Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 423 You are not the father!

Jiang Mansion.

In the front hall.

The atmosphere was dull.

The maids and servants of the house were cautious. Although the weather was sunny today, the air seemed to be getting a bit colder.

And all this is just because an uninvited guest came to Jiang Mansion today!

A figure that no one expected.

In the front hall.

The atmosphere was tense.

A beautiful figure dressed in white stood quietly under the eaves.

Looking from a distance, this plain white dress gives people a cold and glamorous temperament.

Just taking a few more glances is enough to make you feel chilly!

Many maids and servants in the house were hiding in the distance, cautiously looking over from time to time.

His curious eyes fell on this beautiful but cold face, and he couldn't help but marvel in his heart.

At the same time, he and his companions were talking quietly.

"Is this the eldest princess in the palace?"

"This is even more beautiful and stunning than the legend..."

"It's too cold. She glanced at me when she came here just now. You know, I feel like I'm about to die..."

"Why did the eldest princess come to our Jiang Mansion today?"

"Nonsense, of course you are here to see our Highness!"

"Ah? The eldest princess has such a distinguished status that she actually comes to see His Highness in person?"

"...As you said, doesn't our Highness have a noble status? No matter how noble the eldest princess is, isn't she also His Highness's fiancée?"

"When you marry our Highness in the future, won't you also have to be next to His Highness?"

"Yes, that makes sense..."


The maids and servants of the house were hiding in the courtyard, quietly observing the legendary eldest princess, with surprise and wonder in their eyes, and at the same time quietly touching and pointing, guessing the purpose of the eldest princess's visit today.

After all, this is the first time in history!

It has been several months since His Highness came to the capital, but this is the first time that the eldest princess has taken the initiative to visit... Does this mean that good things are coming for His Highness and the eldest princess?

And just as the maid and servants were making speculations, in the front hall.

Li Miaomiao turned a blind eye and stood quietly on the eaves, her temperament still cold.

In the front hall, Jiang's mother and Jiang Yuxiang finally hurried over after learning the news.

Jiang Ningkang went out early and came back late during this period. Although the third prince's rebellion case has come to an end, it had a far-reaching impact. Jiang Ningkang, who was in the sixth film, was still affected.

Although he is only a marginal figure, and with the Jiangnan Jiang family's background, there won't be any problems, but he is indeed very busy and rarely has time to start a family.

Therefore, the task of entertaining the distinguished guests was naturally handed over to Jiang Mu, the hostess of Jiang Mansion.

Mother Jiang was a little surprised when she heard that the servants had come to report that the eldest princess came to visit in person!

Princess, why did you suddenly come to visit me?

Are you here to find Jiang Nian? !

After a brief surprise, Mother Jiang hurried over to greet her!

At the same time, I was wondering... could the eldest princess come to discuss marriage?

Jiang's mother didn't know what happened between Lin Jiangnian and the eldest princess, so she didn't think too much about it.

She was naturally extremely happy to see the eldest princess visiting the house in person. Jiang Nian is not young anymore, and it is indeed time to talk about marriage.

But at the same time, Jiang's mother was a little uneasy. She heard rumors in Beijing that the eldest princess had a bad personality and was extremely difficult to get along with... If Jiang Nian marries her, will life be difficult in the future?

Jiang Yuxiang, who came with Jiang's mother, was very surprised.

Still a little shocked and stunned!

She was the one who knew Lin Jiangnian's thoughts best. The brat had always said that he wanted to break off the engagement with the eldest princess. He would never marry the eldest princess.

To this end, a series of things have been done.

Jiang Yuxiang didn't know exactly what happened next, but Lin Jiangnian had promised her many times that he would not marry the eldest princess!

Over there they were swearing, but here... someone came to the door?

What does this mean?

The majestic princess, with a distinguished status, takes the initiative to visit her fiancé's house before she even gets married. What this means... it's self-evident!

Why don't you want to marry? !

If you don’t want to marry, will someone come to you?

They're all delivered to your door... That brat is still talking nonsense, isn't he?

Jiang Yuxiang's eyes were complicated and he was angry. As expected, that brat still had something to hide from her. He had to teach her a lesson later!

Jiang Yuxiang was thinking angrily, but at this moment Jiang's mother stepped forward with a look of joy on her face: "I have met Her Royal Highness, the eldest princess!"

