Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 413 Xu Lan asks for help


The carriage stopped outside the gate of Gao's mansion. Gao Boyan got off the carriage and stepped into the mansion.


In the front hall, Gao Boyan's eldest son, Gao Hang, saw his father coming back. He immediately stood up and hurried forward to greet him: "How's it going?"

"Prince Lin, is he willing to save us?"

Gao Hang's tone was anxious and worried.

Ever since it was learned that the third prince failed in the mutiny and was imprisoned, a shadow has shrouded the Gao Mansion. The Gao family father and son were even more frightened and restless.

I sent people to Jiang Mansion two days ago, but they couldn't even get in through the main gate of Jiang Mansion. Today, my father even came to visit me in person. If I don't see Prince Lin today, then the Gao family will be in serious trouble.

This had to make Gao Hang panic!

He just happened to not be able to take advantage of his third brother's death and successfully entered the Sixth Department of the Imperial Court. His future was bright, but he didn't want to lose his life in such a daze!

Gao Boyan did not explain, but waved his hand first: "Go, get a cup of water and tea!"

He ran to the Jiang Mansion early this morning. After waiting for such a long time, he finally got to see Prince Lin, and now he rushed back again after a long journey. He didn't even have a drink of water on the way for a long time, and his mouth was already dry.

“Dad, it’s already this time and you’re still thinking about drinking water?!”

Gao Hang was anxious. He was worried to death. Why did his father still care about drinking water? !

If they can't see Prince Lin, or if Prince Lin doesn't help, let alone drinking water, they won't have to drink water for the rest of their lives!

"No hurries?!"

Gao Boyan glanced at him and lectured him with a straight face: "If you act so recklessly and can't hold your breath, what big things can you accomplish? How many times has dad told you? Don't be so impatient!"

Gao Hang: "?"

no? !

Who was more anxious than him in the past two days?

Who jumped up and down anxiously and panicked after learning that the third prince's rebellion failed? Who is it that is sighing at home and saying in horror that the Gao family is going to end?

Or is it someone whose face is paler than his, who has aged many years overnight, and who has had insomnia all night?

Dad, weren't you the one who was anxious first?

Why are you teaching me a lesson now?

Gao Hang couldn't help but wanted to complain, but as soon as the words came to his lips, he suddenly realized something...

His eyes were stunned.

As the eldest son of the Gao family and the future heir of the Gao family, he is naturally not a fool!

Previously, Gao Boyan would rather sacrifice his younger son than let Gao Hang enter the Sixth Division, which is enough to show that Gao Boyan has high hopes for his eldest son!

Isn't it that since Gao Hang is not stupid, he is now calm and calm when he sees his father who was as anxious as a monkey two days ago?

Do you still have the time to ask him to pour water?

Could it be...

"Dad, Prince Lin, Prince Lin, must have agreed, right?"

Gao Hang was so surprised that his voice trembled slightly and he couldn't help but look at his father.

But Gao Boyan was still unhappy and glared at him: "What are you doing standing there? Pour water!"


Gao Hang quickly went to pour a cup of tea, handed it to Gao Boyan, and quickly asked: "Dad, what's going on now? Tell me quickly, I'm so worried!"

Gao Boyan came to the side and sat down on the imperial chair, picked up the tea in his hand and drank it all in one gulp. After moisturizing the throat, the whole body feels warm.

Putting down the water glass, he looked up and saw Gao Hang staring at him with a anxious look on his face. Only then did Gao Boyan take his time and speak.

"Dad, I met Prince Lin!"

"How about it?!"

Gao Hang asked, even his breathing was slightly rapid.

Although he had vaguely guessed the answer from his father's face, Gao Hang was still worried.


Gao Boyan glanced at him: "Your father and I will take action, how can we make a mistake?!"

Gao Hang's eyes widened and he was suddenly surprised: "Dad, what do you mean..."

"Prince Lin has promised to protect our Gao family!"

Gao Boyan spoke slowly.

His face seemed calm, but he still couldn't hide the relief and joy in his tone.

The Gao family is saved this time!

After hearing the news, Gao Hang, who had always been worried, finally showed a look of surprise on his face: "Really, really?!"

"You are so frizzy, what a shame!"

Gao Boyan scoffed with a cold snort, and then slowly talked about meeting Prince Lin today.

Of course, there is some artistic processing involved.

