Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 419 Same process, different outcome

Jingzhao Mansion.

Great prison.

The case of the Third Prince was very involved, and many prominent figures in the capital in the past were imprisoned in prison. Although there is no news of the verdict from the DPRK and China so far, many people already know their fate.

There was a sad and low atmosphere permeating the prison.

From time to time, some people with low psychological defenses break down and yell. There are also people who cannot bear to continue waiting for torture and take the initiative to plead guilty, just wanting to be happy.

During this period of time in the prison, it can be said that there were a lot of demons dancing around and people were in panic.

As a result, those who were anxiously waiting for their fate were also cast a shadow.

Jingzhao Mansion Prison, in a cell.

"Dad, it's been four or five days and there's still no news. Could it be that something happened?"

In the cell, Gao Hang spoke worriedly, his expression full of sorrow and uneasiness.

After being imprisoned in prison for several days, the formerly high-spirited young master of the Gao family lost his former energy, and there was an aura of decadence surrounding him.

The young master who used to be so pampered and privileged is now being imprisoned in this dark place. How can he bear it?

Especially since several days have passed and there has been no news from the outside. This made Gao Hang, who was originally full of expectations, gradually become uneasy.

Could it be...that something really happened?

"Don't be impatient!"

In the cell, Gao Boyan, a former minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, looked gloomy, but still calm.

"Nothing will happen!"

Gao Boyan said calmly: "Our Gao family did not participate in the third prince's rebellion. At most, we just stood on the wrong team. The crime will not lead to death!"

Speaking of this, Gao Boyan said in a deep voice: "If Prince Lin goes to intercede with His Highness, our Gao family will definitely be safe and sound."


Gao Hang was always a little uneasy in his heart: "Dad, are you sure that Prince Lin will really help us?"

He still felt uneasy. Now their Gao family had been ransacked and the whole family was in jail.

The current situation, just in case, just in case...

Gao Hang didn't dare to think about it!

"How can Prince Lin be a treacherous person?"

Gao Boyan said in a deep voice: "His Royal Highness Prince Lin has promised to save the life of my Gao family, and he will never go back on his word..."

However, although he sounded so confident, Gao Boyan's heart gradually sank a bit.

Four or five days have passed. Logically speaking, these days are enough for Prince Lin to go to the capital to meet with His Highness the Crown Prince to plead for mercy.

But why, no news has come yet?

Could it be that something really happened?

Is it that His Highness the Crown Prince is unwilling to let them go? Or... Prince Lin has no intention of saving them at all?

But as soon as this thought emerged, Gao Boyan quickly extinguished it in his heart.


He has paid the highest price just to preserve the Gao family.

And Prince Lin also agreed personally... He had no reason to refuse, both emotionally and rationally!

What's more important is that now their Gao family has no way out! After their home was confiscated, the only thing they could do now was to wait!

long wait!

Waiting for Prince Lin to come and rescue them!

Just as the Gao family and his son were waiting anxiously.

Not far away, deep in the cell.

Xu Yan, the Minister of Rites of the current dynasty, and his grandson Xu Zhongshan are being imprisoned.

Compared with the anxiety of the Gao family and his son, the Xu family's grandfather and grandson did not have much emotional fluctuations.

It was as if he was already prepared to wait for his fate.


Xu Zhongshan opened his eyes and looked at his grandfather sitting cross-legged on the futon. He hesitated when he thought of something.

"Can we really trust Prince Lin?"

Mr. Xu slowly opened his eyes, and there was no energy in those old eyes.

"Lan Lan, will she..."

Xu Zhongshan hesitated.

Since the last time he learned that Lan Lan went to find Lin Jiangnian, Xu Zhongshan breathed a sigh of relief. He also knew that the only person who could save Lan Lan now was Prince Lin.

But similarly, Xu Zhongshan was not perfect either. The relationship between the Xu family and the Lin family was shattered, and the Xu family betrayed the Lin family. In this way, will Lan Lan end well if she falls into the hands of Prince Lin?

Although Lin Jiangnian came last time and promised Lan Lan to rescue them.

But Xu Zhongshan didn't really believe that the Xu family had committed such a big crime, not to mention that Prince Lin had any ability to save them.

