Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 424 Trapped in a secret room

The lights were dim, and catkins were flying all over the secret room!

The terrifying momentum spread and filled the world. In the air, fragments of the screen were scattered, and the remaining internal energy fluctuated.


Li Miaomiao stood there with a cold breath, her long white dress fluttering in the wind, her black hair and cold face, staring ahead.

Under the swaying lights, the dark shadow in the corner was illuminated. The old face was revealed under the yellow robe.

But at this moment, there was no deathly silence in those eyes that were originally like dead trees. Instead, there was a hint of depth.

"Who are you?!"

Li Piaomiao stared at him, his tone was cold, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

in the corner.

'Emperor Ning' stood there quietly, waving his sleeves to disperse the lint that filled the air. He slowly raised his head, revealing an old face.

He is clearly identical to Emperor Ning, with almost the same temperament and expression.

But, he is not Emperor Ning!

"It doesn't matter who I am."

The old man shook his head and sighed, with a look of exclamation on his face: "As expected of the eldest princess, one of the most talented young people today..."

"The future life is terrible!"

The old man sighed aloud.

Li Piaomiao's eyes became colder and colder.

"Where is Father?"

She asked coldly.

The old man's eyes were deep: "Your Majesty, Princess, where do you think Your Majesty should be?"

Li Piaomiao looked cold.

When he realized that the person in front of him was pretending to be his father, he already had a bad guess in his mind.


She suddenly snorted coldly.

It was clear that she had not made any move, but in the secret room that was originally filled with a terrifying aura, an oppressive aura came once again.

The fluff that was still filling the air was like a hidden weapon condensed into substance, roaring towards the old man.

When the old man saw this, his old face changed slightly. He immediately waved his sleeves to block the debris in the air in front of him.


The pieces of lint tore through the sleeves of the old man's robe, and the strong oppressive aura made the old man take two steps back before he could regain his balance.

But his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

"First level...Grandmaster realm!"

The old man's voice was slightly trembling and a little shocked.

He raised his head in disbelief and stared at the woman in front of him who was filled with a terrifying aura.

The moment they fight, he can feel the opponent's internal energy fluctuations and guess the range of the opponent's strength.

This eldest princess actually has terrifying strength at the level of a first-grade master!

There are only a handful of first-grade masters in the world!

What's her age? !

There has never been such a terrifying evil genius in a hundred years!

Thinking of this, the old man immediately lost any thoughts of fighting. Turning around, he slipped into the small door next to the secret room and disappeared.

Li Piaomiao's eyes were cold, and she took a step forward. Just as she was about to catch up, she suddenly stopped, waved her sleeves, and struck out with her palm.


A violent explosion sounded, and the small door was instantly blown apart, revealing a dark hole.

Immediately afterwards, Li Miaomiao stepped forward to catch up!

Lin Jiangnian was left standing there, looking in a daze... Damn it!

what happened!

what happened?

Has the emperor been impersonated? !

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian's mind has not yet come to terms with what is happening in this scene!

Wait, let him figure it out first...

Lin Jiangnian was invited by the eldest princess to meet the emperor today!

But when she just met the emperor, Li Miaomiao suddenly realized that the emperor was fake?

As a result, this fake emperor was exposed on the spot... and thus, the current situation emerged.

But the problem is...

Who dares to pretend to be the emperor of the dynasty? !

Who has the ability to pretend to be the emperor?

In Lin Jiangnian's mind, an old face that he had just seen a while ago suddenly appeared in his mind!

"Chen Zhao!"

The thoughts in Lin Jiangnian's mind gradually came together, and he suddenly understood some points!

The emperor is in seclusion in the health palace. The person who dares to act so boldly and has the ability to pretend to be the emperor can only be the most trusted and closest person around the emperor!

more importantly……

Combined with Chen Zhao's sudden secret summoning of Mitiansi masters into the palace last night, a complete line of thoughts gradually emerged in Lin Jiangnian's mind...

The real emperor may have had an accident, or even... died?

And what is Chen Zhao's purpose of pretending to be the emperor? !

However, what Chen Zhao probably didn't expect was that he would be caught out by Li Miaomiao in an instant after he pulled off such a trick of pretending to be the emperor.

So now...

What a situation this is!

Lin Jiangnian stood there and looked into the small dark door not far away.