For example, Gao Boyan chose to ignore the behavior of the Minister of Civil Affairs who knelt down and fawned in a low voice in front of the Prince Lin today.

It does not matter!

"Prince Lin has promised that he will intercede on behalf of our Gao family and protect our Gao family..."

"Although our Gao family is close to the third prince, we did not participate in the third prince's rebellion plan. At most, we can only be regarded as being implicated and suffered unreasonable disasters... As long as Prince Lin is willing to help this time, our Gao family will The family will be able to survive this crisis safely..."

Gao Boyan narrowed his eyes. He knew very well the crisis of the Gao family this time.

On the one hand, the third prince fell, and the Gao family of the third prince's lineage will definitely be liquidated by the court last night. But on the other hand, the Gao family did not participate in the third prince's rebellion, and the crime will not lead to death!

More importantly, the fate of their Gao family is of no consequence to the court!

Life or death is just a matter of thought!

In the past, the Gao family would indeed be faced with disaster. A minister who lost power would soon be swallowed up by other forces in the court.

But now, it’s different!

With Prince Lin's support, it means that there is someone behind the Gao family, and others who want to add insult to injury have to think carefully.

More importantly... Prince Lin is the fiancé of the eldest princess!

The eldest princess and the current prince are biological siblings, and the two have a very good relationship.

In this way, the Gao family not only escaped disaster this time, but even...if the imperial court did not fall out with the Lin family, the Gao family only had to hug the Lin family's thighs tightly, which would be enough to achieve success.

How could this not make Gao Boyan feel excited?

However, after Gao Hang heard his father's words, although he was equally excited and surprised, he quickly raised questions: "But, can you guarantee that Prince Lin will help us?"

"What if he lied to you?"

Gao Boyan glanced at him: "You are still too young!"

Gao Boyan also had such doubts before, but after seeing the pair of sister flowers he had given to Prince Lin in the backyard and the token given to him by Prince Lin, Gao Boyan had dispelled most of his doubts!

After all, Gao Boyan spent a lot of money this time!

He was willing to dedicate all of the Gao family's property to Prince Lin, and he was also willing to work for Prince Lin, recruiting stunning women and talented people with excellent martial arts foundations for him.

In Gao Boyan's view, no one can refuse such a tempting price... After all, there is no big grudge between the Gao family and Prince Lin.

Previously, he had made a special trip to explain to Prince Lin Wang the matter regarding his son Gao Wenyang, and his attitude was very low. Prince Lin Wang had already expressed his disregard for the previous grudges.

In Gao Boyan's knowledge, Prince Lin was handsome, polite, and not a narrow-minded person!

But this time, Prince Lin only needs to say a few nice words to the Gao family to His Highness, and he can gain the huge wealth accumulated by the Gao family over the years, as well as the loyalty of Gao Boyan, the minister of the Ministry of Personnel, a key department in the six departments... …

In Gao Boyan's view, Prince Lin had no reason to refuse.

It can be regarded as a blank wolf!

How could Prince Lin not be tempted by such a huge benefit?

For Gao Boyan, it would indeed be heartbreaking to lose so many years of savings from the Gao family. But these are nothing compared to life.

As long as you are alive, there is hope!

If we can take advantage of this time to completely climb into Prince Lin's lap, the Gao family may not have a chance to make a comeback, or even be more glorious...

After listening to his father's explanation, Gao Hang gradually let go of his doubts.

Indeed, he could not imagine why Prince Lin Wang would refuse?

With this condition, anyone would be tempted!

"Dad, you are still far-sighted!"

Gao Hang couldn't help but praise.

"That's natural!"

Gao Boyan glanced at him coldly: "You still have to study hard."

When the Gao family first gained the trust of the third prince, Gao Hang was puzzled by his father's eagerness to curry favor with Prince Lin, and was even a little angry... His father was a high-ranking official in the Six Ministries after all, and he was so groveling in front of Prince Lin that he was extremely Disdainful and displeased!

Looking back at it now, my father was really well-planned and able to predict events like a god!

Hearing the praise from his eldest son, Gao Boyan felt much relieved. The dull mood that had been accumulated for so many days seemed to be swept away at this moment.

"Hang'er, spread the news to the outside world!"

Gao Boyan paused for a moment and asked: "Publish the relationship between our Gao family and Prince Lin. Remember, it doesn't need to be too high-profile, but it must be made clear to those people..."

