Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 432 How about together?

The news of Emperor Ning's death spread throughout the entire capital area overnight.

The whole city mourned!

The capital was solemn, and rows of fully armed soldiers and horses were driving on the streets of the capital.

The wind was howling!

The entire capital area fell into the most depressing atmosphere in history. The streets of the once prosperous capital were now desolate and no longer prosperous!

The New Year had just passed, but there was no spring at all. This New Year is destined to be an unforgettable New Year for the people in the capital!

Even the little scoundrels on weekdays are now low-key and honest.

Everyone knows that now is a critical moment of changing dynasties. The previous emperor passed away, and the new emperor is about to ascend the throne!

In this case, not many people dare to be the first to come forward. Especially the previous case of the third prince's mutiny and rebellion involved too many officials and ministers, and the entire capital area was almost purged, with countless corpses!

Those dandy young masters who used to walk their birds on the street and flirt with decent women with their lackeys are now nowhere to be seen.

It must be said that during this period, the security of the capital has reached an unprecedented state of stability.

In the early morning.

A carriage drove out of the layers of guards in the palace, passed through the deserted streets, and returned to the Jiang Mansion in the west of the city!

The carriage slowly stopped outside the gate of the Jiang Mansion, and several figures had been waiting outside the gate for a long time.

"Your Highness, Sister Zhiyuan, we are home!"

Lin Qingqing appeared outside the carriage and spoke.

The curtain was lifted, and Lin Jiangnian got off the carriage first, followed by Zhiyuan behind him. Just after getting off the carriage, several figures came up to him outside the gate of the Jiang Mansion.

It was Jiang's mother and aunt Jiang Yuxiang who came forward.

"Jiang Nian, Zhi Yuan, you are finally back!"

"Nothing happened?"

"Come on, let me take a good look!"

Mother Jiang and Auntie came forward with a nervous look. When they confirmed that Lin Jiang Nian and Zhi Yuan were fine, they finally put down their hearts that had been hanging for these days.

"What is going on?"

"Why are you staying in the palace for no reason?!"

"Tell me in detail!"

Jiang Yuxiang walked forward quickly and came to Lin Jiang Nian and Zhi Yuan.

The people in the Jiang Mansion still don't know what happened!

A few days ago, Princess Li Piaomiao suddenly visited in person and took Lin Jiang Nian away.

Afterwards, Zhi Yuan also left the Jiang Mansion.

As a result, she disappeared for several days!

It was not until a few days later that news came from the palace that they learned that Lin Jiang Nian and Zhi Yuan stayed in the palace. But Mother Jiang and Jiang Yuxiang are not ordinary people after all, and things are not as simple as they think.

...Why did Jiang Nian and Zhi Yuan suddenly stay in the palace?

Why did someone from the palace come to report again? !

Could it be... something unexpected happened?

When thinking of the grievances between the Lin Wang Mansion and the court, many ominous thoughts suddenly emerged in Jiang Yuxiang's mind.

After Jiang Ningkang learned the news, he also hurriedly looked for his connections and friends in Beijing, trying to find out the news in the palace, but to no avail.

It is said that there have been great changes in the palace these days, and the news is blocked. Many ministers in the court are also paying close attention. These days, the Jiang Mansion is in a panic.

Until the early hours of last night, the news of the emperor's death suddenly came from the palace!

As soon as this news came out, Jiang Yuxiang was uneasy and panicked.

She suddenly realized that Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan's stay in the palace was mostly related to the emperor's death!

There may even be a close connection!

No one knows better than Jiang Yuxiang that once the prince of the vassal king is related to the emperor's death, if it is not handled properly, the consequences will be extremely serious.

Just when she was worried and wondering whether she should take the risk to contact the Queen in the palace to find out the situation, she finally received news from the palace... Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan will be back this morning!

Until now, after seeing Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan come back safely, Jiang Yuxiang finally let go of her worries.

Jiang's mother was also relieved and said with a look of relief: "It's good to be back, it's good to be fine!"

"Hurry up, you must be tired these days, go back to the mansion first."

"Come in quickly!" Jiang's mother hurriedly welcomed Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan into the mansion. Along the way, Lin Jiangnian simply mentioned to Jiang's mother and Jiang Yuxiang what happened in the palace in the past few days.

Now that the news of Emperor Ning's death has been spread, some things don't need to be concealed anymore.