The fake emperor knew that he was no match for Li Miaomiao, so he ran away, and Li Miaomiao also chased after him.

So...what about him?

Should he follow and watch the excitement, or should he protect himself wisely and leave this place of right and wrong quickly?

In just a short moment, Lin Jiangnian had already made his decision.

I’m afraid it’s impossible to leave!

If all this is really Chen Zhao's plan, then not surprisingly, Chen Zhao must have already controlled the outside of the Health Palace. Lin Jiangnian leaving at this time would be throwing himself into a trap.

The only choice left is... to hug the eldest princess tightly!

Just now, Lin Jiangnian obtained an extremely important message from the mouth of the fake emperor.

Li a first-grade master!

What is this concept?

Not long ago, there were rumors in the capital that this genius eldest princess might have entered the second-grade realm!

Become the youngest person in the world, a rare being!

The news at that time was already amazing!

The second-level realm is almost invincible among the younger generation!

So, what does it mean to be a first-grade master?

It is almost considered invincible in a certain sense!

There are so many masters out there today, you can count them all on one hand. Even if you include those hidden beings, there will definitely not be more than two hands.

What this means is self-evident!

Thinking back to half a year ago, when Lin Jiangnian was in the Prince's Mansion, Lin Hengzhong once mentioned it to Lin Jiangnian in a sincere way.

If he really plans to marry the eldest princess back home, given time, Prince Lin's Mansion will be able to have an additional master at the level of a master.

have to!

Now there is no need to wait for time!


Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian's eyes were particularly complicated.

Everyone is obviously about the same age, why are you so good? !

However, now is not the time to ponder this. When he realized that Li Miaomiao was most likely a first-class Grandmaster, Lin Jiangnian immediately made a decisive decision...

He's got this grandmaster's thigh firmly in his arms!

Now that the emperor has been impersonated, the situation is still unclear. Lin Jiangnian and Li Miaomiao can be considered to be in the same camp. As a result, Lin Jiangnian no longer hesitated and hurriedly caught up and passed through the small door.

The secret room had already fallen into darkness, and even the dim light no longer existed.

After a while, Lin Jiangnian gradually adapted to the darkness and saw the situation in front of him clearly.

In the secret room ahead, there was a mess.

However, there was no movement or sound around, and the whereabouts of Li Miaomiao and the fake emperor were missing.

Where are people?

Lin Jiangnian looked around and saw that everything was empty. What's more serious is that there are many secret rooms here, like a maze!

If you are not careful, you may get lost!

Lin Jiangnian didn't act rashly. He didn't know the situation at the moment, let alone the structure of the secret room. If there is any hidden weapon trap arranged in the secret room, if you are not careful, you may be caught!

He carefully observed his surroundings, looking for useful clues, and at the same time continued to think and judge the current situation!

If all of this is really Chen Zhao's doing, what is his purpose in doing this?

Was it the emperor's instruction?

Or is it that Chen Zhao has actually had his heart turned against him for a long time?


Lin Jiangnian frowned slightly.

It shouldn't be!

If Chen Zhao is really rebellious, logically speaking, the first people he has to deal with for everything he has done should not be Lin Jiangnian and Li Miaomiao, but rather...

"Your Highness the Crown Prince!"


Outside the Health Palace.

Chen Zhao, who was dressed in gray robe and stooped, slowly appeared in the hall.

The hall was empty.

There was an aura of loneliness and coldness.

Chen Zhao walked slowly to the door of the secret room at the back of the palace and looked into the dark secret room. After a while, he expressionlessly stepped on the switch under his feet.


With a loud noise, the door to the secret room slowly closed.

After a while, everything calmed down.

Chen Zhao slowly turned around and looked outside the hall.

"come in."

Outside the hall, a figure in black fish robe appeared at the door.

It was Chen Changqing who was called into the palace last night.

At this moment, Chen Changqing lowered his head and looked respectful.

"Mr. Chen!"

Chen Zhao's turbid eyes fell on him, and after staring for a moment, he said expressionlessly: "Go and inform His Highness the Crown Prince!

"Let's just say that something happened in the secret room of His Majesty's retreat!"

Chen Changqing lowered his eyes and his eyelids twitched suddenly.

But then, it quickly returned to calm.

"As you command!"


in the dark.

Lin Jiangnian searched in the secret room and walked alone.

