Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 427 You’re almost sucking me dry

Secret room.

The lights in the niche were slightly burning, and the dim light illuminated the world.

The air circulation speed in the secret room is extremely slow and the breath is suppressed, giving people an indescribable sense of dullness.

In the corner, the surroundings were neatly tidied up, and a simple blanket was spread on the ground. Lin Jiangnian sat cross-legged on the carpet, bored.

Counting the time, I have been trapped in the secret room for a day or two!

I still have no idea what is going on in the outside world now. The sound insulation effect of this secret room is extremely good, so good that even through a stone door, I can't hear the sound from the next door at all.

The place is indeed a great place!

However, Lin Jiangnian couldn't sit still!

No matter who is trapped in such a closed and depressing place, they will not be able to bear it for a long time.

After all, not everyone is like the eldest princess...

Lin Jiangnian was fine, but he felt a little bored. After being trapped for a day or two, I felt somewhat hungry.

I can't help but feel slightly worried... You won't starve to death here, right?

When I was looking for the exit earlier, I had already almost completely searched the secret room maze, but I didn't find anything to eat. Except for some clear water, this place is like a place where the emperor went to retreat to cultivate immortality. It is surprisingly clean.

Idle and idle, Lin Jiangnian stood up and looked around the secret room, searching around to see if he could make any other new discoveries.

After searching around, but to no avail, he returned to the original secret room.

Then, Lin Jiangnian turned his attention to the secret room next door... In the secret room, there was a person who seemed to be in retreat to heal his wounds?

About a day ago, the eldest princess suddenly seemed to have relapsed from an old injury. Her face became extremely pale and her breath became weak.

Afterwards, he found a room to exercise and heal his injuries.

This sitting lasted more than a day!

Until now, there has been no movement!

If it weren't for the cold air coming from the secret room next door, Lin Jiangnian would have even doubted whether she was dead!

What happened to her?

Even if he was really injured, he wouldn't have to be in seclusion for so long, right?

Could it be a serious injury?

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian stepped towards the secret room. As soon as I got closer, the cold air coming from the secret room became stronger.

Even though he was well prepared, he still almost shivered from the coldness that hit him.

I can't help but want to shudder!

Fortunately, the mental power was flowing, and the internal energy slowly poured into the whole body, quickly driving away the cold air.

Later, Lin Jiangnian tentatively stepped into the secret room.

Lin Jiangnian has not disturbed the eldest princess since she retreated to recover from her injuries. Retreat for healing is the most dangerous time. A little carelessness may lead to internal energy imbalance and aggravate the injury.

But more than a day has passed, and the eldest princess is still in seclusion, which has to make Lin Jiangnian a little worried... Is there really something wrong?

He can't die here!

If Li Piaomiao died here, Lin Jiangnian would be in trouble!

He couldn't explain the death of the emperor and the eldest princess, so the blame might have to be placed on him.

As soon as he entered the secret room, Lin Jiangnian saw Li Miaomiao sitting cross-legged on the ground in the center of the secret room, just like the day before when he was in seclusion and doing exercises, barely moving.

Li Miaomiao, who was wearing a long white dress, sat quietly on the ground. The white skirt was spread on the ground, stained with some dust.

A black hair slipped down, Li Miaomiao closed her eyes, her temperament was cold and unparalleled, her whole person was like a stone statue, motionless!

It's terribly cold!

There was an invisible coldness surrounding the room!

It was so majestic that it lingered in every corner of the room, and was bone-chilling, as if the cold had penetrated into the soul!

Something is very wrong!

Lin Jiangnian frowned slightly. For the first time, he felt that the eldest princess was different from ordinary people!

Very cold!

Not only her personality, but also the techniques she practices seem to be a little off!

When her inner strength was released, she could feel a cold air pouring out of her body.

How could there be such a strange technique in the world?

Back when he was in Prince Lin's Mansion, when Lin Jiang was learning martial arts at the beginning, he almost read through most of the martial arts techniques in Ruyi Building.

But in my impression, I have never heard of the mental method practiced by the eldest princess in front of me!