But when they heard that Lin Jiangnian and the eldest princess were trapped in the secret room for a few days, Jiang's mother and Jiang Yuxiang still sweated.

"How dare the eunuch Chen Zhao be so audacious?!"

Jiang Yuxiang's pretty face was full of indignation, and then she realized something: "No wonder Chen Zhao's body was hung at the city gate. He should be executed for doing such a thing!"

"The current situation in the palace has come to an end for the time being. When the prince ascends the throne, the situation in the court will also change again..."

Lin Jiangnian said here, and then remembered something: "By the way, where is your uncle?"

Jiang's mother said: "Your uncle is in the study. He didn't sleep all night last night and just took a nap!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Ningkang, who was dressed in a gray robe, walked quickly in the front yard.

"Jiang Nian, you are back?!"

As if he had been up all night, Jiang Ningkang looked very bad, but when he saw Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan, a surprised smile still appeared on his face.


Lin Jiangnian nodded, as if he thought of something: "Uncle, I have something to tell you."

Jiang Ningkang was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Come to the study."


In the study.

Lin Jiangnian told Jiang Ningkang what happened in the palace these days. At the same time, he also mentioned the conversation between the two when they met with the Crown Prince yesterday.

After listening to this, Jiang Ningkang's expression gradually became serious and he frowned.

Obviously, he realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Jiang Nian, what do you mean..."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at his uncle in front of him and sighed softly: "Emperor Ning has passed away, and the prince is about to ascend the throne. During this period, the prince has eliminated the political enemies in the court, and now the whole court has almost become a piece of iron..."

"Although the situation is not yet stable now, once the prince has completely stabilized the court, his next plan will definitely be against the Lin family..."

The Lin family, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses at their disposal, was a thorn in the side of the court and the prince!

Although I had an affair with the prince yesterday, there is currently no answer on how to resolve the conflict between the Lin family and the court.

For Lin Jiangnian, he naturally didn't need to worry too much.

Now that the matter in Beijing has come to an end, he is already preparing to leave for Linzhou. It will take at least half a year for the prince to ascend the throne. By the time he had his hands free, Lin Jiangnian had already returned to Linzhou.

However, Lin Jiangnian was not afraid, but the Jiang family was different.

Jiang Ningkang was a marginalized figure in the Sixth Department. He stayed in the capital and had to worry Lin Jiangnian.

The prince had previously left the Xu family in the capital as a means to check and balance the Lin family, which inevitably made Lin Jiangnian suspicious if the court really fell out with the Lin family.

Will my uncle's family in Beijing also be implicated?

During his stay in Beijing, Lin Jiangnian had been living in Jiang Mansion. Both his uncle and aunt took great care of him, so Lin Jiangnian had to guard against whether the court would one day threaten him with this!

Jiang Ningkang naturally understood Lin Jiangnian's worries. He shook his head slightly and said, "Jiang Nian, you don't need to worry too much. Although I, Jiang Ningkang, don't have much reputation in the capital, the court has to think carefully if it wants to touch me!"

Lin Jiangnian said in a deep voice: "The imperial court must be on guard!"

He didn't hope that his uncle's family would become victims between the imperial court and the Lin family!

Jiang Ningkang seemed to have seen through it already, he smiled lightly and said calmly: "The court, they are not so bold to touch our Jiang family!"

At this point, he paused again: "Even if your Lin family is really at odds with the imperial court, my uncle will still have a way to protect himself..."

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were slightly dazed, he thought carefully, and soon realized something.

Yes, although my uncle did not get along with his father, he left in anger when he was young and stayed in Beijing to develop. But no matter what, he is from the Jiangnan Jiang family after all!

It’s Jiangnan’s second young master!

The Jiang family in Jiangnan represents not only the Jiang family, but the top aristocratic families in the entire Jiangnan region and several prefectures and counties. As the most economically developed and richest region in the Daning Dynasty, the Jiangnan region controlled nearly a quarter of the entire dynasty's tax revenue.

Even the imperial court does not dare to underestimate him.

If the imperial court wants to move people from the Jiang family, it must also consider those aristocratic families.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian felt slightly relieved.

However, he still reminded: "Uncle, you should be more careful in Beijing, don't let the people in the court catch something and make a big fuss!"