Li Piaomiao and the old man pretending to be the emperor have disappeared!

The sound insulation effect of this secret room seems to be good. After the stone door is closed, no sound can be heard at all.

Lin Jiangnian pushed open the stone door next to him with careful steps and probed everywhere, looking for clues.

We can't go out for the time being, so finding Li Piaomiao is the key now!

With her here, I feel safe.

The secret room was pitch dark, but Lin Jiangnian's eyesight was clear and he could barely see everything around him clearly.

There are many secret rooms here, like a maze, but it is not as full of traps as a maze. It is completely incomparable to the maze in Yanzhou!

Lin Jiangnian groped around and wrote down the way he came. In the darkness, he looked around and soon found a small door.

The small door was somewhat hidden and integrated into the stone wall next to it, but it was still noticed by the attentive Lin Jiangnian!

I tried pushing, but it didn't come away.


The stone doors of most secret rooms can be pushed open directly. This secret room is still closed. Could there be something hidden inside?

Lin Jiangnian cautiously checked around, looking for the switch of the stone door. But after searching around, I couldn't find the switch position.

Standing at the small door, Lin Jiangnian hesitated, narrowed his eyes, and worked his mind.

In an instant, his internal energy began to circulate, and majestic breath poured into Lin Jiangnian's sleeves. Then, he slapped his palms towards the small door!


A dull explosion sounded.

The powerful internal energy poured in and collided with the stone door, making a loud noise!


When the smoke dissipated, only a few cracks remained on the stone door.

Is this stone gate so hard?

Just now, when he saw Li Miaomiao easily smash the stone door into pieces with one palm, Lin Jiangnian was still thinking that the stone door was quite fragile.

As soon as he got started, he immediately noticed it!

A first-grade grandmaster is really terrifying!

However, Lin Jiangnian did not give up. He took a few steps closer and came to the stone gate. He raised his palm again and took a picture!

This time, the cracks on the stone door became more obvious!

Lin Jiangnian continued to use his internal energy and slapped his palm on the stone door.

Finally, after Lin Jiangnian landed more than a dozen palms in a row, the cracks on the stone door gradually expanded, and finally couldn't bear the heavy blows and burst into pieces!

In the sight ahead, another dark secret room appeared!

Lin Jiangnian was slightly out of breath... This head-on move really consumed his internal energy!

Even if he possesses a powerful mind like the Xuanyang Mind, it is still a bit too much for him to handle.

After all, the strength is still too weak!

Of course, this stone door is not simple, and it is not made of ordinary stone!

After taking a few deep breaths to calm his body and mind, Lin Jiangnian carefully explored the secret room behind the stone door. After making sure there was no danger around, he stepped inside.

This secret room is not too big, and all the furnishings in the secret room are very simple.

In front of the secret room, there is an altar, and something seems to be enshrined in front of the altar.

Lin Jiangnian took a closer look and recognized the Buddha statues enshrined there.

However, these Buddha statues look dark, giving people an inexplicable sense of splendor.

At the same time, it also made Lin Jiangnian feel inexplicably familiar.

Before he could take a closer look, he found... someone in the altar? !

In the darkness, Lin Jiangnian's keen vision noticed that there seemed to be a figure lying in the altar.

In an instant, a chill rose up Lin Jiangnianhou's spine. He suddenly became alert, his internal energy surged, and his energy and blood surged.


He drank subconsciously and fiercely.

However, no response!

And Lin Jiangnian soon realized what he noticed... The people in the altar didn't seem to have any aura fluctuations?

Lin Jiangnian used his inner strength to feel it carefully and quickly determined that... there was indeed no breath.

Not even the breath of life?

For a moment, Lin Jiangnian seemed to understand something in his heart.

He stepped forward cautiously, wary of possible dangers, walked to the altar step by step, and looked into the altar.

Soon, the figure lying inside the altar gradually appeared in Lin Jiangnian's sight.

This figure was lying flat inside the altar, covered from head to toe by a piece of yellow cloth.

Lin Jiangnian already had a guess in his mind. After hesitating for a moment, he slowly reached out and lifted the yellow cloth.

Immediately, the figure under the yellow cloth gradually appeared in sight.

This is an old figure, with yellow hair, a withered face, a stiff and cold body, a corpse that has long lost any vital signs!

Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on the face of the corpse. When I saw this familiar face, my suspicion was finally confirmed!

This corpse belongs to the Emperor of Daning Dynasty!

Emperor Ning died!

When he saw it with his own eyes, all the previous guesses in Lin Jiangnian's mind were answered at this moment!

His guess was indeed correct!

Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on this corpse. Judging from the condition of the corpse... the time of death was probably within the next two days!

So, everything that happened last night... is closed!

Emperor Ning died yesterday!

It is not certain how he died, but after the death of Emperor Ning, Chen Zhao secretly summoned Mi Tiansi masters into the palace. I am afraid that his death was very strange!


Lin Jiangnian looked at the old and withered Emperor Ning and understood everything at the same time!

This emperor may have encountered something before he died. With such a withered appearance, he is clearly an old man in his twilight years!


The emperor's so-called seclusion before was probably just an excuse.

The real reason is probably that the emperor had some accidents while in retreat, which resulted in him looking like this!

To prevent chaos in the world, that's why you never dare to show up?

Is it because of seclusion and obsession, or... is there some other reason?

Lin Jiangnian squinted, the specific details were unknown!

But the truth has slowly unfolded and gradually become clear in his heart!

"This world seems to be in chaos!"

Lin Jiangnian murmured to himself.

Once the news of Emperor Ning's death spreads out, all forces in the world will eventually be ready to take action.

I don’t know if the Crown Prince who is about to take over the throne can keep it under control!

More importantly...the crisis is not over yet!

Once the emperor dies, the only person who can restrain Chen Zhao is gone!

Chen Zhao, what on earth does he want to do?

Just as Lin Jiangnian was thinking about these questions, there was a sudden strange noise next to him.


Before Lin Jiangnian could speak, a majestic internal force suddenly approached.

Lin Jiangnian's expression immediately changed slightly and he quickly dodged.


The explosion sounded, and a large crater instantly appeared where Lin Jiangnian had been.

"Don't do it, we're on our own!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke quickly.

Hearing Lin Jiangnian's voice, the terrifying murderous aura that had been lingering suddenly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a figure in white slowly appeared at the small door behind him.

It’s Li Piaomiao!

"Why are you here?"

Li Piaomiao, dressed in white like snow, still looks particularly dazzling even in this dark secret room.

She looked coldly and looked at Lin Jiangnian in the secret room expressionlessly. When he first spoke, he quickly noticed something and his eyes fell on the altar.

Immediately, she looked slightly startled.

He froze in place.

His eyes seemed a little dazed, and he looked at the long-dead Emperor Ning in the altar without saying a word.

As if he understood something, a daze appeared on that face that had always been cold and unparalleled.

"Father, is he dead?!"

After a moment of silence, Li Miaomiao seemed to be talking to herself and murmured softly. Then, he raised his eyes and looked at Lin Jiangnian.

"Don't look at me, it wasn't me..."

Lin Jiangnian immediately waved his hand, showing that he had nothing to do with me.

He was a little afraid that this woman would be heartbroken when she saw her biological father die, and she would be angry and want to take revenge on him.

Women are irrational, especially those whose father has just careful!

Li Miaomiao looked at Lin Jiangnian quietly. There was no sadness on his face, but it gave off a strange aura that was hard to describe.

Then, she restrained her cold eyes, walked into the secret room, came to the altar, and stared at Emperor Ning's body inside the altar.

Still silent.

At this time, Lin Jiangnian was also observing her.

Seeing that this woman's temperament remained unchanged, and there was no change in her body, her heart moved and she asked: "Where was the fake one just now?"


Li Piaomiao answered simply and simply.

Lin Jiangnian's eyelids twitched.

The old man just now was not weak, Lin Jiangnian could feel that he was far above him. But unexpectedly, Li Miaomiao was sentenced to death with such an understatement.

...A first-grade grandmaster is really terrifying!

"So, what's going on?"

Lin Jiangnian calmed down and finally asked.

"Your Majesty, why did you die suddenly? Didn't Your Majesty want to summon me? Why did you die suddenly?"

There are some doubts in my heart that must be clarified.

Li Miaomiao suddenly turned to look at Lin Jiangnian. This cold look in his eyes made Lin Jiangnian feel wary again.

However, Li Piaomiao just looked at him quietly for a few times and then looked away.

"have no idea."

