Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 435 Chen Zhao is not dead?

"Is there any flowers on my face?"

Seeing that Xu Lan was still staring at him, Lin Jiangnian patted her little head: "Okay, don't be dumbfounded, let's go!"

Xu Lan, who came back to her senses after being patted lightly by Lin Jiangnian, had a pretty face and blushed, snorted softly, and looked away shyly.


Her face was a little hot and her chest was beating loudly. Xu Lan's eyes were filled with tears and her mood was complicated.

at the same time……

Her delicate body felt inexplicably weak.

In my mind, I was still thinking about the scene that just happened... When did this guy become so powerful?

Xu Lan remembered that a year ago, Lin Jiangnian didn't know any martial arts at all. But how long has it been? When did this guy become so powerful? !

These guards of the Eighth Prince couldn't even resist a single move in front of him.

Just now, Xu Lan watched in confusion as Lin Jiangnian knocked down the guards who were blocking his way in an understatement, and then came to the Eighth Prince in front of him as if he was in a deserted place.

Immediately afterwards, the eighth prince, who had been arrogant and domineering before, turned pale with fright, kneeling in front of Lin Jiangnian and begging for mercy in public.

This scene made Xu Lan almost hold his breath.

So, so awesome!

A strange feeling emerged from her heart and spread to her whole body, making her feel a little numb. At the same time, her eyes became hot, staring at Lin Jiangnian's figure.

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian was the only one left in her sight.

She looked at the high-spirited white-robed figure not far away, her whole body seemed to be trembling with excitement, and that soft feeling spread throughout her body.

Her breathing began to become increasingly rapid, her strength seemed to be drained from her body, and her legs became weak. There seemed to be a faint smell of moisture emerging.

"Hey, are you still in a daze?"

Lin Jiangnian's words brought Xu Lan's thoughts back again.

But this time, Xu Lan didn't dare to raise his head or refute.

He lowered his head, his face was flushed, and covered by black hair, he could vaguely see that his earlobes seemed to be smeared with a layer of bright red.

She bit her lower lip tightly, stood up with some difficulty, and followed Lin Jiangnian.

Her face was hot and she didn't dare to raise her head to look at him.

"What's wrong with you?"

Lin Jiangnian noticed something was wrong with her and caught a glimpse of the rosy look on Xu Lan's face.

Somewhat inexplicable.

What's wrong with this girl?

Why is he suddenly blushing in public?

"No, it's okay..."

Xu Lan lowered her head and shook her head, her voice hesitant.

"Do you have a fever?"

Lin Jiangnian was puzzled.

"You, you just have a fever!"

Xu Lan was nervous, but she still subconsciously retorted. She raised her eyes and glared at him, then quickly lowered her eyes.

"As long as you don't have a fever, let's go, it's time to go back!"

Seeing that she can still refute, then it must be okay.

At present, Cuixian Residence has gathered a large number of dandies from aristocratic families to watch the fun, and Lin Jiangnian does not intend to stay any longer.

As expected, what happened today will spread quickly. As for the impact, it is not Lin Jiangnian's concern.

He led Xu Lan downstairs and left.

Xu Lan followed Lin Jiangnian step by step, lowering his head. From time to time, he quietly raised his head and looked at Lin Jiangnian's back.

The two of them went downstairs one after another, walked out of Cuixianju, and came to the street.

Along the way, Xu Lan was still walking behind Lin Jiangnian. He lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking.

The blush on her face never faded.

Lin Jiangnian suddenly stopped.

Xu Lan, who was following behind, was caught off guard and bumped into Lin Jiangnian's back.


Xu Lan screamed in pain, as if his head hit a hard stone.

Lin Jiangnian turned around and looked at Xu Lan, who gasped and rubbed his head a little rashly, and wondered: "What's wrong with you? You don't even have eyes when you walk?"

Ever since she was still in Cuixianju, something was wrong with this girl.

I have been in a daze since I came out. I don’t know what I was thinking about?

So lost in thought?

"No, it's okay!"

Xu Lan rubbed her forehead. Being hit like this finally knocked her back to consciousness.

She raised her eyes and glanced at Lin Jiangnian, her face turned red and she bit her lip: "Did you bump into me on purpose?"

"Who hit whom?"


Xu Lan knew she was guilty and looked away.