"Let those who covet our Gao family these days and want to add insult to injury know that our Gao family is not that easy to mess with, especially the Zhou family..."

Speaking of this, Gao Boyan's eyes were cold, "Zhou Yao, that mad dog, thought that our Gao family had lost power, and wanted to avenge his damn son. A small official, a loser who didn't dare to speak loudly in front of me before. , now you dare to bully me..."

"Kill him sooner or later!"

Gao Boyan looked gloomy and his tone was solemn.

Now we have begun to figure out how the Gao family will settle their accounts after this crisis.

And Gao Hang's expression became more and more excited: "Okay, dad, I'll do it now!"

With that said, he excitedly prepared to walk out the door.

But at this moment, a hurried figure stumbled in from the front yard.

"Master, eldest young master, no, it's not good..."

A servant from the house ran in and said with a panic expression: "The people from the imperial court are here, they want to ransack the house..."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Gao Boyan and Gao Hang in the hall changed.

Someone from the court is here? !

Before the two of them could react, there were bursts of hurried footsteps outside the courtyard, accompanied by harsh noises caused by the collision of armor and weapons, and a sinister and oppressive aura came over them.

Immediately afterwards, several heavily armed figures poured into the courtyard out of sight ahead.

The first people to break into the hospital were figures wearing black fish robes, jumping across the hospital with vigorous movements. Behind him were rows of soldiers in armor, following closely behind.

In the Gao Mansion, there were still some guards in the mansion who wanted to resist, but they were quickly eliminated by these heavily armed soldiers.

These guards are all masters supported by the high government, and they are all well-known masters in the world. However, when facing this cold iron helmet, the well-trained soldiers could not resist for long before they were knocked to the ground.

When Gao Boyan, Gao Hang and his son in the hall saw this scene in front of them, their hearts suddenly sank and they felt chilled all over!

Still, still coming? !

"Dad, dad, what is going on?!"

Gao Hang, who was still happy at first, turned pale again in an instant, and his tone was full of panic: "No, didn't I say Prince Lin will help us?!"

At this moment, Gao Boyan's heart also felt cold.

He recognized the origins of these people in the courtyard at a glance. The Mitiansi masters wearing black fish robes and the city defense troops who were originally stationed outside the capital to protect the capital. After these soldiers and horses were transferred to the capital by the taboo, they began to Arrest the accomplices of the third prince on a large scale.

Today, it was finally their turn for the Gao family!


Gao Boyan's face was gloomy and he forced himself to calm down!

He had just returned from Jiang Mansion when people from the imperial court arrived! In the Jiang Mansion, Prince Lin would definitely not have time to go to His Highness the Crown Prince to intercede in such a short period of time.

Although the current situation was dangerous, Gao Boyan was still not too panicked with Prince Lin's previous assurance.

He walked out slowly, looked into the courtyard, and said in a deep voice: "I wonder what you have to do with your forced entry into my residence today?"

In the crowd, an expressionless figure said coldly: "By the order of the prince, we will thoroughly investigate the third prince's rebellion. Please, Mr. Gao, come with us and assist in the investigation!"

The cold tone made Gao Hang behind him turn pale and tremble all over.

The third prince rebels against the party?

Have they really turned against the party?

However, Gao Boyan was still calm and explained: "I am loyal to the imperial court and have never done anything as treasonous as rebellion..."

"Whether we have done it or not, Mr. Gao will know after you come with us!"

The general's merciless voice interrupted him coldly.

Immediately afterwards, he waved his hand!

"Take it!"


Not long after the Gao Mansion was ransacked, Lin Jiangnian received the news.

The capital is so big, any disturbance during the recent period will attract great attention. The Gao family was ransacked, which was just as expected.

"The Gaofu family was ransacked this time. None of the hundreds of people in the government resisted. They were all arrested. All the Gaofu family property was seized..."

"The person who took the lead in searching the house this time was a new protector in Mitiansi and a close associate of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince..."

Listening to the news reported by Lin Qingqing, Lin Jiangnian thought thoughtfully: "It seems that this tall man is still waiting for me to rescue him?"

Lin Qingqing nodded. Gao Boyan did have this idea, so when Mi Tiansi and the imperial court came to search the house, there was almost no resistance.

Surprisingly cooperative!

