Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 436 Continue the confrontation with Zhao Xi

It was a sunny day in early spring.

The dead trees in the yard had sprouted new buds, the flowers in the corners of the wall were bright, and after a winter of slumber, the green grass gradually emerged.

A scene of prosperity in the new year.

Zhao Xi walked into the yard with brisk steps.

The breeze blew on her face, and the warm sun fell on her, reflecting her slender and graceful figure.

She wore a plain and elegant long skirt, a straight-collared and double-breasted light gauze jacket on her shoulders, and a light green tube top inside, which made her clothes look majestic and full.

She had a plain face and no makeup, but she still couldn't hide her stunning appearance. Her beautiful eyes were bright, as if she was filled with some joy.

Under the blue-bottomed skirt with white flowers, the slender and long white legs were wrapped, and she was walking into the yard in a pair of light blue and white embroidered shoes.

She seemed to be impatient!

Until she walked through the courtyard, walked onto the arch bridge in the courtyard, and looked up. A familiar figure appeared in her sight.

At this moment, Zhao Xi, who was originally walking briskly, suddenly slowed down a little, as if she had seen the person in her heart, and a strange light burst out from her beautiful eyes.

Then, this light was quickly hidden and disappeared.

But on that exquisite face, the corners of her mouth were slightly upturned. And that faint smile that could not be concealed appeared, but it had already betrayed all her thoughts.

In the courtyard.

In the open space in front of the courtyard building, under the old locust tree.

A young man in a green robe was slowly leaning on the swing under the old locust tree. After a cold winter, the swing was quietly swaying in the wind.

The young man on the swing closed his eyes slightly to rest, and his face was full of relaxation.

Leisure, comfortable.

Until, gradually heard the soft footsteps coming from not far away. Lin Jiangnian, who was on the swing, raised his eyes slightly and caught a glimpse of the proud figure that appeared in his sight not far away.

On the arch bridge, Zhao Xi's beautiful figure was stretched long under the sunlight. She was walking towards him with gentle steps.

One step, two steps, three steps... soon, approaching.

The air was filled with a light fragrance like gardenia, and it seemed to be mixed with a little female body fragrance. It was refreshing to smell a little.

"Your Highness, you are really in a good mood!"

As he approached, Zhao Xi stopped and looked up at the man who was swinging leisurely in front of him, and couldn't help but speak.

"It's OK."

Lin Jiangnian still leaned lazily on the swing, looking up at the beautiful face in front of him, "I'm waiting for Miss Zhao, I'm just sitting there doing nothing..."

"Oh, I'm flattered!"

Zhao Xi smiled, and there seemed to be a hint of sadness in her beautiful eyes: "I feel really honored to have the busy prince wait for me personally..."

Why does this sound a bit weird?

Lin Jiangnian looked up and saw that Zhao Xi was still smiling. But there seemed to be a strange emotion in those beautiful eyes.

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "I haven't seen you for a few days, Miss Zhao seems to be even more eloquent!"

"How can I compare to His Highness?"

Zhao Xi smiled: "Compared to the eloquent His Highness, I am far behind~"

"Miss Zhao, are you playing tricks on me?"

"Did Your Highness just find out?"

Zhao Xi smiled lightly, with a mischievous look on her face.


Lin Jiangnian said in a deep voice: "Miss Zhao dared to provoke this prince, what crime should she be punished for?!"

Zhao Xi's delicate face smiled even more, and she looked into Lin Jiangnian's eyes, without any fear in her eyes!

On the contrary, she became even bolder!

"What crime do you think my Highness should be punished for?"

"Of course it's a capital crime, unforgivable."

Lin Jiangnian slowly got up from the swing, approached Zhao Xi, came to her, and quietly looked at her beautiful face without any flaws, especially the faint shining star-like brilliance in her eyes, which made his heart beat even more.

"However, if Miss Zhao is willing to beg for mercy and admit her fault, and agree to a few conditions from me, I can consider it and spare Miss Zhao's life!"

"Tsk, you wish!"

Hearing this, Zhao Xi's face immediately flushed slightly, wondering if he was thinking of something.

Beg for mercy and admit her fault?

And agree to a few conditions from him?

What good conditions can they be?

Zhao Xi glanced at him lightly: "This is the Zhao Mansion, my home. Your Highness broke into a private house, and you haven't given me an explanation yet?"

"Your Highness, aren't you afraid that I will tell my father about this and report you to His Majesty?"


Lin Jiangnian shook his head.

"Your Highness, do you think I won't do this?"