But after a while, he turned his head again, stared at Lin Jiangnian for a while, and couldn't help but say: "Hey!"

"When did you become so powerful?"

"Isn't this prince always very powerful?"


Xu Lan curled her lips and said: "When you were still in Prince Lin's Mansion a year ago, you didn't know any martial arts at all, and you couldn't even compete with me!"


Faced with Xu Lan's doubts, Lin Jiangnian smiled half-heartedly: "But how do I remember that even a year ago, someone couldn't beat my son?"


Xu Lan naturally thought of that time a year ago, and her face immediately became embarrassed and annoyed: "Then, that wasn't you sneak attack on me?!"

"If you really want to take action, you can't be my opponent!"

At that time, Xu Lan could be considered to be at the ninth level of strength. Although he was not much better than a rookie, he could still use some skills. Under normal circumstances, Lin Jiangnian was definitely not her opponent, but that time Lin Jiangnian was During the sneak attack, he used his size advantage to successfully pin Xu Lan.

The main reason is to bully her for her lack of actual combat experience!

Xu Lan feels an inexplicable sense of shame every time she thinks of this!

Seeing her embarrassment, Lin Jiangnian smiled and stopped provoking her.


Xu Lan snorted softly and waited until the strange feeling in his body gradually subsided. Then he thought of something again and couldn't help but look him up and down: "Then, what's your strength now?!"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and said, "According to a rough estimate, it should be around the fourth grade, right?"

"Fourth grade?!!"

Xu Lan opened her beautiful eyes in disbelief, full of shock.

She originally thought that judging from Lin Jiangnian's action just now, Lin Jiangnian's fifth-level strength was already quite powerful!

After all, stepping into the fifth level can be regarded as officially entering the ranks of masters.

It’s almost unbelievable that you can go from the beginning of martial arts to the fifth level in one year!

Unexpectedly, he actually took one step closer and reached the fourth level? !

Is that human being? !

Xu Lan's eyes were blank, and she felt an indescribable feeling of... loss?

Originally, this guy was not as good as me, but I didn't expect that he had already left her so far behind...

But soon, this feeling of disappointment disappeared again. Instead, the indescribable strangeness in his heart emerged again.

"Are you still human?!"

Xu Lan couldn't help but said.

From not knowing any martial arts to level four in one year?

"How did you do it?"

"Want to know?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her.

Xu Lan nodded.

"Actually, it can be summed up in just four words!"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and said the right nonsense: "Diligence, and..."



Perhaps due to Lin Jiangnian's blow, Xu Lan spoke very little today.

She is always inexplicably taciturn, and she can be seen blushing from time to time.

The whole person's state is not quite right.

Especially when Lin Jiangnian asked her whether she would go back to Jiang Mansion first or directly to Xu Mansion. According to past experience, Xu Lan would probably follow Lin Jiangnian back to Jiang Mansion first. After all, Xiao Lu was still at the house.

But today, Xu Lan didn't know what happened. After hesitating for a while, he decided to go back to Xu Mansion directly.

Although Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised, he didn't say anything. After sending Xu Lan back to the Xu Mansion, he turned back and went home.

Xu Mansion.

Xu Lan walked lightly back to the house, but Xiao Lu hadn't come back yet. When the maid saw the young lady coming back, she came forward to greet her. When she noticed that the young lady's face was red, she quickly stepped forward to ask with concern.

Xu Lan waved her hand, sent the maid away, and returned to the small courtyard where she lived alone. Walk into the room and close the door behind your back.

Immediately afterwards, as if he had reached the extreme limit of support, Xu Lan lost all his strength, his legs became weak, he staggered and almost fell to the ground. Take a deep breath and push yourself to the back of the screen. Then, he fell down on the bed, wrapped himself in the quilt, and rolled over.

His head was buried in the quilt, and he didn't know what he was thinking about. It wasn't until he seemed out of breath for a long time that he lifted the quilt, revealing a red face that was suppressed.

Xu Lan bit her lower lip lightly, her eyes were blank, she didn't know what she was thinking, and her face was filled with the look of a young girl in spring.


After a while, a faint sigh came from the room.

Xu Lan sat up and continued to be in a daze.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the room.


It's Xiao Lu's voice.

Little Green is back.

"come in."

Xu Lan spoke.

