Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 430 Continue Treatment

"Your Highness..."

Jinxiu stopped, turned slowly, and looked at Lin Jiangnian. The smile on her pretty face just now gradually disappeared, replaced by a bit of uneasiness.

And a bit... alert!

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Jinxiu so nervous, Lin Jiangnian naturally guessed that she was worried. However, he did not show it.

The smile on his face was always gentle: "What's the matter?"

Jinxiu hesitated, not knowing how to start.

At the same time, he became more and more nervous.

Your Highness, why did he mention An Ning again?

Recalling the last incident and An Ning's previous reaction, Jinxiu was worried.

Why do I feel that An Ning's relationship with Your Highness is not right? !

After hesitating for a moment, Jinxiu asked casually: "Your Highness, why did you suddenly mention her?"

"Isn't she your sister?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her, chuckled, and said lightly: "Isn't this prince thinking about caring about her?"

Care? !

Jinxiu's eyes widened. Why did His Highness care about her sister?

Did he really like her? !

Jinxiu's eyes were filled with thoughts, and she looked at Lin Jiangnian with resentment: "I have known Your Highness for so long, but Your Highness doesn't care about me, but cares about her?"

Lin Jiangnian said happily: "Isn't Miss Jinxiu right in front of me? Why does this prince care about her?"

Jinxiu's eyes became more and more gloomy, staring at him: "Then when did Your Highness have such a good relationship with An Ning, and suddenly care about her?"


This tone, how resentful!

Lin Jiangnian naturally knew Jinxiu's little thoughts, and her current appearance was mostly pretended.

However, it can be seen that she is indeed a little worried.

She is also a little protective!

She seems to be very worried that Lin Jiangnian will do something to her sister!

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore!"

Lin Jiangnian smiled and said: "I'm just kidding you, don't worry, I don't have any thoughts about An Ning."


Jinxiu's eyes lit up slightly, but she still looked suspicious... She didn't believe it very much.

"What? Don't believe it? Do you have to make this prince really interested in her before you believe it?" Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes.

Jinxiu was startled, then quickly shook his head: "No!"

"I believe it!"

Seeing Jinxiu's nervous look, Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but sigh and said with a smile: "By the way, don't you think you are a little worried?"


Jinxiu didn't understand and raised her eyes in confusion.

"Didn't you say before that you and An Ning didn't have a good relationship?"


Jinxiu nodded. Her relationship with An Ning had always been not very good.

"Since the relationship is not good, why do you protect her so much?"


Jinxiu was stunned for a moment, then looked away somewhat unnaturally, and snorted: "She, no matter what, she is my sister, I am the elder sister, and the elder sister is like a mother..."

"So, you uphold the responsibility of being a sister and want to protect her?"

"That's right!"


The smile on Lin Jiangnian's face gradually disappeared: "What you mean is that this prince is a bad person?"

"Will it be bad for your sister?"

Jinxiu: "..."

She really didn't expect this level!

But after careful consideration, it seems to be right?

She was worried that Lin Jiangnian would like An Ning, wasn't she worried that An Ning would be harmed by His Highness?

After all, she knew very well the character of this His Highness in front of her... Of course, there might be other reasons!

Therefore, facing Lin Jiangnian's sudden questioning, Jinxiu was speechless for a moment: "No, no..."

Although she said so, the look between her eyebrows clearly betrayed her thoughts and intentions.


Lin Jiangnian suddenly stepped forward, approached her, expressionless: "Then tell me, is this prince a good person or a bad person?"

Jinxiu took a step back, and a trace of shyness appeared on her pretty face. The pair of beautiful eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian and blinked.

She seemed a little panicked, but not very scared!

Having known the Prince of Lin for a long time, Jinxiu's fear of him gradually decreased, knowing that the Prince of Lin would not really blame her.

Therefore, her behavior seemed a little presumptuous!

She raised her face slightly, looking at Lin Jiangnian's 'aggressive' look, but she had no fear in her heart.

She thought about it carefully and said, "Your Highness is a good person, but also a bad person!"

"What do you mean?"

"Your Highness, guess it yourself!"

