Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 414 The Eldest Princess who avoids sight

late at night.

Jingzhao Mansion!

As the case of the third prince's rebellion continues to ferment, more and more officials and ministers are implicated.

In order to prevent any trouble, the imperial court deployed a large number of troops to maintain order. But even so, he was still very busy.

too messy!

This time the third prince's rebellion implicated not only officials in the court, but also family members. Not only the capital area, but also the entire dynasty. From top to bottom, a major cleaning was carried out.

This also caused the prisons in Beijing to be almost overcrowded!

Late at night, inside Jingzhao Mansion.

The governor of Jingzhao Mansion was even more busy and sweating profusely.

The arrest of the third prince for rebelling against the party this time was led by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince in the palace, in conjunction with the imperial army and Mi Tiansi. Among them, Jingzhao Mansion is just a small role cooperating in handling the case.

But unfortunately, many of the arrested officials and descendants of the family were imprisoned in his Jingzhao Mansion Prison.

Of course, in addition to this, many children from official families are imprisoned in Mitiansi Prison, Dali Temple Heavenly Prison, and various Heavenly Prisons in Beijing!

And among them, there are many big shots that he cannot afford to offend!

Even though these people are now implicated and imprisoned, the governor of Jingzhao Mansion does not dare to neglect them easily.

While the governor was still busy handling government affairs, someone came to report outside the door late at night.

"Sir, the leader of the Mitian Division is here!"

Upon hearing the news, the governor's body suddenly became excited and his face changed slightly.

The leader of Mitiansi?

This, this is a big shot!

Jing Zhaoyin is very aware of the current situation in Mitiansi. A few years ago, Mitiansi suffered a heavy blow. It was rumored that many guardians in Mitiansi were killed in attacks, which caused a big blow to the prestige of Mitiansi.

At this critical moment, it is said that the leader of Mitiansi gained the trust of Mr. Chen in the palace and successfully took over the power of Mitiansi!

But now, in this major case of arresting the third prince for rebelling against the party, this leader has monopolized the power of Mitiansi, and with the orders of His Highness the Crown Prince, his power can be said to have reached its peak.

Unparalleled in the limelight!

These days, Chief Chen's reputation is so loud and frightening in Beijing that no one dares to touch him!

It's midnight now, why did Chief Chen come to the door suddenly?

Jing Zhaoyin immediately couldn't sit still and quickly stood up and went out to greet him.

At this time, a figure appeared outside the house.

Dressed in a black robe, a man hidden in the night appeared outside the door. His black robe was like ink, with a knife on his waist, and his eyes were sharp and cold.

Gives people a chilling atmosphere!

It's none other than Chen Kuishou!

"Chen Kuishou?!"

Jing Zhaoyin immediately stepped forward, bent down respectfully, and said with a smile on his face: "I wonder if the leader suddenly came to the door. Is there something important?!"

In terms of official position, the rank of Jing Zhaoyin is actually on par with that of the leader. But the gap between the two is huge!

Chen Changqing stared at Jing Zhaoyin in front of him with deep and cold eyes, and said calmly: "I am here to find out about someone, sir!"

Jing Zhaoyin was slightly startled: "I wonder who the leader wants to inquire about?"

"Xu Yan, the Minister of Rites of the dynasty!"


Jingzhao Mansion, the prison.

Even late at night, there were still heavy guards outside the prison.

Inside the prison cell, a mixture of blood and unpleasant smells hit the face, making it nauseating.

Faintly, sobbing and desperate roars could be heard from time to time. But not long after, after several angry scoldings, the voice gradually disappeared.

It's in the deepest part of the prison, and it's quiet all around. Compared with the unpleasant smell and dirty environment of other cells, this place is relatively clean and tidy, but it doesn't look like a prison cell at all!

Those who can be imprisoned here are either rich or noble.

And in one of the cells, several figures were being held.

An old man with gray hair was sitting cross-legged on the floor of the cell. Although he had become a prisoner, his aura had not dissipated.

Next to him, sat an anxious and worried young man, his face full of despair and sighs.

"Grandpa, our Xu family is probably doomed this time..."

Xu Zhongshan's voice was frustrated and desperate, and he sighed deeply.

Although the old man didn't have much emotion on his face, his slightly sunken eyes were dim and dull, and he obviously had no hope for the future.

"This is probably the fate of our Xu family."

