Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 438 Don’t be outside

Zhao Xi's face was still filled with a delicate flush, but her eyes instantly dissipated after hearing Lin Jiangnian's words, and she looked pale. She stared at Lin Jiangnian!

It seems a little unexpected.

"You, you are going back to Linzhou?!"

She stared at Lin Jiangnian, trying to tell the truth from his face. At the same time, there was an indescribable emotion in his expression.

Seems a little uneasy.

Looking into Zhao Xi's eyes, Lin Jiangnian took in her reaction at the moment, pinched her cheek lightly, and nodded: "Yes!"

"I've almost finished my things after entering Beijing this time, it's time to go back!"

Zhao Xi still looked stunned, as if he hadn't recovered from Lin Jiangnian's sudden news!

Return to Linzhou?

In a daze, Zhao Xi finally remembered something.

She suddenly thought that the prince in front of her was not from the capital!

He comes from Linzhou, from the far south of the dynasty... thousands of miles away from the capital.

He came to Beijing this time to do business in Beijing. Now that the business is done... naturally it's time to go back?

It makes sense!

There is no problem!


When the thought emerged, Zhao Xi suddenly felt a deep uneasiness in his heart. It was as if something suddenly accumulated in her chest, making her whole body feel indescribably...depressed!

Somewhat inexplicably panicked!

After a while, Zhao Xi, who seemed to have regained his composure, was silent for a moment: "What, when are you leaving?"

"Not sure yet, it should be in the next few days."

Lin Jiang young spoke loudly.

Li Cunning came to the throne, and the situation in Beijing gradually stabilized. After the people from Jiangnan's Jiang family arrived in the capital, they would confirm the situation of Mr. Jiang, and it was almost time to leave.

Therefore, Lin Jiangnian came to Zhao Xi today, not only to tell her that Chen Zhao might not be dead, but also to say goodbye to her.

"This, so fast?!"

Zhao Xi was startled again.

When she heard that Lin Jiangnian suddenly wanted to go back, she felt a deep sense of loss in her heart. And when I heard that he was planning to leave in the next few days, the deep loss became more obvious.

At the same time, my heart tightened.

Feeling a little uncomfortable for no reason!

There is something unspeakable... Panic!

Her originally rosy face was a little pale. She opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something more, but when the words came to her lips, she couldn't say a word.


Lin Jiangnian lowered his eyes and looked quietly at Miss Zhao, whose mood was obviously low at the moment. She was obviously very emotional when he mentioned that he was leaving the capital.

Lin Jiangnian came closer to her again and said with a chuckle, "Are you reluctant to part with me?"

As he said that, he hugged her into his arms again, making the two of them closer to each other. Looking down, you can see that when the two people are close to each other, they are squeezed and slightly deformed.

At a quick glance, a hint of snow-white could be seen.

"Who, who would be reluctant to let go of you, a heartless person?!"

As if aware of Lin Jiangnian's actions, Zhao Xi was slightly annoyed and glared at him.

"Are you really not reluctant to part with it?"

Lin Jiangnian carefully kneaded her slender and smooth waist and smiled softly.

Zhao Xi twisted his body slightly in discomfort, "No, no."

She was still a bit arrogant.


Lin Jiangnian looked at her delicate face and sighed, "But, I can't bear to leave you!"

Zhao Xi was startled, as if he didn't expect that Lin Jiangnian would take the initiative to talk about it... He couldn't bear to leave her?

She was slightly in a daze, and after a while, she seemed to come to her senses. She turned her head and said solemnly: "You can't bear to leave, are you still leaving?"

"If I continue to stay in the capital, I'm worried about my life."

Lin Jiang young sighed.

Zhao Xi's beautiful eyes were startled, as if she thought of something, she fell silent. She is so smart that she can naturally understand the meaning of Lin Jiangnian's words.

Emperor Ning passed away and the new emperor ascended the throne. If he, the eldest son of the vassal, continued to stay in the capital, it would be quite detrimental to him.

No one can guarantee that the imperial court will suddenly attack him one day...especially the new emperor in the palace, who has always been strongly advocating to reduce the vassal status!

Will Lin Jiangnian, who remains in Beijing, suddenly become a proton one day?

After all, no matter what, this is the capital and the emperor’s territory after all! Lin Jiangnian planned to return to Linzhou at this time, which was a wise choice.


"Let's go, let's go, you might as well leave early!"

Zhao Xi lowered his eyes, and his tone became more and more solemn, with a hint of anger: "The capital would be better off without you, this heartless scourge!"