Jinxiu took two steps back, and then her beautiful eyes turned, showing a mischievous look, and she made an expression towards Lin Jiangnian.

Her face was slightly red, and she spat, "Your Highness, you are still a pervert!"

After that, Jinxiu turned and ran away.

She ran away with a little messy steps, as if she was worried about being caught up. However, when she found that Lin Jiangnian did not catch up, she slowed down her pace. She turned around slowly, looked at Lin Jiangnian who was still standing not far behind her, and waved at him.

"What are you still standing there for?"

"The Queen is still waiting for you, hurry up!"

Lin Jiangnian stood there, looking at Jinxiu who was waving at him not far away.

A ray of warm spring sun slowly shines on her. She is tall and graceful in a gorgeous palace dress. She is full of radiant colors, elegant and lively.

She gives people an indescribable vitality!

This is probably the best age for a girl!

She is tender and mature!

Especially her delicate face. Whenever she smiles, her sweet smile is extremely contagious!

Every time he saw her, Lin Jiangnian was in an inexplicably good mood.

Moreover, the personal maid next to the eldest princess also has important points that cannot be ignored!

When she stood there quietly and waved to Lin Jiangnian, the swing of her arms caused the sway of the palace attire on her body.


Extremely dazzling!

It's a foul!

Lin Jiangnian, who had been fortunate enough to have a glimpse of the scale, has a strong say in this!

Although the two sisters looked exactly the same, from his perspective, in some aspects, Jinxiu completely beat An Ning!

And this is why Jinxiu has always claimed to be her sister. After all, first-born babies generally eat well!

Development will also be better!

Jingning Palace.

Lin Jiangnian stepped into the palace under Jinxiu's guidance.

The two people who had been bickering on the road quickly calmed down after entering Jingning Palace!

Jinxiu regained her cool and arrogant temperament as the princess's personal maid, and without squinting, she respectfully led Lin Jiangnian inside.

However, from the corner of his eye, he glanced at Lin Jiangnian behind him from time to time. It seems that she is worried that His Highness the Crown Prince will suddenly become wolfish and rush up to pounce on her or something...

It's extremely quiet in Jingning Palace!

Along the way, the palace maid was rarely seen, and the palace was filled with a refreshing fragrance, mixed with the fragrance of flowers.

The decoration of the entire palace is extremely elegant, giving it a refreshing feel.

It can be seen that Li Miaomiao seems to have inherited a lot of personality traits from the Queen.

Follow Jinxiu all the way through the pavilions, corridors, courtyards, and finally arrive at the front hall of the palace.

At this time, there were already several figures in the front hall. Under the eaves of the courtyard, there were several palace maids standing. In the front hall, a noble lady was sitting quietly.

It seems that she has taken good care of herself, and the years have not left many traces on the face of this empress. Although he is nearly fifty, he looks about thirty years old.

Wearing a graceful and luxurious robe, her hair is tied up with exquisite hairpins. Although she does not have much luxury, she still gives people the aura of a mother who cares about the world.

Lin Jiangnian is no stranger!

The last time I went to the palace to see the prince, I met the queen once.

Jinxiu walked into the front hall with small steps, came to the Queen's side, bent down and said respectfully: "Empress, my servant has brought His Highness the Crown Prince!"

In the hall, the Queen slowly raised her head and looked at Lin Jiangnian who appeared in the courtyard.

Lin Jiangnian raised his hands and said, "I, Lin Jiangnian, have met the Queen."

"Your Highness, there is no need to be polite!"

In the front hall, the queen's elegant voice came, and a kind smile appeared on her face: "Your Highness, come in and sit down."

"Thank you, ma'am!"

Lin Jiangnian looked as usual and was not polite as he walked into the front hall. He stopped a few meters in front of the Queen without sitting down.

In the front hall, the Queen was sitting on the throne, quietly looking at Lin Jiangnian who appeared in front of her, and said in a gentle tone: "It has been some time since I last saw His Highness, right?"

Lin Jiangnian replied: "It has indeed been a while!"

"How are you doing, His Royal Highness?"

"Excuse me, my lady, for your concern. Everything will be fine."