The old man's voice was deep and he spoke slowly.


Xu Zhongshan gritted his teeth and looked at his grandfather: "Our Xu family is loyal to the court, and our Xu family did not participate in the third prince's rebellion... Why do they want to kill them all?!"

The old man looked at him quietly: "Is it important whether our Xu family is involved?"

Xu Zhongshan was slightly startled: "Grandpa, what do you mean by this?!"

"Our Xu family is always a thorn in the eyes of many people in Beijing!"

Mr. Xu spoke in a deep voice with cold eyes.

Xu Zhongshan opened his mouth and wanted to say something angrily. But in the end, he shut up again!

At this time, there is no use saying anything!

After all, the Xu family has no background in Beijing. Now he is being dragged into the case of the third prince's rebellion, leaving a clue for others to exploit!

What's ridiculous is that the Xu family wanted to stay away from the Lin family in the first place because they didn't want to be caught between the imperial court and Prince Lin's palace and become an outcast.

But now, the Xu family has become an outcast one step ahead!

Sad and ridiculous!

Maybe, this is fate.

Xu Zhongshan seemed to have accepted his fate and smiled bitterly: "Perhaps this is indeed the fate of our Xu family, but..."

Xu Zhongshan gritted his teeth again and said worriedly: "Lan Lan is innocent, she doesn't know anything..."

Hearing this, Mr. Xu's originally calm expression finally gained a hint of solemnity: "Where is Lan Lan, how is she now?"

"I have sent someone to escort Lan Lan out tonight, but..."

The situation was critical tonight. Fortunately, he found a way to rescue Lan Lan in advance to avoid ending up in jail. But he didn't know what Xu Lan's situation was now.

What's even more serious is if the Xu family is really accused of the third prince's rebellion against the party. What should Lan Lan do then?

And will my father who is far away in Linzhou...

Realizing this, Mr. Xu's expression changed and gradually became a little ugly.

No one thought that their Xu family would suddenly encounter such a disaster! If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have let Lan Lan enter the capital in the first place, otherwise I wouldn't be in this situation now.

Mr. Xu felt regretful in his heart.

The Xu family is now in trouble. Lan Lan is a weak woman who has never suffered any hardship since she was a child. How should she deal with herself in the capital?

How to gain a foothold? !

Xu Zhongshan was also worried, but just when he was worried, a person suddenly came to mind.

"Lan Lan, you should...will go find him, right?"

This idea gradually emerged in Xu Zhongshan's mind.

At this time, perhaps the only one who can protect Lan Lan is Zhou Quan...

Just as Xu Zhongshan was thinking, footsteps suddenly came from the originally silent cell.

The sound of footsteps came from far to near.

Xu Zhongshan raised his head, looked through the window bars of the cell, and saw a figure.

A familiar figure.

Xu Zhongshan's eyes suddenly froze and his pupils widened slightly.

"Brother Xu, long time no see!"

In the sight, a young man wearing a green shirt and brocade clothes appeared, with a handsome appearance and sharp eyebrows and starry eyes.

Smiling and approaching slowly.

Prince Lin!

Xu Zhongshan was stunned on the spot, looking at Lin Jiangnian in front of him with complicated eyes, as if he did not expect Prince Lin to appear here: "Lin, Lin..."

But soon, Xu Zhongshan seemed to realize something and said quickly: "Lan, where is Lan Lan? Where is Lan Lan? How is she now?!"

"Ms. Xu is fine. She is safe now."

Lin Jiangnian spoke.

Hearing this, Xu Zhongshan finally breathed a deep sigh of relief.

Lan Lan is okay!

Just be fine!

Very good!

At this time, Xu Zhongshan didn't care about the estrangement between him and the Lin family, and said quickly: "Your Highness, Lan Lan is innocent this time, she doesn't know anything... Your Highness, can you consider her... relationship with you in the past?" For my sake, save her?"

Xu Zhongshan knew that now that the Xu family was suffering from this disaster, they and the others were in danger of escaping. And Prince Lin in front of him is the only one who can save Lan Lan!

Only he can protect Lan Lan.

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand and interrupted Xu Zhongshan: "Miss Xu has known me for a long time, so naturally I will not just sit idly by and ignore her. No one can hurt her as long as I am here!"

Xu Zhongshan's eyes were blank, a little shocked, and a little silent. After a while, his lips moved: "Thank you, thank you..."

