Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 422 One dares to say it, the other dares to believe it

The night is as dark as ink.

"Sister Xu?"

When Xiaozhu was passing by the courtyard, he saw Xu Lan standing in a daze under the eaves, and suddenly became curious: "Sister Xu, what are you doing here?"

Under the eaves, Xu Lan's delicate face was full of frustration, and her voice was a little weak.

"Xiao Zhu."


Xiaozhu blinked, seeming to notice that Sister Xu was not very interested.

"What's the matter?"

Xiaozhu stepped closer and asked with concern: "Sister Xu, what happened?"

Why is Sister Xu here in a daze this late at night?


Xu Lan sighed quietly, with a sense of decadence filling her body, as if she was a little annoyed!

Xiaozhu is even stranger!

Sister Xu, what happened?

Didn’t I hear from His Highness that Sister Xu’s family has been rescued and is safe?

Why does Sister Xu look... still unhappy?

"Sister Xu, what's going on?"

Xiaozhu couldn't help but feel worried.

Xu Lan has been living in Jiang Mansion these days and is very close to her.

Xiaozhu's title also changed from Miss Xu to Sister Xu. Xu Lan's personality was outgoing and carefree, and Xiaozhu's personality was also very gentle. With the close contact in the past few days, the relationship between the two quickly developed rapidly.


Xu Lan waved her hands feebly, turned her head, and looked at the pretty Xiaozhu standing quietly under the eaves in front of her. A delicate pink face, wearing a light-colored chest-length skirt, looking at her with some concern.

Not knowing what she was thinking of, Xu Lan's eyes slid down and landed on Xiao Zhu's part that was wrapped in a chest-high skirt, and Xiao He's sharp corners were exposed.

Subconsciously he murmured: "It's not that big..."


Xiaozhu's eyes were confused.

What's not big?

What is Sister Xu Lan talking about?

Xiaozhu followed the direction of Sister Xu Lan's gaze and looked down.


As if he understood something, a blush appeared on Xiaozhu's fair and tender face.

She subconsciously wanted to cover it up and said shyly: "Sister Xu, you...why do you look at me like this?"

Being stared at by Sister Xu Lan like this, the thin-skinned Xiaozhu couldn't stand it.

Sister Xu Lan is fine, why are you peeking at her breasts?

It’s not like Sister Xu Lan doesn’t have...

With random thoughts in his mind, Xiaozhu quietly glanced at Sister Xu Lan.


You seem to be slightly better? !

At this moment, Xiaozhu felt complicated, and suddenly felt sympathy for Sister Xu Lan.

"Sister Xu..."

Xu Lan hesitated, not knowing whether to comfort her.



Xiaozhu thought for a while and then comforted in a low voice: "Actually, Sister Xu, you don't have to worry too much..."

"Also, there is still room for growth..."

Xu Lan: "..."

As expected of a master and servant, the words coming out of his mouth were surprisingly consistent.

I couldn't help but want to complain, but when the words came to my lips, they turned into: "Really?"


Xiaozhu nodded his head, his face slightly rosy, and whispered: "Xiaozhu used to be...about the same age as Sister Xu..."

Xu Lan was startled and her eyes fell on Xiaozhu again.

After staring at it carefully for a moment, and thinking about it again, it seems...that it is indeed the case?

When she was still in Prince Lin's Mansion more than half a year ago, Xiaozhu was indeed a weak and delicate maid.

Everywhere is small!

Looks tender.

at the moment……

That petite maid seemed to have grown up a lot and matured a lot, and also... developed a lot.

Xu Lan looked at her with complicated eyes, as if she had indeed... grown up a lot?

The little maid who was ordinary at the beginning now looks indeed plump and round...

"How did you do it?"

Xu Lan couldn't help but speak.

There was a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

If that's the case, didn't that guy lie to her?


Xiaozhu's face was slightly red, and his eyes were a little shy. But as if he thought of something, he rolled his eyes and leaned into Xu Lan's ear, whispering something.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Lan's delicate face turned visibly red.

"Wha, what?!"


Xu Lan seemed to be frightened and stimulated, her face turned red and her tone became a little stuttered.

Then, she said angrily: "How, how is it, are you lying to me?"

"how come?"

