Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 425 Can you be more honest?

Chen Zhao, who was originally stooped, slowly straightened up at this moment. His gray robe was still wide, but it was fluttering in the wind, and his breath lingered around him.

A majestic momentum spreads!

"Protect His Highness!"

The moment the guard next to Li Cunning fell under the attack, the remaining guards nearby reacted one after another.

They are all the most loyal guards around His Royal Highness, and their martial arts skills are outstanding. After being stunned for a moment, they quickly deployed their formation to protect His Highness the Crown Prince behind him.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The sound of a sword being unsheathed sounded.

The cold light filled the air, full of murderous intent.

More than a dozen guard figures stood in front of Chen Zhao, raising their cold knives and staring at this person warily!

Li Cunning, who was protected by the guards, looked cold and livid at the moment. He stared at Chen Zhao outside the crowd, whose temperament had changed, and was finally sure.

"You really hid it so deeply!"

Li Cunning's tone was cold and low.

From the beginning to the end, he always felt that there was something wrong with Chen Zhao!

Even though his father had spoken to save him several times, Li Cunning still instinctively felt wary of this person.

Sure enough, he finally couldn't hold it any longer!

At this moment, Li Cunning was shocked, angry, and at the same time deeply grateful... If he hadn't received the note, he would have been prepared.

If it weren't for the guards beside him who sacrificed their lives to protect him just now, he might have died on the spot.

Li Cunning's whole body was cold. At this moment, he finally realized that his father might have... something happened!

Without the restraint of his father, the conflict between him and Chen Zhao finally had no room for relaxation.

"Take it!"

Li Cunning said coldly.

The next second, the guard standing in front of Li Cunning approached Chen Zhao with a knife.

The silver sword is shining, murderous intent is approaching.

There is a chill in the air!

Chen Zhao stood there, his wrinkled and old face still expressionless. The sleeves waved, the wind suddenly rose, and the majestic inner power burst out!


The two guards who were approaching with swords were instantly shocked by this majestic internal force. The long sword in their hands that had just been approaching broke instantly!

Immediately afterwards, the two of them were knocked back four or five steps, and their orifices bleed instantly!

The next second, he collapsed to the ground.

This scene made the other people's pupils shrink suddenly.


This, this old eunuch...

The inner strength is so strong?

Even before he took action, he killed two of their accomplices just by relying on his internal strength? !

This kind of strength has already given everyone chills!

This old eunuch indeed hid his martial arts skills...

Just when everyone was terrified, Chen Zhao, who had just taken action, disappeared from the place the next second!

It disappeared in place almost out of thin air.


"Protect His Highness!"

The remaining guards reacted vigilantly, feeling horrified in their hearts. Their internal strength reached the limit, and they raised their knives to guard His Highness.

In the courtyard, internal energy surged, and the aura of explosion filled the air!

Chen Zhao's figure turned into an afterimage, almost imperceptible to the naked eye, approaching the prince Li Cunning in the crowd!

In his eyes, there is only the prince!

The guard standing in front of Li Cunning could barely block a move in front of him. When the robes were waved, the terrifying internal energy surged, easily destroying the formation of these guards into pieces!

Facing the crushing force of absolute strength, even if these guards are not weak in martial arts, they are like ants at this moment, with almost no resistance!



Collisions and screams continued.

The guards standing in front of Li Cunning fell one after another. These well-trained and highly skilled guards could not stop Chen Zhao at all.

At this time, outside the main hall.

The movement in the palace finally attracted the attention of the imperial guards outside the palace.

The Imperial Guards who were guarding outside the hall immediately rushed into the courtyard, just as everyone was about to gather inside the hall.

Outside the palace, several figures appeared quietly, blocking the footsteps of the imperial guards outside the palace.

Black fish robes, silhouettes shrouded in shadows!


"Are you planning to rebel?!"

Outside the hall, the commander of the Imperial Guards looked livid with shock and anger, staring at the dozen or so Mitiansi figures that appeared in front of him.

No one answered!

"Kill, support the prince!"

The commander of the imperial guard immediately spoke coldly.

The next second, the imperial guards behind him drew their swords and stepped forward.

