Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 428 House Arrest in the Palace

Lin Jiangnian's silence was deafening.

Known as a martial arts genius for hundreds of years, he reached the second-level Tianxuan realm before the age of twenty, and was only a hair away from the peak of the first-level!

Such a peerless genius who could stand out for eternity, but in the end...she actually had something wrong with her body?


Due to her physical impairment, she was destined to be unable to progress further in her martial arts career. But she found another way and took a brand new path...

This kind of talent and courage has to be said to be jaw-dropping.


At the same time, it also made Lin Jiangnian and others who had previously claimed to be martial arts geniuses blush with shame...

Incomparable, absolutely incomparable!

"Your talent is indeed enviable."

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but sigh and said: "This is simply unheard of. I'm afraid no one can compare to you today, right?"

Li Miaomiao's eyes were cold and she said: "In the journey of martial arts, talent may not be the most important thing."

"No, talent is the most important thing!"

Lin Jiangnian rejected her point of view.

Diligence is important when practicing martial arts, but the most important thing is talent after all. Without talent, no amount of hard work will help.

Martial arts talent often makes people feel desperate!

Diligence is only used to comfort ordinary people who have no talent, so that they will not completely lose their fighting spirit.

Li Piaomiao was silent and did not refute this time.

She was still squatting beside him, watching Lin Jiangnian quietly, her cold eyes seemed to be thinking about something.

At this time, Li Miaomiao, who had lost a bit of the coldness on his body, became much more normal. Without the chill that could repel people from thousands of miles away, his whole person became much more friendly.

"You look much more pleasing to the eye now!"

Lin Jiangnian looked her up and down and sighed.

If she had become like this, would Lin Jiangnian still be fighting her wits and trying to pull each other off?

Li Miaomiao looked at him silently and said nothing.

"So, are you completely normal now?"

Lin Jiangnian continued to look at her. Maybe he had never seen Li Miaomiao in a normal state, and he was very surprised. Especially the way she squatted next to him made Lin Jiangnian feel a little... stupid?

Li Piaomiao's face remained as usual, and her beautiful eyes were as calm as before. But after the chill disappeared, when she looked into Lin Jiangnian's eyes, she felt... a clear stupidity in her!

Yes, the eldest princess looked so stunned without her sharp-edged aura. In Lin Jiangnian's opinion, he is just a bit silly!

A bit like Xiaozhu!

Silly, want to bully!

Think about the sun.

Li Piaomiao was silent for a moment and nodded: "For the time being, it should be."

"The coldness in my body has been temporarily suppressed!"

She could feel that her body was now normal. Although it was not completely normal, it had improved a lot.

Especially since she no longer had to suppress the coldness in her body, she felt relaxed all over. The breath in the body is flowing smoothly. She even felt that some of the realms that had been lingering in place for a long time were vaguely loose.


What Lin Jiangnian reacted to: "You's just a temporary suppression, and it will relapse in the future?"

Li Piaomiao looked at him and nodded.

The two looked at each other for a moment.

Lin Jiangnian was instantly alert: "What do you want to do?!"

"Do you still want to suck me?"


Lin Jiangnian immediately refused: "Don't even think about it!"

He could see Li Piaomiao's desire from her eyes... She would like to suck him next time!

Lin Jiangnian firmly disagrees!

Suck him off quickly this time!

Sitting on the ground now, Lin Jiangnian felt that his body was still weak and his legs were weak, unable to stand up at all.

This feeling is even more torturous than in sage mode!

If this happened again, would he really still be alive?

Li Pianmiao looked at him quietly, and after a moment of silence, she said, "Only you can help me."

"No help!"

Lin Jiangnian decisively refused.

Li Miaomiao was silent, didn't speak, lowered her eyes slightly, and didn't know what she was thinking on her cold face.

"It's useless if you suffer miserably..."

For some reason, Lin Jiangnian had a strange feeling in his heart. Without the protection of the cold aura of the past, the eldest princess in front of her seemed to have fallen into the mortal world. She looked very pitiful!

Lin Jiangnian actually felt a little pity...

He is good-looking and can always shake his Taoist heart!

Lin Jiangnian sighed secretly and said, "I can't help you anymore. You know, I'm far inferior to you in terms of martial arts and internal strength."

"My inner strength cannot satisfy you at all... Do you understand what I mean?"

