Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 412 Your Highness is not bad at all

Not looking down on it is indeed a bit of a boast!

In any case, the eldest princess is indeed very good-looking. There is no flaw in her appearance. She is also very eye-catching as a vase.

And her indifferent temperament, which is as cold as frost and repels people from thousands of miles away, is enough to scare away any young person.

Placing it at home can also ward off evil spirits!

It can be said to serve multiple purposes!

But that's all.

Apart from these advantages, almost all the remaining things about this eldest princess are shortcomings.

Lin Jiangnian naturally wanted to stay away from him.

The fiancée he believed in was a kite from beginning to end. Lin Jiangnian did not lie about this and never changed his mind.

Of course, then again.

The laws of the Daning Dynasty don't seem to stipulate that a man can only have one fiancée... right?

Zhiyuan was naturally unaware of Lin Jiangnian's idea of ​​'taking advantage of the loophole', so he was held in Lin Jiangnian's arms and kissed him in an almost brutal and domineering manner. A blush appeared on his fair face and she glared at him with her beautiful eyes. .

"Do you really despise her?"

"I don't like it."

Lin Jiangnian spoke without thinking, looking down at the fair and rosy skin of the girl in his arms. He felt an indescribable strange beauty, and couldn't help but lower his head and get closer.

Zhiyuan's eyes were panicked, and she subconsciously turned her head to avoid.

"Don't mess around."

She warned softly.

Lin Jiangnian chuckled lightly, leaned close to the girl's ear, gently smelled the fragrance of the girl's hair, and whispered against her crystal clear earlobe: "What? Are you worried that I will really marry her?"


The warm breath lingered in her ears, and the stimulated girl's delicate body tensed up, and her face became increasingly red.

"Don't... itch..."

Zhiyuan turned her head away and blushed. Seeing Lin Jiangnian's reluctance, he reached out and pinched him in embarrassment.

"Hiss, so hard?!"

Lin Jiangnian took a breath of cold air.

"Deserve it!"

Zhiyuan said angrily.

She didn't use much strength at all. This guy was so thick-skinned, how could he be in such exaggerated pain?

Just pretending!

"You don't feel sorry for His Highness, do you?"

Lin Jiangnian pretended to be angry.

Zhiyuan rolled her eyes at him and ignored him.

Seeing that Zhiyuan did not cooperate, Lin Jiangnian did not feel embarrassed and held the girl in his arms again. His hands passed through the girl's slender waist and landed on her flat belly in front of him.

Caressing her gently through the thin and silky clothes.

"We still don't know what the situation is in the palace right now, but it will always be beneficial to us."

Lin Jiangnian spoke in a young voice and got down to business: "As for how the emperor is doing now, we will know when the time comes."

At this point, Lin Jiangnian chuckled again and looked down at Zhiyuan: "Do you think she will refuse? Or will she think of other ways?"

Zhiyuan's delicate body was still a little tense, but when she saw that Lin Jiangnian made no other moves, she relaxed slightly and let him hold her. After thinking for a moment, she said softly: "She can't refuse."

Zhiyuan's voice was very soft: "This time you are following the prince's order to go to the capital to marry her. According to the custom, the son of the vassal prince must make a pilgrimage to the capital. Your request is reasonable and reasonable, and she has no reason to refuse. Besides..."

Speaking of this, Zhiyuan slightly narrowed her beautiful eyes, seeming to have a touch of coldness: "If she really refuses, then the guess will be confirmed..."

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid something really went wrong!"

Lin Jiangnian listened and nodded with a chuckle: "That's right."

The imperial edict that came out of the palace was ultimately meant to appease the people of the world. But for all parties, it is not convincing enough!

Why does the emperor delay coming out of seclusion?

Was that imperial edict passed down from generation to generation by His Royal Highness?

And is the real His Majesty... still alive?

Still a mystery!

"It depends on how she replies to me in two days."

Lin Jiangnian was looking forward to how the eldest princess would react. Would he be able to meet the legendary emperor?

It’s really exciting!

Lin Jiangnian sighed in his heart, lowered his head, and saw that the girl in his arms was motionless, lowering his eyes and thinking about something.

"What are you thinking about?"

Lin Jiang asked in a young voice.