Lin Jiangnian walked lightly, took a few steps closer, and observed carefully.

Li Piaomiao still sat where she was, with her eyes closed and motionless, as if she was completely unaware of any information from the outside world. Even though Lin Jiangnian almost walked up to her, she still didn't react.

"You really can't feel it?"

Lin Jiangnian moved closer and saw that the eldest princess was still motionless. Even more surprised...What happened to her?

How could a quasi-first-level master fail to detect his approach?

Unless she is in great trouble right now and has too much time to take care of herself?

Lin Jiangnian thought in his mind and looked at her quietly. Staring at the cold and charming face in front of me, at first glance, it is quite stunning!

It’s the kind of person who is amazed when you first see it, but still gets excited when you look at it again!

Her skin is fair and her facial features are delicate and beautiful. She is not as beautiful as Zhao Xi, who is extremely restrained. She has a bit of the elegance of a woman from a Jiangnan water town, and at the same time, her unattainable temperament makes her whole person almost sublime.

It's hard to describe!

At least Lin Jiangnian couldn't see any shortcomings after staring back and forth for a while!

In terms of appearance and temperament, perhaps there is really nothing wrong with her!

But other than that, it should be all shortcomings!

Lin Jiangnian sighed softly in his heart, and was even more surprised when he saw that she still had no reaction.

He had been staring so boldly and boldly, even a little offended, but the eldest princess still didn't react at all!

Not quite right!

Lin Jiangnian took a closer look, and under the dim light, he could vaguely see that there was no reaction on this cold and emotionless face, except for the slightest breath.

But soon, when Lin Jiangnian felt it carefully, he realized something...

There's something wrong with this eldest princess!

There is a cold air all around, lingering around this world. The source of this cold air comes from the body of the eldest princess.

But when Lin Jiangnian noticed it carefully, he found that the cold air was not released deliberately by the eldest princess, but more like unconsciousness... It seemed that even she couldn't control it herself?

After discovering this, Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised!

This shouldn't be the case!

A master who is close to the first-grade master level has already reached the pinnacle of strength and can control his aura easily. How could he not be able to control even the simplest control of his aura?

Unless there is something wrong with your body?

After Lin Jiangnian stared for a few more times, he gradually confirmed his suspicion... There might be something wrong with the eldest princess's body!

What is the problem?

Lin Jiangnian continued to look at her, up and down, left and right, studying and staring at every angle... If he hadn't restrained himself rationally, Lin Jiangnian would have even wanted to study her!

This is a quasi-first-grade master!

He is still a quasi-first-grade grandmaster in his twenties!

Every part of her body is a treasure, and they are all worth studying and learning by Lin Jiangnian!

Even if he can just learn a little bit, it will be of great benefit to Lin Jiangnian. For a master of this level, whether it is her experience of success or lessons of failure, she can give Lin Jiangnian great help and avoid many detours!

Do you really mean that?

Fake masters cross the river by feeling the stones, while real masters cross the river by feeling the stones!

Yes, Lin Jiangnian wants to touch Li Piaomiao!

However, this touch is not that touch!

Lin Jiangnian still knew... He was absolutely untouchable!

After looking up and down for a while, I still couldn't find anything out of the ordinary. The eldest princess seemed to be in a mysterious state, exuding a cold air unconsciously.

However, when Lin Jiangnian got closer, he finally noticed a slight abnormality!

Unusual fluctuations of internal energy emerged from her body, which made Lin Jiangnian have a guess... Her aura's internal energy seemed unstable?

This is even stranger!

A quasi-first-grade master, his internal energy is actually disordered?

How serious was the injury?

The mysterious master in the palace severely injured her last time?

no reply!

Lin Jiangnian couldn't find the answer either.

He didn't dare to mess around. He circled around the eldest princess for a few times and gave up after failing to notice any other abnormal problems!

This level of existence is currently beyond the comprehension of Lin Jiangnian, who is less than the fourth level.

He is still a little short of the opportunity to break through to the fourth level. He always feels that he has vaguely touched the bottleneck threshold, but he has never been able to enter.

This is the first time Lin Jiangnian has encountered such a bottleneck since he started practicing martial arts!

