Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 429 Insecure Paper Kite

In the bathroom.

The girl's face was cold and expressionless.


"not yet?"

Lin Jiangnian looked down at her. The girl's fair and delicate face was close at hand, as if she had a straight face and was very stubborn.

"You almost have the word "angry" written on your face, and you still say you are not?"

Lin Jiang young sighed.


The girl's answer was still very tough.

It's cool, yet inexplicably cute.

"Then why do you look unhappy since you saw me?"

Lin Jiang young smiled and stared at the face of the girl in front of him wildly, and moved slightly closer: "Don't lie, you can't hide it from me!"

The girl's expression was slightly unnatural, and she subconsciously wanted to lean back to avoid it. But the whole person was held in Lin Jiangnian's arms, unable to struggle away, and looked directly at Lin Jiangnian's slightly playful but fiery eyes.

For a moment, she felt a little unnatural, turned away and said coldly.

"Let, let me go."

Lin Jiangnian naturally didn't let go, but hugged him tighter. He put his hands around the girl's slender waist and hugged her into his arms.

The two people's bodies were slightly close to each other, feeling the girl's soft and warm body, and the unique scent and fragrance that belonged to Zhiyuan spread... This is what a normal girl should feel!

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but sigh secretly. After spending two days alone with the eldest princess, he was affected by the cold air on her body and almost forgot what a normal woman felt.

Although the paper kite in front of me has a somewhat cold personality and is not good at words, she is always cold and cold on weekdays. But...her body is warm.

Her feelings are also hot!

…It’s just that it’s usually not obvious!

For example, this time, Lin Jiangnian had just bullied Zhiyuan that night. Zhiyuan was sulking and originally planned to ignore him for several days. But when he learned that Lin Jiangnian was going to enter the palace, even though he was still angry, he still took the initiative to come to Lin Jiangnian...

For another example, I learned from Lin Qingqing that when Lin Jiangnian was trapped in the secret room by Chen Zhao, Zhiyuan also raised his sword and killed Chen Zhao without saying a word...

"Don't be angry, okay?"

Young Lin Jiang put his arms around the girl's waist, lowered his head slightly, and whispered softly: "Your Highness, I apologize to you... I will definitely not bully you like that next time!"

Listening to Lin Jiangnian's words, Zhiyuan seemed to be startled, and then an unnatural look appeared on his face.


She was about to say something, but just then she started to speak and then stopped, as if she had thought of something, her face was solemn and solemn.

But the more stubborn and cold he looks, the bright red on his fair skin cannot be hidden.

The more this happened, the more Lin Jiangnian wanted to 'bully' her for some reason.

Especially when we haven’t seen each other for a few days, a little goodbye is better than a wedding. Staring at the girl's pink and tender face, he lowered his head and leaned closer and kissed her on the cheek again.

Zhiyuan, who had a straight face at first, became embarrassed and struggled immediately.

"Let go, let go!"

"You, you...don't you want to take a bath?"

Seeing that he couldn't get away, Zhiyuan stared at him.

"Aren't I waiting for Zhiyuan to come and rub my back?" Lin Jiang said with a young smile.

"I, I don't want it."

Zhiyuan blushed and refused immediately.

Seeing that Lin Jiangnian seemed to be unwilling to give up, he stared at him with his cold beautiful eyes.

"Relax, let go...or I'll be really angry!"

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian blinked: "So, you are really not angry?"


Zhiyuan seemed to snort slightly and did not answer Lin Jiangnian's question.

Looked away.

The little maid seemed a little emotional.

But I can clearly feel it, just a little bit emotional, not really angry.

"I know you are the best, Zhiyuan, and I will definitely not be angry with your highness!"

After hearing this, Zhiyuan curled her lips, glanced at him expressionlessly, and said angrily: "Go, take a shower and change clothes!"

Lin Jiangnian pushed further and asked, "Then, rub your back?"

Zhiyuan raised her eyes slightly and stared into Lin Jiangnian's eyes: "First, let go of me!"

After hearing this, Lin Jiangnian let go of the girl in his arms.

Zhiyuan took a step back, straightened her clothes, and saw Lin Jiangnian with a look of hope on his face.

She remained expressionless, glanced at his clothes, and said lightly: "First wash off the smell on your body!"

"I do not like."

After saying that, Zhiyuan turned around and left the bathroom without looking back.