She spoke coldly.

There seemed to be a hint of confusion in his tone.

"Then, is it true or false to summon my emperor?"

Lin Jiangnian asked again.

Li Piaomiao didn't speak, seeming to be thinking about something.

After a while, she spoke.

"Father was still alive last night!"

Were you alive last night?

That means Emperor Ning died after meeting Li Piaomiao last night?

Since Emperor Ning plans to summon Lin Jiangnian, it means that he will not die immediately... Then, the answer is self-evident!

Emperor Ning, I'm afraid he was killed? !

Someone ended his life prematurely!

And those who can do this...

"Chen Zhao!"

Li Piaomiao suddenly spoke.

The tone was neither cold nor indifferent.

But it seemed that after he said it, there was a touch of... coldness!

"I'm afraid he is the only one who can do this!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded in agreement.

Li Piaomiao remained silent, then suddenly turned around and walked towards the door.

"Where to go? Wait for me?!"

Lin Jiangnian hurriedly followed.

Li Miaomiao walked very fast, and the figure in white quickly shuttled through the secret room, her pace a little anxious. Lin Jiangnian followed closely, following her footsteps... At this time, the best thing to do is to hug the master's thigh tightly!

Then, just as the two returned to the secret room where they first met the emperor, Li Miaomiao suddenly stopped again.


Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and noticed that the passage the two came from earlier had been blocked by a stone gate at some point.

No way? !

Just as Lin Jiangnian's expression changed slightly, Li Miaomiao, who was standing in front, suddenly began to use his energy.

In an instant, a terrifying aura filled the secret room.

Lin Jiangnian's expression changed drastically, and he quickly took a few steps back, hiding far away.

The terrifying aura emitted by a first-level master was not something he could withstand. Gathered together in this small secret room, even the aftermath was enough for him to eat a pot.

Lin Jiangnian hid in the distance and looked at Li Miaomiao, who was dressed in white in front of him, using his majestic internal power to strike out with a bang.


An explosion sounded like the earth was shaking, the stone wall was swaying, gravel rolled down, and everything was in chaos.

However, there were not many traces left on the heavy stone door ahead!

Seeing this scene, Li Miaomiao frowned slightly and took action again!


This time, the earth-shaking explosion sounded again.

Louder than before!

In the secret room, rocks were rolling down one after another, as if the house was about to collapse at any time.

There was still only a small crack on the stone gate in front!

Li Piaomiao's cold frown deepened and she was about to take action again!

"Calm down, you calm down first!"

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian hurriedly spoke out and stopped her: "Don't try, if you hit me two more times, we will both be buried here!"

Li Piaomiao paused, looked around, and then discovered something.

At this moment, the secret room was in a mess.

The stone door remained motionless, but the inside of the secret room was affected by the remnants of her terrifying aura. Rubbles were flying, the stones on the stone wall were in tatters, and even a few pieces above the head collapsed.

It has become a dangerous room!

When he entered the secret room before, Lin Jiangnian discovered that the secret room was underground. With Li Piaomiao's two palms, the secret room was almost destroyed. If she strikes with two more palms, they will both be buried alive before the stone gate is shattered!

Li Miaomiao, who realized this, finally stopped. Looking around, he seemed to be thinking about something.

After seeing her stop, Lin Jiangnian finally walked out. Avoid the rubble in the secret room and arrive at the stone door. I touched the stone door with my hand and quickly realized: "This stone door is no ordinary stone door. It is extremely hard. It is very difficult to destroy it with brute force!"

He could find that the stone door was made of hard material and extremely thick. With Lin Jiangnian's strength, it was almost impossible to destroy it forcefully.

Li Piaomiao's words... with her strength, she might be able to do it. However, before she could do that, the two of them had to be buried alive first.

"Don't use brute force!"

Lin Jiangnian concluded.

Li Piaomiao looked at him with an expressionless face: "Do you have any idea?"


Lin Jiangnian answered simply: "Is there any other exit here?"

Li Piaomiao's eyes were cold: "I don't know."

"How do you know?"

Lin Jiangnian asked; "Are you not familiar with this place?"

Li Pianmiao looked at him expressionlessly, then looked away after a while, and said coldly: "This is where my father retreats. No one is allowed to approach without permission."

Lin Jiangnian understands!

