Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 415 You both can be the first wife

Inside the princess's mansion.

The setting sun slowly falls in the courtyard, the temperature warms up, and there is a warm atmosphere in the air.

In the inner courtyard, under the pavilion and corridor.

Jinxiu lazily stretched her waist, revealing her graceful figure under the one-breasted palace skirt. Under the coiled black hair, an elegant and sweet face is revealed.

"Hey, tell me, why hasn't the princess come back yet?"

Jinxiu muttered to herself, turning to look at the girl's figure under the eaves on the other side not far away.

no respond.

Jinxiu didn't expect to get an answer from her mouth. She lay on the side of the guardrail, her tight-fitting palace skirt showing a graceful curve. Jinxiu held her face and sighed softly.

Without the princess, the princess mansion was deserted.

Is boring!

At this moment, footsteps were heard outside the courtyard.

"Prince Lin, he came again just now!"

People from the mansion outside the door came to report.

Upon hearing the news, Jinxiu's eyes, originally mixed with a bit of laziness, turned slightly strange.

If I remember correctly, this is already the fourth day that His Highness has come to see the princess, right?

The princess has been in the palace for four days, and Prince Lin has come exactly four times, every day... Why is he so anxious to find the princess?

Jinxiu sensed keenly that there might be some connection between them?

"Where are the others?"

"I learned that the princess is not here, and His Royal Highness Prince Lin has left again!"


Upon hearing the news, a cold look appeared in Jinxiu's bright eyes, and she turned to look at the girl's figure under the eaves not far away.

At the same time, I remembered what happened a few days ago, and I became more and more suspicious!

Just a few days ago, Jinxiu suddenly discovered that An Ning was still wearing Lin Jiangnian's clothes when she fell into the water.

This frightened Jinxiu, and she immediately asked questions!

Under her constant questioning, An Ning finally explained...she happened to run into Prince Lin when she accidentally fell into the water. Prince Lin came to the rescue. He was afraid that she would be cold, so he took off some clothes for her...

It sounds like it’s nothing!

But Jinxiu was keenly aware that something was wrong!

There is definitely something wrong with this!

Prince Lin, why did he take off his clothes for her in a good manner?

Does Your Highness know An Ning?

For no reason... her instinct told Jinxiu that there must be some details that she didn't know.

I planned to test it out the next time I saw Lin Jiangnian, but I didn't expect that although Prince Lin had been here in the past few days, he never even entered the princess's mansion. After learning that the princess was not here, he left immediately!

This actually makes Jinxiu feel more and more. Is he feeling guilty?

Could it be that he did something wrong that made him afraid to enter the princess's house?

At the same time, under the eaves on the other side.

Standing there quietly, motionless like a sculpture.

The cold little face stared blankly at the flowers, plants and trees in the courtyard, in a daze, completely ignoring Jinxiu's chattering over there.

It wasn't until the footsteps outside the courtyard reminded Prince Lin that the Crown Prince was coming that An Ning, who had been in a daze, came back to his senses.

She raised her eyes slightly, something seemed to be flashing in her eyes, and there was some strange emotion.

His body was slightly tense, and he seemed a little nervous?

It wasn't until she heard that Prince Lin had left, that she was startled, then secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, there seemed to be an indescribable feeling of disappointment.

There was still no emotional change on her face, she lowered her head and turned to leave.

"Hey, where are you going?"

Jinxiu asked from behind.

But An Ning ignored it.

She returned to the room alone, closed the door, and locked it carefully.

Only then did I feel relieved.

Then, she walked to the closet and opened it.

In the closet, her usual clothes are displayed. In the corner of the closet, you can vaguely see the girl's pure white undergarments, such as undergarments.

There seemed to be an unnatural look in An Ning's eyes, and then she carefully opened the corner. Just in that corner, there was a coat hidden.

A men's coat trimmed with gold threads and embroidered with exquisite patterns. The coat is not too thick, but the fabric is extremely expensive. It is neatly folded and lying quietly in the corner of the closet.

Extremely dazzling!

After all, if a man's coat is added to a woman's private wardrobe, it will indeed stand out.

Seeing this scene, a strange emotion seemed to finally appear on An Ning's originally cold and fair face.