In the past, no matter when I first learned martial arts, I could easily reach the ninth level, then the eighth level, and then the seventh level...

Even when he entered the capital, Lin Jiangnian's internal strength was greatly enhanced by the accumulation of medicinal herbs that the eldest princess used to nourish his body and forcefully pour the essence into him like an 'inspiration'.

Lin Jiangnian still quickly digested and accepted the inheritance and successfully entered the fifth rank!

From beginning to end, I never felt that there was a bottleneck.

This has always given Lin Jiangnian a sense of blind confidence. Maybe he is that one genius? !

The bottlenecks in martial arts that have hindered countless people from practicing martial arts throughout their lives never seemed to appear in him. However, this confidence has finally faded away until recently...

Lin Jiangnian, who had touched the edge of the fourth grade, felt the existence of a bottleneck for the first time. He always felt that he was still a little short of it, but he still couldn't get in.

The internal energy in the body has reached a certain level, but it seems to be missing an opportunity!

As for what's wrong, Lin Jiangnian doesn't know, and Zhiyuan can't answer it either. She didn't understand Xuanyang's mental method, and she didn't know what the missing opportunity was.

Perhaps, we have to wait until the time comes to go back and ask King Lin to get the answer!

After Lin Jiangnian sighed, he didn't leave the secret room and found a corner to sit down.

Cross your legs and continue to try your luck!

As the Xuanyang Mind Technique in the body circulates, strong internal energy continuously emerges and spreads throughout the body. Lin Jiangnian's breath gradually became hot, and the energy and blood in his body surged. After the majestic internal force spread throughout his body, it seemed as if it had reached a critical point, and it overflowed uncontrollably in all directions!

The most positive and yang aura came out, coming into contact with the icy coldness in the air. In an instant, the blazing hot breath swallowed up the cold air that filled Lin Jiangnian's body.

As the cold air around the body is swallowed up, the temperature all around seems to be gradually heating up!

At the same time, when the hot breath in his body came into contact with the cold air, and the two mixed together, the cold air entered his body, like a clear spring flowing freely in his body.

The hot and uncomfortable feeling that was originally released in the body when the Xuanyang Mind Technique was running has weakened a lot.

There is an indescribable sense of pleasure!

Lin Jiangnian was amazed!

The Xuanyang Heart Technique is indeed the most powerful and powerful technique. Cultivation is also a great test of concentration, especially the hot breath produced every time he practices, which not only makes Lin Jiangnian burn with desire, but is also an extremely difficult torture.

The temperature inside his body was rising, like a fire burning in his heart, and the hot breath almost burned him to death!

Every time, Lin Jiangnian relied on his determination to bear it down!

Once you get used to it, it's okay.

But the body-burning discomfort during practice still exists.

Lin Jiangnian also tried it, practicing mental techniques in the courtyard on a snowy winter day to try to cool down!

But it failed!

While he was practicing the mental method, the biting cold wind from outside hit him, but it could not weaken the discomfort in his body.

But now, when his body inhaled the cold air in the air, Lin Jiangnian was surprised to find that this cold air could be absorbed by his body, reducing his physical discomfort.

It made his heart happy.

Extremely comfortable!

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but continue to use his mental skills, swallowing the cold air in the air. As Xuanyang's mental skills were running faster and faster, the cold air in the air began to circulate quickly, and Lin Jiangnian's whole body seemed to turn into a black hole vortex. , the cold air in the secret room poured into his body like a spiral.

The cold air enters the body, is quickly refined by the mind, and flows into every part of the body.

The cool feeling is like a clear spring on a hot summer day, slowly flowing throughout the body. The original feeling of heat and dryness in the body gradually disappeared!


very comfortable!

I never thought that one day, Xuanyang Mental Technique would be so free and comfortable!

Lin Jiangnian's breathing was rapid, and the mental energy in his body was absorbing the cold air in an uncontrollable manner, like a greedy child asking for without restraint.

The aura that surged and spread all over Lin Jiangnian's body grew stronger and stronger!