This is where Emperor Ning lives. Apart from Emperor Ning, probably the only one who knows the structure of this place is...

"Chen Zhao!"

Lin Jiangnian laughed: "It seems that all this is his fault!"

Having said this, Lin Jiangnian looked at Li Miaomiao again: "He trapped us here, doesn't he want to trap us to death?"

Li Piaomiao ignored Lin Jiangnian and turned around to look for other exits. The entrance was sealed and could not be broken open with brute force, so we had to find other ways.

Finding other exits has become the only way at the moment.

Compared with Li Miaomiao who was eager to find an exit, Lin Jiangnian was not so anxious.

He naturally knew the reason for Li Miaomiao's anxiety... Emperor Ning was most likely killed by Chen Zhao. Chen Zhao killed Emperor Ning and arranged to trap her and Lin Jiangnian here. The purpose was certainly not simple!

You can guess with your toes that Chen Zhao's next target will definitely be the Crown Prince of the East Palace!

So, Li Piaomiao was eager to go out, naturally worried that Chen Zhao was plotting against the prince.

Lin Jiangnian was different. He didn't care about the prince's life or death. Even if you are trapped in a secret room, you don't have to worry about safety for the time being.

more importantly……

Before coming, Lin Jiangnian had already realized that something was not right about today's trip to the palace and that it was very likely to be dangerous, so he had prepared a backup plan.

If you can't find an exit, you just need to wait quietly for someone to rescue you!

What's more, there is a first-class master next to you, this sense of security... is self-evident!

Jingning Palace.

In the back garden.

"Mother, how are you doing lately?"

Li Cunning was standing in the back garden. In the pavilion, a middle-aged lady with gorgeous clothes and outstanding temperament was sitting in the pavilion. Her face was fair and her eyes were in a trance, as if she had just recovered from a serious illness.

"Mother is fine."

The queen shook her head and looked up at the prince in front of her. There seemed to be some hesitation in his eyes.

In the end, nothing was said.

Li Cunning saw it and chuckled: "Mother, are you still worried about your third brother?"

The Queen was silent and nodded.

"The kid didn't kill him."

Li Cunning spoke softly and was silent for a moment: "The queen is right, he is the child's younger brother after all..."

The Queen sighed, with some guilt in her eyes: "It's hard for you!"

"Yuan'er is just too stubborn!"

At this point, the Empress sighed: "You have done a good job, letting him guard the imperial mausoleum... is the lightest punishment for him!"

"I hope he can recognize his mistakes in the future and reflect on it!"

Li Cunning's eyes were calm.

After all, he softened his heart!

But for the third prince, being demoted to the imperial mausoleum is basically like this for the rest of his life!

After entering the imperial tomb, no living person can come out again!

The Queen sighed and stopped mentioning this topic. Although she was indeed partial to her third son, she was still clear about it after all.

"Where is your father?"

The Queen asked again: "How is his health?"

Li Cunning was silent.

The queen gradually got some answer from his face.

His face also dimmed: "Is there something wrong with his body too?"

Li Cunning was silent for a while and nodded.

The Queen was stunned, and after a while, she sighed deeply: "I knew..."

"I've had a premonition since he went into seclusion more than half a year ago..."

How could she not know His Majesty's situation after being married for many years?

After all, I can detect something.

Seeing his mother's confused expression, Li Cunning didn't know what to say for a moment and could only comfort her softly.

For the mother, a son is suddenly deposed, and her husband, whom she has been with for many years, may be about to die...

Such a blow is not a small one.

"Can I see him?"

The Queen was silent for a while and then suddenly spoke.

The last time I saw His Majesty was more than half a year ago, right?

Li Cunning hesitated, and finally spoke softly: "My child has to ask his father for his opinion!"

"Go ahead."

The Queen sighed softly.

"Then, the child has resigned!"

Li Cunning slowly stood up and was about to leave. Outside the back garden, a person suddenly approached quickly.

"Your Highness, urgent report from the Health Palace!"

Hearing this, Li Cunning's eyes suddenly condensed.

Even the Queen's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and her face turned pale.

"What's wrong?!"

Li Cunning's eyes were downcast as he stared at the visitor: "What's going on?!"

"Mr. Chen has sent someone and is waiting for you in the front hall!"

After hearing this, Li Cunning quickly left the back garden and came to the front hall.