Xiao Lu opened the door and walked in with a resentful look: "Miss, how could you leave Xiao Lu and come back alone?!"

Xiaolu angrily came to hold his lady accountable!

Xu Lan slightly blushed and felt guilty: "I, I'm a little uncomfortable... Just, I'll come back first!"

"Ah? Miss, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Hearing that the young lady was not feeling well, Xiao Lu's previous complaints immediately disappeared. He quickly stepped forward and saw that his young lady's face was flushed. He asked with concern: "Miss, what's wrong with you? Shall I call the doctor?!"

"No, it's okay..."

Xu Lan waved her hands quickly, "I, I'm fine... take a rest, I'm much better!"

Xiao Lu looked nervously at her young lady: "Miss, please don't scare me. You must tell me if you feel uncomfortable?!"


Xu Lan nodded, her face slightly red.

Then I remembered something: "By the way, where is grandpa?"

She remembered that she wanted to tell her grandfather about her return to Linjiang City!

Thinking of this, Xu Lan struggled to get up, but as soon as he made a move, he felt a little uncomfortable again.

Then I realized something...

"Little Green."


"Go prepare hot water, I, I'll take a shower first!"

Xiaolu didn't notice the strange color on the young lady's face and nodded: "Okay!"


Bath room.

In the steaming bathroom, after preparing the hot water, Xu Lan kicked out Xiao Lu, who was about to take a bath for her.

Close the bathroom door and lock it!

Xiao Lu was left standing outside the door, a little confused...

Miss, what happened today?

In the past, she was the one who waited on the young lady to bathe and change clothes, but today she was kicked out by the young lady for no reason... Did the young lady dislike her?

Also, why is the lady acting weird today?

Xiao Lu was thinking wildly.

In the bathroom, Xu Lan walked to the edge of the bath and began to take off her clothes.

Today, she went out for a walk and stayed in a restaurant for a while. When she came back, she felt sticky and uncomfortable. This made her, who loves to be clean, decide to take a shower first.

Untie the belt at the waist and slowly take off the light green dress, followed by the lining... Soon, the girl's delicate white body was looming in the mist-filled bathroom!

At this time, Xu Lan seemed to have discovered something when she glanced at the intimate clothes she had just taken off.

Water damage?

After taking a glance, Xu Lan's face instantly turned red with embarrassment, her cheeks were hot, and she instantly recalled her experience in the restaurant not long ago.

She looked shy and threw it aside in a panic. At the same time, he subconsciously glanced left and right in a panic, and only after making sure that no one was around, he felt relieved.

Fortunately, she kicked Xiao Lu out in advance today, otherwise if Xiao Lu found out... she would definitely be laughed to death!

Thinking of this, Xu Lan bit her lower lip lightly, walked out of the swimming pool in a panic, and soaked herself in the pool. Feeling the feeling of being wrapped in hot water, I finally found a sense of security.

Xu Lan huddled in the swimming pool, her face as red as blood, thinking about what happened today, and couldn't recover for a long time.

The scene of today's experience at Zuixianju Restaurant is still vivid in her mind, which reminds Xu Lan of the time at Prince Lin's Mansion a year ago...

That experience was still fresh in her memory.

And today, the same is true...

Feeling the strange changes in her body, Xu Lan lowered her head, wishing she could immerse herself in the water. But for some reason, although Xu Lan was shy in her heart, her breathing was still rapid, vaguely mixed with a bit of excitement...

Xu Lan had long noticed that she had some strange's hard to describe!

She doesn't know why this is happening!

This made her a little confused and at a loss.

She was already so shy that she felt ashamed, but the thoughts that came to her mind unknowingly made her very excited.

Completely uncontrollable impulse!

Especially when I think of Lin Jiangnian, this feeling becomes even stronger!

As this exciting thought emerged, Xu Lan couldn't help but tighten her legs while soaking in the bath. Her face turned red, and she twisted uneasily under the bath.

After a while, the dust settled in the bathroom and it became quiet.

A muttering voice sounded, mixed with a hint of embarrassment.

"Xu Lan, you..."

"What a pervert!"


the other side.

After sending Xu Lan back to Xu Mansion, Lin Jiangnian planned to return to Jiang Mansion. But in the alley outside Jiang Mansion, he was blocked by a figure.

In the alley.

