Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 434 Brother-in-law, I was wrong

Cuixian lives inside.

This place is originally an entertainment restaurant serving the upper-class dandies in Beijing. Most of the people who can appear here on weekdays are either rich or noble.

With the turmoil in the capital during this period, many dandy boys were ordered to die by their families and were confined at home. They were not allowed to go out to be leaders during this period, for fear of getting into trouble and bringing disaster to the family. .

It was not until the new emperor ascended the throne that the situation in Beijing gradually stabilized, and many dandy children who were confined at home gradually had the opportunity to lift their confinement and go out for some fresh air.

Jiang Shaoan is one of them!

During this period, Jiang Shaoan was kept at home by his parents and he was not allowed to go out.

Of course, Jiang Shaoan himself did not dare to go out.

The third prince's rebellion caused a great shock to Jiang Shao'an.

He clearly still remembered that just a few days ago, he was ordered by Lin Jiangnian to go to the Eighth Prince and deliver some false information.

As a result, just two days after this false information was transmitted, the third prince rebelled!

With Jiang Shaoan's IQ, he couldn't understand what the false information conveyed by Lin Jiangnian had to do with the Third Prince's rebellion, but it was enough to scare him out of his wits!

After all, he was the one who delivered the message!

The eighth prince belongs to the third prince, and his behavior is equivalent to reporting intelligence to the third prince... After the third prince was imprisoned, Jiang Shaoan was completely shocked.

Especially these days, the entire capital area is being searched for accomplices related to the third prince's rebellion. The families of many of Jiang Shaoan's former friends in the capital had their homes confiscated during this turmoil!

This frightened Jiang Shaoan even more, and he quickly ran to Lin Jiangnian anxiously to inquire about the situation. It wasn't until Lin Jiangnian reassured him that he couldn't be implicated that Jiang Shaoan felt relieved a little.

But these days, Jiang Shaoan is still hiding at home and not going anywhere!

For this young master Jiang who likes to run outside on weekdays, the days of being confined at home are indeed very frustrating.

After the new emperor ascended the throne and the case of the third prince gradually came to an end, Jiang Shaoan finally felt relieved after making sure that he would not be implicated.

Ever since, Jiang Shaoan couldn't wait to go out for some fresh air!

I made an appointment with a few friends and came to Cuixianju to have a good gathering, drink some wine, listen to music and so on.

As a result, Leng Buding happened to bump into the Eighth Prince who had been locked up in Cuixianju for many days and sneaked out.

Caught him!

When he saw the Eighth Prince coming towards him in a menacing manner, Jiang Shaoan realized that something was wrong!

I wanted to run away, but was blocked on the spot.

"Eighth, eighth prince..."

At this moment, Jiang Shaoan panicked, "Mistake, misunderstanding... This, this is all a misunderstanding..."

Looking at the crowd surrounding him, Jiang Shaoan was frightened.

He never expected that he would run into the Eighth Prince just because he wanted to go out for some fresh air?

"Misunderstanding? Where did the misunderstanding come from?!"

The eighth prince, who was filled with resentment after having been tricked, immediately vented all the grievances Tian Lai had suffered on Jiang Shaoan, the 'culprit'.

The eighth prince gritted his teeth and stared at him, pointing to his face: "Look at this prince's face? Look at the beating he received from his mother and concubine... If it weren't for you, would this prince have suffered such injustice?!"

The eighth prince, who has been well-fed and well-fed since he was a child, has always been pampered by his family, otherwise he would not have developed such a domineering character.

Although the eighth prince's mother-in-law is not the queen of the court, she can still be regarded as a favored concubine in the palace. In addition, the eighth prince's mother's family also has considerable influence in the court. As a result, the eighth prince has become more and more domineering. character.

But this time, the eighth prince, who had always been pampered and pampered, was taught such a harsh lesson by his mother and concubine... Obviously, it was his behavior this time that offended Ni Lin.

He almost dragged the whole family down!

Even if I don’t beat him to death, it’s considered true love!

Jiang Shaoan subconsciously took a look and saw a few... slap marks on Li Ping's face that had not completely dissipated?

Panic grew in him.

It’s over!

The eighth prince was beaten!