The gap in strength between the two is too big. How can Lin Jiangnian's fourth-grade internal strength be compared to that of a quasi-first-grade grandmaster?

It was good luck not to be sucked clean this time. If it happened again, Lin Jiangnian couldn't guarantee that he would be sucked into a mummy...

Hearing this, Li Miaomiao was startled for a moment, then raised his eyes again, looked at Lin Jiangnian, and said, "I can help you improve your cultivation strength!"

"Help me improve my strength?"

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian's heart was moved, but his expression remained unchanged: "Do you still have the medicine that increased the internal strength last time?"

When he first arrived in the capital, Lin Jiangnian, with the help of the eldest princess in front of him, nourished his body with medicine and quickly increased his internal strength.

It is similar to the enlightenment of an internal strength master, but the increased internal strength is more pure and does not have any sequelae.

Later, Lin Jiangnian wanted to get some medicinal materials to improve internal strength from the eldest princess, but she refused after being told that the effect was not very effective!

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but feel moved when he heard Li Miaomiao suddenly mention that it could help him improve his strength.

...She's not kidding, she really knows how to do it!


Li Piaomiao shook his head.

"Then, how can you help me improve my strength?"

Lin Jiangnian asked.

"I can teach you skills, give you experience, and help you improve your strength!"

"That's it?"

Li Piaomiao raised her eyes: "Not enough?"

"not enough!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded and looked at her expectantly: "Is there any quick way...for example, some magic pill or something like that. Just taking one pill can compare to years and more of hard work." A pill to enhance internal strength?”

Li Piaomiao was silent and looked at him calmly.

When their eyes met, Lin Jiangnian quickly got the answer!

Well, no!


After pondering for a moment, Li Miaomiao said, "Your martial arts talent is not bad... As long as you study hard and practice hard, given time, you will have a chance to achieve greatness."

"Then, can I catch up with you?" Lin Jiangnian asked hopefully.

Li Piaomiao was silent, not knowing how to answer.

"You can't catch up, right?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed in disappointment.


Li Pianmiao looked at him, hesitated for a moment, and said, "You may not be able to surpass me in the future..."

"Okay, you don't have to comfort me anymore."

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand. This woman really couldn't lie, and her words of comfort were false.

Li Piaomiao said nothing.

Lin Jiangnian, on the other hand, was also thinking carefully and weighing the pros and cons.

Words were not enough, but in fact, Lin Jiangnian was already moved when Li Miaomiao said he was willing to help him improve his strength!

Personal guidance from a quasi-first-grade master!

Who can not be moved by this?

The guidance of a master of this level is of great help to Lin Jiangnian. What's more, the man in front of him is a genius who is once seen in a century. It is difficult to refuse such a talented master who is willing to give him guidance!

Of course, the most important reason is not here!

When the eldest princess discovered that Lin Jiangnian's Xuanyang Mind Technique could suppress the cold air in her body, Lin Jiangnian was equally surprised to find that the cold air in the eldest princess's body could help him practice quickly and at the same time absorb the cold air to improve his health. My own strength...

Strictly speaking, this is a win-win situation!

Except for being almost sucked dry by Li Miaomiao in the end, it was basically harmless to Lin Jiangnian. And if Lin Jiangnian can improve his strength and internal strength as soon as possible, he won't have to worry about being sucked dry by Li Miaomiao...

Therefore, Lin Jiangnian was actually very moved by Li Piaomiao's proposal.

But it was obvious that Li Miaomiao didn't know what he was planning. Lin Jiangnian would naturally take this opportunity to...pinch her hard.

"Actually, it's not impossible for me to help you..."

Lin Jiangnian finally spoke as if he had made up his mind after a long period of struggle and hesitation.

"However, I have a few conditions..."

Hearing that Lin Jiangnian was willing to agree, Li Miaomiao seemed a little surprised and raised her eyes to look at him. There seemed to be a flash of brilliance in those cold, beautiful eyes.

"What conditions?"

"Actually, it's not a condition... You know, I'm a soft-hearted person, and I won't just watch you suffer from physical problems and lose your life."

"Since I can help you, I am naturally duty-bound and happy to help..."

Lin Jiangnian said with a serious face: "However, you also know that I almost lost my life when I helped you just now, so you have to help me improve my strength first. It is best to make me a second-level master as soon as possible... Of course, it's not even close. It’s okay!”