In my mind, I seem to be recalling what happened a few days ago.

She really wanted to give him the clothes back!


His Highness has not entered the princess's residence these days.

She couldn't find a chance.

An Ning took a deep breath and carefully hid her clothes again as if she was guilty.

Cover up and close the closet door!

Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

An Ning turned around and came to the bed in the room, took off her shoes and socks, sat on the bed, hugged her legs and was in a daze.

In the past few days, the thoughts in her head would always recall what happened a few days ago for no reason...recalling the scene when she accidentally fell into the lake and was rescued by the Prince Lin!

The scenes were played back very clearly in her little head.

An Ning's eyes were blank, and her face, which was originally a little cold, became more and more confused and dazed.

It wasn't until a long time later that An Ning whispered faintly in the room.

"Jinxiu, lie..."


When he appeared outside the princess's mansion for the fourth time and still couldn't see the eldest princess, Lin Jiangnian finally realized that something was wrong!

The day after the accident happened to the Xu family, Lin Jiangnian came to the princess mansion to look for Li Miaomiao. But by chance, Li Mianmiao happened to enter the palace at this time!

Next, Lin Jiangnian came for three consecutive days, but the result was the same every time...

Something really happened in the palace that allowed the eldest princess to stay in the palace for exactly four days. Or is there another reason?

This is worth considering!

Moreover, this is too much of a coincidence!

It was absolutely impossible to hide the news that Lin Jiangnian had visited the princess mansion four times. The people in the princess's residence will definitely report to Li Pianmiao! But even so, Li Miaomiao still didn't show up, and there wasn't even any news.

Either, something big happened in the palace, and the eldest princess was too preoccupied with herself to reply to Lin Jiangnian.

Or, she was deliberately avoiding Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian wanted to understand this and decided to test it out.

However, he did not attack Jinxiu and An Ning. They were Li Miaomiao's personal maids and were loyal to Li Miaomiao.

Jinxiu, in particular, has a ghostly spirit, a quick mind, and a particularly strict mouth. It's difficult to get something out of her mouth.

After Lin Jiangnian thought for a short time, a suitable person quickly came to mind!

Zhao Mansion, inner courtyard.

The sun slowly shines in the courtyard, and the backyard, which has been silent for a whole winter, gradually glows with a bit of a new spring atmosphere. The temperature is getting warmer, and under the small bridge in the courtyard, the stream flows slowly, with clear water and a trickling flow.

The branches that withered after autumn and winter gradually sprouted new shoots, adding a touch of green to the courtyard. The swing under the eaves not far away has returned to its former appearance after being renovated.

Spring is coming!

Under the eaves.

Zhao Xi, wearing a light-colored long skirt, was quietly admiring the beautiful scenery in the courtyard. Wearing a light green soft smoke gauze outer garment, the plump breasts wrapped by the placket are faintly visible, showing off the slim and tight waist.

Looking from the side, you can vaguely see the round and straight skirt wrapped in the skirt, and a pair of beautiful legs hidden under the skirt, but you can still feel the extremely long and round legs.

Standing under the eaves of Zhao Xi, three thousand green silk hairs are draped down to her waist, and her fluffy hair is tied up in a bun on her head. A phoenix hairpin is inserted diagonally into the bun, revealing a delicate and beautiful face, looking quietly into the courtyard.

This scene is particularly stunning!

There seemed to be a touch of elegance on that delicate and flawless face. Occasionally, a look of confusion seemed to appear in the beautiful eyes that fell in the courtyard.

I don’t know what I was thinking about.

After a while, Zhao Xi under the eaves slowly withdrew his gaze. As if remembering something, a hint of gloom appeared in her beautiful eyes.

There was also a hint of indescribable anger, and his face was red, as if he was a little... embarrassed? !

Several days have passed, but since that night, the guy has never been here again. It was as if I had completely forgotten what happened that night!

That bastard, doesn't he really think that the matter is over?

Doesn't he really not care at all? !

Have you forgotten her? !

Emotions emerged, making Zhao Xi uneasy, and at the same time there was an indescribable feeling of shame and annoyance lingering.

Ashamed and angry.

"You're a bastard, you're a heartless man!"

