... I cannot refuse it."

"Why can't you refuse?"

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes and stared at her.

He did not believe that with the ability of the eldest princess in front of him, she would not be able to refuse the will of the seclusion emperor... Even if she could not refuse, there must be a way to delay it.

Li Piaomiao lowered her beautiful eyes slightly: "Father has made a decree."


"You can't leave the capital before you and I get married!"


Lin Jiangnian's expression changed slightly, as if he had realized something, and his eyes immediately turned cold: "Your Majesty, do you want to put me under house arrest?"

Naturally, he was not worried about being put under house arrest. With Lin Jiangnian's current power in Beijing, it would not be difficult for him to leave the palace.

The emperor's house arrest posed no threat to him.

But the important thing is, why did the emperor put him under house arrest?

And why force him to marry the eldest princess?

What is his purpose? !

Lin Jiangnian stared at her: "This is why you came to me today...are you planning to change your mind?"

Li Piaomiao shook her head slightly and said expressionlessly: "I will not be the person who steals love with a sword."

Fighting for love?

Lin Jiangnian was stunned, and then suddenly thought of something. Just now she suddenly mentioned about Zhao Xi...

Could this woman be suspecting that he and Zhao Xi were already connected?

Is that why you kept asking just now?

Worried that her mention of the engagement would break up Lin Jiangnian and Zhao Xi?

Lin Jiangnian, who realized this, stared at her: "Then why did you call me here today?"

"If you don't want to marry, I won't force you."

Li Pianmiao said coldly, "Father, I will find a solution..."

She seemed to be thinking about something, her brows furrowed slightly, as if there was a ray of haze hanging over her. The already fair face seemed to be getting paler.

Lin Jiangnian stared at her for a while and realized something: "Are you injured?"

Lin Jiangnian was keenly aware that the eldest princess in front of him seemed to be injured?

This couldn't help but remind Lin Jiangnian of Li Piaomiao's unstable aura on the New Year's Eve night, and the mysterious master who forced his way into the palace...

Could it be that the two of them had fought before?

Li Piaomiao, was injured?

Li Miaomiao looked cold and did not answer Lin Jiangnian's question, but stared at Lin Jiangnian quietly for a long time.

"However, you must agree to one condition!"

After hearing this, Lin Jiangnian finally realized that this was probably the real purpose of the eldest princess looking for him today.

"What are the conditions for the princess?"

Lin Jiangnian said: "Tell me about it?"

Li Piaomiao said expressionlessly: "I want to enter Ruyi Tower!"

Are you here for Ruyi Tower?

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the eldest princess quietly without speaking immediately.

Seemingly sensing Lin Jiangnian's worry, Li Miaomiao said calmly: "I only want one thing from Ruyi Building!"


"have no idea."


Li Piaomiao looked at him and said, "We won't know until we get to Ruyi Tower..."

"Don't worry, I only want one thing!"

Listening to Li Miaomiao's conditions, Lin Jiangnian was thoughtful and did not speak immediately.

He was guessing the eldest princess’s purpose of entering Ruyi Tower!

It is not difficult to let outsiders enter Ruyi Tower, but the person in front of him is the eldest princess of the Daning Dynasty. This had to make Lin Jiangnian cautiously doubt whether she had other purposes?

After thinking for a long time, she still couldn't figure out what the eldest princess wanted to get from Ruyi Tower. However, Lin Jiangnian knew it well.

There are indeed many rare treasures collected in the Ruyi Building, but except for the Xuanyang Heart Technique left by Lin Hengzhong on the top floor, the rest of the things seem rare, but they cannot be said to be indispensable.

Let alone one or two pieces, even giving her a dozen pieces wouldn't hurt. After all, if Li Miaomiao can really withstand the pressure from the emperor, this will be a very cost-effective deal for Lin Jiangnian!

However, Lin Jiangnian did not readily agree.

"Princess, when do you want to go to Ruyi Tower?"

"The sooner the better."

The sooner the better?

Lin Jiangnian was thinking in his mind.