Lin Jiangnian was left standing there, the smile on his face gradually solidifying.


What could he smell like? !

Lin Jiangnian was shocked... After spending two days with the eldest princess, could he have accidentally been contaminated with her scent?

Lin Jiangnian quickly lowered his head and sniffed the clothes on his body, but soon he looked suspicious again... No? !

Although he and Li Miaomiao were alone for two days, the relationship between the two was pure and clean...except for the brief palm contact between the two when they were breathing for Li Miaomiao, there was no other contact. .

In addition, Li Miaomiao and Zhao Xi are different. Zhao Xi's warm fragrance is very strong, and Lin Jiangnian can easily get it when he comes into contact with her.

But Li Piaomiao only had a faint fragrance on her body. It smelled slightly fresh and light, and it dissipated quickly.

He didn't have too much in-depth communication with Li Miaomiao, so how could he be tainted with her aura?

Lin Jiangnian sniffed and checked carefully again to make sure that there was no smell left by the eldest princess on his body.


How could Zhiyuan say that she didn't like the smell of him?

Lin Jiangnian was stunned and stood there in a daze. After a while, I finally realized something.

Zhiyuan, isn't she... searching for enemies in the void?

It is true that Lin Jiangnian did not smell of the eldest princess, but...

In Zhiyuan's heart, Lin Jiangnian was alone with the eldest princess for two days! Therefore, even if Lin Jiangnian has no smell, in Zhiyuan's eyes...

Still tastes good? !

Combined with Zhiyuan's slightly cold reaction when he saw Li Miaomiao today, and the fact that Zhiyuan's mood seemed not to be very high until just now... Although there was nothing unusual on the surface, the attentive Lin Jiangnian was still keenly aware of Zhiyuan's mood. , so I just planned to have a good talk with Zhiyuan.

She originally thought that Zhiyuan was still forcing her to eat the baby's anger two nights before she was born, but now it seems that maybe that's not the case?

Zhiyuan doesn't seem to be angry with the baby, but... something else?

What she was angry about was not whether Lin Jiangnian had any intimate or inappropriate relationship with Li Miaomiao, but...

Lin Jiangnian spent two days alone with the eldest princess? !

Shower and change clothes!

I quickly took a hot bath and put on clean clothes. Standing in front of the bronze mirror, Lin Jiangnian looked at himself in the mirror and felt refreshed!

A mature and qualified Crown Prince should learn to serve himself!

He had already formed a habit in daily life, so even without the personal care and attention of the palace maid, Lin Jiangnian did not feel uncomfortable.

I have to say that the treatment in this palace is indeed good.

The bathtub is big enough!

Although it is not as good as Miss Zhao's private bath, the decoration level is not inferior at all. At the same time, seven or eight people can bathe together without any problem.

...It's a pity that Zhiyuan refused!

A little bit regretful.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, Lin Jiangnian just walked out of the bathroom.

Outside the bathroom door, it was empty.

The maid at the door was kicked out by Lin Jiangnian and is now waiting uneasily outside the courtyard.

When Lin Jiangnian left the courtyard, he waved his hand to drive away these maids. Not far away, Lin Qingqing was standing there.

Lin Jiangnian waved to her, and Lin Qingqing quickly stepped forward and said with a bit of anxiety: "Your Highness, I'm afraid we are under house arrest!"


Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes: "House arrest?"


Lin Qingqing spoke in a deep voice.

After rescuing His Highness from the secret room, he met the Imperial Guards beside the Crown Prince. These imperial guards temporarily arranged Lin Jiangnian in this palace.

The palace was luxurious, and Lin Jiangnian's hospitality was of the highest standard. The servants and maids in the palace were all respectful and showed no slights.

However, not long ago, when Lin Qingqing wanted to leave the palace to inquire about the situation outside, she was stopped by the imperial guards at the door.

Not only that, Lin Qingqing also discovered that there were imperial guards everywhere around the palace. When asked, they claimed that there was turmoil in the palace and the situation was urgent. They were worried about the safety of His Royal Highness Prince Lin, so they sent them to protect him inside and outside the palace.

But in's just house arrest!

Realizing this, Lin Qingqing felt uneasy and hurriedly came to report to Lin Jiangnian.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has put us under house arrest here. I am worried that it will be detrimental to His Highness!"

Lin Qingqing was worried.

Her worries were justified.