Even if there was, would he be willing to save it?

Really, for Lan Lan’s sake?

Compared to Xu Zhongshan's uneasiness, the Minister of Rites was very calm: "Even if you don't believe it, what can you do now?"

Hearing this, Xu Zhongshan was immediately speechless, and then fell silent!


So what if I don’t trust you?

The Xu family has reached such an end, and their lives are about to be lost.

Even if he doesn't trust it, it won't help...

Thinking of this, Xu Zhongshan's eyes dimmed and he felt a little lonely: "Yes, we harmed Lan Lan..."

"Lan Lan, what should I do next?"

Mr. Xu glanced at him and shook his head lightly.

As the Minister of the Six Books, Mr. Xu has lived for decades and has gone through countless storms. He has a clear view of everything.

He spoke slowly: "Lan Lan staying with that boy may be the best choice."


Xu Zhongshan raised his head in confusion, wondering why his grandfather thought so?

"What do you think of Lan Lan's relationship with him?"

Xu Zhongshan was startled. What is the relationship between Lan Lan and Prince Lin?

Although he didn't know it clearly, he had heard from his father that the relationship between the two was very...close?

And after coming to the capital, although he tried his best to stop her, Lan Lan was still often disobedient. Whenever she had the chance, she would run away from home to find Prince Lin.

"It good, right?"

Xu Zhongshan spoke uncertainly: "But our Xu family is not..."

"That was my fault!"

Mr. Xu seemed to have thought of something and sighed: "I am indeed sorry for the Lin family in this matter."


Xu Zhongshan wanted to persuade him, but Mr. Xu waved his hand.

"But Lan Lan is different. Lan Lan is innocent, and..."

As if thinking of something, Mr. Xu's eyes flashed sharply: "That boy also knows this..."

"He's very spermy!"

Having briefly met Prince Lin last time, Mr. Xu had already seen that Prince Lin was not a simple person. As expected of Lin Hengzhong's son, he was by no means as miserable as the rumors said.

On the contrary, this person is very smart!

It is precisely because of this that Lan Lan may be the safest if she stays with him.

Xu Zhongshan was silent.

Although I didn't understand what grandpa wanted to say, I seemed to understand something.

"This time, our Xu family is completely in trouble!"

Mr. Xu sighed deeply again and glanced at Xu Zhongshan: "Grandpa, I'm sorry for you."

"Grandpa, you haven't sorry for us!"

Xu Zhongshan shook his head: "This is all our own choice, and we all have responsibilities. We must admit it, and we will bear it together!"

Mr. Xu was silent and narrowed his eyes: "The third prince conspired to rebel. Although His Majesty is still in seclusion, there is probably His Majesty's guidance behind His Royal Highness..."

"In this case, our Xu family is destined to become the victims and become the step for His Royal Highness to ascend to the throne!"

Mr. Xu seemed to have seen through it a long time ago and sighed deeply: "Grandpa will find a way to take the blame and try to protect you... As long as we are still alive, our Xu family will not fall!"

"After all, there will be a day when we make a comeback!"


Listening to his grandfather's heavy words, Xu Zhongshan's heart sank, and a feeling of sadness surged into his heart.

He knew that Grandpa sacrificed himself to save the Xu family.

He doesn't want to see such a situation, but now it is the only way to break the situation!

Otherwise, their Xu family will be completely destroyed! Not only the capital, but even my father and mother who are far away in Linzhou, and my eldest brother who holds important positions in the military cannot escape.

Xu Zhongshan wanted to say something, but Mr. Xu waved his hand and interrupted. He looked very calm and had already made plans.

"Remember, take good care of Lan Lan and your parents in the future!"

"I will……"

Xu Zhongshan nodded with firm eyes.

But looking at his grandfather's appearance in front of him, Xu Zhongshan couldn't help but feel sad.

Really, do you want to go this far?

Just, is there no other way?

At this moment, what appeared in Xu Zhongshan's mind for no reason was the figure of Prince Lin who had visited a few days ago.

And the words left by Prince Lin with arrogance and contempt.

"For Xu Lan's sake, I will save them once!"

Previously, Xu Zhongshan didn't believe it.

