Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 418 It’s your turn next time (please double the monthly ticket!!)

Princess mansion!

When he set foot here again, Lin Jiangnian felt very complicated.

I didn’t really want to come, but I had to come.

The eldest princess had been hiding from him for four days, and now she finally showed up. In both emotions and reasons, Lin Jiangnian had to have a good confrontation with her!

"Your Highness, please relax..."

Jinxiu, who was leading the way, couldn't help but whisper: "If you let others see you like this, it seems like my princess has done something to you..."

Jinxiu couldn't help laughing as she looked at Lin Jiangnian, who had a bad look on his face along the way.

Of course she knew some of the reasons.

Prince Lin has been looking for his princess for four days in a row, but has failed every time. Who can be a little emotional?

In particular, it is very possible that my princess is deliberately avoiding seeing her... No wonder His Royal Highness is so resentful.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "The Princess of the Yin family didn't do anything to me, but I still have to settle this account with her!"

"What debt does Your Highness want to settle with my princess?"

"What do you think?"

Faced with Lin Jiangnian's rhetorical question, Jinxiu smiled and said, "I know that His Highness has resentment in his heart, but I still advise His Highness to be open-minded!"

Having said this, Jinxiu blinked at Lin Jiangnian with full eyes, and whispered: "After all, Your Highness, you can't beat my princess... can you?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her, expressionless: "Who said I was going to beat your princess?"

Jinxiu continued to blink: "Your Highness can't beat my princess, so how can you settle accounts with my princess?"

"Of course I use my brain!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke calmly.

Of course you can't beat him!

It is said that the eldest princess's martial arts skills have reached an extremely terrifying level, so Lin Jiangnian will not be asking for trouble.

However, if you want to settle accounts with her, you may not have to use force.

Although the eldest princess has high martial arts, her brain is not necessarily very good... After several contacts in the past, Lin Jiangnian gained the confidence to crush her with his IQ.

Jinxiu was stunned for a moment, as if she realized something, and then she suddenly covered her mouth and smiled: "How about I teach you a way?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "You?"


Jinxiu's eyes were filled with joy, and she moved slightly closer to Lin Jiangnian, and smiled softly: "Your Highness, why not just go ahead and marry my princess back. Then, lock my princess in your Prince Lin's Mansion every day, and force my princess to give birth to more than ten children for you. Baby... won't His Highness be able to get angry?"

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian's expression condensed slightly. He looked at Jinxiu seriously and asked suspiciously, "Are you really your princess's maid?"

"Have you ever come up with such a bad idea?"

"Isn't this slave thinking about His Highness?"

Jinxiu blinked, her eyes were lively, a little narrow, and she smiled beautifully.

"Sure enough, she is a maid who likes to turn her elbows outward, and this prince likes her!"

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but sigh, and looked at the sweet smiling face in front of him: "Come, let me masturbate!"


Jinxiu blushed and immediately backed away.

He smiled sweetly at Lin Jiangnian, blinked narrowly, his beautiful eyes moved swiftly, then turned around and trotted away.

Lin Jiangnian stood there.

Okay, okay, seducing him like this, right?

Little Jinxiu, I will deal with you later!

With emotion and calculation, Lin Jiangnian followed the familiar road and stepped into the inner courtyard of the princess's mansion again.

The inner courtyard is cold.

There seemed to be an indescribable chill permeating the courtyard. When Lin Jiangnian stepped in, the air around him suddenly dropped a lot.

I don’t know if it’s really cooling down or it’s a subconscious illusion!

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and looked not far ahead. In the pavilion not far from the courtyard, there was already a figure in white!

The hem of the clothes dances lightly in the wind, exuding an otherworldly and refined temperament.

Long hair is flowing, white clothes are better than snow!

She stood quietly in the pavilion, her figure becoming more and more arrogant, like a cold plum blossom blooming alone.

And right next to her, Jinxiu was standing beside the eldest princess, whispering something.

As he spoke, he looked back from time to time to look at Lin Jiangnian, who had just walked into the courtyard. His beautiful eyes were bright and meaningful.

The eldest princess in the pavilion remained expressionless and nodded calmly.

Jinxiu then walked away, and after she left, the courtyard quickly became deserted again.

There are only two left!

