Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 431 Princess, I have a better way to cure the disease


Delicate as jade!

Like a piece of exquisite art, the outline is clear, slender and slender.

Holding it in the palm of your hand is like holding a beautiful painting, with smooth and elegant lines.

To put it bluntly... it feels great in the hand!

So tender and smooth!

Lin Jiangnian seemed to be stunned for a moment. It was just a tentative thought that suddenly came to him, but he didn't expect that the eldest princess... didn't refuse?

He lowered his eyes and glanced at the palms of their hands that were still clasped.

The eldest princess's skin is snow-white, just like her cold personality. Her fair skin is like the cold snow in winter, which is very dazzling. The ten fingers are green onions, plain white and soft, with a slight bone texture.

At this moment, the two people's palms were clasped relative to each other, as if they were worried about being separated when they were just passing on the skills. Their fingers were intertwined, like a couple in love, extremely ambiguous.

Perhaps the grip was too tight, and the slight cold feeling in the palm of my hand gradually disappeared and gradually became warm.

Vaguely, there seemed to be a touch of sweat on his palms.

Lin Jiangnian realized something and looked at Li Piaomiao. At this moment, Li Miaomiao was still sitting cross-legged on the carpet, looking up at him as well.

Her face was slightly red, and her green silk hair was slightly messy and wet with beads of sweat. The originally cold expression was now filled with an indescribable sense of beauty.

But her cold, beautiful eyes were still as clear as stars, without a trace of emotion, as she looked at Lin Jiangnian. There was no ripple in his clean eyes. Lin Jiangnian let her hold her hand without struggling or resisting.

Didn't say anything either.

This caused the two of them to look at each other for a moment, and soon, Lin Jiangnian felt a sense of... guilt in his heart!

"How is your health?"

Lin Jiangnian spoke, trying to stir up the topic.

Li Piaomiao's eyes were cold and she said, "It's okay!"

"That's good."

Lin Jiangnian breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to say something more, but for a moment he didn't know where to start. After a long silence, another topic was brought up.

"Prince, what's wrong?"

Li Piaomiao glanced at him and said, "It's okay."

"When is he going to announce the death of His Majesty and ascend the throne?"

Lin Jiangnian asked again.

Calculating the time, it logically seems to be about the same. If you continue to cover it up, things may change.

Of course, the most important question is...that emperor has been dead for several days!

If the death is not announced, the body will probably rot.

Li Piaomiao lowered her eyes slightly and said calmly: "It's almost time."

At this point, she was silent for a moment and then added: "Just for the past few days."

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "Then when can I leave the palace?"

Although the palace is nice and the treatment is quite good, it is not my own home after all! After being away from home for four or five days, the little maid at home should be impatient.

Li Piaomiao was silent for a moment and shook her head.

"Isn't your prince brother trying to keep me under house arrest in the palace?"

Lin Jiangnian laughed and said: "What's the reason for you to take the opportunity to put me under house arrest to prevent me from leaving?"

Li Piaomiao looked at Lin Jiangnian calmly and said calmly: "He would not do such a stupid thing!"

The Prince of Admiralty was placed under house arrest in the palace for no reason. No matter how stupid Li Cunning was, he would not be able to do such a thing.

"I can rest assured that!"

Lin Jiangnian smiled: "Go back and ask him for me when I can leave... I feel a little homesick!"

Li Miaomiao was silent and nodded.

Then, as if thinking of something, he raised his eyes: "When do you plan to return to Linjiang City?"


Lin Jiangnian said, the matter in Beijing was almost settled, it was time to go back. But he soon realized something: "Why are you asking this?"

"Don't forget what you promised me."

Li Piaomiao looked at him quietly and spoke coldly.

Promise to her?

Lin Jiangnian quickly remembered that he had indeed promised her something before...

"Going to Ruyi Tower?"

Li Piaomiao was noncommittal.

"Don't worry, I am not a dishonest person."

Lin Jiangnian said: "Since I promised you, I will definitely not go back on it... Just go to Ruyi Tower, I will ask someone to say hello in advance!"

"...but when do you plan to go?"

Li Piaomiao looked coldly and said, "Let's give it some time."