A figure in white was leaning quietly outside the courtyard wall, waiting for him quietly.

White clothes beat snow!

The cool wind blew up the hem of her skirt, and also blew up a strand of her black hair, revealing her stunningly beautiful silhouette.

Incomparable coolness!

Spring has clearly begun and the weather is getting warmer. But when I saw her, I still seemed to feel the severe cold of winter.


Li Miaomiao, whom she hadn't seen for a few days, suddenly came to the door.

Lin Jiangnian was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the eldest princess would take the initiative to come to him?


However, when I saw the chill gradually spreading over the eldest princess.

Lin Jiangnian quickly realized something again!

Did her illness happen again?

A few days have passed since returning from the palace. Calculating the time, it is time for the eldest princess's suppressed chill to break out?


"Did you come all the way to wait for me?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her.

In the alley, Li Miaomiao's cold and unparalleled eyes fell on him and nodded.

Lin Jiangnian understood, and it was indeed aimed at him.

"Where to go?"

Lin Jiangnian hesitated whether to take the eldest princess back to Jiang Mansion.

The eldest princess glanced at him, turned around, and left.

Lin Jiangnian hesitated and followed.

In the middle of Beijing, in a residential courtyard.

inside the room.

Lin Jiangnian lay weakly on the ground, breathing heavily.

His face was pale, as if he had overindulged in sex, and was extremely weak.

Every time he helps Li Miaomiao suppress the coldness in his body, Lin Jiangnian's internal energy is almost exhausted and the loss is serious.

After several treatments, Lin Jiangnian also discovered the clues.

He used his pure Yang Xuanyang mind method to forcibly refine the yin cold energy in Li Mianmiao's body. When Li Mianmiao inhaled the internal energy, the cold energy was being refined and absorbed by her body at the same time.

To be precise, Lin Jiangnian exerted both energy and strength, resulting in huge losses.

Lin Jiangnian today is still too weak!

His current strength is still far from Li Miaomiao, which also means that every time he tries his best, he can only suppress the chill in her body.

Very reluctantly!

If Lin Jiangnian could reach Li Miaomiao's level, or even surpass her in terms of internal strength, maybe it wouldn't be so difficult!

However, compared to the feeling of weakness that was almost drained at the beginning, the two subsequent times were obviously much better.

Lin Jiangnian didn't benefit at all. Every time he absorbed the cold air on Li Pianmiao, his strength would rise to the next level.

With these several treatments, Lin Jiangnian could clearly feel that his internal energy was getting stronger and purer.

Vaguely, he also felt that the originally strong and yang mentality in his body seemed to have changed slightly, as if it had absorbed Li Piaomiao's cold energy. For Lin Jiangnian, it is unclear whether this change is good or bad.

Lin Jiangnian, who had lost some strength, lay paralyzed on the ground to rest. After Li Miaomiao recovered, the coldness in his body was suppressed, and he breathed into Lin Jiangnian's body as usual to help him resume his movements.

'help each other! ’

Looking at the cold face of the eldest princess in front of him, there was a vague expression of gentleness. For some reason, Lin Jiangnian was in a daze...

What's going on between him and the eldest princess now?

A relationship of mutual utilization and mutual benefit?

I originally thought there wouldn't be much intersection, but I didn't expect that we suddenly got together again... by accident?

However, the two of them can still see each other in Beijing. After Lin Jiangnian leaves for Linjiang City, it will be difficult to see him again!

What will she do then?


When Lin Jiangnian was thinking, Li Pianmiao seemed to notice something and raised her eyes to look at him.



Lin Jiangnian was about to ask something, but when his words came to his lips, he changed to another thing: "How is the situation in the palace?"


Li Piaomiao said lightly.


Li Piaomiao looked at him puzzled.

"Your crown prince and brother have ascended the throne, and from now on the world has fallen into the hands of you two brothers... The power of you, the eldest princess, will be the same for a while, right?"

Lin Jiang young smiled and spoke.

Li Piaomiao's eyes fell on him and she said nothing.

Lin Jiangnian was right. After Li Cunning came to the throne, the power of the eldest princess in front of her was indeed extraordinary.

She was Li Cunning's most trusted sister, and now she is Li Cunning's biggest right-hand man. Li Cunning not only had great trust in her, but also gave her great power.

