Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 420 The deadline is approaching and the drastic changes in the palace

In the dimly lit front hall, a middle-aged man was sitting quietly, seemingly waiting for a long time.

Wearing gray robes and surrounded by a shadowy aura, at this moment, the father and son of the Gao family were staring coldly at the courtyard with no expressions.

When the Gao family father and son walked into the courtyard, they immediately recognized the identity of the middle-aged man in the front hall.

At that time, Zhou Yao, the doctor in the official department of the dynasty!

At the same time, he was also the former subordinate of Gao Boyan!

This official doctor, who has not been seen for a long time, seems to have aged more than ten years during this time. His whole body is full of vicissitudes of life, his face is haggard, and his hair is gray. He is obviously only in his forties and in his prime, but he seems to have reached the age of knowing his destiny. age!

I am old!

The moment he saw Zhou Yao appear, Gao Boyan's eyelids twitched. He instantly realized something was wrong!

Why is Zhou Yao here?

Where is Prince Lin?

Gao Boyan quickly looked around, but he could not see the figure of Prince Lin. Instead, he saw more and more guards hiding in the darkness. Appeared from all directions, tightly surrounding the Gao family father and son.

The faces of the Gao family and his son changed drastically!

What's going on? !

"Dad, dad, he, who are they?!"

Gao Hang also realized that something was wrong. He looked at the guards who were surrounding them, glaring at them with evil expressions. His face changed drastically and his voice was slightly trembling: "Lin, where is His Royal Highness Prince Lin?!"

Gao Boyan's heart has already become cold!

When he discovered Zhou Yao's appearance, he realized something was wrong... This subordinate who used to be submissive in front of him now looked at him with cold eyes!

The reason is self-evident!

But even so, Gao Boyan still remained calm and did not show any timidity.

At the same time, there was still the last glimmer of hope in my heart, and I was thankful...the one who rescued them was Prince Lin!

There must be some misunderstanding in this. His Royal Highness Prince Lin will definitely not ignore them...

Thinking of this, Gao Boyan raised his eyes to look at Zhou Yao in the front hall and said calmly: "Master Zhou, why are you here?"

In the front hall.

Zhou Yao's face was always gloomy. He stared coldly at the father and son in the courtyard and said in a deep voice: "What do you think?"

Such a cold gaze made Gao Boyan's heart sink even more.

Sure enough, it was for him!

Are you here to avenge his damn son? !

Thinking of this, Gao Boyan was angry and his eyes were cold. If I had known earlier, I should have sent him to meet his damn son!

Now, Gao Boyan became more and more angry that this subordinate who used to be groveling to him in the court dared to treat him in such an attitude.

But at this moment, he had to suppress the coldness in his heart, a smile appeared on his face, and he slowly said: "Master Zhou, is there any misunderstanding in this?"

"Why are Lord Zhou here tonight? And... where is Prince Lin?"

Gao Boyan tried to be calm, thinking about the current situation and how to break it.

However, Zhou Yao in the front hall did not give him this chance. He stared at Gao Boyan coldly: "Gao Boyan, you don't have to keep pretending in front of me!"

"Tonight, I'm here for revenge!"

Zhou Yao's voice became deeper and deeper, with deep hatred in his tone: "I have been waiting for this day for a long time!"

"My son died tragically at the hands of the Gao family. It's time to settle the account!"

Gao Boyan's eyelids twitched suddenly, is this person named Zhou serious?

"Master Zhou, please calm down first... I understand your pain of losing your son, and I am deeply sorry for this matter. It was my failure to teach my son that led to the tragedy..."

Gao Boyan's face was full of sincerity and he said: "Now that Quan Zi is also dead, Mr. Zhou..."

"Gao Boyan, stop changing the subject for me!"

Before Gao Boyan could finish speaking, Zhou Yao had already interrupted him coldly, "Do you think that if you kill your son, this matter will be over?"

"Gao, you dare to attack your own son, you are worse than a beast, but my son's death is not over yet!"

Zhou Yao stared at him with resentful eyes. The Gao family had killed his only son and made him lose his son in old age. His last hope in life was shattered.

In the past few months, he has been thinking about revenge and seeking justice for his son with his own hands!