Beijing was at a critical moment right now, and she couldn't get away. After the prince ascended the throne and the overall situation was decided, she had the opportunity to leave and go to Linjiang City.


Lin Jiangnian nodded to express his understanding.

Li Miaomiao lowered her eyes slightly, and her cold gaze fell on the hands of the two people that were still clasped again.

After staring for a moment, Leng Buding said: "Is it enough?"


After hearing this, Lin Jiangnian quickly noticed where Li Miaomiao was staring and the meaning of her words... enough?

Obviously, the question was whether he had touched enough!


Lin Jiangnian's expression remained unchanged.

Li Piaomiao raised her eyes, glanced at him, and said nothing. Her eyes were very calm, without the slightest hint of shame that an ordinary woman should have.

There were no mood if she wasn't the one who was being taken advantage of.

Lin Jiangnian suddenly felt very unfulfilled!

It's like he teased a good woman, hoping to see the good woman turn red and cry out shyly and charmingly. Instead of looking at him expressionlessly like if he was the one who was taken advantage of?

He took a deep breath in his heart, and then he let go with some reluctance. ...There is no sense of accomplishment, but it does feel good!

Lin Jiangnian's body has always been honest!

When he let go, there was still a bit of warmth and a touch of moisture in his palm, as if he had developed a layer of fragrant sweat due to nervousness.

Li Miaomiao retracted her hands and hid them under her sleeves, her face remained as usual, and she slowly stood up.

Then he looked back at Lin Jiangnian who was on the ground: "Arrange for someone to take you to rest?"

Lin Jiangnian, who was depleted of internal energy, felt a little weak at the moment and urgently needed a good rest to replenish his body.

"No need!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head, glanced at the night outside the window, and slowly got up from the ground: "It's getting late, I should go there."

Li Miaomiao didn't try to persuade him to stay. He looked at Lin Jiangnian quietly and nodded.

Turn around, come to the door of the room, and open the door.

When he was about to walk out of the room, he saw a sneaky figure under the eaves outside the room, preparing to escape.


Jinxiu Sneaky, who was about to run away, stopped in place, her body stiffened suddenly, and then she turned around stiffly, with a guilty look on her face: "Princess..."

"Send His Royal Highness back."

Li Piaomiao gave her a cold look and said lightly.

"Huh? Oh!"

Hearing this, Jinxiu breathed a sigh of relief.

Send His Royal Highness back?

it's over?

Thinking of this, Jinxiu couldn't help but look at her princess. After taking a look, I quickly realized something... Wait!

Why is the princess's face a little red?

Jinxiu took a closer look and quickly discovered that the princess's face was really red!

On that fair skin, the blush that had not completely faded could not escape Jin Xiu's eyes.

Extremely obvious!

Also, why is the princess sweating?

Hair still a little messy?

If Jinxiu didn't know martial arts, she would have noticed that the princess' breath was vaguely unstable at this moment, as if she had just experienced some intense exercise...

But even so, the reaction of the princess in front of her was still enough to shock Jinxiu!

...What on earth are the princess and His Highness doing in the room?

Why did the princess look like this when she came out?

It's clearly like...

Jinxiu took a quick look at the princess's clothes and saw that they were neatly put on backwards...


Jinxiu opened her beautiful eyes slightly and looked at Lin Jiangnian in the room with some shock. Soon, she noticed that His Highness the Crown Prince looked weak and pale, and his body seemed to be at a loss...


No matter how smart Jinxiu is, people are still confused right now!

His Royal Highness, who looked pale, weak and drained, and his own princess with messy hair and flushed face... In an instant, a wonderful drama appeared in her mind.

Not suitable for children!

Jinxiu stood there in confusion, her face red and her beautiful eyes shocked.

It’s over!

The princess is really going to become a royal concubine now!

On the way back.

Jinxiu followed the way he came and sent Lin Jiangnian back.

Along the way.

Jinxiu paused from time to time, and from time to time secretly looked at Lin Jiangnian behind him.

He hesitated to speak.

Her face was red, and her beautiful eyes were filled with shyness, excitement and curiosity.

Finally, she couldn't help but stop.

"Your Highness."

Lin Jiangnian looked at the clear and beautiful eyes in front of him, and the flames of gossip were burning at this moment.