This surprised the people who came to search the house!

When they ransacked the homes of other official families before, those people either made a fuss or were stubbornly resisting, trying to survive... Everyone knew that if they were caught this time, they would basically die.

But the Gao family was very unusual. They smoothly cooperated with the people of the court and wiped out the entire Gao family.

Gao Boyan's thoughts are self-evident.

In any case, if you struggle and can't resist, it's better to be arrested honestly. Then, wait for Prince Lin to save his life!

"How's the thing I asked you to do?"

Lin Jiangnian asked.

Lin Qingqing said: "My subordinates have followed His Highness's instructions!"


Lin Jiangnian nodded with satisfaction, "Go down and rest first."


After Lin Qingqing retreated, Lin Jiangnian turned around and went to the courtyard next door to look for Zhiyuan.

As for Gao Boyan... stay cool and stay there.

Lin Jiangnian didn't take it to heart.

The arrest of the Gao family means that they will not have another chance to come out. As for what they promised Gao Boyan before...

What a coincidence!

In the eyes of people in the capital, the Prince Lin was originally a bastard and a playboy with no credibility! Since credibility is no longer important, Lin Jiangnian should naturally maintain his own personality!

It can't collapse!

For Lin Jiangnian, the most important thing right now is how to coax his little kite!

Last night, I struggled too much and touched Zhiyuan's bottom line. Now I am still losing my temper.

After Lin Jiangnian's unremitting efforts, Zhiyuan was finally no longer angry! However, she still didn't pay much attention to Lin Jiangnian!

He was also extremely wary of Lin Jiangnian's approach, and even hid with his aunt.

Judging from the situation, I plan not to come back tonight!

When Lin Jiangnian went to look for Zhiyuan from his aunt, he happened to be caught by Jiang Yuxiang who came back, and he was taught another lesson.

"Did you bully Zhiyuan again?"

Faced with his aunt's fierce questioning, Lin Jiangnian rarely felt guilty and did not refute.

After all, this time it was indeed ‘bullying’!

Jiang Yuxiang became even more angry when he saw Lin Jiangnian's appearance.

In the past, when this guy bullied Zhi Yuan, he would refute a few words, but today he didn't even refute. It seemed that he really bullied Zhi Yuan!

No wonder Zhiyuan looked a little unhappy when she came to her place today. When Jiang Yuxiang asked, Zhiyuan avoided her eyes and hesitated to speak...

Looking at this situation, I'm afraid Zhiyuan was bullied badly?

"You brat, I won't beat you to death!"

Jiang Yuxiang rolled up his sleeves, as if he wanted to teach Lin Jiangnian a lesson.

"Auntie, calm down, impulsiveness is the devil..."

Lin Jiangnian quickly said kind words to calm his aunt down.

Jiang Yuxiang's expression softened a lot, and then he asked Lin Jiangnian in detail how he bullied Zhiyuan, and even asked Lin Jiangnian to explain in detail.

Lin Jiangnian was silent!

"What? Why don't you tell the truth? Believe it or not, I will really slap you?!"

Jiang Yuxiang stared at him.

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and tentatively said, "Auntie, how about you ask Zhiyuan?"

"If Zhiyuan is willing to talk, can I still come and ask you?"

Jiang Yuxiang said angrily: "Zhiyuan is thin-skinned and indulges you... Tell me honestly, what did you do to Zhiyuan?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "To tell you the truth, auntie, I am actually very thin-skinned..."

This is also a question of whether one is thin-skinned or not...

How did he 'bully' Zhiyuan?

Can this be said?

Nothing to say!

Seeing that Lin Jiangnian was unwilling to tell, Jiang Yuxiang immediately became angry: "If you don't tell me, I'll ask Xiaozhu!"

As Xiaozhu was Lin Jiangnian's maid, and she stayed with Zhiyuan every day, she must know something.

Lin Jiangnian's eyes became a little strange, and he finally managed to persuade his aunt.

This is not fun to say!

With Xiaozhu's behavior, if Jiang Yuxiang really went to find her, he might be able to tell her a story, but Xiaozhu would tell the truth!

Naturally, Jiang Yuxiang didn't really want to ask Xiaozhu. He just warned Lin Jiangnian not to bully Zhiyuan all the time, and Lin Jiangnian agreed.