He didn't believe Prince Lin would save the Xu family, nor did he believe Lin Jiangnian had the ability. But now at this time, Xu Zhongshan couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope in his heart.

just in case……

Is it true?

What if he can really save grandpa?

At this moment, Xu Zhongshan couldn't help but have some hope... It was true!

"Deng Deng Deng!"

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the prison.

From far to near!

Immediately afterwards, several figures appeared in the prison.

The jailers of Jingzhao Mansion opened the way, surrounded by several palace guards, and a figure who looked like a palace eunuch in a gray robe and mandarin jacket appeared among the crowd.

In prison, when they saw this scene, many people's hearts suddenly stopped.

People in the palace?

Someone is coming from the palace? !

Could it be that the time has come to pronounce fate?

Many people's hearts dropped and they were panicked.

After being imprisoned for so many days, is the wait finally coming?

Countless eyes fell on the eunuch chief.

not far away.

"Dad, someone is coming from the palace?!"

Gao Hang also noticed the commotion outside and quickly learned about the situation from the discussions in the cell next to him.

"It's someone from the palace!"

Gao Hang's eyes became excited: "Could he be here to let us out?!"

Gao Boyan, whose eyes were originally downcast and calm, couldn't help but look up when he heard this.

finally coming? !

Just as the father and son were feeling nervous and excited, the eunuch chief, escorted by the imperial guards, slowly walked through the prison corridor and arrived outside the deepest room of the prison.

"Grandpa, grandpa..."

Xu Zhongshan soon discovered that the chief eunuch from the palace was parked outside their cell.

Immediately afterwards, a jailer came forward and opened the cell. The head eunuch walked into the room and looked at the two people in the room with a smile.

"Master Xu, Mr. Xu, I have wronged you two for a while, so don't be offended..."

Hearing this and looking at the warm smile on the face of the eunuch chief in front of him, Xu Zhongshan was stunned for a moment.

How do you feel, something is wrong!

When he saw the chief eunuch appear at the door, Xu Zhongshan's mood had completely sunk to the bottom.

What is supposed to come will eventually come, and the presence of people in the palace means that the fate of their Xu family is about to be pronounced.

But when he saw the eunuch in front of him with a kind smile on his face suddenly, Xu Zhongshan felt like... something was different?

"Father-in-law, what are you..."

Xu Zhongshan couldn't help but spoke in confusion.

"We are here today on the order of the prince, especially to take you two out!" the head eunuch said with a smile.

"Get out, get out?"

Xu Zhongshan was stunned: "Come out, where are you going?"

"Of course Mr. Xu can go wherever he wants!"

The chief eunuch spoke.

Xu Zhongshan was completely stunned!

Go wherever you want?

What does this mean?

Not only Xu Zhongshan, but also Mr. Xu, who always looked calm, had a look of doubt on his face.

"Father, what do you mean by this?!"

The head eunuch looked at Mr. Xu, chuckled and said, "Well, our family doesn't know about this, we are just following orders!"

"However, Mr. Xu and Mr. Xu are indeed innocent. Please leave with our family!"

"No, not guilty?!"

Mr. Xu and Xu Zhongshan were both stunned, unable to react for a moment!

"Well, please go out with us first. You two will know later!"

The head eunuch still had a warm smile on his face.

Beijing, Xu Mansion!

The carriage slowly stopped outside Xu's mansion.

When Mr. Xu and Xu Zhongshan got off the carriage and looked at the familiar mansion in front of them, they were both in a trance.


Isn't this their home?

Wasn't the Xu family confiscated?

Mr. Xu and Xu Zhongshan turned around and looked at the eunuch chief on the other side, only to see a smile on the eunuch's face: "Master Xu and Mr. Xu, please enter the house first."

Mr. Xu and Xu Zhongshan still looked puzzled, but they didn't say anything and followed the eunuch chief back to the mansion.

The house was deserted and in a mess, still in the same mess as when the house was ransacked. Empty and deserted.

"Father, what on earth is going on?"

After returning to Xu Mansion, Mr. Xu finally spoke in a deep voice.

Until now, he had vaguely guessed something, but he wasn't sure.