Zhiyuan shook her head slightly.

Lin Jiangnian thought of something and chuckled: "Unconsciously, it has been a few months since we arrived in Beijing. In a few days, we should go back to Linzhou, right?"

Zhiyuan was slightly startled when he heard Lin Jiangnian mentioning returning to Linzhou.

Only then did I suddenly remember that it had been a few months since I came to the capital. Time flies so fast!

Before I knew it, I spent a year in Beijing!

"After meeting the emperor this time and settling the engagement with the eldest princess, our purpose of coming to the capital will be more than half accomplished..."

Although there were many twists and turns during this period, things were finally resolved perfectly.

After saying that, Lin Jiangnian looked at her again and chuckled: "Do you still remember what I promised you last time?"

Zhiyuan raised her eyes slightly and looked sideways at Lin Jiangnian.

Seeing Lin Jiangnian looking at her with a smile, Zhiyuan seemed to realize something and avoided his sight in a panic.

No sound.

"You're not talking, are you? Are you starting to ignore your Highness now?!"

Seeing that Zhiyuan remained silent, Lin Jiangnian said with a straight face, "Are you so brave now?"

"Here, let me feel it to see if I have really gained weight..."

As he spoke, the hand that originally rested on the girl's flat belly began to move up restlessly.


"It seems to have really gotten fatter...hiss!"

Before Lin Jiangnian finished speaking, he felt a sharp pain in his palm.

He looked down and saw that Zhiyuan's pretty face had turned red without him noticing, and she stared at him in shame.

"You, you let go!"

The voice was full of shame.

"Hiss...the back of my hand hurts, you let go first..."


"If you don't let go, then I won't let go either..."


"If you don't let go...I'll keep touching you?!"


Under Lin Jiangnian's shameless threat, Zhiyuan was finally no match for him and let go in a panic.

But it was obvious that Lin Jiangnian was cheating at this time!

As soon as Zhiyuan let go, the unrestrained palm suddenly became like a fish in the sea and a bird in the sky, and he skillfully took advantage of it.

"You, you cheat!"

Zhiyuan's pretty face turned red, her whole body was tense, and she was embarrassed and anxious.

"Where did I cheat?"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head and said in defense: "I just asked you to let go first, but I didn't say I would let go?"


Zhiyuan was so ashamed and angry that she wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

Lin Jiangnian, who had already mastered Zhiyuan's weaknesses, did not wait for Zhiyuan to resist. He used his hands to swim like a dragon and quickly attacked Zhiyuan's weaknesses, conquering the city with lightning speed.

Soon, she was breathing rapidly and retreating step by step!

Lin Jiangnian took advantage of the victory and kissed the girl's cherry red lips.

Double-headed attack!

The action was very light and gentle.

Zhiyuan instinctively resisted and refused shyly at first, but soon, under Lin Jiangnian's guidance, she gradually gave up resistance...

The night was as dark as ink!

The sound of rustling cold wind blowing the branches came from outside the window. Lin Jiangnian bent down, stretched his hand through the girl's legs, and gently picked up the girl in his arms.

"It's getting late, we should rest early!" Lin Jiangnian's voice was very light and gentle, mixed with a hint of seriousness, as if he was about to do something very serious. The girl in his arms almost curled up into a ball, her head buried in Lin Jiangnian's broad and warm chest. Occasionally, I could see a hint of red under her hair. The delicate body in his arms struggled, like a symbolic resistance. But it was not strong, but rather a gesture of wanting to refuse but also to welcome. Lin Jiangnian held the girl in his arms, skillfully passed through the screen, came to the bed, and gently placed Zhiyuan on the bed. "Light..." The girl shyly hid in the quilt, her voice was very light, with a slight tremor. She seemed extremely nervous and shy! For her thin skin, even if it was not her first experience. But, that kind of unspeakable shyness still made her a little afraid to face it! It was hard to accept! Lin Jiangnian naturally knew what Zhiyuan was thinking, and waved his hand gently. A strong wind blew past, blowing out the candlelight in the room!

In an instant, the room was plunged into darkness.

Lin Jiangnian took off his clothes skillfully, jumped onto the bed impatiently, and got into the quilt.