So urgent?

Is there anything in Ruyi Building that makes her so anxious and eager to get it?


"Didn't the princess say that your majesty won't let me leave the palace unless the marriage issue between you and me is resolved?" Lin Jiangnian asked back.

The eldest princess looked at him expressionlessly: "Father, I can't stop you."

Really good at judging people!

Lin Jiangnian did not refute. It seemed that the eldest princess knew some things clearly, so he did not talk nonsense.

"It's not impossible for the princess to want to go to Ruyi Tower. However, I still have a small condition!"

Li Piaomiao frowned slightly: "What conditions?"

"My prince came to the capital this time to meet the Holy Spirit and discuss the marriage contract with the eldest princess. However, due to some mistake, His Majesty went into seclusion, and my prince was not able to fulfill his wish..."

Lin Jiangnian looked at the eldest princess in front of him quietly and chuckled: "Since we have come all the way here, we can't just go back like this..."

"No matter what, do I, the Crown Prince, have to meet His Majesty to show the respect of my Lin family?"

Li Piaomiao was silent.

She realized Lin Jiangnian's purpose... He wanted to see his father!

Or rather, what is he suspecting?

Li Piaomiao remained silent and did not speak.

Lin Jiangnian was not in a hurry. He quietly admired and looked at the exquisite facial features of the eldest princess in front of him. Especially on her slightly serious face at the moment, you can see a different kind of coolness!

Li Piaomiao was silent for a moment.

"I can't decide this matter!"

Li Piaomiao glanced at her and said solemnly: "I need to enter the palace to ask my father for instructions!"

"It's okay, I can wait!"

Lin Jiangnian was not in a hurry and spoke with a slight smile.

His face was filled with a harmless smile.

"Then, I'm just waiting for news from Her Royal Highness the Princess?"

Li Miaomiao was silent and nodded.

"If nothing happens, I will take my leave!"

The business conversation was over, and there was nothing more to say to the eldest princess. Lin Jiangnian stood up and left.

The eldest princess did not stop him. Seeing Lin Jiangnian, she stood up neatly, patted her butt, and left in a swaggering manner.

She was left silently staring at Lin Jiangnian's back, her face slightly condensed.

Although Lin Jiangnian didn't say it explicitly, she could hear some meaning in Lin Jiangnian's tone.

He wants to see his father!

Without seeing his father, he would probably not leave the capital.

When Lin Hengzhong sent him to Beijing, he must have planned to let him find out the situation in Beijing.

Especially for my father who has been in seclusion for such a long time, even if there is an imperial edict, it will be difficult to completely dispel other people's suspicions.


I can see my father in person!


How can I see my father in his current state?

If he really saw it, everything would be exposed!

By then...

Thinking of this, Li Miaomiao stared intently, frozen in place like a cold sculpture.

For a long time, he remained motionless.

While the eldest princess was still thinking about her next plan, Lin Jiangnian had already left the backyard and came to the front yard.

I called Jinxiu twice, but she didn't appear. It seemed that Lin Jiangnian's previous behavior scared her, so she was hiding now.

Lin Jiangnian was not annoyed at all. Compared to the cold eldest princess, Jinxiu's character was actually more interesting.

She is a little lively, outgoing, and has a somewhat mature and elegant temperament, but her identity is also a maid beside the eldest princess. The combination of so many characteristics makes Jinxiu extremely contrasting in Lin Jiangnian's eyes.

The contrasting little maid, Lin Jiangnian likes it the most!

Seeing that Jinxiu was hiding and unwilling to come out, Lin Jiangnian did not stay any longer and left the inner courtyard. After visiting twice, Lin Jiangnian had almost memorized the route inside the princess's mansion.

However, although I could not see Jinxiu. But not long after Lin Jiangnian left the inner courtyard, he saw the cold-looking sister not far away on the other side of the path...

Not far away, next to a small lake, willows drooped.

The little maid named An Ning was holding a sword in her arms, standing on a small stone by the lake, quietly staring at the lake in a daze.