He had no chance before!

Gao Boyan killed Gao Wenyang with his own hands and clung to the third prince's high branch. Regarding the death of his son, he simply said that the debt of death will be wiped out!

How could Zhou Yao swallow this bad breath?

I couldn’t swallow it, but I had to swallow it temporarily!

But soon, the sky has eyes, the third prince's rebellion failed, and the Gao family fell to the bottom overnight, beating the drowned dog!

And he, Zhou Yao, had the opportunity to take revenge with his own hands!

At the moment, Zhou Yao stared coldly at the Gao family and his son in the courtyard, slowly stood up and walked towards the courtyard.

At the same time, the guards surrounding the Gao family and his son also drew their swords.

For a moment, the courtyard was filled with sword lights and murderous intent.

The faces of the Gao family father and son who were surrounded were completely pale.

"Dad, what should I do?"

Gao Hang was completely panicked at this time. He didn't expect such a situation at all!

He quickly looked at his father for help.

But at this moment, isn't Gao Boyan like this?

He never expected that he would encounter such a murderous intention just after he came out of prison.

He was not given any time or opportunity to think at all!

"Master Zhou, calm down first..."

At this moment, Gao Boyan could only try to persuade Zhou Yao: "The death of Hui Guang is indeed the fault of my Gao family. I hereby apologize to you and am willing to make up for and repay Mr. Zhou for all losses. No matter what conditions Mr. Zhou puts forward, I, Gao, Jiading will do his best to satisfy you and will never refuse..."


Zhou Yao's voice was hoarse and his tone was solemn. He stared coldly at the father and son in the courtyard: "From the day my son Hui Guang died, everything was too late... Hui Guang is my only son and the only bloodline of my Zhou family... "

"Gao Boyan, you made my Zhou family extinct!"

The expression on Zhou Yao's face became ferocious and full of resentment. He stared at Gao Boyan: "Today, I will also let you taste the pain of losing a son!"

"I also want your Gao family to die without descendants!"

"eye for eye!"

As soon as these words came out, Gao Boyan's expression suddenly changed, and he realized that there might really be no room for maneuver tonight.

And the one whose expression turned even uglier was... Gao Hang who was hiding behind Gao Boyan!

His face was pale and his eyes were round and staring.

Let his father experience the pain of losing a son?

Let his father cut off his children?


It's for him!

Gao Hang was horrified, no...what does this have to do with me? Why are you coming after me?

It was my third brother who killed your son. If you want revenge, go to my third brother!

If that doesn't work, you can just go to my father. What does it have to do with me?

"Dad, save me!"

Gao Hang was terrified and quickly called for help.

Gao Boyan's face was extremely ugly. He didn't expect Zhou Yao's revenge to be so vicious!

"Zhou Yao, don't bully others too much!"

"Too much bullying?!"

Zhou Yao stared at him coldly: "Where are you now?"

"Catch Gao Hang!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there were guards from all around who quickly stepped forward and pulled out Gao Hang from the courtyard!

"Dad, dad, please help me's none of my"

Gao Hang was so frightened that he quickly called for help, grabbing Gao Boyan's collar and refusing to let go: "Dad, please save me..."

"You... let go of my son!"

Gao Boyan looked shocked and angry, and shouted. Holding Gao Hang tightly, he angrily scolded the guards approaching around him.

After all, as a minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Gao Boyan had the aura that comes with being a high-ranking person all year round. He was not angry and had authority. This angry shout slightly shocked the guards next to him.

But then, a cold voice came from behind: "What are you doing standing there?!"

As soon as these words came out, the guards reacted again and continued to step forward to capture Gao Hang.

"Dad, save me..."

Gao Hang was horrified and still wanted to struggle desperately, but he, a pampered young master, could not struggle better than the guards at the hospital. He was quickly picked out by the guards and thrown in front of Zhou Yao.

Under the moonlight, Zhou Yao stared down at Gao Hang coldly from a high position. There was an extra sword in his hand under his robe!

The cold light is sharp!

"No, don't kill me..."

Gao Hang, who realized something, struggled and rolled on the ground desperately, trying to retreat, but was pinned to the ground by the guards on the side, unable to move.