The Queen Mother seemed to sigh softly, looked at Lin Jiangnian in front of her with cold eyes, and asked softly: "Is your aunt okay?"

“There have been too many things happening in the palace during this time, and I haven’t seen her for a while!

"Excuse me for thinking of you, my aunt is very good, and I miss you very much!"

"When you go back, remember to say hello to her for me. If you are free next time, ask her to come to the palace to accompany me more often."

"Don't worry, I will convey your instructions to my aunt when I get back."


The dialogue is very mechanical. The queen is respectful to the world, but her temperament is a bit weak, and she does not feel domineering.

Lin Jiangnian, on the other hand, showed himself to be courteous and gentle. He knew everything about the Queen's problems and talked about everything. He showed exactly what a loyal minister should look like.

Even Jinxiu under the eaves nearby couldn't help but look at Lin Jiangnian a few more times when she saw this scene.

How can this guy be so serious? !

From the moment she met Prince Lin, Lin Jiangnian's impression in her mind was not that of a serious person...

Lustful, immoral, and full of evil ideas!

Every time we meet, he likes to take advantage of her!

Jinxiu felt a little uncomfortable with Lin Jiangnian being so serious right now. Bright and clear beautiful eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian, blinking and blinking... as if he was surprised.

"You all go down first."

At this moment, the Queen Mother suddenly spoke and waved away the maids in the front hall of the courtyard.

Jinxiu on the side was startled for a moment, realizing that the Queen was going to say something important to His Royal Highness. When she came to her senses, she lowered her head slightly.


Turning around, before leaving, she quietly glanced at Lin Jiangnian again, only to see Lin Jiangnian's eyes also falling on her.

Eye contact, Jinxiu rolled her eyes at him, and then left with brisk steps.

Soon, all the maids in the front hall left. In the front hall, only the empress and empress, who is the mother of the emperor, and Prince Lin, who is full of 'loyalty', are left.

"Your Highness, come and sit."

The Queen spoke again.

Lin Jiangnian still didn't move, lowered his head and said, "I just need to stand!"


The Queen's beautiful eyes fell on him: "Is His Royal Highness so polite?"

"Could it be that he dislikes this palace, or that His Highness the Crown Prince hates this palace?"

"Of course not."

Lin Jiangnian immediately denied it, hesitated, and explained: "The empress has a noble status, how can I be on an equal footing with her?"

"I say you can, you can!"

The Queen glanced at him.

Lin Jiangnian was silent.

Since the queen has said so, it would be a bit hypocritical for him to shirk it anymore.

"Then, I will be offended!"

Lin Jiangnian walked forward slowly, sat down at the table in the front hall, raised his head, and looked at the empress in front of him.

Soon, Lin Jiangnian discovered something.

The Queen's appearance seems to be much older and haggard, and she is a little less elite than before. Compared with the last time we met, the Queen's complexion is very bad now.

Thinking about what happened recently, he probably guessed something.

In the front hall.

The Queen looked at Lin Jiangnian in front of her quietly and said softly: "Why is His Royal Highness so embarrassed?"

"You and Miao Miao are engaged. If you two get married in the future, you and I will be part of the same family, and you won't have to be bound by the etiquette of honor and inferiority."


Lin Jiangnian nodded.

Is he reserved?

Of course not!

He just wasn't sure what the queen's purpose was in looking for him today, so he was a little cautious.

When he heard the Queen's words, Lin Jiangnian was keenly aware that... the Queen was about to play the emotional card!

Sure enough, when the marriage between Lin Jiangnian and Li Miaomiao was mentioned, the queen in front of her focused on their marriage, deliberately ignoring her identity as the queen, and talked to Lin Jiangnian in the tone of an elder. Homely.

First, he asked about the two of them getting along, and then mentioned their engagement, insinuating about Lin Jiangnian's plans.

Lin Jiangnian stood still and dealt with it cautiously, without revealing any details.

The queen seemed to like Lin Jiangnian as her son-in-law, and she liked him and Miao Miao very much. But after all, she lived deep in the harem, and it was not her turn to make decisions on some matters, so she did not ask further questions.

And Lin Jiangnian also saw that the queen usually lived deep in the harem and rarely had anyone to talk to.