I am not afraid of the imperial court coming to force me, but I am afraid that they will play dirty tricks.

However, Jiang Ningkang is just a marginal figure in the Sixth Department, and his power is not great, so there is no need to worry too much.

"Jiang Nian, are you planning to go back?"

Jiang Ningkang seemed to realize something and asked.

"The matter in Beijing has come to an end. It's been almost a year since I left home. It's time to go back and have a look."

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "I plan to wait until the situation stabilizes and go back to take a look before making any plans."

After Jiang Ningkang heard this, although he was a little reluctant, he didn't say much more.

"If you have time in the future, remember to come back and see your uncle more often."

"If there is a chance, definitely."


After exchanging pleasantries with his uncle, Lin Jiangnian was about to return to the backyard when he bumped into his aunt.

Under the eaves.

Jiang Yuxiang, wearing a green and light red dress, was standing quietly under the eaves, waiting for him for a long time.

The weather is still good today. It's morning and the sun is rising slowly. Jiang Yuxiang is wearing a double-breasted gown. Her black hair is coiled up, and her hair is decorated with delicate hairpins. She has a noble and elegant temperament.

It seems that he hasn't slept well these days, and his eyebrows are a little haggard. However, those eyes were staring at Lin Jiangnian very brightly.


Lin Jiangnian stepped forward slowly: "Are you waiting for me?"


Jiang Yuxiang nodded.

"Where's the paper kite?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced behind his aunt, but Zhiyuan was nowhere to be seen.

"She went back to her room first!"

Jiang Yuxiang spoke and looked at Lin Jiangnian: "I have something to tell you."

Lin Jiangnian was confused: "What's the matter?"

"follow me!"

Jiang Yuxiang turned around and walked aside.

Lin Jiangnian hesitated and followed.

After passing through the courtyard pavilions and corridors, not long after, we came to the courtyard where my aunt lived.

My aunt lives in Jiang Mansion, which is considered the best area and has a large backyard. On weekdays, sisters Jasmine and Feng Ling practice martial arts in the backyard.

Jiang Yuxiang led Lin Jiangnian through the courtyard to the door of the room under the eaves, opened the door and walked in.

Looking back, he saw Lin Jiangnian still standing at the door and glanced at him.

"Come in."

Lin Jiangnian hesitated and walked into the room.


The door was closed.

Jiang Yuxiang slowly turned around and stared into Lin Jiangnian's eyes, with a half-smiling look on his face.

Lin Jiangnian suddenly felt something bad!

My aunt's reaction made her feel like she had planned this for a long time.

"What, what's wrong?"

"Tell me about it."

Jiang Yuxiang stared at him.

Lin Jiangnian was even more surprised: "What did you say?"

"What happened between you and the eldest princess."

Jiang Yuxiang spoke.

"Didn't I already say that?"

Lin Jiangnian spoke.

He and Li Piaomiao had already talked about being trapped in the secret room when they came back.

"not detailed enough!"

Jiang Yuxiang stared at him with her beautiful eyes, and there was a strange luster in her eyes: "You and the eldest princess were trapped in the secret room for two days?"

Lin Jiangnian hesitated for a moment; "So...that's what happened!"

"Then you guys stayed together these two days?"


"That you……"

Jiang Yuxiang stared at him with burning eyes: "What happened?!"

Lin Jiangnian finally understood!

Does the aunt suspect that he has some improper relationship with Li Piaomiao?

Of course, it was not just her who was suspicious, but also Jinxiu and Lin Qingqing.

Even Zhiyuan had some doubts before...

It seems that if Lin Jiangnian and Li Miaomiao are trapped alone in a secret room, something inappropriate should happen?

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "Nothing happened."

Jiang Yuxiang naturally didn't believe it: "Really?"

"More real than real!"

"You two were trapped in a secret room for two whole days and nothing happened?"

Jiang Yuxiang naturally didn't believe it at all.

"Auntie, do you think I should have something happen with her?"

Lin Jiangnian asked back, passing the question to Jiang Yuxiang.

Jiang Yuxiang was slightly startled.

What could happen to this brat and the eldest princess?

Of course it can't be anything serious!

But when he thought of the eldest princess' temperament, Jiang Yuxiang felt normal for some reason.

She couldn't communicate with the eldest princess at all. This brat shouldn't be much better, right?