Under the quilt, Zhiyuan's panicked voice came.

"You, why don't you wear..."

"Who wears clothes when sleeping?"

Lin Jiangnian was righteous.

"You, you are shameless..."

Zhiyuan's voice was blushing and flustered.

"You are shameless now? Wait for the prince to teach you what is more shameless!"

"You... um... don't..."

In the dim room, there was a tossing and pulling under the quilt.

Occasionally, the girl's slightly angry struggle sounded.

"Little Zhiyuan, be good..."

Lin Jiangnian's gentle voice came, very light and gentle, as if he was comforting a child.

"Your Highness will give you a treasure to eat!"


Night fell.

At the same time, in the Jiang Mansion, the next courtyard.

His Highness's room.

Without lighting, the room was pitch black, and you couldn't see your hand in front of you. Behind the screen, on the bed, there seemed to be... a figure lying.

Xiao Zhu washed herself early today, washed herself clean, and then changed into a thin and light gauze chest-length skirt.

This dress is different from ordinary chest-length skirts. It is thinner, shorter, and... more exposed!

This is a special style of clothes specially customized according to the prince's request. It can only be worn under special circumstances and special scenes.

For example, tonight!

After washing and changing into a skirt, Xiao Zhu quietly came to the prince's room, lay on the prince's bed early, got into the quilt, and fulfilled her duties as the prince's personal maid... warming the bed for the prince!

This was a special request from the prince this morning, and Xiao Zhu kept it in mind... She is a very obedient little maid who abides by her duties.

Dedicated to warming the bed for her own prince!

Of course, warming the bed is only the first half of her duty as a little maid. As for the second half...

It goes without saying!

However, just as Xiao Zhu lay on the prince's bed and waited for a long, long time, until she woke up from a light sleep, she still didn't see the prince come back.

Where is the prince?

Why hasn't he come back yet?

Xiao Zhu yawned and rubbed her sleepy eyes.

Didn't the prince come back today?

Why hasn't he returned to his room yet?

Could it be that he went out again?

This shouldn't be...

Xiao Zhu yawned and got up from the bed. Looking at the night outside the window, it seemed that it was already late!

Where did the prince go?

Xiaozhu blinked and seemed to remember something...

When His Highness came back today, he seemed to be looking for Sister Zhiyuan?


The expression on Xiaozhu's face was slightly condensed. Your Highness, you must have stayed at Sister Zhiyuan's place, right?

Thinking of this possibility, Xiaozhu didn't have any strange emotions, but... his eyes brightened slightly!

Ever since, Xiaozhu put on his shoes and socks, opened the door and walked out, tiptoeing to the courtyard next door.

Late at night, the cold wind blew.

Not long after Xiaozhu walked out of the room, he realized that he was still wearing an underskirt specially tailored for His Highness's preferences. The underskirt was too thin and revealing, and it was a bit chilly in the middle of the night.

Fortunately, it was already midnight and no one else was around to see him.

Although it was a little cold, Xiaozhu still tiptoed to the courtyard next door, and came to the door of sister Zhiyuan's room with ease...

Soon, Xiaozhu verified his guess!

She heard the movement in the room...

As expected!

In the darkness, Xiaozhu, wearing a thin and revealing skirt, lay sneakingly at the door. The cold wind from the hall under the eaves fell on her snow-white skin.

Xiaozhu seemed not to feel it, his eyes were wide open, his little face was slightly blushing, and he was eavesdropping on the sounds and movements in the room with great interest.

Eavesdropping is addictive!

It was no longer the case of eavesdropping on the wall once or twice, Xiaozhu had already learned from experience.

Also getting more and more excited.

At the same time, under the stimulation of the cold wind, her body seemed to have a different feeling. Xiaozhu couldn't help but think of that night not long ago...

That night, she quietly came to eavesdrop on the wall as usual, but was caught by Sister Zhiyuan.


She taught Sister Zhiyuan a lesson right in front of her!

I became Sister Zhiyuan’s teacher for a while!

Trainee sex teacher!

Thinking of this, Xiaozhu's face became increasingly blushing, but his dark eyes became wider and more excited.