Look at each other quietly without saying a word!

In the pavilion, the eldest princess' eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian. There was a chill in her fluffy snowy hair, and her long white dress was fluttering like willow branches in the wind. Elegant yet noble.

His eyes were sharp, and even if he didn't say a word, he still gave people an indescribable aura of loneliness.

After the two looked at each other for a moment, Lin Jiangnian took the lead and walked into the pavilion, sharing the world with the eldest princess in front of him.

The weather is good today, the warm spring sun is shining in the courtyard, everything is revived, and the air is filled with the fragrance of spring.

Young and familiar Lin Jiang sat down at the stone table in the pavilion and poured himself a cup of tea skillfully. He picked up the tea cup and tasted the tea in the cup.

The tea in the eldest princess's house cannot be ordinary goods. Although Lin Jiangnian didn't know much about tea, it didn't stop him from spoiling the good stuff.

In the pavilion, the eldest princess stood quietly aside, expressionless as she watched young Lin Jiang pour tea and taste it in a familiar manner. There was also a look of comfort on his face, as if he was here to enjoy it.

Her face remained as usual and she remained silent.

Lin Jiangnian didn't say anything until he slowly sipped a few cups of tea, put down the cup in his hand, and then raised his eyes to look at the white-clothed figure in front of him.

She is so calm!

From beginning to end, it seemed that he had no intention of speaking first.


Lin Jiangnian sneered in his heart, would she really always be so aloof and aloof, looking like she would not mess with the world?

He suddenly didn't believe in evil and wanted to find an opportunity to tear off the eldest princess's cold coat. Look at her privately... is she really so indifferent?

Lin Jiangnian squinted his eyes and pondered, and the evil light in his eyes naturally failed to escape the eldest princess's notice.

There was still no emotion on her face.

"Your Highness, shouldn't you explain it to me?"

After a long silent confrontation, Lin Jiangnian finally broke the silence and stopped playing the childish game of one, two, three with her!

The eldest princess said calmly: "Explain what?"

"If the princess doesn't intend to explain, why has she been hiding from my prince these days?"

Lin Jiangnian stared into her eyes and asked.

Li Piaomiao's eyes were calm and she glanced at him lightly: "Why do I need to explain to you?"

Lin Jiangnian: "?"

Okay, okay, put it on his face, right?

Lin Jiangnian sneered: "The princess has avoided seeing this prince a few days ago. Could it be that she is brewing some conspiracy?"

"Or should I say, has the princess done anything to disgrace my prince?"

"You feel guilty and don't dare to see me?"

Lin Jiangnian asked, staring at her face.

But his plan still failed. There was really no reaction on the face of the eldest princess in front of him, and no emotion could be seen on her.

Listening to Lin Jiangnian's provocative tone, she remained calm and nonchalant: "Since you know what's going on, why do you still ask?"

"Because...I am very unhappy!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke and stared at her: "Is this reason enough?"

He has been here for four days and has been rejected for four days. It's strange that he feels comfortable.

But the eldest princess seemed to turn a blind eye to Lin Jiangnian's provocation and didn't take it to heart. She said calmly: "You came to me just because you hope that I can help you save the Xu family, so why bother beating around the bush?"

The sneer on Lin Jiangnian's face gradually disappeared, and he stared at her quietly. After a moment, he said: "You really did it on purpose!"

If it was just a guess before, then when the eldest princess revealed Lin Jiangnian's purpose of coming to her. Lin Jiangnian had already realized that the eldest princess was really avoiding him on purpose when she entered the palace these days!

"Is this your idea or the prince's?"

Lin Jiangnian asked with narrowed eyes.

The eldest princess did not answer his question and glanced at him, "Why do you want to save them?"

"Do you need a reason to save people?"

Lin Jiangnian asked back.

Li Miaomiao was silent and frowned slightly, as if this question touched on her knowledge blind spot.

"Don't you need it?"

she asked again.

"Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. This prince is kind-hearted and will form good relationships early in his life. He will definitely be richer in his next life..."

Lin Jiangnian was talking nonsense, but soon realized something.

Will you reincarnate in the next life?

He was already considered a wealthy person in this life. If he could go one step further in his next life... what could be more wealthy and powerful than Prince Lin's son?

