Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 437 The beautiful legs that Lin Jiangnian covets

"Don't look at me like that..."

Lin Jiangnian couldn't stand Miss Zhao's faint gaze and coughed lightly.

But Zhao Xi didn't say anything, and still stared at him with such resentment, which made me feel pity for him.

There seemed to be a hint of sadness on that delicate face.

delicate and charming.

It makes people want to take care of them.

Lin Jiangnian sighed secretly in his heart, no wonder so many people from ancient times to the present have trouble escaping beauty!

Not to mention, the Miss Zhao in front of him was a woman who had had close contact with him and had exchanges of hand and foot skills.

The relationship between the two of them has changed!

Plus right now...

"Don't worry, I will definitely not go back on what I promised you."

Lin Jiangnian said.

Since he agreed to help her kill Chen Zhao, this can be regarded as Lin Jiangnian's compensation for her debt, and he will naturally not deny it.


"If Chen Zhaozhen is still alive, he is hiding in the palace. It would be difficult to kill him."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "Unless we can force him to show up!"

But, how can we force Chen Zhao to show up on his own initiative?

It's hard!

Lin Jiangnian's power still cannot reach the palace, so it will be difficult to achieve this. However, there is someone who might be able to do it...

The figure of the eldest princess immediately appeared in Lin Jiangnian's mind. With her influence in the palace, there might be a chance to find out some truth.

Furthermore, given the relationship between Li Miao Miao and Zhao Xi, if Zhao Xi took the initiative to bring it up, Li Miao Miao would not refuse.

However, for Lin Jiangnian, the most important thing right now is to determine one thing - Chen Zhao's life or death!

Everything now is just speculation and hypothesis, and cannot prove Chen Zhao's life and death. And the only clue in the direction is Liu Su!

The letter Liu Su sent to Lin Jiangnian meant that she probably knew the truth. After realizing this, Lin Jiangnian immediately sent Lin Qingqing to inquire about Liu Su's whereabouts.

However, when Lin Qingqing sent someone to enter the inn, Liu Su had already disappeared.

When the letter was delivered to Lin Jiangnian, Liu Su had already quietly left the inn under the eyes of the prince's soldiers.

Where she went is currently unknown.

But if you want to know Chen Zhao's life and death, Liu Su may be the only clue at present.

Lin Jiangnian has sent informants from the central area of ​​​​Beijing to keep an eye on him secretly. As soon as Liu Su shows up, the news will be sent back as soon as possible.

"I hope he is really dead!"

Zhao Xi looked at Lin Jiangnian with dark eyes: "If he hadn't died, wouldn't everything I did before become a joke?"

"That's not the case."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly: "Even if he is really not dead, he will not dare to show up in a short time. When he shows up, it will be his death... Then, I will definitely help you kill him!"

Lin Jiangnian's tone was firm and confident.

It is still unclear whether Chen Zhao is the mysterious master who played against Li Miaomiao on the night of New Year's Eve.

But even if he is, it is certain that his strength has definitely not reached the level of a first-grade master.

As long as Chen Zhao doesn't reach the first rank, Lin Jiangnian will be confident enough to kill him!

If it doesn’t work, isn’t there still the eldest princess?

With the current relationship between him and Li Miaomiao, if he asked her for help... I doubt she would refuse!

More importantly, with the death of Emperor Ning and the crown prince's ascension to the throne, the constraints previously placed in front of the eldest princess no longer exist. As Zhao Xi's good sister, Li Miaomiao will naturally not sit idly by.

Zhao Xi also knew this truth, but he still felt a little depressed.

She originally thought that Chen Zhao was dead and that her great revenge would be avenged, but she didn't expect that the other party might escape from her shell. How could she be happy?


Zhao Xi took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, and smiled bitterly: "The current results are not bad!"

"At least, Chen Zhao's castrated dog has completely lost its power in Beijing!"

Previously, Chen Zhao was the emperor's favorite, a powerful gelding who controlled Mitiansi, and had power over the entire government.

No one dares to touch him easily!

But now, Chen Zhao, who has lost all his power, can only hide and remain anonymous even if he is still alive.

The power of the past is gone, and the many lackeys under his command are gone. All he has left now is his fearsome martial arts.

Compared with the previous situation, it is much better!

Thinking of this, Zhao Xi's previously gloomy look disappeared.

When he looked up at Lin Jiangnian again, there was a hint of color in his eyes: "I hope you won't lie to me, right?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "In Miss Zhao's eyes, is this prince the kind of person who breaks his word?"