Hearing this promise, Xu Zhongshan's originally worried heart was completely relieved.

In this way, Lan Lan is considered safe. On the other hand...

Xu Zhongshan looked at the Prince Lin in front of him, and Lan Lan followed him, which was probably the best outcome.

I just don’t know if they are all gone in the future, will Prince Lin be bullying Lan Lan...

When Xu Zhongshan was thinking wildly.

"Lan Lan has already told this prince about your matters!"

Lin Jiangnian suddenly spoke again, looking from Xu Zhongshan to the old man beside him.

The current Minister of Rites, Xu Yan!

Xu Xiupeng’s father is also Xu Lan’s grandfather!

Although Lin Jiangnian had never seen him before, he recognized him at a glance.

"Miss Xu, I hope this prince can save you once!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke slowly.

As soon as these words came out, not only Xu Zhongshan, but also Mr. Xu on the side was stunned for a moment and looked at Lin Jiangnian.

The eyes are shocked and complicated!

"To be honest, this prince doesn't really want to save you!"

Lin Jiangnian's words were very straightforward and rude. He quietly looked at Xu Lan's grandfather in front of him.

Back then, the Xu family was kind to the Lin family.

It was this old man in front of me who saved Lin Hengzhong’s life!

Lin Hengzhong has always kept this life-saving grace in mind. Over the years, the Xu family has developed rapidly in Linzhou, becoming one of the most powerful families in Linzhou in just a dozen years.

Behind this, Lin Hengzhong’s help is indispensable!

This is Lin Hengzhong's repayment of kindness, but it has nothing to do with him, Lin Jiangnian!

In Lin Jiangnian's view, the Xu family cheated, took the benefits given by the Lin family, betrayed the Lin family, and defected to the court...even if they hadn't done anything substantial to harm the Lin family!

But betrayal is betrayal!

Erwuzi is Erwuzi!

Even though Mr. Xu saved Lin Hengzhong, Lin Hengzhong has repaid the Xu family many times of kindness over the years.

Without the support of the Lin family, the Xu family is still just a small family in Linzhou. The only family glory is this six ministers!

More importantly, the man in front of him, Mr. Xu, was saving Lin Hengzhong. What did he have to do with Lin Jiangnian?

The Minister of Rites naturally knew this truth, and Xu Zhongshan on the side knew it even more. The Xu family has betrayed the Lin family, and now that they have fallen into this situation, it is tantamount to wishful thinking for the Lin family to come to the rescue regardless of past suspicions.

"However, your life is indeed very good... Considering that Miss Xu and I have known each other for a long time, I can promise her to give your Xu family a chance."

"It depends on whether the Xu family wants it or not..."

"However, before that, I have a question that I would like to ask Mr. Xu!"

Lin Jiangnian's gaze fell on Mr. Xu, stared into his eyes, and spoke slowly.

"So, did the Xu family participate in the third prince's rebellion?"


Jingzhao Mansion, outside the prison.

The guards outside the prison were tight, and there was an air of murderous atmosphere between heaven and earth.

In the dead of night, Lin Jiangnian walked out of prison.

Ahead, under the trees not far away, there was a carriage waiting for a long time.

Next to the carriage, there was a black robe hidden in the darkness. It was not until Lin Jiangnian approached that he appeared quietly.

"Your Highness."

When Lin Jiangnian approached, the black-robed figure under the tree spoke in a deep voice.

"You go back first, you have worked hard tonight!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke.

The black-robed figure said nothing, nodded, turned and left, quickly disappearing into the night.

Didn't attract anyone's attention.

Thanks to Chen Changqing for being able to find Mr. Xu so quickly tonight.

The Imperial Forbidden Army and Mi Tiansi are arresting rebels on a large scale, and the situation is chaotic. If Lin Jiangnian had to rely on himself to find the whereabouts of Xu Yan, it would take a lot of time.

But with Chen Changqing's help, Chen Changqing, the leader of Mitiansi, has truly gained power. In addition, with the instruction from the prince, he has extremely high prestige in the capital.

He was obviously more suitable than Lin Jiangnian to investigate a person's whereabouts.

However, after all, Chen Changqing was Lin Jiangnian's secret move buried in Mitiansi. Now there is Chen Zhao weighing on his head. Before Chen Zhao is dealt with, Lin Jiangqing will easily avoid exposing his relationship with him.

This is his back-up!