Can't you vent all your arrogance on him today?

Last time the Eighth Prince was angry with Lin Jiangnian, he turned around and took out all his anger on him.

Then this time...

Jiang Shaoan's body trembled suddenly, and his expression changed drastically.

"No, that's not the case... The Eighth Prince has nothing to do with me..."

Jiang Shaoan was horrified, trying to explain, and at the same time looking at the friends who came with him today.

However, not long ago, I was still holding hands with him, saying that we are all good brothers, and we will be good brothers who share blessings and hardships in the future. But now they took a step back from the crowd without leaving any trace, and some even simply stood quietly behind the Eighth Prince...

Seeing this scene, Jiang Shaoan's eyes were in disbelief.

His good brothers simply betrayed him like this?

Jiang Shaoan was furious and unforgivable!

No sense of loyalty!

"It doesn't matter?!"

The eighth prince stepped forward angrily and kicked Jiang Shaoan in the chest, knocking him to the ground.

"If it weren't for you, would this prince be beaten by his mother and concubine?!"

"Damn it, I have to beat you to death today!"

The Eighth Prince rolled up his sleeves angrily and ordered the guard next to him with an angry face: "Come on, hold him down!"

Jiang Shaoan, who was kicked to the ground, was pinned to the ground by two guards beside him before he could get up, unable to move.

His eyes were frightened, and he begged for mercy: "Eighth Prince, please spare my life... let me go..."

"Let you go?"

"In your dreams!"

The eighth prince, who was sixteen or seventeen years old, walked up to Jiang Shaoan with a ferocious look on his face and sneered: "How miserable this prince has been during this time, I have to let you know the outcome today!"

All around, some dandy boys following the Eighth Prince watched this scene with cold eyes. In Cuixianju, there were gathered in twos and threes some officials and officials with good backgrounds in the capital, or daughters of famous families, and most of them joined in the fun and watched the good show in front of them.

"Who is this? Why was he beaten in public by the Eighth Prince?"

"It seems to be the young master of the Jiang family?"

"Why did that kid from the Jiang family offend the Eighth Prince?"

"Who knows, maybe he has lost his foresight somewhere, right? Didn't the Eighth Prince get into big trouble some time ago and almost brought down the family? I guess he is angry right now!"

"Tsk, tsk, the Eighth Prince escaped this time. I'm afraid he will have to do evil in the capital again."

"Let him go. It has nothing to do with us anyway. Let's go to the theater."


No one is minding other people's business!

What's more, the one who did it was the Eighth Prince!

To be precise, soon it won’t be!

As the new emperor ascends the throne, the status of the eighth prince will soon rise.

Who knows, he will be the prince soon!

Therefore, when the dignified prince is here to teach others, naturally no one will come forward to seek death.

Not far away, a trace of anger appeared on Xu Lan's face when she saw this scene.


"In public, the Eighth Prince actually bullied others in public..."

"It's too much!"

Miss Xu spoke angrily, then realized something. She turned to look at Lin Jiangnian, only to see Lin Jiangnian remained calm: "Aren't you going to help?"

Lin Jiangnian said cheerfully: "What can I help you with?"

"Then, he is your cousin after all!"

Xu Lan couldn't help but whisper: "He is being bullied. Don't you, my cousin, plan to stand up for it?"

Although Xu Lan didn't have much impression of Jiang Shaoan, she also knew about her relationship with Lin Jiangnian. No matter what, you can't just watch him get beaten outside, right?

"hold on!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced not far away and sighed softly: "Ah Dou, I can't help you!"

"What's the meaning?"

"It's not a bad thing to let this kid suffer a little."

Lin Jiang young laughed.

After Jiang Shaoan was beaten last time, he felt resentful towards the Eighth Prince. He even went to Lin Jiangnian to ask about the situation, and he couldn't wait to find the Eighth Prince to regain his place.

I thought he could be tougher, but I didn't expect that he would immediately give in when he met the Eighth Prince! Even before he was beaten, he started begging for mercy!

No future!

If Jiang Ningkang were here and had to vomit out a mouthful of old blood in anger, the Jiang family would be completely disgraced by this kid!

However, Lin Jiangnian was not in a hurry to take action. He was quite happy to see Jiang Shaoan suffer more losses.