Just when Xiaozhu was completely immersed in the memories of the past, he did not notice at all that the vague sounds and movements in the room were gradually approaching, as if he was suppressing himself or struggling to resist.

Just as Xiaozhu outside the door was eavesdropping with interest, the door that had been closed suddenly slowly opened a gap...

Xiaozhu, who was eavesdropping attentively, looked right through this gap and landed on the room with his big, bright and excited eyes.


Six eyes facing each other!

Xiaozhu's eyes immediately became dull, astonished and disbelieving... and he also felt the instinctive panic of being caught red-handed.

"Your Highness, Sister Zhiyuan, I..."

Xiaozhu was instantly panicked and at a loss, but her eyes opened wider, staring at the scene in the room that made her extremely excited and curious.

Your Highness, you pressed Sister Zhiyuan against the door...

Instinctively, I wanted to turn around and run away, but I couldn't move my eyes away at all.

And at this moment, the door that had a crack opened was suddenly completely opened. The next second, there was some kind of help, pulling Xiaozhu outside the door into the room.


The door was slammed shut.

Not long after, an urgent sound came from the room.

"Zhiyuan, Xiaozhu actually eavesdropped. Come and silence her. Take off her clothes and threaten her not to tell anyone..."


"Xiaozhu, what are you doing standing still? Zhiyuan is going to kill you and silence you... Come and help hold her down!"


early morning.

Outside Jiang Mansion.

"My Highness hasn't gotten up yet. Please come back later."

Outside the gate of Jiang Mansion, the guards of the mansion were guarding the door, with swords hanging on their waists, watching eagerly. Just in front of the crowd, Lin Qingqing, dressed in a green outfit, stood guard at the door with an expressionless face.

Not far in front of Lin Qingqing, a carriage was parked.

In front of the carriage, there were several people standing.

The leader was a middle-aged man with gray hair, a haggard face, and a worried expression.

Gao Boyan!

At that time, he was the minister of the Ministry of official affairs.

However, this senior official of the Sixth Ministry did not have any energy on his face at this time. Instead, he had a panic and haggard look of doomsday coming.

These days, Gao Boyan's life is very difficult, it can even be said to be extremely sad!

The sky is falling!

In order to protect the Gao family and for profit, he used the life of his own son to gain the trust of the third prince! This made the Gao family's status in Beijing improve a lot during this period.

However, such good days did not last long!

Just a few days ago, on New Year's Eve, the third prince led troops into the palace with the intention of mutiny and rebellion, but failed and was imprisoned!

When the news came, the Gao family was completely panicked.

Once the third prince falls, will the Gao family still have a way to survive?

Will their former enemies of the Gao family let them go?

Realizing that something was wrong, Gao Boyan immediately thought of an escape route that he had prepared before...Prince Lin!

When Gao Boyan was siding with the Third Prince, he spared no effort to win over Prince Lin just to be on the safe side! Although Prince Lin didn't seem to be very interested, he finally accepted the gold and silver treasures and sisters' flowers he sent.

Now that the Gao family is in trouble, Gao Boyan has to come to the door quickly... No matter what, Prince Lin has accepted his benefits, so he can't just sit idly by and ignore it, right?

Gao Boyan also knew in his heart that he did not expect Prince Lin to keep their Gao family safe and sound.

But, as long as the Prince of Lin is willing to keep their Gao family safe. As long as he can live, he can accept it even if it costs a painful price!

However, he sent people to and from Jiang Mansion in the past two days, but was turned away every time. Every time he came, the guards in the mansion said that the Prince of Lin was not in the mansion.

Gao Boyan naturally didn't believe it, and his heart became more and more uneasy... Would the Prince of Lin be sitting on the sidelines?

And at this time, it rained all night!

Just last night, their Gao family was suddenly attacked! An unknown master suddenly broke into their Gao family last night and started a killing spree!

Although there were guards raised in the Gao family mansion, they quickly drove away those masters. But even so, the Gao family still suffered varying degrees of damage, with many casualties.

And Gao Boyan quickly investigated the origins of these masters... They were from the Zhou family!

The Zhou family came to take revenge!

The death of Zhou Huiguang has always been remembered by the Zhou family. Previously, the Gao family had the protection of the third prince, and the Zhou family did not dare to act rashly. Now that the third prince has fallen, the Gao family is about to face a disaster. The revenge of the Zhou family has finally begun!