Xiaozhu said seriously: "Everything I said is true!"

"But, but..."

Xu Lan stammered and felt flustered. Xiaozhu's words made it difficult for her to accept them for a moment.

She doesn't quite believe it!

I very much doubt that Xiaozhu is deceiving her!

But Xiaozhu's eyes were clear and didn't look like he was lying.

Xu Lan was silent again.

it is true?

But, but...

Xu Lan couldn't help but feel ashamed when she thought of that scene.

"Sister Xu..."

Seeing Sister Xu Lan's blushing face with a complicated look on her face, Xiao Zhu seemed to have seen through something and sighed softly: "Sister Xu, can I ask you a question?"


Xu Lan looked at her subconsciously.

Then Xiao Zhuwu rolled his eyes and suddenly said: "Do you like my Highness?"

As soon as these words came out, the blush that had not dissipated on Xu Lan's face reappeared again.


"How could I possibly like him?!"

Xu Lan's eyes were shy and she subconsciously denied it.


Xiaozhu didn't believe it. She looked at the shy and panic-stricken eyes of Sister Xu in front of her and sighed.

"Sister Xu, you can deceive others, but you can't deceive me..."

Having said this, Xiaozhu said firmly: "You must like my Highness!"


Xu Lan's face was hot and she was very shy. When she heard Xiaozhu's words, she couldn't help but said, "How do you know?"

"Because you can't hide your love for someone!"

Xiaozhu said decisively: "I can see it in your eyes, Sister Xu!"

Xu Lan was slightly startled.

In the eyes?

Is there love in her eyes?

Is it that obvious?

Xu Lan's eyes were dazed, "In my eyes?"

"Have it?"


Xiaozhu looked serious and nodded.

"Sister Xu's eyes are full of His Highness!"

As the closest maid to His Highness, how could Xiaozhu not see what Xu Lan meant to His Highness?

After all, Xiaozhu is no longer the innocent little maid she used to be!

During the more than half a year since he entered the capital with His Highness, Xiaozhu not only learned many experiences and postures from His Highness that he had never seen before. In addition to increasing her knowledge and learning a wealth of practical experience, she also gradually matured as she was ignorant in the past.

I also seem to understand things about the relationship between men and women! Although I don’t fully understand it, I can still distinguish some of it.

For example, Xiaozhu can discern who is interested in His Highness!

For example, Sister Liuye last time. Although Sister Liuye seemed to dislike His Highness, in fact, Xiaozhu, as a bystander, could see clearly... Sister Liuye must like His Highness!

Otherwise, she would not have allowed His Highness to bully her...

Of course, there is also the sister Xu Lan in front of me.

Xiaozhu is also sure that Sister Xu Lan definitely likes His Highness.

When she was in Prince Lin's Mansion, Sister Xu always liked to go to Prince Lin's Mansion. She would come to see His Highness when she had nothing to do, and she would stay there all day long!

After arriving in the capital, this sister Xu was still like this. Whenever she is free, she can be seen coming to Jiang Mansion to meet His Highness.

Moreover, every time Sister Xu was with His Highness, Xu Lan would quietly observe and inquire.

Not just Sister Xu Lan, Xiaozhu would secretly note down the appearance of every beautiful woman who appeared around His Highness, and then observe them secretly.

After all, he might become her mistress in the future!

Xu Lan froze in place and blinked.

It's all... that guy?

How is that possible?


Is it that obvious?

Xu Lan seemed to think of something, and her heart moved: "Xiao Zhu?"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"you say……"

Xu Lan hesitated and spoke with some anxiety: "Your Highness..."

"Can he see it?"

Xiaozhu couldn't help but sigh: "Sister Xu, even I can see it. Do you think my Highness can't see it?"


Xu Lan's face turned red: "You mean...he, he also saw it?"

"Good morning, you already knew?"

"should be."

Xiaozhu thought for a while and nodded seriously.

Your Highness is so smart that even Xiaozhu can tell it. How could His Highness not notice it?

After all, Sister Xu Lan has already made it obvious!

"But, but..."

Xu Lan quickly thought of something else: "He, since he saw it...why didn't, didn't..."

She suddenly looked a little disappointed.

That guy has already seen his own thoughts?