Especially since so many things happened during this period, the blow to the Queen was not small. She had nowhere to vent or tell.

Soon, the topic moved from the marriage between the two to Li Miaomiao, to the Crown Prince Li Cunning, and finally to the recent mutiny in the palace.

As she spoke, her mood seemed to rise. The Queen's expression became a little sad, and her tone seemed to be a little more choked.

"Jiang Nian!"

The Queen looked at him, her expression seemed a little gloomy: "Can I ask you something?"

Lin Jiangnian's expression remained as usual: "Your Majesty, feel free to ask."

"I heard that you and Mian Miao were trapped in His Highness Yangsheng's secret room earlier?"

"It does happen."

Lin Jiangnian nodded.


The Queen looked at him and was silent for a moment: "Have you seen His Majesty?"

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian's heart skipped a beat, as if he realized the Queen's purpose.

The Queen's eyes were slightly red and she stared at him: "Can you tell me, Your Majesty, he..."

"Are you still alive?"


Lin Jiangnian was silent.

After a while, his expression remained unchanged and he said: "Why don't you ask the Crown Prince and the eldest princess about this matter? Do you want to ask the minister?"

"Both of them are hiding this from me and are unwilling to tell me."

The queen's voice was a little lonely.

In fact, she already guessed the answer to some things. It's just that before you confirm it with your own eyes, there will always be a little bit of luck!

just in case……

Still alive?

Lin Jiangnian said: "Since the prince and the eldest princess have not told the empress, they naturally have their plans..."

The Queen Empress laughed miserably and said: "Actually, His Majesty has passed away, right?"

Lin Jiangnian was silent.

I don’t know how to answer!

He didn't want to take the blame.

But the Queen seemed to have seen through something.

"If His Majesty is still alive, why do they need to hide it from me?"

The Empress shook her head gently, with sad eyes: "I am just a little unwilling to accept it. After all, I am married to His Majesty, but now... I can't even see him for the last time..."

The Queen's voice was full of sadness, her eyes were red, and she couldn't help wiping away tears.

Lin Jiangnian sighed in his heart, but had no reaction.

I can’t persuade you!

I can’t persuade you!

He himself was not good at persuading people, not to mention that the person in front of him was the empress of the dynasty, Lin Jiangnian's nominal future mother-in-law.

Of course, soon it won’t be!

This empress is going to be upgraded to a queen mother!

In the front hall, silence gradually fell.

The Queen was left alone wiping her tears as if she was feeling sorry for herself, which made Lin Jiangnian gradually feel restless.

Why did the Queen feel like she was treating him as someone to confide in?

When I was thinking about how to find a way to escape.

"Deng Deng!"

There were footsteps outside the front hall.

Lin Jiangnian turned around subconsciously and caught a glimpse of a figure dressed in white appearing in the front hall.

Li Piaomiao!

The person who appeared in sight was the eldest princess.

Since coming out of the secret room, the two have not seen each other again. During the few days that Lin Jiangnian was under house arrest in the palace, she had not appeared.

When I saw her again, the eldest princess was still wearing a plain white dress. However, compared to the long dress she wore in the secret room last time, her dress today seemed to be simpler.

A long skirt with a double-breasted neckline and a plain white belt embroidered with light-colored patterns tied up her voluptuous waist.

In this way, the tall and graceful figure can be seen at a glance.

Wear a loose long coat to wrap up and cover up that figure!


Li Miaomiao appeared in sight with a cool temperament and cold eyes.


She spoke slowly.

At the same time, his eyes met Lin Jiangnian in the courtyard.

Just looking at each other, Lin Jiangnian was keenly aware of the cold air permeating her body.

Very strong!

Can't suppress it anymore?

When I was in the secret room a few days ago, with the help of Lin Jiangnian, I suppressed the coldness in Li Miaomiao's body, making her look like a normal person!

But it had only been a few days, and the suppressed cold air was spreading again. The Li Miaomiao in front of her once again regained her former coolness and biting ice!

Gives you chills!


In the front hall, when she heard the misty figure coming from the courtyard, the Queen wiped away her tears, raised her head, and a smile appeared on her face.