Chen Changqing can play a vital role in Lin Jiangnian's future confrontation with Chen Zhao!

Nowadays, if you can’t use it, try not to use it.

It was almost late at night when I returned to Jiang Mansion from Jingzhao Mansion Prison.

Very late!

Everyone in the house has already gone to bed.

Xu Lan, who had been frightened for most of the night, gradually calmed down after bathing and changing clothes, and was comforted by Xiao Zhu. Then, tired and sleepy, she fell into a drowsy sleep.

When Lin Jiangnian returned to the courtyard, the surroundings were silent. After working hard for most of the night, he was actually a little tired! I went to take a shower to wash away the dust from the prison, and then returned to my room to prepare. But I saw the lights in the room turned on without knowing when.

Zhiyuan, who was wearing a plain white dress, was sitting quietly in the room, as if she had been waiting for him for a long time.

When Lin Jiangnian walked into the room, he was a little surprised: "Zhiyuan?"

"Why are you not sleeping yet?"

What Lin Jiangnian originally wanted to ask was, why is she here?

Didn't she hide with her aunt tonight?

Why did it suddenly appear here?

Zhiyuan raised her eyes, her cold eyes falling on him. After looking at Lin Jiangnian quietly without saying anything, he stood up and walked out the door after seeing that Lin Jiangnian was fine.

Planning to leave.

Lin Jiangnian reached out to stop her, and took the girl into his arms. He stared at her cold and white face, as if he expected something, and asked with a chuckle: "Are you waiting for me to come back?"

The girl struggled for a moment, looked up at him, and said nothing.

When Lin Jiangnian saw this, how could he not understand the girl's thoughts?

He gently hugged the girl in his arms and chuckled: "Just ask whatever you want, why bother to be secretive?"

A hint of embarrassment flashed in Zhiyuan's eyes, and then she lowered her eyes slightly. After a moment, she said coldly: "You went to see Xu Yan?"

As expected of Zhiyuan, he guessed Lin Jiangnian's purpose right away.

"That's right."

Lin Jiangnian nodded, hugged her, and talked about tonight's trip.

Zhiyuan listened quietly and remained calm and silent. After a while, he didn't say anything, just nodded slightly.

"Do you think I should save them?"

Lin Jiangnian suddenly asked.

Zhiyuan raised her eyes to look at him and said calmly: "What do you think?"

Lin Jiangnian asked: "I want to hear your opinion."

Zhiyuan said calmly: "You will save me."


Zhiyuan did not answer the question. She gently struggled out of Lin Jiangnian's arms, took two steps back, and raised her eyes to look at Lin Jiangnian quietly.

"If the prince were here, he would definitely save him!"

Looking at Zhiyuan's delicate face, her clear and bright eyes.

Lin Jiangnian smiled!

"Zhiyuan, are you praising His Highness for his kindness and broad-mindedness?"

Zhiyuan didn't answer, and withdrew her cold eyes.

"I'm back!"

She took steps to leave.

But after taking two steps, he was stopped by Lin Jiangnian again.

"You're here, why don't you rest here tonight?"

Lin Jiangnian hugged Zhiyuan from behind, smelled the girl's delicious hair, and spoke softly.

Tonight, Zhiyuan had already slept with his aunt, but she showed up here waiting for him in the middle of the night.

Obviously, she was worried about him.

Zhiyuan seemed to have recalled something, her face turned red, and she struggled immediately.

"No, no..."

She decisively refused.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything tonight, just sleep..." Lin Jiangnian assured her.

"That won't work either, let me go!"

"I can swear..."

"You, you said the same thing last time..."

"This time is definitely the last time!!"


In the end, despite Lin Jiangnian's hard work, Zhiyuan stayed!

And this night, Lin Jiangnian did not deceive the kite.

He really didn't mess around, he just slept with the kite in his arms, and slept until dawn!

early morning.

A ray of sunlight slowly fell into the room outside the window, illuminating the surrounding area slightly.

Behind the screen, on the bed.

The scene of two figures sleeping in each other's arms is particularly heartwarming.

On the bed, the girl's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and then she slowly opened her eyes.

Upon entering the eyes, there was a brief moment of confusion in the beautiful eyes.

There was a hint of trance on that cold and delicate face, as if he had just woken up and had not yet realized where he was.

However, she soon understood!

The thoughts in my mind kept coming back, and the memories of last night came flooding in quickly.