The girl's cold and stunned face was reflected on the green lake.


Until I seemed to notice the sound of footsteps approaching.

An Ning turned around suddenly!

When she saw Lin Jiangnian appearing not far behind her at some unknown time, panic suddenly appeared in An Ning's originally dull eyes.

As if a little frightened, a look of vigilance appeared on his face, and he subconsciously took a step back.


Lin Jiangnian spoke.

There is a lake behind this little maid, how dare she retreat?

An Ning was obviously aware of this, but by the time she reacted, it was already too late.

That cautious step back made her miss the mark. Her little face turned pale with fright. He panicked and used Qing Gong to stabilize his body. But that kick caused her whole body to fall downwards. The body suddenly slipped at the same time, caught off guard...


In Lin Jiangnian's sight, watching this little maid with a deserted expression and dull eyes, he was so frightened that he lost his footing and fell into the water!

The scene was extremely...quiet for a while!

Lin Jiangnian also didn't expect... Did he really become a lost girl? !

An Ning, who was caught off guard and fell into the lake, turned pale and struggled in panic.

The cold and biting lake water completely soaked her thin body, her eyes were frightened, and she was struggling in a panic.

Lin Jiangnian was standing nearby watching the fun, but Jinxiu said that although her sister was a bit introverted and had a bad brain, her martial arts skills were not weak and she was very powerful!

Falling into the lake is not a big problem for her, just climb out!

But soon, Lin Jiangnian discovered something was wrong!

This little maid doesn't seem to know how to swim?

The way he was waving around in the water was like a person who didn't know how to use water?

Good guy!

Are you a master at this?

What master can't even swim?

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but suspect that Jinxiu's words might be flattering, but he didn't have time to think too much about it right now.

Seeing that the little maid was almost completely submerged in the lake, Lin Jiangnian walked closer to the lake. He grabbed An Ning, who was still struggling in the lake, and lifted her up.

The water on the shore of the lake was not too deep, and the little maid's body was not heavy. Lin Jiangnian 'rescued' her easily.

Of course, the action is a little rough.

The little maid was pulled out of the lake, lying on the grass on the shore, huddled up in a ball, her wet temples sticking to her cheeks, revealing a pale face, shivering with cold.

Pale and frightened, his eyes were full of fear and uneasiness.

Although the weather is getting warmer now, it just snowed not long ago and the temperature is still cold. Especially the water in this lake is bitingly cold.

I just fell into the lake and was soaked to the skin. Now I was being blown by the cold wind on the shore... The biting feeling was chilling to my heart.

"Are you OK?"

Lin Jiangnian squatted on the bank, looked at the little maid who was indeed a little bit ill-minded, and asked.

An Ning said nothing, her huddled body was trembling with fear, a biting chill enveloped her, and panic filled her pale face.

Close your eyes tightly and purse your mouth.

Like he was so scared!

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian didn't care.

No matter what, he was also responsible for the little maid falling into the lake. He also didn't expect that this little maid was so timid that she could be frightened into the lake by his appearance.

Seeing that she was freezing, Lin Jiangnian simply reached out and grabbed her little hand.

An Ning's delicate body trembled even more violently, and a look of fear appeared on her pale face.

He, what is he going to do? !

Shouldn't it be...

The moment she felt her hand being held, An Ning's delicate body became more and more frightened.

On weekdays, Jinxiu always hears people talk about Prince Lin Wang, saying that he is a dirty guy, a gangster and a pervert, who can't walk when he sees a beautiful girl...

He, could he be trying to take advantage of others' danger...

An Ning's head was dizzy, and the biting cold wind hit her. The clothes that were soaked by the lake water and clinging to her body seemed to turn into ice cubes, which made her teeth tremble with the cold.

But she couldn't care about that, all her attention was focused on the hand held by Prince Lin.

However, the imagined picture did not happen!

The scene that Jinxiu described, that Prince Lin would take advantage of someone's danger, push a good woman to the ground, strip her naked and humiliate her, did not appear...