Under the eaves, Zhao Xi's delicate and beautiful face was full of shame and anger, and she clenched her silver teeth.

I originally wanted to send someone to Jiang Mansion to find out about that guy, but then I thought, why should she go to find out about him?

Zhao Xi finally held back!

If she sends someone to inquire about that guy, wouldn't it appear that she cares a lot?

That heartless man 'bullied' her like that, kissed and touched her, and forced her to do such shameful things for him...

Shouldn't it be him who takes the initiative to find him?

Shouldn't he come to apologize and admit his mistake?

But Zhao Xi waited for several days and still failed to wait for Lin Jiangnian to show up.

Ever since, she became even more angry!

Angry and annoyed!

I really want to throw something!

But at the same time, some people worry about gains and losses...

Her beautiful eyes stared blankly at the courtyard, feeling a little lost and confused!

Until, footsteps were heard outside the courtyard, and maid Xiaoyue walked quickly into the courtyard.

"Miss, miss, Prince Lin is here!"

As if a certain switch had been touched, Zhao Xi, who was still stunned, suddenly raised his head: "What did you say?!"

Xiaoyue was startled by her young lady's reaction. She patted her chest and carefully explained: "His Royal Highness, Prince Lin, is here to see you... right outside!"


coming? !

Is he finally here? !

At this moment, Zhao Xi felt an inexplicable feeling of relief in his heart, as if he had finally let go of his constant fear.

But immediately afterwards, another indescribable emotion emerged.

A little ashamed, but also a little angry!

She raised her eyes and looked outside the courtyard.

Sure enough, a figure could be vaguely seen outside the courtyard not far away.

...She recognized it at a glance!

It's that deceitful, heartless man!

Is he finally willing to come? !

At this moment, the emotions that had been suppressed for many days surged into Zhao Xi's heart.

I feel a little aggrieved for no reason!

Also a little angry.

This guy used to be so arrogant every time he came here, but this time he knew how to let Xiaoyue come to inform him? !

Clearly guilty!

He also knows that he is guilty?

Don't you look at what he did last time?

What did he do to her last time? !

Just do it... and disappear for so many days all at once? !

The resentment in Zhao Xi's heart could be said to have reached its peak at this moment, and he was gnashing his teeth!

"not see!"

Zhao Xi had a cold face and said angrily: "Where did he come from, let him go back to where he came from!"


Xiaoyue was stunned and stood there, blinking in confusion.

No, why did my young lady suddenly change her expression?

its not right? !

In the past few days, hasn't my lady been waiting for Prince Lin?

Prince Lin has not been here these days, and Xiaoyue can clearly feel that her young lady is resentful and depressed all day long. And when she heard Prince Lin's arrival just now, Xiaoyue also noticed a flash of surprise on her young lady's face!

You are obviously looking forward to Prince Lin’s arrival!

But why did he suddenly fall out in the blink of an eye? !

Don’t want to see me again?

Xiaoyue was puzzled.

Could it be...

Are all women in love like this?

Even my own lady can’t escape?

Xiaoyue's mind was full of doubts, and she quickly realized something. My young lady must be feeling angry, right?

Could it be that he is angry that Prince Lin has not come to see the young lady for so long?

Thinking of this, Xiaoyue blinked quickly: "Miss, should I drive him away now?"

Seeing that the young lady under the eaves did not respond, Xiaoyue turned around and walked towards the outside of the courtyard, intending to drive Prince Lin away.

As expected, when Xiaoyue was about to walk out of the small courtyard, she was stopped again.


Xiaoyue turned around and saw her young lady standing under the eaves, with a cold face and an aura of indifference all over her body that said no strangers should enter.

She gritted her teeth and said expressionlessly: "Tell him to get in here!!"

Xiaoyue: "..."

Sure enough, the lady was telling the truth.

She said she didn't want to see Prince Lin, but in her heart she really wanted to see him... When did the young lady become so hypocritical? !


However, Xiaoyue didn't dare to say anything and hurriedly walked out of the courtyard.

Outside the yard.

Lin Jiangnian was standing not far from the entrance of the courtyard, watching Xiaoyue walk out from inside.

"Your Highness, my lady...let me go in to see her!"