This eldest princess has the power to kill first and report later in the capital. She can mobilize all available troops and horses in the capital at any time. Seeing her is like seeing the emperor!

If the eldest princess is in need, any functional department in the capital must cooperate unconditionally... Li Cunning gave her almost all the power he could!

It can be said that even if the eldest princess wants stars in the sky, the newly enthroned emperor will find a way to get two of them.

This kind of power is indeed true, and she is probably the only one in the world who has it.

Li Miaomiao did not answer Lin Jiangnian's question. He slowly lowered his eyes. After a while, he suddenly asked: "When will you return to Linzhou?"


Lin Jiangnian spoke, and then remembered that the eldest princess in front of him seemed to be planning to go to Ruyi Tower.

"And you?"

"Don't know yet."

She spoke expressionlessly.

Lin Jiangnian calculated carefully that the situation in Beijing has not yet completely stabilized, and the eldest princess must cooperate with the new emperor to stay in Beijing to stabilize the situation.

At present, it seems that it will be impossible to escape in the short term.

"Then it seems that we may not see each other a few times?"

Lin Jiang young smiled and said: "Should I say something in advance that we will meet again in the future?"

Li Piaomiao looked indifferently and said nothing.

"By the way, what else did you promise me last time?"

Lin Jiangnian seemed to have thought of something and said, "Show me the mental skills you have learned?!"

Lin Jiangnian had made this request the last time he agreed to 'treat' Li Miaomiao. He wanted to see what kind of mental skills the eldest princess had learned.

Lin Jiangnian now possesses two mental methods, the Xuanyang mental method and the Taigu mental method. Needless to say, the Xuanyang Mind Technique is a secret technique passed down from the Lin family and is also the main technique that Lin Jiangnian relies on to improve his strength.

However, the Tai Gu mental technique learned from Liu Su also helped Lin Jiangnian avoid many plots and poisonings.

But now, he is very curious about the mental skills learned by the eldest princess...

If the most rigid and most yang mind is combined with the most yin and soft mind... what will happen?

"It hasn't been written yet."

Li Piaomiao gave him a calm look: "I'll give it to you next time."

"Okay, then I'll wait!"

Lin Jiangnian got up from the ground after regaining some strength, "If nothing happens, I'll leave first?"

After staying with the eldest princess for a while, it was getting dark.

Li Piaomiao said nothing, looked at him quietly, and nodded silently.

Lin Jiangnian walked to the door of the room, opened the door and walked out.

Soon, a sneaky figure was spotted under the eaves.


After taking a closer look, the figure hiding under the eaves, who else could it be if it wasn't Jinxiu?

"Your Highness?!"

Jinxiu stood under the eaves prettyly, looking at him with a beautiful smile. But for some reason, his eyes looked a little guilty.

"What are you doing?"


Jinxiu blinked and looked up at the sky: "I haven't done anything. Is this slave...basking in the sun?"

This maid has also learned to tell lies with open eyes.


Lin Jiangnian didn't expose it, waved his hand at her, and left.

"Your Highness, walk slowly!"

Jinxiu stood there, watching Lin Jiangnian leave with bright eyes. It wasn't until the figure completely disappeared that he looked back.

Then, walk into the room under the eaves.

inside the room.

The eldest princess in a long white dress was still sitting cross-legged on the ground. When Jinxiu came closer, she took a closer look at her princess and couldn't help but be amazed.

Surprised and excited!

This time, she saw with her own eyes that the coldness in her princess's body was suppressed by the Crown Prince. The princess looks much more normal after the cold is gone, and her complexion is much healthier!

There are signs of improvement!

"Princess, that's great!"

As if she had thought of something, Jinxiu couldn't help but said in surprise: "Your Highness, since he can really suppress the coldness in your body, Princess, maybe there is still a chance to completely cure the Princess!"

Li Piaomiao said nothing, looking coldly at the door of the room, wondering what she was thinking.

"By the way, princess..."

Jinxiu seemed to remember something and moved closer: "Princess, have you told His Highness the Crown Prince about the suggestion I made last time?"

"...Princess, don't believe it. That's what is written in the book. It is definitely not groundless..."

"It's better to give it a try. Anyway, there's nothing to lose if you give it a try..."

"What does dual cultivation mean? The novel didn't write it in detail. It just said that there is a man and a to do it specifically?"