"How did you come?"

"I'm here to see my mother."

Li Piaomiao spoke coldly and raised her eyes. His eyes fell on the Queen Mother, and when he saw the Queen Mother's red eyes, she was wiping away tears, as if she had been wronged in some way.

She was startled!

Then, he suddenly turned to look at Lin Jiangnian!

In an instant, it was as if there was some icy cold air that enveloped Lin Jiangnian and hit him!

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

He realized the meaning in Li Piaomiao's eyes... Was this suspicion that he had bullied her mother? !

Lin Jiangnian expressed his innocence, but it had nothing to do with him!

"Piaomiao has a heart."

The Queen's eyes looked pleased, her mood gradually recovered, and her complexion gradually returned to normal. He glanced at Pian Miao and then at Lin Jiangnian, as if he was thinking of something.

"Mother, I'm a little tired. Let's go back and rest first. You guys... chat slowly!"

The queen stood up slowly.

"Mom, walk slowly!"

Lin Jiangnian on the side spoke.

The Empress waved her hands, glanced at Lin Jiangnian again, seemed to have thought of something, paused, and sighed, "Have a good chat with Miao Miao."

"I obey."

Lin Jiangnian nodded.

The Queen then turned around and left with the help of the maids outside the courtyard.

After the Empress left, Lin Jiangnian looked back and looked up, and saw Li Miaomiao under the eaves looking at him quietly.

Poker face!

There was a chill all over.


Cold Kazakh man!

"Are you... sick again?"

Lin Jiangnian hesitated and was about to speak tentatively when he saw Li Pianmiao staring at him and suddenly asked, "What did you say to your mother?"

Like questioning, burning.

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "I didn't say anything."

Li Piaomiao said nothing.

After a moment of silence, he asked again: "Mother, what do you want me to do with you?"

"Your Majesty is a little bored in the palace and wants to find someone to chat with to relieve her fatigue!"

Young Lin Jiang sighed: "So, the empress came to chat with me for a while!"

Li Piaomiao obviously didn't believe it.

Can you make your mother cry by nagging at home?

Lin Jiangnian looked at her and shook his head gently: "You don't understand, Madam... With so many things happening in the palace recently, have any of you taken care of My Majesty's emotions?"

Hearing this, Li Miaomiao was startled.

No words were spoken.

"My Majesty is bored alone in the palace, and she can only keep it in her heart if she has any worries. You, the children, have banded together to hide it from her..."

Li Miaomiao immediately raised her eyes and realized something: "Did the Queen Mother ask you?"

Lin Jiang young smiled and asked, "Even if I didn't ask, would she not be able to guess?"

Li Piaomiao was silent!

After a while, she said in a deep voice: "Tell me, she will be sad."

"Even if you don't say anything, she will be sad."

Lin Jiangnian sighed.

This kind of thing, no matter when it is said, will be very hurtful. However, he had to face it.

However, this has nothing to do with Lin Jiangnian.

He waved his hand and brushed off the topic.

He looked up and down at Li Miaomiao: "Can't you suppress the coldness in your body again?"

Li Piaomiao glanced at him and was silent for a moment: "It's okay."

"What do you mean okay?"

Li Piaomiao was silent.

The coldness in her body was indeed suppressed when she was in the secret room, but two days later, the suppressed coldness resurfaced.

Fortunately, it's nothing serious for the time being, but...

"Do you need help?"

Lin Jiangnian asked.

Li Piaomiao was startled, as if she didn't expect that Lin Jiangnian would actually offer to help.

Cold eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian, and after a moment of silence.


She hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"So, here?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced around. There was no one here for the time being, but it was a nice place.

"Come with me."

Li Piaomiao hesitated, glanced at him, and turned around.

Lin Jiangnian followed soon after.

Jingning Palace.

In the backyard.

Jinxiu is sitting on the swing in the courtyard, swaying up and down as the swing swings, her skirt is raised, her black hair is flying, revealing a face with a beautiful smile.

He seemed to be in a good mood, rippling slightly.

Not far away, under the eaves, a young girl's eyes were dazed and she was lost in thought.