There was already a grudge between Prince Lin's Mansion and the imperial court, and with the news that Emperor Ning had just passed away, the situation in the palace became tense.

In addition, everyone with a discerning eye knows that the prince has always advocated the reduction of vassalage. Now that His Highness is trapped in the palace, if the prince uses this opportunity to make an issue against His Highness, then something serious will happen...

Lin Qingqing was worried, but Lin Jiangnian didn't take it to heart.

"Don't worry too much."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head lightly. His Highness the Crown Prince was very busy now. With Emperor Ning passing away, he would be very busy and would not have time to take care of Lin Jiangnian.

At the moment, stabilizing the court's political power is the most important thing.

As for being placed under house arrest here... Lin Jiangnian was not surprised.

Guess it!

Emperor Ning passed away!

Lin Jiangnian was one of the insiders. Such important news had not yet been announced to the world, so the prince would naturally not let Lin Jiangnian leave.

Lin Jiangnian would definitely do the same thing.

He guessed that after Li Miaomiao went out, he would definitely tell the prince what happened in the secret room.

The prince would not announce the news of Emperor Ning's death immediately.

Most likely, he would temporarily block the news and summon the trusted ministers from the DPRK. Only after the countermeasures and regulations are discussed and everything is ready, would he announce the news of His Majesty's death!

In this way, it is best for him!

It is also the most stable for the court!

The development of the matter did not exceed Lin Jiangnian's expectations.

Li Cunning did not spread the news of the emperor's death. Not only that, he also specially ordered people to block the passage to the secret room and strictly prohibited anyone from approaching.

At the same time, several close ministers of the court were secretly summoned into the palace to discuss something.

The entire palace was filled with a gloomy aura of impending rain.

But at the same time, what happened that day could not be hidden from the eyes and ears of the outside world... The news that Chen Zhao intended to assassinate His Highness the Crown Prince made a big fuss!

There's no way to hide it!

When the news spread, it stirred up waves!

Chen Zhao actually assassinated His Highness the Crown Prince? !

When the news reached the capital, countless people were indignant and shocked.

Among the people, Chen Zhao has always been a negative castrated dog who is full of trouble and evil.

Now, this old gelding who was full of evil deeds actually assassinated His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!

what does that mean?

This old gelding has rebelled!

He was so powerful that he dared to kill the prince of the dynasty? !

In this country of Daning Dynasty, is there any royal law?

Are there any brave loyal ministers? !

The people were excited, but many officials and aristocratic families in the court found another meaning in Zhongpin!

Behind Chen Zhao is the emperor, so...could Chen Zhao's assassination of His Royal Highness be the emperor's instruction?

What is the hidden secret behind this?

Why hasn't the emperor, who has been in seclusion for more than half a year, shown up? Is there any hidden secret behind this?

Just as speculation was abuzz in the capital, another piece of news came out from the palace... Chen Zhao, the rebel eunuch who assassinated His Royal Highness, had been killed on the spot by the imperial guards!

Soon, Chen Zhao's body was hung outside the city gate, and was spurned and insulted by the people.

For a time, the people who heard the news were very happy and clapped their hands and praised him!

As expected, His Highness the Crown Prince was so wise and powerful that he not only escaped the assassination attempt by Chen Yungu, but also finally brought the great eunuch who brought harm to the court to justice!

Do justice for heaven and eliminate harm for the people!

Well done!

For a time, the people in the capital were all excited and joyful, and their crowds and admiration for His Highness the Crown Prince reached their peak.

At the same time, they also hated Chen Yungou almost to the bone. Countless people gathered outside the city gate and lined up to spit at Chen Yungou's body!

Ha, spat!

The people were filled with indignation, officials from various aristocratic families speculated a lot, and the atmosphere in the palace was tense.

Lin Jiangnian lived in the palace leisurely!

They come, the security!

Although the prince seemed to have Lin Jiangnian under house arrest, his treatment of Lin Jiangnian was not bad at all.

Delicious meals were delivered on time every day, and various gadgets and entertainment programs to relieve fatigue and pass the time were prepared for Lin Jiangnian's entertainment. At the same time, many beautiful and different little palace maids were arranged for Lin Jiangnian to play with...

Not to mention, the treatment is very good!

It’s simply a gentle place!

If it had been anyone else, they might have fallen into it and been reluctant to leave!