"I wonder why Her Royal Highness, the eldest princess, came to visit you personally today?"

The eldest princess looked cold and glanced at the middle-aged lady in front of her!

Jiang Ningkang's wife, the hostess of the Jiang Mansion, and Lin Jiangnian's second aunt!

His eyes glanced over and fell on the still charming young woman behind Jiang's mother.

The eldest princess glanced around quietly.

"Your Highness the Princess!"

A smile also appeared on Jiang Yuxiang's face: "Her Royal Highness the Princess is here to visit in person. Please take a seat!"

She was already familiar with the eldest princess and had met several times in the palace before.

"No need!"

The eldest princess spoke with a calm tone: "I'm looking for Lin Jiangnian!"

Jiang's mother was startled by her cold and harsh words.

I have long heard that the eldest princess has a bad temper and is unkind. This current contact is indeed like this...

If Jiang Nian marries her, will he be able to subdue her?

Mother Jiang couldn't help but feel slightly worried.

"Jiang Nian shouldn't have gotten up yet!"

Mother Jiang spoke softly: "I have already called for someone to call her. Your Royal Highness, the eldest princess, will wait a moment."

The eldest princess said nothing and nodded expressionlessly.

Immediately, the air seemed to freeze.

Mother Jiang was stunned on the spot, not knowing what to say for a moment.

It's hard to communicate!

The eldest princess's cold tone made people have no urge to communicate with her at all.

Is this eldest princess really a normal person?

Jiang's mother couldn't help turning her head to look at Jiang Yuxiang, looking for help.

Jiang Yuxiang sighed softly in her heart. Her sister-in-law's reaction was as expected.

In this world, few people can communicate normally with this eldest princess. Even her biological mother, the empress of the dynasty, complained to her more than once.

"Your Highness the Princess..."

Jiang Yuxiang said, "Jiang Nian will be here later. Come in and sit down first. It's cold outside!"

"Need not."

The eldest princess spoke, her tone neither cold nor indifferent.

The refusal was straightforward.

She stood under the eaves like a cold statue.

With flying black hair, stunning appearance, and plain white dress.

Simple yet elegant yet otherworldly!

It makes people almost afraid to look directly, and even has the urge to worship.

"I haven't been in the palace for some time. I wonder how the Queen is doing now?"


"The Queen is not in good health. Have you had a good rest during this time?"



Jiang Yuxiang opened his mouth and fell silent!

Can't communicate.

Can't communicate at all!

Mother Jiang and Jiang Yuxiang looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

Mother Jiang took two steps closer and came to Jiang Yuxiang's side. She couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "Here, has this eldest princess always been like this?"


Jiang Yuxiang sighed.

"This... how can she communicate with others like this?"

Mother Jiang was surprised.

Jiang Yuxiang shook his head and sighed: "She usually doesn't communicate with others."

Mother Jiang was silent.

After a while, he said: "Then, if Jiang Nian marries her back, won't it still be like this?"

Jiang Yuxiang's eyes were a little complicated and he hesitated: "But, it's possible..."

"Can Jiang Nian conquer her?"

"Hard to say……"


Under the eaves.

Li Piaomiao's expression remained unchanged!

However, those cold and unchanging eyes glanced at Mother Jiang and Jiang Yuxiang who were whispering to each other not far away.

He frowned slightly, then quickly relaxed.

Calm again!

When Lin Jiangnian rushed to the front hall, he saw a strange scene in the front hall.

Under the eaves of the front hall, the eldest princess who came to visit was standing there upright, with a cold face, as if she had been left out!

It looks a little pitiful.

On the other side, Mother Jiang and her aunt were gathering together, whispering something from time to time. Their eyes were full of worry and anxiety.

But in the front hall, there was silence.

Even the maids and servants not far away stayed away, only daring to watch quietly.

This scene is indeed extremely strange!

For those who don't know, you might also think that Jiang Mansion doesn't treat guests well, and the dignified princess came to the door in person, but was left out in the cold.

But actually……

Lin Jiangnian took a look and thought he understood what was going on!

...It is the eldest princess who has isolated everyone!

"Jiang Nian!"

When the atmosphere in the front hall became strange and solemn, Mother Jiang and Jiang Yuxiang finally felt relieved and breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Lin Jiangnian appearing.