In his arms, he held a long sword that he rarely left, holding it tightly. From time to time, he gently touched the scabbard, wondering what he was thinking.

"An Ning, why are you so dazed all day long?"

The swing slowly stopped. Jinxiu seemed tired from playing, a little out of breath, and a touch of rosy appeared on her delicate face.

Her beautiful eyes caught a glimpse of the cold girl figure under the eaves, and she couldn't help but speak.

Her sister is either practicing swordplay or in a daze all day long, not knowing what to do... Isn't she bored?

Aren't you going to be driven crazy? !

more importantly……

With such a stupid girl, why would Prince Lin just... fall in love with him?

I can’t figure it out!

But Jinxiu feels more relieved!


How could someone so stupid be attracted by His Royal Highness?

His Royal Highness is probably trying to scare her on purpose... Apart from looking exactly like her, what other advantages does An Ning have?

There is no more at all!

Jinxiu thought about it in her mind, but she gradually felt relieved.

At this moment, the palace maid's announcement suddenly sounded outside the hospital.

"your Highness!"

"The princess is back?"

Jinxiu turned around slightly excitedly, and just when she was about to speak, she suddenly saw something...

In the sight of the courtyard ahead, the eldest princess in white walked into the courtyard, and behind the princess, there was another man!

"Shi, His Royal Highness?!"

Jinxiu was startled and froze on the spot, blinking in confusion.

Your Highness, why are you here?

This, this is the backyard of the harem...

Princess, princess actually... brought His Highness back? !

Jinxiu was confused!

Not only Jinxiu, but also An Ning, who had been in a daze under the eaves nearby, subconsciously raised his eyes when he heard the words His Royal Highness.

Soon, she saw the familiar figure following the princess in front of her.

For a moment, he seemed to be in a trance.

The clear and bright girl's eyes looked at the familiar figure with a strange color.


Lin Jiangnian followed the princess and said hello to Jinxiu in the courtyard, and then saw the cold girl standing under the eaves.

"An Ning, long time no see!"

Lin Jiangnian also greeted with a smile.

Under the eaves, An Ning stared blankly. Looking into Lin Jiangnian's gentle gaze, for some reason, a hint of shame suddenly appeared in her eyes. Subconsciously he turned his head and turned around.

His face was cold.

But there seemed to be an indescribable strange burning sensation emerging from her delicate face.

worrying and nervous!


Lin Jiangnian was startled when he suddenly turned around and ignored his peace.

What's the meaning?

Have you ever offended or bullied her?

Are you still so afraid of him?

Lin Jiangnian was a little puzzled and was about to say something else when he saw Li Miaomiao in front of him looking back at him.

"follow me."

After saying that, he walked into the next room.

Lin Jiangnian then calmed down and followed the eldest princess into the room one after the other.

close the door!


Jinxiu was left standing in the courtyard, staring blankly at the scene in front of her.


what happened?

Jinxiu's eyes gradually turned to surprise, astonishment... disbelief!

She couldn't help but subconsciously reached out and rubbed her eyes, trying to make herself see clearly.

But when she saw the closed door not far away, Jinxiu finally confirmed that she had read it correctly... The princess and the Crown Prince had entered the room?

What were they doing in the room?

How could the princess bring His Highness back?

Why did you bring His Highness back to the room? !

And closed the door?

A man and a woman, alone together? !

They think! Dry! Varied! What! ?

Jinxiu was stunned, she was a little doubtful about life.

After a while, he finally couldn't help turning his head and said blankly: "An Ning, did you see it?!"

"Princess, did you bring His Royal Highness into the room?!"

When An Ning under the eaves heard this, he was startled for a moment and turned around again. There seemed to be a touch of rosiness on his fair and cold face.

She looked at the closed room not far away and said nothing.

But there was also a hint of doubt in those clear eyes.

"Princess, what do you want to do?!"

At this time, Jinxiu felt like she had discovered a new world, and she was endlessly surprised.

"The princess has never done such a thing before. How can she bring a man back openly? Even His Royal Highness? What the hell is going on?!"

Jinxiu murmured to herself, sensing something in her mind... Something must have happened to the Princess and the Crown Prince in the secret room last time!