Gao Boyan realized that the Gao family was in trouble this time!

Even if they would not be affected by the court and be included in the rebellion of the third prince, the Gao family would be madly retaliated by their enemies over the years!

So, early this morning, Gao Boyan came to pay a visit in person.

Coming so early, the Prince of Lin can't be at home, right?

Right now, the only one who can save their Gao family is the Prince of Lin!

However, as soon as he arrived, he was stopped by the guards at the door.

The dignified Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, now even a small guard doesn't take him seriously.

But Gao Boyan's face was not angry at all. He knew that the female guard in front of him was the most trusted confidant of the Prince of Lin, and he must not offend her.

"Then may I ask you, young lady, when will His Highness get up?"

Lin Qingqing glanced at the man in front of her with contempt, her eyes showing no disdain.

The fact that Gao Boyan could kill her own son was enough to make Lin Qingqing despise him.


If His Highness had not forbidden, Lin Qingqing would have wanted to kill this beast with a sword!

"I don't know."

Lin Qingqing said in a cold tone, expressionless: "My Highness will get up naturally after a good sleep!"

Seeing the merciless voice of the female guard in front of him, Gao Boyan still smiled and said in a low posture: "It's okay, please inform the young lady, I can wait!"


When Lin Jiangnian woke up, it was already three o'clock in the morning!

I was a little crazy last night, and my whole body was a little sore. Looking down, I could even see a lot of traces left last night.

They were all left by Zhiyuan in revenge out of extreme shame and anger!

However, when she retaliated against Lin Jiangnian, Lin Jiangnian also retaliated fiercely.

Not a loss!

Although it seemed that Zhiyuan was a little annoyed, Lin Jiangnian finally got what he wanted.

Unlocked a new achievement!

The master is the servant!

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian felt refreshed, and after running the Xuanyang Heart Method in his body for a week, he became lively again.

Get up, get dressed, and wash up!

There was no sign of Zhiyuan and Xiaozhu in the yard. I don’t know where they ran to.

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and turned to his aunt.

My aunt was not there. In the backyard, the sisters Jasmine and Fengling were still practicing martial arts diligently.

And Zhiyuan, as expected, was sitting under the eaves. His face was cold and he had a temperament that was not easy to mess with!

Today, Zhiyuan wore a light-colored long skirt with a front opening, which was quite capable. The cold face seemed to be a little red, as if he was in good spirits.

When Lin Jiangnian approached, he was quickly noticed!

Under the eaves, Zhiyuan turned her head and noticed Lin Jiangnian approaching. Her cold face immediately flushed with shame, her beautiful eyes were filled with shame and anger, and she glared at him fiercely.


Lin Jiangnian came to her side with a thick face and said with a smile: "Why did you wake up so early? Did you sleep well?!"

Zhiyuan's beautiful eyes were full of shame and anger, her face was as red as blood, and she was beautiful and charming.

She said nothing.

"Don't be angry..."

Lin Jiangnian knew that she was angry, and hurriedly comforted her softly.

"Don't worry, next time, it will definitely not happen..."

"Shut up!"

Zhiyuan finally spoke, her voice was shy and seemed a little hurried, interrupting Lin Jiangnian's words. She glanced at the sisters who were practicing martial arts in the backyard in panic, lowered her voice, and warned him fiercely: "Don't mention it again!"

"Okay, I won't mention it!"

Lin Jiangnian agreed.

"Next time, I, I will..."

Zhiyuan bit her lower lip tightly, feeling ashamed and angry. Thinking of what happened last night, her face flushed red and her whole body tensed.

She was ashamed, angry and shocked!

How could he have so many dirty... ideas? !

Thinking of the unbearable scenes that happened last night... How could she be so confused and actually cooperate with him?

Thinking of this, Zhiyuan had an impulse of shame and anger.

How could she be such a... woman?

She was already thin-skinned, how could she withstand such stimulation?

"Okay, okay, there will definitely not be a next time... Don't be angry, calm down, calm down..."

Lin Jiangnian soothed in a low voice, and said nice words again and again. After a long time of coaxing, he managed to calm down the angry Zhiyuan.