"My son thought the same way at the time, but... did your Gao family let him go?!"

Zhou Yao's eyes were cold, filled with deep resentment, and he asked coldly: "I, the Zhou family, have never treated you Gao family badly, and treat your Gao family as one of our own... Why do you want to kill my son?!"

"Why do you want my son to become a victim of your grievances with the Crown Prince?!"

Zhou Yao was in tears, excited and furious!

He raised his sword and walked to Gao Hang.

The cold sword that was as sharp as clay approached, Gao Hang felt the threat of death, and he no longer had half of the image of the noble young master he used to be.

"Don't, don't kill me..."

"Help, help..."

"Please, don't, don't kill me... No, it's none of my business..."

Zhou Yao said nothing, raised his eyes and glanced at Gao Boyan coldly, then raised the sword in his hand.

The next second, he stabbed down suddenly!


With a sharp scream, the sword in Zhou Yao's hand pierced Gao Hang's thigh.

Gao Hang screamed repeatedly, his face twisted and ferocious: "Dad, dad, please save me..."

The sound is miserable, sharp and intimidating!

When Gao Boyan saw his son being hurt in this way, his eyes suddenly became extremely angry.

"Old Zhou, how dare you hurt my son?!"

"I will fight with you!"

Gao Boyan was extremely angry and immediately rushed towards Zhou Yao angrily, determined to fight him desperately!

"Sir, be careful!"

The guard next to him stood in front of Zhou Yao.

But at this moment, when the guards in the courtyard focused their attention on Mr. Zhou, Gao Boyan suddenly turned around, with extremely strong skills, and took advantage of the guards' confusion to rush out of the siege.

The guards in the courtyard seemed to have no idea that Gao Boyan actually possessed "martial arts"! He was caught off guard and actually let him break out.

Immediately afterwards, Gao Boyan didn't look back and ran away from the hospital as if desperately trying for his life!

This scene made everyone in the courtyard stunned for a moment!

Run, run away? !

Gao Boyan, who had just shouted to avenge his son, suddenly ran away without looking back?

Even Gao Hang didn't expect that his father would leave him and run away alone?

At this moment, the injury on my leg seemed to be less painful...


When Zhou Yao saw this scene, he didn't know what he thought of, but a sneer appeared on his face: "As expected of him!"

"A beast named Gao can even kill his own son, so how can he care about your life or death?"

"That beast of his always only has eyes for himself!"

"Want to run? Where can he run tonight?!"


Gao Boyan didn't even look back, he rolled and crawled like crazy and ran towards the outside of the manor!

He doesn't want to die!

Don't want to die here!

He must survive!

When no one was paying attention, he rushed out and ran outside as hard as he could!

This is his manor, and no one knows the structure of this manor better than him. Although he didn't know what was going on tonight, he had some vague guesses, but he was not sure.

He didn't have time to think so much, he had to survive first...

Thinking of this, this old man who is nearly fifty years old seems to be as energetic and agile as he was when he was young!

Gao Boyan also practiced martial arts when he was young, and his kung fu was not bad. Although I haven't practiced for many years, I still have some foundation.

Just as Gao Boyan ran desperately towards the outside of the manor, under the moonlight, several figures in black fish robes silently stopped in front of him.

Gao Boyan stopped, and when he saw the figures in black fish robes in front of him, a look of surprise appeared on his face... They were the same people who had desperately rescued him from the prison!

But the next second, Gao Boyan realized something was wrong...

Everything about tonight is wrong!



No one answered his words, and in the air, it seemed like someone slapped him in the air!

The next second, Gao Boyan's body seemed to have been hit hard, and he fell heavily to the ground with a 'bang'.

I felt dizzy and almost couldn't catch my breath.

At the same time, a cold and cruel voice sounded in his ears.

"Gao Boyan, the Minister of Civil Service, colluded with the third prince with the intention of treason. After being imprisoned, he teamed up with outsiders to escape from prison by pretending to be Mi Tiansi. This is a heinous crime..."

"During the arrest, the criminal Gao Boyan resisted with all his strength. In the end, he was killed on the spot by Mi Tiansi..."

A cold voice came.

In the darkness, Gao Boyan's world was spinning, and his heart completely sank to the bottom...