Otherwise, how could this scene happen today?

Thinking of this, Jinxiu's eyes burned with the light of gossip.

Princess, could it be that you are already with His Highness the Crown Prince...

Today, do you know the taste of the marrow?

Thinking of this, Jinxiu became a little bit impatient and wanted to go forward to gossip and eavesdrop!

"An Ning, let's go eavesdrop?"

Jinxiu proposed to An Ning excitedly.

"Not going."

An Ning refused expressionlessly.

"If you don't go, then I will?"

Jinxiu threatened: "If I hear something later, don't even think about asking me to tell you!"

An Ning said nothing and was not threatened at all.

She stood there, looking at the sneaky and sneaky Jinxiu who was trying to get closer to eavesdropping, and curled her lips!

But when his eyes fell on the closed door of the room not far away, he didn't know what he was thinking, and subconsciously raised his ears slightly.

inside the room.

There was a soft carpet on which Lin Jiangnian and Li Miaomiao sat cross-legged opposite each other!

As Li Miaomiao performed her exercises, the cold air in her body spread uncontrollably throughout her body. Not long after, the room was filled with icy cold air, and the surrounding temperature dropped sharply.

That biting chill is coming again!

It also made Li Piaomiao's temperament become even more lonely and cold!

This time, Lin Jiangnian could clearly feel the cold air coming from Li Miaomiao's body.

Extremely aggressive!

Such an icy coldness and physical flaws can be exploited by her, and she is only one step away from becoming a master!

This talent is indeed amazing enough!

After Lin Jiangnian looked at it quietly for a moment, and as the room was completely filled with cold air, he slowly closed his eyes and started to work on his mental methods.

Just like in the secret room before, as Lin Jiangnian's mind was running, the cold air lingering in the room silently gathered towards Lin Jiangnian.

The majestic and hot breath swallowed up the cold air in the room and refined it, like a greedy bottomless pit. As the mental method moved faster and faster, the speed of absorption became faster and faster!

Compared to being unconscious last time, Li Miaomiao could clearly feel the changes in the air this time.

She noticed that the coldness in the air was gradually weakening, and she also felt as if there was a furnace in front of her!

Hot, sizzling!

It seems like if you get closer, you can burn her to death!

This made Li Miaomiao's heart move slightly. She slowly opened her eyes and stared at Lin Jiangnian in front of her.

In his sight, Lin Jiangnian had his eyes closed and was concentrating on practicing his martial arts to absorb the cold air. It could be seen with the naked eye that an invisible air current seemed to have formed around him.

The hot touch hits my face, an extremely clear feeling!

Vaguely, her eyes were in a daze.

There was a moment of confusion, but then he regained his composure and closed his eyes again. Feeling the gradually spreading heat in the air, it was silently absorbed by her body...

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian was focused on absorbing the cold air coming from Li Miaomiao and refining it for his own use.

Naturally, he is not really kind-hearted and simply wants to help Li Pianmiao suppress the cold energy in her body. He mainly covets her body and wants to absorb her cold energy to refine and improve her strength!

Sure enough, when the cold air in the room was sucked into his body for refining, Lin Jiangnian's cultivation speed was obviously much faster, and the refined cold air gradually transformed into internal energy. It made the internal energy in Lin Jiangnian's Dantian become stronger and more pure!

Such a speed of progress in cultivation is terrifying!

As Lin Jiangnian continued to inhale the cold air, the cold air in the room was quickly exhausted, and the surrounding temperature gradually returned to normal.

Lin Jiangnian also gradually noticed that the cold air emanating from Li Piaomiao seemed to be a little slow. If this continues, the efficiency will be somewhat low.

As if he thought of something, his heart suddenly moved slightly and he stretched out a hand.

At the same time, Li Mianmiao, who was closing his eyes, felt something and opened his eyes. Then she saw a hand appear in front of her eyes. She raised her eyes slightly and glanced at Lin Jiangnian.

After hesitating for a moment, she also stretched out a plain hand and placed it on Lin Jiangnian's palm.

Palm contact!

Hold tight!