"Your Highness, what were you doing in the room with my princess just now?"

Jinxiu asked directly.

She is so curious!

What happened in the room between His Highness and the princess?

Was it what she expected?

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has given her princess to...

Thinking of this, Jinxiu felt an indescribable sense of excitement.

As for Lin Jiangnian, when he noticed the change in Jinxiu's expression, he gradually realized something.

Looking at Jinxiu with excited eyes in front of her, she shook her head: "I didn't do anything."


Jinxiu naturally didn't believe it: "If nothing was done, why would my princess's face be so red?"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while: "Maybe it's because of the heat."


Jinxiu glanced around subconsciously. Although the sun came out today, winter has not completely passed yet... How can it be considered hot here?

What's more important is that the exercises my princess practices are so cold that her body bones feel like ice cubes all year round. Jinxiu likes to be close to her princess every summer, and even pesters her to sleep with her at night!

How could such a princess be so hot?

Blushing from the heat? !

Jinxiu naturally didn't believe it and looked suspicious: "How could my princess be afraid of the heat?!"

"I'm not talking about the hot weather!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her and said calmly.

Isn't it hot?

Jinxiu was stunned, what else could it be?

Could it be...

Jinxiu opened her eyes wide in shock, and a blush immediately appeared on her face.

"Okay, stop guessing!"

When Lin Jiangnian saw her like this, he knew that she must be thinking of something inappropriate.

"Your princess and I are doing serious business!"

"What kind of serious things should we do together with the door closed?!"

Jinxiu naturally didn't believe it. The blushing princess, and the Crown Prince who was so weak that he looked as if he had just been squeezed dry... How to explain this?

"I was helping your princess treat her illness!"


Jinxiu was stunned when she heard this: "What's wrong with my princess?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "Do you think your princess is a normal person?"

"Of course my princess..."

Jinxiu was about to speak, but was suddenly startled and looked up at Lin Jiangnian: "Your Highness, what do you mean by this?"

"Look, you also think something is wrong with your princess, right?"

Lin Jiangnian spread his hands: "Does your princess Leng look like a normal person?"

Jinxiu didn't say anything. She naturally knew that her princess was indeed not a normal person! The princess was born with a cold body, and after practicing the Zhiyin Zhihan technique, her whole body became even colder.

Normal people are not like this!

Jinxiu raised her eyes and looked at Lin Jiangnian, as if she realized something: "You mean, my princess is sick?!"

"That's right!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded.

He is not a normal person. He is so cold. What is it if he is not a disease?

Jinxiu's eyes were stunned: "Then what did His Highness just say... treat my princess?"

"literal meaning!"

Jinxiu's heart suddenly jumped, "My princess's... can you cure it?!"

"Hard to say."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head. For now, he only found that he could temporarily suppress the coldness in Li Miaomiao's body. But the effect only lasted for two or three days, and the coldness in her body quickly broke through and spread!

It’s not clear whether it can be eradicated!

But according to the current situation, we can’t help her ‘treat’ every day, right?

Even if there was such a chance, Lin Jiangnian felt that his body and bones would not be able to hold on.


Lin Jiangnian was about to say something when he saw Jinxiu staring at him intensely. Her eyes, which were originally full of gossip and excitement, were now slightly nervous.

Lin Jiangnian realized something: "Do you also know the situation of your princess?"

Mentioning this, a hint of gloom flashed in Jinxiu's eyes. He hesitated and nodded.

"The princess's physical very bad."

Since Lin Jiangnian was helping the princess treat her illness, he should also know about his princess' condition. Therefore, Jinxiu did not hide much.

"not good?"

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised. He had never heard Li Pianmiao mention it before: "What's going on?"

"Is her physical condition serious?"


Jinxiu's mood was a little low and she nodded: "Princess, she..."

After hesitating for a moment, she briefly told Lin Jiangnian about the princess' situation.

Lin Jiangnian was very surprised after hearing this.

He knew that Li Miaomiao had a physical problem, but he didn't expect it to be so serious?

Could he lose his life at any time?

Is this cold so severe?

Lin Jiangnian thought about it carefully, and then he vaguely discovered some clues.