Not only that, when this cold air mixed with the internal force in his body, it gradually merged. There seems to be an explosive and terrifying aura in the body, as if it is about to burst out at any time!

It is getting stronger and stronger, and it is becoming more and more vigorous!

Vaguely, the threshold that Lin Jiangnian has been unable to enter these days has suddenly and quietly appeared a crack...

Just when Lin Jiangnian reached the critical moment when he was about to take another step forward, silent changes occurred in the secret room.

As Lin Jiangnian continued to absorb the cold air in the air, the cold air continued to be consumed, and the temperature in the secret room gradually rose!

The biting cold gradually dissipates and normality returns! Then, it gradually heated up quietly...

The hot breath in Lin Jiangnian's body gradually spread in the room, not only suppressing the coldness emanating from the body of the eldest princess, but also seemed to be getting stronger and stronger...

At this time, the eldest princess, who had been in seclusion for more than a day, was motionless.

Finally, there was some reaction!

As if aware of the change in the surrounding air, the slender eyelashes on the originally closed eyes trembled slightly.

It seems like I will open my eyes in the next second!

But in the end, it still didn't open.

She still sat cross-legged, motionless, with no emotion on her face.

But if you observe carefully, you can find that the cold air emanating from her body is quickly swallowed up when it comes into contact with the hot breath in the air.

As the hot breath continued to get closer and closer, gradually, without knowing when, traces of warmth poured into her body silently.

Still quiet all around!

But he seemed to be trapped in some kind of temporary peaceful situation.


Several more hours have passed!


There seemed to be a faint crisp sound in the air.

In the corner, Lin Jiangnian slowly finished his work, exhaled a breath of turbid air, and opened his eyes. The moment he opened his eyes, a dazzling light seemed to flash through his starry eyes.


Lin Jiangnian looked down at his palms, with a strange surprise on his face.

Breakthrough? !

Just like that, entering the fourth level?

Somewhat fast!

Lin Jiangnian was almost in a trance!

I wasn't ready to accept it for a while.

Originally, there was still an extremely important opportunity to reach the fourth level. During this period of time, Lin Jiangnian has never been able to find an opportunity to make a breakthrough. I originally thought I would be stuck in this realm for a long time.

Unexpectedly, just today, I could make a breakthrough so easily?

Lin Jiangnian looked down at his palms. As his internal energy surged, he felt that his body was filled with explosive power!

When he raised his hand, he even had confidence... If Chen Feiyang came back to life again, Lin Jiangnian could send him away with one punch this time!

Is this the arrogance of a fourth-grade master?

Lin Jiangnian felt the changes in his body carefully. It seemed that there was not much change, but in fact it was different from before.

After a while, Lin Jiangnian gathered his thoughts and then remembered the most important thing. He couldn't help but raise his eyes and look to the other side... He was able to break through to the fourth level so quickly thanks to this eldest princess!

She had been stuck in this realm for so long, but she didn't expect that after inhaling the cold air spreading throughout her body, refining and merging it, Lin Jiangnian's cultivation speed would become faster, and it would also help him break through to the fourth level with ease.

It's amazing!

Also very surprising!

Lin Jiangnian never expected that the unknown cold technique practiced by the eldest princess would have such an important function... could it help him practice?

If he could have discovered it earlier, why would he have needed to work so hard before? !

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian's eyes jumped with excitement.

But soon, he discovered something was wrong!

Princess, something seems to be wrong?

Lin Jiangnian stood up immediately and approached quickly. Soon, he discovered that the eldest princess's complexion was not quite right!

At this moment, the eldest princess was still sitting cross-legged, and her whole body was still filled with cold air, but it was much weaker than before.

What's even more strange is that her face, which was originally cold and pale, seems to have a touch of rosy color for some reason and has recovered a lot.

But the problem is, there seems to be something wrong with her body!

She was trembling slightly, and Lin Jiangnian could even detect her slightly rapid breathing. If you look closely, you can even notice the internal power inside the eldest princess's's very chaotic!

Very confusing!

It seems that two different breaths are intersecting in an overwhelming way. The two breaths are constantly conflicting, and they are vaguely out of control!