However, as soon as the thought emerged, Jiang Yuxiang quickly remembered something. She suddenly took two steps towards Lin Jiangnian, stared into Lin Jiangnian's eyes for a while, and a sneer appeared on her face.

"You're still going to lie to me, right?"

"That's absolutely not the case!"

"Then please explain why you are so familiar with the eldest princess?"

Jiang Yuxiang narrowed his eyes and stared at him.

Lin Jiangnian defended: "I'm not very familiar with her."

"I'm not familiar with you. Why did she come to see you in person a few days ago?"

"That's the emperor's summons."

However, Jiang Yuxiang exposed the truth with one sentence: "Since the emperor summoned you, why should her majestic princess come to invite you in person?"

"Don't you have such a big face?"

Lin Jiangnian opened his mouth and was speechless.

He really doesn’t have such a big face!

But explain why...

If you want to explain this, it’s really hard to explain.

The eldest princess came to invite her in person, which was naturally Lin Jiangnian's deliberate request last time. But if I really want to say it, my aunt will probably ask about the situation between the two of them last time... This is even harder to explain!

As a result, Lin Jiang young sighed, "Auntie, why do you ask this so carefully?"

"What do you think?"

A look of anger appeared on Jiang Yuxiang's face, and she glared at him: "Of course it's you, the heartless little one, who lied to me again!"

"When did I lie to my aunt..."

Lin Jiangnian was about to deny it when he heard his aunt's faint voice: "You obviously have frequent contact with the eldest princess, but you also said that you want to break off the engagement with her..."

"Honestly, do you really plan to break off the engagement with her?"

Lin Jiangnian hesitated silently for a moment, then said: "The emperor has passed away!"

"so what?"

"I mentioned this to the prince last night!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke.

Last night, he talked to the prince about his marriage to the eldest princess, and also mentioned his intention to break off the engagement.

"What did His Highness say?"

Jiang Yuxiang stared into Lin Jiangnian's eyes and asked.

"The prince said it all depends on the princess' wishes!"

Jiang Yuxiang was startled.

"It's all based on the wishes of the eldest princess?"

She frowned: "In other words, if the eldest princess wants to break off the engagement, she can. But if the eldest princess doesn't want to break off, she can't?"

"That's it." Lin Jiangnian nodded.

"What did the eldest princess say?"

Jiang Yuxiang asked.

"I haven't asked yet!"

He had not seen the eldest princess since last night, so he had no chance to ask her what she thought.

Jiang Yuxiang's pretty brows furrowed further: "Then what do you think the eldest princess is thinking and planning?"

"I don't know." Lin Jiangnian shook his head.

Jiang Yuxiang thoughtfully said: "If I remember correctly, the eldest princess is arrogant and arrogant, and ordinary people can't stand her. Now that she can choose for herself, she will definitely not be willing to marry you, right?"

Jiang Yuxiang also suddenly remembered that before Lin Jiangnian entered the capital, there were various rumors about the eldest princess in the capital. Among them, the most widespread rumor was that the eldest princess had publicly said that if Lin Jiangnian dared to enter the capital, he would be interrupted.

Although this matter has not been confirmed, given the temperament of the eldest princess, it does not seem strange at all to say such a thing!

The engagement between the two was made by the emperor. If it could be canceled now, how could the eldest princess be willing to marry from Beijing to Linzhou?

In this case, the engagement between the two should probably be terminated, right?

"hope so……"

Lin Jiang young sighed.

If it was before, he might have been relieved. But now, he was inexplicably uncertain! Would the princess really be willing to break off the engagement? Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but recall Li Piaomiao's behavior in the secret room before, when she put away the "last will". That was a time bomb! And Li Piaomiao's behavior undoubtedly made Lin Jiangnian feel a lot more uncertain... Did she really want to break off the engagement? It was not unexpected for the prince to agree. He and Li Piaomiao were siblings, and they had a close relationship. The prince naturally didn't want Li Piaomiao to take risks. If she became a victim between the court and the Lin family in the future, it would be more trouble than gain. But the princess... Lin Jiangnian couldn't see through her. Especially yesterday, when they had a brief contact when he was helping her "cure the disease". Lin Jiangnian's bold actions, and the princess's behavior of accepting it as if nothing had happened... The picture flashed in Lin Jiangnian's mind! It messed up his mind! Lin Jiangnian sighed deeply. "Why are you sighing?"