She quickly remembered what happened last night... After learning that something happened to the Xu family last night, she realized that Lin Jiangnian planned to save the Xu family, so she came to find him and learned that Lin Jiangnian had already left the house. She kept waiting until Lin Jiangnian came back in the middle of the night.

Then, she stayed here for the night?

Thinking of this, Zhiyuan was a little dazed!

I felt a little relieved... This guy was finally honest last night.

Thinking of this in his heart, Zhiyuan felt an indescribable strange emotion in his heart. I feel a little heavy in my chest, as if I'm being pressed by something, and I can't breathe.

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes slightly, took a look, and quickly realized what was going on...

At this moment, Zhiyuan was lying flat on the bed. She had always slept honestly. Next to him, Lin Jiangnian was leaning sideways, one hand passed through the girl's neck and held her in his arms, while the other hand skillfully inserted into her clothes and climbed up...

No wonder I feel a little bored!

When Zhiyuan reacted, a blush immediately appeared on her pretty fair face.

This guy doesn't sleep well!

Especially at this moment, Lin Jiangnian seemed to be pinching him habitually while sleeping. Although the movement was very small, the sober Zhiyuan could clearly feel the touch...

Zhiyuan's delicate body trembled slightly, and with a red face, she pulled Lin Jiangnian's mischievous hand out in a panic. Looking back, she glared at him shyly.

But he saw that Lin Jiangnian still had his eyes closed and seemed to be sleeping soundly!

Zhiyuan originally had a cold face, but seeing that Lin Jiangnian didn't seem to wake up yet, the coldness on his face dissipated a lot. He stared at Lin Jiangnian's sleeping face for a long time.

I don't know what I was thinking about, but my eyes were a little dazed.

It wasn't until a long time later that she came back to her senses, her face seemed even redder!

Then he looked away in a panic and sat up carefully.

look around!

Zhiyuan then thought of something. It seemed that this was her first time staying overnight in Lin Jiangnian's room.

In the past, it was Lin Jiangnian who ran into her room every time... Every time after being tortured, she would wake up before Lin Jiangnian and then run away.

But today, there is no such panic!

This made her feel a little dazed.

After a while, Zhiyuan looked back at Lin Jiangnian, who was still sleeping soundly on the bed, and then got up very gently.

Put on your clothes, shoes and socks, walk to the door of the room, open the door and walk out.

"Your Highness, wake up..."

In the courtyard outside the door, I heard the sound of the door opening behind me. Xiaozhu in the courtyard immediately turned around excitedly and spoke with joy on his face.

But just in the middle of her words, she stopped abruptly.

Xiaozhu's gaze happened to see Sister Zhiyuan walking out of His Highness's room.

Eye to eye!

Xiaozhu's eyes were stunned, and then, an incredible look gradually appeared in his eyes.

Very complicated!

It's like... being deceived and betrayed!

"Sister Zhiyuan..."

Xiaozhu spoke in disbelief, looked at the room behind him, and confirmed that this was indeed His Highness's room.

Then Sister Zhiyuan...why did she come out of His Highness's room?

What happened last night?

it goes without saying!

It was hard for Xiaozhu to describe what he was thinking... Sister Zhiyuan, she actually lied to her? !

At this moment, she actually felt a bit of abandonment and betrayal in her heart!

We obviously agreed to ignore His Highness together yesterday, but it was you, Sister Zhiyuan, who suggested it yourself... but you secretly ran into His Highness's room? !

Just eating alone, right?

Sister Zhiyuan actually lied to her in order to monopolize His Highness for herself? ! !

Xiaozhu couldn't accept it!

...Sister Zhiyuan has gone bad!

At this time, Zhiyuan naturally noticed Xiaozhu's incredibly resentful gaze.

For a moment, I felt an unspeakable guilty conscience!

It was as if I had really done something to feel sorry for Xiaozhu...

Zhiyuan's face looked a little unnatural and a little ashamed.

However, she hid it very well!

A cold face, without any emotion.

She nodded slightly at Xiaozhu, turned and left. He walked very fast, a little hurriedly, more like... running away.

However, he just turned around and walked a few steps.

I bumped into someone again!

Xu Lan!

Miss Xu appeared under the eaves and happened to see Zhiyuan walking out of Lin Jiangnian's room early in the morning.

So last goes without saying!

She was startled!