"That's not the case!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her with a smile: "I think Miss Zhao wouldn't dare!"

"Why wouldn't I dare?"

"Because I'm shameless."

Lin Jiangnian looked at her seriously: "If Miss Zhao really goes to complain to His Majesty, I'll say that you seduced me first!"

Zhao Xi: "..."

She was stunned, blushing, her eyes widened, and after a while, she gritted her teeth and said: "Your Highness, you're really shameless..."

"Thank you for the compliment!"


In terms of shamelessness, Zhao Xi is obviously not Lin Jiangnian's opponent.

At the beginning, she still had some initiative, but after a series of moves by Lin Jiangnian, how could she, a rookie who had just started out, be a match for Lin Jiangnian, an old man in the arena?

No matter in any aspect, almost completely failed!

As the relationship between the two further developed, Lin Jiangnian, whose words and actions became more and more outrageous, gradually made Miss Zhao feel helpless.

Prince Lin can be shameless, but Zhao Xi cannot!

How could the daughter of the dignified Prime Minister Zhao, the most prestigious daughter of everyone in the capital, be so... obscene like this Prince Lin Wang?


Zhao Xi spat again, his face turned slightly red, and he glared at him.

Seeing Lin Jiangnian's eyes falling on her, looking at her a little wantonly, Zhao Xi felt an indescribable burning feeling in his heart.

The body is slightly weak.

Feeling ashamed and annoyed.

But there was still a bit of joy in his eyes.

Hard to hide.

"What are you looking at?!"

Seeing Lin Jiangnian still staring at her, Zhao Xi couldn't help but roll his eyes at her.

"Can't you see it?"


"My prince wants to see it."


Zhao Xi's fair face was filled with a layer of red, and his expression seemed to be ashamed and angry, and he was extremely beautiful. Especially those beautiful eyes that stared at Lin Jiangnian, vaguely mixed with a hint of complicated emotions.

Lin Jiangnian seemed a little helpless for his 'unreasonable' behavior. You could only stare at him slightly angrily, your face bulging, giving you an inexplicable sense of cuteness!

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian withdrew his gaze and looked at Zhao Xi a few times. He seemed to have thought of something: "Where did Miss Zhao go just now?"

Hearing this, Zhao Xi narrowed his eyes slightly, snorted, and said, "I went to visit Sister Xu."

"Sister Xu?"

Is Zhao Xi going to pay homage to the Xu family sister who was killed by Chen Zhao?

Lin Jiangnian looked at Zhao Xi again and was a little confused: "Where did Miss Zhao go to worship just now?"

Seeing Lin Jiangnian's doubts, Zhao Xi explained softly: "Sister Xu... I will bury her in the mountain behind Zhao Mansion..."

After listening to Zhao Xi's explanation, Lin Jiangnian finally understood what was going on.

At the beginning, the Xu family was framed by Chen Zhao and the whole family was executed. Countless people in the court were afraid to stay away, and no one was able to take care of the Xu family's corpses. It was Zhao Xi who secretly sent people to collect the bodies of the Xu family, so that those of the Xu family who had been framed and died could be buried in peace.

And the sister of the Xu family, who had a very good relationship with Zhao Xi, was secretly buried by Zhao Xi in the mountains behind the Zhao family, and a monument was erected!

From now on, it can be seen that Zhao Xi has a very good relationship with Sister Xu, so he spared no effort to avenge her, even at all costs...

The relationship is so good!

"Now that Chen Zhao is dead, Sister Xu's great revenge has been avenged, and she can rest in peace!"

A touch of relief appeared on Zhao Xi's face, his expression was a little downcast, but there was also an indescribable sense of relief.

Chen Zhao is dead, and all the guardians under him who killed the Xu family that day are also dead!

The great revenge is finally avenged!

The emotions she had been holding tight for a while were released at this moment.

There is an indescribable sense of pleasure.


Lin Jiangnian was hesitant to speak.

"What's wrong?"

Zhao Xi quickly noticed Lin Jiangnian's reaction and looked at him doubtfully.

"There's something I don't know if I should tell you."

Lin Jiangnian hesitated.

Now Zhao Xi looked calm, obviously letting go of his worries. Lin Jiangnian was not sure whether he should tell her the truth or not.

"What's up?"

Seeing Lin Jiangnian's hesitation, Zhao Xi's beautiful eyes gradually became suspicious.

The Prince Lin Wang she knew would not be so hesitant in the past.

"What happened?"