Then, Jiang Yuxiang thought of something again, glanced at him faintly, and sighed: "Is that girl really gone?"

The girl in her mouth naturally refers to Liu Su.

Lin Jiangnian nodded.

"Where did she go?"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a moment: "It should still be in the city."

Beijing is still under lockdown, and it is not easy for Liu Su to get out of the city.

When Jiang Yuxiang heard this, he hesitated to speak, and then sighed deeply: "I like that little girl very much. She is beautiful and has a good personality. She is... quite pitiful!"

Obviously, she has a very good impression of Liu Su.

Maybe it's because of Liu Su's relationship with Zhiyuan, or maybe it's because of his sympathy for Liu Su's life experience.

"Isn't she willing to stay?"

Lin Jiangnian nodded.

"That's all..."

Jiang Yuxiang glanced at him: "What do you think?"

Lin Jiangnian knew what his aunt wanted to ask, so he said, "Don't worry, aunt, I know what's going on."

Jiang Yuxiang was silent for a while, and finally didn't ask again.

Maybe she believed that Lin Jiangnian had a way to solve it, or maybe she didn't even know what to do.

Jiang Yuxiang felt like the palms and backs of her hands were full of flesh!

However, she still warned Lin Jiangnian: "No matter what, you can't let me down?!"

"Don't worry, aunt, it won't happen."

"Then when you get there..."

When Jiang Yuxiang said this, he subconsciously glanced back and made sure that Zhiyuan was not here, then he lowered his voice slightly: "You kid..."

"You don't really want to take it all, do you?"

Lin Jiangnian blinked: "Auntie, isn't it your suggestion?"

Jiang Yuxiang glared at him: "I'm asking you what you think!"

"Auntie, you know that I always listen to my elders!"


As expected, Zhiyuan hid with her aunt tonight and had no intention of coming back!

Obviously he is worried that Lin Jiangnian will continue to have evil thoughts tonight!

This made Lin Jiangnian very angry... Is he that kind of person? what?

Putting aside the facts, didn't Zhiyuan herself have no responsibility for last night?

Not only Zhiyuan, but also Xiaozhu, who had always been obedient in the past. Hiding in the room, locking the door and preventing His Highness from entering!

"Your Highness...Sister Zhiyuan said that if Xiaozhu talks to you tonight, she will sell me out tomorrow..."

Outside the door, Lin Jiangnian looked serious: "You are my maid, how dare she betray you?"

"Sister Zhiyuan said she dared!"

"I'll teach her a lesson later!"

"Your Highness, you are bragging... Sister Zhiyuan ignored you, but you went to find her?"


Of course, Lin Jiangnian didn't go to find Zhiyuan, nor did he continue to embarrass Xiaozhu. He returned to the room alone.

Since I have nothing to do tonight, I will practice diligently.

If you don't have a woman in your heart, you can make progress faster!

Women will only stop him from becoming stronger!

Lin Jiangnian, who comforted himself in this way, sat cross-legged in the middle of the room and began to practice his internal skills without any distractions.

With the hot and scalding propaganda, the mind slowly circulates throughout the body, expanding the meridians throughout the body and nourishing the internal organs. Lin Jiangnian could clearly feel that his strength had improved further.

Becoming a little stronger.

More than two months ago, Lin Jiangnian, who had just arrived in the capital for the first time, with the help of the eldest princess, entered the fifth level with his inner strength.

After these few months of consolidation and improvement, Lin Jiangnian has now vaguely touched the threshold of the fourth grade.

Of course, this only proves the depth of Lin Jiangnian's inner strength. There is still a way to go before he can truly become a fourth-level master.

However, this speed of progress is already terrifying!

In just over two months, he was able to reach the threshold of the fourth grade from the fifth grade. He was a genius!

With his strength slowly improving at this pace, Lin Jiangnian is even confident that he can truly reach the threshold of a top master in a few years!

By that time, he should be qualified to have a chance with Zhiyuan, Liu Su and the others, right?

There is even a possibility that he can truly win against the two of them in an upright manner!


Teach them both a lesson!

Well, at the same time!

Just as Lin Jiangnian was looking forward to a bright future, there was suddenly the sound of hurried footsteps outside the hospital.

"Your Highness!"

Lin Qingqing's somewhat urgent voice sounded from the courtyard.

Lin Jiangnian's eyes narrowed.