"You are finally here!"

"Aunt, aunt!"

Lin Jiang young called out, walked into the front hall, and said hello to the two of them.

Then, he raised his eyes to look at the eldest princess under the eaves of the front hall. Seeing that her expression was as usual, cold and calm, Lin Jiangnian seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"Your Highness, Princess, are you quite on time?"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang's mother and Jiang Yuxiang looked at each other.

What's the meaning?

This guy actually talks to the princess like this?

Jiang Yuxiang was even more angry... Sure enough, this brat had been secretly in contact with the princess.

Listen to this tone, listen to these words... 'very punctual'?

Doesn't this mean that the two of them have always been in contact?

Contact me secretly and say you don’t want to marry?

Liar, right?

If the eldest princess hadn't been there, Jiang Yuxiang would have gone up and asked him why he didn't want to marry!

After hearing Lin Jiangnian's words, Li Pianmiao looked at Lin Jiangnian expressionlessly.

Not a word was spoken.

Although there was no expression, Lin Jiangnian vaguely felt a hint of... emotional fluctuations from the eldest princess!

Not happy? !

However, Lin Jiangnian was quite happy!

He just said it casually and deliberately the day before yesterday, and he didn't expect that Li Miaomiao would actually come to the door in person.

Unexpectedly, she actually came!

The fact that the eldest princess came to the door in person meant that she... compromised?

This somewhat surprised Lin Jiangnian!

At the same time as he was surprised, he was also keenly aware of something: "The princess came to see my prince today because..."

Lin Jiangnian's eyes flickered and he spoke.

The eldest princess did not speak, but raised her eyes slightly to glance at Mother Jiang and Jiang Yuxiang behind him.

Jiang Mu and Jiang Yuxiang also reacted at this time.

"Jiang Nian, then you have a good chat with the princess, and we'll go there first!"

Mother Jiang and Jiang Yuxiang's eyes intertwined for a moment, and then they left smartly and consciously.

Not only Jiang Mu and Jiang Yuxiang, but also other maids and servants in the courtyard were missing.

At this time, Li Miaomiao looked at him calmly: "Father, I want to see you!"

Hearing the news, Lin Jiangnian didn't breathe a sigh of relief.

On the contrary, it is...a bit more solemn!

Emperor, are you finally planning to show up?


Why does it feel like there's something weird about this?

Lin Jiangnian was thoughtful.

Judging from all the previous clues, Lin Jiangnian could almost conclude that there must be something wrong with the emperor who was in seclusion!

Basically the same thing!

But today, Li Miaomiao suddenly came to the door and really brought news... The emperor wanted to see him!

Lin Jiangnian was even more wary!

Something's wrong!

The emperor is still alive?

Still want to see him?

This was a situation that Lin Jiangnian wanted to see. He finally had the opportunity to meet the emperor and confirm with his own eyes whether he was dead or alive.

However, the letter sent by Chen Changqing this morning made Lin Jiangnian extra vigilant!

Chen Zhao summoned Mitiansi masters to secretly enter the capital to prove that something big must have happened in the capital!

It has something to do with the emperor!

And it was at this time that the eldest princess, who had been delaying and shirking for several days in the past, suddenly appeared and said that the emperor wanted to see him!

This had to make Lin Jiangnian wonder... could this be a game?

A conspiracy against him? !

Thoughts quickly flashed through Lin Jiangnian's mind. He looked at the eldest princess in front of him quietly, his expression unchanged, and a smile appeared on his lips: "Your Majesty, are you finally willing to see me?"

"It's not easy, so what do I need to prepare?"

Li Pianmiao looked at him quietly: "There is no need to prepare anything."

"Wouldn't it be bad for my prince to meet His Majesty like this?"


The two looked at each other for a moment.




Lin Jiangnian withdrew his gaze, suppressed all the emotions in his eyes, and returned to calm.

"Let's go."

The eldest princess said no more nonsense, turned and walked towards the door.

Lin Jiangnian followed her, but just a few steps away, Lin Jiangnian suddenly spoke again.


The eldest princess paused slightly.

At this moment, as if she had a premonition, she looked back slightly, and her eyes fell on the corridor of the side hall.

I caught a glimpse of a cold figure.

Li Miaomiao narrowed her eyes slightly and watched Lin Jiangnian walk to the pavilion corridor and see the cold figure in front of him.