The moment the little hand was held, a hot warmth emerged from the palm of the other person's hand. It entered her body with lightning speed and quickly spread all around her body.

The biting cold that originally hit the soaked clothes was dissipated in this moment.

The heat like the warm winter sun enveloped her whole body.

Very comfortable!

It was so comfortable that she almost couldn't hold it back...

At this moment, An Ning finally realized something... was Prince Lin helping her?

Just when An Ning's eyes were blank and her thoughts were still confused, Lin Jiangnian let go of her.

The next second, the hot feeling that made her feel extremely comfortable and even reluctant to leave suddenly disappeared.

However, the warmth that just poured into her body has not completely dissipated, spreading inside her like residual heat...

"Okay, go back and take a hot bath and change your clothes. Be careful of catching a cold!"

An Ning, who was curled up on the ground, slowly raised his head, revealing a pale but delicate face.

Very beautiful and very weak.

She looks exactly like Jinxiu, but there is something pitiful about her that makes people sympathize.

An Ning raised her eyes slightly and met a pair of familiar eyes, looking at him quietly. His eyes were obviously very gentle, but An Ning still seemed frightened, and subconsciously avoided him in a panic.

Don't dare to look up again.

Lin Jiangnian saw that Jinxiu's sister was indeed very timid, so he didn't say anything more. He saw that her face was still pale, and there was a cold wind whistling by the lake. Lin Jiangnian simply took off his coat and put it on her body.

"Go back quickly, my prince has left first... Don't complain to your sister later, saying that my prince scared you into the lake?"

After the explanation, Lin Jiangnian left.

It wasn't until the footsteps faded away that An Ning finally plucked up the courage and slowly raised his head.

She stared blankly in the direction that Lin Jiangnian left not far away, and stared blankly for a long time.

She didn't come back to her senses until the cold wind hit her and the wet clothes on her body began to become bitingly cold again.

Then, she glanced around in a panic, and soon saw the sword that had fallen by the lake not far away. She stepped forward and held the sword tightly in her hand, as if she had found some sense of security.

Then, when he was about to get up, he noticed the coat on his body.

A light white long coat, judging from the fabric, it is extremely valuable. There is still a little bit of residual heat left on the coat, mixed with a touch of... a man's breath?

An Ning stared blankly, and after a while, she seemed to realize something. Her originally fair and cold face suddenly turned red.

In the side yard where the cold wind blew gently, Jinxiu hummed a little tune and walked back to the side yard with cheerful steps.

She just came back from the princess, Prince Lin has already left!

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince called her several times before leaving. Jinxiu heard it, but did not go out... She was not stupid.

His Highness the Crown Prince must have wanted to take advantage of her again when he called her...either verbally or physically.

She wouldn't send it up stupidly!

Jinxiu felt inexplicably good as she thought that His Highness the Crown Prince might have looked 'angry' and disappointed when he couldn't see her just now.

It seems like this can give him a small revenge!

Jinxiu, who was in a good mood, returned to the courtyard and walked around, but did not see An Ning.

"Where did that damn girl go?"

Jinxiu looked confused and said to herself: "Where did you go to be in a daze again?"

At this moment, footsteps were heard outside the courtyard. Jinxiu turned around and saw An Ning walking in from outside.

"Where have you been……"

Jinxiu was about to speak, but then she saw An Ning, who was soaked all over her body, and was startled: "You, what is going on?!"

An Ning lowered her head: "Fall, fell into the lake!"

"Falled into the lake?!"

Hearing this, Jinxiu's eyes became particularly strange, and she gradually couldn't help laughing...

This silly girl could actually fall into the lake in the middle of winter?


Isn't this too silly?

It's a little too funny, isn't it? !

Jinxiu couldn't help but want to laugh!

It was very uncomfortable to hold it in.

It was obviously a very sad and pitiful thing, but Jinxiu couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Haha... You are too stupid. How could you fall into the lake when you are so good?"