But as a gentleman, Lin Jiangnian still refused the prince's beautiful temptation with righteous words!

He doesn't like this for the time being.

Of course, the main reason is that I don’t dare to do well.

"Zhiyuan, His Highness assures you that the relationship between me and the eldest princess is pure and innocent, and there is absolutely no shady relationship with her!"

Outside the eaves, in the courtyard.

The weather is nice today.

The warm sun shines in the courtyard, the scenery in the courtyard is peaceful, and everything is revived.

Zhiyuan, who was wearing a light blue Yunluo dress, sat quietly in the pavilion in the courtyard, with a somewhat indifferent expression on her cold and delicate silhouette.

Beside her, Lin Jiangnian was seriously explaining to Zhiyuan his innocent relationship with the eldest princess!

Guessing that Zhiyuan might be angry because of this incident, Lin Jiangnian had to prove his innocence.

However, Zhiyuan's expression was neither cold nor indifferent, and she glanced at him quietly: "Why are you explaining this to me?"

"Aren't you afraid of misunderstanding?"

"I won't get it wrong."

"No, you must have misunderstood!"

"I didn't misunderstand!"

Zhiyuan glanced at him and said calmly: "She is your fiancée, what else can I misunderstand?"


"I told you, she's not!"

Lin Jiangnian sighed. There was no misunderstanding in what he said, but between the lines... there was a faint resentment.

It was very light, but Lin Jiangnian also noticed it!

I'm afraid the fiancée thing is going to be hard to get past.

"This time, she really isn't!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head and said: "This marriage contract was made by the emperor. Now that the emperor has passed away, naturally there will be no more weddings!"

"I might have been worried about resisting the order before, but this time..."

Lin Jiangnian was already 90% sure. The only 10% uncertainty was the 'edict' in the hands of the eldest princess!

As long as the edict was not released, the marriage contract between him and Li Miaomiao would almost exist in name only.

After hearing this, Zhiyuan just nodded lightly and didn't say much.

No comments were made.

"Also, in the secret room before, she and I were innocent..."

Recalling his previous guess as to why Zhiyuan might be angry, Lin Jiangnian tried to explain again.

But this time, Zhiyuan interrupted him softly: "I know."


Lin Jiangnian was startled and looked at her: "You know?"


Zhiyuan nodded.

Lin Jiangnian was a little unsure and asked tentatively, "What do you know?"

"You and her are very innocent. You didn't do anything."

Zhiyuan spoke.

When Lin Jiangnian heard this, he was immediately overjoyed: "Zhiyuan, you really understand me! She and I are indeed innocent, nothing happened!"

He finally let go of the worries in his heart and came closer to Zhiyuan. He seemed to have thought of something and hesitated slightly: "Zhiyuan, why do you suddenly believe me?"

Zhiyuan turned to look at him, her cold eyes were very calm, and she said lightly: "Because, you can't beat her!"

Lin Jiangnian: "?"

Zhiyuan looked at Lin Jiangnian quietly and continued to speak softly: "She doesn't like you either."

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

The smile gradually disappeared from his face.

Although Zhiyuan believed her, Lin Jiangnian was very happy. But when you hear this, why does it sound so unpleasant?

I feel like it’s better not to say anything…

"You look down on your Highness so much, don't you?"

Lin Jiangnian immediately put on a cold face: "How do you know she doesn't like me?"

Zhiyuan's eyes were clear and indifferent, and she spoke softly: "Because, she doesn't look down on anyone!"



After contacting the eldest princess, Lin Jiangnian could indeed feel the innate arrogance in her body.

Not pretending on purpose, but really...arrogant!

In the eyes of outsiders, that kind of extremely confident and conceited arrogance may be just the most ordinary thing in her eyes.

After all, her identity and strength are worthy of this innate arrogance!

"Now that you know..."

Lin Jiangnian seemed to have thought of something again, and looked down at the girl in front of him: "You know that she and I are innocent, why are you still angry?"

"I'm not angry."

Zhiyuan calmly repeated it again, looked into Lin Jiangnian's eyes, and said softly: "I just..."

"It's a little uncomfortable."

Very calm and clear eyes, extremely candid.

She did feel a little uncomfortable.

When he saw Lin Jiangnian and the eldest princess appearing in the secret room at the same time, although they had expected it, they were also prepared.

But when she saw it... she still had some waves in her heart.

It’s hard to describe this feeling!