However, although he was temporarily coaxed down! But Zhiyuan still had a stern face and was unwilling to pay attention to Lin Jiangnian.

However, Lin Jiangnian wasn't too worried.

Based on his understanding of Zhiyuan, Zhiyuan was not really angry with him. Otherwise, she wouldn't have cooperated so tacitly last night...even though there was an element of coercion on the part of Lin Jiangnian.

But at least it shouldn't be that hard for her to accept.

And the current reaction is probably more of a thin-skinned reaction, not daring to accept it, not daring to face him... to hide one's emotions.

Of course, there must be some anger.

But it only takes a few days, when she gradually calms down, and she will be fine if you coax her!

Then wait for a while, maybe Lin Jiangnian can quietly recreate it...

Scored twice!

While Lin Jiangnian was coaxing his little kite with nice words, Lin Qingqing arrived from the front yard and brought news about Gao Boyan.

"Your Highness, Gao Boyan has been waiting outside the mansion for a long time and wants to see Your Highness!"

"He came in person?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows and knew what he was thinking: "It seems that he can't sit still at all?"

Lin Qingqing said: "Yesterday, my subordinates passed the news to the Zhou family in accordance with His Highness's instructions. Just last night, Zhou Yao sent people to attack the Gao family as expected..."

Listening to Lin Qingqing's report, Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly, this was all part of his plan.


Lin Qingqing asked tentatively: "Your Highness, do you need your subordinates to drive him away?"

"No need!"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on the pair of sisters who were diligently practicing martial arts in the courtyard, and he said calmly: "How can I not do something after taking his things? If word spreads, what will happen to my reputation?"

Lin Qingqing's face was expressionless, she was used to seeing her Highness say such shameless words.

Zhiyuan also had a cold face... I worked hard all night last night and was not feeling well, and I haven't recovered yet.

I'm still angry!

"After all, Mr. Gao has given me such a pair of sisters with excellent martial arts talents. For reasons of love and reason, I should meet him!"

With that said, Lin Jiangnian waved his hand casually: "Invite him in."


Lin Qingqing turned and left.

Later, Lin Jiangnian held Zhiyuan Su's hand again and said, "Tell me, if Gao Boyan saw that the sisters he had worked so hard to cultivate turned out to be rare martial arts geniuses, would he regret sending them away? ?”


Zhiyuan pulled her hand back with force and glared at him: "Don't touch me!"

"I'll just touch my hand!"

"Not allowed either!"

"Don't be so stingy..."

Zhiyuan angrily wanted to get up and leave, but was coaxed down by Lin Jiangnian: "Okay, okay, I won't touch you if you don't want to..."

"Don't be angry!"


While Lin Jiangnian continued to coax the little paper kite, Gao Boyan walked into the backyard under the guidance of Lin Qingqing.

Gao Boyan, who had just walked into the backyard, saw the sisters practicing martial arts in the backyard at a glance.

His eyes were stunned...Aren't these the sisters he gave to Lin Jiangnian before?

What are they doing?

At this time, Jasmine and Feng Ling, who were practicing martial arts in the courtyard, also saw Gao Boyan suddenly appearing in the corridor over there. The faces of the two sisters showed a look of panic almost subconsciously, as if they had recalled some bad memory and were panicking.

Gao, why are Master Gao here? !

Perhaps the previous shadow memory was too profound, causing both of them to freeze in place at this moment, their bodies stiff and motionless, and they did not dare to breathe.

However, just when the two of them were uneasy.

In their eyes, they saw the tall man from the past who easily controlled the fate of their sisters. Suddenly, he quickly stepped forward and came to His Royal Highness's side not far away, with a fawning look on his face.

This scene left the two sisters stunned.

Although they knew that His Highness was very powerful, very powerful... this scene still impressed the two sisters deeply and they will never forget it!

It turns out that the tall man who the two sisters were so afraid of in the past is just a small character who needs to be humbled and flattered in front of His Highness...

Under the eaves.

Gao Boyan quickly approached and came to the eaves with humility.

"Your Majesty, please pay homage to His Highness the Crown Prince!"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes slightly and looked at the middle-aged man who was standing not far from him, bending down in a respectful posture, with a playful look.