In the front hall, Chen Changqing and two experts from Mitiansi were waiting for a long time.

"Chen Changqing, the leader of the Mitian Division, pays homage to His Highness the Crown Prince!"

Chen Changqing knelt on one knee.

Li Cunning stared at the person in front of him. He recognized this person, the leader of the Mitian Division!

After the accident in Mitiansi some time ago, he took over the power of Mitiansi and became Chen Zhao's confidant.

"What happened?!"

Li Cunning stared coldly at the person in front of him.

Chen Changqing lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "Not long ago, something unexpected happened in the retreat of His Majesty..."

"Mr. Chen specially asked his subordinates to come and report to His Highness!"

As soon as these words came out, Li Cunning's expression suddenly changed.

Something happened to my father?

"What happened?!"

Li Cunning stared at the person in front of him and spoke coldly.

"My subordinates don't know!"

Chen Changqing lowered his head: "Mr. Chen only asked his subordinates to come down and inform His Highness the Crown Prince, please hurry over and take charge of the overall situation!"

Li Cunning's expression changed.

He vaguely realized that something was wrong. What happened to his father? !

Could it be...

Thinking of this, Li Cunning couldn't sit still!

He hesitated in silence for a moment, then immediately rolled his sleeves.

"Go to the Health Palace!"

After saying that, Li Cunning walked quickly out of the hall, but when he just passed Chen Changqing, he suddenly stopped.

Just because, at some point, there was an extra piece of paper in his hand hidden under his robe.

Li Cunning's eyes were puzzled, and he turned to look at Chen Changqing, who was still kneeling on the ground with an expressionless face.

Chen Changqing knelt on one knee, but slowly raised his head and looked at Li Cunning quietly, his expression as usual.

Li Cunning didn't say anything and walked out of the front hall expressionlessly. He turned over the note in his hand and saw one sentence clearly written on it.

"Your Highness, be careful of Chen Zhao!"

Li Cunning's pupils shrank suddenly, and his face became slightly cold.

"Somebody come!"

"My subordinate is here!"

"Call the imperial army, listen to Gu's wishes, and be ready at any time!"

"As commanded."


Outside the Health Palace, everything seemed to be business as usual.

However, it can be noticed that there seem to be many more guards outside the palace than before.

Prince Li Cunning arrived after a long journey and stepped into the health palace.

"Your Highness!"

In the open space outside the hall, Chen Zhao, dressed in gray robe, had been waiting for a long time. He lowered his head and stood there quietly.

Li Cunning's cold eyes fell on him, and he felt a little chilled as he recalled the contents of the note just now.

"Mr. Chen, what's going on?"

Li Cunning looked into the palace behind him, his eyes cold and tinged with anxiety: "What happened to your father?"

Chen Zhao lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "Reporting to Your Highness, I just discovered something abnormal..."

As he spoke, Chen Zhao spoke in a deep voice: "Not long ago, Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess brought His Royal Highness Prince Lin to meet the Emperor. But not long after Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess and His Royal Highness Prince Lin entered the secret room, there was a vibration in the secret room. , there seems to be the sound of fighting..."

"Immediately afterwards, the secret door of the secret room suddenly fell, sealing the secret room..."

"I was worried that something would happen to His Majesty, so I quickly sent someone to invite His Majesty... and asked His Majesty to make a decision!"

Li Cunning stared at Chen Zhao coldly.

If it hadn't been for the note just now, maybe he would have believed it a lot. But right now, he was full of vigilance.

"You mean, something might have happened to Pianmiao and Prince Lin when they met their father?"

"I don't know, old slave."

"Are they trapped in a secret room now?"

"That's right."

Li Cunning was thinking a lot and suppressed the coldness in his eyes.

"Lead the way, go and have a look!"

Chen Zhao remained silent and raised his head to glance at His Highness the Crown Prince in front of him, as well as the two personal masters with extremely strong auras who were following him step by step.

Without saying a word, he turned around and led the way.

In the main hall.

Li Cunning quickly approached, and the door that was supposed to be the passage to the secret room had been closed at some point.

"How is the secret room door closed?"

Li Cunning asked coldly.

"Perhaps something big happened inside, and His Majesty lowered the secret door!" Chen Zhao replied from the side.

"How to turn it on?" Li Cunning asked again.

"I don't know, old slave."