The head eunuch stopped and looked back at the two of them with a mysterious smile on his face.

at this time.

"Grandpa? Brother?!"

A crisp and excited voice sounded.

Hearing this voice, Mr. Xu and Xu Zhongshan who were present turned around subconsciously. Just under the eaves not far away in the courtyard ahead, several figures appeared.

Xu Lan, who was wearing a light green dress, was standing quietly under the eaves, looking excitedly at her grandfather and brother in the courtyard. The next second, she trotted over.

"Lan Lan?!"

Mr. Xu and Xu Zhongshan saw Xu Lan appear. After being stunned for a moment, they quickly showed expressions of surprise!

"Lan Lan, are you okay?"

"How will you be here?"

"What exactly is going on?!"

At this moment, Xu Lan ran to her grandfather and brother in surprise, her eyes red and excited. After seeing that her grandfather and brother were both fine, she finally felt relieved.

"It's great that you are scares me to death. I am so worried about you..."

Xu Lan, who had been frightened for so many days, was relieved when her grandfather and brother finally appeared safely.

Immediately afterwards, many days of emotions were finally vented at this moment.

I can't help it, I want to cry!

"Lan Lan, don't cry. Grandpa, isn't this a good thing?"

"Yes, sister, we are fine...don't cry yet!"

Mr. Xu and Xu Zhongshan were also very excited. They did not expect to see Lan Lan again.

But what's going on?

After a brief surprise, the two of them quickly realized something.

He raised his eyes slightly and saw a figure in the direction that Xu Lan ran from just now!

"Prince Lin?!"

When he saw Lin Jiangnian appearing in his sight, Xu Zhongshan's heart skipped a beat, and a bold and incredible idea suddenly appeared in his mind.


"W-what on earth is going on?"

Xu Zhongshan couldn't help but ask.

Lin Jiangnian smiled and said nothing and did not answer.

At this moment, Xu Lan, who was very emotional after seeing her grandfather and brother, wiped away her tears. After gradually calming down, she opened her mouth to explain.

"Yes, it was Lin Jiangnian who saved us..."

"Fortunately, he rescued you..."

"He He……"

Xu Lan wanted to explain how Lin Jiangnian did it, but after talking for a long time, he couldn't explain it.

In fact, she didn't know how Lin Jiangnian did it. So, she couldn't help but look back at Lin Jiangnian for help.

Mr. Xu and Xu Zhongshan were both stunned. Xu Zhongshan was even more shocked and silent. It was really him!

He originally had only a small hope in his heart, but he didn't expect... that it would come true? !

Did Prince Lin really save them? !

How did he do it?

He actually...

At this moment, the chief eunuch who had been silent for a long time finally said with a smile: "Should we let our family explain it?"

Seeing everyone's eyes falling on him, the chief eunuch slowly took out something from his arms... an imperial edict!

"The imperial edict has arrived!"

The head eunuch's slightly sharp voice sounded.

"You two, please accept the order."

At the moment when they saw the imperial edict, everyone present was stunned for a moment.

Imperial decree?

Is it actually an imperial edict?

Your Majesty, are you out of confinement? !

While stunned, Mr. Xu slowly knelt down.

"Old minister, take the order!"

Seeing this, Xu Zhongshan on the side also quickly knelt down.

Immediately, the chief eunuch began to read out the contents of the imperial edict.

Under the eaves not far away, Lin Jiangnian did not expect that His Highness the Crown Prince could actually deliver the imperial edict!

So, did the last imperial edict also come from him?

Did something really happen to His Majesty who was in seclusion?

Lin Jiangnian was thoughtful.

The appearance of this imperial edict revealed a lot of information!

As for the contents of the imperial edict, Lin Jiangnian already knew it. After all, the eldest princess has made it very clear.

The Xu family colluded with the third prince to rebel, and they could avoid the death penalty, but they could not escape the punishment of living. For the sake of the Xu family's hard work, loyalty and patriotism over the years, I want to spare the Xu family's life.

But at the same time, the Xu family was not allowed to enter the court as officials, and the Xu family members were not allowed to leave the capital without permission.

This is the price and the constraint!

Of course, Lin Jiangnian felt that this imperial edict seemed to be directed at him.