Li Miaomiao seemed to think silently for a moment, then nodded.


Now it was Lin Jiangnian's turn to be stunned... He deliberately exaggerated, hoping to embarrass her a little.

Unexpectedly, she really agreed right away?

Second grade?

Lin Jiangnian doesn't dare to think about it yet!

This spans two major realms of martial arts. How can it be easily involved in a short period of time?

But it seems that for Li Piaomiao, it's like an understatement... casual?

Lin Jiangnian was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses: "Then, there's more..."

"My body has become weak and I need a lot of supplements... Are you responsible for this?"

"I want to see what mental method you have learned... Don't worry, I definitely won't learn it. I'm just curious and want to see..."


"I haven't thought of the rest yet, I'll think about it later..."


Lin Jiangnian stated many conditions in one breath.

However, it seems that there are many conditions, but in fact there are not many other excessive requirements, they are all trivial things.

Lin Jiangnian and Li Mianmiao didn't have much conflict of interests, and he didn't want to get anything from her. The reason for this unnecessary move is just because I don't want my true purpose to be exposed.

When Li Piaomiao coveted his body, why didn't Lin Jiangnian do the same?

After hearing Lin Jiangnian's conditions, Li Miaomiao thought carefully for a moment and nodded.

"Okay, I promise you!"

She agreed.

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian breathed a sigh of relief, and saw that Li Miaomiao's expression in front of him was still calm and unfazed.

As if he thought of something, Lin Jiangnian's heart moved: "I have one more condition."

Under Li Miaomiao's slightly puzzled gaze, Lin Jiangnian suddenly chuckled: "I've known you for so long, but I haven't seen you smile yet?"

"How about you smile for me?"

Li Miaomiao was startled for a moment, and then said silently: "No."

"How can someone not laugh? Why don't you give it a try?"

Li Piaomiao was silent. After a while, there seemed to be some slight mood swings on her cold face.

But in the end, there was still no trouble.

Lin Jiangnian gave up.

"Okay, it's not difficult for you anymore!"

I can't imagine Li Piaomiao's smile, but thinking about's quite scary!

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand and slowly got up from the ground.

After resting for a while, his body recovered a lot. However, my whole body is still weak. In addition to the serious loss of internal energy, there is another reason... I am hungry!

Calculating the time, I have to be trapped in this secret room for two days!

I haven't eaten at all in the past two days. Although there is clean water in the secret room, there is no food. After two days of not eating and only drinking water, even an iron man can't bear it.

Now that all his internal energy was exhausted, a strong sense of hunger suddenly surged into his heart.

"It's over, I might starve to death here!"

Lin Jiangnian turned around and looked at Li Pianmiao, who was still squatting on the spot: "Are you hungry?"

Li Piaomiao shook her head slightly, and then slowly stood up.

After the cold energy in her body was suppressed, she felt relaxed and relaxed, and even her strength seemed to have improved a lot.

I didn’t feel very hungry at all!

However, it cannot be said that I am not hungry at all.

After being reminded like this by Lin Jiangnian, that hungry feeling also came to his heart.

She inadvertently pursed her lips and glanced at Lin Jiangnian.

"I don't know what the situation is outside now. Is there any accident?"

Lin Jiangnian murmured.

It's been two days and no one has come to rescue?

This was beyond his expectation. He looked back at Li Pianmiao and said, "It seems that we have to find a way on our own!"

When mentioning this matter, Li Piaomiao's eyes darkened slightly.

She has been out of health for the past two days and has been too busy taking care of herself that she has forgotten what is supposed to be happening in the outside world.

Chen Zhao trapped her here with ulterior motives. He would most likely take action against the prince. Two days have passed now, I wonder if the prince...

However, for now, I can only suppress my uneasiness temporarily. Finding a way to get out of here is the most important thing right now.


How to get out?

"Do you have any idea?"

Li Piaomiao looked at Lin Jiangnian and asked.

Lin Jiangnian Xiaoxiong spread his hands: "No!"

"But there's always a way."

Lin Jiangnian thought: "I think there must be other exits here..."

Under normal circumstances, there cannot be only one way out of such a secret room maze.