Maybe it’s just uncomfortable?

It looked a little dazzling, but at the same time, there was also a trace of inexplicable emotion.

It seems to be constantly reminding her...

The eldest princess is his fiancée in name only.

Although Lin Jiangnian had promised her many times that he would never marry the eldest princess. Zhiyuan has always believed that Lin Jiangnian would not lie.

However, that trace of emotion is still lingering.

Not dispersed!

True to her word, she was not angry.

She had no reason to be angry, and she didn't bother to be angry.

However, this does not affect her having a little... little emotion.


Just one drop!

Lin Jiangnian was startled for a moment, staring at the girl's delicate, quiet face, which showed a hint of the tranquility of the years.

Listening to the girl's understatement, yet very candid words.

For a moment, I felt a little dazed.

At the same time, an indescribable trace of... guilt arose in my heart.

He deserves to die!

"My fault!"

Lin Jiangnian lowered his head, hugged the girl next to him, and apologized softly: "I should have taken care of your emotions..."

Zhiyuan's behavior had always been extremely calm, so Lin Jiangnian often ignored her emotions.

Lin Jiangnian ignored one thing... Zhiyuan had lost her parents since she was a child. She grew up in the Jiang family. Although she had the protection of her aunt, her aunt, who was only a few years older than her, could not make up for the things she lacked in childhood.

The feeling of being "under someone else's roof" has made her very independent, calm and good at disguising herself since she was a child.

Zhiyuan, who has always been indifferent to others, rarely expresses his emotions. So much so that Lin Jiangnian suddenly remembered...she was actually a very insecure girl!

She is completely different from Li Piaomiao!

She will have emotions and normal joys and sorrows. Occasionally, he would show vulnerability in front of Lin Jiangnian that he would not show normally.

And... little emotions!

Lin Jiangnian, who realized this, felt even more guilty.

In his eyes, the relationship between him and the eldest princess was indeed innocent. But for Zhiyuan, who lacks a sense of security, it is a completely different feeling.

After all, the eldest princess is Lin Jiangnian’s fiancée in name! She is the future Crown Princess with a noble status and a legitimate name!

And what about the paper kite?

Compared with the eldest princess, she seems to be incomparable in every aspect!

Regardless of identity, status, appearance, or even martial arts seems that there is nothing that can surpass the eldest princess!

She is in Prince Lin's Mansion, and now she has no identity. The only identity that can be mentioned may be just a little maid next to Lin Jiangnian...

In this case, how could Zhiyuan not be worried?

How could it be possible really doesn't matter? !

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian felt more guilty. He hugged the girl in his arms tightly and realized.

It’s time to quickly give Zhiyuan a justifiable identity!

Although in the eyes of those close to her, Zhiyuan is already the future Crown Princess. In the eyes of sisters Xiaozhu and Fengling Jasmine, this has long been the case.

But in the end...the identification of documents was still missing.

It's time for him to quickly give a status to the girl beside him who has been with him for the longest time and helped him the most!

Being held in Lin Jiangnian's arms, Zhiyuan did not struggle and allowed him to hold her tightly. The delicate chin gently rested on Lin Jiangnian's shoulder, as if he was getting closer and could smell the familiar scent coming from Lin Jiangnian.

It was already very familiar to her and she didn't resist at all.

Even, like it very much.

Zhiyuan's expression remained calm, her cold beautiful eyes seemed to blink, and she said softly: "I'm fine."

After saying that, he paused and shook his head slightly: "I just feel a little uncomfortable... I'll be fine in a few days!"

She is a very rational person and will not really have any violent emotional reaction to this.

She won't make a fuss, and even...she doesn't react at all.

This lost emotion will slowly be digested after a period of time.

No grudges will be left!

Lin Jiangnian opened his mouth. Such a sensible and obedient Zhiyuan made him unable to say a single word as the words of comfort he wanted to say came to his lips.

It seems like everything is superfluous.

In the end, Lin Jiangnian hugged the insecure girl in his arms tightly, as if he wanted to tell her all his love.

After a while, Lin Jiangnian stroked her silky hair, smelled the girl's unique scent in her hair, and said softly: "After I see the prince in a few days, I plan to have a good talk with him. Talk. Let him issue an imperial edict to terminate the engagement between me and her."

Lin Jiangnian made up his mind.

This marriage must be called off!