"...Princess, why don't you speak? Why are you still looking at this slave with such strange eyes?"


Jiang Mansion.

When Lin Jiangnian returned to his house, he noticed that something was not right about the atmosphere in his house.

Somewhat dull.

Lin Jiangnian called Lin Qingqing and asked about the situation.

Lin Qingqing hesitated and explained, "Your Highness, the Jiangnan family received a letter this afternoon!"

"Jiangnan Jiang family?"

Lin Jiangnian was stunned when he heard the news, but he was not surprised.

Someone from the Jiang family was coming, something he had expected for a long time.

Last year Jiang Yuxiang escaped from the Jiang family and ran all the way to the capital to avoid the limelight. Although she briefly escaped the forced marriage, the Jiang family did not intend to let her go so easily.

Lin Jiangnian predicted that someone from the Jiang family would come after the new year, and planned to take his aunt back to the Prince's Mansion and run away.

Unexpectedly, the letter came first before the people came?

However, just a letter, how could it make the atmosphere in the house so dull?

Lin Qingqing shook her head: "I don't know the specific situation, but I seem to have heard that... something happened to the Jiang family in Jiangnan!"

"Something happened?"

Lin Jiangnian frowned slightly, what could happen to the Jiang family?

"My subordinate is not sure. Your Highness may be able to find out something by asking Miss Jiang." Lin Qingqing said.

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and came to his aunt's courtyard.

In the room, Jiang Yuxiang was indeed there. In addition to aunt, Zhiyuan and Xiaozhu were also there. Zhiyuan was sitting next to aunt, softly comforting something.

The aunt's face was obviously not very good-looking.


Lin Jiangnian walked into the room and asked, "What happened?"

"Jiang Nian..."

My aunt, who used to be cheerful and lively, now looked a little sad. She glanced at Lin Jiangnian and said worriedly: "Maybe something happened to the Jiang family in Jiangnan?"

"What's the matter?" Lin Jiangnian asked.

The aunt sighed: "A letter came from the Jiang family, saying that the old man's health suddenly collapsed a few years ago, and he was seriously ill and could not afford it... I'm afraid time is running out!"

Lin Jiangnian was slightly startled when he heard the news.

Mr. Jiang?

His grandfather he never met? !

Time is running out?

Lin Jiangnian frowned: "Isn't the old man in good health? Why did he suddenly fall ill?"

He remembered that there was news a few years ago that Mr. Jiang was still in good health, so why did he suddenly fall ill?

"I don't know, the specific situation was not written in the letter..."

Jiang Yuxiang frowned and hesitated: "The old man is usually in good health, why did he suddenly fall ill?"

"Where's the letter?"

Lin Jiangnian asked.

Jiang Yuxiang handed the letter to Lin Jiangnian, who took it and looked down at it.

"Mr. Jiang is seriously ill. Do you want me to go back as soon as possible?"

At this point, Lin Jiangnian looked at Jiang Yuxiang and wondered, "Is this a trick to trick auntie into going back?"

Jiang Yuxiang sighed: "I suspect it's a fake, but this letter is an urgent report from Jiangnan. Not only is it asking me to go back, but it's also asking the second brother and the others to go back..."

She did wonder if this was a trick by the old man to trick her into getting married. After all, the old man was in good health, so why did he suddenly fall ill?

But the content of the letter was very genuine and did not seem fake. What's more, if it's false, why bother making up such an outrageous reason?

What's more important is that the old man has a very high status in Jiang Yuxiang's heart. Although Jiang Yuxiang is not from the Jiang family, Mr. Jiang treats her like his own daughter. Now I know that the old man is seriously ill and will die soon. It would be fine if it is a lie, but what if it is true...?

"Auntie, don't worry!"

Lin Jiangnian comforted his aunt and said: "For such a big matter, it is impossible for Jiangnan to send just a letter. The letter said that the people they sent from Jiangnan are already on the way, and they will be able to do it in the next few days." Go to the capital and wait until they arrive to see if it’s true or not!”

Jiang Yuxiang was worried, but there was no other good solution at the moment. He could only nod slightly and suppress the worries in his heart for the time being.

"I hope it's fake."

Jiang Yuxiang sighed softly: "I hope it's a better trick they want to trick me into going back to get married."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at his aunt, chuckled and said, "Auntie, are you willing to go back and get married?"