That must be...

Don't dare to think, don't dare to think!

Obviously, Li Miaomiao didn't believe Lin Jiangnian's nonsense. She stared at him and asked, "Since the Xu family betrayed the Lin family, why did you still save them?"

Lin Jiangnian said: "Didn't I say that I am kind-hearted..."

"Is it because of that girl named Xu Lan?"

Li Piaomiao interrupted him abruptly.

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and saw Li Miaomiao staring at him coldly, asking questions casually.

"Are you investigating my prince?"

Li Piaomiao said: "I don't need to investigate."

"Then how do you know Xu Lan?"

Lin Jiangnian stared at her and asked, "How can you think that this prince is doing it because of her?"

He had a very good relationship with Xu Lan, but that was only when they were still in Linzhou. After arriving in the capital, there was not much interaction between the two, and few people knew about it except Jiang Mansion.

How could the eldest princess in front of me know this for no reason?

Didn't she investigate secretly?

"You can't really have a crush on me, right?"

Lin Jiangnian stared at her suspiciously.

Li Piaomiao ignored Lin Jiangnian's deliberate teasing and glanced at him lightly: "Is it worth it for a woman?"

"What you said..."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head and said calmly: "This has nothing to do with whether she is a woman..."

"I have known her for such a long time and have a very good relationship with her. Now that her family is in trouble, I naturally cannot just sit idly by and ignore it."

"Even if the Xu family does have dissatisfaction with the Lin family, even if this debt needs to be settled, it should be settled by the Lin family personally."

Speaking of this, Lin Jiangnian smiled at her and said, "After all, this prince has always been very protective of his own shortcomings and will not help his relatives."

Li Miaomiao was silent, as if she didn't expect Lin Jiangnian to say such words.

The prince Lin Wang, who is notorious in Beijing, is actually a kind and righteous person?

This vagueness made Li Miaomiao gradually feel split in her past impression of him...

She stared at Lin Jiangnian for a long time and was silent for a long time.

Until, Li Pianmiao seemed to think of something in her eyes, and suddenly said: "What if she is a boy?"

"What does this have to do with her being a boy?"

Li Piaomiao stared at him: "If Xu Lan were a man, would you still help her like this?"


Lin Jiangnian answered simply. He grinned and looked at Li Miaomiao with sincerity in his eyes.

Li Piaomiao: "..."


Li Piaomiao obviously asked nonsense!

If Xu Lan was a man, it wouldn't be a question of whether Lin Jiangnian could help her or not. Rather, she may not be qualified to get close to Lin Jiangnian at all.

Xu Lan can appear next to Lin Jiangnian, and the relationship between the two is so good. Firstly, it is because Xu Lin's family is a family friend, and secondly, because Miss Xu has a good impression of Lin Jiangnian and likes to go to him whenever she has nothing to do. Run this way.

After going back and forth, the two gradually became familiar with each other.

But if Xu Lan was a man, Lin Jiangnian would never pay much attention to her from the beginning, and their relationship would not be what it is now.

So, the answer is obvious.

Li Piaomiao was silent for a while and did not continue to dwell on this issue: "How do you plan to save them?"

"Now that I've come to find you, what do you think?"

Young Lin Jiang sighed: "Why does Her Royal Highness the Princess need to be so secretive?"

Li Piaomiao glanced at him: "Why should I help you?"

"Because you will definitely help me."

Lin Jiangnian said nonsense and looked at her with squinted eyes: "Didn't you already have a plan from the time you were willing to meet my prince?"

Li Piaomiao also narrowed her eyes: "You are trying to be smart!"

"My prince has been smart since he was a child!"

Lin Jiangnian showed her a harmless smile: "His Royal Highness, what conditions have been proposed to you?"

"tell me the story?"

Li Piaomiao was silent.

It seemed that he had underestimated Lin Jiangnian. After a while, he started to look at him again.

Lin Jiangnian also knew this very well. The eldest princess and the prince were obviously in the same group. When she showed up to see Lin Jiangnian today, it was probably the prince who was behind her instructions.

As for the purpose...

Maybe you can also take a peek and guess a bit!

After looking at him for a while, Li Pianmiao slowly withdrew her eyes and said calmly: "The Xu family was not involved in the third prince's rebellion. If the crime is not punishable by death, the prince will not kill them!"