Her eyes fell on the figure's face and she stared at it quietly for a few moments.

At the same time, the cold figure under the eaves also looked at her with cold eyes.

Eyes meet, look at each other!

a long time!

Li Piaomiao looked away. From the beginning to the end, there was no emotion on his face.

At this time, Lin Jiangnian had already approached the girl under the eaves.

"Zhiyuan, why are you here?"

Zhiyuan said nothing, with a cold face. She glanced away at the eldest princess and fell on Lin Jiangnian.

Stare at him quietly.

Zhiyuan, who was still angry with him this morning, suddenly appeared here on her own initiative.

it goes without saying.

"I want to follow her into the palace to meet the emperor!"

Lin Jiangnian laughed and explained: "Whether that emperor is dead or alive will be revealed today."

Zhiyuan said nothing, her face still cold, but there was a hint of worry in her beautiful eyes.

"I am okay!"

Young Lin Jiang held her little hand, but Zhi Yuan threw it away with a cold face.

"Are you still angry?"

Lin Jiangnian reached out and pinched her cheek again, and said with a chuckle: "If you don't get angry when I come back, can you help me with something now?"

Zhiyuan said nothing and looked at him.

Lin Jiangnian thrust a token into Zhiyuan's hand from under his sleeve. Then he came closer and whispered something in Zhiyuan's ear.

After listening, Zhiyuan's face changed slightly and she stared at him solemnly.

"very dangerous?!"

"Not sure, even if it's an insurance..."

Lin Jiangnian looked relaxed and looked at Zhiyuan's fair and delicate face in front of him. He leaned slightly closer and kissed her on the cheek.

Then he chuckled and said: "Your Highness's life is in your hands!"

Zhiyuan's face turned red, she took a step back and glared at him with shameful eyes.

But then, a look of deep worry appeared on his face.

After a while, he said: "Be careful!"

"I will."

Lin Jiangnian nodded, waved his hand, turned around, and left the Jiang Mansion with the eldest princess in the courtyard.

Zhiyuan stood there, watching Lin Jiangnian's disappearing figure, his rosy face gradually becoming deserted.

She lowered her eyes and looked at the token in her hand that Lin Jiangnian thrust into her hand, still a little warm.

The eyes are complicated.

After a while, she gradually returned to being expressionless.

Turn around.

A sharp look flashed in her cold beautiful eyes.

"Call Lin Qingqing and Lin Kong!"


Outside Jiang Mansion.

A luxurious carriage was parked quietly on the ground outside the mansion.

The eldest princess left the Jiang Mansion and got on the carriage.

Lin Jiangnian was left standing outside, hesitating whether he should go up or not, when the voice of the maid from the princess palace came from the side.

"Your Highness, would you please get in the carriage?"

Lin Jiangnian took a look at the maid. She looked familiar. He had seen her before at the princess mansion.

But why is it her today?

What about splendor and tranquility?

However, Lin Jiangnian didn't ask any more questions, got on the carriage and got behind the curtain.

The maid from the princess's palace got on the carriage and drove the carriage towards the palace.

In the carriage!

The fragrance lingers!

It can be seen that this should be the car used by the eldest princess to travel.

The interior decoration of the car is extremely simple, but everything is exquisite, which is quite similar to the temperament of this eldest princess.

The eldest princess sat quietly in the carriage, closing her eyes and concentrating.

After Lin Jiangnian got on the carriage, he sat opposite her and looked at her.

The eldest princess, who closed her eyes to rest her mind, felt a cold and refreshing chill lingering all over her body.

This beautiful and indifferent face is amazing, but at the same time, it is difficult to evoke different emotions.

It's hard to describe.

It would take some time to enter the palace, so it was okay to have nothing to do. Lin Jiangnian also carefully observed the appearance of the eldest princess.

The more you look at it, the more amazing it becomes!

The more I feel, the more I feel regretful!

Why can't such a beautiful girl be more enthusiastic?

As long as she has a normal personality, she wouldn't be... not married yet, right?

While Lin Jiangnian was thinking about it, the eldest princess, who had been keeping her eyes closed, seemed to notice something. She suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Lin Jiangnian.

At first, Lin Jiangnian felt guilty about being caught in the act. But soon, I felt at ease again!

Looking at each other, the two of them stared at each other without blinking.