"What? I hope your aunt will get married?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yuxiang raised her eyes and glared at him.

"Of course not."

Lin Jiangnian said: "Don't worry, aunt. If aunt doesn't want to get married, no one in the world can force you!"

"That's pretty much it!"

Being interrupted by Lin Jiangnian, Jiang Yuxiang's expression improved slightly.

He added: "The news has just reached my brother and sister-in-law. They should be quite worried now."

After saying that, Jiang Yuxiang stood up: "I have to go talk to them."

After Jiang Yuxiang left, Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan were left in the room. Lin Jiangnian came to sit next to her, held her little hand, and played with it gently: "Zhiyuan, what do you think?"

Zhiyuan's cold eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian, he seemed to think about it and nodded.


"It doesn't look fake."

She spoke softly.

Zhiyuan's intuition has always been accurate. When Lin Jiangnian said this, the smile on Lin Jiangnian's face faded slightly: "You mean... something might really have happened to Mr. Jiang?"

Zhiyuan was silent and nodded.

"Why are you so sure?"

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment and then said: "The old man will not do such a thing."

"Although he really hopes that his aunt will get married, he can't deceive her with such things..."

Zhiyuan grew up in the Jiang family in Jiangnan and knew Mr. Jiang very well.

The dignified Jiang family, as one of the largest aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River, would use this kind of news to trick their daughter into coming back to get married. It would be a bit ridiculous if it spread out.

Well, since I don’t want to trick my aunt into going back! It means that something is probably really wrong with Mr. Jiang!

"You were fine some time ago, why did you suddenly fall ill?"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was sure that something had probably happened to Mr. Jiang. Lin Jiangnian was keenly aware that something was wrong.

Mr. Jiang is still in good health, so he can't suddenly fall ill for no reason. He doesn't have much time left, unless it's...

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes, and Zhiyuan also happened to look at him. The two looked at each other, and soon discovered the meaning behind the other's eyes.

"There's something fishy!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke.

"Yeah." Zhiyuan nodded.

"Send someone to check first."

Lin Jiangnian said: "Let the agents stationed in Jiangnan find out what's going on!"


Zhiyuan still nodded.

"Then, what's your plan next?"

Knowing that something might have happened to Mr. Jiang, Lin Jiangnian's original plan was shattered.

Originally, he planned to take Zhiyuan, his aunt, and the others back to Linzhou first. Now that something happened to Mr. Jiang, I'm afraid his next itinerary will have to change.

"Would you like to go to Jiangnan first?"

Lin Jiangnian thought that if something happened to Mr. Jiang, he would not be able to ignore it.

Zhiyuan looked at Lin Jiangnian quietly and nodded softly: "Anything is fine."

For her, it's all acceptable.

However, Lin Jiangnian was hesitant.

His original plan was to get married to Zhiyuan immediately after returning to Linjiang City.

But something happened to the Jiang family, causing the plan to be delayed. I feel a little sorry for Zhiyuan!

Zhiyuan seemed to read Lin Jiangnian's thoughts, and took the initiative to hold Lin Jiangnian's hand. Looking into Lin Jiangnian's eyes, she shook her head gently and said softly: "I'm fine."

"Business matters."

"I also want to go see the old man first..."

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian was moved. He squeezed Zhiyuan's hand and nodded.


On the side, Xiaozhu, who was listening to the conversation between His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan, blushed and covered his eyes.

The fingers are opened wide... peeking!


The sudden letter from Jiangnan disrupted Lin Jiangnian's plan, but the impact was not great.

Originally, I wanted to go all the way south and go back to Linjiang City, but now I just changed my route. I first went all the way east to Jiangnan, and then took the waterway from Jiangnan back to Linzhou.

The Jiang family is located in the southeast of Daning Dynasty, in Chuzhou. It is not far from Linzhou. It only takes more than half a month to travel from Chuzhou to Linzhou.

In this way, slight changes in the plan will not affect it. At most, it will be delayed for some time.

But just when Lin Jiangnian had almost finished settling the affairs in Beijing and was waiting for someone from Jiangnan, Lin Qingqing suddenly appeared and sent Lin Jiangnian a letter.

"Your Highness, someone has sent you a letter!"