"How is this going?"

Lin Jiangnian was startled. Wasn't he fine just now?

Why are there two different auras appearing in her body at this moment?

Thinking about this, an incredible thought came to his mind, could it be...

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian put his hand on the pulse of the eldest princess's wrist.

As soon as the fingertips touched it, an icy cold air hit him.

Lin Jiangnian shuddered subconsciously!

So cold!

How could the body temperature of this eldest princess be so low?

Is that human being?

The fingertips touched the delicate and smooth skin, but at the same time, there was a chill that irritated the skin and entered Lin Jiangnian's body along the fingertips!

What's more important is that this cold air is not like body surface temperature, but more like a cold that penetrates deep into the bone marrow. Even if you use your internal strength, you can't resist it.

Lin Jiangnian calmed down and became serious.

Sure enough, he soon noticed the existence of the two conflicting auras from the eldest princess's body. One is the original aura of the eldest princess's body, and the other... is no surprise, very familiar!

It’s the breath of Xuanyang’s mental method!

Lin Jiangnian immediately realized that just as he was absorbing the cold air from Li Miaomiao's body, the eldest princess was also absorbing the breath of Xuanyang's mind in his body?

So, they are... attracting each other?

Does this eldest princess also have something of his in her body?

However, Lin Jiangnian absorbed and melted her cold energy and refined it for his own use. But the eldest princess didn't know what had happened to her body, and she couldn't refine Lin Jiangnian's Yang aura. On the contrary, it conflicted with the original aura in her body!

The yin and yang, the cold and the hot are the two most incompatible breaths in the world. Such a conflict, if not resolved quickly, may cause immeasurable harm to her!

It can range from going crazy, to burning her into meningitis!

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian immediately stopped hesitating. He lowered his eyes and glanced at the eldest princess who still had her eyes closed in front of him, with a look of pain on her cold face, and said, "I did this all to save you... I'm offended!"

After saying that, Lin Jiangnian no longer hesitated, grabbed her hand on her lap, held it in his hand, and touched their palms.

If it was just a touch of fingertips just now, now, when the palms of Lin Jiangnian and the eldest princess were facing each other, Lin Jiangnian completely felt the cold air hitting his face.

Soft, smooth, and the fingers are long and slender, as perfect as crystal clear, but cold to the bone, like holding an ice cube, not at all like a normal human body temperature!

The cold touch spread, and the cold Lin Jiangnian trembled again.

What a monster!

How could there be such an evil woman in the world? !

Lin Jiangnian took a deep breath, calmed down his mind, stopped thinking wildly, grabbed her hand, and started to use his inner magic. Immediately afterwards, there was a hot and majestic air flow, which slowly entered Li Miaomiao's body from Lin Jiangnian's body, along the palms of their clasped hands.

With the influx of this air flow, after a while, the two originally conflicting breaths in Li Piaomiao's body gradually calmed down.

Immediately afterwards, the two breaths gradually came into contact, blended, and refined...

It can be clearly noticed that after refining the aura that Lin Jiangnian passed into her body, the condition of the eldest princess's body continued to improve.

Lin Jiangnian breathed a sigh of relief, and just when he was about to finish his work, he suddenly noticed something.

Still smoking?

Just after Li Miaomiao refined the breath that entered Lin Jiangnian's body, she did not stop. Instead, she continued to absorb the breath that Lin Jiangnian kept flowing into his body.

This made Lin Jiangnian frown slightly. Just when he was about to stop, he suddenly realized... he couldn't stop!

Lin Jiangnian tried to take advantage, but found that it was impossible.

His eyes widened slightly, and a look of shock appeared on his face!

How is this going?

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian felt that the mental energy in his body was automatically operating and was not under his control at all. Along with the movement of the mind, internal energy continuously poured into Li Miaomiao's body and was continuously absorbed by her.

"Wait...this isn't right!"

Lin Jiangnian was shocked and stunned. What on earth is going on? !

Why did you suck him automatically?

The inner thoughts in his body were completely out of control, as if he had been seduced. No matter how hard Lin Jiangnian tried to stop, he was completely unable to do so.