Lin Jiangnian naturally heard Zhao Xi's gnashing of teeth and angry tone in the courtyard just now.

Sounds like you haven't calmed down yet?

But think about it, it’s normal!

Thinking about his last behavior and what he did to Zhao Xi, it's not difficult to understand... Not to mention Zhao Xi, even Lin Jiangnian felt guilty.

Last time I was impulsive. After calming down, I realized that the problem was serious!

Therefore, when Lin Jiangnian came here today, he was not as calm as before... In the past, when Lin Jiangnian came to the Zhao Mansion, he would go directly to Zhao Xi by familiar means. Today, he went to find Xiaoyue first to inquire about the situation.

After this inquiry, Ms. Zhao was indeed still angry!

However, anger is anger!

What needs to be faced must be faced!

Having done it all, Lin Jiangnian would naturally not escape. After brewing my emotions, I planned to go in.

However, at this time, Xiaoyue suddenly came closer and asked in a low voice: "Your Highness, are you bullying my young lady?"


Lin Jiangnian looked at her and saw Xiaoyue's face full of gossip: "My young lady was very angry when she saw you...Have you bullied her before?"

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "That's right!"

Xiaoyue's face suddenly showed a look of "Sure enough," and then she said: "Then you are miserable, my lady is very vindictive..."

Just when she said this, Xiaoyue paused again and said: "However, my young lady always likes to say what she means. She is so talkative that she won't really be angry with you... Your Highness, you can give her a good talk later and say a few words." To put it mildly, my lady will not be angry soon..."

Xiaoyue reminded carefully.

After hearing this, Lin Jiangnian nodded: "Okay, I understand!"

Xiaoyue stood at the door and watched Lin Jiangnian walk into the yard and walk towards her young lady. There was a hopeful look on his face, as if he was talking about some sweet plot.

Very excited!

In the courtyard, the warm sun was setting.

Stepping into the courtyard, Lin Jiangnian seemed to go back to the day he first came here.

It was late autumn then, but now it is early spring!

Everything seems alive!

After passing through the pavilion and corridor, Lin Jiangnian stepped onto the small bridge. Looking up, you can see the beautiful figure standing quietly under the eaves not far away.

He stood there expressionless, motionless.

After crossing the small bridge and stepping on the bluestone road, when I got closer, I could see it more clearly.

Under the eaves, Zhao Xi’s temperament and demeanor remain the same after not seeing him for a long time!

The tall figure and graceful figure were wrapped under the long gauze skirt, but it was somewhat unable to cover it up. It was round and bulging, as if it was about to come out.

That cold and dusty face is even more stunning, as if it is embellished with a few touches of bright red, extremely beautiful!

However, there is no expression or emotion on such a face that amazes all sentient beings at this moment. As if he was born unable to smile, he looked coldly at Lin Jiangnian who appeared outside the eaves and approached.

The closer you get, the colder the temperament!

Even Lin Jiangnian could feel the cold air coming from Zhao Xi's body, which was vaguely similar to that of the eldest princess...

Did you learn it from the eldest princess?

But it’s not the same as the eldest princess!

The eldest princess was indeed very cold, but that coldness seemed to come from the inside out, completely natural. Although it is cold, it is not offensive at all!

But the Miss Zhao in front of me is completely different!

It looks a bit similar to the coldness of the eldest princess, but if you take a closer look, you can find that it is not the case at all!

Not only that, but Miss Zhao's cold appearance also contained some vague emotions, which seemed a bit menacing and aggressive.

It's a bit like... it's intentional!

Didn’t learn the essence!

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian couldn't help laughing. However, he didn't show it!

Lin Jiangnian approached and was about to step under the eaves when he heard Zhao Xi's cold voice: "What are you doing?!"

Lin Jiangnian paused, raised his head, and looked at Zhao Xi's expressionless expression.

Although her face remained expressionless, Lin Jiangnian still caught a glimpse of a flash of shame in her eyes.

She didn't want to be as calm as she seemed.

"Don't come over!"

She warned coldly and stared at Lin Jiangnian.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian took back the foot that originally stepped into the corridor.

Standing honestly in the courtyard.

Zhao Xi, who always had a cold face, felt slightly relieved when he saw this scene.