But if he saw it, why didn't he show it?

Why is there no response?

Could it be...

Xu Lan began to worry about gains and losses.


Seeing Sister Xu Lan's disappointed look, Xiaozhu blinked and realized that he might have done something wrong. He quickly whispered to make amends: "Actually, there is also a possibility... maybe His Highness doesn't know..."

"After all, sister Xu Lan, you have never expressed your feelings to my highness. Maybe my highness just regards sister Xu Lan as a very good friend and has not thought about it in this regard?"

"Friend, friend?"


Xiaozhu nodded and quickly made amends: "Maybe, my Highness regards you as a friend, Sister Xu, for the time being, and doesn't think much of it..."

Hearing this, Xu Lan was in a daze.

What about friends?

It it possible?

Didn't that guy always say he considered her his buddy?

Brother, brother...

As if thinking of something, Xu Lan subconsciously lowered his head and glanced...his face was slightly red, with a hint of anger.

Yeah, could that be the reason?


Although it is indeed a little too small, it is not impossible... He is also too insulting!

Xu Lan was ashamed and angry.

Xiaozhu looked at Sister Xu Lan's hesitant look and continued to comfort her in a low voice: "Sister Xu, don't worry too much, you will really grow up..."

"I heard His Highness say before that in addition to craftsmanship and technology... there seems to be some medicine that can help growth..."

"How about I go back and ask His Highness for you?"


Just as Xiao Zhu was still persevering in imparting unreliable and blind knowledge to Xu Lan.

In the front hall of Jiang Mansion, in the main courtyard.

Lin Qingqing stood under the eaves, reporting what happened in Beijing tonight.

"Gao Boyan, the Minister of Personnel, was killed in his own manor after escaping from prison with his son..."

"The Zhou family's revenge was avenged, and Zhou Yao handed over a letter of surrender to you, Your Highness, and is willing to follow Your Highness in the future..."

"After the Gao family escaped from prison, it alarmed many people. The court will definitely investigate strictly. I am afraid that it will be traced to the Zhou family. Do you want to..."

Lin Qingqing reported what happened tonight.

Gao Boyan and his son escaped from prison late at night, but they still couldn't escape the fate of death!

All this from beginning to end was a carefully set up game.

Lin Jiangnian was the one who laid the plan, but he did not participate in it from beginning to end.

He only needed to stir up the trouble, and then someone would naturally cooperate with him to finish this big show!

From beginning to end, Lin Jiangnian stayed out of it.

"No need!" Lin Jiangnian looked calmly: "Since it is Zhou's business, Zhou Yao knows how to deal with it!" He paused and said: "If it can't be handled, it's their own fate!" Lin Jiangnian always respects personal destiny! "Yes." Lin Qingqing lowered her eyes. Gao's jailbreak tonight was a trap, but in the eyes of outsiders, Gao Boyan was unwilling to sit and wait for death, and escaped from prison with outsiders. Under the pursuit of Mi Tiansi, he refused to surrender and was eventually killed on the spot by Mi Tiansi... The incident itself is full of loopholes, but it is almost impossible to find out the truth! The key is that not many people care about what the truth is! Lin Qingqing seemed to think of something and hesitated to speak. "What's the matter, tell me?" Lin Jiangnian glanced at her and asked. Lin Qingqing hesitated and said in a deep voice: "The Gao family's matter tonight, Chen Kuishou from Mi Tiansi was involved..." Lin Qingqing carefully informed Lin Jiangnian of the information she had found out. "Although he is helping you this time, but..." Lin Qingqing was still a little uneasy, and frowned slightly: "Your Highness, can this person really be completely trusted?" "No." Lin Jiangnian spoke. Lin Qingqing's eyes were solemn, mixed with worry. "Then your highness, what if he..." "He won't." Lin Jiangnian shook his head gently, interrupting Lin Qingqing's concerns. From the beginning, Lin Jiangnian knew very well that Chen Changqing could not be completely trusted! He could not completely become his own man! When he first met Chen Changqing, Lin Jiangnian knew that this person was a very principled and idealistic person! He was unwilling to succumb to the darkness of the Secret Division and become a puppet directed by others. It was precisely because of this that Lin Jiangnian gave him a chance! Help him clear the obstacles of the Secret Division, so that Chen Changqing could successfully grasp the power and ascend to the sky in one step! But it is also because of principles and ideals. Chen Changqing will not become a chess piece that Lin Jiangnian uses at will in the Secret Division! If this is really possible, then Lin Jiangnian seems to be no different from the several Secret Heavenly Division guardians who oppressed him before!