He finally realized that this was a game...a game that had been planned from the beginning!

And the people who are in charge of this game...

A handsome young man's face appeared in Gao Boyan's mind!

It's him!

Prince Lin!

Is it the Prince Lin who has never appeared before? !

Was all this planned by him a long time ago? !

Just to take his life? !

Gao Boyan's eyes were scarlet, wide open in anger!

At this moment, he finally figured everything out!

But, it's too late!

When Gao Boyan opened his eyes again, in the darkness, the cold light in front of him was approaching!

Gao Boyan's over!

All is lost!

Night falls.

Inside the manor.

The coldness of the past has been restored.

Zhou Yao stood in the courtyard, looking up at the moonlight. His old face seemed to be a little older.

He murmured to himself: "Hui Guang, dad finally avenged you..."

"It's time for your spirit in heaven to rest in peace!"

After gradually coming back to his senses, Zhou Yao slowly walked out of the hospital.

Outside the courtyard, there were several dark figures standing.

Zhou Yao approached slowly, and after a moment, his voice was low, mixed with some deep gratitude.

"Please go back and report to His Highness the Crown Prince. Zhou will not be able to repay today's kindness... In the future, His Highness the Crown Prince will use Zhou's place no matter how useful it is!"

"Zhou will go through fire and water, no matter what!"


The palace!

Night falls.

"Your Highness, something has happened in Jingzhao Mansion!"

In the hall, a general walked in quickly and reported the situation.

In front of the desk, Li Cunning's eyes wrinkled slightly after listening.

"prison Break?"

"Gao Boyan, why did you escape from prison?"

"We don't know the reason yet, but I'm afraid there are other forces secretly instigating it..."

Li Cunning's expression was calm.

Such a big thing happened in Beijing, so it was impossible for it to escape his eyes and ears.

But the Gao family...

Li Cunning recalled carefully that the Gao family and his third brother were too close, so this time the Gao family was in danger.

However, this is also the fate they deserve!

With the Gao family's connections in Beijing, who would be willing to help them rob the prison?

"Prison robbery?"

Li Cunning thought thoughtfully: "Check, what's going on!"


The general left in a hurry.

The palace fell into silence again.

Li Cunning slowly stood up, walked out of the hall, and looked up at the moonlit sky. On his pale and weak face, he didn't know what he was thinking, and his eyes were deep.

Until, another voice suddenly sounded.

"Your Highness..."

"Your Majesty has summoned you and Her Royal Highness the Princess to come over to discuss important matters!"

As soon as this voice came out, Li Cunning turned around suddenly.


Li Cunning's eyes became solemn.

Father, summon him and Miao Miao?

this late?


For some reason, Li Cunning suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Let's go to the Health Palace!"

Li Cunning walked quickly towards the Health Palace.

Outside the health palace!

The lights were brightly lit, and there were many imperial guards guarding the hall.

These Imperial Guards are all the closest and most trusted experts around the Emperor Father. Without the order of the Emperor Father, even Li Cunning, the Crown Prince, cannot trespass.

When Li Cunning arrived outside the Health Palace, the eldest princess in a white dress had already arrived.


Li Cunning quickly stepped forward and walked to the eldest princess: "Are you entering the palace too?"


Li Piaomiao said calmly: "My father called me here."

Li Cunning's expression was slightly condensed: "Father, you have summoned us two here so late. What's the important matter?"

"have no idea."

Li Piaomiao spoke coldly.

His beautiful eyes fell on the palace, and he was silent for a while.

"But, something's not right!"

Hearing this, Li Cunning's heart sank.

Obviously, Pianmiao and him seemed to have the same idea.

"Let's go see Father!"

Li Cunning spoke and walked into the health palace.

In the health palace, it was quiet and peaceful, and the air was filled with the scent of sandalwood.

Quite a bit of a health-preserving realm!

In front of the courtyard and outside the main hall, Chen Zhaozheng, who was wearing a gray robe and with a stooped figure, was standing there quietly. He bent down and said in a deep voice: "Old slave, I have met His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and His Highness the Eldest Princess!"

Li Cunning looked at him coldly and walked towards the palace without saying a word.