"Listen, the resentment is almost coming out!"

Lin Jiangnian clicked his tongue and said, "If you don't want to let me go, just tell me. It's not a shame!"

"Who would be reluctant to let go of a heartless person like you?!"

Zhao Xi glared at him.

Not admitting it at all.

"Okay, okay, that's because I can't let you go, right?"

Lin Jiang young laughed, then gently and carefully caressed the girl in his arms, soothing her emotions, and suddenly said in a low voice: "Then, do you want to go back to Linzhou with me?"

"Go, go to Linzhou?!"

After hearing this, Zhao Xi subconsciously raised his eyes and met Lin Jiangnian's eyes. That soft gaze was sending an invitation to her.

Something seemed to come to Zhao Xi's mind, and his heart skipped a beat.

At this moment, she was indeed tempted!

Going to Linzhou with this guy seems to be a good choice?

But after this thought flashed through her mind, a gloomy look soon appeared in her eyes again.

She can't go.

"Do you think I can go with you?" Zhao Xi's voice was dull.

"Why not?"

Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and looked at her quietly.

If Zhao Xi is willing to return to Linzhou with him, Lin Jiangnian will definitely take her with him no matter what.

Prince Lin's palace is so big that it can't afford to support one more person!

...Even if we get a few more, we can still afford it!

"My father won't allow it."

Zhao Xi rolled his eyes at him.

She is the daughter of Prime Minister Zhao. How could Prime Minister Zhao allow his daughter to run away with someone else?

Especially the prince of the feudal lord?

"What? Can your father still stop you?"

Lin Jiangnian laughed and made a suggestion: "If it doesn't work out, you can sneak out of the house and elope with me!"


Zhao Xi was startled.


Lin Jiangnian nodded and came up with a bad idea confidently: "You can secretly run away from home with me and elope... When you get to Linzhou and enter Prince Lin's Mansion... there is nothing you can do even if your father finds out. Is it possible for him? Dare you go to Prince Lin’s Mansion to ask for help?”

Zhao Xi: "..."

"What's your bad idea?"

Zhao Xi glared at him lightly and said angrily: "Do you really think my father doesn't dare?"

"You really dare to abduct me like this. My father will definitely dare to go to your father to ask for someone... maybe he will even take you to Prince Lin's Mansion."


Young Lin Jiang coughed and laughed dryly: "Isn't this just a metaphor?"

After all, Prime Minister Zhao was not an ordinary person. He was highly respected and respected. Even Lin Hengzhong respected him.

If it were anyone else, most of them would not dare to go wild in Prince Lin's Mansion, but as for this Prime Minister Zhao... he really has the capital.

Zhao Xi rolled his eyes and said, "You really know how to make bad ideas!"

Lin Jiang young laughed and looked down at her: "Isn't it because I can't bear to leave you? I want to take you with me."

After hearing this, Zhao Xi fell silent for a moment, looked up at Lin Jiangnian, and the smile disappeared from his face.

After a while, she sighed: "You know, I can't go with you."

She is the daughter of Prime Minister Zhao, which represents not only herself, but also the power behind the Zhao family.

Not to mention that Prime Minister Zhao would never allow such a thing to happen. If she left with Lin Jiangnian, it would have an unimaginable impact on her father and the entire Zhao family!

At that time, the daughter of the Prime Minister of the dynasty was getting along with the prince of the feudal lord. With this relationship, how would his father gain a foothold in the court in the future?

Once the imperial court really had a conflict with the Lin family, her father would definitely be implicated.

So, she can't leave!

And this was something Li Miaomiao had reminded her back then... With her status, she shouldn't have had too much involvement with Lin Jiangnian.

She didn't take it to heart at the time!

But now, when it was time to say goodbye, Zhao Xi suddenly understood what Li Miaomiao said at that time...

Lin Jiangnian naturally knew this truth, so he came today more to say goodbye to her. It was fine if Zhao Xi was willing to go with him, but it was expected that she wouldn't.

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "You have to give it a try, just in case you suddenly want to, right?"

"Do I look like the kind of brainless woman who would put her family in danger because of a man?"

Zhao Xi glared at him lightly and said angrily.

Lin Jiang young smiled and said: "This time, I hope you can be more careless."

"It's a pity that this girl is very talented and will never be fooled by you!"

"That's not necessarily the case."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly, half-smiling but not smiling: "I wonder if you have heard of this word?"