During this period, Chen Changqing secretly did these things for Lin Jiangnian to repay his kindness and repay Lin Jiangnian's kindness! But this does not mean that he will always do these things for Lin Jiangnian unconditionally!

He is a man with ideals and justice in his heart!

Becoming the leader of the Secret Heavenly Division who holds real power, there are more things waiting for him to do.

However, Lin Jiangnian is not worried that Chen Changqing will judge!

A leader of the Secret Heavenly Division who has justice in his heart and can enforce the law impartially. Many times, it is often more beneficial to Lin Jiangnian!


After listening to Lin Qingqing's report, Lin Jiangnian returned to the inner courtyard.

But Xu Lan was missing.

What about the girl?


From the maid in the courtyard, I learned that Xu Lan did not go back tonight, but... went to hang out with Xiaozhu?

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised to hear this news.

But then he suddenly realized.

That's right, Xu Lan and Xiao Zhu are of similar age and have similar personalities.

Although Miss Xu has a lot of problems, she doesn't have the domineering and superior attitude of Miss Xu, so it's not surprising that she can get along well with Xiao Zhu!

In addition, Xu Lan has been living in Jiang Mansion these days, and Xiao Zhu has been comforting her. After this, there is no need to say more about their relationship.

The Xu family was acquitted and the Xu Mansion was unsealed!

But it seems that Miss Xu is not planning to go back yet?

Lin Jiangnian came to the next room, and just as he approached the door of the room under the eaves, he heard a faint discussion from the lighted room not far away.

"Is this really possible?"

In the room, Xu Lan's slightly trembling and stuttering voice came, and she seemed extremely nervous.

Then, Xiao Zhu's slightly excited tone came again.

"It will definitely work... Your Highness did the same to me before..."

"But, but..."

Xu Lan's voice seemed to tremble even more: "Well, it feels so strange..."

"Sister Xu, bear with it, it will be fine soon..."



Outside the room, Lin Jiangnian listened to the strange conversation coming from the room, and a suspicious look appeared on his face.

What are they doing in the room?

This conversation is not right!

Are they... doing something weird?

Especially Xiaozhu's tone, why was it so similar to how Lin Jiangnian usually treated her...

This little maid is now learning and applying it to Xu Lan?

Lin Jiangnian became more and more curious, what were the two of them doing in the room?

It can't really be...

With this in mind, Lin Jiangnian walked quietly to the door of the room.

With the door closed, Lin Jiangnian tried it.

Not moving at all!

The doors and windows are locked!

This time, Lin Jiangnian became even more suspicious!

The doors and windows were locked so tightly... What kind of shameful things were the two of them doing?

Lin Jiangnian listened carefully for a while. Apart from Xu Lan's slightly unnatural voice occasionally coming from the room, there was no other sound.

He hesitated to knock on the door, but after thinking about it, Lin Jiangnian finally gave up!

Knocking on the door is like alerting the enemy, and probably nothing will come out!

It would be better to wait until Xu Lan is gone tomorrow and he can torture Xiaozhu alone.

The little maid has no secrets in front of him.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian turned around and left, coming to the other side of the roof.

Paper Kite's room.

Open the door and walk in.

The room was dimly lit, shrouded in the ambiguity of the night.

Behind the screen, Zhiyuan sat sideways on the bed, reading with her eyes down.

Her hair was scattered, a strand of blue silk covered her delicate and flawless profile, and she was wrapped in plain white pajamas. Slightly thin, making her whole person look delicate.

There is an indescribable coolness.

Seeing Lin Jiangnian walking in, Zhiyuan raised her eyes slightly and looked at him.

"why are not you sleeping?"

Lin Jiangnian approached, chuckled and spoke.

Zhiyuan said nothing, nodded slightly, and lowered his eyes again.

"Get some rest early."

Lin Jiangnian took the book from her hand and closed it!