His eyes fell on Zhiyuan, his eyes a little complicated.

"Zhi, paper kite girl?!"

Zhiyuan was feeling guilty and flustered at the moment, and did not pay attention to Xu Lan's reaction. After a cold hum, he continued to run away.

Xu Lan and Xiao Zhu, who were left in the courtyard, looked at each other in silence for a long time.

"She spent the night here last night?"

After a long time, Xu Lan asked.


Xiaozhu nodded. He wanted to help Sister Zhiyuan, but when he thought that Sister Zhiyuan had deceived her, he felt a little angry.

"Sister Zhiyuan is going too far!"

Xiaozhu muttered, with a little emotion on his face.

At this time, Xu Lan was in a very complicated mood, and she couldn't explain it herself.

However, she quickly remembered the business!

After being frightened last night, she felt tired and sleepy and fell asleep quickly. But I was always worried about my grandfather and brother, and I woke up early today.

After waking up, Xu Lan couldn't wait to come to Lin Jiangnian to ask about the situation, and happened to meet Zhiyuan coming out of Lin Jiangnian's room...

After coming back to her senses, Xu Lan quickly suppressed the strange emotions in her heart. What she is most concerned about now is the safety of her grandfather and brother.

She walked quickly into the room and came behind the screen.

At this time, Lin Jiangnian, who was on the bed, had just woken up and slowly sat up, when Xu Lan rushed in.

I happened to see Lin Jiangnian getting dressed.


Xu Lan immediately turned red with embarrassment and turned around in fright: "You, why aren't you wearing clothes?"

Lin Jiangnian: "?"

"I just got up, what should I wear if I don't have any clothes on?"

Xu Lan also realized that her behavior was wrong. She was anxious to ask about her grandfather and brother, but ignored this point.

She blushed and ran out of the screen.

"You, hurry up!"

Xu Lan's slightly shy and urging voice came from outside the screen.

Lin Jiangnian ignored him, slowly put on his clothes, dressed neatly, and then walked out.

Xu Lan stood in the room pretty, with a slight blush on her face. Seeing Lin Jiangnian coming out, she quickly stepped forward and asked, "Me, my grandfather, brother and the others..."

"how's it going?!"

Xu Lan was worried and forgot about her shyness just now.

"It's good, they are still alive for now!"

"Alive...what do you mean?"

"I'm just fine, nothing happened!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke.

Xu Lan asked in surprise: "Really?!"

"Why did I lie to you?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her and said, "They are currently being held in Jingzhao Mansion Prison. There is no danger for the time being. Don't worry."

Hearing this, Xu Lan finally let go of her worries.

"As long as it's okay, it'll be okay!"

Xu Lan patted her chest in relief. After being worried for so long, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the matter is far from over.

"Then, then..."

Just after he breathed a sigh of relief, Xu Lan looked at Lin Jiangnian with some anxiety and worry: "My grandpa and the others..."

Lin Jiangnian saw Xu Lan's worry, "Your grandfather and the others are just implicated. It's not a big deal. They can't die!"

"I promised you last night that I would save them, so I wouldn't lie to you!"

Hearing this, Xu Lan was completely relieved.

Lin Jiangnian didn't lie to her, so grandpa and the others must be saved!

Thinking of this, Xu Lan looked at Lin Jiangnian with grateful eyes, and there seemed to be some kind of emotion brewing vaguely.

"and you……"

"But don't be too happy too soon!"

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian interrupted Xu Lan's emotional brewing again: "I saved them because you are my prince's maid, do you understand?"

Xu Lan's eyes were slightly stunned, and she was still a little confused.

Lin Jiangnian said again: "So, why are you still standing there?"


"You are my eldest son's maid now, why don't you go and help me wash up?"


Xu Lan didn't expect that the emotion that had just arisen in her heart would be broken by this guy's words.

The artistic conception is all gone!

He actually aroused himself again? !

However, this time Xu Lan felt angry again, but she didn't say anything this time. She bit her lower lip and stared at Lin Jiangnian with some resentment.

Then, I went to get ready to fetch hot water and become a qualified maid!

The eldest daughter of the Xu family, her grandfather and brother were arrested overnight, and the Xu family's home was ransacked.

And she also went from being a high-ranking Miss Xu to a maid taking care of Prince Lin!

It sounds miserable!

However, for Xu Lan, it doesn't seem to be miserable!