However, Li Miaomiao paused slightly, and her cold eyes fell on Chen Zhao. After looking at it for a few times, his eyes were still calm.

Immediately, he walked away.

Chen Zhao still stood there, hunched over, like an extremely obedient old slave, with a calm expression on his wrinkled, old face.

Your Majesty is in seclusion and no one is allowed to come near!

Li Cunning and Li Miaomiao stepped into the inner hall, walked into the secret passage, walked through the corridor under the dim lights, and reached the deepest part of the secret room!

The place where the emperor retreated.

In the secret room, Emperor Ning was still sitting quietly on the futon, waiting for the two of them to arrive.


Li Cunning quickly stepped forward and came to Emperor Ning.

When he saw Emperor Ning's current state, he was shocked: "Father, you..."

On the futon, Emperor Ning seemed to have regained some strength. He raised his head with some difficulty and looked at the two people in front of him.

"You guys are here?"

Compared to before today, Emperor Ning seemed weaker and more haggard today.

Weak, as if he might die at any moment!


Li Cunning suddenly realized why his father summoned him so late! It has only been a few days, but my father's condition has become more serious again?

"I feel like the big time is approaching..."

Emperor Ning seemed to have difficulty speaking, his voice was low, with a hint of deep exhaustion.

He had already anticipated that he didn't have much time left!

Hearing this, Li Cunning's heart sank and his eyes turned red: "Father, how could this happen?!"

He had long expected that his father's end might be approaching, but he did not expect that it would come in such a hurry.

It has only been a few days and it has deteriorated to this?

Emperor Ning raised his hand and waved it with difficulty: "I have expected it... On this day, what is supposed to come will come after all!"

Having said this, Emperor Ning paused for a moment, then looked at Li Cunning: "From now on, I will leave the Li family's empire in your hands..."

"From now on, I can no longer give you advice. Everything depends on you..."

Li Cunning looked sad. He knew that his father was making arrangements for his future affairs!

The real funeral!

"Father, I can do it!"

Li Cunning gritted his teeth and said: "I will definitely not let down my father's trust and expectations... I will definitely let the Daning Dynasty continue for eternity and live up to the ancestors of the Li family!"

Emperor Ning's eyes were filled with relief, "Your words are enough... I hope you won't disappoint me!"

"Also... from now on, don't be too soft-tempered..."

"You are too soft and cannot subdue them... Those people from the aristocratic family are all cannibals. You must be more ruthless than them in order to subdue them..."

"They can also be used by you..."

"What you have to watch out for is always the two kings with different surnames in the north and south..."

"The military power in their hands will always be a knife hanging over the head of our Li family... I will never die with my eyes closed..."


A secret room under dim lights.

It seemed that Emperor Ning's life was really about to come to an end, and he began to explain his funeral arrangements.

Every time a dynasty changes power, it will cause great chaos and bloodshed.

For Li Cunning, the obstacles before him have almost been cleared. The biggest threat to the third prince is gone, and it will be almost no difficulty for him to ascend the throne!

But at the same time, the crisis waiting for him ahead becomes more and more serious!

The powerful ministers in the court are from different parties, the children of aristocratic families, there are many sects in the world, and the biggest threat... two kings with different surnames!

For Li Cunning, perhaps the most fortunate thing at the moment is that the two kings with different surnames from the north and the south are at odds with each other, and it is unlikely that they will unite...

Otherwise, the power of the Daning Dynasty may disappear in an instant!

In the secret room.

Li Piaomiao stood quietly in the corner, like a sculpture without any emotional waves. He turned a blind eye to everything that was happening in front of him.

The crown prince is about to succeed to the throne, and the emperor's deadline is approaching, so he secretly conveys his will.

Li Piaomiao just listened quietly without any reaction.

Until the night gets deeper!

After everything was told, Emperor Ning seemed to be completely relieved and breathed a deep sigh of relief.

He had taught the prince everything he could.

He also told the prince who was about to ascend the throne all the secret moves he had made over the years, as well as some plans that he had not yet had time to deploy.

He placed all his hopes on him.

Li Cunning listened quietly, but the emotions in his heart fell to the bottom bit by bit.