Lin Qingqing had never been so anxious when she came to see him in the past, so late!

what happened?

Lin Jiangnian stood up and opened the door and walked out. In the courtyard, Lin Qingqing appeared under the eaves.

"Your Highness, something happened to the Xu family!"

"Xu family?"

Lin Jiangnian is still thinking about which Xu family time it is?

In the yard, another figure stumbled in.

"Lin, Lin Jiangnian..."

The voice was panicked and anxious!

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and recognized the stumbling, slightly embarrassed figure in front of him.

"Xu Lan?!"

When he saw Xu Lan appear, Lin Jiangnian instantly realized something. He turned back to look at Lin Qingqing and saw Lin Qingqing nodded with a serious face.

No words!

Everything is left unsaid.

Lin Jiangnian understood everything immediately... The Xu family was also confiscated?

"Lin...Jiang Nian, Jiang Nian..."

In the courtyard, Xu Lan stumbled closer, holding up her skirt. She was wearing a thin long house dress, her hair was messy, her face was a little dirty, and her whole body was in a mess.

But she didn't care about this at all!

At this time, Miss Xu, who had always been confident in the past, was no longer as cheerful as before, and her delicate face was full of panic.

His eyes were red, and he obviously looked like he had been crying.

"Jiang Nian, you, please help, save my grandpa... I, my grandpa, he..."

Xu Lan's voice was choked with sobs. She ran up to Lin Jiangnian and tugged hard on the corner of his clothes.

The former Miss Xu was now helpless and extremely anxious.

"Don't be impatient yet, speak slowly!"

Lin Jiangnian opened his mouth to comfort him, seeing that it was a cold night and the temperature in the hospital was extremely low, but Xu Lan was only wearing a thin dress. Lin Jiangnian took off his coat and put it on her, then helped her back to the room and sit down.

The warm atmosphere in the room drove away the coldness in Xu Lan's body and slightly dispelled the fear in her heart.

Lin Jiangnian sat next to Xu Lan and asked, "What happened?"

At this moment, Xu Lan's eyes were at a loss and she looked terrified. However, after meeting Lin Jiangnian, he seemed to have found some sense of security, and his panic calmed down slightly.

She grabbed the hem of Lin Jiangnian's clothes and spoke in an anxious tone: "My, my grandpa, he... was arrested..."

"You, can you save, save him..."

In Xu Lan's stammering explanation, Lin Jiangnian finally understood what was going on!

It’s actually pretty much what I guessed!

The Xu family is indeed colluding with the third prince!

It is not clear how deep the connection between Mr. Xu and the third prince is, but it is obviously not a big deal if his house was confiscated by the imperial court.

Not long ago tonight, Xu Lan, who was about to fall asleep, suddenly found his second brother Xu Zhongshan rushing in and asked Xu Lan to leave the house quickly without saying a word.

Xu Lan hadn't realized what was going on, and was about to grab her second brother and ask him. Rows of imperial guards holding torches appeared outside the Xu Mansion, surrounding the entire Xu Mansion.

At this time, Xu Lan finally realized something was wrong. She wanted to ask clearly, but her second brother hurriedly told her to leave quickly and asked the guards of the house to escort her out!

Before the imperial guards outside completely surrounded Xu Mansion, the guards at the mansion successfully sent Xu Lan out.

But no one else in the Xu family escaped!

Xu Lan, who didn't know what happened at the time, also realized that something was wrong. The first thought that came to her mind was to find Lin Jiangnian quickly!

She knew that at this time, the only person who could save her grandfather was Lin Jiangnian.

Therefore, Xu Lan ignored her sadness and hurriedly ran to Jiang Mansion.

On the way, they happened to meet the spy of the prince's army who was secretly monitoring the Xu family. These informants knew that Xu Lan had an unusual relationship with His Royal Highness, so they quickly sent her over.

After Lin Jiangnian listened, he remained silent and thought quietly.

I have to say that the Xu family really made a foolish move!

In order to break away from the relationship with the Lin family, the Xu family was afraid that the Lin family would rebel in the future and the Xu family would be known as rebellious officials and traitors.

However, the irony is that before the Lin family planned to rebel, the Xu family was already one step ahead!

This is probably...retribution?

"Jiang, Jiangnian..."

While Lin Jiangnian was thinking, Xu Lan's cautious voice came from beside him.