When he was in the secret room that time, he clearly felt that Li Miaomiao's whole body was being eroded by the cold air. The situation was indeed serious!

How could a normal person be so cold?

Lin Jiangnian didn't understand it at the time, but looking at it now, it was clearly a sign of being bitten by the cold air and hanging on by a thread!

If Lin Jiangnian hadn't suddenly made a mistake, the eldest princess might not have been able to survive that day in the secret room?

And it seems that the eldest princess has never shown any of these?

She was always so calm and calm that Lin Jiangnian had no idea that the situation was so serious.

Is this the price of becoming a genius?

After a second thought, Lin Jiangnian suddenly thought that Li Miaomiao wanted to go to Ruyi Tower because he wanted to find a way to survive.

"The princess's body had an accident a long time ago, but there was no way to stop it..."

When mentioning the princess's condition, Jinxiu felt a little depressed and lost her previous liveliness. She raised her eyes and looked at Lin Jiangnian, with a bit of hope in her eyes: "You just said that you were helping the princess to treat her illness?"

"is that useful?!"

Lin Jiangnian was silent for a moment and nodded as he looked at Jinxiu's slightly worried eyes.



A flash of excitement instantly emerged from Jinxiu's eyes!

Lin Jiangnian said: "For now, the coldness in your princess's body has been temporarily suppressed, so there should be no danger to her life for the time being..."

Hearing the news, Jinxiu's eyes completely lit up, and she couldn't help but asked excitedly: "Then, what about the future?"


Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and shook his head: "It's hard to say from now on!"

He was afraid of being sucked to death!

Jingning Palace.

After sending His Highness the Crown Prince back, Jinxiu couldn't wait to return. After passing through the inner courtyard, I saw An Ning still standing under the eaves not far away.

"An Ning, where is the princess?!"

Jinxiu asked.

Under the eaves, the girl holding the sword glanced at Jinxiu, whose face was rosy and excited, and a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes.

She said expressionlessly: "The princess has gone to bathe and change clothes!"

"I'm going to find the princess!"

Hearing this, Jinxiu hurried to the backyard.

Under the eaves, An Ning watched Jinxiu's leaving figure, her cold eyes becoming more suspicious.

After hesitating, he followed.

In the backyard.


Jinxiu burst into the room excitedly.

In a cold room.

Li Miaomiao, who had just taken a bath, felt the aura lingering around her body, and the heat had not completely dissipated. Her fair skin was glowing with red light, and her whole person was even cooler and more expressive.

Her black and wet hair was scattered around her shoulders, and her cold face lost a little chill, giving people an indescribable sense of heartbeat.

Two palace ladies were standing respectfully behind the princess, wiping and combing her hair.

When Jinxiu broke in, Li Miaomiao looked indifferently and drove away the two palace maids.


Jinxiu trotted into the room and came to her princess. She stared at her princess intently. Soon, her eyes became brighter and brighter, and she became more and more excited!

"Princess, your really good, is it getting better?!"

His Royal Highness is right!

The coldness on the princess's body has indeed weakened a lot!

The princess in front of me looks more like a normal person!

Princess, have you become normal? !

Thinking of this, Jinxiu was extremely excited.

An Ning, who walked in behind him, was also stunned when he heard this. She raised her eyes to look at her princess, and soon her eyes were startled!

Compared to Jinxiu who doesn't know martial arts, An Ning is more clearly aware of the state of her princess!

The cold air that lingered around the princess in the past dissipated, and she could even detect the cold air that had eroded the princess in the past, and became docile inexplicably.


An Ning's eyes were slightly startled again. For some reason, she vaguely detected a familiar aura from the princess, Prince Lin?

How is this going? !

An Ning's eyes were blank.

Li Piaomiao looked at Jinxiu and An Ning in the room with cold eyes and nodded slightly: "That's right."

After the coldness in her body was suppressed, her body did recover a lot.

The chill is gone and my whole body feels relaxed.

"Very good!"

Jinxiu stepped forward excitedly and looked at her princess, unable to describe the excitement in her heart.

How long has it been since she saw a normal princess? !

Realizing that the coldness in the princess's body has decreased, this means... the princess may be saved!

Is there finally a solution to the problem I've been worrying about? !