Gao Boyan, who was high-spirited not long ago, now seems to have haggard and aged many years overnight. His face was no longer as bright as before, his eyes were sunken, his expression was solemn, and he was cautious and fearful.

"Master Gao, long time no see!"

Lin Jiang young smiled and spoke.

Gao Boyan raised his head slightly and looked at the playful gaze of Prince Lin in front of him.

There was silence for a while.

The next second, Gao Boyan suddenly made a 'plop' sound, knelt down in front of Lin Jiangnian, and spoke in a low voice.

"Your Highness, help!"

"Please, Your Highness, please save my Gao family's life for the sake of your past!"

Gao Boyan's sudden kneeling stunned many people.

Lin Qingqing's eyes were slightly shocked. The dignified minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs actually knelt down in front of His Highness... At the same time of astonishment, there was a trace of deep fear in Lin Qingqing's eyes.

This Gao Boyan is indeed not a simple person, capable of bending and stretching. In the past, he could kill his own son, but today he can kneel down whenever he wants... This person is too dangerous!

Can't stay!

In the courtyard, Jasmine and Feng Chime were also completely stunned, staring at this scene in a daze.

Messy in the wind!

If they just saw Master Gao groveling, it was enough to shock the two of them.

Then, the scene of Master Gao suddenly kneeling in front of His Royal Highness made them both doubt their lives!

At this moment, I felt a sense of relief and a sense of revenge...

A high-ranking official of the Six Ministries and a Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, he is also considered a powerful and well-known figure in the court!

However, at this moment, he was kneeling in front of a young man who was dozens of years younger than himself!

This scene is extremely ironic!

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were always calm. Looking at Gao Boyan who suddenly knelt down in front of him, he shook his head slightly and sighed: "Master Gao, this can't be done. Get up quickly... you have something to say!"

Gao Boyan did not move. He still knelt in front of Lin Jiangnian, losing half of his appearance as a minister.

"Your Highness, our Gao family is in danger now, and our lives will soon be over. I dare to ask Your Highness to save my Gao family's life... I am willing to pay any price..."

Gao Boyan's voice was low and firm: "I am willing to give up all my family property. I only ask that Your Highness can save the lives of my Gao family..."

I have to say that Gao Boyan spent a lot of money!

All the family property?

Judging from the gold and silver treasures Gao Boyan sent last time, the wealth accumulated by the Gao family over the years is probably not a small amount!

That he is willing to pay such a high price shows his courage.

"Master Gao, get up first and then talk... You are the elder and I am the junior. How can an elder kneel down to a junior..."

Young Lin Jiang sighed: "Master Gao, there is no need to worry. I believe that Master Gao was not involved in the third prince's rebellion and is innocent. I will definitely find a way to help Master Gao."

Hearing this, Gao Boyan raised his head excitedly: "Your Highness, are you serious about this?!"

"Of course I take it seriously."

Lin Jiangnian said with emotion: "Master Gao is willing to spend such a huge amount of money, how can I not know how to repay you? Speaking of which, I haven't even had time to thank Master Gao for sending two geniuses with such amazing martial arts talents to me. !”

"Martial arts talent?"

Gao Boyan was startled, and then he realized something, and looked at the pair of sisters in the courtyard... Are these sisters who he gave to His Highness the Crown Prince actually martial arts geniuses?

Realizing something, Gao Boyan calmed down and immediately said: "As long as Your Highness saves my Gao family this time, I will be your Highness's guide in the future. I will collect martial arts wizards and rare treasures from all over the world for Your Highness, and dedicate them all to Your Highness..."

It has to be said that Gao Boyan's attitude was very low, and at the same time, the conditions he proposed were also very tempting.

So tempting that no one can resist.

"Since Mr. Gao is so cheerful, I won't beat around the bush!"

Lin Jiang said with a young smile: "When this prince enters the palace later, I will go to meet His Highness the Crown Prince to intercede for Lord Gao, and try my best to ensure that Lord Gao is safe and sound..."

"As for other aristocratic families, if anyone dares to do harm to Mr. Gao, I can take the name of my heir apparent."