For this kid, suffering a loss is not a bad thing!

The more he suffers, the more he will learn a lesson. He will be more honest in the capital in the future, so as not to bring any trouble to the Jiang family!

While Lin Jiangnian continued to watch the excitement, not far away, Jiang Shaoan was struggling hard as he was pinned to the ground by the guards. Seeing that he couldn't escape, he looked around in fear for help.

However, no one was willing to come forward to help.

The Eighth Prince stepped forward aggressively and kicked Jiang Shao'an several times to vent his resentment.

Jiang Shaoan was kicked and fell to the ground, rolling on the ground in embarrassment.

"Your Highness, please spare my life..."

Jiang Shaoan begged for mercy while dodging to the side. Seeing this, the people around him all moved out of the way for fear of being affected.

"You dare to run?!"

The Eighth Prince immediately glared: "Keep holding him down!"

The two guards next to him stepped forward to hold Jiang Shaoan down again. Jiang Shaoan panicked and twisted and struggled wildly.

While he was struggling, he inadvertently caught a glimpse of Cuixianju in a corner not far from the corner of his eye.

Just at this glance, Jiang Shaoan seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw! The fear in his eyes suddenly burst into surprise at this moment!

"Cousin, cousin help me!!"

"Cousin, please save me quickly... I'm going to be beaten to death by him..."

"Cousin, you are finally here...wuwu..."


The eighth prince stepped forward aggressively and was about to continue teaching Jiang Shaoan a lesson. Suddenly, he heard Jiang Shaoan suddenly shouting not far away. For a moment, he didn't realize that Jiang Shaoan's cousin had appeared out of nowhere.

"Cousin? Do you think your cousin can save you when he comes?"

The Eighth Prince sneered and said: "Well done, today I will take care of your cousin too!"

He spoke with a sneer and raised his head at the same time. He wanted to see who Jiang Shaoan's cousin was!

Do you dare to come forward?

When his eyes fell on the young man in a light-colored brocade robe in the corner not far away, the Eighth Prince's eyes narrowed slightly. At first, I felt that this figure looked familiar, but when I took a closer look, the smile on my face suddenly solidified and became stiff.

Immediately afterwards, a look of panic emerged!

cousin? !

Jiang Shaoan’s cousin? !

Yes, is it...him? !

Prince Lin? !

At the same time, Jiang Shaoan's shout also attracted the attention of everyone nearby.

Those who didn't know him joined in the fun, while those who knew Jiang Shaoan were a little surprised.


When did Jiang Shaoan have a cousin?

I have only heard that Jiang Shaoan has a cousin in the Jiang family in Jiangnan. As for where the cousin came from?

For a moment, everyone's eyes almost all fell on the man wearing light clothes and brocade robes in the corner not far away.

Very young, about nineteen or twenty years old.

The man is handsome, with a gentle and elegant temperament between his brows. His skin is fair and his features are clear-cut, giving him the air of a handsome young man from a noble family.

Everyone present who didn’t know him showed a bit of surprise and admiration. When has there ever been such a handsome and extraordinary young man from a noble family in the capital?

Some daughters from famous families even brightened up, with a little sparkle in their eyes, as if they were extremely interested in the appearance and temperament of this young and handsome man.

But there were some people present who recognized his identity at a glance, and their expressions suddenly changed. He looked at Lin Jiangnian and then at Jiang Shaoan who was being bullied by the eighth prince. He seemed to realize something and took a breath!

I'm afraid there's something exciting to watch today? !

And as everyone nearby whispered, soon, the identity of Lin Jiangnian spread rapidly.

"What, he is Prince Lin?!"

"Prince Lin actually looks like this? Are you sure he's not a fake?"

"Why? Why didn't anyone tell me earlier that Prince Lin is so handsome? He has always been in my heart. He is so suitable to be my husband..."

"Wake up, stop being in heat, my fiancée is the eldest princess, are you worthy?"

"Of course I know, but I am willing to be my concubine!"

"It's not your turn to be a concubine. Didn't you see that the one next to me is prettier than you? You might as well consider me..."

"Go away, even if I strip naked and sleep with His Royal Highness Prince Lin for free, it's not your turn. Are you worthy?!"