After the edict was read out, the courtyard remained silent.


No one spoke for a long time, as if they had not yet accepted this fact.

"Master Xu, please accept the order."

The chief eunuch spoke up to remind.

Only then did Mr. Xu come to his senses and slowly stretched out his hand to take the imperial edict. Looking down at the imperial edict in his hand, which was as heavy as a thousand pieces, he was in a trance and didn't speak for a long time.

Live, survive?

never mind? !

This was a result he didn't realize anyway!

He was ready to sacrifice himself to save the Xu family. Unexpectedly, the final result was unexpected.

Although, he lost his post as Minister of Rites and the Xu family was trapped in the capital.

However, everyone in the Xu family is alive!

Everyone in the Xu family is still alive, and no one has been implicated... This is already a great joy!

Happiness may come so quickly that you can't accept it for a while. It wasn't until a long time later that I heard Xu Zhongshan's suppressed voice of excitement and joy.

"Grandpa, are we... okay?!"

"Yes, yes..."

Mr. Xu's eyes were in a daze. After a while, he seemed to finally think of something. He slowly raised his head and looked at the figure not far away.

At this time, the eunuch chief who had already announced the imperial edict came to Lin Jiangnian.

"Thank you for your hard work, father-in-law."

Lin Jiangnian spoke.

The head eunuch had a smile on his face and squinted his eyes as he said, "Your Highness, where is this? This is our family's responsibility and what we should do!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded lightly and glanced at him: "When you go back, bring a message to His Royal Highness for me!"

The head eunuch had a smile on his face: "I wonder what message His Highness the Crown Prince would like to convey to His Majesty the Crown Prince?"

"Tell His Highness the Crown Prince that I have taken note of today's favor!"

Lin Jiangnian laughed: "Look back, I will repay you if I have the chance!"

The chief eunuch didn't know why, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, His Highness, our family will definitely take your words to His Highness!"

"If there is nothing else, our family will resign first?"

"Father-in-law, walk slowly!"


After the chief eunuch left, Lin Jiangnian turned around and looked into the courtyard.

At this moment, Mr. Xu and his party, who had received the imperial edict in the courtyard, had already stood up. When Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes, he saw Xu Lan's grandfather, Mr. Xu looking at him.

The slightly old eyes were deep and complicated, and he said nothing.

"Since Mr. Xu's family is reunited, I won't bother you too much!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke and was about to leave.

"Your Highness, wait!"

Mr. Xu spoke in a deep voice and stopped Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian paused slightly: "Master Xu, is there anything else?"

"Your Highness..."

Mr. Xu looked at him with complicated eyes and remained silent for a while: "Your Highness, are you free to talk alone?"

Lin Jiangnian chuckled after hearing this.

"Of course!"


In the cold and dark study room.

Mr. Xu looked at the handsome young man in front of him and remained silent for a long time.

Perhaps, he didn't expect that one day the Xu family would reach such a dead end. Nor did he expect that the one who would save their Xu family would be Prince Lin in front of them!

Nothing is permanent!

Although it was an imperial edict from the palace, Mr. Xu knew that it was closely related to the Crown Prince in front of him.

Because of this, he was even more frightened!

This Prince Lin has only been in the capital for a few months, and he already has such abilities!

Is it him, or is there Lin Hengzhong's instruction behind it?

"The Xu family survived this time, thanks to His Highness!"

Mr. Xu looked at Lin Jiangnian and sighed: "I can't repay you for your great kindness..."

"Master Xu, there is no need to be so polite!"

Lin Jiangnian interrupted him: "In fact, I can't help much. The one who really saved the Xu family is Mr. Xu yourself."

Xu Laowei was startled: "Myself?"

Lin Jiangnian said calmly: "The Xu family did not participate in the third prince's rebellion, which is the key to the Xu family's survival... If the Xu family really got involved, even this prince would not be able to save it."

Mr. Xu was silent, what he said was indeed true, but...

After a while, Mr. Xu seemed to realize something and sighed deeply.

"I'm really old and can't keep up with the times!"

Speaking of this, Mr. Xu's voice was a little low, and he said in silence for a while: "I am sorry for the Lin family's affairs regarding the Xu family!"