A group of Mitiansi masters outside the hall also drew their swords. The two parties were close in strength, and the swords collided, and a chaotic battle broke out inside and outside the hall.

"Your Highness, leave quickly!"

The frightened voices of the guards came from the main hall. They couldn't stop the old eunuch at all.

He clearly looks like he is in his final years, so why is his martial arts so strong? !

Almost as soon as they met, most of the guards were lost.

Even if the guards who entered the secret room earlier heard the movement outside and turned back, they would be unable to stop the old eunuch.

The few remaining guards escorted Li Cunning, fighting and retreating towards the outside of the palace.

However, Chen Zhao's afterimage was approaching quietly.

"Your Highness, be careful!"

A startled shout came, and a guard stood in front of Li Cunning, blocking Chen Zhao's fatal blow.

The guard's face was ashen and his eyes were filled with anger: "Old gelding, go to hell!"

The guard waved the long knife in his hand, trying to kill the old eunuch in front of him who had the intention to do evil to His Highness the Crown Prince!

But before he could even lift the knife, his vision went dark.

Fall down instantly!

As the guard fell, Li Cunning was completely exposed to Chen Zhao.

"Your Highness, it's your turn."

Chen Zhao lowered his voice and his figure became dazed.

He took a step closer.

At this moment, Li Cunning's face was pale, frightened and angry.

It was as if a terrifying aura had locked onto him. It was as if the blood in his body had solidified, and he was cold and stiff. Even moving was extremely difficult. The remaining guards around him had no time to support him at this moment. They could only watch Chen Zhao approaching His Highness the Crown Prince!

At stake!

Just when Chen Zhao was about to take action, he suddenly felt a chill behind him. There seemed to be an instinctively dangerous aura coming over him, stinging his whole body.

Chen Zhao paused.

Turn around suddenly.

Behind him, a cold light fell from the sky and suddenly approached!


Chen Zhao's face was expressionless, and his figure instantly turned into an afterimage and disappeared from the place.


There was a loud rumbling sound, and a crack appeared where Chen Zhao was standing, split open by the sword energy.

If he hadn't dodged just now, he might have been split in half by the sword energy in an instant!

Chen Zhao's eyes were cold and he raised his head to look forward.

"Your Highness, leave quickly!"

In the sight ahead, a dull voice sounded.

A black figure, holding a knife, appeared quietly in the hall.

Li Cunning stood there, shocked and confused. The coagulated blood all over his body slowly recovered, and he resumed movement.

He raised his head and looked at the figure not far in front of him who had just helped him resolve the crisis.

Soon, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

In sight, it was a man in his thirties, dressed in an ink-like black fish robe, holding a long knife made of special material, similar to a Tang Dao.

The sword's light is cold and murderous!

At this moment, he was standing in front of Crown Prince Li Cunning, leaving only a cold figure behind him, who was staring warily at Chen Zhao in front of him.

When Chen Zhao saw the figure in front of him, he seemed startled, and then a fierce and angry light appeared in his eyes.

"You, how dare you betray me?!"

As if extremely angry, a look of ferocity appeared on his face, and his voice was low and full of murderous intent!

"My subordinates are loyal to His Majesty and His Highness the Crown Prince. They have a clear conscience. How can they talk about betrayal?"

Chen Changqing stared coldly at Chen Zhao in front of him, and said expressionlessly: "On the contrary, it is Mr. Chen who intends to assassinate His Highness the Crown Prince. He deserves death!"

"You are the traitor!"

Chen Changqing spoke coldly, staring at Chen Zhao with the same low and cold gaze.

No one expected that Chen Changqing, the leader of the Mitian Division who was Chen Zhao's subordinate, would suddenly stand against Chen Zhao at this critical juncture!

In order to save the prince, he turned against Chen Zhao!

Chen Zhao's old face was gloomy, as if he was extremely angry, and he stared at him with cold eyes.

"I knew you were rebellious, so I couldn't be trusted!"

As Chen Zhao spoke coldly, majestic internal energy began to pour into his sleeves!

"In this case, I will clean up the traitors today!"

"Your Highness, leave quickly!"

Chen Changqing stood on the spot, clenching the long knife in his hand, staring at Chen Zhao with a gloomy gaze.