"What word?"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes slightly slid down her delicate face, and his eyes followed a certain looming gap.

Then, Weiwei leaned close to Zhao Xi's ear and whispered a word in her ear.

The next second, she saw Zhao Xi's delicate face suddenly blushing. She glanced down subconsciously, then quickly covered her chest and patted him hard twice.

"You, you are...brainless!"

"Let me go, let go..."

Zhao Xi struggled with embarrassment and tried to break free from Lin Jiangnian's arms.

But as she struggled and twisted, the place that had been squeezed out of shape became more and more trembling.

Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and quietly looked at the beautiful face in front of him, which was very close and turned red with embarrassment and anger.

The snow-white skin that can be broken by blows is covered with a layer of bright red, and the delicate facial features are flawless without makeup. Those sullen eyes were staring at him fiercely.

Seems very angry!

Grit your teeth!

"I made a mistake just now. Miss Zhao is not brainless. On the contrary, Miss Zhao is very smart. She is the smartest woman I have ever seen!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke in a young voice, his eyes very sincere and serious.

He spoke from his heart.

When Zhao Xi heard this, her face was still red, but the anger in her eyes seemed to have weakened a little. She snorted softly: "Do you think it will be useful if you praise me now?"

"This is not a boast, it is a statement of fact!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke in a young voice, then paused for a moment: "But..."

Under Zhao Xi's shy gaze, Lin Jiangnian added: "It's indeed... very big!"

"This prince is right about what he said just now."


Zhao Xi was caught off guard and did not expect Lin Jiang's annual meeting to come so suddenly. After being stunned for a while, his face turned red again, and his eyes became angry.

"You...please let me"

Zhao Xi, who was about to fall out, was blocked again before the words left his mouth.

Before Lin Jiangnian could finish her words, he lowered his head and closed her mouth again in a familiar manner.

"Hmm...let it go..."


Zhao Xi struggled violently.

If she didn't struggle just now, it was because she didn't resent Lin Jiangnian's behavior.

Now struggling, it seems that he is angry and angry.

It also seemed that he was planning to warn Lin Jiangnian that she was not that easy to bully!

...Don't even think about doing whatever you want to her!

But obviously, Zhao Xi's warning did not work.

As she had expected, her struggles were of no use. That little bit of strength seemed meaningless in front of Lin Jiangnian.

On the contrary, it’s more like... a slapstick fight of wanting to reject something!

Soon, the intensity of her struggle gradually became smaller, until finally it disappeared completely. Gradually, it seems that gradually...

At the same time, Lin Jiangnian was no longer satisfied with this.

He began to swim away slowly, feeling the soft and delicate touch of the woman in his arms through his clothes.

Lin Jiangnian, who once again became a craftsman, tried to verify his guess based on the theory that practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

Not long after, Lin Jiangnian confirmed his suspicion.

The real deal.

You guessed it right!

When the long kiss broke apart again, Zhao Xi could hardly stand and fell limply into Lin Jiangnian's arms.

His face was red and hot, his hair was messy, and when he lowered his eyes, he saw that his neat collar had become messy at some point, and there was still a hole, and his light-colored bellyband was looming.

Vaguely, it seemed to be wrapped in something.

But the printed curvature of a palm destroyed this layer of beauty!


Zhao Xi's voice became embarrassed and annoyed: "Why don't you hurry up... take it out?!"

Lin Jiangnian did not listen to her words and whispered softly: "What should I do if I don't want to take it out?"


Zhao Xi's voice was slightly trembling, and her whole body was tense and a little weak.

But suddenly I realized something...

The two of them were still in the yard at this time.

In this large public place, the surroundings were empty, although there was no one.

But Zhao Xi still felt an indescribable sense of panic and shame in his heart!

What if, what if someone suddenly breaks in...

"no, do not want……"

Zhao Xi's voice suddenly turned shy. She wanted to stop him, but when her words came to her lips, she changed to: "No, here..."

After hearing this, Lin Jiangnian lowered his eyes and looked at the delicate body of the woman in his arms. His face was flushed and his tone was tense, showing a slightly panicked expression.

Lin Jiangnian leaned close to her ear and breathed softly: "Then, just go back to the room, right?"

Before Zhao Xi had time to answer, Lin Jiangnian bent down and put his hand through her legs and picked her up.

While feeling the touch of Miss Zhao's amazingly slender legs, he held her in his arms and strode towards the door of the room under the eaves next to her.

After modifying several versions, I finally released it.

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