Zhao Xi had a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, after Lin Jiangnian hesitated for a while, he finally sighed softly: "Chen Zhao, it's possible that he's not dead."

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Xi froze on the spot.

The smile that originally appeared on his face disappeared in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a touch of paleness appeared!

She seemed a little stunned and stared at Lin Jiangnian in surprise: "Not dead?!"

"He's not dead?!"


Lin Jiangnian nodded and sighed: "There is just this speculation, but it has not been confirmed yet!"

Zhao Xi fell silent.

The smile gradually disappeared from his face.

She stared at Lin Jiangnian intensely, her tone and breathing gradually becoming a little nervous: "What on earth is going on?"

"How come he's not dead?"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and shook his head: "This matter is quite complicated..."

So, he still expressed his suspicions. He did not mention the letter Liu Su sent him, and after all, it was not confirmed. But even so, after Lin Jiangnian finished speaking, Zhao Xi fell into silence.

His face became more solemn.

As smart as she is, how could she not notice the problem!

Yes, Chen Zhao's death seems a little too simple...

Previously, Zhao Xi learned from the palace that Chen Zhao was dead!

She didn't know the specific details, but she heard that Chen Zhao was planning to rebel and assassinate His Highness the Crown Prince. He was eventually killed by the imperial guards and his body was hung at the entrance of the city wall.

After learning the news, Zhao Xi even went to the city gate himself to confirm that it was indeed Chen Zhao and that Chen Zhao was really dead!

She was extremely excited and happy when she heard the news!

But now, after hearing Lin Jiangnian's suspicion, she also fell into doubt.

Chen Zhao is indeed a master who hides his secrets!

Chen Zhao had been hiding in the palace for so many years, had concealed his plans for so many years, and was a master of unfathomable martial arts. How could he die so easily?

When he realized this problem, Zhao Xi's face turned pale and he raised his eyes to look at Lin Jiangnian: "So, it is most likely that he is not dead?"

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "This possibility cannot be ruled out."

"Then, who is hanging on the city wall?"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while: "It may be Chen Zhao's substitute. He has been in power in the palace for so many years, and his informants are everywhere in the palace. It is not difficult to do this..."

Lin Jiangnian thought of the man impersonating Emperor Ning in the secret room, and it was easy for Chen Zhao to disguise himself.

"So, it's very possible that he's not dead yet..."

Zhao Xi murmured, his eyes dazed.

The joy that had just emerged quietly dissipated with the news brought by Lin Jiangnian.

"Then, if he is still alive, where is he now?"

Zhao Xi raised his eyes and looked at Lin Jiangnian.

"In the palace."

Lin Jiangnian analyzed: "If he is still alive, he will definitely continue to stay in the palace. Maybe he is lurking in a corner, waiting for the opportunity..."

In his mind, a line has been gradually deduced.

The power that Chen Zhao has been operating in the palace for many years will never be destroyed in one fell swoop! There are probably hidden secrets from him in the palace.

For a person who can disguise himself, it is not difficult to hide. If Chen Zhao had not died, he would have definitely found a way to change his identity and continue to hide, secretly continuing his plans.

"In the palace..."

Zhao Xi murmured to himself, but soon, a wry smile appeared on his delicate face: "The palace is so big, how can it be so easy to find him?"

"If he wanted to hide it, it would be impossible to find him."

"That's not necessarily the case!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head lightly: "When the new emperor ascends the throne, the palace will inevitably undergo a round of cleaning, and the informants and cronies Chen Zhao arranged in the palace in the past will gradually be uncovered..."

Having said this, he glanced at Zhao Xi and said, "Don't be too anxious. Since he is lurking in the palace, he will definitely show up again!"

Although it is not clear what Chen Zhao's purpose is, is he to continue to assassinate the prince?

Or maybe there is another purpose?

However, he will definitely show up again!

But Zhao Xi's expression was not very good: "He can lurk in the palace and wait for more than ten years. Who knows how long he will hide this time?"

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian fell silent.


Chen Zhao is so tolerant!

He could tolerate it for more than ten years before, but what if he continues to choose to tolerate it this time?

While he was thinking, he saw Zhao Xi staring at him.

His expression was a little gloomy. After learning the news that Chen Zhao was still alive, the previous joy disappeared.

Zhao Xi stared at Lin Jiangnian like this, seeming to be a little burning, but also having some...different emotions.

"Why do you look at me like this?" Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but ask.

"You promised me."

Zhao Xi bit her lower lip lightly, her tone seemed a little aggrieved: "You promised last time that you would help me kill him..."

"You won't regret it, will you?"


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