Jinxiu spoke excitedly: "Your Highness, does he really have a way to save you, princess?"

She already had a rough idea of ​​the situation from Lin Jiangnian, but she still couldn't help but want to confirm with the princess.

Behind him, An Ning stared blankly after hearing this. As if realizing something, he glanced at his princess.

It's like I guessed something!

"Not sure!"

Li Piaomiao shook her head slightly.

She can only be sure now that the Xuanyang Heart Technique practiced by Lin Jiangnian can suppress the coldness in her body. But whether it can be eradicated is unclear.

For now, there is no answer.

Jinxiu was excited for a long time after learning that the princess's condition had really improved. After the excitement and joy gradually subsided, I began to analyze and ponder the situation.

"Princess, you mean that His Royal Highness can use his own internal strength to suppress the cold in your body? Is there any way to get closer..."

Jinxiu put forward some possible suggestions: "Princess, if you practice the Xuanyang Heart Technique yourself, is it possible to completely remove the cold air from your body?"

Li Piaomiao's beautiful eyes were cold, and after a while, she shook her head gently.

It's not that she hasn't thought about this possibility, but it would be difficult to implement it!

Not to mention that the Xuanyang Mind Technique is a unique skill passed down from Lin family, she has no chance to learn it, unless...

Furthermore, the Xuanyang Mind Technique, as the most powerful and yang mind technique in the world, is not suitable for women to practice.

What's more, this mental method is in conflict with the mental method she is learning now. Once she really learns it, she will definitely encounter a backlash from the mental method!

The degree of danger is evident.

Jinxiu felt a little regretful.

She finally found a way to save the princess, but it couldn't completely eradicate the coldness in the princess, which made her somewhat regretful.

However, Jinxiu did not give up. At least for now, it is the biggest surprise that His Royal Highness can help his princess survive!

As for whether it can be cured...

Jinxiu was thinking, and suddenly a bold idea came to his mind.

"Princess, since Your Highness can help you suppress the cold air in your body by using the method of crossing your qi, I suddenly thought of a better, more convenient and faster way..."

"Maybe, there is a chance that I can cure the princess's coldness!"

Li Piaomiao raised her eyes slightly, and her cold eyes fell on her: "Huh?"

"Slave, I read some folk novels a few days ago and wrote some stories about ghosts, monsters and gods, and one of them mentioned a way to cure diseases..."

Jinxiu spoke excitedly and shared the cold knowledge she had learned with the princess: "It said that there is a very powerful method that can make the internal forces of you and His Highness the Crown Prince quickly blend with each other, harmonize yin and yang, and achieve faster results. Better results……"

"What does it seem to be called...Double Cultivation?"

"Princess, do you know what dual cultivation is?"

"Huh? Princess, why don't you speak?"



When we returned to the palace, it was still early.

Lin Qingqing was waiting at the door for a long time. Lin Jiangnian returned to the hall and just took a breath. Several figures soon appeared outside the door.

The leader was the commander of the Imperial Army who sent Lin Jiangnian and others that day.

"His Royal Highness."

The commander of the imperial army stood in front of Lin Jiangnian with a respectful expression: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince invites you!"

Hearing these words, Lin Qingqing on the side looked condensed and a little nervous. Lin Jiangnian's eyes were calm, Prince, are you finally planning to see him?

"Lead the way."

Lin Jiangnian turned around and gave Lin Qingqing a look before walking away with the commander of the imperial army.

Lin Qingqing then hurried to the backyard, planning to tell Sister Zhiyuan the news.

In the deep palace, there is a chilling atmosphere.

Inside and outside the palace, there were imperial guards in full armor. There are even many expert auras hidden in the darkness all around.

Lin Jiangnian stepped into the palace with his eyes as usual.

It seemed that after being assassinated, the guards around the prince almost never left his side.

It’s normal to think about it!

Now that the emperor has passed away, Li Cunning has not yet ascended the throne. If something happens to him at this time, the Daning Dynasty may really be in chaos!

The palace is deep.

In front of the screen, Li Cunning, dressed in white robe, was sitting quietly at the table, waiting for Lin Jiangnian.

After not seeing each other for a few days, the prince's face seemed paler and his body still looked weak.