Everyone present was talking a lot.

The eyes of these people may be shocked, surprised, surprised... They all looked at the legendary Prince Lin.

At the same time, someone quickly recognized Xu Lan next to Prince Lin!

When they saw this young lady from the Xu family, many people thought of what happened to the Xu family before.

The Xu family was implicated in the case of the third prince a few days ago and was imprisoned. I thought that the Xu family did not have much influence in the capital. I was afraid that they would be in trouble this time, but they did not expect to be released suddenly.

This can cause many people in Beijing to be surprised. Many people have been asking for the reason, but they have never been able to find out.

Seeing the eldest lady of the Xu family following Prince Lin, many people finally guessed the reason and couldn't help but take a breath.

This Prince Lin, actually has such abilities and means in the capital?

I thought I was just a vassal prince who entered the capital, but I didn't expect that this vassal prince also had such influence in the capital?

Then today...

Many people's eyes fell on the Eighth Prince again, with different thoughts.

Jiang Shaoan is the nominal cousin of Prince Lin. Now that Jiang Shaoan is being beaten up and taught a lesson by the eighth prince in public, will Prince Lin help, or will he... stand by and watch?

If he helps, he will definitely confront the Eighth Prince!

In this way...

Wouldn't it cause conflicts between the imperial court and Prince Lin?

For a moment, many people held their breath, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet, looking forward to the next drama.

Lin Jiangnian, who originally planned to continue watching the show, knew something was wrong when Jiang Shaoan called him "cousin!"

However, Lin Jiangnian still sat there, ignoring the looks of others around him, glanced at Jiang Shaoan not far away, and said calmly: "Are you dead?"

"Cousin, hurry, save me..."

Jiang Shaoan's face was full of surprise, with runny nose and tears.

He was being pinned to the ground by two guards at the moment. He was extremely embarrassed, but his eyes were shining with surprise...

Lin Jiangnian suddenly appeared and became his savior!

Cousin, come to save him! !

"As long as you're not dead."

Lin Jiangnian didn't care about his life or death. When he saw that he was still alive, he said angrily: "The Jiang family has been disgraced by you!"

Hearing this, Jiang Shaoan lowered his head in shame.

He also knew that he was embarrassed today.

Lin Jiangnian withdrew his gaze and fell on the Eighth Prince, who was in the crowd and looked slightly pale at the moment.

"Your Highness the Eighth Prince, long time no see!"

Lin Jiangnian smiled and spoke.

But this smile instantly made the eighth prince freeze up. Then, there was a hint of resentment in his eyes.

He remembered what happened last time when he was on a boat cruise in Nanhu Lake!

He was a dignified eighth prince, but he was beaten so hard by the guy in front of him that he knelt down and begged for mercy. He had no dignity...

Thinking of this, the Eighth Prince's face turned red and his resentment grew stronger.


If this revenge is not avenged, he, the eighth prince, will not be a human being!

"Lin Jiangnian!"

The Eighth Prince gritted his teeth and said, "Why are you here?!"

Lin Jiangnian seemed to be smiling but not smiling: "Hey, how long have you not seen each other before you changed your name?"

The Eighth Prince's face became even stiffer, and he gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Lin Jiangnian, don't bully others too much!"


Lin Jiangnian glanced sideways at him: "Now, who is bullying people?"

The Eighth Prince said calmly: "Lin Jiangnian, what do you want to do?!"

"Shouldn't you ask His Highness the Eighth Prince about this?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at Jiang Shaoan on the ground: "Why did the eighth prince beat my cousin today?"

"He deserves to be beaten!"

"How did he offend His Highness the Eighth Prince?"


The Eighth Prince opened his mouth, obviously not swearing.


Lin Jiangnian asked: "Why doesn't the Eighth Prince speak?"

"He should be beaten!" the Eighth Prince gritted his teeth and said angrily.

"I would like to ask, why does the Eighth Prince think he should be beaten?"

"If Jiang Shaoan has offended the Eighth Prince in any way, and the Eighth Prince comes up with a suitable reason, then he really deserves to be beaten..."

Lin Jiangnian looked at the Eighth Prince: "But if not..."