Lin Qingqing walked into the yard holding a letter.

"Who sent it?"

Lin Jiangnian asked.

"I don't know, but the identity of the other party is mysterious. I left a letter for my subordinates to give to you and then left."

Lin Qingqing sent the letter. The letter was very simple and left no trace.

Lin Jiangnian opened the letter. The handwriting on the letter was very delicate, obviously a woman's handwriting!

Lin Jiangnian recognized it at a was Liu Su's handwriting.

There is a very light fragrance on the rice paper, which is very similar to the fragrance on Liu Su's body.

There are only four words in the letter!

But when he saw these four words, Lin Jiangnian's eyes suddenly froze.

I saw the letter clearly written - "Chen Zhao is not dead!"

This very simple sentence shocked Lin Jiangnian.

Chen Zhao is not dead? !

Staring at the four words on the letter, Lin Jiangnian's eyes gradually became serious.

He always felt that Chen Zhao's death was strange!

Chen Zhao had been setting up the trap for so many years, lurking beside the emperor, but once he took action, he died neatly at the hands of Zhiyuan...

Although Zhiyuan's martial arts skills are very high, Chen Zhao will indeed suffer serious losses if he is caught off guard.

But Lin Jiangnian always feels that things are not that simple!

More importantly, Zhiyuan also mentioned to him that he felt a little strange when he played against Chen Zhao that day! Zhiyuan vaguely felt that Chen Zhao, who was fighting against him, did not seem to be using his full strength!

It didn’t show the strength it should have at all!

Zhiyuan suspected that Chen Zhao was injured at that time and his strength was no longer at its peak, but he still felt that something didn't make sense?

Could it be that……

The Chen Zhao who was defeated by Zhi Yuan that day was not Chen Zhao?

Is the real Chen Zhao still alive?

In this way, everything seems to be explained...

If Chen Zhao is not dead, and all this is a carefully arranged game by him... then, what is his purpose?

Lin Jiangnian stared at the letter in his hand, thoughtfully.

Also, how did Liu Su know that Chen Zhao was not dead? What was the purpose of suddenly delivering this news to him?

Could it be that Liu Su knew some truth?

Capital, Zhao Mansion.


Zhao Mansion, located in a prosperous area in central Beijing, can be said to occupy one of the best areas in central Beijing.

The mansion is surrounded by mountains and rivers, with beautiful scenery.

Backyard, deep in the mountains.

On a hillside.

A solitary grave stands!

Some tributes were placed in front of the tomb and tribute incense was lit.

Zhao Xi, dressed in a green shirt and white skirt, stood quietly in front of the grave, with a touch of excitement in his eyes.

"Sister Xu, did you know? Chen Zhao is dead..."

"That Chen gelding who harmed your whole family finally deserved his punishment and died..."

"His body was hung outside the city, and he was despised by the people of the world. Your murderer finally got the retribution he deserved, and you can finally rest in peace..."

"It's a pity that I couldn't kill him with my own hands to avenge you..."

Standing in front of the grave, Zhao Xi murmured to himself, with a bit of sadness in his eyes.

"However, sister Xu, don't worry, I will definitely find a way to overturn the case for your Xu family and restore your innocence!"

Zhao Xi seemed to have made up his mind, his eyes clear.

Firm eyes!

Now that Chen Zhao is dead, the biggest scourge in the court has been eradicated, and the new emperor has ascended the throne. Those loyal ministers who died unjustly after being framed by Chen Zhao finally had a chance to restore their innocent reputations.

"Sister Xu, then I'll come see you next time..."

Zhao Xi slowly put away his eyes, turned around, and went down the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, a maid has been waiting for a long time.

"Miss, you are back!"

Xiaoyue hurriedly stepped forward to greet him and said, "Prince Lin is here. I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Hearing this, Zhao Xi was slightly startled. Immediately afterwards, a hint of joy appeared in her beautiful eyes.

The original dull color disappeared and was replaced by a bright luster.

"When did he come?!"

"I've been here for a while. I'm waiting for you in the courtyard!"

Hearing the news, Zhao Xi's eyes jumped with joy and he quickly left the back mountain. Her steps were brisk, as if she couldn't wait.

Like a woman in early spring, she can't wait to see her sweetheart.

That feeling of joy could not be hidden no matter what.

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