Although in his heart, the marriage contract existed in name only. But for the sake of the paper kite, this ceremony must be completed!

Zhiyuan still snuggled lightly into Lin Jiangnian's arms, letting him hold her in his arms, looking slightly well-behaved.

She said nothing and made no response.

"Emperor Ning passed away, the crown prince succeeded to the throne, and the situation in the capital was turbulent. Our purpose of coming to the capital this time has been achieved, and it's almost time to go back!"

"After leaving the palace this time, it's almost time to pack up and return to Linjiang City!"

Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and looked at the girl's delicate side face, which was covered by a wisp of black hair, and there seemed to be some strange brilliance in her bright eyes.

"The things His Highness promised you last time will never change..."

"When we return to Linjiang City this time, we will get married."

Lin Jiangnian's tone was very soft, but he made his promise very solemnly.

At the same time, I was already thinking in my mind that it was not too late to make preparations as soon as possible.

When he turned back, he sent people to hurry up and pass the news back to Linjiang City, telling Lin Hengzhong to let Prince Lin's Mansion prepare early.

When he and Zhi Yuan return to Linzhou, they will directly go to the church to get married... and can't delay it any longer!

But Zhiyuan seemed stunned when she heard Lin Jiangnian's promise again. Then, Wei Wei struggled to get up from Lin Jiangnian's arms.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Jiangnian looked into her eyes and soon noticed a flash of... uneasiness in Zhiyuan's cold eyes.

He seemed to be thinking of something: "What? Don't believe me? Do you think I'm lying to you?"

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes and shook her head slightly.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Jiangnian asked with concern.

Zhiyuan remained silent, raised her eyes to glance at Lin Jiangnian, and then lowered her eyes again.

After a while, he seemed a little uneasy and hesitated to speak.

"My lord, I'm afraid he won't agree..."

Listening to Zhiyuan's uneasy tone, Lin Jiangnian smiled dumbly.

Unexpectedly, Zhiyuan, who is usually calm, would suddenly become so worried one day.

"No need to worry about that."

Lin Jiangnian hugged her into his arms again, lowered his head and pecked her cold thin lips. Soon, a watery sheen appeared on the girl's originally light red lips.

Caught off guard by a 'sneak attack', Zhiyuan pursed her lips subconsciously, raised her eyes, and a hint of shyness flashed across her face.

"My father will definitely not object!"

Lin Jiangnian knew what Zhiyuan was worried about.

Her identity!

As a maid in Prince Lin's Mansion in the past, Zhiyuan knew very well how important identity was in a place like Prince Lin's Mansion.

Although Zhiyuan was considered to be the queen of the injured family in the past, it has long since declined. How could the majestic King Lin let his son marry a maid in his palace?

A perfect match!

Extremely important!

"It's not like you don't understand my father. He's not that pedantic."

Lin Jiangnian recalled the short time he spent with Lin Hengzhong. In his impression, Lin Hengzhong was an extremely calm person.

But at the same time, he is not a stubborn and pedantic person.

More importantly, Zhiyuan is not an outsider. To a certain extent, she is the child bride taken in by the former Princess Lin.

In a sense, her identity came earlier than that of the eldest princess, and she must be justified!

"Besides, even if my father doesn't agree, he can't stop it."

Lin Jiangyoun smiled and comforted the girl in his arms: "If it doesn't work out, I will take you away from home, and we will elope!"

"Elope, elope?"

Zhiyuan's eyes were startled, as if hearing this word for the first time.

Somewhat strange.

"Yes, it's an elopement!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded and said: "Let's leave Prince Lin's Mansion and wander around the world... With your martial arts and my intelligence, how can we, two swords combined, be invincible in the world and become the couple of gods that everyone envies?"


Listening to Lin Jiangnian's enthusiastic description, Zhiyuan's cold eyes flashed.

No words were spoken.


Zhiyuan thought for a while: "You can't escape the prince's eye."

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

"You're really not cute at all!"

Lin Jiangnian reached out and pinched her cheek, and sighed: "Can't you just enjoy it for a while? Why should it be so realistic!"

Wandering around the world, becoming the couple of gods and so on, this wish will definitely not be realized. As the eldest son of Prince Lin, he could not abandon his mission and responsibilities, but this did not stop Lin Jiangnian from fantasizing!

Zhiyuan touched the cheek pinched by Lin Jiangnian, pursed her lips, and looked at him with clear eyes: "I'm not cute to begin with."