Zhiyuan didn't say anything, but gave him a slightly dissatisfied look.

He glanced at Lin Jiangnian, but still said nothing. He lay down with his clothes on and got into the quilt.

Then he subconsciously moved into the bed, slightly vacating half of the bed. Turning around, Lin Jiangnian was left with a delicate back of his head and a head of thick black hair.

When Lin Jiangnian saw this, he took off his clothes easily and got into the quilt. His hands pulled her into his arms from behind.

One hand gently hugged the slender and soft waist, and the other hand habitually landed on the place where it should fall.

"You, be honest..."

Under the quilt, Zhi Yuan's slightly shy and cold voice came.

At the same time, a bare hand stretched out and opened Lin Jiangnian's hand.

Lin Jiangnian didn't resist, and allowed Zhiyuan to move his hand away, seeming to breathe a sigh of relief.

Then, he spoke in a slightly warning tone.



Lin Jiangnian agreed wholeheartedly.


After a while, unconsciously, the hand returned to its rightful place.


Zhiyuan soon discovered it again, and she said angrily: "Can you be more honest!"


"Then why don't you take it away quickly?"

"It's its own choice and I have no control over it."


Listening to Lin Jiangnian's 'shameless' words, Zhiyuan was so angry that she breathed slightly.

Lin Jiangnian also felt the trembling touch.

While feeling it carefully, he leaned close to Zhiyuan's ear, sighed softly, and said with some helplessness: "Some things are actually beyond my control..."

"If I don't hold something while sleeping, I won't sleep well."

Zhiyuan's face turned slightly red with embarrassment, she bit her lower lip lightly, and her breathing quickened: "You, you..."

"Then, how do I sleep?"

Lin Jiangnian blinked: "You can't sleep?"

"What do you think?!"

Zhiyuan stared at him in shame.

How could she sleep with him like this?

"It seems you're not sleepy?"

Lin Jiangnian seemed to realize something, his eyes flashed slightly.

Zhiyuan immediately noticed something and immediately became vigilant: "You want to do it... um..."

Before she could say the warning, she was blocked again.

Soon all that was left in response was 'Uh huh'!

After a while, even the sound of 'Uh-huh' gradually disappeared.

In the room, the atmosphere gradually became ambiguous.

Zhiyuan struggled slightly at the beginning, but as time went by, the intensity of the struggle gradually became smaller.

Compared to struggling for a long time every time before, the struggle now is more like...rejection but welcome.

Perhaps, she also realized that struggling was of no use!

The harder someone struggles every time, the more excited someone seems to be!

In the end, it was she who suffered.

Ever since, I have adopted the attitude of life that since I can't resist, I'll just screw it up!

Give up the struggle!

Zhiyuan closed her eyes tightly, her delicate, cold and white face flushed with shame, and her red lips were moist.

"Turn out, turn off the lights..."

Lin Jiangnian held the girl's body in his arms, which was gradually weakening and becoming boneless. He panted heavily and breathed softly: "Today... we won't turn off the lights, right?"

"No, it can't be done..." Zhiyuan seemed a little nervous and her tone was serious.

"Tonight, I want to watch you!"

"No, no way!!"

Zhiyuan's tone became even more embarrassed, and she struggled to bury her head in the quilt.

But he was blocked by Lin Jiangnian again.


Zhiyuan's face became even redder.

Just when she was about to feel ashamed, Lin Jiangnian approached the girl's ear again and spoke softly.

"It's okay to turn off the lights, but... you have to agree to one condition!"

Zhiyuan was furious. He, he was actually bargaining with her at this time? Threatening her? ! Zhiyuan opened her beautiful eyes, her eyes were full of shame and anger, staring at him. But Lin Jiangnian was not afraid at all, staring at the delicate face of the girl in front of him, and her reluctance to accept, but pure and moving appearance. His heart was more and more moved, and he leaned close to the girl's ear and spoke softly. Then, Zhiyuan's pretty face flushed instantly, and her eyes were shy. "No, don't!" "You, you dare?!" "I, I don't want..." "... I, I bite you..." "..." "..." "..." Early morning. Lin Jiangnian woke up and lay on the bed, with a smug smile on his face, half-closed his eyes, and quietly savored. Very quiet time! It's still the old saying! Some things, once there is a first time, there will be a second time, and then there will be countless times! The old saying is true! Although Zhiyuan resisted hard last night and even bit someone in a hurry!