If something went wrong with this only way out, it would be like digging his own grave. Lin Jiangnian believed that Emperor Ning was not that stupid.

Emperor Ning was so careful in his calculations that even the 'edict' could be hidden so deeply just in case, so how could he not leave a way out for himself?

Li Piaomiao said nothing, thinking deeply.

"Look for it, that's all we can do!"

Lin Jiangnian sighed.

Two days ago, he was indeed in no hurry and was waiting for rescue slowly. But after waiting for two days, his precious paper kite still hadn't appeared.

I don't know what happened, but right now, Lin Jiangnian can only find a way to save himself!

If he continues to sit still and wait for death, he may not be able to wait for rescue, and he will starve to death here first!

With this in mind, Lin Jiangnian moved his body and began to look around for an exit again.

Li Miaomiao in the secret room said nothing. After staring at Lin Jiangnian for a while, he narrowed his eyes.

Immediately, he also started looking for the exit.

The maze of secret rooms is neither big nor small. There are countless passages and secret rooms connected in series. It is easier said than done to find a way out?

The exits of secret room passages like this are usually extremely hidden, and it is even more difficult to find the exits!

After searching for a while, Lin Jiangnian felt a little dizzy. The aftereffects of exhaustion of internal energy came to my mind, making me a little out of breath.

He leaned against a stone wall for a short rest, his hunger making him even more uncomfortable.

Not far away, Li Miaomiao seemed to notice something unusual about him: "What?"


Lin Jiangnian sighed and said weakly.

Li Piaomiao's expression was slightly condensed, and she stepped closer, only to see Lin Jiangnian's face was slightly pale and weak.

As if she realized something, a strange color flashed in her eyes.

Then, she hesitated and suddenly grabbed Lin Jiangnian's hand.

"What are you doing……"

Lin Jiangnian subconsciously spoke, and immediately after, he felt a cold current pouring into his body from the soft and smooth palm.

This cold current spread throughout his body, causing Lin Jiangnian to shiver subconsciously. But then, the feeling of weakness and powerlessness in his body was instantly swept away.

Lin Jiangnian seemed to realize something then and looked at her with complicated eyes...

He was given to Gu Yong by her again?

Li Miaomiao narrowed her eyes, said nothing, and retracted her hand. Turn around and continue looking for the exit.

In the dimly lit secret room, Lin Jiangnian felt a strange feeling inexplicably as he looked at the cold and unparalleled white figure not far away.

The secret room was extremely quiet, so quiet that it was eerie.

And very peaceful!

After the powerlessness in his body was expelled, Lin Jiangnian recovered a lot of strength and continued to look for an exit.

The atmosphere in the secret room was very depressing, and even the air circulation was extremely slow.

However, Lin Jiangnian quickly thought that since there was air circulation, it proved that there were pores. Finding the pores might not necessarily lead to an exit, but it was indeed a way.

With Lin Jiangnian's current physical condition, he naturally couldn't do this, so he mentioned it to Li Miaomiao. After hearing his suggestion, Li Miaomiao stood there with her eyes focused and her breath held.

In an instant, all the surrounding disturbances appeared before her eyes as if they were magnified several times in an instant. The extremely slow-flowing air in the secret room seemed to turn into an invisible air current, gently brushing against her skin.

Immediately, Li Pianmiao opened her eyes and walked forward. Lin Jiangnian hurriedly followed. The two passed through two secret rooms, passed through a passage, bypassed the complex terrain, and stopped in front of a stone wall.

"Is it right here?"

Lin Jiangnian asked.

Li Piaomiao said nothing, nodded and glanced at him.

Lin Jiangnian understood immediately and took a few steps back, hiding far away.

Li Miaomiao stood there, waving her long sleeves in white clothes. The cold wind rushed in, and the oppressive momentum spread instantly.


Before Li Miaomiao could even see clearly when he took action, he saw the stone wall in front of him suddenly shattered, the rubble falling apart, revealing a dark hole.


Lin Jiangnian took a closer look and was suddenly disappointed.

Not an exit?

When I walked in, it was another secret room?

The two of them walked into the secret room. This secret room was very small and narrow. More importantly, there was nothing in the secret room and it was empty.

"Strange, how could there be such a hidden secret room with nothing in it?"

Lin Jiangnian murmured to himself and looked at Li Miaomiao, and then both of them quickly realized something.