This result was expected by Lin Jiangnian.


Li Miaomiao changed her tone again and said calmly: "Xu Yan has exchanged letters with Li Yuan and also had secret contacts. Although he did not directly participate in the rebellion, he does not rule out the possibility of helping him secretly..."

"You can escape death penalty, but you can't avoid living penalty?"

Lin Jiangyoun laughed and looked at him playfully: "Your Highness, what terms do you want to negotiate with me?"

Li Miaomiao glanced at him and said lightly: "Old Minister Xu, you have to step down!"

"no problem."

Lin Jiangnian nodded. Even if Li Miaomiao didn't say it, Lin Jiangnian could guess it.

Things have changed in the capital, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has taken power, so he naturally wants to eliminate the foreign parties in the DPRK and cultivate his own power.

The six parts are the top priority.

Although Mr. Xu's Minister of Rites is not a very powerful person in the court, it is still a minister after all. Naturally, the prince cannot let go of this position!

No matter what happens this time, the Xu family, who are involved with the third prince, will never be trusted by the court again, and the prince will naturally never let him continue to sit in that position.

One emperor and one courtier!

Of course, the prince's conditions were far more than that.

In addition to Mr. Xu, many other members of the Xu family also hold positions in the court. For example, Mr. Xu's eldest grandson has made great achievements in the military. Children from other branches of the Xu family also hold important positions in the court or elsewhere.

But this time, they will all be bullied!

However, compared to losing their lives, this result is considered the best outcome for the Xu family.


Lin Jiangnian looked at the lonely and beautiful figure in white clothes in front of him, "These are the only conditions His Highness the Crown Prince has?"

Li Miaomiao said calmly: "People from the Xu family are not allowed to leave the capital without permission!"

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian finally realized something: "You guys want to imprison and monitor the Xu family?"

Li Piaomiao said: "The Xu family's actions in Beijing will not be affected. As long as they stay in Beijing, they will be in peace."

"But the foundation of the Xu family is in Linzhou, and his hometown is also in Linzhou!"

Lin Jiangnian stared at her: "After Mr. Xu retired and returned to his hometown, the Xu family has no power and no one to rely on in Beijing... What good end can they expect if they stay in Beijing?"

Li Piaomiao said nothing and looked at him quietly.

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian suddenly realized something.

"Okay, so that's what you had in mind!"

A sneer quickly appeared on Lin Jiangnian's face: "You want to use the Xu family as hostages to coerce my son, right?"

The Xu family was left in the capital, helpless. If there were no other forces to protect them, they would soon be wiped out by other forces and enemies in the capital.

As a result, the Lin family had to leave a back-up force in Beijing that could protect the Xu family. But in this way, the backhand will definitely be exposed under the eyes of the court.

On the other hand, even if no other forces take action, if the Xu family stays in the capital, it will become a lever for the imperial court to manipulate the Lin family!

Many people know that the old man of the Xu family saved Lin Hengzhong's life. If one day in the future, the imperial court and the Lin family really have a falling out, and the imperial court uses the Xu family as a threat, how will the Lin family make a choice then?

Save, you just fell into the court's trap!

If you don’t save him, you will end up with a reputation of being ruthless and unjust!

It’s not good for the Lin family either way!

And the imperial court didn't have to do anything to get rid of the Lin family and disgust the Lin family...

I have to say that the prince was really thoughtful.

Realizing this, Lin Jiangnian stared at Li Miaomiao: "So, you are avoiding me these days because you want to test the Xu family's status in my heart, right?"

If Lin Jiangnian insists on saving the Xu family, it is enough to illustrate the importance of the Xu family to him. In this way, the imperial court can better use the Xu family to make an issue!

Li Piaomiao did not deny this.

"Your Highness, are you so worried that our Lin family will rebel?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her cold face and sneered playfully: "Isn't he afraid of driving the Lin family into trouble?"

Li Pianmiao looked at him quietly: "Your Lin family is too great a threat to the imperial court, so we have to guard against it!"

Lin Jiangnian said: "We, the Lin family, are loyal to the emperor, patriotic, and loyal to the imperial court!"

Li Piaomiao looked at him expressionlessly.