He even threatened Lin Jiangnian to bite him off!

But in the end, under Lin Jiangnian's comfort and request.

Zhiyuan still gave in!

The consequence is that Zhiyuan is angry again!

If nothing unexpected happens, I'm afraid he won't be very nice to him in the next few days.

Lin Jiangnian is no longer surprised by this!

His behavior last night was indeed excessive, and it was reasonable for Zhiyuan to be angry.

But it doesn't matter, he will coax him for two days later!

Zhiyuan is soft-hearted and has a cold personality. It's not difficult to coax him!

Say some nice words, comfort him, and accompany him to ensure that such a thing will never happen again next time, that's enough!

As for the next time...

He will dare to do it next time!

After lying quietly on the bed for a while, Lin Jiangnian got up. When Xiaozhu came in, he helped him change clothes and wash.

Xiaozhu's face was flushed, and he obviously noticed the changes in the room.

He also knew what happened last night!

"Xiao Zhu." Lin Jiangnian looked down at Xiao Zhu who was helping him put his clothes together and spoke. "Hmm?" Xiao Zhu subconsciously looked up and met His Highness's gaze. Then, her face turned even redder... "Last night..." Lin Jiangnian was about to speak when he saw Xiao Zhu shaking her head and hurriedly said, "Your Highness, don't worry, I won't tell anyone... and I won't tell Sister Xu!" "Hmm?" Lin Jiangnian looked at her suspiciously. What? What won't be told? As if realizing something, Lin Jiangnian glanced at the room and squinted his eyes: "Wait, did you tell Xu Lan?"

"No, no..."

Xiao Zhu realized that she had said the wrong thing, and quickly covered her mouth with panic: "No, no... Xiao Zhu didn't say anything!"


Facing the burning questioning eyes of His Highness, Xiao Zhu quickly became guilty, lowered her head, and spoke carefully: "Just, just said... a little, just a little bit!"

"Only a little bit?!"

"Really, really!"

Xiao Zhu spoke in a panic. It is a serious crime to talk about His Highness's affairs, especially to tell His Highness's private affairs.

Even if she is favored by His Highness, Xiao Zhu knows the seriousness of the matter.

"Xiao Zhu is wrong, Xiao Zhu will not dare to do it next time..."

Xiao Zhu spoke pitifully. I wanted to teach this little maid a lesson, but when I saw Xiao Zhu's pitiful look, Lin Jiangnian was a little amused: "Do you know how to pretend to be pitiful now?"

"Why didn't you think of these when you told others about your prince's affairs?"

"Slave, slave knows I'm wrong..."

Xiao Zhu lowered her head, pitiful: "Slave, just, just... told Sister Xu a little bit!"

"Sister Xu is so good, when did you get along so well with Xu Lan?"

"Just, it's pretty good..." Xiao Zhu whispered.

"Then let me ask you."

Lin Jiangnian remembered what happened last night and squinted at her: "What were you doing in the room with Xu Lan last night?"

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Zhu's eyes widened and she said in horror: "Your Highness, you, how did you know?!"

"What do you think?"

"Your Highness, were you eavesdropping?!"

Lin Jiangnian reached out and tapped her head: "Do I need to eavesdrop?"

"Tell me, what were you doing secretly in the room last night?"

"I, I..."

Xiao Zhu panicked.

I never expected that His Highness would know what happened between her and Sister Xu Lan in the room last night.

Her face flushed for a moment: "I, I and Sister, nothing?"

"Not honest, right?"

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes immediately: "Do you want to be punished again?"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhu reached behind her and covered her butt as if by reflex, and took two steps back. She shook her head like a rattle: "No, no... Xiao Zhu doesn't want to be punished."

"Why don't you tell the truth?!"

Facing His Highness's burning questioning, Xiao Zhu had a bitter face. She silently said in her heart: Sister Xu Lan, I'm sorry, Xiao Zhu is going to betray you... Xiao Zhu didn't mean it!

It's really... His Highness is too bullying!