Hold the hand of the long knife tightly and slowly pour in internal power. As the internal energy poured in, the long knife in his hand trembled uncontrollably and let out a soft cry.

The momentum is like a rainbow!

The leader of Mitiansi showed his true peak strength at this moment!


The prince who was hiding behind Chen Changqing turned slightly pale and took a few steps back, avoiding the center of the hall.

The next second, Chen Zhao's figure disappeared from the place again, and in a flash, he appeared in front of Chen Changqing.

The terrifying aura in the sleeves wrapped around the palms of the hands and struck him fiercely.

Chen Changqing's pupils shrank suddenly. At this moment, he seemed to feel that he was facing a terrifying and oppressive momentum like Mount Tai. Almost subconsciously, he raised his knife to resist, trying to block this oppressive momentum!


"Bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The moment the internal forces collided, there were bursts of violent explosions. The whole hall was shaking, and the air was filled with dust and debris.

In the dust, under the explosion, a figure flew several meters backwards, and only then could it stabilize its figure.


Chen Changqing's body was shaking, his face was pale, his throat was fishy and sweet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Standing unsteadily, he thrust the long knife into the ground and knelt down on one knee before he stabilized his body.

He raised his eyes in horror and stared straight ahead!

Looking down again, he saw that the hand holding the knife was shaking violently, and he could hardly hold the knife steadily!

The difference in strength is too obvious!

There is no way he can be an opponent!

Perhaps, no one thought that this old eunuch who had been hiding in the health palace all year round was actually a top master with extremely unfathomable martial arts skills!

"Traitor, damn!"

The air was filled with thick fog, and in the chaos, Chen Zhao's expressionless and cold voice came, as well as... murderous intent!

Suddenly approaching!

Another fierce palm wind was approaching, and this time, Chen Changqing, who had not yet breathed, was unable to resist it!

He could only grit his teeth and lift the knife with difficulty.


A crisp cracking sound sounded.

The long knife in Chen Changqing's hand suddenly shattered!

The shattered long knife pierced into his body under the attack of terrifying and powerful internal force.

Chen Changqing flew out like a broken string and fell heavily in the corner of the hall. He struggled to get up, but the severe pain all over his body prevented him from moving.


He fell to the ground, motionless, and lost the ability to resist.

Chen Zhao's eyes were cold, and he didn't even glance at Chen Changqing, but fell on Li Cunning again.

His target is Li Cunning!

"Your Highness, leave quickly!"

Chen Changqing's brief obstruction gave the remaining guards in the hall a chance to breathe. The remaining guards quickly escorted Li Cunning out of the hall.

At this moment, there was chaos inside and outside the palace.

The Forbidden Army guards under the crown prince outside the palace poured into the palace and started a melee with the Mitiansi masters under Chen Zhao in the palace.

At the same time, the guards who were originally guarding the Health Palace also had conflicts with the imperial guards under the crown prince. It was no longer clear whether they were friends or foes, and the situation was out of control!

"Stop, everyone, stop!!"

"Chen Zhao intends to rebel and murder His Highness the Crown Prince. He deserves death. Protect His Highness!"

"Kill Chen Zhao!"

A guard shouted anxiously.

Some guards in the courtyard were stunned for a moment when they heard this, and all looked towards the main hall.

But the next second, he was interrupted again by cold light swords!

The figure of the Mitiansi master hiding in the crowd fell with his sword, taking away several lives and making the scene even more chaotic!

And Chen Zhao in the palace chased him out of the palace, following him like a shadow, approaching again!

"Stop him!"

The remaining guards stood in front of him, trying to stop him.

But this seemingly rickety old eunuch seems to contain inexhaustible and terrifying inner strength under his gray robe. There were so many guards present, but no one could get close to him, and almost no one could even take one of his moves.

Everywhere you go, it's like entering a deserted place.

"Chen Gou, how dare you?!"

"Guard, protect His Highness the Crown Prince!"

Finally, some of the guards noticed something was wrong and subconsciously gathered together to protect His Highness the Crown Prince.

But the martial arts of these guards were too weak, so weak that they could hardly stop Chen Zhao. The afterimage left by Chen Zhao was almost impossible to catch with the naked eye, like a meteor, rushing toward Li Cunning.