Li Piaomiao's body was like a sucker, sucking the internal energy in his body crazily!

"Stop...suck it again and it'll be gone!"

Lin Jiangnian finally panicked!

Seeing that he couldn't stop his mind, he tried to shake off Li Miaomiao's hand and force it to stop.

But just when Lin Jiangnian was about to take action, Li Miaomiao, who had never responded at all, suddenly took the initiative to hold Lin Jiangnian's hand tightly.

Fingers intertwined!

Hold on tight!

It was so tight that Lin Jiangnian even felt a little raw!

Very hard!

No matter how hard Lin Jiangnian tried to throw the blame away, he found that he couldn't do it...


Lin Jiangnian's eyes widened and he looked at Li Miaomiao in shock and anger.

He was kind enough to help her, but she actually sucked him off like this? !


"Suck it slowly, or it'll be gone..."

Lin Jiangnian completely lost the initiative as his palm was grasped by the enemy.

The inner magic in the body is running faster and faster, and the internal energy is also surging faster and faster! Li Piaomiao's body was like a cold bottomless pit, greedily absorbing the endless internal energy in Lin Jiangnian's body.

With such crazy absorption, Lin Jiangnian's body was quickly drained! His face was slightly pale and he looked weak...his kidneys were weak!

Almost beaten to death!

At this time, Li Miaomiao was still sitting where he was, with his eyes closed.

All of this seems like unconscious behavior!

Li Piaomiao's aura gradually changed!

As the breath from Lin Jiangnian's body continued to pour into her body, her originally pale face gradually turned rosy. Not only that, the cold aura around him also gradually dissipated.

The coldness that had always lingered in her temperament seemed to disappear at this moment!

Her body gradually became normal!

Even Lin Jiangnian felt it. Li Miaomiao's originally cold and biting palm gradually returned to normal human body temperature.

However, Lin Jiangnian had no time to think so much... He was almost drained!

Finally, just when Lin Jiangnian felt that his body was empty and he could no longer squeeze out a drop. The automatic movement of the mind finally slowly stopped, and the hand tightly held by Li Miaomiao finally let go.



Lin Jiangnian couldn't stand upright and fell flat on the ground. He was limp, his face was pale, and he was extremely weak!

He was dizzy and looked above his head, his eyes blank and absent-minded... He never thought that one day he would be drained like this!

There really wasn’t a drop left!

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian has become as weak as an ordinary person... No, ordinary people are not as weak as him!

It was like fighting continuously for three days and three nights before the last trace of energy disappeared.

Completely paralyzed!

In a daze, Lin Jiangnian closed his eyes and fell asleep.

In his sleep, Lin Jiangnian had a very long dream!

I dreamed that I was in a vast ocean, and the border could not be seen at a glance from the sea level. He was on the sea, surrounded by the sea water, and a continuous feeling of comfort filled his heart.

Very comfortable!

He even wished he could just stay immersed in the sea water.


He slowly opened his eyes and woke up.

Where is this?

who I am?

What am I going to do? !

Lin Jiangnian looked confused and in a trance.

It wasn't until he smelled a familiar faint aroma in his nose that he came back to his senses.

Subconsciously looking sideways, he met a pair of cold beautiful eyes. Still cool and unparalleled, very familiar, but also a little strange!

"Li, Piaomiao?!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke subconsciously and looked into those familiar cold eyes.

Li Miaomiao, who was wearing a long white dress, was squatting next to him and looking at him quietly.

Very close, so close that Lin Jiangnian could clearly see all the details on her fair skin.

"you're awake?"

The voice was still neither cold nor indifferent, but it seemed to be tinged with a strange emotion.


Lin Jiangnian was stunned and slowly sat up from the ground.

A feeling of weakness came over my body... It was caused by excessive loss of internal energy.

However, Lin Jiangnian soon noticed that there seemed to be something extra in his body?

Realizing something, he turned to look at Li Pianmiao beside him and looked into her eyes.

There was a moment of silence.

"You, what did you do to my body?"

Lin Jiangnian issued a soul question.

no answer.