Such a serious statement actually made Lin Jiangnian laugh a little.

"Don't mention it, you look a little cute like this!"

Lin Jiangnian said, and came closer: "Come, let His Highness kiss the lovely paper kite?!"

"no, do not want……"

Zhiyuan lowered her head and avoided in shame.

Lin Jiangnian held the girl's waist with one hand, held the girl's face with the other hand, and kissed her tender and fair face several times.

It tastes great!

Smooth and tender, like jelly.

Very flexible.

Then, under Zhiyuan's increasingly embarrassed struggle, he pulled again.

Finally, he got what he wanted and kissed the girl's glossy, delicate red lips.


More Q bombs!


Not far away, outside the hospital, Lin Qingqing stepped into the hospital with one foot.

Just when he was about to speak subconsciously, his eyes fell on the pavilion in the courtyard not far away. The sound that had just come out of half a word was cut off abruptly.

Lin Qingqing's eyes were stunned, and she looked at the pavilion in front of her in shock...

This scene was beyond her expectation!

It also shocked her!

Your Highness, you actually met Sister Zhiyuan in broad daylight...

Sister Zhiyuan, you still allow yourself to cooperate with His Highness’s nonsense?

Has this become so big? !

Aren't you avoiding people?

Don't take her seriously, take her seriously, right?

Lin Qingqing was silent. Soon, as an excellent subordinate, Lin Qingqing took back the foot that had just entered the courtyard.

Turn around and disappear quietly.

It was as if it had never appeared.

Outside the hospital.

Lin Qingqing looked at the woman in gorgeous palace clothes standing in front of her, and shook her head expressionlessly: "My Highness is busy and it is not convenient to see people at the moment!"


The delicate and beautiful woman in palace attire blinked, slightly confused.

At this time, what else can His Royal Highness be busy with?

"Then, how long will your Highness be busy? When will you be free?"

Lin Qingqing made an estimate based on past experience, thought for a moment and said, "Should we start in one hour?"

"I don't know the details!"


Why does this sound a little strange?

However, Jinxiu didn’t think much about it. She raised her head and glanced at the sky. Seeing that it was still early, she thought for a while and said, "Then shall I wait for your highness?"

Lin Qingqing nodded expressionlessly and looked at the gorgeous woman in palace clothes in front of her without any trace.

She has seen it many times!

This girl seems to be someone close to the eldest princess. She often came to the palace to see His Highness.

However, judging from Lin Qingqing's experience, the relationship between the palace maid in front of her and her highness seems to be unusual.

Thinking of this, Lin Qingqing's eyes gradually became a little strange.

His Highness is still in the courtyard with Sister Zhiyuan... what the hell! Now, another woman who has a close relationship with His Highness has appeared here... His Highness is so busy!

...I don’t know if His Highness can bear the food!

Jinxiu came with a mission today.

When they learned that the princess and Prince Lin were trapped in a secret room, Jin Xiu and An Ning, who were still in the princess mansion, entered the palace anxiously.

However, they couldn't help much, so they stayed in the harem to comfort the Queen while waiting for news.

When the Queen Mother learned that Piao Miao was trapped in the secret room, her expression immediately changed and she almost fell ill.

The successive blows made the empress, who was originally dignified and elegant, but still charming, seem to have aged many years overnight.

It wasn't until Li Miaomiao came out of the secret room safe and sound that the Queen breathed a sigh of relief. She had already almost experienced the pain of losing her son, and she could no longer bear the grief of losing another daughter.

Fortunately, Piaomiao is back safely!

The Queen Empress breathed a sigh of relief, which also made Jinxiu, who had been by the Queen's side, feel relieved.

Immediately afterwards, I heard that the eldest princess was trapped in the secret room with Prince Lin. After coming out of the secret room, he learned that Prince Lin was temporarily placed in the palace.

So, Jinxiu came to the door!

As a result, I learned that Prince Lin was very busy for the time being and it was inconvenient to see people?

What could he be busy with?

Being under nominal house arrest in the palace, shouldn't His Highness be very free?

What could he be busy with?

Still busy for another hour?

Especially the subordinate next to Prince Lin in front of him said very strange things, and the way he looked at her was... not quite right.

Jinxiu was keenly aware of Lin Qingqing's gaze when it fell on her. There was something indescribable... strange!