Jinxiu finally couldn't help it, a smile appeared on her face, and she held her stomach: "You can't think of it, jump in and calm down, can you? What are you doing in a daze? Go and change clothes quickly... Hey, why are the clothes on your body a bit awkward? look familiar?"

When Jinxiu was smiling happily, Leng Buding noticed that An Ning was still wearing a coat.

Why do they look like men's clothes?

Why does it look familiar?

Jinxiu's eyes were stunned, staring at the coat on An Ning's body, and finally recognized it... Isn't this the clothes Prince Lin Wang wore just now? !

How could it be on An Ning? !

"Wait a minute, why are you wearing Prince Lin's clothes?"

When Jinxiu realized this, the smile on her face gradually disappeared.

She stared at An Ning's clothes, and saw that An Ning was wet and embarrassed, and that An Ning had her head lowered, but she could still catch a glimpse of the blush on her cheeks that had not completely faded.

The smile on Jinxiu's face completely solidified and disappeared, and her eyes suddenly became extremely sharp.

"Were you...were you with Prince Lin just now?"

"Did he make you like this?!"

"What did you do?!!"


Jiang Mansion.

The carriage slowly stopped at the back door of Jiang Mansion, and Lin Qingqing, who was guarding the door, quickly stepped forward to greet him.

"Your Highness."

Lin Jiangnian got off the carriage, and Lin Qingqing quickly noticed something: "Your Highness, where are your clothes?"

Why did Your Highness go out and his clothes were missing?

"Dirty, lost!"

Lin Jiangnian made a casual excuse and waved his hand: "Is there anything going on in Beijing while I'm away today?"


Lin Qingqing shook her head.

After today's morning court, a lot of things did happen in the capital, but they were all related to the aftermath of the third prince's rebellion. Many ministers and officials who participated in the third prince's rebellion were arrested one after another. However, this has nothing to do with Linwang Mansion!

"By the way, Your Highness..."

Lin Qingqing seemed to remember something: "People from the Gao family came here today!"

"Gao family?"

"Yes, the Gao family, the Minister of Civil Affairs, sent someone here..."

Lin Qingqing said: "The people of the Gao family are anxious to see you, Your Highness!"

"The Gao family..."

Lin Jiangnian was thoughtful, his heart was like a mirror, and he seemed to be smiling but not smiling: "It seems that the Gao family can't sit still anymore!"

Lin Jiangnian knew the current situation of the Gao family without having to guess!

In the game when Lin Jiang arrived in the capital at the beginning of the year, the Gao family bet on the third prince without hesitation. Even for the sake of profit, the minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs did not hesitate to sacrifice his own son and murder his own son, just to save the Gao family and to submit his name to the third prince.

Not to mention, Gao Boyan is also a figure!

Eating his own son's human blood buns, he gained the trust and acceptance of the third prince, and successfully gained many benefits for the Gao family, making the Gao family reach a higher level!

But at the same time, it also means that the Gao family is completely bound to the third prince! If the third prince wins this plan to compete for the heirloom, no one in the Gao family will be able to stop them, and they will soar into the sky and become prosperous from now on!

But unfortunately, there is no if!

The third prince rebelled and was defeated, and failed in his bid for the throne! The Gao family's biggest backer suddenly fell.

The most serious thing is that Gao Wenyang's death made it clear to everyone in the capital that the Gao family had turned to the third prince. Now that the third prince has fallen, how can the Gao family, which has been branded the third prince, escape the disaster?

And Gao Boyan is worthy of being a veteran, and he has saved his skills long ago. He specially invited Lin Jiangnian to visit the manor and treated him well. Not only did he give Lin Jiangnian the manor and a large amount of gold and silver treasures, but he also thoughtfully gave him a pair of sisters!

Obviously, Gao Boyan expected that such a day might come!

At present, the Gao family is about to face a liquidation crisis, and Gao Boyan naturally thinks of Lin Jiangnian.

No, people are coming to seek asylum!

"Your Highness, what should we do with the Gao family?"

Lin Qingqing looked at Lin Jiangnian with some worry, worried that His Highness would be soft-hearted. After all, His Highness was the one who accepted the money before, and also accepted the sisters from the Gao family.