Until a long time!

In the end, this time it was the eldest princess who lost first!

Feeling a little childish and bored, she slowly withdrew her gaze. There seemed to be something in her cold eyes, and after a moment, she suddenly spoke.

"The person just now is called Zhiyuan, right?"

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian was slightly startled and looked up in shock.

Look at the eldest princess!

How could she know Zhiyuan?


Why did she suddenly ask about Zhiyuan?

For a moment, Lin Jiangnian felt uneasy and a little wary.


Lin Jiangnian nodded cautiously and looked at her: "What's wrong?"


Li Piaomiao said lightly.


It's okay. Why would she mention the kite when she was okay?

Lin Jiangnian stared at her, trying to read something on her face.

But from beginning to end, the eldest princess did not show any emotion.

The atmosphere fell into silence again!

Until, the carriage passed through the bustling streets of the capital and finally arrived at the imperial city.

Lin Jiangnian finally spoke again: "Your Majesty, are you out of confinement?"

Li Piaomiao was silent for a moment and said: "Father will not leave seclusion for the time being!"

"Then Your Majesty, how do you summon me?"

Lin Jiangnian squinted his eyes, trying to get information.

Li Piaomiao glanced at him: "Health Palace!"

Lin Jiangnian's heart skipped a beat.

Health Palace?

Doesn't this mean that he is going to the emperor's retreat place to meet the emperor?


Health Palace?

So this time, doesn't it mean that we can see Chen Zhao?

Meet the legendary eunuch? !

By the way, would you like to test this person?

Lin Jiangnian thought about it in his mind and continued to ask.

"Why did Your Majesty summon me at the Health Palace?"

"have no idea."

"Did your Majesty give any other orders?"


"Didn't His Majesty tell me anything else?"

Lin Jiangnian stared at her: "Your Majesty, will you be forced into marriage?"

"Forcing me to marry you?"

The eldest princess remained calm and her answers were always concise and to the point: "I don't know."


The carriage entered the imperial city and came to the outside of the Health Palace without any obstruction.

"Your Highness the Princess, Your Highness the Crown Prince, the Health Palace has arrived!"

The carriage stopped and the maid's voice came.

Li Miaomiao got up first and got off the carriage, followed by Lin Jiangnian and walked down.

The first thing you see is a magnificent palace!

The palace is splendid, beautifully decorated, and decorated with various exquisite carvings, which is quite stunning!

Right in front, the majestic and flying words "Health Palace" on the golden plaque gave people an indescribable sense of oppression.

This is where the emperor retreats!

After getting off the carriage, Li Miaomiao glanced at Lin Jiangnian and stepped closer.

Lin Jiangnian followed closely behind!

Outside the Health Preservation Hall, there are imperial guards everywhere. Judging from the aura of these imperial guards and the momentum emanating from their bodies, they are all masters with good martial arts skills.

At the same time, Lin Jiangnian, who had just entered the Health Palace, immediately felt an oppressive aura coming over him.

From all directions, it gave him an indescribable feeling of discomfort!

Lin Jiangnian suddenly realized that there might be many masters secretly serving as guards in this health palace.

At the same time, Lin Jiangnian became increasingly cautious.

The master of Mitiansi was secretly summoned to the palace last night. Where is he now?

Is it in this health palace?

Lin Jiangnian remained silent, following behind the eldest princess, secretly looking at all the decorations and layout of the health palace, and secretly taking notes!

The health palace is very large and the layout is even more intricate.

After passing through several pavilions and corridors, we finally arrived at the central courtyard of the Health Preservation Hall.

Ahead, a clearing suddenly opened up.

In the center of the courtyard sits a magnificent palace!

The scent of sandalwood lingers in the air, and under the eaves are all the imperial guards with solemn expressions!

And just in front of him, under the eaves of the palace, stood a rickety figure quietly.

Wearing a gray robe, he looked like an old man waiting quietly for a long time.

When Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on him, he recognized this person almost instantly!

Chen Zhao!

The most favored eunuch around the emperor, the old gelded dog that the common people call trouble to Chao Gang!

At this moment, this old eunuch, who was described as having three heads and six arms, was like a dying old man, with no aura of overwhelming power in his body.

He is clearly a little old man!