Lin Jiangnian said calmly: "Master Xu should not tell this to this prince. This prince is not interested in these things, nor does he care about the relationship between the Xu family and the Lin family!"

Without Xu Lan's existence, Lin Jiangnian would not even have any excessive contact with the Xu family.

What does the grievances and grievances of the previous generation have to do with him?

He doesn't care!

Mr. Xu understood the meaning of Lin Jiangnian's words and was silent for a moment.

"No matter what, the survival of the Xu family this time is all thanks to His Highness the Crown Prince's intervention. I, the Xu family, owe you a huge favor."

"No need for favor."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head. He didn't like others to owe him favors, and he didn't want to have anything to do with the Xu family.

Furthermore, in today's Xu family, kindness is nothing to him.

Seeing that Lin Jiangnian didn't seem to care, Mr. Xu remained silent again. Looking at the high-spirited Prince Lin in front of him, he suddenly remembered something.

"Can I ask His Highness one more question?"


Mr. Xu stared at him: "Your Highness, what is your relationship with my Lan Lan... now?"


Outside the hospital.

When Lin Jiangnian walked out of the study, he saw a sneaky figure under the eaves not far away, lying outside the door and eavesdropping.

"Xu Lan?"

After being caught, Xu Lan stood up and quickly acted as if he was just passing by. She asked without changing her face: "Are you...finished talking to my grandpa?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, just ask..."

Xu Lan's face was slightly red, her eyes were a little unnatural, and she couldn't help but ask: "My grandfather, what did you say to you?"

"Want to know?"


Xu Lan nodded hurriedly. She was really curious about what grandpa would say to Lin Jiangnian.

This time it was Lin Jiangnian who saved Grandpa and the others! Now, grandpa and the others can no longer stop her from finding Lin Jiangnian, right?

After all, Lin Jiangnian is now the savior of their Xu family!

Thinking of this, Xu Lan felt an indescribable joy in her heart. At the same time, there is also an inexplicable sense of pride!

It seems like he has proven his talent for selection to his family!

A little proud!

Especially the worries that had accumulated for so many days. After her grandfather and brother were rescued, Xu Lan was completely relieved. He became even more curious about what grandpa would say to Lin Jiangnian!

A private conversation alone cannot be...

Xu Lan was thinking wildly.

"I won't tell you!"

Lin Jiangnian whetted her appetite for a while, then left such a light sentence and left quietly.

Xu Lan was left standing there, stunned for a while.

"Bullying me again!"

Xu Lan came back to her senses, her face turned red and she was huffing angrily.

This guy is so bad!

Just when Xu Lan was angrily planning to go to Lin Jiangnian to find out more, her grandfather's voice came from behind.

"Lan Lan!"


Xu Lan turned around and looked under the eaves.

"Come here, grandpa has something to tell you."


Hearing that her grandfather had something to tell her, Xu Lan temporarily gave up the idea of ​​going to Lin Jiangnian.

Wait until evening!

the other side.

Jingzhao Mansion, big prison!

"What's going on with the Xu family?"

"Have you been let go?!"

In prison, Gao Hang was pacing back and forth in the cell, his face full of disbelief.

When the eunuch chief came earlier, Gao Hang was filled with joy, thinking that Prince Lin had come to save them, but he didn't expect that the people he saved were not them.

It’s the Xu family!

When he saw the Minister of Rites of the Xu family being taken out, especially after guessing that the Xu family might be released, Gao Hang's expression was extremely exciting!

How can this be!

Not only Gao Hang, but also Gao Boyan's face was solemn and suspicious.

He knew very well that the situation of the Xu family was almost the same as that of the Gao family!

But the problem is that the Xu family has no backers!

Although Xu Yan was the Minister of Rites, his power in the capital was not comparable to that of the Gao family. Even the Gao family can't do anything about this situation now. How can the Xu family have a way out?

"Dad, what on earth is going on?"

Gao Hang couldn't help but ask.

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

Gao Boyan was also upset.

He couldn't understand why the Xu family could be saved?

What is the power background of the Xu family in Beijing?

absolutely not!

The only background power the Xu family has is the one in Linzhou...


The next second, Gao Boyan seemed to realize something and his eyes narrowed.