Then, a hot breath entered her body along the palm of her hand.

Familiar feeling!

The cold air rushing around her body seemed to be met by some unreasonable bandit enemy, swarming in and knocking the cold air in her body to the ground without saying a word.

Wrap it up, devour it, eat it up and wipe it clean!

Li Miaomiao trembled slightly as the hot breath poured into her body and spread throughout her body. The hot breath made her feel an indescribable strange feeling at the moment.

A touch of rosy color gradually appeared on the originally cold and white face, his breathing gradually became faster, and his body underwent considerable changes.

Under the green silk hair on the temples, a glistening bead of sweat appeared on his forehead. Even the fair skin had a hint of red.

As time passed, the cold aura on her body gradually disappeared. Instead, there was a face as beautiful as a flush.

Slightly rapid breathing, pounding heart.

Amazing everyone!


About half an hour later!

When the cold air in Li Piaomiao's body was suppressed again, she slowly stopped her power!

Lin Jiangnian in front of him was exhausted, his body was limp, and he fell to the ground.

A familiar feeling came over me.

Feeling dizzy and weak.

But compared to the last time when he was directly squeezed out, Lin Jiangnian was better this time... at least he didn't faint.

Lying on the ground, he opened his eyes in a daze, and vaguely saw a rosy face slowly opening its eyes and looking at him.

Then, a burst of fragrance approached.

Lin Jiangnian could clearly smell the fragrance coming from the eldest princess.

Very light.

It's so refreshing.

Just as he was confused, he felt his hand being held again. He was held by a soft, delicate, slightly cold hand.

Then, a stream of cold air slowly poured into his body, helping him eliminate the physical discomfort caused by the exhaustion of his internal energy.

As this airflow spread throughout his body, the discomfort in his body soon disappeared. Lin Jiangnian, who had regained some strength, finally had the strength to open his eyes and sit up.

As soon as he sat up, he looked at Li Pianmiao's beautiful face so close at hand.

Then, he was startled!

In front of him was a slightly rosy face, which seemed to have not completely faded. A few strands of hair on the temples were damp and clinging to his forehead, and there seemed to be a few crystal clear beads of sweat about to slip off.

The breathing that has not completely calmed down is slightly rapid, rising and falling slightly. Those beautiful eyes lost half of their previous coldness and arrogance, and were exceptionally calm, so calm that it made people feel at ease.

This is another side of the eldest princess that Lin Jiangnian has never seen before!

Her face is so beautiful that even if she doesn't have to do anything, it's enough to make people's hearts flutter.

What's more, the current situation is that the eldest princess, who used to be cold and unparalleled, and aloof, is now looking at him with a flushed face, messy hair, and dripping with sweat...

Who can not be moved by this?

Lin Jiangnian's heart suddenly jumped!


She fouled! !

"How are you doing?"

Li Miaomiao didn't seem to notice the change in Lin Jiangnian's eyes and spoke.

The voice was as cold as ever.

In the past, it sounded so arrogant and cold, but now it was like a trickle. In a daze, Lin Jiangnian actually heard a hint of... tenderness?

Damn it!

Lin Jiangnian tried to calm down and collect his mind. But when they looked at the beautiful foul face in front of them, they found it difficult to do it.

"It should be fine."

Lin Jiangnian looked away and changed the topic.

After Li Miaomiao gave him this airflow, his body felt less uncomfortable and it was nothing serious.


Li Piaomiao nodded.

At this moment, the rosiness on her face still had not completely faded, but her beautiful eyes were extremely clear and bright, watching Lin Jiangnian quietly.

Then, his eyes slowly looked down.

Seems to have discovered something.

Lin Jiangnian looked down and realized...

In their sight, their hands were still clasped, their fingers intertwined.

The two looked at each other.

Lin Jiangnian subconsciously wanted to let go, but when the thought came to his mind, he found that... his body was very honest.

Still motionless!

The two looked at each other!

After a moment of silence, Lin Jiangnian tentatively asked, "Hold on for a while?"


Li Miaomiao seemed to have a flash of doubt in her eyes, and looked at Lin Jiangnian.

The two people's eyes interacted again.

There was a long silence!


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