"How to deal with it, do you still need me to tell you?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her.

Lin Qingqing immediately understood, secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then her eyes became serious: "I understand!"

It seems that His Highness had no intention of helping the Gao family from the beginning. The gold and silver treasures sent by the Gao family before were obviously just meat buns beating dogs... and they were given away for nothing!

"However, the Gao family has given me so many things after all. It seems a bit unreasonable for me not to do something, right?"

Lin Jiangnian was thoughtful and raised his eyebrows, "If I remember correctly, Gao Wenyang killed Zhou Huiguang, right?"

Lin Qingqing was stunned for a moment, then realized His Highness's purpose: "Your Highness, what do you mean..."

"Of course, those who have a grudge must take revenge, and those who have an injustice must avenge themselves!"

Lin Jiangnian sneered.

When he first arrived in Beijing, he attended the Lu family's wedding with his aunt. At the wedding, Gao Wenyang was ordered by the third prince to kill his companion Zhou Huiguang and put the blame on Lin Jiangnian.

Later, Lin Jiangnian found out the truth and uncovered the murderer Gao Wenyang. Gao Wenyang was imprisoned. In order to prevent him from confessing to betraying the third prince, Gao Boyan killed his own son... For Gao Boyan, he gave the third prince an explanation!

However, there was no explanation given to the Zhou family!

The Zhou family is not a small family. Zhou Huiguang's father, Zhou Yao, can be regarded as an official in the Sixth Ministry, although his official position is one level lower than Gao Boyan. But how could he not be angry when his biological son was killed?

Can you really swallow this breath?

Previously, Gao Boyan surrendered to the third prince and had the third prince as his backer. No matter how angry and unwilling Zhou Yao is, he can only swallow his bad breath temporarily.

But now, the situation is completely different...

"Master Zhou, you must have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, right?"

Lin Jiangnian said thoughtfully.

When a middle-aged man loses his son, the white-haired man gives the black-haired man a gift. This is a blood feud!

Lin Qingqing on the side also understood immediately: "Your Highness, don't worry, my subordinates will do it now!"

Obviously, Lin Qingqing is a qualified and capable subordinate. After realizing what Lin Jiangnian meant, he immediately went to do it without stopping.

Lin Jiangnian returned to the small courtyard and changed his clothes, then went to the next courtyard to find Zhiyuan. He told her about going to see the princess today, and also raised his suspicions.

"I suspect that something may have happened to that Majesty..."

Lin Jiangnian looked serious and analyzed.

From what the eldest princess said today, it was not clear whether she was lying or not. But Lin Jiangnian could sense that something must have happened.

And the eldest princess was reluctant to speak and was taciturn today, obviously she was deeply worried!

This also further verified Lin Jiangnian's conjecture.

If nothing happened, Li Miaomiao wouldn't come to him suddenly!

Zhiyuan listened quietly to Lin Jiangnian's narration, thought for a long time, and nodded gently: "Your suspicion is correct."

"Something must have happened in the is most likely related to His Majesty!"

"Otherwise, there is no need for her to ask you again if you want to marry her!"

As he said that, Zhiyuan glanced at him and paused.

"Obviously, she seems to want to change her mind?"

Lin Jiangnian immediately raised his hands to express his innocence: "I didn't change my mind... I rejected her without any hesitation!"

Zhiyuan looked at him quietly and said, "You don't have to react so violently, it will make you look guilty."

"Aren't I worried that you might misunderstand?"

Lin Jiang young coughed.

"How could I misunderstand?"

Zhiyuan raised her eyes to look at him and shook her head gently: "Isn't she originally your fiancée?"

"I didn't admit that she was!"

Lin Jiangnian held Zhiyuan in his arms, hugged her slender and soft waist, lowered his head and kissed her hard on her cold and stubborn face, and said: "You are the fiancée that I have recognized, and no one can change it! "

"As for the eldest princess, just stand aside."

"I don't look down upon you at all!"


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