The eldest princess seemed not to know how to answer this question.

After a while, under Lin Jiangnian's intense gaze, she hesitated for a moment, and finally said, "I'll give you some of my breath."

Lin Jiangnian carefully noticed the strangeness in his body, and indeed noticed some aura of the eldest princess... He was not clean anymore!

She has something inside her!

It can be clearly noticed that the eldest princess may not just have passed the Qi!

She had previously drained her inner strength. Under normal circumstances, Lin Jiangnian would have been weak for at least ten and a half months before he could recover.

But now, Lin Jiangnian felt that he had recovered at least 20 to 30% of his strength. This is enough to show that Li Pianmiao also did other things to him while he was in coma.

However, Lin Jiangnian didn't care about her!

He looked up and down at Li Miaomiao in front of him, and vaguely felt that she seemed to be a little different!

She is still wearing that long white dress, so stunning. But at this moment, it seems that there is much less of the chill in the past.

Especially when she was squatting aside, she looked even more down-to-earth, and her cold face no longer had the aloof look of the past.

Her beautiful eyes fell on him, looking at him with a strange color.

He hesitated to speak.

It's hard to describe!

The eldest princess has indeed changed!

Perhaps she became unclean after having Lin Jiangnian's things in her body... She was like a fairy above the nine heavens who was forcibly defiled by Lin Jiangnian and fell into the mortal world!

...The description is a bit harsh, but the meaning is almost the same!

"So, what's going on in your body...?"

After the two looked at each other for a moment, Lin Jiangnian was the first to break the silence.

He wants to find out!

What kind of evil skill did this woman practice that could absorb his mind?

Isn't she a successor of swordsmanship?

How do you feel that you are learning Kung Fu from the Hehuan Sect?

After hearing Lin Jiangnian's question, Li Miaomiao was silent for a while and shook her head: "I don't know either."

"You don't know either?"

Lin Jiangnian naturally didn't believe it: "There's something wrong with the technique you practice, it's very weird... You don't know it yourself?"

Li Piaomiao shook his head.

His eyes were cold and a little dazed!

She was walking on a road that no one had ever walked before.

She herself doesn’t know the current situation!

"Then, what kind of mental method are you cultivating?"

Lin Jiangnian said in surprise: "Why can you suck me dry?!"

Hearing this, Li Mianmiao lowered her eyes slightly, thought for a moment, and then said: "No, I will suck you."


Lin Jiangnian looked at her: "Didn't you suck me?"

"You almost sucked me dry!!"

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but said: "I kindly wanted to help you deal with your physical problem, but you almost sucked me to death..."

If he hadn't happened to break through to the fourth level, and his inner strength would become stronger, he might have been sucked to death by her before!

Lin Jiangnian was still frightened!

Li Piaomiao was silent for a moment and then said, "It's your own took your own initiative."

Lin Jiangnian: "?"

What's the meaning!

Framed, right?

"My mind works automatically. Isn't it your fault?"

Li Piaomiao shook his head: "I don't have this ability."

At this point, she paused and glanced at Lin Jiangnian, who had an angry face. Something seemed to flicker in her beautiful eyes.

"It was him who took the initiative."

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

Lin Jiangnian wanted to curse!

Emotions are caused by the betrayal of his own cultivation method, right?

Take the initiative to suck her?

Listen, is this reasonable?

I am the most upright gentleman in the world, can I be seduced by you?

"Isn't it your fault? How could I not be able to control myself?"

Lin Jiangnian naturally didn't believe it. At the previous moment, he clearly felt that there was something strange in Li Miaomiao's body and she took the initiative to suck him.

Li Pianmiao was silent for a moment, looked at him again, and suddenly asked: "What you practice is the Xuanyang Heart Method, right?"

"Yes, so what?"

Li Pianmiao was thoughtful, and after pondering for a moment, she said: "The problem may lie in the mental methods you and I practice!"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"There may be some connection between your mind and my mind. Or maybe... it's just right!"


After Li Miaomiao was silent for a moment, she said: "Your mental skills can suppress the coldness in my body!"