"Hard to say."

Zhao Xi looked at him with a faint look and curled his lips: "After all, you are His Highness the Crown Prince and hold a high position. If you regret it at that time, what can I, a weak woman, do? I can only acquiesce, pitifully. accept?"

"Miss Zhao, there is no need to be so arrogant!"

Lin Jiangnian was happy. This woman deliberately retreated in order to advance, right?

A hint of amusement appeared on his face, and he suddenly took a step closer and came to Zhao Xi. He lowered his eyes and looked at her face, which was so close at hand.

It is beautiful, quiet, and gives people an indescribable elegance.

She has lost a bit of youthfulness and gained a bit of femininity. Every gesture and gesture perfectly conforms to everyone's ladylike aesthetic standards.

Seeing Lin Jiangnian suddenly approaching with malicious intent, Zhao Xi blinked and subconsciously leaned back a little, a little wary: "You, what are you doing?"

Lin Jiangnian quietly admired her face, half-smiling but not smiling: "Miss Zhao doesn't have to worry so much that my son will regret it, after all..."

"My prince is still thinking about Miss Zhao's beautiful legs!"

As he spoke, Lin Jiangnian's eyes slowly followed her delicate and beautiful face, passing through the plump and towering parts, across the plain, and finally slowly landed on a pair of slender legs covered by the skirt. On beautiful legs...

Through the skirt, it seems like you can see through the scenery under the skirt at a glance!

On Zhao Xi's face, a hint of blush and panic suddenly appeared. It was completely unexpected that Lin Jiangnian would suddenly say... that he coveted her legs?

Such shameless words?

So straightforward, so bold!

So naked!

Even though Zhao Xi had been mentally prepared after several previous experiences, she still couldn't help but feel ashamed and her face turned red when she heard these words.

At the same time, she noticed that Lin Jiangnian's eyes inadvertently fell on her legs under her skirt. Even though it was covered by the hem of her skirt, for some reason, Zhao Xi still felt an unprecedented sense of excitement!

It was as if every inch of her body was exposed in front of him!

A hot breath emerged from his heart, Zhao Xi subconsciously took two steps back, blushed and glared at him ferociously: "Sigh, you are dirty!"

"Why did Miss Zhao say this?"

Lin Jiangnian slowly withdrew his gaze and fell on her crimson face again, half-smiling but not smiling: "Everyone has a love for beauty. How can it be so obscene for me to praise Miss Zhao?"

"Stop playing word games with me, you are just obscene!"

Zhao Xi blushed and said angrily: "Not only is it obscene, but it's also lecherous, a gangster, a scoundrel...sigh..."

Zhao Xi searched his mind for adjectives for a lecherous person like Lin Jiangnian, and couldn't help but say them all at once.

If he speaks such obscene words so openly, what is he if he is not a deceitful person?

Lin Jiangnian waved his hands somewhat innocently: "Isn't this His Majesty doing this to prove to Miss Zhao?"

As he said that, Lin Jiangnian looked her up and down with a smile, and said meaningfully: "In this case, doesn't it mean that Miss Zhao doesn't have to worry so much about my son going back on his word?"


Zhao Xi's face seemed to turn redder, and she glared at him fiercely again, warning him not to continue talking.

No regrets?

Aren't you just thinking about her body?

Although Zhao Xi felt a little relieved after hearing that he would not regret it. But when I think of the reason for not regretting it, I can't help but feel ashamed.

Recalling the previous scene, Zhao Xi felt that his breathing was a little messy and quickly took a few deep breaths.

"You better be real..."

As he said that, he seemed to feel that his momentum was not enough, and Zhao Xi said with a straight face: "You owe me this. If you dare to go back on your word, I will, just..."

As he was talking, he suddenly got stuck.

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean?"

"I will never pay attention to you again... and you will never touch me again!"

Zhao Xi glared at him.

Lin Jiangnian took a closer look: "What Miss Zhao means is that as long as I don't regret it, I can touch you?"

"also can not!"

Zhao Xi bit his silver teeth lightly and felt angry.

Lin Jiangnian looked at her quietly and suddenly took a step closer. With this step closer, the distance between the two became very close again.

When their eyes met, Zhao Xi's eyes were shy, as if he was trying to avoid him.

Lin Jiangnian suddenly chuckled and said, "But this prince insists on touching me, what should I do?"

Looking at the fair and delicate face in front of him and the beautiful eyes, he said with a faint smile: "How about Miss Zhao pretending to resist?"