Obviously, she didn't believe this.

"Your Lin family occupies the three states and eighteen counties in the south of the dynasty, has hundreds of thousands of troops, and controls half of the dynasty... If it were you, wouldn't you be afraid?"

Faced with Li Miaomiao's question, Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and fell silent.

After a while, he sighed softly.


Not to mention, if it were him, he would indeed be afraid!

If he were the prince in the court, he would probably be too worried to sleep at this time.

What is the concept of three states and eighteen counties?

Although the Lin family's actual territory is only Linzhou, the prefectures and counties bordering Linzhou have already been infiltrated by the Lin family's influence.

If the Lin family really wants to rebel, they only need to send their troops northward, and they can directly attack outside the capital in less than two months... What king is not afraid of such a terrifying deterrent?

Comparing his feelings with his own, Lin Jiangnian had to lament that he would have desperately tried to cut down the vassal... With such an uncontrollable vassal king under his nose, he would never be able to sleep.

But fortunately...he is the prince of the feudal lord!

That’s okay!

Li Miaomiao glanced at him and said calmly: "Cutting down the vassal and handing over military power is the best choice for the Lin family."

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian sneered: "Would you do this if it were you?"

Li Piaomiao remained silent and did not speak.

Apparently, she knew it too.

If Lin Jiangnian were the prince of the dynasty, he would definitely try his best to reduce the vassal status. And if the eldest princess stood in Lin Jiangnian's perspective, she would definitely not be able to watch the imperial court come to cut down the vassal and seize military power!

This is not about justice and evil at all, but a matter of position!

Li Cunning needs to be responsible for the Daning Dynasty and the safety of the people of the dynasty, so he wants to cut down the vassal vassal to ensure the rule of the dynasty!

Lin Jiangnian, on the other hand, was responsible for the people of Linzhou, the soldiers who had fought with Prince Lin for many years, and the hundreds of thousands of troops!

If the imperial court really cut off the vassal vassal, it would be equivalent to opening the door and letting others slaughter you with nothing! Putting your life in the hands of others is undoubtedly the most stupid behavior!

Lin Jiangnian couldn't do such a thing!


The pavilion suddenly became quiet, and we were chatting to death!

There is nothing left to say.

Neither of them spoke again, weighing the pros and cons with each other.

Obviously, neither of them could convince the other. Then the only result would naturally be an unhappy separation.

"It's about the Xu family. Please thank your royal brother for me later!"

After a while, Lin Jiangnian spoke again: "Just tell me that I will remember this 'big gift' and give him a bigger one later when I have time!"

Li Cunning wanted to use the Xu family as a handle to get Lin Jiangnian into trouble. It was actually of no use to Lin Jiangnian. He didn't care about the Xu family's life and death. He was willing to save the Xu family this time just for Xu Lan's sake.

After this time, the life and death of the Xu family was not important to Lin Jiangnian. The Xu family who was left in Beijing did not threaten Lin Jiangnian in the slightest.

But since His Highness the Crown Prince is so disgusting, naturally we can't just let it go!

When they met, he called his brother-in-law enthusiastically, but he cheated on his brother-in-law secretly... This account will only last a long time!

"We've finished talking about the Xu family, now it's time to talk about the two of us, right?"

Lin Jiangnian changed the topic and stared at the eldest princess in front of him.

"Where is Your Majesty? When can I see Your Majesty?"

Faced with Lin Jiangnian's sudden questioning, Li Miaomiao calmly said: "Father is in retreat!"

"So, Your Majesty doesn't plan to summon me?"

Lin Jiangnian stared at her.

Will the emperor continue to retreat at this time?

Seriously, just a simple retreat?


As if aware of Lin Jiangnian's suspicion, Li Pianmiao glanced at him.

"Wait two more days!"



Lin Jiangnian stared at her for a while, then suddenly smiled and said, "I will wait for two more days, but..."

"This time, I also have a condition!"

Seeing Li Piaomiao's gaze, Lin Jiangnian grinned at her: "Every time, I come to visit in person. Next time, it will be your turn, right?"

Li Miaomiao frowned slightly, and after a moment, she realized the meaning of Lin Jiangnian's words...

"Whenever your Majesty has news, the princess should come back and inform this prince!"