Lin Jiangnian took a closer look and felt that the eldest princess in front of him had lost a lot of chills all over her body. She looked more normal?

"Have you become normal?"

"Not sure."

Li Piaomiao shook his head.

"Try it?"


Li Pianmiao raised her eyes and looked at him doubtfully, and saw Lin Jiangnian habitually grabbing her slender bare hands!

The moment he touched it, the soft and smooth skin felt again. But this time, although it was still a little cold, the body temperature was completely normal, without the biting chill before!

"Has it really become normal?!"

Lin Jiangnian was shocked.

If I didn't believe it, I touched it more and took note, feeling the gentle and cool questions on the silky skin... It was indeed not cold anymore!

Has she really become a normal person?

His Xuanyang Mind Technique could actually make her return to normal?

Can it still be like this? !

Lin Jiangnian was stunned.

From this point of view, the eldest princess is not born cold? Was it just that he had practiced some kind of cold-type technique that led him to look like this?

Her cold temperament is not something she is born with, but a...disease? !


Lin Jiangnian squinted his eyes and quickly remembered something.

The Xuanyang Heart Technique he practiced could help the eldest princess suppress the coldness in her body. And the cold energy in the body of the eldest princess can also help him speed up his cultivation?

Can it still be... like this?

Li Piaomiao didn't speak, but lowered her eyes slightly, and her eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian's hand holding hers.

He stared quietly, without speaking or struggling to pull away.

I don’t know what to think about.

At this time, Lin Jiangnian came to his senses and realized that his actions were a bit offensive. He quickly retracted his hand and coughed lightly: "Sorry, I'm used to it..."


Li Piaomiao raised her eyes slightly and looked at him.

"Ahem, that's not important..."

Lin Jiangnian's expression did not change, he changed the subject and asked: "So, what kind of skills do you practice?"

"Why did it become like this...what happened before?"

Lin Jiangnian asked all his questions in one breath.

Li Miaomiao was silent for a while, then shook her head gently: "I don't know what I'm practicing."

Lin Jiangnian naturally didn't believe this.

A majestic and almost first-class master, wouldn’t he know what he was practicing?

However, when he saw Li Pianmiao's confused eyes, Lin Jiangnian felt that she was not lying.

"I am walking a road that no one else has walked..."

At this point, she paused, glanced at Lin Jiangnian, and said calmly: "I have been having physical problems since I was a child."


She is a martial arts genius!

A rare martial arts genius seen in hundreds of years!

But such genius is often accompanied by fatal flaws!

There are no perfect people in this world!

She practiced swordsmanship for ten years, and once she attained enlightenment, she became the youngest swordsman in the world!

But her physical defects limited her achievements to this!

If you continue, there will be no progress.

After realizing this, Li Miaomiao decisively chose to abandon everything in the past and start over.

She took advantage of her body's shortcomings and embarked on a martial arts path that no one had ever traveled before!

Having a cold body and bones is her shortcoming, but it is also her opportunity!

She succeeded!

Now she is only one step away from being a first-grade master!

But at the same time, her physical problems were also completely revealed.

Her physical defects made her and destroyed her!

Her physical condition is getting worse and worse, and she is increasingly unable to suppress the coldness in her body. This made her seem to be a lifeless, cold machine, with her body exuding a biting cold air almost all the time.

It affected her body and her temperament! She, who was originally cold, has completely become what she is now!

What's more serious is that as her strength continues to improve, the coldness also grows day by day! If one day the cold air completely loses control, it will easily kill her!

She was injured during the battle at the Health Palace on New Year's Eve! Although the injury was not serious, the suppressed cold in her body gradually became out of control.

This time in the secret room, the cold air suddenly broke through the seal of her body. She almost lost control and posed a great threat to her!

I thought she would die soon!

But at this moment, Lin Jiangnian suddenly appeared!

His body contained the blazing Xuanyang Mental Technique, which swallowed up the uncontrollable cold energy in her body! The cold air that had caused her great threats and troubles in the past disappeared under the hot air!

When Li Piaomiao looked dazed, she suddenly realized vaguely...

Maybe she has a glimmer of life again? !

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