"Your Highness, be careful!"

A muffled sound sounded.

At the same time, a figure poured in from outside the hospital, blocked in front of Li Cunning, and slapped Chen Zhao forcefully!


The internal forces collided and another violent explosion occurred.

This figure took two steps back, barely able to stabilize his figure, his breathing was slightly messy, but his eyes were staring ahead vigilantly.

The smoke dissipated, and Chen Zhao stood there with a solemn gaze.

It seemed that he didn't expect that someone could stop him!

He raised his cold eyes and vaguely recognized the identity of this person... His Royal Highness, the master worshiped by his side!

After being delayed, he realized something was going on in the palace, and the worship master hidden around Li Cunning finally arrived in time!

"Your Highness, are you okay?"

The worshiping master turned back and looked at Li Cunning.

"It's okay to be alone!"

Li Cunning's face turned pale and he shook his head.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, with my subordinates here, I will definitely not let him hurt Your Highness at all!"

The worship master spoke in a deep voice, and then looked at Chen Zhao coldly: "Chen Zhao, you actually tried to assassinate His Highness the Crown Prince. You deserve death!"

"Why don't you quickly submit to the law and die?!"

Chen Zhao looked at him expressionlessly: "But a kid who has just touched the threshold of the second-grade Tianxuan dares to speak arrogant words?"

As soon as these words came out, the expression of the worship master changed slightly, as if he didn't expect that Chen Zhao could see the details of his strength at a glance.

"Enough to take care of you!"

At this time, the originally chaotic courtyard gradually became quiet.

The original imperial guards of the Palace of Health also discovered that something seemed to be wrong... Eunuch Chen, does it seem that he really wants to kill the Crown Prince? !

This, what is going on?

These imperial guards had confused looks on their faces... What happened? !

Looking at the scene in front of me, I suddenly fell into doubt about my life.

The Imperial Guards of the Palace of Health are under the command of the Emperor, and are under the personal control of the Emperor. They only obey His Majesty's orders!

However, since His Majesty is in seclusion all year round, Chen Zhao basically gives orders most of the time in the Health Palace. Eunuch Chen’s words represent His Majesty’s imperial edict!

In fact, many of these imperial guards were Chen Zhao's confidants.

But... they are imperial guards after all!

Now they saw Eunuch Chen suddenly trying to kill His Highness the Crown Prince, which made them a little confused...

Who should be helped?

Help Eunuch Chen?

Wouldn't that be rebellion?

Killing His Highness the Crown Prince would be a serious crime that would lead to the beheading of the Nine Clans!

But helping His Highness the Crown Prince... wouldn't that mean betraying Eunuch Chen?

Can you still survive in the palace in the future?

These Imperial Guards in the Health Palace were at a loss, and the Imperial Guards under the Crown Prince also took advantage of this moment to fight their way to His Royal Highness.

"Your Highness, I'm waiting!"

"Whoever wants to harm His Highness should step over my corpse first!"

"Protect His Highness the Crown Prince and kill the assassins!"


For a time, the situation in the entire courtyard was almost one-sided!

As the prince's imperial guards continued to pour in, they gradually took control of the situation.

Countless cold and vigilant eyes fell on this gray-robed figure, staring at this old eunuch who had a high position in the past and was feared by countless people in the palace!

But now, he wants to kill His Highness the Crown Prince? !

Is he crazy? !

Facing countless questions, Chen Zhao still stood there with an expressionless face.

Around him, there were only a few Mitiansi masters left, as well as some of his former cronies, who were also hesitant at this moment.

Chen Zhao slowly raised his eyes and looked at Li Cunning, who had been protected in the crowd, with a hint of unwillingness in his eyes!

"Your Highness, you win!"

Chen Zhao said in a deep voice: "But, I haven't lost yet!"

There was only a moment of opportunity to kill the prince!

If you don't strike quickly enough, it will be difficult for the prince to get another chance by the time he reacts!

It was supposed to be a killing situation, but unexpectedly... a traitor appeared?

Right now, it is almost impossible to successfully assassinate him again!

Chen Zhao suddenly flicked his sleeves, and strong winds blew up around him. Just when everyone was on alert, Chen Zhao suddenly jumped up and quickly walked out of the hospital.