She originally lost the bet with Lin Jiangnian. Miss Xu was able to bend and bend, and she kept her promise and became Lin Jiangnian's maid.

Of course, Xu Lan herself doesn’t have much objection to this!

But this time, Lin Jiangnian is willing to rescue her grandfather and brother. This is undoubtedly an unexpected surprise for Xu Lan, and another village has a bright future!

As long as I can save my grandfather and brother, let alone be a maid for Lin Jiangnian! Even if Lin Jiangnian asked her to be his personal maid, or promise her to sleep with him, she would still...

never mind!

Be more reserved!

...think about it again!

"What are you thinking about?"

After washing up and having breakfast, Lin Jiangnian returned to the room, lay on the rocking chair, closed his eyes and rested.

Xu Lan stood aside and pinched Lin Jiangnian's shoulders with increasingly skillful movements. He lowered his head and stared blankly, not knowing what he was thinking about.

But her face was flushed, with a hint of red.

Not far away outside the door, Xiaozhu saw the scene in front of him and couldn't help but start to feel anxious!

It’s over!

Miss Xu actually took the job from her!

Giving His Highness a shoulder massage was what she, a little maid, should have done, but now Miss Xu had taken it away from her!

Doesn't she want to lose her job?

Xiaozhu was worried.

Lin Jiangnian's voice pulled Xu Lan out of her dazed thoughts.

"No, I didn't think about anything!"

Looking into Lin Jiangnian's eyes, Xu Lan felt inexplicably guilty and looked away.

After learning that her grandfather and brother were not in danger, Xu Lan gradually let go of her worries and regained her previous personality.

She is a carefree and informal girl!

At this time, Xu Lan quickly remembered what happened this morning, and was inexplicably worried about gains and losses.

After a while, she quietly glanced at Lin Jiangnian a few times, and then finally couldn't help it anymore and asked, "By the way, have you really given the kite to...that one?"

"Which one?"

"Just, that's it..."

Xu Lan spoke hesitantly, and for a girl who had not yet left the government to speak so clearly, it was obviously hard for her to say anything.

However, when she looked at Lin Jiangnian's half-smiling gaze, she quickly realized... Did this guy understand and asked this on purpose?

In anger, Xu Lan gritted her teeth and asked directly: "You guys are already in the same room?"

Lin Jiangnian did not answer her question, but asked: "Why do you ask this?"

"Just, just ask!"

"Just asking casually?"

"Of course!"

Xu Lan looked away and hummed softly: "I saw Zhiyuan coming out of your room this morning. Are you guys sleeping together?"

"Is there a problem?"

Lin Jiangnian asked back: "Zhiyuan is my prince's personal maid. Isn't it normal to keep my prince's bed warm?"

"Just, just to warm the bed?!" Xu Lan obviously didn't believe it.

"What if?"

"You, you must have done something else, right?"


"I do not believe!"

Xu Lan snorted lightly.

How could she believe it?

A man and a woman sleep together. With this guy's temperament, can he let the kite go?

But then, Xu Lan's eyes became complicated again.

He stared at Lin Jiangnian for a while, and then couldn't help but sigh: "I really underestimate you!"

"You can actually take down the paper kite?!"

Lin Jiangnian said: "What's so strange about this?"

"Yes, of course!"

Xu Lan spoke plausibly and couldn't help but said: "That's a paper kite?!"

Could Zhiyuan be an ordinary person?

Lin Jiangnian slept with everyone in Prince Lin's Mansion, Xu Lan could believe it!

But the only one is the paper kite...

Xu Lan is very aware of the grudges between Zhiyuan and Prince Lin, even though the Prince Lin in front of him is no longer the same one...

However, it was still hard for Xu Lan to imagine. How could a woman as cold-tempered and arrogant as Zhiyuan be captured by another man?

How could you willingly serve this guy in front of you?

This is hard for Xu Lan to imagine!

At the same time, it also aroused a deep curiosity in her... How did this guy get the paper kite?

Also, what was the scene like when they were in the same room?

I really want to see it...

Xu Lan was thinking wildly.

"As you said, isn't this prince excellent?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her and said calmly.


Xu Lan originally wanted to retaliate and hit him, but when she looked at Lin Jiangnian's face. Blinking, I suddenly couldn’t speak again!

The guy in front of me is indeed becoming more and more pleasing to the eye, and there is really nothing wrong with his appearance.