Xiao Zhu was pitiful, and then she told Lin Jiangnian everything about what happened yesterday.

After Lin Jiangnian finished listening, he was stunned. His eyes were stunned, and a little magical.

"You mean, last night, you gave Xu Lan a massage in the room?!"


"Do you know how to massage?"

"No, it won't..."

Lin Jiangnian was happy: "You don't know how to massage, so why don't you give her a massage?"

Xiaozhu answered honestly: "I, I saw His Highness before, and it was the same..."

Xiaozhu said and made a gesture on his chest.

Lin Jiangnian was silent.

After a while, some people couldn't help laughing and wanted to laugh for no reason.

Of the two of them, one really dares to say it and the other dares to believe it!

One said that massage can help you grow, and the other really believed it and put it into practice...

"You said it and she believed it?"


Xiaozhu nodded his head.

"She didn't realize you were lying to her?"


Xiaozhu was confused: "What lie? Isn't this what you taught me, Your Highness?"

"Xiaozhu didn't lie to Sister Xu."

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

He almost forgot that Xiaozhuhui's skills were basically all taught by him.

For a moment, Lin Jiangnian suddenly realized... His words yesterday were a bit too shocking to Miss Xu!

Did this make Miss Xu doubt herself and start to feel inferior?

Did you even believe Xiaozhu’s lies, saying that massage can help you grow up?

Still can’t wait to put it into practice?

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian felt a little uneasy. I was wondering whether I should wait to find Xu Lan and persuade her. In fact, there is no need to deliberately pursue growing up.

Small ones are actually very cute?

"Your Highness..."

Xiaozhu observed His Highness's expression and reaction, and cautiously said tentatively: "Actually, Sister Xu likes you very much, Your Highness."

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian looked at Xiaozhu: "Who told you? Her?"


Xiaozhu shook his head: "I saw it myself!"

"How did you tell?"

"Just, you can see it..."

Xiaozhu thought for a while and said, "Sister Xu looks at you very differently, and, and..."

It's hard for Xiaozhu to describe it, but he is very determined in his heart.

Sister Xu Lan likes His Highness!

Absolutely true!

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian didn't change his mood much. He chuckled and touched Xiaozhu's head again: "That's not true. Your Highness is so outstanding, isn't it normal for someone to like him?"

"Then...what about you, Your Highness?"

Xiaozhu asked again: "Your Highness, do you like Sister Xu?"


Lin Jiangnian looked at her: "Xu Lan asked you to test me?"

"no no!"

Xiaozhu shook his head: "It's what Xiaozhu wants to ask himself."

"this problem……"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and said, "It's hard to say."

"Hard to say?"

Xiaozhu was confused: "What do you mean it's hard to say?"

"It's just hard to say."

Lin Jiang young sighed.

Does he like Xu Lan?

It’s really out of the question at the moment.

At present, Lin Jiangnian does not have much interest in Miss Xu beyond the scope of friends.

Perhaps it’s because of the first impression. Every time Lin Jiangnian sees Xu Lan, he will automatically put her into his friend’s impression!

Who would have evil thoughts about his brothers?

If you don’t have evil thoughts, naturally you can’t talk about liking it!

As we all know, the friendship between men and women begins with evil thoughts.

Typical representatives are Lin Jiangnian and Zhao Xi!

The two of them started having evil thoughts about each other. Lin Jiangnian coveted her slender and fair legs, and Zhao Xi missed his handsome and delicate appearance... Then it was natural and everything went smoothly!

But if you don't like her...not to mention, Lin Jiangnian has a good impression of Miss Xu.

I really like this little girl... Of course, this kind of liking is different from liking her!

Otherwise, Lin Jiangnian would not have gone to such great lengths to save the Xu family!

All this is for Xu Lan's sake.

Xiaozhu, on the other hand, had a puzzled look on his face. If he likes it, he just likes it, and if he doesn't like it, he just doesn't like it.

Why is it so hard to say?

what do you mean?

"You'll know later!"

Lin Jiangnian touched Xiaozhu's head.

Lin Jiangnian had already realized that Xu Lan liked him.

Zhiyuan reminded him before, but Lin Jiangnian didn't take it to heart at that time. But as Xiaozhu suddenly mentioned it again today, Lin Jiangnian had to start paying attention!