"He wants to escape!"

The worshiping master immediately realized what he was talking about and his eyes narrowed: "Stop him!"

He took a step to catch up, but quickly stopped. He can't go, in case this is a plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain!


The commander of the Imperial Guards in the courtyard immediately waved his hand.


"Seal the capital!"

"We must not let him go!"


Just when the courtyard was in chaos, not far away, there was a roof outside the Health Palace.

Several figures stood quietly.

The woman wearing a light-colored long skirt and a cold face looked expressionlessly at the figure escaping from the health palace.

"This person is Chen Zhao, should we..."

Before she finished speaking, the woman in a light-colored dress disappeared from the roof.

The palace was in chaos.

Countless masters of the Forbidden Army guards were searching for Chen Zhao's whereabouts in an overwhelming manner.

Within a palace wall, a rickety figure in gray robe fell into the courtyard. Chen Zhao looked as usual and walked quickly towards the room in the courtyard.

However, he just took a few steps and suddenly stopped.

He looked up suddenly.

Under the eaves in front, a cold figure stood quietly, blocking his way and looking at him expressionlessly.

"Who are you?!"

Chen Zhao's deep eyes stared at this cold figure warily. From the other party, he felt a dangerous killing intent!

"Kill your people!"

A cold voice without any emotion.

The next second, killing intent suddenly came.

Chen Zhao's pupils suddenly shrank, he waved his robe, and a strong wind surged up. With a gloomy expression on his face, he turned his hand into a knife and swept away with majestic momentum!

However, the cold woman in front of him didn't seem to be afraid at all. Facing his terrifying momentum, she refused to retreat but advanced.

"call out!"

A cold light flashed.

I don't know when a green sword appeared in the cold woman's hand, and the sword light rippled.

Break the momentum with one sword!

He drove straight in and was immediately in front of Chen Zhao.

"court death!"

Chen Zhao waved his large robe and used his inner strength wildly, turning it into a terrifying momentum that could destroy everything in the world. He wanted to tear the arrogant woman in front of him into pieces!


Within the secret room.

Dim candles were lit, barely illuminating the surroundings.

Lin Jiangnian squatted aside, bored.

In the sight not far ahead, the cold figure in white was still trying to find the exit.

Lin Jiangnian gave up!

This secret room is like a maze with many passages. It is not an easy task to find the hidden exit.

I'm afraid that if I don't find it, I'll starve to death here.

More importantly... no one can guarantee that there will be other exits.

Therefore, Lin Jiangnian wisely gave up wasting his energy.

He was not in a hurry, he simply found a place to sit, have a good rest, and wait for rescue! As for the eldest princess...if she wants to be anxious, let her find it on her own.

Obviously, the eldest princess was anxious.

It's unclear what the situation is outside, but I think it won't be too good. She had to get out quickly in case something really happened...

However, after searching almost the entire secret room, no exit was found.

She also gave up!

Standing there quietly, motionless.

There was silence for a long time.

The secret room fell into an eerie silence, with only the dim candlelight shining, reflecting the two figures.

There was silence, no one spoke.

"How about coming over and sitting for a while?"

After a while, Lin Jiangnian seemed to feel a little bored and took the initiative to call her.

Li Piaomiao remained motionless.

"Okay, forget it if you don't want to sit down!"

Since she didn't appreciate it, Lin Jiangnian didn't bother to talk nonsense.

Based on speculation and analysis of the current situation, it has been a while since the secret room was closed, and the situation outside may not be optimistic.

It depends on whether the prince is smart or not!

If he fell into Chen Zhao's scheme, he would have no choice but to accept his fate!


Lin Jiangnian thought of something again quickly and frowned slightly.

Chen Zhao, do you want to kill the prince?

But what was his purpose in killing the prince?

To plunge the Daning Dynasty into chaos?

...It’s not impossible!

Now that the third prince has been deposed and the emperor has died, the only one who can inherit the throne is the prince!

If this prince also died...that would be really nice to hear!

The Daning Dynasty directly fell into the embarrassing situation of not having a crown prince to succeed to the throne, and the world was immediately in chaos. Even if the time comes, it may be possible to select a new heir from the royal branch.