Just as Lin Jiangnian was sizing him up, Chen Zhao, who was under the eaves, seemed to hear footsteps and slowly raised his head, revealing an old face and cloudy eyes.

First he saw the cold and incomparable eldest princess, and then his eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian behind the eldest princess.

After looking at it twice, he looked away again.

"This old slave has met Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess and His Royal Highness Prince Lin!"

Chen Zhao bent down and spoke respectfully.

The eldest princess glanced at him coldly but said nothing.

Lin Jiangnian suddenly said: "How do you know you are my prince?"

Chen Zhao still lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "Although I have never seen His Highness the Crown Prince with my own eyes, I have heard someone describe His Highness's appearance. When I saw His Highness today, his appearance and temperament were similar to His Highness's impression in my mind, so I concluded that he was Prince Lin is here!"

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian suddenly realized and said with a half-smile, "I didn't expect Eunuch Chen to observe such subtle details. I admire him."

Chen Zhao said calmly: "Old slave, my memory is better. Thanks to His Highness's praise, I am very frightened..."

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian sneered in his heart.

Really good at pretending!

If you don't know, you may really think that this is just a respectful old eunuch!

But how can a person who can control Mitiansi and cause trouble in the court be a simple person?

"This is the first time that my prince has met Eunuch Chen today. I feel that Eunuch Chen is a little friendly for some reason!"

Lin Jiang young smiled and suddenly said: "My prince has heard some rumors among the people in the past. I wonder if Eunuch Chen can shed some light on my doubts?"

Chen Zhao said: "Your Highness, please ask."

"I have heard rumors from the common people that Eunuch Chen has practiced the Sunflower Book and is a master with extremely high and unfathomable martial arts skills?"

"Is this possible?"

"Sunflower Book?"

Chen Zhao seemed slightly startled and raised his eyes to meet Lin Jiangnian's gaze: "Your Highness, what is this Sunflower Book?"

"A martial arts that is the most profound and gentle in the world. Only masters like Eunuch Chen can practice it!"


Chen Zhao was silent, then shook his head: "Your Highness has misunderstood, these are just folk rumors. How can an old slave like a eunuch know any martial arts!"

"This is not necessarily true. As the saying goes, there are rumors among the people. It is not entirely false news."

Having said this, Lin Jiangnian looked at Chen Zhao with a smile: "My prince is very interested in the legendary Sunflower Book. I wonder if Eunuch Chen can explain it a little bit?"

Chen Zhaodao: "I don't know much about martial arts, and I don't know anything about the Sunflower Book... I let your highness down!"


Lin Jiangnian's face showed a look of disappointment as expected: "It is said among the people that my father-in-law has incredible martial arts skills. Is this also a rumor?"

"Exactly, this old slave really doesn't know any martial arts..."

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes, knowing that Chen Zhao would never admit it.

But never mind!

No matter how deep he hides, there is a fundamental difference between ordinary people and martial arts practitioners. As long as you can check his meridians, you can know.

Just when Lin Jiangnian was about to continue speaking, the eldest princess on the side interrupted him and said expressionlessly: "Follow me to see my father."

Chen Zhaoshun also said: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty is waiting for you, please don't keep Your Majesty waiting..."

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but glare at Li Pianmiao next to him. What could she say if she had nothing to do?

But now that the words have come to this, Lin Jiangnian can only suppress the doubts in his heart for the time being.

"In that case, I will go to see His Majesty first! When I have time later, I will have a good discussion with Eunuch Chen!"

Lin Jiangnian smiled kindly, waved his hands, and followed the eldest princess into the hall.

Chen Zhao was still standing under the eaves, expressionless as he watched the two of them walk into the hall.

His eyes are deep.

The hall is empty and quiet!

There was no one around.

The eldest princess suddenly stopped and glanced back at him: "Are you testing him?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "Did you see it too?"

The eldest princess was expressionless: "What do you doubt about him?"

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian was startled for a moment, and then realized: "Are you doubting him too?"

"Do you also suspect that he is hiding his martial arts?"

The eldest princess was silent for a moment, nodded, and then shook her head.

"What's the meaning?"

Li Piaomiao glanced outside the hall behind her and frowned.

"There's something wrong with him!"

"How did you find out?"


Lin Jiangnian: "..."

What a fuss!

I thought she had discovered some clue, so after asking for a long time, she came up with an intuition!

What's the use of this thing?