Chen Zhao shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty is the only one who knows how to open this door!"

"You mean, this door can't be opened?"

Li Cunning turned to stare at Chen Zhao: "Father, Miao Miao and the others will be trapped and die inside?!"

Chen Zhao said in a respectful and deep voice: "There should be an exit to the secret room, but I don't know it yet."

Li Cunning was silent and stared at Chen Zhao for a long time, as if trying to read something on his face.

To no avail.

"Somebody come!"

Li Cunning spoke in a deep voice.

"My subordinate is here!"

"Find a way to open this door!"


Following Li Cunning's order, the imperial guards following him began to step forward, looking for a way to open the secret room.

The imperial guards first looked for the secret door in the palace to open the mechanism, but they searched several times to no avail.

Listening to the servant's report, Li Cunning's eyes became even colder. He looked back at Chen Zhao, who was not far away, and shouted coldly: "Break the door!"

Father Huang and Miao Miao are still in the secret room. They don't know what happened to them and what they have to do with Chen Zhao.

But right now Li Cunning can't care about that much!

Since it can’t be opened, then force it open!

As Li Cunning opened his mouth, a powerful guard who was originally guarding behind Li Cunning stepped towards the secret door of the secret room.


As the guard slapped the secret door of the secret room with his powerful internal force, the ground in the hall shook and shook.

On the secret door, cracks gradually appeared!

In the end, after unremitting destruction, this extremely hard secret door finally shattered under the destruction of gravity.

The passage in the secret room suddenly appeared!

"Your Highness, the door is open!"

"Go in and take a look!"

Li Cunning gave the order immediately.

But at this moment, Chen Zhao's voice came from the side: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty has ordered that the imperial guards and outsiders are not qualified to enter this place!"

Li Cunning turned to stare at him coldly: "You want to stop me?"

Chen Zhao met Li Cunning's cold eyes: "I don't dare, but His Majesty has an order..."

"Today, Gu's order is the order!"

Li Cunning's expression was cold. It was the first time he spoke so forcefully. He stared at Chen Zhao coldly and said coldly: "Go in!"

The imperial guards who were originally following Li Cunning quickly entered the secret room and secret passage.

Chen Zhao stood aside and remained silent.

Soon, the guard's report came back from the secret room.

"Your Highness, there is a secret door in the secret room passage. The secret room is sealed and cannot be entered!"

As soon as these words came out, Li Cunning's expression changed a little, and he suddenly had an ominous premonition.

What happened in the secret room? !

"Force it!"

There was a hint of anxiety in Li Cunning's tone, and he glanced back at the other guard behind him.

The guard understood this and immediately stepped into the secret room.

But at this moment, just when the guard walked into the secret room.

The next second, Li Cunning suddenly felt a chill all over his body, as if he was being stared at by something, and his whole body was numb!

Like falling into an abyss!

"Your Highness, be careful!"

A sharp voice sounded from my ears.

It was the voice of the expert guard beside him, followed by a sharp scream!


Li Cunning turned around suddenly and saw a scene in front of him that made him shudder.

The master who has been with him for many years and has profound martial arts skills. He didn't know when he was standing behind him, and his heart was just pierced!

Blood flowed!

This scene is extremely terrifying!

Li Cunning's whole body was cold, and he watched helplessly as the guard standing in front of him fell.


Without the cover of the guards, Li Cunning's eyes met a pair of still calm and turbid eyes.

But at this moment, this turbid gaze seemed to be filled with deep murderous intent.

Bitingly cold.

"Chen Zhao, you, you..."

Li Cunning was extremely shocked and angry.

It seemed that Chen Zhao would unexpectedly attack unexpectedly. If the guard in front of him hadn't blocked the fatal blow for him, he might have been the one who died just now!

Even though he was so vigilant, he didn't expect that he almost got hit!

Li Cunning felt cold all over, and finally realized that there was indeed something wrong with Chen Zhao...

"Chen Zhao, what do you want to do?!"

Li Cunning stared at him with angry eyes.

Chen Zhao, on the other hand, remained extremely calm from beginning to end, his body still stooped, as if he would collapse at any time.

But his eyes gradually became cold, and he looked indifferently at the prince of the Daning Dynasty in front of him, the heir apparent who was about to ascend the throne.

"Old slave, come and take your Highness to see His Majesty!"


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