However, when he looked at Lin Jiangnian's familiar face, a feeling of shame, anger, and indescribable grievance suddenly emerged in his heart.

Her face turned colder and she gritted her teeth.

"Why did you come to me?!"

Lin Jiangnian stood outside the eaves, looked at her quietly, and said, "I'm here to apologize!"

Hearing the word apology, Zhao Xi's grievance grew stronger and filled his chest. She gritted her teeth and stared at Lin Jiangnian, her tone still cold: "Why are you here to apologize?!"

"I'm here to apologize for offending Miss Zhao last time!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her, and spoke very seriously and sincerely: "What happened last time was really my fault, and I offended Miss Zhao... Therefore, I came here today to express my apology to Miss Zhao, and hope that Miss Zhao can forgive me. …”

Lin Jiangnian's tone was very sincere, whether he should say it or not, if we really wanted to talk about what happened last time, we couldn't say who was right or wrong. After all, it was Miss Zhao who deliberately seduced her before this...

But obviously, this cannot be said.

And Lin Jiangnian's behavior last time was indeed a bit excessive. It is not an exaggeration for him to apologize today.

Zhao Xi listened to Lin Jiangnian's apology, stared at Lin Jiangnian, and asked coldly: "Is it just an offense?"

Did this guy just offend her last time?

Did he call that offensive?


Lin Jiangnian used a euphemistic word, but he didn't expect that Miss Zhao would hold on tightly.

Strictly speaking, his behavior went deeper than offense...


Lin Jiangnian tried his best and changed his words: "Call it an invasion?"

Zhao Xi said angrily: "You still have the nerve to say it?!"

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

Didn't you ask that yourself?

However, Lin Jiangnian didn't argue with her.

He continued: "What happened last time was indeed my fault... I came here specifically to apologize to Miss Zhao..."

As Lin Jiangnian spoke, he observed Zhao Xi's reaction in front of him.

She looked angry and agitated. Staring at Lin Jiangnian coldly, his eyes were extremely aggressive!

I can’t guess the mood changes either!

Zhao Xi listened to Lin Jiangnian's apology with no expression on his face. Standing under the eaves, he looked down at Lin Jiangnian.

But Lin Jiangnian, who was standing in the yard, wearing plain clothes, looked like a weakling who had been bullied, trembling...

"Is this your apology attitude?"

After a while, Zhao Xi spoke again, his tone still cold.

Lin Jiangnian asked tentatively: "Ms. Zhao, do you think my apology is insincere?"

"Do you think your apology is sincere?"

Zhao Xi gritted his teeth and stared at him.

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while, and he thought his apology was sincere. But to be sincere...

It’s really lacking!

How can you say that you come to apologize with nothing?

However, Lin Jiangnian didn't know what to compensate Miss Zhao.

money? Power? reputation?

It seems that Miss Zhao in front of me is not lacking!

"Then, what does Miss Zhao think is sincerity?" Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and asked again.

"What do you think?"

Zhao Xi stared at Lin Jiangnian with her beautiful eyes, as if she wanted to rush up and bite him twice.

"You insulted me like this last time. Don't you know how to apologize sincerely?"

Lin Jiangnian really didn't know how to apologize sincerely. However, seeing Zhao Xi staring at him with burning eyes, he seemed particularly angry.

For some reason, Lin Jiangnian suddenly remembered what the eldest princess had said last time, and his heart skipped a beat.

There is some speculation.

Then he looked at Miss Zhao, who was extremely beautiful and had outstanding temperament. He hesitated for a moment, then tentatively spoke again: "What Miss Zhao means..."

"Do you want me to be responsible for... marrying Miss Zhao?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Xi's originally cold face was slightly startled, and then a blush instantly appeared.

But soon, it disappeared again.

She sneered and asked: "Don't you be responsible?!"

As the daughter of Prime Minister Zhao in his later years, Zhao Xi was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. The same eldest lady grew up in fine clothes and fine food, but Zhao Xi is better than Xu Lan.

His father was the prime minister of the dynasty and had a high prestige, and the Zhao family was even more prosperous in Beijing. She, the eldest daughter of the Zhao family, has been enjoying great success since she was a child.