The Xu family and the Lin family are family friends in Linzhou!

However, wasn't it rumored that the Xu family was close to the imperial court and gradually drifted away from the Lin family?

But besides the Lin family, who else can save the Xu family?

If it's really the Lin family... then isn't it just Prince Lin?

Could it be that Prince Lin really saved the Xu family? !


Why did Prince Lin want to save the Xu family?

Also, what about their Gao family?

Thinking of this, Gao Boyan couldn't sit still at all!

If this is really the case, why haven't you come to save the Gao family yet?

Could it be that Prince Lin... went back on his word? !

Gao Boyan's expression changed slightly. He had placed all his hopes on Prince Lin. If Prince Lin really went back on his word...

"Dad, dad, why do you look so ugly?"

Gao Hang saw his father's face.


Gao Boyan took a deep breath and thought silently in his heart.

Will not!

Prince Lin is not this kind of person!

He...will definitely come to the rescue!

He thought silently in his heart, but as time passed, the prison became silent, and Gao Boyan's heart gradually sank little by little.

"Kick, kick, kick!"

Finally, after an unknown amount of time passed, footsteps sounded again in the prison.

The figure of the jailer appears again!

Behind the jailer, there were several figures in black fish robes.

The footsteps of these figures finally stopped at the door of the cell where the Gao family's father and son were imprisoned.

"Dad, dad..."

When he saw the jailer stopping at the door, Gao Hang seemed to realize something, and a look of ecstasy immediately appeared on his face.

"Yes, are you here to save us?!"

"Dad, isn't it?!"

At this time, Gao Boyan raised his head and watched the jailer open the cell door. Then, a deep voice sounded outside the door: "Master Gao, come out!"

Hearing this voice, Gao Boyan finally let go of his hanging heart!


Finally here!

This kind of formation cannot be used to escort them to the execution ground to be beheaded. Then, there is only one possibility left... to save them!

Gao Boyan straightened his clothes and slowly stood up from the ground.

"Hang'er, let's go!"

Gao Boyan suppressed the joy in his heart and stepped out of the cell.

Behind him, Gao Hang followed closely.

Outside the prison, five figures in black fish robes stood.

They are all from Mitiansi!

Mi Tiansi was ordered by the prince to arrest the rebels, so it was not surprising that he appeared here.

"Come with us."

Several figures in black fish robes turned and walked out of the cell. The Gao family and his son quickly followed. Realizing that they were about to be released from prison and regain their freedom, their pace accelerated a lot.

I can’t wait to breathe the fresh air and feel the freedom outside.

Passing through the dark and dark prison corridor, just as a few people were about to leave the prison.

Suddenly, a cold shout came.


Immediately afterwards, several figures of jailers appeared at the door of the prison, blocking the way of several people.

"Mitiansi is handling the case, get out of here!"

A figure in black fish robe spoke.

But soon, a voice came from among the jailers: "No, we didn't receive any instructions from Mitiansi. Are you fake?!"

As soon as these words came out, the guards at the cell entrance drew their swords one after another, and the atmosphere became tense instantly.


Seeing that their identities were exposed, these five figures in black fish robes no longer concealed themselves. They immediately drew their swords and fought fiercely with the guards at the door.

For a moment, the scene was chaotic.

The Gao family and his son who were following behind were stunned on the spot, their eyes blank!

What's going on?

what happens?

Didn't you rescue them?

Why did it become a prison robbery?

"Quick, get out of here first!"

At this moment, a figure in a black fish robe fought off two jailers and told the Gao family father and son in a low and anxious tone: "We will escort you out quickly. There is a carriage waiting outside the door. His Royal Highness will escort you to a safe place." go……"

Hearing this, the faces of the Gao family and his son were even more confused!

What's going on? !

Why did His Royal Highness really change the situation? !

But the scene was now in chaos, and there was no room for the two of them to think carefully, plus they heard that it was Prince Lin's order. He came to save them... Although it felt a little strange, Gao Boyan instinctively chose to believe it.

At this time, if you don’t believe it, there is no way out!


Gao Boyan immediately made up his mind and took Gao Hang, escorted by several figures in black fish robes, to forcefully escape from the prison.