Lin Jiangnian stood up slowly, glanced at her, turned and walked out of the hospital.

"I hope it is not Jinxiu who comes, but the princess herself who comes to invite me!"

Hearing this, Li Miaomiao frowned coldly, as if inadvertently.

And when Lin Jiangnian was about to walk out of the courtyard, he stopped at the entrance of the courtyard, paused, and looked back at the cold figure in white still standing in the pavilion not far away.

"If the princess doesn't come in person next time, then last time the princess said she wanted to go to Ruyi Tower... I will have to reconsider it!"

After that, Lin Jiangnian stopped staying and left the courtyard directly.

The eldest princess in the pavilion was left standing there, staring in the direction of Lin Jiangnian's leaving figure, her expression getting colder.

Poker face!

But the temperature in the courtyard seemed to have dropped significantly.

After a long time, everything returned to calm.

The dust has settled!

The eldest princess's face was still neither happy nor sad, as if she was completely unaffected by the outside world.

After making fun of the eldest princess, Lin Jiangnian was satisfied and prepared to leave.

As for whether the eldest princess would be obedient and come to the door next time, Lin Jiangnian was not sure and didn't take it to heart.

If she wants to come, she can come. If she doesn't want to come, Lin Jiangnian doesn't bother to wait on her!

This time, whether it was meeting the emperor or taking her into Ruyi Tower, Lin Jiangnian had the initiative.

There are not many choices left for the princess!

After leaving the inner courtyard, he was about to leave the princess mansion. When passing by the pavilion in the front yard, a voice suddenly stopped Lin Jiangnian.

"Wait, wait a minute..."

A small, slightly cold and nervous voice suddenly came from the side.

Lin Jiangnian paused slightly and turned back subconsciously.

I saw a cold girl figure appearing under the eaves not far away.

The girl was wearing a simple and elegant white dress. She was elegant and elegant. There was a lightness in her eyes. She was standing under the eaves, looking at him a little timidly.


Lin Jiangnian quickly recognized this little girl.

Although she looks exactly like Jinxiu, her clothes and her delicate and cold temperament are completely different from Jinxiu.

Seeing this little girl suddenly calling him out, Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised: "Is something wrong?"

Seeing Lin Jiangnian's eyes fall on him, the girl under the eaves tightened her face and tried her best to look deserted.

But you can still see some uneasiness.

She approached slowly, very slowly and carefully.

Finally, she suddenly stopped about a foot away from Lin Jiangnian.

"You, clothes..."

Her voice was still very soft and a little nervous. He lowered his head uneasily and did not look into Lin Jiangnian's eyes.

Lin Jiangnian then noticed that the little girl was holding a small package in her hand.

And inside...

Lin Jiangnian quickly remembered that the last time the little girl fell into the water, Lin Jiangnian took off his clothes and put them on for her.

So she is here to return the clothes?

Lin Jiangnian looked at the little girl in front of him who was a little embarrassed and wary, then looked at the package in her hand, froze for a moment, and took two steps forward.

These two steps made the little girl in front of her even more nervous, and her whole body became tense.

However, this time he was not scared back like last time. But he still lowered his head and did not dare to raise his head.

His whole body seemed to be full of alertness.

Is he that scary?

Can you scare this little girl like this?

Lin Jiangnian was happy, but he did not continue to bully her. He took the package from her hand and glanced down. Inside were indeed his clothes from last time, neatly folded, and there seemed to be a fragrant smell lingering around, as if they had been washed.

After returning the clothes, An Ning breathed a sigh of relief as if relieved. She raised her head slightly and glanced at Lin Jiangnian quietly. When she saw Lin Jiangnian's eyes falling on the package, he seemed to be thinking of something, and an unnatural shyness appeared on his face.

"I, I... it, it's dirty... I, I..."

An Ning's tone was a little nervous, and she was stuttering a little to explain. But the more I explain, the less I know how to describe it. In the end, her voice became smaller and smaller, and she blushed again and lowered her head nervously.

"The clothes are stained, so you wash them for me?"

Lin Jiangnian asked.


An Ning lowered his head and hummed softly.

Somewhat overwhelmed.

"Okay, thank you then!"

Seeing her like this, Lin Jiangnian also understood what was going on.