Jiang Yuxiang glared at him: "This matter has not been resolved yet, when do you plan to return to Linzhou?"

"It should be soon."

Emperor Ning passed away, the prince ascended the throne, and the marriage with Li Piaomiao was no longer within Lin Jiangnian's consideration.

No matter what Li Piaomiao's decision was, it would not affect Lin Jiangnian's next plan.

If Li Piaomiao agreed to cancel the engagement, everything would be fine. After the prince ascended the throne, he would quietly issue an edict to cancel the engagement. If she didn't agree, it didn't matter, because Lin Jiangnian would have returned to Linjiang City by then... If she wanted to get married, she could come to Linjiang City by herself.

He thought that with the arrogant temperament of this eldest princess, it would be impossible for her to do such a thing.

As if thinking of something, Lin Jiangnian suddenly looked at his aunt: "By the way, what about you, aunt?"


Jiang Yuxiang was startled: "What's wrong with me?"

"What do you think about the last proposal?"

Lin Jiangnian asked: "Do you want to go back to the Linwang Mansion with me and Zhiyuan to live for a while?"

Jiang Yuxiang then remembered Lin Jiangnian's proposal last time, inviting her to go to the Linwang Mansion together. Just think of going out to relax, and at the same time avoid the Jiang family from Jiangnan to catch her.


Jiang Yuxiang hesitated, she was actually moved.


I always feel that it's not good.

"I haven't thought about it yet."

Jiang Yuxiang waved her hand: "Let's talk about it later."

"Aunt, you have to make plans quickly, we have to leave in a few days, and we have to prepare in advance."

Lin Jiangnian thought that after the prince ascended the throne, once the ban in Beijing was lifted, the government office, they would almost leave for the south to go home.

The remaining time is indeed not long.

"I'll think about it again."

Jiang Yuxiang thought about it and sighed.

She hadn't decided whether to go or not, and was a little hesitant and tangled.

"Okay, then you should think about it carefully, auntie."

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "If there's nothing else, I'll leave first?"

When Lin Jiangnian walked to the door and pushed it open and walked out. Jiang Yuxiang, who was still thinking and hesitating, suddenly came to her senses and realized something... Wait, did this stinky boy change the subject?

She was obviously planning to interrogate this stinky boy today, why did he fool her while talking?

Jiang Yuxiang's face showed a trace of anger. After a while, he seemed to think of something and sighed faintly.

He looked up at the outside of the courtyard, and a hint of expectation gradually appeared in his eyes.

"Lin Wangfu?"

Jiang Yuxiang seemed to think of something, and murmured: "That's right, it seems that I should go back to see my sister..."


"Your Highness?!"

As soon as Lin Jiangnian returned to the backyard, he heard a crisp and excited voice.

The voice was excited and joyful.

When he raised his eyes, a black shadow hurried forward. With a thump, she threw herself into his arms and hit him with the ball!


The ball was not very big!

Then, she hugged his waist tightly.

"Your Highness, you are finally back!"

Her voice was mixed with a little crying in excitement.

Lin Jiangnian looked down and saw that the little maid's pink face was full of fear and excitement. He gently touched her head and comforted her: "Okay, okay, I'm back!"

"Why are you still crying? I miss your Highness so much?"

"... Don't cry, it's so ugly... You are crying like a funeral, and others will think I'm dead if they see you!"


Xiaozhu hugged His Highness tightly, burying her head in His Highness's chest, excitement, joy, grievance, and many other emotions surged in her heart at once.

She was so worried about His Highness during these days when His Highness was away!

Worried to death!

Xiaozhu rarely separated from His Highness for so long. The last time was in Yanzhou.

This time, His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan were not there. Xiao Zhu, who had completely lost her backbone, was terrified, fearing that something had happened to the prince. Especially after hearing the rumors in the mansion in the past few days, the little maid was even more frightened.

Until the prince came back, she could no longer suppress her excitement and joy.

Lin Jiangnian also knew that the little maid was probably worried about him during his absence. He gently stroked her head and comforted her: "Okay, isn't your prince alive and well? Don't worry!"

"Okay, don't cry... Don't be so excited, it's like crying at a funeral..."

"Hey, are you still glaring at me?"

"Is the little girl going crazy?!"