As expected of the masters of Mitiansi, all of them were masters who could fight one against ten. In a short time, these jailers were unable to fight back.

Gao Boyan took the opportunity to escape from the prison with Gao Hang and came outside the prison without looking back.

Sure enough, I saw a carriage waiting for a long time not far outside the prison.

"It's too late to explain, get in the car quickly!"

The driver beside the horse saw the two of them and waved quickly!

Gao Boyan and Gao Hang ran to the carriage and quickly got on the carriage!

"There's an assassin!"

"Someone is robbing the prison!"

"Get 'em!"


Outside the prison in Jingzhao Mansion, a fire suddenly lit up, and many jailers chased him out.

"Let's go!"

The groom beside the horse jumped on the carriage, drove the horse and fled quickly!

"hurry up!"

On the carriage, seeing the soldiers chasing behind them, the Gao family father and son were worried and extremely anxious!

So exciting!

However, I can breathe fresh air again!

Very good!


at the same time.

Jingzhao Mansion, on the mansion.

Listening to the noise coming from outside, Jing Zhaoyin's face was full of worry: "Chen Kuaishou, this, is this really no problem?!"

In the room, in a corner, an expressionless figure stood quietly, looking indifferently at the firelight in the direction of the prison outside the courtyard.

After a while, he said expressionlessly: "If anything happens, Mi Tiansi will be fully responsible."

After hearing this, Jing Zhaoyin was completely relieved.

"Then thank you very much, Chief Chen..."

Speaking of this, Jing Zhaoyin couldn't help but asked tentatively: "I wonder why Chief Chen has to go to such trouble..."

Chen Kuishou glanced at him coldly: "Don't ask questions you shouldn't!"

Jing Zhaoyin shut up immediately!

"I understand!"


On the other side, in the carriage, when the pursuers behind them disappeared, the Gao family father and son in the carriage finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, Gao Boyan finally thought of something.

"Where are we going?"

The groom outside the carriage said: "Don't worry, sir. I have been ordered to take you to a safe place."

"That's good."

Gao Boyan felt slightly relieved.

But after I calmed down and thought about it carefully, I felt more and more that something seemed strange somewhere?

"Dad, something doesn't seem right?"

At this time, Gao Hang, who had calmed down, also realized that there seemed to be something wrong!

Why are they running away?

Why did Prince Lin want to rob the prison?

After this jailbreak, wouldn't the Gao family become fugitives from now on?

As soon as this idea emerged, the Gao family and his son gradually realized that something serious was going on!

"Wait, stop!"

Gao Boyan spoke up.

At this time, the groom outside the carriage stopped his horse.

"Master Gao, we're here!"


Gao Boyan opened the car curtain with a vigilant look on his face, only to realize that they had arrived at... the Gao Family Manor!

Isn't this the place where their Gao family belongs?

Why are you here?

"His Royal Highness, I have been waiting for you inside for a long time!"

said the groom.

"Your Highness, why do you want to rob the prison?" Gao Boyan asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know, this old slave is just a groom!" said the groom.

At this moment, Gao Boyan had countless questions in his mind, but he still suppressed them.

"Let's go see His Royal Highness!"

Gao Boyan was going to go find His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and ask him clearly. If tonight's matter was not handled well, the Gao family would become fugitives in the future!

How can we gain a foothold in the future?

Gao Boyan took Gao Hang into the manor.

This is the manor of their Gao family, and they are very familiar with all the furnishings in the manor. It had been sealed, but it seemed that no one from the court was seen.

Could it be that...the lockdown has been lifted?

Just as the father and son were wondering, lights were on in the front hall.

It was already midnight and everything was dark.

When the father and son of the Gao family came to the front hall, they saw a crowd of figures in the front hall.

"His Royal Highness?"

Gao Boyan and his son walked into the courtyard and looked into the front hall.

However, they did not see the figure of Prince Lin. Instead, I saw a familiar figure.

An expressionless middle-aged man was sitting in the front hall, watching the two of them quietly.

When Gao Boyan and his son saw this middle-aged man, their expressions suddenly changed.

"Zhou, Zhou Yao?!"

"What, why is it you?!"


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