And this Miss Zhao did not live up to the Zhao family tradition. Not only was she stunningly beautiful, she was also proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and was quite famous as a talented woman in Beijing.

Under the protection of the Zhao family, he had almost no contact with any men of the opposite sex since he was a child, let alone any closer contact.

Lin Jiangnian was the first man to enter her boudoir, and he was also the only man Zhao Xi had contact with over the years. From the recognition and contact to the ambiguous relationship, they pulled each other back and forth, until the last time...

Play off!

The innocence is gone!

Although she saved the last bottom line, she couldn't completely let Lin Jiangnian succeed.

However, everything that should be lost has been lost!

Being kissed and touched by the guy in front of me, with his hands up and down, almost every inch of his body was lost... In the end, he even used his fair and pure legs, which he had always been proud of, to help him... What the hell!

This innocence is completely lost!

Everything was ruined by him!

Shouldn't he be responsible?

He actually had the nerve to ask back?

Although Zhao Xi may not have had this intention in mind at first, nor had she ever thought about marrying him, but...

Lin Jiangnian's attitude irritated her!

What's his attitude?

Don't want to be responsible?

Such a reluctant reaction...what did he mean? !

She doesn't have to give it, but he can't give it to her! !

Faced with Zhao Xi's fierce questioning, Lin Jiangnian was silent for a moment and nodded: "You should indeed be responsible."

Miss Zhao, a woman who had not yet left the government, had her innocence ruined by him. Lin Jiangnian has reasons for taking responsibility, both emotionally and rationally.

As a result, Lin Jiangnian met Zhao Xi's cold and aggressive gaze, thought for a while, and then hesitantly tried: "If Miss Zhao doesn't mind... being a concubine, then I will come to propose to Prime Minister Zhao on a day later." , strive to marry Miss Zhao back as soon as possible? "

Originally, Lin Jiangnian had not thought about this. After all, the status between him and Zhao Xi meant that it was unlikely that there would be any outcome between the two!

How could the daughter of the dignified Prime Minister Zhao commit herself to being his concubine?

It's impossible for Zhao Xi, and it's even less likely for Prime Minister Zhao to agree!

Therefore, Lin Jiangnian had no such idea. But now, when Zhao Xi suddenly asked him why he was irresponsible, Lin Jiangnian felt more calm.

If she didn't mind being a concubine, then Lin Jiangnian wouldn't mind taking the responsibility and marrying back the leggy Miss Zhao...

It seems like a good choice?

Although there will be great resistance, it may even affect the progress of certain things. However, since he has done everything, Lin Jiangnian will naturally not default on the debt.

It’s not a loss anyway!

"Be a concubine?!"

Zhao Xi suddenly stared at Lin Jiangnian, his beautiful eyes widened, and said in disbelief: "You want me to be your concubine?!"

There was anger in his tone!

She actually wants to be his concubine? !

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "My eldest son already has a wife, so I can only give in to Miss Zhao..."

Zhao Xi did not hear Lin Jiangnian's words asking her to give in. He stared at Lin Jiangnian with stern eyes: "Where did you get the wife?!"

As if he suddenly thought of something, his eyes suddenly focused again, and he said in shock: "Could it be that you and Mian Miao..."

As soon as the idea came to his mind, Zhao Xi suddenly felt like he had been deceived.

That's right, who else could this guy's wife be?

Who else could it be besides his nominal fiancée?

Didn't this guy say he wanted to break off the engagement with Pian Miao?

Pian Miao, didn't you always say that you would never marry him?

Why suddenly...

Zhao Xi suddenly remembered that when Miao Miao came to see him a few days ago, he talked about His Majesty's marriage grant and Li Miao Miao's hesitation at that time...

Could it be...

Zhao Xi immediately had an idea!

Could it be that both of them regretted it?

Have you decided to get married according to the decree?

Just as Zhao Xi was thinking wildly, he saw Lin Jiangnian shaking his head: "It's not her!"

Zhao Xi was stunned again, wasn't it Mianmiao?

"Then who is your wife?"

She stared at Lin Jiangnian and asked.

At the same time, a feeling of anger arose in my heart... This guy, there are other women outside?