But this requires a lot of effort, and it is enough to make the court chaotic for a while!

But the question is...what good does this do to Chen Zhao?

On what basis did he kill the prince?

It couldn't be that he had a grudge against the prince and was worried that the prince would liquidate him after he ascended the throne, so he struck first?

If that was the case, there was no need for him to take action with such a big fanfare... With such a big fanfare, even if the prince died, he wouldn't be able to survive!

So, what is the reason?

Lin Jiangnian thought about it carefully, and he had a vague feeling that this Chen Zhao was not simple!

A eunuch who can be trusted so much by an emperor who can be considered a wise king is definitely not an ordinary person. What charm could he have, what secret could make Emperor Ning trust him even more deeply than his own son?

Lin Jiangnian thought about it and then fixed his gaze on the eldest princess standing over there.

"Aren't you tired of standing?"

After a while, Lin Jiangnian spoke again.

Li Piaomiao didn't say anything. She raised her eyes and glanced at him, her eyes cold.

"Since neither of us can go out now, we have nothing to do. Why don't we have a chat?"

Lin Jiangnian asked?

Li Piaomiao still said nothing and looked at Lin Jiangnian quietly.

Of course, there seems to be no objection.

"What is the origin of Chen Zhao?"

Lin Jiangnian got straight to the point: "Why can your father trust him so much?"

Li Piaomiao frowned slightly and was silent for a while, then said coldly: "I don't know."

"You haven't checked him out?"

Lin Jiangnian naturally didn't believe it: "He can't just appear out of thin air, right?"

"Aren't you curious about his identity, origin, and the purpose of all he did?"

Li Pianmiao was silent, and after a while, she spoke again: "I don't know his origin. He has been with my father since I can remember..."

"No one in the palace knows when he entered the palace, nor his identity before entering the palace... I heard that he has been in the palace for twenty or thirty years!"

Speaking of this, Li Miaomiao looked indifferently: "Those old people who knew his origin have already died of illness."

Twenty or thirty years?

This is interesting!

Being able to work as an old eunuch in the palace of Daning Dynasty day after day for decades is no ordinary person!

Either he has endured the humiliation and lurked in the palace for many years, or... he has been a eunuch for a long time, which has led to psychological distortion.

Eventually, it went to now!

Lin Jiangnian still prefers the latter. After all, no one really likes to be a eunuch, right?

"Then, why does your father trust him so much?"

Lin Jiangnian asked again: "Do you know the reason?"

Li Piaomiao said nothing and looked at him.

"It seems that you know?"

Lin Jiangnian got the answer from her face: "Can't you say?"

Li Piaomiao looked away and said calmly: "There is nothing that can't be said..."

"My father said that Chen Zhao was kind to my father by extending his life."

"Father, for this reason, I have always allowed him to do whatever he wants in the palace..."


Listening to Li Miaomiao's explanation, some doubts in Lin Jiangnian's mind were finally solved.

With the death of the emperor, some things that were originally concealed no longer need to be concealed.

"So that's it..."

Lin Jiangnian was deep in thought, then suddenly stared at her: "You never let me see the emperor before. It turns out that the emperor has been seriously ill... It's so hard for you to hide it from me!"

Li Piaomiao said expressionlessly: "Father, I am in seclusion and don't see anyone!"

"I only found out about this a few days ago!"

"Then you still lied to me?!"

Lin Jiangnian asked.

Li Piaomiao was silent and looked at him coldly.

Lin Jiangnian, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes: "Emperor, why are you seriously ill?!"

"What disease do you have?"

Regarding this question, Li Miaomiao chose to remain silent and not answer.

Lin Jiangnian was not surprised either.

He got a definite answer, proving that his suspicions all along were correct.

Sure enough, the emperor has something wrong with his health!

As if remembering something, Lin Jiangnian suddenly said thoughtfully: "When you said that, I suddenly felt that Chen Zhao seemed to be playing some big game?"

Li Piaomiao raised her eyes to look at him.

"The emperor was seriously ill, and he tried every means to find a way to extend his life for the emperor... Judging from this sign, he is indeed a loyal dead eunuch!"

"But why did he suddenly and impatiently take action after your father died... Don't you think it's suspicious?"