Even Xiaozhu can tell that it seems that Miss Xu's covetousness towards him has almost become known to everyone, right?

If this matter is not handled well, I am afraid it will easily hurt this calm and carefree girl!

Lin Jiangnian thought about it and had to have a good chat with Xu Lan sometime.

At this moment, footsteps came from outside the hospital.

"Your Highness!"

Lin Qingqing's figure appeared outside the hospital.

"What's the matter?"

"Someone sent a letter and asked me to deliver it to His Highness!"

Lin Qingqing stepped forward quickly and handed the letter to Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian took the letter without leaving any mark on it. Like an anonymous letter. After opening the letter, Lin Jiangnian's eyes immediately froze when he saw the contents.

Lin Qingqing noticed His Highness's reaction: "Your Highness, what's wrong?!"

"Not sure."

Lin Jiangnian looked slightly solemn, thinking about something.

Then he threw the letter in his hand to Lin Qingqing.

Lin Qingqing took the letter, glanced at the contents, and was suddenly surprised.


"Chen Zhao suddenly transferred several of Mi Tiansi's close masters to secretly enter the palace last night?"

"What does he want to do?!"

Lin Qingqing immediately realized who wrote this letter...Chen Changqing!

He sent information to Lin Jiangnian!

According to the intelligence, Chen Zhao mobilized several close masters from the Mitian Division in the middle of the night last night and secretly entered the palace. Something big seemed to have happened!

This thing may seem inconspicuous at first glance!

Chen Zhao is the actual controller behind Mitiansi, and the Mitiansi under him has the power to report to the palace!

However, since this letter was sent by Chen Changqing, the matter is definitely not that simple.

"Why is Chen Zhao suddenly anxious to summon his confidants into the palace? Could it be that something happened in the palace?"

Lin Qingqing analyzed with a solemn expression.

Lin Jiangnian didn't speak, but he was obviously thinking about something.

Chen Changqing sent this letter to remind Lin Jiangnian to be careful.

Although Chen Changqing didn't know what was going on, he vaguely felt something was wrong!

Since the four great protectors of Mitiansi were eradicated by Lin Jiangnian, Chen Changqing paid the price and successfully won Chen Zhao's trust.

Although Chen Zhao did not completely trust him, as the leader, Chen Changqing could still hear any troubles immediately!

"Suddenly calling experts into the palace, I'm afraid something happened in the palace..."

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes and murmured: "I'm afraid, it's probably related to the emperor!"

Lin Jiangnian had a vague guess in his mind.

After all, Chen Zhao was just a eunuch. If he summoned masters into the palace, he would inevitably be able to avoid the emperor's eyes and ears.


Lin Qingqing suddenly realized something: "Your Highness, do you mean that the emperor may have..."


Lin Qingqing suddenly guessed this possibility!

When the emperor dies, he summons experts to secretly enter the palace to maintain order?

Lin Qingqing thought of this possibility.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

Lin Jiangnian nodded.

He had always suspected that the emperor who was in seclusion either had a physical problem or had... died!

Right now, it made him even more guessing!

The emperor died?

Then the world might really be in chaos!

"Send someone to check quickly and see the movements of the city defense troops in the capital and the troops stationed outside the capital, as well as the movements in the palace... keep an eye on it!"


After Lin Qingqing received the order, she hurriedly turned around and left.

Lin Jiangnian stood under the eaves, thinking about the current situation.

This letter from Chen Changqing was a reminder to him, and it seemed a little unusual.

What if the emperor really dies!

Why is the secret that the masters of Mitiansi enter the palace secretly?

Where is the prince?

I'm afraid he should be the first to know, right?


Just as Lin Jiangnian was thinking, there was the sound of hurried footsteps outside the door again.

The maidservant who was destined to live in the house appeared outside the courtyard.

"Your Highness, Your Highness..."


Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and looked at the flustered maid, frowning: "What happened?"

"Yes, someone is looking for you!"

The maid blushed and panted, out of breath. She had obviously run all the way here, and her voice was heavy with breath.

But he looked very nervous and excited!

"Chief, Your Royal Highness Princess, come on, come on!"

"Tell me, I want to see you!"


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