And in other respects...

After a while, Xu Lan seemed to have thought of something, and a slight blush appeared on her face.

"You are just a pervert, how can you be so good?!"

For no reason, Xu Lan remembered that day in the room when she first met Lin Jiangnian almost a year ago...

He bullies himself!

Thinking of this, Xu Lan's face turned even redder, and her body felt vaguely strange.

It seems like I haven’t felt this way for a long time...

Lin Jiangnian also noticed the change in Xu Lan's expression. He asked suspiciously, "What nonsense are you thinking in your mind?"

Being exposed, Xu Lan panicked and denied it, saying harshly: "I, I didn't!"

"Not yet? It's written all over your face!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him: "Don't slander my prince's reputation from now on!

"Where is that?!"

Xu Lan was unconvinced: "You don't have a good reputation to begin with!"

"Isn't that what you spread?"


Xu Lan snorted and turned her head away, refusing to admit it.

"Okay, stop pinching!"

After enjoying Miss Xu's massage skills for a while, Lin Jiangnian slowly stood up.

Xu Lan was stunned: "Where are you going?"

"Go out and find a way to save your grandpa!"

When Xu Lan heard that she wanted to save her grandfather, she immediately said, "I'll go too!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head and refused: "You can't go!"


"I'm afraid you'll cause trouble!"

Xu Lan: "..."


In the end, Xu Lan did not follow.

She is self-aware and knows that she is a sluggish person now. If she really follows Lin Jiangnian, she won't be able to help him, and may even do bad things!

After Lin Jiangnian changed his clothes, he also went out and took a carriage!

"Go to the princess mansion!"


The Xu family was imprisoned because of the third prince's rebellion. Lin Jiangnian asked Mr. Xu last night and learned the whole story from him.

Although I sensed that Mr. Xu was still hiding something, I was basically certain of one thing... The Xu family was indeed not involved in the third prince's rebellion.

Then things will be much easier to handle!

Without participating in the rebellion, the Xu family could only be considered to be on the wrong team at best. The situation is similar to the Gao family. If there is no principled issue, this matter can be big or small!

But the only solution lies with the Crown Prince in the palace.

The Xu family was ransacked because of the order of the Crown Prince. If you want to save the Xu family, you have to intercede with the Crown Prince!

If he is willing to let go, the Xu family will naturally be safe and sound. But if Li Cunning insists on targeting the Xu family. Even if the Xu family did not participate in the rebellion, they would still be finished!

To put it in a layman's terms... His Highness the Crown Prince doesn't care how many bowls of noodles the Xu family has eaten!

However, Lin Jiangnian had no intention of going directly to the prince to plead for mercy. Although Lin Jiangnian had some friendship with him, it was not good for Lin Jiangnian to come forward in such a matter.

Especially since his status as a vassal prince was not suitable for him to get involved in the rebellion of the third prince.

More importantly, if Lin Jiangnian actually entered the palace to find the Crown Prince, it would be a huge favor.

This is not what Lin Jiangnian wants to see!

So, after Lin Jiangnian thought about it again and again, he decided on another person...the eldest princess!

On Li Piaomiao!

Li Piaomiao and the prince are siblings, and they have a very good relationship. It would be the best outcome for her to intercede for the Xu family.

Moreover, the eldest princess still wants to beg Lin Jiangnian!

It's a good time to touch her!

Therefore, Lin Jiangnian drove directly to the eldest princess' mansion!

However, Lin Jiangnian, who had just arrived at the princess's residence, soon learned from the guards at the residence that the princess was not at the residence.

Went to the palace early in the morning!

What a coincidence!

Lin Jiangnian didn't take it too seriously, so he decided to wait. However, he waited from noon to evening, but still could not wait for Li Miaomiao to come back.

So Lin Jiangnian decided to go back first and prepare to come back tomorrow.

The next day, when Lin Jiangnian came to the princess mansion again, he learned that the eldest princess had not returned from the palace yet!

Then the third day, the fourth day...

On the fourth day, the eldest princess had not returned yet. At this time, Lin Jiangnian finally smelled something was wrong!

Later, after talking with the guards at the princess palace, Lin Jiangnian found out... that the two close maids who followed the eldest princess had not yet entered the palace.

Lin Jiangnian was finally sure... something must have gone wrong!

Brothers, the double monthly pass is now available, please give me some monthly passes! ! !

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