"The transformation is a bit abrupt and hard to explain!"

Lin Jiangnian added: "Also, your father planned to see me last night, but he died last night... Don't you think this is more of a coincidence?!"

Hearing this, Li Miaomiao was startled for a moment, and looked up at Lin Jiangnian again: "What do you mean?!"

"have no idea."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "I just think there's something wrong with this... Your father died too quickly, which is a bit unbelievable..."

At this point, Lin Jiangnian suddenly stopped.

As if he thought of something, he was stunned for a moment.

Subconsciously, he raised his eyes and met Li Piaomiao's gaze.


But it was as if he could read something from her eyes at this moment.

The two people suddenly thought of the same idea at this moment.

Li Piaomiao immediately turned around and walked towards the small door of the secret room on the other side.

Lin Jiangnian also stood up and followed him in, arriving at the altar where Emperor Ning's body was stored.

Emperor Ning's body lay cold and stiff inside the altar, motionless.

Li Miaomiao approached, then stopped, staring at his father's body without saying a word.

Lin Jiangnian stepped forward from behind and walked to Li Miaomiao.

"Did you find anything?"

Li Piaomiao said nothing.

"It seems that your guess is the same as mine!"

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes: "I'm afraid there's something wrong with your father's death!"

This was the thought that came to Lin Jiangnian and Li Miaomiao at the same time!

What a coincidence!

Emperor Ning died last night, after Li Cunning and Li Miaomiao left.

In the secret room, Chen Zhao was the only one left!

Therefore, he is the one who knows the truth!

Naturally, another possibility cannot be ruled out... Chen Zhao killed Emperor Ning!

"Can you find out anything?"

Lin Jiangnian asked again.

Li Piaomiao looked at him expressionlessly.

After a while, he said: "No."

"Let me see!"

Lin Jiangnian stepped forward and looked at Emperor Ning's body in the altar. There was no clue about it on the surface. It looked old, as if it had died of aging due to the loss of body functions.

Lin Jiangnian stared at it for a moment, and when he was about to take action, he felt a cold gaze coming from beside him. Turning his head, he saw the princess looking at him expressionlessly.


"This is my father!"

Li Piaomiao said expressionlessly.

"I know!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "What's wrong?"

Li Piaomiao said nothing and stared at his hands.

Lin Jiangnian realized something and glanced at his outstretched hand: "Aren't you trying to find out the cause of your father's death?"

"There is no disrespect for His Majesty's body!"

Li Piaomiao was silent, seeming to be thinking and hesitating.

After a while, she nodded slightly.

He acquiesced in Lin Jiangnian's behavior.

Lin Jiangnian was not a qualified autopsy examiner, but he could still make some preliminary findings.

Emperor Ning's body was intact and had no external damage, ruling out the possibility of being physically killed.

After ruling out the possibility of physical killing, the rest is not too difficult!

After careful investigation, Lin Jiangnian quickly found some residual substance from Emperor Ning's breath.


Lin Jiangnian noticed something very keenly.

"There's something!"

Hearing something, Li Miaomiao subconsciously moved closer.

"Your father breathed in a lot of sandalwood in his body..."

Lin Jiangnian analyzed it, his face slightly condensed, and he suddenly realized.

"Your father was indeed killed by Chen Zhao!"

Li Piaomiao frowned, not knowing why, and looked at him.

"It's really a good trick, he almost did it flawlessly!"

Lin Jiangnian sneered.

Li Piaomiao frowned deeper and stared at him.

"This is interesting...your father said that Chen Zhao would renew his life, but Chen Zhao killed your father last night..."

"Is Chen Zhao schizophrenic, or is there something hidden?"

Lin Jiangnian murmured to himself and analyzed.

Li Piaomiao stared at Lin Jiangnian with a cold face. Finally, she couldn't help but asked, "What, what happened?"

Lin Jiangnian came to his senses and glanced at her: "What?"

Li Piaomiao had no expression on her face and asked, "Father, how did you die?"

"Didn't I tell you? He was killed by Chen Zhao!"

"What, killed?"



Li Piaomiao seemed to realize something, stared at him coldly, and said nothing.

The two looked at each other, and Lin Jiangnian grinned.