Lin Jiangnian said: "Her name is Zhiyuan!"

"Paper Kite?"

Zhao Xi frowned slightly, recalling the name in his mind.

Sound familiar?

Where have you heard of it?

Soon, Zhao Xi seemed to think of something: "That maid next to you?!"

Zhao Xi suddenly remembered that there was a mysterious maid beside Lin Jiangnian. I heard that she is very beautiful and has high martial arts skills!

It seems like it’s called Zhiyuan?

"Yes, it's her!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded.

Zhao Xi's eyes became strange: "She is your personal maid. Do you want to marry her as your wife?"

"In my eyes, she is more than just a maid."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly and said calmly: "Besides, what if she is a maid?"

Zhao Xi looked at Lin Jiangnian with a calm expression and suddenly fell silent!

Prince Tangtanglin wants to marry a maid as his main wife? Being a royal concubine?

If this news spreads, I'm afraid it will become the laughing stock of the world. No matter how beautiful that maid is, no matter how powerful she is... she is still a maid after all!

They are well matched and have never changed since ancient times, let alone Lin Wangfu, who is famous all over the world and powerful?

But Zhao Xi had an indescribable feeling in his heart!

The guy in front of her would rather risk being ridiculed by everyone in the world to marry the maid next to her. This idea and determination made her a little bit disgusted.

Isn't he still inferior to the maid next to him?

But when he thought that the guy in front of him was not even willing to marry Li Miaomiao, Zhao Xi felt more balanced...

"she's fine?"

Zhao Xi was silent for a moment and asked.

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "Very good."

"Better than me?"

Zhao Xi stared at him and asked.

This question is difficult to answer.

"Everything is fine." Lin Jiangnian said cautiously.

"Who's better?"

“Just as good!”

Faced with Lin Jiangnian's impeccable answer, Zhao Xi sneered: "Then why did you marry her as your wife instead of me?"

Lin Jiangnian was silent for a moment and then said, "I promised her that I would marry her as my wife."

"what about me?"

Zhao Xi stared at him and sneered: "I have no intention of becoming a concubine!"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and looked at her: "If you want, you can be the first wife!"


Zhao Xi stared at him: "Don't you already plan to marry her as your wife?"

"Who said there can only be one main wife?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her and said, "If you want, you can also be the first wife!"

Zhao Xi: "..."

"Stop playing word games with me?"

Zhao Xi stared at him and sneered: "The marriage law of the Daning Dynasty stipulates that there can only be one main wife!"

Lin Jiangnian thought about it carefully: "If you want to say that, there is only one way!"


Zhao Xi raised his eyes suspiciously and saw Lin Jiangnian saying sternly: "When I enter the palace to meet the emperor in two days, I would like to ask the emperor to issue a decree to allow my son to marry two... multiple wives at the same time!"

"My Lin family has made such great contributions to the dynasty, so I believe His Majesty will not refuse..."

"In this way, wouldn't the problem be perfectly solved?"

"Miss Zhao can also get her wish and marry this prince as his wife!"

Zhao Xi: "..."


Zhao Xi never expected that Lin Jiangnian could say such shameless words?

Looking for a decree from His Majesty?

Does he have the right to marry many wives?

Does he still want to show his face?

How could His Majesty agree to such a ridiculous idea?

Shame on you!


"You are shameless, but I still want shame!"

Zhao Xi gritted her teeth and stared at him with a blushing face: "You marry your paper kite, I don't care about it!"

"Don't Miss Zhao want me to be responsible?"

"In your dreams!"

Zhao Xi snorted coldly: "I want this girl to marry you... just dream!"

This bastard dared to be so bold with her before he had any relationship with her. If you really marry him, I don’t know how he will toss you...

Thinking of this, Zhao Xi felt a little weak. It was as if he had anticipated that at some point, he might not even be able to get out of bed. His face immediately turned red with embarrassment, and his ears turned red.

She shook her head quickly to get rid of the messy thoughts in her mind. When she came back to her senses, she saw that Lin Jiangnian, who was standing outside the eaves, had come under the eaves at some point and appeared in front of her.

Zhao Xi immediately panicked and took a step back warily: "You, what are you doing?!"

"Who allowed you to come here...get off, get off!"