Looking up, he saw that the high-spirited and heroic young lady in the past was looking at him cautiously, her eyes a little panicked and a little embarrassed.

"Me, my grandfather and the others..."

"It's a little serious."


Upon hearing this, Xu Lan's face immediately turned extremely pale.

Although she didn't know what happened, she also knew the seriousness of her home being ransacked.

Doesn't this mean... Grandpa and the others are finished?

"Then, what should we do?!"

Xu Lan's eyes were red, and there seemed to be crystal tears rolling around.

She grabbed Lin Jiangnian's sleeves anxiously and looked at him with a panic face: "You, can you think of a, save my grandpa and the others..."

Lin Jiangnian was silent!

To be honest, he actually didn't care much about the Xu family's life and death. He was not surprised that the Xu family ended up like this, and he didn't feel anything at all.

After all, there has never been anything in common!

But, he couldn't ignore Xu Lan!

If something happens to the Xu family, Xu Lan will definitely not be able to escape! If you are charged with treason, you will at least be punished by the Nine Clans.

For Xu Lan's sake, Lin Jiangnian had to take care of this matter!

Especially the appearance of Xu Lan at this time. She was escorted out of Xu's house by the guards. She was in a mess all the way, her face was full of tears, and her eyes were red. The pitiful appearance made Lin Jiangnian feel compassionate.

"Don't worry yet, things haven't reached the worst yet."

Lin Jiangnian comforted him: "I will find a way to rescue your grandfather and the others!"

What he told Gao Boyan was deception, but what he told Xu Lan was true.

"Really, really?!"

Xu Lan looked at Lin Jiangnian, a bit of light, a bit of anxiety, and a bit of surprise gradually appeared in her red eyes.

She seemed a little unsure that Lin Jiangnian would agree to save her grandfather so straightforwardly?

Before coming, she had even thought about the worst outcome, even...


Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows slightly: "You are now my prince's maid, how can I ignore you?"

"There's nothing special about me other than caring about my shortcomings!"

Xu Lan stared blankly at Lin Jiangnian.

I don't know what I was thinking, but an indescribable emotion suddenly surged into my heart. Then, big tears fell from his eyes.

"Hey, don't cry!"

Lin Jiangnian was stunned. I promised to save your grandfather, why are you still crying?


Xu Lan reached out to wipe her tears in a panic, but the more she wiped, the more tears she shed. In the end, it was impossible to stop.

"I don't know either……"

"Just, I just want to cry!"

As the eldest daughter of the Xu family, Xu Lan grew up in a rich life and had almost never suffered any setbacks or grievances. Such a sudden change tonight had already reached her limit.

Her grandfather and brother were arrested, and the Xu family was ransacked. Such a huge blow left her in a daze and shock, and she felt like she had been abandoned by the whole world.

Now, after hearing Lin Jiangnian's words, the heartstring that had been tense for a long time finally broke, and the grievances could no longer be suppressed and kept emerging.

The tears could no longer be controlled and fell down!

"Okay, okay, stop crying now!"

Lin Jiangnian could only sigh and comfort him softly.

Miss Xu, who was fearless in the past, turned out to be so vulnerable sometimes? !

However, any teenage girl would not be able to bear this kind of thing, let alone her?

"I, I don't want to cry either..."

Xu Lan's eyes were filled with tears, but the grievances surged in her heart. Where could she stop them?

At this moment, she even had the urge to throw herself into Lin Jiangnian's arms and cry!

However, perhaps it was the last trace of shame in her heart that made her suppress this idea.

"Stop crying. If you cry again, I'll get angry later!"

Lin Jiangnian said with a straight face.

Hearing this, Xu Lan seemed to be frightened and did not dare to cry anymore!

But the look of him wanting to cry but not daring to cry, looking at him with a faint and pitiful look, was actually even more... heartbreaking!

There were a few lines of tears on the originally fair and delicate face, and she looked pitiful, like a little girl who had been wronged.

Lin Jiangnian's tone softened again: "Okay, don't worry now, and don't cry either!"

He comforted her a few words softly, stretched out his hand to wipe the tears on her face: "Look at you crying like this, where is the heroine Xu who I know who is not afraid of anything? How did you become a crybaby? Are you a fool?"

Xu Lan bit her lower lip, as if she was unconvinced and wanted to refute something.

But in the end, he said nothing and just stared at Lin Jiangnian.