"Eighth Prince, should I explain this to this prince?"

As soon as these words came out, the Eighth Prince's face suddenly turned red. What reason did he have?

I just wanted to vent my grievances these days, and I couldn't ask him to give me a reason.

Listening to Lin Jiangnian's questioning and the glances of others around him, the Eighth Prince's face stiffened and he gritted his teeth and said, "He should be beaten... I, the prince, will beat him. What's the problem?!"


The smile on Lin Jiangnian's face gradually disappeared: "So, the Eighth Prince has no reason, he just wants to... bully others?"

The Eighth Prince subconsciously wanted to refute, but after saying this, there was no turning back now, so he gritted his teeth and said harshly: "So what?!"

"Everyone heard it!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the others present and chuckled: "The Eighth Prince admitted in public that he is arrogant and domineering and uses his power to bully others. He bullies others wantonly based on his status as a prince... Can everyone hear this clearly?"

As soon as these words came out, many people around looked at the Eighth Prince like a fool.

This eighth prince is really not very smart!

Can this be used too?

When he noticed the eyes around him, the Eighth Prince finally realized that something was wrong.

His face suddenly turned red: "I, I didn't... When did this prince become arrogant and domineering?"

"You humiliated my prince's cousin in public, aren't you arrogant and domineering?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at him quietly: "Does the Eighth Prince think that just because he is a prince, he can bully others at will?"

"He's just a prince and committed such a heinous act. When the eighth prince becomes a prince in the future, what unspeakable crimes will he commit?!"

"Do the common people still have a way to survive?!"

This hat is a bit too big!

It was so big that the Eighth Prince's expression immediately changed. Even if he didn't understand, he still knew the seriousness of this matter. If this matter reaches his imperial brother, he will be in misery!

If he got into such big trouble, his mother-in-law would probably hang him up and beat him again!

"I, I didn't..."

The Eighth Prince stammered an explanation, and then stared at Lin Jiangnian with an ugly face, as if he had realized something, and said angrily: "It's all your nonsense..."

"Come on, here, take him down for me!"

The eighth prince was furious.

He suddenly realized that Lin Jiangnian was deliberately setting a trap for him!

The resentment that was already in my heart suddenly surged into my heart!

Last time the imperial sister was here, she was humiliated by him in public!

This time the imperial sister is not here, and she has so many guards around her, how can she let him bully her again?

If you can't say it with your words, then just do it!

"Your Highness..."

After hearing His Highness the Eighth Prince's order, the guards on the side hesitated.

That one is Prince Lin!

How dare they take it?

At this time, the Eighth Prince's hair was hot and he was furious: "Why, you don't even listen to my orders?"

The guards looked embarrassed when they heard His Highness's order, but in the end they could only comply.


Seeing this, the smile on Lin Jiangnian's face became even stronger.

He ignored the Eighth Prince, but looked at the other disciples of the aristocratic families present, and continued slowly: "Everyone has seen that it was His Highness the Eighth Prince who made the move first... His Highness the Eighth Prince uses his power to bully others and bully the people. I have spoken out." He tried to stop him, but unexpectedly the Eighth Prince became angry and took action..."

"My lord, this is all self-defense!"

As soon as these words came out, many people present had sharp eyes and instantly understood the situation on the field!

What they heard from Lin Jiangnian's words was... to set a trap for the eighth prince like crazy!

The eighth prince, who is sixteen or seventeen years old, is like a three-year-old child in front of His Royal Highness, Prince Lin!

He humiliated the common people in public, and then attacked Prince Lin out of anger... Don't worry about whether the people being bullied are real common people, but once news of what happened today comes out, the Eighth Prince will definitely take it for granted.

With so many people here watching today, this matter must not be hidden. Once it gets bigger, whether it is exposed to the public or to the new emperor, it will be enough for the Eighth Prince to drink!

As a result, not to mention being crowned a prince next, even the county prince will be embarrassed!


Many people took a breath and looked at the handsome Prince Lin in the courtyard, who had a somewhat white-faced and bookish temperament.

I didn't expect that he would be so cruel!

Are you really not afraid of revenge from the clan behind the Eighth Prince?