As if she didn't expect Lin Jiangnian to tease her, Miss Zhao's face became more and more rosy, as if she had been smeared with a layer of bright red rouge.

Stunningly beautiful!

Lin Jiangnian stared at the familiar and beautiful face in front of him, moved slightly closer, and kissed her full and bright red lips.


No resistance!

The crystal red lips are like plump and juicy fruits, soft and elastic.

It tastes great.

Leave a lasting impression!

Zhao Xi, who was suddenly attacked, trembled slightly and tensed up slightly as if he was nervous.

However, he did not resist, not even pretending to resist like Lin Jiangnian said!

She just stood there and let Lin Jiangnian kiss her. Feeling the familiar hot breath envelope her.

Zhao Xi's delicate body trembled slightly and her head went blank!

Although this was not the first time they kissed, it still brought her an extremely strong feeling every time!

Her head was groggy, as if she was a little drunk, so he just let Lin Jiangnian reach out and hug her into his arms, lowered his head and continued to attack.

And she responded unfamiliarly, and unknowingly, her arms wrapped around Lin Jiangnian's neck.

This kiss lasted for a long time!

It wasn't until Zhao Xi in his arms turned red and was limp that he could hardly exert his strength, then Lin Jiangnian reluctantly let go of her.

After letting go, Zhao Xi seemed to have no energy left in his body. He collapsed in Lin Jiangnian's arms, relying on his body for support.

But her arms still hugged Lin Jiangnian's neck tightly, her movements were very intimate.

Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and looked at Miss Zhao in his arms, her face flushed, her eyes blurred, her eyes playful, half-smiling: "What, Miss Zhao doesn't even resist now?"

Zhao Xi's eyes opened slightly, a hint of embarrassment appeared in his eyes.

She blushed and said angrily: "Is resistance useful?"

Hasn't she resisted before?

The results of it?

Not only was it useless, he was almost eaten up by this guy!

Once this guy succeeds, he obviously won't give up.

You’ve already kissed me, so what’s the point of resisting?

What's more important is...she doesn't resist!

The feeling that her brain was almost blank as if it was starved of oxygen just now, and the strange emotions that surged in her body, made her inexplicably irritated.

Zhao Xi's face turned red, as if he was still recalling the feeling just now.

"It seems like it's really useless?"

Lin Jiangnian thought about it and realized that she was indeed right, but...

Lin Jiangnian lowered his eyes and looked at her cheerfully, half-squinting: "So Miss Zhao has given up... and plans to surrender to this prince?"

"Submit yourself!"

Hearing such shameful words, Zhao Xi blushed and rolled his eyes. He took a few deep breaths, regained some sense, and struggled to get up from his arms.

"Let me go!"

Lin Jiangnian was naturally there, hugging Zhao Xi's slender waist, feeling the touch of her smooth skin through her clothes, and looking down at her face that was blushing from shyness.

And the red lips that had just been blessed and were still moist and shiny.

Extremely tempting!

"No hurries?"

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly: "I haven't kissed you enough yet!"

"More kisses?!"

When Zhao Xi heard this, his face turned even redder and he pursed his lips subconsciously.

Lin Jiangnian was happy: "Didn't you resist? Why are you so reluctant again?"

"Leave me alone?"

Zhao Xi snorted coldly.

Although, she is still a bit arrogant.

Lin Jiangnian lowered his eyes and moved his head closer to her.

Zhao Xi's face suddenly turned redder, and he leaned back slightly to avoid it, his eyes averted: "You, you are still here?!"

"Can't you come?" Lin Jiang asked in a young voice.


Before Zhao Xi could finish speaking, his mouth was blocked again.

However, this time the kiss was like a dragonfly touching water, breaking up at the first touch.

Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and kissed her pretty red lips, then raised his head again and looked at the delicate and beautiful face with a flushed face in front of him.

"Actually, I came to see you today for another matter..."

Lin Jiang young spoke loudly.

At this moment, Zhao Xi's chest was pounding, his breathing was rapid, his face was blushing, and he closed his eyes slightly, as if waiting for Lin Jiangnian's next step.

When she heard Lin Jiangnian's words, she opened her eyes slightly and looked at him.

"I'm going back to Linzhou!"

Lin Jiangnian suddenly spoke softly.

"Go back to Linzhou?"

Zhao Xi didn't seem to have come back to his senses for a while, and after a short pause in his slightly short-circuited thoughts, he seemed to understand something.

His expression was stunned.

His face instantly became a little pale.

"You, what did you say?!"


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