"Now you know how uncomfortable it is, right?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her as if some plot had succeeded, half-smiling but not smiling.

"Now you know how torturous it is when I usually communicate with you, half-talking or being silent, right?"

Li Miaomiao was stunned and looked at Lin Jiangnian.

After a while, she said expressionlessly: "I didn't mean to do it!"

"Then I don't care!"

Lin Jiangnian was playful: "Anyway, I did it on purpose!"

The sky seems to be full of chatter!

The eldest princess in front of her frowned, as if she wanted to say something.

But when the words came to his lips, not a word came out. He just stared at Lin Jiangnian without saying a word.

After a long time...

Lin Jiangnian couldn't stand it anymore!

The eldest princess could remain silent for a whole day with such an expression, but Lin Jiangnian couldn't do it... she was too tired!

Lin Jiangnian withdrew his gaze and focused on Emperor Ning's body again.

"Your father... before he died, he inhaled a large amount of sandalwood in his body."

Li Miaomiao seemed stunned for a moment, and she did smell the scent of sandalwood in the air.


"Isn't this sandalwood always available?"

"It's always been there, but you didn't notice it?"

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes and said, "Does this sandalwood have the effect of hypnosis and speeding up metabolism?"

Li Miaomiao felt it carefully and said expressionlessly: "I didn't find it!"

"Forget it, I don't understand even if I tell you!"

Lin Jiangnian probably guessed the reason. The eldest princess's martial arts had reached an extremely terrifying level. This kind of ordinary sandalwood had almost no effect on her.

Before she even noticed it, her body had automatically closed and rejected the strange smell of sandalwood.

Lin Jiangnian, who has practiced Taigu Mind Technique, is extremely sensitive to these things.

He had noticed it when he first entered the secret room!

And from this Emperor Ning, he also noticed the presence of sandalwood.

For those who have internal strength, this little bit of sandalwood has no effect. But for an old man whose body has already collapsed. His body's functions could no longer break down the side effects of the rich sandalwood scent.

The irritation of this sandalwood is no less than deadly poison...

Of course, maybe the cause of Emperor Ning's death is not here, but it is definitely inseparable from this sandalwood!

Since Chen Zhao could find a way to extend Emperor Ning's life, it was naturally impossible for him not to be aware of the harm the sandalwood had done to Emperor Ning. Even though we know this, it is still the case... The answer is self-evident!

After listening to Lin Jiangnian's explanation, Li Miaomiao's eyes remained cold and thoughtful.

"So, what is Chen Zhao's purpose?!"

Lin Jiangnian stared into Li Pianmiao's eyes and asked again.

Li Piaomiao did not answer and still chose to remain silent.

"We are trapped here. Maybe we won't have a chance to get out, and we will have to die here to die for our love..."

Lin Jiang young sighed: "It has come to this point. I have opened my heart to you and told you everything I know...can you be more honest?"

"Shouldn't we be on the same camp now? Are you still hiding the news?"

"Can you be more honest?"

Listening to Lin Jiangnian sighing, Li Pianmiao looked at him quietly, wondering what he was thinking.

After a while, she seemed to hesitate, and finally said: "I don't know much..."

Speaking of this, she narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly, as if thinking about something.

"On the night of Li Yuan's rebellion, an assassin broke into the Health Palace..."

"That assassin has a similar aura to Chen Zhao..."

Lin Jiangnian also suddenly remembered that night, there was a mysterious master who broke out of the palace, and he saw Li Miaomiao who didn't look good at that time... Everything was right!

That night, Li Miaomiao had indeed fought against that mysterious master!

"Do you suspect that the mysterious master is Chen Zhao?"

Li Piaomiao shook her head slightly: "Not sure."

She still wasn't sure, but she always had doubts in her heart!

"This doesn't make sense, does it?"

Lin Jiangnian frowned. He wondered: "If the mysterious assassin is Chen Zhao, then why did he forcefully break into the health palace?"

"Kill your father?"

"It shouldn't be!?"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head, thoughtfully: "Chen Zhao is your father's personal old eunuch, and he is deeply trusted by your father. He really wants to harm your father. There are usually many opportunities... so why bother? He made such a fuss. A big battle coming?"

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