"Something weird!"

The two quickly searched the secret room, and sure enough, they found it. Not long after, the two stopped on one of the stone walls.

"This stone wall is different from other stone walls?!"

Lin Jiangnian stepped forward and groped gently on the stone wall. He could feel that this stone wall was colder than other walls and the material was silkier.


The sound is very crisp!

"There should be something weird behind this!"

Lin Jiangnian turned back to look at Li Miaomiao. Her eyes were cold and she nodded.

Lin Jiangnian once again understood the idea and retreated, hiding far away... It felt different to have the thighs of a master next to him!

What a damn sense of security!

Li Miaomiao walked slowly towards the stone wall and quietly looked at the stone wall in front of her. Her eyes were cold and her inner energy slowly gathered in her palms.


Take action!

A palm wrapped with powerful and majestic momentum struck the stone wall hard. In an instant, the ground around him shook, and the entire secret room trembled.

But there was only a crack left on the stone wall in front of me!

"It is indeed here!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiangnian immediately concluded that there might be a way out behind this stone wall.

But the problem is...

The destructive effect of Li Piaomiao's palm was too great. What if the stone wall was not broken later and the secret room collapsed?

"You, be careful!"

Lin Jiangnian reminded him.

Li Piaomiao looked back at him without saying a word.

When he turned back, he stared coldly at the crack on the stone wall and frowned slightly.

Then, the wind blew under her sleeves and robe again, and the majestic internal energy swarmed out and spread throughout her body.

This time, the momentum is even more terrifying!

But this time, the internal energy around her did not fluctuate again. As if controlled by condensation, it revolves around Li Miaomiao.

Finally, it slowly flows between the palms of your hands.


Vaguely, under the surprise of the majestic and terrifying internal force, there were faint sounds of crisp explosions.

It seems that the world will be destroyed at any time!

Not far away, Lin Jiangnian took a deep breath when he saw this scene, and subconsciously took a few more steps back...


It's important to save your life!

at the same time.

In a dark secret passage.

Two figures held torches in their hands and walked through the dark passage one after another.

There was a strong smell of dampness all around, which was extremely unpleasant.

"Sister Zhiyuan, is this really the entrance?"

Behind him, Lin Qingqing, dressed in a green shirt, held a torch and followed Zhiyuan, looking around: "After walking for so long, you still haven't found the intersection? Could you have gone the wrong way?"

"It can't be wrong."

Zhiyuan in front spoke coldly, paused, and frowned as he looked ahead. Just in front of the line of sight, there are a few more forks in the road.

"Sister Zhiyuan, let's split up."

Lin Qingqing said: "His Royal Highness has been trapped in the secret room for two days. The situation is unknown... The prince's side has not opened the exit yet, and he should find it here soon. We have to hurry up."

Zhiyuan remained silent, with a look of deep worry in her cold beautiful eyes.

The secret room of His Highness Yangsheng was sealed, and the prince could not find the entrance to the secret room. Zhiyuan realized that there were probably other entrances to the secret room, so he took Lin Qingqing to search and investigate secretly, and finally found this place.

But after entering, I discovered that the passages are complicated and extremely confusing. It is difficult to find the real entrance!

At the moment, it seems that only splitting up is the most efficient way.

Zhiyuan nodded slightly and was about to speak.


Vaguely, there seemed to be a sudden booming explosion not far ahead.

As soon as this voice came out, both of them became alert.

"what sound?!"

Lin Qingqing said in surprise: "Is it His Highness? He is also thinking of a way out?!"

Without saying a word, Zhiyuan walked quickly towards the direction where the explosion came from.

Lin Qingqing, who came back to her senses, quickly followed Zhiyuan's footsteps. Soon, the two of them followed the sound of the explosion to the end of a passage.

There is no way!

A stone wall blocked the way for the two of them.

"Why is there no way?"

Lin Qingqing looked suspicious when she saw this scene: "The sound just now clearly came from here?!"

Zhiyuan didn't say anything, and walked forward quietly. His eyes fell on the stone wall in front of him, and he gently reached out and touched it. As if she noticed something, her eyes fell on the stone wall on the other side of her, and soon she discovered the difference!

"There's something wrong with this stone wall!"

Zhiyuan spoke coldly.