This little girl looks cold, but she is obviously much more reliable and considerate than Jinxiu.

After wearing his clothes, I even knew how to clean them and send them back to him.

Just when Lin Jiangnian was about to say something, An Ning in front of him suddenly turned around and walked away without saying a word.

He walked very fast and disappeared before Lin Jiangnian could speak.

Lin Jiangnian was left standing there, looking at the clothes with clean hands and a faint fragrance, and the direction of the girl's back as she quickly left.


Lin Jiangnian was thoughtful, half-smiling but not smiling.

Immediately, he turned around and walked out of the front yard, just as he was about to leave.

Not far from the front outside the hospital, another smiling figure appeared.


Jinxiu, who was wearing a goose-yellow palace dress, was standing there, as if she had been waiting for a long time. Seeing Lin Jiangnian appear, she stepped forward with a faint smile on her face, which seemed narrow, sweet, and mixed with a touch of naughtiness.

"Your Highness..."

Just as he was about to speak, Jinxiu noticed the package in Lin Jiangnian's hand.

"This is?"

Jinxiu took a closer look, why did he look familiar?


Lin Jiangnian spoke.


Jinxiu was startled, then looked at the familiar clothes in the package. Then, she seemed to think of something, and the smile on her face froze.

"Last time...the one you gave An Ning?"

"Yes." Lin Jiangnian nodded.

"She gave it back to you..."

Jinxiu suddenly realized something: "Did An Ning look for you just now?"

"That's right."

"She made a special trip to give you back your clothes?" The smile on Jinxiu's face disappeared, and her expression gradually became serious.

Seeing the change in Jinxiu's expression, Lin Jiangnian seemed to be smiling but not smiling: "Yes, she made a special trip to return the clothes to this prince?"

As he said that, Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but admire: "An Ning not only helped me clean the clothes, but also folded them neatly... I can't tell that she is so well-behaved and sensible, so thoughtful..."

"As expected of a good wife and mother, I would be lucky if I could marry her back..."

Listening to Lin Jiangnian's praise and praise, Jinxiu's face completely changed!

An Ning, An Ning, that Nizi, she actually, actually...

Doing this kind of thing behind your back? !

"Your Highness, I have something else to do. I won't tell you anything for now..."

Jinxiu's face changed slightly, and she didn't care to say anything more to Lin Jiangnian, so she turned around and left in a hurry.

Lin Jiangnian was left standing there, looking at Jinxiu who was leaving in a hurry, with a bigger smile on his face.

She is anxious!

the other side.

Jinxiu stormed into the courtyard aggressively.

"An Ning, come out!"

Jinxiu had a cold face and barged into the room aggressively.

In the cold room, An Ning stood expressionless by the window, looking at her coldly.

"What did you just do?"

Jinxiu stepped forward and said angrily: "Did you go to deliver clothes to Prince Lin?"

"You still kept his clothes? And washed them for him?!"

"Are you still a good wife and mother?!"

Jinxiu is so angry!

The last time she saw An Ning fall into the water, Jinxiu noticed that she was wearing Lin Jiangnian's clothes. An Ning explained it at the time, but Jinxiu still had doubts in her heart.

But at that time, she was so confused about whether there was something going on between An Ning and Lin Jiangnian that she ignored that Lin Jiangnian's clothes were still here.

Unexpectedly, this girl secretly helped Prince Lin wash clothes behind her back, and then secretly sent them back behind her back...

What is she doing? !

Did she think of herself as Prince Lin's maid?

Jinxiu didn't know why she was so angry, but An Ning's sneaky behavior made her feel betrayed!

Listening to Jinxiu's questioning, she saw a menacing look on her face, but An Ning acted calmly.

She said expressionlessly: "Can't you?"

"Of course not!" Jinxiu said angrily.

"why not?"


Jinxiu was speechless for a moment, but quickly said: "I told you, Prince Lin, he is a pervert... He will have evil intentions towards you..."

"If you fall into his hands, your life will be over!"

"I asked you to have less contact with him, but you actually took the initiative to send him to him... Aren't you afraid that he will get lustful, strip you naked, and... bully you?"

Facing Jinxiu's serious description, An Ning still looked at her with a cold face and an expressionless expression.