He raised his head and looked at the extremely old father in front of him, as if he might die at any time. He suppressed the sadness in his heart and nodded: "Father, my child will definitely live up to your trust..."

"Go ahead, get ready first."

Emperor Ning nodded, seeming a little tired.

"While I still have a few days to live, prepare in advance... to ensure that nothing unexpected happens by then!"

"That's all I can help you with!"

Li Cunning's eyes turned red and he took a deep breath: "Father, I can do it!"

After that, Li Cunning stood up and left.

Although he still wanted to stay with his father, he was aware of the current situation.

Once the father passes away, the news will definitely not be concealed. He must clear all obstacles as quickly as possible after his father's death, ascend to the throne, and stabilize the situation in Beijing!

When the news of his father's death is announced to the world, he is not sure what will happen in the Daning Dynasty. He is not sure whether the peace that his father has maintained over the years will be broken!

Therefore, he must stabilize the situation in Beijing as soon as possible and make room to maintain order within the dynasty!

"Piaomiao, you stay first!"

The prince took his leave first and left the secret room, while Li Miaomiao was left behind.

Li Piaomiao looked cold and seemed not surprised by this.

Emperor Ning rested for a long time, and finally seemed to have regained some strength and raised his head.

"Pianmiao, do you know why my father left you behind?"

Li Piaomiao was silent for a moment and nodded.

"You are indeed my father's smartest child..."

"It would be great if you were a man..."

Emperor Ning still couldn't help but sigh.

Li Miaomiao's expression remained unchanged. She had heard these words many times and understood what her father meant.

If she had been a man, maybe she would be the one shouldering the fate of the dynasty now!

Lucky or unlucky?

She didn't know, she didn't feel anything.

"Your imperial brother, your personality is the biggest hidden danger after all..."

After Emperor Ning sighed with emotion, he slowly spoke: "In the future, I hope you can assist him well..."

"I sent you to Kendo since you were young, firstly for training, and secondly for other purposes... There are also chess pieces that I have laid out over the years in Kendo, and they come in handy at critical moments..."

Emperor Ning spoke slowly, his voice gradually getting smaller and smaller.

Until the end, as if he had exhausted all his strength, he raised his head and stared at Li Pianmiao, asking each word.

"What Father asked you last time..."

"How are you thinking about it?!"



There was silence in the secret room.

Li Miaomiao quietly looked at his father in front of him. He was old, haggard, and dying!

At this moment, he has long lost the high-spirited and imperial look he had more than ten years ago. Today, he is no different from other old people who are about to be buried.

Emperor Ning's eyes were full of expectation and hope.

It's like an old father's last request for his daughter!

One last thought!

Li Piaomiao was silent for a long time before speaking: "I don't know."

There was still hesitation in her tone.

There was also an indescribable emotion.

Emperor Ning's eyes dimmed instantly, as if he didn't expect that at this time, Piaomiao would still refuse!

For Li Piaomiao, there is no definite answer, which is actually equivalent to having an answer.


After another half while, Li Miaomiao suddenly said: "He wants to see you."

"See me?"

Emperor Ning was silent for a moment, then said in a low voice: "Is he trying to test whether I am still alive?"

Li Piaomiao didn't say anything. She also knew Lin Jiangnian's purpose.

However, this plan has no solution!

Once suspicion arises, it is difficult to dispel his suspicion no matter what you do. Unless... you can see it with your own eyes.

"That's fine..."

After Emperor Ning was silent for a while, he murmured: "This boy is just like Lin Hengzhong, he is not simple... If I hadn't seen him, I'm afraid he would have guessed something. In this case..."

"Then let me meet him!"

Emperor Ning spoke.

Li Miaomiao suddenly raised her eyes, a little stunned, as if she didn't expect that her father really wanted to see him?

"He came to Beijing this time for this matter. I really can't explain it without seeing him!"

Emperor Ning's deep and sunken eyes were calm and calm: "I haven't been able to live well for a few days. Now count how many days I can hide it, and buy more time for Ci Ning... It can be regarded as the last thing I do for you. matter!"

Having said this, Emperor Ning raised his eyes and looked at Li Mianmiao: "Tomorrow, summon him to the palace."

"I'm here to see him!"