Lin Jiangnian was naturally not afraid of revenge. He didn't even pay attention to the third prince, so how could he take the little eighth prince and the forces behind him seriously?

He is about to leave the capital, but before leaving, he has to solve a lot of troubles! The eighth prince who used to be with the third prince and disgusted him was one of them!

Before leaving, the eighth prince must be taught an impressive lesson.

It can be regarded as eliminating a hidden danger for the Jiang family.

He stood up slowly.

"You, be careful..."

As if aware of Lin Jiangnian's movements, Xu Lan's worried reminder came from beside him. Lin Jiangnian turned around and gave her a reassuring look, then raised his eyes and looked forward.

At this moment, two guards were walking towards Lin Jiangnian, one on the left and the other on the right.

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "His Royal Highness the Eighth Prince, do you really want to take action against me?"

The Eighth Prince gritted his teeth: "Don't be so proud... I will settle the score with you today!"

"Settling accounts?"

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "In that case, let's do the math!"

At this time, the two guards were forced to walk in front of Lin Jiangnian. Their faces were full of confusion: "Your Highness, your life is on your side... I have offended you!"

"I understand!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at the two of them and knew that they were forced to do this as a last resort.

"However, I will not forgive you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Jiangnian suddenly took action.

The wind spreads.

A guard who was standing in front of Lin Jiangnian suddenly flew backwards like a kite with its string broken.


He fell heavily to the ground and passed out.

There was silence.

The remaining guard stood there with dull eyes. He hadn't even seen clearly how Lin Jiangnian took action.

To be precise... I didn't see it at all!

His accomplice just... flew out?

This this……

An emotion of panic emerged from the guard's back and went straight to Tianling Gai, and the muscles on his face were trembling uncontrollably.

The emotion of fear spreads in my heart!

"it's your turn!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at him calmly.


The guard's voice was hoarse and he was about to speak.

But the words failed to come out.

This time, he saw it clearly.

Prince Lin in front of him slapped him on the chest lightly, a very light slap!

He seemed weak and weak, but he suddenly felt Qianjun's strength. A sharp pain emerged, and then the whole person took off on the spot uncontrollably!


There was silence.

It was as if someone had strangled his neck, and there was no sound at all. Everyone looked at the scene in front of them with dull eyes, in disbelief!

The Eighth Prince's originally resentful eyes suddenly shrank in an instant.

Stuck in place.

The next second, his eyes looked like he had seen a ghost!

He knew that Lin Jiang's martial arts at the Annual Meeting were better than him, and he had experienced them last time.

But this time he brought guards with him!

This is Ouchi's bodyguard!

All of them are masters of martial arts! still breaks when touched? !

Such a waste? !

The Eighth Prince is doubting life!

At this moment, everyone who witnessed all this was stunned.

Many people were suddenly shocked... This Prince Lin Wang actually knows martial arts?

No wonder I saw that Prince Lin didn’t have any guards around him. It turned out that his feelings were deeply hidden!

Many people were frightened and grateful. Fortunately, they had not offended His Royal Highness before!

After Lin Jiangqian downplayed the two guards who were blocking the way, he continued to walk towards the Eighth Prince.

The Eighth Prince's face changed drastically, and the remaining guards protecting him subconsciously put their hands on the swords at their waists, ready to draw them at any time!

"If you don't want to die, just retreat!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at them.

These guards looked at each other in embarrassment, but still no one backed away, but became increasingly vigilant.

If something happens to His Highness the Eighth Prince, they won't survive!

Seeing that they refused to retreat, Lin Jiangnian took a step forward.

The next second, a strong breath hit his face. The guard closest to him felt a strong aura emerge, and his hand on the handle of the knife didn't have time to take action.


There was another dull sound, and the guard was knocked out and passed out on the spot. The remaining two guards had just drawn their swords and were quickly dispatched by Lin Jiangnian!

The martial arts of these guards are not weak, but they are far behind Lin Jiangnian, who has now reached the fourth level.

There is almost no resistance!

When the Eighth Prince went out, he didn't expect to encounter such a tough fight as Lin Jiangnian. Apart from these ordinary guards, there are no experts around.

In a matter of seconds, all these guards were eliminated. The eighth prince was left standing there with a pale face, watching in fear as Lin Jiangnian came to him unobstructed.

