Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 439 I will bite you to death

The moment he was picked up, Zhao Xi finally realized what he was doing, and his face became more and more embarrassed.

She, she didn't say she could just go back to the room...

But Lin Jiangnian obviously didn't give her a chance to refuse. He picked her up and strode towards the room.

Zhao Xi's delicate body was tense, her face was shy and panicked, and she saw Lin Jiangnian carrying her under the eaves with ease, pushing open the door, striding in, and closing the door with his feet.

As the door closed with a soft 'bang', Zhao Xi's heart suddenly rose, and the nervousness spread instantly.

She bit her red lips tightly and stared at the unreasonable man in front of her with her beautiful eyes. Seeing his overbearing and barbaric behavior, she was filled with embarrassment.

"You, please put me down..."

Zhao Xi's delicate body twisted, trying to struggle.

But as soon as she made a move, she suddenly noticed that a big hand that had not yet been stretched out was exerting force in retaliation.

Zhao Xi's delicate body suddenly stiffened, and then her body became limp as if paralyzed.


Zhao Xi clung to Lin Jiangnian's arms, trying to stop his movements. Seeing that Lin Jiangnian still had his own way of doing things, she was anxious, shy, and didn't know how to fight back. Finally, he couldn't help but open his silver teeth and bite Lin Jiangnian's neck viciously.

The moment it was touched, there was a warm and gentle touch on the neck, followed immediately by a slight pain.

"Hiss...are you really biting?!"

Lin Jiangnian could feel the pain from exerting force on his neck. He took a deep breath and quickly tried to comfort him.

It wasn't very painful. Although Zhao Xi's words were quite forceful, they still had no lethal effect on Lin Jiangnian.

What he was worried about was that it would leave a would be hard to explain when he got home!

Lin Jiangnian quickly spoke to comfort him.

Zhao Xi bit Lin Jiangnian's neck 'hard' and did not let go until he vented his anger and embarrassment.

When he let go, Lin Jiangnian left a neat row of small tooth marks on his neck.

"You are a dog, right?"

Lin Jiangnian bared his teeth.

Why do these women like to bite so much?

Although it doesn’t hurt, it will leave evidence of guilt!

This is indeed a serious problem for a cautious man.

"Hmph, I'll bite you to death!"

Zhao Xi's face turned red and she gave him a fierce look: "Who, who told you to bully me?"

"Hey, if you say that, I will really bully you today!"

Seeing Zhao Xi's retort, Lin Jiangnian immediately continued his attack.

Zhao Xi's face turned red with embarrassment, "You, you are not allowed to mess around... let me go!"

She twisted her body, and her slender legs wrapped in the skirt fluttered up and down twice.

Lin Jiangnian pressed her legs with a big hand to prevent her from moving. Looking around, he carried Zhao Xi and walked to the familiar soft couch. After sitting down, he hugged Zhao Xi in his arms.

After struggling for a while, Zhao Xi found that he couldn't move at all, so he gave up.

On the soft couch, Zhao Xi sat sideways in Lin Jiangnian's arms, staring down at him, his face flushed with shame, he gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Why don't you take it out quickly?"

"You, if you keep doing this...I, I will ignore you!"

She also threatened.

Although he didn't take Zhao Xi's threat seriously, Lin Jiangnian still pulled his hand back obediently.

A grown-up girl was bullied like this by him, and it was obvious that she was already full of shame.

If it continues to be stimulated, it may be too much and not enough.

When he felt the big hand leaving and the weird feeling disappeared, Zhao Xi seemed to take a deep breath of relief, feeling relieved.

Immediately afterwards, she quickly tidied up her messy clothes, and then stared at him with a pair of beautiful eyes, her face still blushing.

"You are indeed not a serious person!"

Faced with Zhao Xi's condemnation, Lin Jiangnian leaned back slightly and looked at Zhao Xi's beautiful face quietly, half-smiling but not smiling: "Who does Miss Zhao think this prince is?"

"Dirty person!"

Zhao Xi said without thinking.

"What should the nasty people do?"


Zhao Xi quickly realized what was happening, and immediately became alarmed and angry: "You, please don't mess around again..."

"Who is this prince?"

Zhao Xi: "..."

"You are a good person, a decent person, and a gentleman... Okay?!"

Zhao Xi stared at him with beautiful eyes, gritted her teeth and spoke.

He seemed to be bulging with anger, and stared at him with a depressed and angry look on his face.

Lin Jiangnian grinned when he saw this.

The two looked at each other, and Zhao Xiqin snorted softly and looked away.

She seems a bit shy and arrogant.

The original atmosphere in the room gradually relaxed.