Lin Qingqing was startled for a moment, and soon discovered the anomaly on the stone wall. This stone wall was different from other stone walls, but more like... a secret door? !

"Could it be that behind this stone wall..."

Is there a passage behind this stone wall?

"Qingqing, step back."

Zhiyuan suddenly spoke.

Lin Qingqing realized what Sister Zhiyuan wanted to do, took two steps back, and said cautiously: "Be careful!"

Zhiyuan nodded her chin slightly, raised her eyes and stared at the stone wall in front of her, a trace of determination flashed in her cold eyes.


Behind her, Lin Qingqing quickly threw the sword in her hand to Zhiyuan. Zhiyuan took the sword and unsheathed the sword.

The cold light fills the air!

In the dark and dim chamber, as the sword was unsheathed, it instantly illuminated the surrounding area.

It also illuminated Zhiyuan's absolutely beautiful and dustless face, staring at the stone wall in front of her with a calm expression.

A steady stream of internal energy in the body poured into the long sword. The long sword endured the terrifying aura that it should not bear, and trembled slightly.

A sword cry sounded in the passage!

Behind her, Lin Qingqing looked at Sister Zhiyuan in front of her in amazement. She only knew that Sister Zhiyuan was very skilled in martial arts and had a good talent in martial arts. But she rarely sees Sister Zhiyuan take action, and she doesn’t know Sister Zhiyuan’s martial arts strength!

Judging from the aura permeating Sister Zhiyuan's body right now, it's terrifying!

Very strong!

Far stronger than her!

Just as Lin Qingqing was amazed, Zhiyuan in front of the stone wall slowly raised his sword.

The next second, cold light filled the air!

The sword energy is everywhere!

The long sword contained majestic and terrifying internal power, and it instantly fell on the stone wall in front of him!



Continuous explosions that destroyed the world resounded loudly!

A majestic impact instantly filled the world.

The stone wall that was originally in front of him collapsed like rubble under the breath of the terrifying explosion.

Raising up dust all over the sky, covering the sky!

At the same time, a strong momentum instantly knocked the paper kite in front of the stone wall back a few steps.

"Sister Zhiyuan?!"

Lin Qingqing was startled and quickly stepped forward to block behind Sister Zhiyuan and help her. At the same time, Lin Qingqing also felt the impact of the aura.

"What's going on?!"

Lin Qingqing was a little shocked when she saw Sister Zhiyuan's face was slightly pale and she was looking forward solemnly.

Lin Qingqing subconsciously raised her head, only to see the stone wall falling down in front of her, covered by dust.

But when the dust and smoke gradually dissipated, two looming figures slowly appeared behind the smoke.


The earth-shaking explosion filled the secret room, sending sand and rocks flying. The secret room almost collapsed like a house.

Li Miaomiao, who was originally standing in front of the stone wall, seemed to be affected by the majestic remaining force and took a step back. She raised her cold beautiful eyes and stared outside the stone wall, looking solemnly through the dust in the sky.

Lin Jiangnian, who was hiding behind and watching this scene, changed his expression slightly... Is she really here?

Playing so big?

Are you really not afraid of being buried alive?

But then, Lin Jiangnian discovered that the stone wall in front of him collapsed, revealing a passage under the dust.

Sure enough, it’s the exit!

Lin Jiangnian stepped forward quickly in surprise. Just as he was about to speak, he noticed that Li Miaomiao's face was a little pale and his breath was unsteady.

"What’s wrong with you?"


Or is it excessive wear and tear?

Li Piaomiao shook her head and said expressionlessly: "There is someone!"

"Is there anyone?"

Lin Jiangnian turned his head and looked outside the stone wall, as the dust in the sky slowly drifted away. Outside the stone wall, two figures gradually appeared in front of them.

"Zhiyuan? Qingqing?!"

Lin Jiangnian took a closer look and suddenly beamed with joy when he saw the two figures outside the passage.

"Your Highness?!"

In the passage, Lin Qingqing supported Sister Zhiyuan and was also pleasantly surprised: "Your Highness?!"

"Are you okay?!"

As soon as she spoke, her eyes fell on the figure in cold white clothes next to His Highness. Lin Qingqing's eyes suddenly focused... This is the eldest princess!

She was really trapped with His Highness? !

Thinking of this, Lin Qingqing's eyes casually and cautiously glanced at the clothes of His Highness and the Princess...

