Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 23 Serving His Highness

Xiaozhuren is numb!

Why is it her again?

Hiding outside the door, Xiaozhu, who originally thought he could escape, suddenly and tragically discovered that he was being targeted by His Highness the Crown Prince again...

Your Highness must have done this on purpose? ! !

Xiaozhu, whose pretty face was red, was in a panic and at a loss.

The two maids on the side were startled and looked at each other quietly, both seeing a hint of jealousy in the other's eyes.

Your he really attracted to that new little girl?

In the past two days, His Highness specifically asked her to take care of changing clothes, and now he even needs that little girl to take care of him when taking a shower?

The two maids felt happy and a little jealous at the same time.

"Your Highness, isn't this inappropriate?"

A maid whispered: "Sister Xiaozhu has just arrived and is not familiar with it yet. If I don't serve your highness well..."

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand and interrupted the maid: "It's okay, this is all I guys go out."

Although the two maids hesitated, they did not dare to say anything more and left the room after putting down their things.

"Don't be stunned, be careful, and serve your highness well!"

Xiaozhu, who was hiding at the door, was pushed in.

Then, the maid outside the door closed the door thoughtfully.


Xiaozhu's heart was also in suspense, his face was red and his heart was beating wildly.

The dim bathroom was filled with heat and a faint fragrance, giving people a hazy feeling of ambiguity.

Lin Jiangnian looked at the helpless little maid standing in the room with interest.

I don't know why, every time I see her cautious, nervous and scared expression, I can't help but want to tease her.

"What are you still doing?"

Lin Jiangnian said playfully: "Why don't you come over quickly and help me change clothes and take a bath?"

Xiaozhu raised his head and glanced at Lin Jiangnian, then quickly lowered his head. After hesitating for a moment, he moved his steps and cautiously walked to Lin Jiangnian.

Under the hazy mist, the little maid's pink face is delicate and slightly tinged with baby fat, which is very cute. Especially the red skin, like a girl's spring tide, is extremely beautiful.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Xiaozhu was extremely nervous at this moment.

She has never served His Highness in a bath and has no experience. His Highness left her alone, thinking of what might happen next... Her little face turned as red as fire.

Nervous and panicked, his smart eyes were full of shyness. Take a few deep breaths and try to calm yourself down.

Xiaozhu, calm down... you can do it!

You are the maid of the palace, and it is your duty to serve His Highness.

You were rescued by Sister Zhiyuan. You must work hard to repay Sister Zhiyuan...

Thinking of this, Xiaozhu gradually calmed down.

"This slave is here to help you change your clothes and take a bath..."

Xiaozhu whispered, came to Lin Jiangnian, and tremblingly began to help His Royal Highness undress. The movements were still very unfamiliar, and due to nervousness, my trembling little hands failed to untie it successfully for a long time.

Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and looked at those small white hands groping up and down his chest... It didn't look like he was helping him take off his clothes, but rather like he was taking advantage of him.

Finally, after groping up and down for a while, she finally managed to untie it, then lowered her head and helped His Highness take off his coat with a blushing shyness.

Just when she took a deep breath and was about to continue helping His Highness undress, Lin Jiangnian suddenly stopped her.

"Forget it, stop."

Xiaozhu was startled and subconsciously looked up at Lin Jiangnian. But he shook his head and sighed: "You are too slow. By the time you finish taking off your clothes, the water will be cold..."

Xiaozhu's face turned red, but then he thought of something, turned pale from nervousness, and said in a panic: "Your Highness, slave, slave..."

She wanted to explain something, but Lin Jiangnian had already waved his hand: "Forget it, you go back and practice before you come back. Get out, I want to take a bath!"

From the beginning, Lin Jiangnian just wanted to tease her, and did not really intend to let her serve him.

Xiaozhu was startled, get out, get out?

His Highness does not want her...

"What? You still want to stay here and peek at my prince?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her.

"Huh? No, it's not..."


Xiao Zhu blushed and shook his head. Just when he was about to say something, he saw Lin Jiangnian suddenly start to take off his clothes.


Xiaozhu glanced at it, suddenly exclaimed, turned around shyly, and subconsciously wanted to run away.

"Remember to close the door!"

Lin Jiangnian's leisurely voice came from behind.


Until he stood outside the door, Xiaozhu was still breathing rapidly, almost jumping out of his chest! The scene I had just glimpsed appeared in my mind, my heart was messy, and my pretty face was so red that it could almost bleed.

But after gradually calming down, Xiaozhu suddenly thought of something... Wait, that's not right!

Your Highness, doesn’t His Highness want her to serve you?

She, she is His Highness's maid, how, how could she escape?

She ran out, who will serve His Highness?

Your Majesty, your Majesty, shouldn’t you be angry?

Thinking of this, Xiaozhu's expression changed again and he became trembling with fear.

In the bathroom, Lin Jiangnian took off his clothes and stepped into the bath.

When his body was soaked in hot water, the comfort that enveloped him made him unable to help but close his eyes.


There was a faint aroma permeating the hot water, as if some concentration spices had been added. Lin Jiangnian's skin was stimulated by soaking in the water. Lin Jiangnian felt more relaxed than ever before, as if the pores all over his body were relaxing.

Feeling comfortable all over.

Apart from……

Lin Jiangnian looked down.

He thought of something and sighed.

It was wronged!

Lin Jiangnian's mind quickly flashed the shy and nervous face of the little maid just now, trembling and waiting for the man to pick her.

The little maid probably didn't know that the more shy, weak and helpless she looked, the more she could stimulate the man's instinctive desire.

Lin Jiangnian thought he was a gentleman, but he almost couldn't control himself.

At a certain moment just now, he did have a crooked idea.

As the prince of Lin Wang who was ignorant and bullied men and women, it should be normal for him to sleep with a maid, right?

The little maid was waiting for his favor like a little white rabbit without resistance. As the prince of Lin Wang, Lin Jiangnian could not escape from his palm as long as he wanted...

Which cadre could withstand such a test?

But in the end, Lin Jiangnian still resisted the evil idea.

The pitiful appearance of the little maid made him hesitate to do it. An inexplicable sense of guilt surged in his heart, stimulating the little conscience that Lin Jiangnian had left.

More importantly, the desire for power in Lin Jiangnian's heart at that moment swelled and sprouted, which also made him suddenly wake up.

He is not the real prince of Lin Wang!

The status of the prince of Lin Wang almost made him lost!

Taking two deep breaths, Lin Jiangnian gradually calmed down. At present, he still had to be careful in the Prince of Lin's mansion. At least he couldn't be careless before his own danger was eliminated.

The words of Zhiyuan yesterday morning seemed to be a casual wake-up call, but in fact, wasn't it a warning to Lin Jiangnian?


Just when Lin Jiangnian was taking a comfortable bath. The door behind him suddenly opened again, and then a petite body carefully touched in.

Lin Jiangnian heard the sound and turned around, and saw the little maid who had come back.

Her face was red, and her eyes were shy and she didn't dare to look up. She walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

"Why are you back again?"

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised.

Xiao Zhu lowered her head, her face flushed red, and she didn't dare to look at the prince in the bathing pool.

The little face was full of tangled struggles. Finally, she took small steps to the side of the bathing pool, her voice trembling and weak.

"Slave, slave, come to serve the prince, the prince, take a bath..."


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