With that said, Lin Jiangnian touched his body, took out a token, and threw it to Gao Boyan: "Take this token, and you will be the one who belongs to me from now on!"

Gao Boyan took the token and couldn't help but trembled with excitement.

There's help!

The Gao family is finally saved!

Unexpectedly, Prince Lin was actually willing to save his Gao family? !

Gao Boyan, who was originally doubtful about this, looked at the token in his hand and his eyes were red with excitement.

Although they no longer have the support of the Third Prince, but now with the support of His Royal Highness, the Gao family can be saved!

With Prince Lin's support, what are you afraid of? !

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Gao Boyan couldn't help but want to kowtow.

"Master Gao, calm down, go back and wait for the news first. Don't worry, when this prince enters the palace later, go find His Highness the Crown Prince and say a few nice words to Master Gao..."

Lin Jiangnian vowed to do so.

Gao Boyan, on the other hand, thanked him profusely and left with excitement. When I walked, my steps became light and airy, as if all the pressure had been relieved from my body.

After Gao Boyan left, Lin Qingqing, who had been silent, looked at His Highness with confusion and worry: "Your Highness, do you...really want to save the Gao family?"

"Did I say I wanted to save him?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her.

"But, Your Highness, didn't you mean..." Lin Qingqing was confused.

"I just said that I would put in a nice word for him, but whether His Highness the Crown Prince can let him go...I can't necessarily guarantee it!"

Lin Qingqing was slightly startled, and then she realized... His Highness Qingqing had just set a trap for Gao Boyan? !

It seems that His Highness did not guarantee that?

But this tall man apparently mistakenly believed that His Highness would be willing to protect him...

"But Your Highness, why did you give him the token? And let him spread the word?"

Lin Qingqing asked worriedly again.

"Otherwise, how could he take the bait?"

Lin Jiangnian seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Only then did Lin Qingqing realize something... Your Highness, I'm afraid there is another plan!


"My subordinate is here!"

"Go to Zhou's house again..."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her and said casually: "Go and do something for me."


After Lin Qingqing left, Lin Jiangnian sat quietly and looked back at the paper kite beside him.

Zhiyuan looked coldly and looked at the sisters who were continuing to practice martial arts in the backyard.

"Paper Kite?"

Lin Jiangnian suddenly asked: "Do you think this prince is a bad person?"

Zhiyuan slowly turned her head and looked at him, expressionless: "Yes!"

"How bad?"

"Very bad!"

Hearing Zhiyuan's stern answer, Lin Jiangnian was happy: "Then, was I also very bad just now?"

Seeing that Zhiyuan didn't say anything, Lin Jiangnian said with emotion: "Master Gao is already in a miserable state, but I still cheat him like this. Isn't it bad?"

"I took so many things from him, but in the end I planned to add insult to injury...Am I particularly bad?"

"A very bad kind?"

Zhiyuan looked at Lin Jiangnian blankly, with a somewhat angry look in his cold eyes. But at this moment, it seemed to have dissipated.

She looked at Lin Jiangnian quietly. After a while, she took a deep breath and looked away.

"You did get...bad very quickly!"

Zhiyuan's face was expressionless, but after a moment of pause: "But just now..."

"You're not bad!"

"Not bad at all!"

Lin Jiangnian was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect Zhiyuan to speak like this. He stared at the delicate and fair profile of the girl in front of him, so beautiful!

And the way she said expressionlessly that he wasn't bad at all was inexplicably cute!

Very cute!

Lin Jiangnian suddenly smiled, and then reached out to force the paper kite next to him into his arms.

"Zhiyuan is so awesome. He even praises your highness!"

"Let, let me go!"

Zhiyuan was caught off guard and was hugged by Lin Jiangnian. She instinctively struggled to resist... She was still angry!

How could he hold her? !

Has she not forgiven him for his behavior last night? !

Zhiyuan thought angrily.

Struggle hard!

But Lin Jiangnian allowed the girl in his arms to struggle, hugged her tighter, and then kissed her hard on her delicate and crimson face!

"Zhiyuan is awesome, this is your highness' reward!"

"No, no kissing!"

Zhiyuan's face turned red with embarrassment and she spoke angrily.

"Just kiss, just kiss, just kiss!"


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