After listening to Jinxiu's description before, she was indeed a little afraid of Prince Lin.

However, since what happened last time, she doesn’t seem to be afraid anymore!

Moreover, she always felt... Jinxiu was lying to her!

Prince Lin is not as... lustful as she said!

Jinxiu described the threat in a "vicious" way, but saw that there was no change in the expression on An Ning's face.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Could it be that my silly sister was really seduced by Prince Lin?


Jinxiu stared at her with a serious face: "Are you in love with him?!"

As soon as these words came out, An Ning seemed to be stunned for a moment, with a slightly dazed look in his eyes. Seeing Jinxiu staring at her with burning eyes, she didn't know why, but her expression suddenly became a little unnatural.

She looked away and denied coldly: "No."

"Really do not have?"

Jinxiu naturally didn't believe it, and said again: "Look into my eyes and tell me, are you okay?!"

"dont see!"

An Ning refused and said with a cold face: "No."

"An Ning, let me tell you, you must not fall in love with him... He is the princess's fiancé. There is no possibility between you. He will only covet your body and want to play with your young body... Wait until he gets tired of it. If you do, you will be left in the cold and you will be left alone in an empty room to die alone..."

Jinxiu was still saying bad things about Lin Jiangnian, but An Ning couldn't stand it anymore.

"You're so annoying!"

She spoke expressionlessly, and then walked out of the room, refusing to listen to Jinxiu's continued chatter.

Jinxiu was left standing there, and for some reason, the ominous premonition in her heart became stronger.

This girl can't be true...she also has a crush on Prince Lin Wang, right?

Thinking of this thought, Jinxiu's expression completely changed.


Is he...really planning to spare no one?

Jinxiu became worried.

After leaving the Princess Mansion, Lin Jiangnian returned to Jiang Mansion.

After meeting the eldest princess today, it also means that the Xu family's affairs have come to an end.

The eldest princess acted as a microphone to convey the prince's meaning. He is willing to let the Xu family go, but at the same time, he will also use the Xu family as a bargaining chip to restrict them to Beijing.

To check and balance the Lin family!

For Lin Jiangnian, it wasn't much of a check or balance, at most it was a bit disgusting.

And Lin Jiangnian always felt that there was something fishy about this matter.

When he met His Highness the Crown Prince before, he did not show any ill will towards Lin Jiangnian and even enthusiastically called Lin Jiangnian 'brother-in-law'.

Such enthusiasm, not to mention whether it is true or false, at least the surface is very good. It was also obvious that the prince did not want to quarrel with Lin Jiangnian.

But this time, His Highness the Crown Prince's behavior was tantamount to deliberately disgusting Lin Jiangnian. Why did he do this?

Are you planning to break up with him, you have to do this?

Lin Jiangnian couldn't understand and didn't continue thinking. Anyway, let’s keep this debt in mind for now, there will always be a chance to pay it back.

As for the Xu family, being able to save their lives is considered great news. Lin Jiangnian had to go back quickly and tell Xu Lan the news.

In the past few days, Miss Xu lost a lot of weight because of this matter. This also caused her, who was originally ordinary, to become even more... ordinary!

"Your Highness!"

Outside the gate of Jiang Mansion, Lin Qingqing stepped forward to greet Lin Jiangnian as usual, took the package from His Highness's hand, and reported on the situation in Beijing.

However, Lin Qingqing soon discovered that the package in her hand... seemed to be clothes?

Why does it still look familiar? !

Lin Qingqing took a closer look and quickly saw something.

Wait, didn't His Highness say that this coat was stained and lost last time?

Why are you back now?

It seems to have been cleaned?

Why is there a faint scent like a woman's on it?

Lin Qingqing was stunned for a moment, then looked up at His Highness next to her with some suspicion: "Your Highness, these clothes..."

Lin Jiangnian saw the doubt in Lin Qingqing's eyes and said without changing his expression: "I thought this dress looked pretty, so I picked it back again!"

"has a problem?"

Pick it up...

Lin Qingqing was silent, looking at the clothes in the package and then at His Highness's calm expression.

Obviously, as an excellent subordinate, she quickly realized something.

"no problem!"

Lin Qingqing looked calm and spoke decisively: "Your Highness said..."

"It makes perfect sense!"


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