Zhao Xi was still sitting sideways in Lin Jiangnian's arms, twisting his body slightly but not getting up.

Lin Jiangnian held Zhao Xi's slender waist with one hand, and placed his other hand on the skirt, feeling the touch of Zhao Xi's snow-white and smooth legs through the thin skirt.

Zhao Xi's initial shyness gradually faded away, and he turned to glance at Lin Jiangnian secretly. When he noticed the row of small and neat tooth marks left on Lin Jiangnian's neck, his face turned slightly red.

Immediately afterwards, she didn't know what she thought of, and there was a hint of narrowing in her beautiful and smart eyes.

She subconsciously reached out and landed on Lin Jiangnian's neck, gently stroking the 'medal' she had just left.


Zhao Xi suddenly spoke and looked into Lin Jiangnian's eyes. A faint smile suddenly appeared on his red face.

"Tell me, if someone in your family knew about this mark left by this girl... would she be angry?"

The one at home?

Obviously, the person Zhao Xi is talking about is Zhiyuan!

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "What do you think?"

"She shouldn't be so stingy, right?"

Zhao Xi blinked and played with the taste.

Lin Jiangnian sighed and said, "I'm afraid I'll have to kneel on the washboard when I go back."


Zhao Xi pondered: "His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince, turns out to be a strict wife-keeper?"

"You were actually manipulated by one of your little maids?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her and chuckled: "Isn't the daughter of the dignified Prime Minister Zhao also manipulated by this prince?"


Zhao Xi's face turned red, she glared at him and hummed, "If you want to take advantage of me, you're still far away!"


Lin Jiangnian spoke softly, and the hand that was groping through the skirt slowly moved downwards, seeming to be ready for an imminent invasion.

Zhao Xi's delicate body trembled slightly, she realized something, her face turned red with embarrassment, and she quickly admitted defeat: "Don't... I was wrong!"

She admitted her mistake very simply!

Lin Jiangnian stopped and said with a half-smile, "I still like your unruly look just now!"


Zhao Xi bit her silver teeth lightly, glared at him angrily, and said angrily: "You know how to bully a weak woman like me... I would like to see if you are also so tough in front of her?!"

"That's natural!"


Zhao Xi glanced at him: "You have to go back and kneel on the washboard, how can you still be strong? If I remember correctly, the maid named Zhi Yuan is very good at martial arts, right?"

"You are flirting with women outside, but you can still be tough in front of her?"

"Why not?"


Zhao Xi chuckled softly, stared at Lin Jiangnian for a few times with his beautiful eyes, and suddenly smiled sweetly: "Then, how about giving it a try?"

"How to try?"

"Let me take a few more bites and see if your guy will be angry after we go back. Are you really that tough?"

As he said that, Zhao Xi was a little eager to try, and opened his teeth slightly, as if he wanted to come up and bite Lin Jiangnian a few more times.

Lin Jiangnian's eyelids twitched and he quickly stopped him: "Shut up... don't bite!"

"Are you scared?"

Lin Jiangnian's expression did not change: "How can I be afraid?"

"You're just scared!"

Zhao Xi sneered and exposed him with one glance.

This guy is really worried that he will be discovered by the person at home when he returns home!

Thinking of this, Zhao Xi felt a little complicated. That maid named Zhiyuan has a really good life...

Is she the legitimate Crown Princess appointed by this guy?

Zhao Xi recalled the last time she met the maid named Zhi Yuan in her mind. She had to sigh with emotion. That Zhi Yuan was indeed very beautiful, and her temperament and aura were no less than hers.

This somewhat frustrated Zhao Xi.

But soon, she remembered that not only she, but also the woman Li Miaomiao was not as good as that little maid...

Zhao Xi suddenly felt more balanced!

Looking at Lin Jiangnian again, a strange emotion gradually appeared in his eyes.

What about the Crown Princess?

Isn't this guy...still messing around outside?

The Crown Princess’s man…

Married woman…

It seems more interesting...

Faced with Zhao Xi's doubts, Lin Jiangnian remained calm. Looking into Zhao Xi's beautiful eyes, he shook his head gently: "You are wrong. That is not fear, but respect and care..."

"If you're messing around outside, it's respectful to clean up before you go home, right?" Zhao Xi smiled, as if he had seen through his routine.

"Where was your toughness just now? Didn't you say you were tough in front of her?"

Lin Jiangnian's expression remained unchanged, he thought for a moment and said, "Is there still half of it?"


"Yes, the word "qi" is missing."


Zhao Xi looked slightly startled, and a trace of doubt appeared on his beautiful face. After thinking about it carefully, he finally realized something after a while.