However, since even the eldest princess felt that something was wrong with him, this proved that Lin Jiangnian's guess was probably correct.

Chen Zhao, I'm afraid it's really possible that he possesses martial arts skills!

As for how strong it can be, this is currently unknown.

However, this is not good news for Lin Jiangnian.

"He is a eunuch, but he possesses martial arts skills and is hiding with His Majesty... Aren't you afraid?"

Lin Jiangnian suddenly asked.

Li Piaomiao paused and said, "He is the person that my father trusts most!"

"So what if you trust the most?"

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly: "He is just a eunuch after all, an outsider... He has too much power, and you can't control many things!"

Regarding this question, Li Miaomiao didn't answer much. She withdrew her cold eyes and said lightly: "Let's go see my father first."

"Where is your Majesty?"

Li Miaomiao didn't say anything, and walked into the main hall and turned on the mechanism. After a while, behind the main hall, a secret room passage slowly appeared in the sight of the two of them.

Li Miaomiao took the lead to approach, while Lin Jiangnian lingered at the door and observed for a while.


"His Majesty is retreating in such a hidden place...Is it safe inside?"

Li Piaomiao's eyes were cold: "This underground palace took my father several years of hard work to build. It is extremely strong and can withstand the attacks of top masters!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded thoughtfully, and after observing carefully for a while, he followed Li Miaomiao into the secret room.

The secret room was very dark. Although there were lights in the surrounding niches, there seemed to be insufficient oxygen and the firelight was very weak, giving the entire underground secret room passage a strange, dim feeling.

The two of them walked into the secret room and passed through a very long and narrow corridor.

Finally, we came to a secret room.

Li Miaomiao stopped, stood outside the secret room, and said, "Father, Miaomiao has brought Prince Lin's son to you!"

There was silence and no response.

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and looked at the secret room in front of him. There were several secret rooms here that seemed to be connected to each other. The walls around them were made of hard stone.

It's hard to imagine that Emperor Ning was in seclusion in a place like this... Wouldn't he be panicking?

And... is he really still alive?

Lin Jiangnian's speculation became more and more bizarre. When he entered the Health Palace just now, he did not see the whereabouts of Chen Changqing, nor did he see the figure of the Mitiansi master.

This just proves...I am afraid that the eldest princess and the prince in front of me are not aware of the news that Mi Tiansi secretly entered the palace last night?

There was silence for a while, no response.

Li Piaomiao frowned slightly, and just when she was about to speak, an extremely weak and low voice came from the secret room.

"come in."

The voice was weak, but it was Emperor Ning's voice!

Hearing this voice, the eldest princess frowned slightly.

Lin Jiangnian also heard it... This was the emperor's voice.

Why, so weak?


Lin Jiangnian seemed to realize something and suddenly turned his head to look at the eldest princess beside him.

But Li Miaomiao's face remained as usual, she stepped forward and opened the door to the secret room.

Lin Jiangnian already had a guess in his mind and followed him into the secret room.

In the secret room, the lights were even dimmer, and except for two weak palace lanterns, there was no other light source.

As if it was done deliberately.

In front of the secret room, there is a screen, which almost divides the entire secret room into two.

Just behind the screen, a figure could be vaguely seen sitting on the futon behind the screen. The smell of sandalwood in the secret room became stronger and stronger. After inhaling a little, I felt a little dizzy for no reason.

As soon as he stepped into the secret room, Lin Jiangnian's Tai Gu mind began to operate uncontrollably.

His eyes also suddenly condensed.

There's something wrong with this sandalwood!

It seems... to have a hypnotic effect? !

But not intensely!

Lin Jiangnian's expression became more solemn as he looked at the looming black figure behind the screen.

After thinking for a brief moment, Lin Jiangnian slowly stepped forward, paid homage and spoke.

"The prince's eldest son, Lin Jiangnian, comes to see your majesty!"


As Lin Jiangnian spoke, the secret room fell into silence again.

Li Piaomiao stood quietly behind her, staring at the screen without saying a word.

But for some reason, there seemed to be a trace of... doubt in that cold gaze?

The emperor didn't speak, and Lin Jiangnian didn't move either!

At the same time, he secretly used the Tai Gu mind technique to slowly force out the sandalwood inhaled from his body, keeping his head clear.