After being comforted by Lin Jiangnian's "coercion and inducement", Xiaozhu finally calmed down. But his eyes were still red, and he looked aggrieved and said: "Your Highness, Xiaozhu is so worried about you!"

Lin Jiangnian was a little affectionate: "How are you these days when I'm not around?"

"not good!"

Xiaozhu shook his head and said that he had lost weight because he had not thought about food or tea these past few days!

"Have you lost weight?"

Lin Jiangnian looked the little maid up and down, and began to inspect her: "Here, let His Highness check if she has really lost weight due to hunger!"

"Oh, no, don't... Your Highness..."

Xiaozhu was still feeling aggrieved, but His Highness suddenly started to take advantage of him. Her face suddenly turned red, and she avoided the struggle in a bit of shame.

"No, no, don't... there is, someone..."


After hearing this, Lin Jiangnian subconsciously raised his head and saw a timid figure standing under the eaves not far away.

"Xu Lan?!"

Only then did Lin Jiangnian realize that Xu Lan was standing under the eaves at some point. His face was slightly red, and he looked at the master and servant in the courtyard with complicated eyes!

"Why are you here?"

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised.


Xu Lan blushed. During the past few days when Lin Jiangnian entered the palace, she basically stayed in Jiang Mansion.

Ever since her grandfather was rescued by Lin Jiangnian, Xu Lan no longer restricted her from coming to Jiang Mansion, so Xu Lan didn't go back much and almost regarded Jiang Mansion as her second home.

Mr. Jiang probably knew that his granddaughter would not be able to stay at home, so he didn't say much. Xiaozhu naturally welcomed Sister Xu. Even these days when Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan were away, Xu Lan took the initiative to enlighten Xiaozhu and told her not to worry.

Last time it was Xiaozhu who comforted her, this time it was Xu Lan's turn to comfort Xiaozhu.

On the contrary, it belongs to Tiangang!

Today, Xu Lan was also very happy when he learned that Lin Jiangnian had returned safely from the palace.

Just now, seeing Lin Jiangnian return to the courtyard, Xu Lan happily wanted to come out and say hello. As a result, she had just walked out, and Xiaozhu over there had already trotted forward, threw herself into Lin Jiangnian's arms and acted coquettishly.

This made Xu Lan's eyes complicated, but also filled with an unspeakable sense of envy.

Although she had known for a long time that the relationship between Lin Jiangnian and Xiaozhu was unusual, she had even quietly inquired from Xiaozhu that Xiaozhu had slept with Lin Jiangnian...

The two of them have already... what?

But Xu Lan still blushed when she saw Lin Jiangnian and Xiaozhu flirting and making ambiguous moves in public.

Especially what happened just now...

If Xiaozhu hadn't suddenly interrupted, Xu Lan would have seen Lin Jiangnian's hand sliding in along the opening of Xiaozhu's shirt...

Xu Lan couldn't help but blush.


She looked at the two masters and servants in the courtyard, and looked away from Lin Jiangnian's eyes: "You, are you back?"


Lin Jiangnian nodded and said with a smile: "Back!"

Xiaozhu on the side also took the opportunity to break free from His Highness's arms, straighten his clothes, and then trotted back behind Xu Lan, showing a cute face to His Highness.

So red and so cute!

"Are you, no, okay?"

Xu Lan asked again, with a worried tone: "I heard from Aunt Xiang and the others that you have been under house arrest in the palace these days?"

"So be it."

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly, and seeing the two of them worried, he briefly explained to them.

The details are abbreviated, but the process is briefly described. But even so, Xu Lan's eyes still gradually brightened as she listened.

"Such an interesting thing happened?!"

Xu Lan's eyes sparkled and she couldn't help but ask: "Chen Zhao is actually the biggest bad guy hiding around His Majesty?!"

"Has he tried his best to hide for so many years? He must have set up a big trap, right?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at Xu Lan, who looked excited, and shook his head: "He's dead!"

Xu Lan's expression immediately solidified: "Dead, dead?!"


Lin Jiangnian nodded: "Didn't his body hang at the city gate two days ago? You didn't know?"

"Not paying attention..."

Xu Lan shook her head, she rarely cared about these things.

"Then, is that Chen Zhao dead like this?"

Xu Lan is indeed an eldest lady with the aura of a child of the world, and the plot of the story she longs for should not be like this.