Just as Jinxiu was thinking about it, footsteps were heard not far behind her.


Hearing this voice, Lin Qingqing was startled, turned around subconsciously, and saw Lin Jiangnian appearing out of nowhere.

She was stunned!

It's only been...a few minutes?

Is it over, Your Highness?

So fast?

Lin Jiangnian naturally saw Lin Qingqing's curious eyes and glared at her expressionlessly.

Lin Qingqing quickly averted her eyes and lowered her head.


She was afraid that she might have ruined His Highness's good deeds!

The fact was indeed similar to what she had guessed.

Lin Qingqing's appearance instantly disturbed the two people who had just kissed each other in the courtyard pavilion.

Even though she was very careful, how could she not notice it with Zhiyuan's sensitivity? Kissing in public, only to be discovered by an acquaintance, how could the already thin-skinned Zhiyuan endure it?

Distraught with shame and anger, Zhiyuan immediately struggled to break free and ran away!

Lin Jiangnian was left standing there with a ferocious look on his face!

A good thing was ruined!

On weekdays, he has to turn off the lights even to do things. The extremely thin-skinned Zhiyuan cannot accept such exciting and frank treatment. Even last time, he was tricked by Lin Jiangnian into eating just to turn off the lights...

Finally, she managed to get her emotions right this time, and as the tide went by, she successfully made out with Zhiyuan in public, allowing her to take a step forward...

As a result, Lin Qingqing ruined the good thing!

After this fright, it will be difficult to have such an opportunity next time!

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian was furious and immediately planned to go out and settle the score with Lin Qingqing.

As soon as he walked out, he saw Jinxiu appearing in his sight at some point.

"Girl Fairview?"

"Your Highness!"

Seeing Lin Jiangnian appear, her beautiful eyes lit up slightly and she blinked: "Aren't you busy?"

"Are you done so soon?"

Didn’t you say you’d be busy for an hour?

How many minutes has it been?

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian turned his head expressionlessly.

Lin Qingqing's guilty head dropped even lower...

"You go down first."


Lin Qingqing ran away quickly.

"Busy working!"

Lin Jiangnian turned his head and said, "Miss Jinxiu, why do you come to see me for something important?"

"Your Highness said this!"

Jinxiu blinked again, her bright eyes shining brightly, "Can't you come to His Highness if you have nothing to do?"

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes when he heard this and looked Jinxiu up and down: "So, Miss Jinxiu came to have a romantic relationship with me?"

As if aware of Lin Jiangnian's slightly malicious gaze, Jinxiu subconsciously took a step back and said without changing her expression, "Of course not."

"The beautiful girl is here today..."

Lin Jiangnian was still looking at her playfully.

As if she couldn't bear Lin Jiangnian's burning gaze, Jinxiu stopped playing with fire and quickly explained her purpose.

"The Queen said she wants to see you."

"The Queen?"

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes slightly.

"What do you want to see me for?"

"This slave doesn't know."

Jinxiu shook his head: "I just came here to report."

Lin Jiangnian was thoughtful, and then raised his eyebrows: "My son is under house arrest here, and I'm afraid he won't be able to see your empress."

"It doesn't matter, the empress has already said hello to His Highness the Crown Prince!"

A slight smile appeared on Jinxiu's face: "Your Majesty is also here, not far away."

"That's it..."

Lin Jiangnian thought thoughtfully and nodded: "Okay, then I will go with you to visit the empress!"

"Your Highness, please."

Jinxiu made an invitation, then led Lin Jiangnian out of the palace and walked to the side.

While Lin Jiangnian was thinking about the purpose of the Queen's visit to him, he looked at the splendid dress in a palace dress, thoughtfully.

"When did Miss Jinxiu enter the palace?"

"Just two days ago."

Jinxiu answered: "After Your Highness and my princess were trapped in the secret room, I entered the palace after receiving the news..."

As he spoke, Jinxiu's eyes shone brightly, seeming to be extremely interested in this matter.

A man and a woman alone, alone together... His Highness the Crown Prince and his own princess, this is simply...

Big gossip!

But before Jinxiu could think of how to speak, Lin Jiangnian accidentally asked, "Where's An Ning?"

"Did she also enter the palace with you?"

As soon as these words came out, Jinxiu's footsteps suddenly stopped.

The alarm bells rang in my heart instantly!

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