"I heard that you want to settle a score with me?"

At this moment, the eighth prince's face lost half of the previous arrogance. His face was pale, and his lips trembled slightly due to fear. He took two steps back in fear: "You, you..."

"What are you going to do?!"

He never thought that Lin Jiangnian could be so powerful? !

This was just a face-to-face meeting, and all his guards were eliminated?

This scene scared the Eighth Prince out of his wits!


Lin Jiangnian said playfully: "Didn't you just say that you wanted to settle a score with me?"

"Then let's make a good calculation?"

"No, forget it..."

The Eighth Prince shook his head in horror: "No, no need..."


Lin Jiangnian glanced at him: "However, I would like to settle the score with you!"

"I heard that you were not convinced last time, right?"

Lin Jiangnian took a step closer and looked at the Eighth Prince: "It seems that the lesson learned last time was not enough?"

As soon as these words came out, the Eighth Prince trembled all over, as if he remembered the tragic encounter last time. His eyes were frightened and uneasy.


The next second, the Eighth Prince plopped down and knelt down in front of Lin Jiangnian.

"Brother-in-law, stop fighting, I was wrong..."


There was silence.

Everyone looked at this scene with dull eyes again!

what happened?

The eighth prince actually knelt in front of Prince Lin and begged for mercy?

What else are you calling him?


...Don’t mention it, it seems that you really didn’t shout wrong? !

The scene in front of them was so dramatic that many people were stunned!

I thought that when the Eighth Prince provoked Prince Lin today, he would witness a confrontation between the imperial court and Prince Lin's palace.

Who would have thought that before this even started, the Eighth Prince, who was so arrogant before, would suddenly give in? !

Are you so cowardly?

Did you even call your brother-in-law?

Not to mention the people present, even Lin Jiangnian was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the Eighth Prince would come like this?

Kneel down and beg for mercy?

"Brother-in-law, I was wrong. Brother-in-law, please don't hit me..."

The Eighth Prince gave in!

It’s so cowardly!

He knew that if he didn't give in today, he might not kneel down and beg for mercy later!

He knew very well... Lin Jiangnian in front of him really dared to hit him!

Others may be afraid of his status as a prince and dare not touch him, but Lin Jiangnian taught him an unforgettable lesson last time!

The beating was still vivid in my mind!

Instead of waiting to be beaten and kneeling down to beg for mercy, it is better to skip the process and beg for mercy directly!

Besides, he calls Lin Jiangnian brother-in-law, and it doesn't sound that shameful for his brother-in-law to kneel down to his brother-in-law... at least it's better than being beaten and begging for mercy!

After calculating the pros and cons in his mind, the Eighth Prince immediately made the right choice.

This also made Lin Jiangnian, who had originally planned to slap him, feel a little reluctant to do so for a moment.

"Get up!"

"I don't!"

The eighth prince knelt directly in front of Lin Jiangnian, barely holding his thigh: "I was wrong. I shouldn't have provoked the emperor's brother-in-law. For the sake of the emperor's, please don't care about me like this. Let me go." Bar!"

The eighth prince looked miserable, like a child who had made a mistake and begged for forgiveness.

"You know you're wrong?"

Lin Jiangnian looked down at him.

"I know, I know!" The Eighth Prince nodded repeatedly.

"Do you dare to do it next time?"

"I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore!"


This kid was so knowledgeable that Lin Jiangnian was a little hesitant to start.

Just imagine, after what happened today, this kid will probably be beaten severely when he goes back. In this case, let him go for now.

At this time, Jiang Shaoan, who had long since regained his freedom, stared at the scene in front of him in stunned silence.

Doubt life!

Perhaps, he could never imagine this scene in his life!

This eighth prince used to need his fawning. At this moment, he was like a child who had made a mistake, kneeling in front of his cousin and begging for mercy!

This scene had a huge impact on Jiang Shaoan!

In the past, the eighth prince, who even he had to fawn over and treat with caution, was now so humblely begging for his cousin's forgiveness.

This reminded Jiang Shaoan of how he actually found a way to deal with his cousin before... Is the real big shot next to him, or is it his cousin, who can actually do such a stupid thing? !