Li Piaomiao was a little stunned, as if she didn't expect that her father would really want to see Lin Jiangnian.

However, with what my father looks like now...if I really see him, wouldn't it reveal something even more?

Seeming to see Li Mianmiao's doubts, Emperor Ning said calmly: "I don't necessarily want to see him... I just need to let him know that I am still alive, that's enough!"

Li Piaomiao understood everything instantly!

The fact that my father is still alive is a shock to everyone!

Even if you haven’t seen it with your own eyes!

But as long as the news spreads that my father is alive, that will be enough!

"You go down too and let me stay by myself for a while!"

Emperor Ning's tone changed, and he sighed and spoke.


She spoke calmly.

Then he turned around and prepared to leave.

However, as soon as he took a step, he stopped again.

"Anything else?"

Emperor Ning raised his eyes and saw that Li Miaomiao's expression remained as usual. He looked at Emperor Ning: "Father, Chen Zhao..."

Li Miaomiao was about to say something when he saw that Emperor Ning's eyes were calm and showed no signs of surprise.

She was slightly startled and realized something instantly.

"Leave him alive for now."

Emperor Ning's voice was low: "He is kind to me after all. Without him, I wouldn't be alive now..."

"You decide for yourself how to deal with it in the future."

Li Piaomiao understands!

She remained silent and nodded.

Turn around and leave.

After Li Miaomiao left, the secret room fell into an eerie silence again.

The atmosphere was frozen, as if the air was no longer flowing.

Until, a long time later.

"come in."

Emperor Ning's voice was low and hoarse.

After a while, the door to the secret room next to him slowly opened. A hunched figure in gray robe and mandarin jacket walked in, it was Chen Zhao.

"His Majesty!"

Chen Zhao hunched his body and spoke.

Emperor Ning raised his eyes and stared quietly at the old eunuch in front of him who had been with him for more than twenty years.

Over the past twenty years, this person had been loyal to him, responded to his requests, and won his heart.

He is the most trusted and closest person to Emperor Ning!

But at the same time, he is also aware of the things he has done over the years... It stands to reason that he should have died thousands of times!

However, Emperor Ning did not kill him after all!

Just a eunuch!

No matter what, it will not pose any threat to the Li family dynasty!

After Emperor Ning stared at him for a while, he sighed deeply: "I don't have long to live. After I die, the prince will not let you go."

Having said this, Emperor Ning glanced at him: "Sooner or later, the prince will find out what you people have done."

When Chen Zhao heard this, his body trembled violently.

After a while, he spoke in a hoarse voice: "If His Royal Highness wants to kill me, I will have no regrets..."

Emperor Ning stared at him for a while and then said, "Then, would you like to be buried with me in the mausoleum?"

Chen Zhao's body seemed to be even more stooped: "I am willing to follow Your Majesty life and death!"

"Under the underworld, this old slave will still serve His Majesty!"

A strange smile appeared on Emperor Ning's face, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

"You have been by my side for so many years, how could I really let you be buried with me!"

Having said this, Emperor Ning sighed deeply.

"Grind it for me, I..."

"It's time to make a will!"


A dimly lit secret room.

Emperor Ning, who used to be tall and mighty in the past, is now extremely thin. The yellow robe that originally fit him now looks extremely loose.

Emperor Ning, who had a weak breath all over his body, sat quietly at the table and slowly started writing.

After a while, stop writing!

The edict has been completed!

The content of the edict is also very simple. It is just passed on to the eldest son, the Crown Prince, His Royal Highness, and at the same time, it is announced to the world and handles the funeral affairs!

Chen Zhao stood quietly aside, speechless. It was not until Emperor Ning finished writing that he handed over the jade seal.

The jade seal fell, and this edict was completely formed!

The last thought in Emperor Ning's heart was fulfilled.

"I'm so unwilling!"

Emperor Ning squinted his eyes and muttered to himself.

He is obviously still young and there are still so many things waiting for him to do. However, it finally had to come to this point.

In a daze, he seemed to remember more than ten years ago, and also recalled the scenery of his youth! At that time, he was high-spirited and ambitious, and was determined to fulfill the last wish that several generations of emperors had failed to fulfill, and create a peaceful and prosperous age where the world would be unified!