"Then what is the purpose of his many years of hard work as a eunuch?"

Xu Lan didn't understand.

"Don't say you don't understand, I don't understand either."

When Lin Jiangnian heard the news of Chen Zhao's death, it was difficult to accept it and felt a bit ridiculous.

This man is obviously a peerless master, but he is willing to stay in the deep palace as a eunuch. After hiding for many years, he suddenly takes action... He thought he was holding back something big, but he didn't expect it!

"And then?!"

Xu Lan continued to urge, asking Lin Jiangnian to continue.


Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "When Chen Zhao died, Emperor Ning died, and the prince succeeded to the throne..."

"It's gone?"


Xu Lan was a little disappointed.

The story was not what she imagined.

However, I remembered that Lin Jiangnian and the eldest princess were trapped in a secret room. For some reason, her heart moved slightly.

"By the way, let me ask you a question?"


"Did anything happen between you and the eldest princess in the secret room?"

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

It's endless, right? !

Lin Jiangnian was too lazy to answer: "Children, don't ask so many questions."

"I'm not……"

Xu Lan was about to retort that she was no longer a child, but then she thought of something and lowered her head subconsciously.

Suddenly discouraged!

Her face turned red, she glared at him angrily, and said angrily: "Rogue!"

Lin Jiangnian: "?"


He didn't say anything and was called a gangster?

However, he quickly realized what Xu Lan was referring to, his eyes fell on her, and he looked at her quietly. Then he remembered the sound he overheard at the door of Xiaozhu's room a few nights ago.

"Xu Lan!"


Xu Lan raised her eyes and hummed: "Is something wrong?"

"I do have a prescription here..."

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while: "Do you want it?"


Xu Lan's eyes were a little dazed, and she looked into Lin Jiangnian's eyes.


Soon, as if he suddenly realized something, he turned to look at Xiaozhu aside, only to see Xiaozhu lowering his head with a slight guilt, his face flushed.

The next second, Xu Lan's face turned red.

His eyes were frightened, and he said angrily: "No!"

"You really don't want it?"

“I really don’t want it!!”

Xu Lan was furious: "This, this girl is talented, I don't need that kind of stuff!"

"Go away, go away!"


Xu Lan ran away!


Judging from this situation, I guess I won’t dare to come to my door again for a few days!

After making out with Xiaozhu, Lin Jiangnian asked her to go back and rest first, and then called his subordinates to learn about the situation in Beijing.

These days, he, Zhi Yuan and Lin Qingqing were trapped in the palace, and most of the affairs in the capital were left to Lin Kong.

From Lin Kong's words, he roughly understood the situation in Beijing these days.

These days, not much has changed in Beijing. However, I heard that Mitiansi has been sealed!

Lin Jiangnian knew this well.

Mitiansi had been under the control of Chen Zhao before, and it was unknown how many of Chen Zhao's cronies were placed in it. Now that Chen Zhao's identity has been revealed and he is dead, Mitiansi naturally cannot escape the liquidation.

Regarding this result, the people in Beijing and the court officials were very happy!

The notorious Mitiansi finally fell!

Lin Jiangnian didn't care about Mi Tiansi's life or death, but he cared more about Chen Changqing's situation. This is a chess piece that he has worked hard to bury. If it is sacrificed because of this accident, it will be more than worth the gain!

I had previously learned from Lin Qingqing that when Chen Zhao assassinated the prince, Chen Changqing suddenly rebelled and blocked the fatal blow for the prince. He was seriously injured and his death was unknown.

Now we know from Lin Kong that Chen Changqing is resting in the palace and is now out of danger and is fine!

Lin Jiangnian breathed a sigh of relief!

I also realized that Chen Changqing might have a meteoric rise this time!

He was instrumental in rescuing the emperor, and when the prince ascends the throne, his contribution will inevitably be indispensable. At the same time, as the leader of Mitiansi, he had suffered various blows in Mitiansi before, but now he lurked beside Chen Zhao despite humiliation, and stood up to protect His Highness the Crown Prince at the critical moment...

This move can be said to have sealed his bright future!

Not to mention, his counter-fruit move was really smart!

At the same time, the prince also began to deal with the many official families involved in the case of the third prince. Those who deserve to be killed will be killed, those who deserve to have their homes confiscated, and those who deserve to be exiled will be exiled!