Now he enters the palace alone, full of doubts and crises. He must keep a calm mind at all times to deal with everything that happens next.

Finally, after a long silence.

From behind the screen, Emperor Ning's voice came again.

"Get flat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Lin Jiangnian stood up, slowly raised his eyes, and looked behind the screen.

The black shadow remained motionless.

But his voice seemed extremely he was about to die soon?


Is there something wrong with your health?

Is this the real reason why Li Miaomiao has been reluctant to let him meet the emperor?

Thoughts flashed through my mind quickly.

At this time, the voice of the ‘Emperor’ came from behind the screen again.

"Piaomiao, please step back first!"

Li Miaomiao stared at the screen with her cold eyes for a long time. When she heard her father's voice, she fell silent for a moment.

He knew that his father wanted to meet Prince Lin alone!


She turned around and walked towards the door of the secret room.

However, when she was about to reach the door of the secret room, she suddenly stopped.


"Anything else?"

Li Piaomiao's eyes were cold, staring at the screen, and suddenly said: "If Piaomiao doesn't want to, will my father force Piaomiao?"

There was a brief silence behind the screen.

Immediately, the hoarse voice of the 'Emperor' came again: "Since you don't want to, I will naturally not force you to embarrass Miao Miao!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Pianmiao's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Killing intent emerged from the bottom of her eyes.

"You, are not the father?!"

The cold temperament that originally lingered around Li Miaomiao suddenly evolved into an endless oppressive momentum at this moment, and instantly filled the secret room with an explosion.

"who are you?!!"

She asked coldly.

Murderous aura rushed to his face and lingered in the secret room, making others breathless.

Lin Jiangnian's expression changed slightly. He almost couldn't resist the terrifying aura that suddenly burst out from the eldest princess. He quickly used his mental skills to resist, and his expression softened a lot.

But at the same time, Lin Jiangnian was horrified!

"Not my father?"

What does the eldest princess mean by this...?

How is this going? !

Could it be that the person behind the screen is not the emperor? !

Lin Jiangnian suddenly looked behind the screen.

At this moment, the terrifying cold murderous aura burst out from the eldest princess's body.


The screen that originally blocked the secret room was shattered inch by inch!

Falling with a crash.

The dark figure sitting on the futon behind the screen was exposed to Lin Jiangnian's sight.

This is a man who is thin and as haggard as an old man!

Lin Jiangnian's first thought was...this is not the emperor of the dynasty!

Emperor Ning of the current dynasty was only in his fifties and in his prime. No matter what, he would not become like this rickets!

In particular, Lin Hengzhong once said that Emperor Ning was very ambitious when he was young and could be regarded as a Ming Emperor! Lin Jiangnian had also seen the portrait of Emperor Ning. He was indeed a handsome man with handsome appearance and extraordinary temperament.

Otherwise, she would not have given birth to a daughter as beautiful as Li Miaomiao!

As for the waning old man in front of him, Lin Jiangnian was completely unable to compare him with the emperor in his impression.

But when Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on this old face, he still saw a bit of... Emperor Ning's appearance from this face!

Is it really... Emperor Ning? !

Wait, since he is Emperor Ning, why does Li Pianmiao say he is not?

What's going on? !

At this moment, as the screen fell, 'Di Ning' behind the screen also raised his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice: "Piaomiao, what are you doing?!"

There was a bit more calmness and authority in his voice.

However, Li Piaomiao's eyes became colder and filled with murderous intent.

"You are not the father!"

The voice is cold and ringing!

The next second, he was full of murderous intent!

Not seeing Li Miaomiao make a move, a majestic aura suddenly rushed towards the 'Ning Emperor' who was sitting quietly on the futon!

This majestic aura was so terrifying that even Lin Jiangnian could feel the terrifying aura contained within it.

He looked shocked... Li Miaomiao, is she trying to kill her father?


There was an explosion!

The terrifying aura instantly exploded on the futon where 'Emperor Ning' was sitting, instantly blowing the futon into pieces.

The air is filled with flying catkins!

But the 'Ning Emperor' who was originally sitting on the futon disappeared!

Li Piaomiao raised her eyes coldly.

In the line of sight ahead, the 'Ning Emperor' who was in his old age was standing there quietly at some point, with a look of surprise appearing on his old face.

"As expected of the eldest princess!"

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from you!"


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