Thin and very unhealthy!

It seems that he has been too busy recently, and his eyebrows are a little tired, but his eyes are still bright.

"My lord, pay homage to His Highness!"

Lin Jiangnian walked into the hall, raised his hands and spoke.

When His Royal Highness the Crown Prince saw Lin Jiangnian, a hearty smile appeared on his pale face.

"Brother-in-law, there is no need to be polite!"

Listen, how intimate are these words?

How enthusiastic?

But Lin Jiangnian remembered clearly that what happened to the Xu family was caused by the prince in front of him.

His Royal Highness is also a good scheming master!

Lin Jiangnian's expression remained as usual, and a smile appeared on his face: "Thank you, Your Highness."

"Brother-in-law, come sit down and have a drink with me?"

The prince warmly invited.

"Thank you, Your Highness, I don't know how to drink!"

"I don't know how to do it, so let's have some tea!"

The prince waved his hand, and a maid next to him stepped forward to seat Lin Jiangnian, and then poured hot tea. After the prince waved for them to leave, the prince and Lin Jiangnian were left in the palace.

But Lin Jiangnian could vaguely feel that there were still some strong auras in the palace. He remained calm, picked up the tea on the table and took a sip.

Putting down the tea cup, he saw Li Cunning looking at him with gentle eyes and a smile on his face: "How are you these days, brother-in-law? Is your stay going well?"

"I have wronged my brother-in-law these days!"

"Your Majesty, I have eaten, drank and slept well these days. I also have the company of the maid arranged by Your Highness. I can't say how happy my life is."

Lin Jiangnian smiled and spoke.

"It's good that my brother-in-law is not wronged!"

Hearing this, Li Cunning laughed twice, and then sighed softly: "Brother-in-law, don't blame me. Keeping my brother-in-law in the palace is really a last resort!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "I understand!"

As for whether I really understand it or not, I don’t know.

Li Cunning said with emotion: "I was busy the past few days and didn't have time to see my brother-in-law. Now I am pretty busy. I finally have the opportunity to have a good talk with my brother-in-law..."

Lin Jiangnian looked calmly and analyzed the meaning of the prince's words.

Already busy?

Does that mean...

When they met Li Cunning's eyes, as expected, the prince chuckled: "If my brother-in-law wants to leave, I will send someone to send you back brother-in-law!"

"Of course, if my brother-in-law wants to continue to stay in the palace, I am very welcome."


Lin Jiangnian understood something and said, "I would like to continue to stay in the palace for a while, but there are still important things to deal with at home... I have been away from home for a few days, and I feel a little homesick!"

Li Cunning nodded and expressed understanding: "If that's the case, then I will send someone to take my brother-in-law out of the palace early tomorrow morning?"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"


After the two exchanged polite greetings, Li Cunning put down the teacup in his hand and sighed. The smile on his face faded slightly: "Brother-in-law, you must have guessed what Gu Xiang wants to do, right?"

Lin Jiangnian did not deny it: "Your Highness, are you planning to announce the news of His Majesty's death?"

Li Cunning said in a deep voice: "My father passed away, and I am not filial. I cannot observe filial piety immediately. Now it is time for my father to be laid to rest!"

Lin Jiangnian said: "Your Highness, I express my condolences."

"The result has been anticipated for a long time, but I don't feel much sadness anymore!"

Li Cunning shook his head slightly and glanced at Lin Jiangnian: "Gu, are you a little cold-blooded?"

Lin Jiangnian said: "Your Highness is the crown prince and the future emperor. State affairs should be the priority in everything. There is nothing wrong with His Highness's move."

Li Cunning glanced at him: "Gu Zhi, you are just perfunctory!"

"I haven't."


Li Cijing looked at Lin Jiangnian quietly, then smiled and said, "Do you know why I am telling you this?"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "I don't know."

Li Cunning sighed: "I always thought that I could solve everything if I was confident. If I were to sit in my father's position, I would definitely be able to sit better than my father!"

"I have never understood my father before. I thought my father's ideas were too complicated..."

"But now, after my father passed away, I suddenly realized that I am still far away from my father..."

"The more power you have, the more powerless you feel..."