After confirming that there was nothing unusual, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

...Fortunately, Your Highness didn’t mess around!

"I'm fine!"

Lin Jiangnian walked quickly to Zhiyuan, looked at the two of them, and said in surprise: "Why are you here?!"

Lin Qingqing explained: "Your Highness, after you entered the palace, Sister Zhiyuan also brought me and Lin Kong into the palace, preparing to come to meet His Highness... After learning that His Highness was trapped in the secret room, Sister Zhiyuan and I worked together to find other entrances to the passage. …”

Lin Qingqing quickly and briefly explained what happened in the past two days. Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly after listening, and his eyes fell on Zhiyuan again. He soon realized what he had noticed and was surprised: "Zhiyuan, why are you so pale? !”

"What's wrong?"

Lin Jiangnian suddenly became nervous.


Zhiyuan shook his head slightly. Although his cold face was a little pale, it was not serious.

I was shocked by the majestic aura just now!

Thinking of this, she raised her eyes and glanced at the plain white figure behind Lin Jiangnian, then landed on Lin Jiangnian. Then she noticed something and frowned slightly: "Why are you so weak?"

Zhiyuan also noticed that Lin Jiangnian was in a very weak state at this time.

Very weak!

Like...overdraft? !

"It's a long story...but I'm fine!"

Young Lin Jiang shook his head, not very comfortable explaining what happened to Zhiyuan: "I didn't encounter any danger. But... Emperor Ning passed away!"

"The Emperor passed away?!"

Lin Qingqing was shocked when she heard the news.

The death of the emperor is a big deal!

This meant that the capital and even the world might be in chaos. Just when he was about to say something, he caught a glimpse of the eldest princess behind him and held back.

Zhiyuan had expected it, so he was not too surprised and nodded slightly.

"Okay, let's talk about it before we leave here."

After a brief exchange of greetings, Lin Jiangnian decided to leave here first. Just as he was about to leave with Zhiyuan and Lin Qingqing, he finally remembered something.

Looking back, he remembered that there was another eldest princess in the secret room who he had almost forgotten.

At this moment, inside the secret room.

Li Miaomiao, who was wearing a plain white dress, stood quietly and looked at the three people in the passage with an expressionless face.

Lin Jiangnian appeared in front of the maid named Zhiyuan, with a look of concern and worry on his face. And although the maid concealed it well, when she looked at her from time to time, there was a hint of... hostility in her eyes!

Li Piaomiao looked as usual, indifferent.


Lin Jiangnian looked back at Li Mianmiao and said, "Shall we go out together?"

Li Piaomiao glanced at him, and then her eyes fell on Zhiyuan next to him. He glanced around and said nothing.

Then, leave alone.

It seems that he has regained his previous attitude of keeping away strangers, arrogant and indifferent!

When passing by Lin Qingqing, she seemed to feel the chill coming from the eldest princess. Lin Qingqing subconsciously took a step back, her heart trembling slightly.

"It's so cold..."

Lin Qingqing said in a low voice: "Why is Her Royal Highness the eldest princess so cold?"

This indifferent aura forced her to avoid its edge.

The legendary eldest princess is indeed so terrifying.


Lin Jiangnian was also a little strange.

Wasn't the coldness in her body temporarily suppressed?

Why is it still cold?

Another attack so soon?

While he was thinking about it, he noticed something again. He turned around and saw Zhiyuan looking at him calmly, also without saying a word.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Jiangnian was a little unnaturally stared at by Zhiyuan's eyes, and he quickly said haha: "Let's leave here first..."

"By the way, what happened outside in the past two days?"

"Tell me quickly!"


The three of them left the secret room along the passage. Along the way, Lin Qingqing and Lin Jiangnian reported what happened in the past two days.

After hearing that Chen Zhao failed to assassinate the prince, he was severely injured by Zhi Yuan, and was beheaded on the spot by the Imperial Guards.

Lin Jiangnian was stunned, a little in disbelief!

Chen Zhao assassinated the prince, but Lin Jiangnian failed as expected. He had already anticipated this possibility when he was first trapped in the secret room!

But, Chen Zhao died... This was a situation Lin Jiangnian didn't expect!

This old eunuch who had hidden himself so deeply had played such a big game!

The result was such a simple and clear death?