She spoke angrily, trying to scare Lin Jiangnian back.

But Lin Jiangnian didn't move. Instead, he took another step closer to Zhao Xi. You can clearly see the wariness and uneasiness on her face, the shyness in her beautiful eyes, and... the fierce coldness that she deliberately faked in order to scare him away.

He looks nervous and fierce, so cute!

Lin Jiangnian looked at the beautiful face so close in front of him, but couldn't help but recall the scene a few days ago in his mind: "Miss Zhao, do you really not want to marry me?"

"You, just go ahead and dream, you..."

Zhao Xi blushed and spoke angrily.

She won't marry!

She doesn’t want to be a concubine!

How could she let this guy succeed so easily... The anger in her heart was still there!

"You really don't want to marry?"

"Don't marry!"


Lin Jiangnian sighed deeply: "But, I want to marry Miss Zhao!"

Hearing this, Zhao Xi's eyes narrowed and he froze in place.

After staring into Lin Jiangnian's eyes for a long time, I felt an inexplicable nervousness in my heart, which seemed to tremble slightly.

After a while, Zhao Xi looked away, no longer looking into Lin Jiangnian's eyes, and snorted coldly.

"Then you want to go!"

"How could I, this girl, marry a slutty guy like you who abuses women at will?!"

"Don't even think about it!"


Lin Jiangnian quietly looked at Zhao Xi who was speaking out in anger, and sighed secretly in his heart.

This mouth is also quite tough!

Comparing with Liu Suyou!

However, Lin Jiangnian did not expose it and said with some regret: "Since Miss Zhao is unwilling, I can't force others to do anything. I can only say it is a pity..."

Zhao Xi was startled when he heard Lin Jiangnian's words.

I originally thought this guy would pester me again, but I didn't expect... to give up so quickly?

Does he really want to marry her?

Or did you say that on purpose?

Zhao Xi stared at him suspiciously and was about to say something when Lin Jiangnian suddenly spoke again.

"But then again, what happened last time is indeed my responsibility. If Miss Zhao wants this prince to take responsibility, I will have no choice but to do so. But if Miss Zhao doesn't look down on me, then it doesn't matter..."

Zhao Xi's eyes gradually became a little complicated, but Lin Jiangnian's eyes were still calm, even a little gentle.

Very sincere too!

This sincerity made it difficult for her to adapt.

After a moment of silence, she looked away and snorted coldly: "You 'bullied' me last time, and you want to marry me this time... How can such a good thing happen in the world?"

"Do you know how much harm you caused me last time?"

Faced with Zhao Xi's sudden questioning, Lin Jiangnian said sincerely: "It was indeed my fault last time...I apologize to you!"

"Apologizing is useless, I won't accept it!"

Zhao Xi stared at him and said expressionlessly: "How are you going to compensate me!"

Lin Jiangnian asked subconsciously: "Miss Zhao, how do you want me to compensate you?"

Zhao Xi bit his lower lip and said, "You 'tarnished' my innocence... What kind of compensation do you think I should give me? To make up for the harm you did to me?"

When Lin Jiangnian heard this, he vaguely felt that something was wrong.

But when I think about it, his behavior last time was indeed excessive. In this era where if you accidentally touch a woman's hand, you may have to take responsibility or be imprisoned in a pig cage. What he did to Zhao Xi last time was not too much!

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "No matter what Miss Zhao says, as long as this prince can do anything, he will definitely compensate Miss Zhao and never regret it!"

"That's what you said!"

Zhao Xi looked at Lin Jiangnian quietly, and an imperceptible arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

She stared at Lin Jiangnian and said word by word: "I want you to help me kill Chen Zhao!"

"This time, you are not allowed to say that you will do your best, I want you to do it!"

"And...the sooner the better!"


Lin Jiangnian raised his head and looked at the woman in front of him who was still extremely beautiful and elegant. But I saw a touch of... pride in her originally cold and shy eyes.

It was vaguely like the malicious smile he showed when some kind of plan succeeded.

For some reason, Lin Jiangnian suddenly had the illusion that he had been fooled!

This bitch...

Didn't you already have this plan in mind and wait for him to jump down?

Please double the monthly pass! ! !

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