At this point, Li Cunning suddenly changed his tone: "Brother-in-law, do you know what did your father say to me before he passed away?"

Lin Jiangnian said nothing.

Li Cunning spoke slowly: "My father told me to be careful of the Lin family!"

"Father said that your Lin family is the biggest threat to our Daning Dynasty!"

At this point, Li Cunning stopped and looked at Lin Jiangnian quietly.

Lin Jiangnian also looked at him, their eyes meeting each other.

After a moment, Lin Jiangnian sighed: "Your Highness said this because you think that our Lin family will definitely be detrimental to the dynasty in the future?"

"I trust my brother-in-law."

Li Cunning looked at Lin Jiangnian and said, "Brother-in-law has no objection!"

"Then Your Highness doesn't believe my father?"

"Prince Lin is a hero of our Daning Dynasty. He has established a huge territory for the dynasty. Naturally, I also believe in Prince Lin!"

Li Cunning spoke slowly. He looked at Lin Jiangnian and said in a deep voice, "But, my brother-in-law should know what Gu wants to say, right?"

Lin Jiangnian said, "Your Highness is worried about King Lin's army?"

"That's right!"

Li Cunning said in a deep voice: "I believe in King Lin and I believe in my brother-in-law, but I can't believe the hundreds of thousands of King Lin's troops entrenched in the south of the dynasty!"

"The hundreds of thousands of King Lin's troops are all cronies of your Lin family's army. They even only take orders from your Lin family. They don't know that the emperor of the dynasty has almost become your Lin family's private army... What are you doing, so that Gu can not worry?!"

Hundreds of thousands of troops are entrenched in the south, which is a great threat to the dynasty. Any king would not be able to sleep at night!

more importantly……

"Brother-in-law, are you confident that you can control King Lin's army in the future?"

Li Cunning stared into his eyes: "What if there is a rebellion in the king's army in the future, brother-in-law?"

Lin Jiangnian was silent.

It’s really hard for him to answer this question!

He, Prince Lin's eldest son, now only occupies an identity. He really has little prestige among Prince Lin's army. If Lin Hengzhong dies in the future and Lin Jiangnian inherits the throne and becomes King Lin, it is hard to say whether he can control this army.

By then, it may not be Lin Jiangnian’s turn to make the decision on many things!

"Then, what does Your Highness mean?"

Lin Jiangnian said: "You hope the Lin family will hand over military power?"

The two looked at each other, but Li Cunning said nothing.

But the meaning is already obvious!

"I can't do it."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head and sighed: "I don't have any power in my hands, so I can't decide these things."

Li Cunning narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "I know that there is no way that your Lin family will hand over military power."

Lin Jiangnian was silent.

To hand over military power is to die!

"But, your Lin family's army of hundreds of thousands must be reduced!"

Li Cunning said in a deep voice: "The war in the south has been decided, and the descendants of those small countries in southern Xinjiang have nothing to fear. The troops of your Lin family army must be reduced..."

"The imperial court will not kill the donkey, but it will never sit idly by..."

"Otherwise, I won't be able to give an explanation to the court!"

A very reasonable request.

But Lin Jiangnian still shook his head lightly: "I can't decide this matter. Your Highness should go and talk to King Lin!"

"Prince Lin will not enter the capital!"

Li Cunning said: "What I told my brother-in-law tonight, I hope my brother-in-law can tell King Lin..."

He looked at Lin Jiangnian quietly: "After the death of my father, I will soon ascend to the throne. But tonight, I am not the emperor yet. I hope to have a frank talk with my brother-in-law..."

"From the first time I met my brother-in-law, I admired him very much... No matter what, King Lin is kind to the dynasty, and I don't want to go to the stage of fighting!"

Li Cunning has made it very straightforward!

King Lin's army has hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, which poses a great threat to the imperial court. The imperial court will never sit idly by and ignore it! Once things really reach the point of no return, there will inevitably be a military confrontation.

By then, the world will be in chaos!

After Lin Jiangnian was silent for a long time, he said, "I don't hope that day will come..."

"I will tell you these things later!"

Having said this, Lin Jiangnian glanced at the prince with deep eyes in front of him and chuckled: "But I still said the same thing!"