Isn't it a bit too childish?

So, what is the purpose of all Chen Zhao's hard work?

Lin Jiangnian looked at Zhiyuan in confusion. According to the previous guesses made by Li Miaomiao, Chen Zhao was most likely the mysterious master who forced his way into the palace that night.

That mysterious master can fight against Li Miaomiao, a quasi-first-grade master, and even hurt Li Miaomiao, which shows that his strength should be on par with Li Miaomiao!

How could such a master die at the hands of Zhiyuan?

Lin Jiangnian knew very well that although Zhiyuan's martial arts skills were equally profound, they were still inferior to those of the eldest princess!

Does this mean that the mysterious master is not Chen Zhao? wasn't Chen Zhao who Zhiyuan killed?

Things are still a little confusing!

The three of them walked out of the secret room along the passage, and a light came from not far ahead. Vaguely, a loud noise and rapid footsteps were heard.

When Lin Jiangnian and others just walked out of the secret room cave, dazzling light hit their faces. Lin Jiangnian stood at the entrance of the secret chamber cave, feeling the scent of sunlight bathing his body.

See the light of day again!

Being locked up in a secret room for two days, these days of darkness were really torturous!

In the sight ahead, a row of fully armed guards of the Imperial Guard appeared in front of Lin Jiangnian. A commander of the Imperial Guard stepped forward and said in a respectful tone: "I pay homage to His Royal Highness Prince Lin!"

"Your Highness is trapped in a secret room, and I have wronged you. Could you please go with your subordinates to rest for a while?"

Lin Jiangnian lowered his eyes, glanced at this person, and nodded lightly: "Let's go, lead the way!"


In the palace.

Lin Jiangnian and his party were taken to a palace courtyard by the guards of the Forbidden Army and were temporarily placed here.

"Your Highness will rest here first. Someone will bring you food later and help His Highness bathe and change clothes. Please excuse me for a moment!"

The imperial guards brought Lin Jiangnian and others here and left in a hurry.

Not long after, the maids in the palace brought delicious and delicious meals. Lin Jiangnian, who was imprisoned in a secret room and had been hungry for several days, stopped being polite and ate a hearty meal.

"Zhiyuan, you don't know how painful it is for me to be locked in there..."

"If you come later, I will starve to death inside..."

Lin Jiangnian was showing off his rice while having a miserable time with Zhiyuan.

It's really miserable!

But she was also sucked miserably by the eldest princess!

Zhiyuan, who was sitting aside, just listened silently, and from time to time picked up food for Lin Jiangnian and added food to him.

It wasn't until Lin Jiangnian had eaten and drank that he felt his belly.

I couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Thinking that he has been here for so long, this is the first time he has deeply felt the importance of food as the first priority for the people!

If you have never been hungry, you will never understand the importance of having a full meal.

After eating and drinking, a palace maid had already prepared hot water and was ready to help Lin Jiangnian bathe and change clothes.

I have to say that the treatment in the palace is extraordinary. The maids who came to serve Lin Jiangnian were all beautiful, with delicate faces and delicious looks.

However, Lin Jiangnian righteously rejected him!

"My prince is not that kind of person!"

Lin Jiangnian drove out these "ill-intentioned" palace maids who tried to take care of him while bathing, and then walked into the bathing room with an upright look under the cold gaze of Zhi Yuan.

Not long after, Lin Jiangnian's voice came from the bathroom again.

"Paper Kite?"

Under the eaves outside the door, Zhiyuan raised his eyes slightly.

"Come in and help your Highness rub his back?"

Lin Jiangnian's voice was a little weak and he said miserably: "Your Highness is weak and can't move!"

Zhiyuan had a cold face, pursed her lips, and said nothing.

"Come in... It's just a simple back rub, don't think too much..."

The kite remained motionless.


The door of the bathroom was pushed open a gap, a hand stretched out from the bathroom, grabbed Zhiyuan's hand, and pulled her in while she was not prepared.


Close the door quickly!


A hint of shame and anger appeared in Zhiyuan's cold eyes. He just stood up and raised his eyes coldly.

But she saw Lin Jiangnian hugging her into his arms and kissing her on her smooth and fair forehead intimately.

Staring at the cold and stubborn face in front of him, he chuckled with a gentle tone.

"Why, are you still angry with me?"


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