"You... are obscene!"

Zhao Xi's face turned red with embarrassment, and then he realized the meaning of Lin Jiangnian's words.

Be tough, be tough!

If you lose your breath, all you will be left with is...

"You really think about those nasty things all the time!"

Zhao Xi glared at him with a red face and spat.

Lin Jiangnian seemed to be smiling but not smiling: "If I don't want to have a beauty like Miss Zhao in my arms, wouldn't it be a problem?"


Zhao Xi blushed and said.

Although she knew this guy was telling the truth, she could feel the hot breath coming from his body as she sat in Lin Jiangnian's arms, as well as the touch that he had just said was half as strong as before.

But what this guy said so bluntly still made her feel ashamed.

But then, Zhao Xi seemed to suddenly remember something, and suddenly stared at Lin Jiangnian with burning eyes: "I heard that you and Mian Miao were trapped in a secret room in the palace before?"

"Yeah, what?"

"You were locked in a secret room together...what happened?"

A look of excitement appeared in Zhao Xi's beautiful eyes.

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

Come again, right?

Still asking?

This is the first person to ask!

"Nothing happened."


Zhao Xi naturally didn't believe it. She stared at Lin Jiangnian with burning eyes: "I am sitting on your lap, and you have random thoughts... You have been living alone with her in a secret room for several days. Didn't anything happen?"


Lin Jiangnian shook his head.

"Do not believe."

Zhao Xi shook his head.

She was very surprised when she heard the news before.

But then, I started to think about it.

After all, it was too easy for people to imagine, and she couldn't help but wonder, if two people were locked in a secret room, nothing would happen, right?

Very unusual!

Seeing that Lin Jiangnian was still unwilling to admit it, Zhao Xi's beautiful eyes turned slightly, and then a hint of shame appeared in his eyes as if he thought of something.

Then, she suddenly came closer, put her arms around Lin Jiangnian's neck, and her movements became a little intimate. She breathed softly in his ear and said, "Just tell me... Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." "

The heat coming from his ears lingered, filled with a faint fragrance, which came from the unique female body fragrance of Zhao Xi in his arms.

It smells good.

Lin Jiangnian was almost overwhelmed by her sudden display of gentle, seductive and proactive side.

However, he remained calm: "Nothing really happened..."

"I do not believe."

Zhao Xi still didn't believe it. She knew how strict the guy in front of her could be. It's not that easy to get him to tell the truth.

Her beautiful eyes turned slightly, and as if she thought of something, her face turned redder and redder, and she continued to exhale softly: "If you tell me, I will let you touch... your legs."


Lin Jiangnian shook his head and refused: "No!"

"I can touch you even if you don't let me!"

As he spoke, his big hands slowly penetrated under Zhao Xi's skirt and landed on the smooth and slender calves.

Without the cover of the skirt, you can intuitively feel the touch of the calf in the palm of your hand.

Zhao Xi's delicate body trembled slightly, and her face turned red instantly: "You..."

"No touching!"

Lin Jiangnian turned a deaf ear: "I can't hear you, I'm deaf!"


Zhao Xi's face turned red with embarrassment, and he struggled and twisted, trying to resist Lin Jiangnian's behavior.

But Lin Jiangnian was already familiar with walking up and down those long, unobstructed snow-white legs. The original plain white embroidered shoes also fell down with the struggle, revealing a pair of beautiful legs wrapped in small and delicate feet.

Yunluo's white socks reveal a section of snow-white calf skin, which is particularly attractive!

As if being stimulated by something, the soles of the feet subconsciously bent, the insteps arched, revealing perfect curves, and the toes curled up.

Zhao Xi's face turned red with embarrassment, and he subconsciously threw himself into Lin Jiangnian's arms, becoming angry with embarrassment.

"I, I will bite you to death!"

"No, don't touch it!"

Feeling the stimulating touch coming from under the hem of her skirt, Zhao Xi's heart instantly burst with shame. She opened her silver teeth and wanted to bite the man in front of her who was teasing her to death!

But just as she opened her silver teeth and was about to bite them, Lin Jiangnian, who had his head lowered, suddenly raised his head and turned his head.

Ever since, Zhao Xi, who was supposed to be facing Lin Jiangnian's neck, was caught off guard and landed on Lin Jiangnian's mouth.


Zhao Xi's eyes widened, and she couldn't help but let out a sound of pain due to the unexpected collision.

But the next second, I felt warm breath coming.


Zhao Xi was embarrassed when he realized something, and subconsciously wanted to struggle back.

But just as she was moved, a hand fell on the back of her head and held her down.

Don't let her move!

You took the initiative to kiss me, can this make you run away?

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