"I will always be a subject of the Daning Dynasty. This will never change!"


Their eyes looked at each other, as if they understood something.

A smile appeared on Li Cunning's face: "I believe in my brother-in-law!"

"Thank you, Your Highness, for believing in me!"

The two of them looked at each other and smiled, as if the dull atmosphere just now was gone and they were happy again.

Lin Jiangnian probably guessed the purpose of His Highness the Crown Prince!

He not only wanted to sit down and have a good talk with the Lin family tonight, but also reminded Lin Jiangnian if the conflict between the court and the Lin family could not be resolved. By then, the Lin family will become the biggest thorn in the court's side!

It’s a kind reminder!

After the two confessed, the atmosphere relaxed a lot.

Lin Jiangnian also found out from Li Cunning that during the few days he had been under house arrest in the palace, the prince in front of him had cleared all obstacles.

After discovering that his father died in a secret room, the prince took action quickly. Secretly, he mobilized soldiers and horses from outside the city to secretly enter the capital. At the same time, he summoned his close ministers to the palace for discussion, and on the other hand, he built momentum among the people!

In addition, the case of the third prince eliminated many of His Highness's factions in the palace. Now, most of the officials in the court have already belonged to the prince in front of him!

Well, it’s almost time!

Just this night!

Suddenly, shocking news came from the palace - the emperor passed away!

As soon as the news came out, the originally silent night suddenly became boiling!

It also caught many people off guard!

Even though many people have already speculated, after all, the emperor has been in seclusion for more than half a year and has never appeared. Some people even suspected that the emperor was killed by Chen's castrated dog!

The exact news coming from the palace still shocks countless people!

Emperor, is he really dead?

The emperor passed away, a curfew was imposed in the capital, and the whole city mourned!

For a time, the capital was boiling and people were panicked!

At the same time, an atmosphere of sadness enveloped the capital.

Although Emperor Ning rarely appeared in the public eye in his later years, after all, he still made considerable achievements when he was young. Therefore, many people still miss the achievements of this emperor!

Overnight, news quickly spread from the capital to the dynasty.

At the same time, Emperor Ning passed away, and the news that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Li Cunning, as the crown prince, complied with the dynastic succession system, ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, and inherited the throne, also spread from the palace!

Tell the world!

Everything is going in an orderly manner!

early morning.

A ray of setting sun slowly fell outside the capital.

At the gate of the capital.

A corpse and an eye-catching head were hung at the city gate, and were despised by the people.

The corpse had been hanging for several days, and it seemed to have gradually become smelly, and an unpleasant smell filled the air.

But the common people passing by would still cover their noses and approach, spitting viciously and cursing this eunuch who was full of evildoers!

Have a good death!

Death is wonderful and very satisfying!

Beside a tea stall outside the capital, a figure shrouded in black robes was standing there quietly, looking up at the gate of the capital in the distance.

Under that ferocious bronze mask, there was a pair of deep eyes without any emotion. After a few glances, he looked away.

The next second, the figure disappeared from the place.


The Tianshen Sect is hidden in an inn base in the west of the city.

Liu Su, who was wearing a long red dress, was sitting in the courtyard with her eyes and thoughts wandering around.

Until then.


Liu Su turned around suddenly and looked at the corner of the courtyard with a wary expression.

The next second, when she saw the figure in black robe appearing in the corner of the courtyard, a look of shock and horror flashed through her eyes.

"Teach, leader?!"

A look of horror flashed past, and Liu Su quickly disappeared and returned to normal.

"Master, why are you here?"

The leader of the Celestial Sect, dressed in black robes, approached slowly, and his voice under the bronze mask was hoarse and cold: "Where's the thing!"

Liu Su turned around: "Ling'er!"

Ling'er, who was under the eaves, hurried back to the room and took something out of the room: "The leader!"

It’s a stack of rice paper!

On the rice paper, there is exactly the formula of Xuanyang’s mental method!

The leader of Tianshen Sect waved his sleeves, put the rice paper in his hand, and looked at it for a few times.

He nodded expressionlessly.

Immediately, his eyes fell on Liu Su, glanced at her twice, and said hoarsely: "The situation has changed!"

"There's something you need to do!"


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