At this moment, Jiang Shaoan felt ashamed.

But at the same time, there is an inexplicable sense of pride in my heart!

This is his cousin!

It's his cousin Jiang Shaoan!

Noticing the shocked looks of those around him, Jiang Shaoan felt very happy!

It was as if these people were looking at him with shock and admiration. The feeling of being admired made Jiang Shaoan extremely excited!

My cousin is here!

From now on, who in this capital would dare to look down upon him?

Who dares to offend him? !

Just when Jiang Shaoan was feeling relaxed, he suddenly heard Lin Jiangnian calling him: "Jiang Shaoan?"


Jiang Shaoan walked to his cousin excitedly, his face full of joy: "What's wrong?!"

At this time, Jiang Shaoan was completely impressed by his cousin!

He secretly made up his mind to hug his cousin's thigh to the death!

"How about it? I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the Eighth Prince who was kneeling on the ground: "Have you done what you promised?"

Jiang Shaoan said excitedly: "Cousin, you, you are so amazing!"

"Stop criticizing."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him and then at the Eighth Prince on the ground: "Come, the opportunity for revenge is right in front of you..."

With that said, Lin Jiangnian pointed to the Eighth Prince on the ground: "Slap him!"


Hearing this, Jiang Shaoan's head jumped suddenly, his face suddenly stiffened, and he hesitated: "I, I..."



Jiang Shaoan glanced at the eighth prince on the ground. Although he felt very happy when he saw the usually aloof eighth prince kneeling in front of his cousin and begging for mercy.

I also remembered that after I was beaten by the Eighth Prince last time, I wanted to take revenge angrily!

But now, is he really allowed to slap the Eighth Prince?

He still doesn't dare!


Lin Jiangnian saw through Jiang Shaoan's mind, this kid was a bastard. The mouth blowing was so powerful that it really made him come, and he was stunned in seconds!


Lin Jiangnian slapped him on the head: "You have no future at all, go back and stay here, and don't go out anymore if you have nothing to do!"


Jiang Shaoan covered his head in grievance.

"Okay, stop kneeling and get up!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the eighth prince on the ground.

When the Eighth Prince saw that Lin Jiangnian really stopped beating him, he felt relieved, quickly got up from the ground, and approached him with a face full of hospitality.


"Shut up, don't call me brother-in-law!"

"Okay brother-in-law!"



The eighth prince was about to speak when he was warned by Lin Jiangnian's eyes. He felt a little aggrieved and muttered in a low voice: "Didn't you ask me to shout?"

The Eighth Prince still remembered very clearly what happened when he saw Lin Jiangnian and the imperial sister last time on a cruise in Nanhu Lake. Their relationship was very wrong.

Especially this time he heard that the imperial sister and Lin Jiangnian were trapped in the secret room... If it really didn't matter, how could they be trapped in the secret room together?

Besides, he didn't admit that Lin Jiangnian was his brother-in-law last time, but it was Lin Jiangnian who forced him to call him brother-in-law.

Why don't you let him shout now?

"You kid, be more honest in the capital from now on. If I find you being arrogant and domineering and bullying others, watch how I whip you!"

Lin Jiangnian warned.

The Eighth Prince immediately vowed: "Absolutely not!"

"Okay, get out!"

The excitement is almost over, and it has taught the eighth prince a profound lesson. Don’t look at the relief this boy feels now, thinking he has escaped!

After returning home, at least one more beating will be necessary.

"Xu Lan, let's go!"

Lin Jiangnian turned around and returned to Xu Lan, who was watching the excitement at the table not far away, and greeted her to get ready to go back.


Xu Lan seemed to have just come back to her senses, and raised her eyes to look at Lin Jiangnian, her eyes a little burning.

At this moment, her face was slightly red, as if she had applied a layer of rouge. She bit her lower lip lightly, seeming a little excited, with a blush on her face.

The eyes are full and the eyes are full of autumn water!

And that touch of red rhyme seems more like a touch of... flush! Apply it on her delicate face to fully reveal the girl's beauty.

Just like a young girl in Huaichun seeing her sweetheart, the deep love rushes towards her face and cannot be stopped!

Warm and generous!

Hot again!

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