Finally, he succeeded!

His life can be considered brilliant and successful! Even if he is under Jiuquan, he is worthy of the ancestors of the Li family!

Life is like a revolving lantern, and memories of the past are constantly recalled in Emperor Ning's mind.

He thought again of his personal expedition during the Southern Expedition, the time that changed his life and destiny!

At that time, the dynasty's soldiers and horses had the biggest collision with the southern Xinjiang countries, and the stalemate lasted for several months. Emperor Ning was conducting the expedition in person, and his morale was high. The situation was about to be broken, and the situation was overwhelming.

Emperor Ning was assassinated!

The appearance of a mysterious master almost killed him!

That mysterious master has extremely profound martial arts skills and is almost at the top level of a first-class master! The masters of the bodyguards around Emperor Ning worshiped him, and no one could stop him!

If Lin Hengzhong hadn't risked his life to save him, Emperor Ning might have died on the spot!

But even so, I didn't expect to be poisoned... and ended up like this!

Do you regret it?


"Thank you for all your hard work these years!"

Emperor Ning's aura seemed to be getting weaker and weaker. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at Chen Zhao, who was always stooped next to him: "If you hadn't worked so hard these years to save my life, I'm afraid I would have died long ago!"

Over the years, if Chen Zhao hadn't been helping him find a way to extend his life, Emperor Ning would have died long ago!

Because of this, even though he knew what Chen Zhao had done secretly over the years, Emperor Ning always turned a blind eye!

As long as the bottom line is not touched, it doesn't matter in Emperor Ning's eyes!

Chen Zhao said calmly: "This is what an old slave should do."

"I, I want to ask you something..."

Emperor Ning suddenly stared at Chen Zhao and asked.

Chen Zhaodao: "Excuse me, Your Majesty!"

"What's your purpose for doing this?"

Emperor Ning looked at him quietly.

The Chen Zhao in front of him has been acting recklessly in the court over the years, killing Zhongliang at will, using Mi Tiansi to win over power, and his power is overwhelming!

This move is tantamount to wanting the eunuchs to disrupt the government!

But the problem is...

If he only wanted power, Emperor Ning would have given him everything he wanted.

But after he gained power, he was still not satisfied and caused more turmoil in the court.

Countless people died at his hands!

More importantly, if he really wants to dominate the court, his biggest opponents are the third prince and the prince!

But unfortunately, he had a grudge against the prince, but he never dealt with the prince.

On the other side, Emperor Ning also knew that Chen Zhao had contacts with the third prince. Even though he was secretly acquiescing to all this!

But, on the night when the third prince rebelled...

Chen Zhao didn't make any movement!

He seemed to have completely forgotten that the third prince was his ally, and had no intention of helping him.

This made Emperor Ning confused!

What does he want? !

Facing Emperor Ning's questioning, Chen Zhao still lowered his head, his rickety figure shrouded in a loose robe.

He raised his head slightly, revealing an equally old face.

"This old slave has no purpose. I just hope that Your Majesty can live for a few more years!"

Emperor Ning frowned, as if he didn't understand.

"For these years, I have always hoped that Your Majesty could live longer..."

"Unfortunately, it backfired!"

Chen Zhao sighed deeply.

Then, his originally calm eyes seemed to have a little more color. Quietly staring at the dying and extremely weak Emperor Ning in front of him: "If Your Majesty dies too soon..."

"The old slave's plan is not easy to handle!"

As soon as these words came out, Emperor Ning's eyes narrowed, "What do you mean?"

Chen Zhao didn't say anything, but looked at the edict he had just written on the table.

Immediately afterwards, he stepped forward and picked up the imperial edict on the table.

Then, under Emperor Zhao's increasingly solemn and horrified gaze, Chen Zhao placed the edict on the candlelight next to him.

The candle will soon light the edict!

Not long after, the newly written edict was burned cleanly!

Under the firelight, Chen Zhao's calm face was reflected, but at this moment, a hint of grimness appeared.

His voice was still neither cold nor cold, hoarse and low. Quietly looking at Emperor Ning who was looking increasingly stunned and weak, he sighed.

"Your Majesty, you shouldn't have died so early..."


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