On the other side, I heard that the third prince who was imprisoned in the sky prison was escorted to the imperial mausoleum, where he was locked up to guard the tomb and was not allowed to take a single step in his life.

After understanding the situation, Lin Jiangnian also began to arrange an escape route.

Although he is planning to return to Linjiang City, he does not intend to take everyone around him away. These spies he placed in the capital still intend to stay in the capital and deliver information to Prince Lin's Mansion at any time.

At the same time, he also planned to have backup in Beijing so that if something unexpected happened, he could be prepared as soon as possible. The capital is thousands of miles away from Linjiang City. If you don't make more preparations, it will be difficult to take care of any accidents if they happen.

When he entered the capital, Lin Jiangnian was accompanied by three hundred generations of soldiers, all of whom were completely loyal to him. But in the attack and assassination outside the capital, more than half of them were damaged.

In the past few months in Beijing, Lin Jiangnian also tried to recruit and train some close friends, but the time was too short and he could not train too many talents. However, a group of people were also recruited. These people are completely sufficient as the spies in Jingzhong.

As for Lin Qingqing, as Lin Jiangnian's most loyal and capable subordinate, he naturally planned to keep her with him. Except for a few close friends, most of the others, Lin Jiangnian, planned to keep them in Beijing.

After Lin Jiangnian finished making arrangements, the sky gradually darkened.

The dinner was held with the Jiang family. It was a rare occasion since the New Year's Eve night for the family to gather together and have a lively meal.

After dinner, Lin Jiangnian took a shower and changed clothes, then came to Zhiyuan's room.

Zhiyuan put on clean pajamas and was sitting on the edge of the bed reading a book. Lin Jiangnian moved closer with ease, and when he was about to go to bed, he was stopped by Zhiyuan.


Lin Jiangnian lowered his eyes and looked into Shang Zhiyuan's eyes. Zhiyuan glanced at him with clear eyes and said softly: "Go and stay with Xiaozhu."


Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised and looked at Zhiyuan in astonishment.

Soon, Zhiyuan realized something from his calm expression.

"Xiaozhu, she..."

"She has been worried about you these past few days."

Zhiyuan spoke.

The tone was gentle and devoid of any other emotion.

Just like her mood at the moment.


Lin Jiangnian, on the other hand, was somewhat incompetent.

This is the first time Zhiyuan has made such a request.

Let him accompany Xiaozhu?

You know, a few months ago, Zhiyuan only saw Lin Jiangnian and Xiaozhu getting closer to each other on weekdays, with cold expressions on their faces.

He was angry again, and secretly jealous... and even secretly bullied Xiaozhu.

This was all Xiaozhu reported to him secretly later!

She was so petty, she actually asked Lin Jiangnian to accompany Xiaozhu tonight?

"how about you?"

Lin Jiangnian asked tentatively.

"I'm fine."

Zhiyuan glanced at him, her tone still calm, "Go and spend more time with her."

At this point, he added: "I won't be angry."

"Are you really not angry?"

"I'm really not angry."

After hearing this, Lin Jiangnian finally became convinced... Isn't Zhiyuan talking sarcastically? !

Is she serious?


Lin Jiangnian realized something and felt inexplicably moved. To be able to make the somewhat petty Zhiyuan say this is enough to prove her current changes.

Little Paper Kite seems to be gradually no longer the same person she used to be!

Now, does she really have a bit of the mind and attitude of a big lady?


He went to find Xiaozhu, wouldn't it be bad if he just left the kite here?

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and hesitated: "How about I call Xiaozhu over?"

Upon hearing this, Zhiyuan immediately raised her eyes and stared at him.

Lin Jiangnian was still thinking about it and said, "Why don't we come together..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhiyuan's cold face instantly showed a hint of shame and anger, and she stared at him.

Only then did Lin Jiangnian realize something: "Ahem, I don't mean anything else..."

Realizing that Zhiyuan had misunderstood and thought too much, she thought that she wanted to act like a master and servant again like last time...

"I mean our bed is big enough for the three of us to sleep in... Well, just sleeping... Don't look at me like that, I really don't do anything..."

"Believe me, it's okay..."


In the cold room, the sound of Zhi Yuan gritting her teeth in shame and anger could be heard.

"Don't ever dream about it again!"


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