"It's getting late, why don't you stay here tonight?"

Lin Jiangnian said in a young voice: "Go take a shower first, change your clothes, have a good sleep, and leave the rest to me!"

Xu Lan said nothing and looked at him blankly.

"Don't look at me like that, and don't be stunned!"

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand, and after a while, someone called Xiaozhu next door.

Xiaozhu originally thought that His Highness was going to force himself tonight... On the way here, he was thinking about how he should resist tonight, and when should he show his pitiful appearance that he couldn't resist and could only let His Highness do whatever he wanted. …

In this way, Sister Zhiyuan can't blame herself, right?

After all, His Highness is very powerful, and she is just a little maid, so there is no way she can resist!

But as soon as he entered His Highness's room, Xiaozhu saw that there was another woman in His Highness's room at some point!

Before Xiaozhu came to his senses, Lin Jiangnian ordered: "Xiaozhu, take Miss Xu to bathe and change clothes, and have a good rest!"

When Xiaozhu came back to his senses, he recognized the woman in His Highness's room... was she Miss Xu?

Xiaozhu was surprised. Why was Miss Xu so embarrassed?

However, she quickly came to Xu Lan's side: "Miss Xu, come with Xiaozhu?"

Xu Lan was still in a daze. When she heard Xiaozhu's voice, she raised her head and looked at Lin Jiangnian. She was still a little worried: "My grandfather..."

"give it to me."

Seeing Lin Jiangnian's gentle expression and firm eyes, Xu Lan finally let go of the last worry in her heart.


She nodded vigorously, then stood up and followed Xiaozhu away.

After Xiaozhu left, Lin Jiangnian gradually put away the smile on his face.


"Your Highness?"

Lin Qingqing appeared at the door.

"Tell me more about what happened tonight!"

I only got a few words from Xu Lan just now, and the specific situation is still unclear. After Lin Qingqing finished reporting, Lin Jiangnian frowned slightly.

This matter is not easy to solve!

First of all, there was collusion between the Xu family and the third prince this time, but Lin Jiangnian didn't know exactly how far the collusion went.

If the Xu family participated in the third prince's rebellion plan, no matter how powerful Lin Jiangnian was, he would not be able to save the Xu family!

In this case, he could only try his best to find a way to protect Xu Lan Zhouquan.

On the other hand, the identity of the Xu family is somewhat sensitive... This is what Lin Jiangnian is most worried about.

After Lin Jiangnian thought for a moment in the room, a plan gradually came into his mind.

However, before that, he had to meet Xu Lan's grandfather first!


"My subordinate is here!"

"Prepare the car!"


royal palace.

Late at night, Changqing Palace!

Inside the palace, the lights were brightly lit, and the cold wind poured in from the corridors and blew the curtains under the eaves.

Prince Li Cunning was sitting at his desk, reviewing and approving the memorial.

There was silence all around!

When the third prince rebelled, he destroyed the Yangxin Palace where the prince had overseen the country, and the prince changed his office location to Changqing Palace.

The palace is deep and dark.

Following the sound of footsteps, an old eunuch slave from the palace cautiously came to His Highness's side.

"Your Highness, this is the list of officials and families arrested in Beijing today. Please take a look at it."


Li Cunning slowly raised his eyes and opened the list handed over by the old slave. Ben was just flipping through it casually. These lists had already been decided and there was no need for him to do it himself.

However, when he flipped through the list, Li Cunning's eyes suddenly froze slightly.

"Xu family?"

Li Cunning murmured to himself, with a deep look in his eyes: "The Xu family is also colluding with the third brother?"

"Exactly." The old slave next to him lowered his head and said.

"The Imperial Guards found out that there were many letters exchanged between the Xu family and His Highness the Third Prince in the past..."

Li Cunning's eyes gradually deepened: "If I remember correctly, the Xu family and the Lin family are family friends, right?"


The old slave spoke up and told His Highness the relationship between the Lin family and the Xu family in detail.

"However, the Xu family seems to have deliberately alienated the Lin family in recent years..."

"Are you distant..."

Li Cunning was thoughtful. After a while, something profound flashed across his deep eyes.

"Where's the eldest princess?"

"The princess has left the palace and is in the princess's mansion!"

"Go and invite her over tomorrow. Just tell her that you have something important to do to see her!"



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