Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 442: Prince Lin is attacked, life or death unknown

In the evening.

In the capital, a line of cavalry entered the capital from outside the city, passing through the busy streets and arriving outside the palace gate.

On the cavalry, a soldier in armor turned down from the horse and showed his badge.

"Urgent news from the south, hurry to the palace to report to His Majesty!"

After checking the badge, the guards outside the palace gate immediately focused their eyes and let him go.

The soldiers hurried into the palace and the information was quickly uploaded.

In the Taihe Palace.

The hall was cold.

"Your Majesty, urgent news from the south!"

A low and hurried voice sounded, accompanied by a footstep into the hall.

In the hall, Li Ci Ning, the new emperor of the Daning Dynasty, was sitting at the back of the hall at this moment. When he heard the words "urgent news from the south", his face immediately became solemn.

"What's the matter?!"

Most of the southern territory of the Daning Dynasty was under the influence of the King Lin. The urgent news that could be sent back from the south must be related to this!

A figure knelt in front of the palace, bowed his head and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, urgent news came from the south. Just a few days ago, Linzhou Lin Wang Lin Hengzhong was suddenly assassinated by an assassin and was seriously injured. He is currently in a coma..."

After these words came out, Li Ci Ning behind the palace suddenly raised his head with a solemn look: "Lin Hengzhong? Assassinated?"

"How is it possible?!"

When Li Ci Ning heard this news, his first reaction was impossible!

Who is Lin Hengzhong?

The powerful Lin Wang, whose power occupies half of the dynasty, was the main contributor to the dynasty's destruction of the southern border countries and unification of the world.

It is not an exaggeration to call him the first military general of the dynasty!

More importantly, Lin Hengzhong not only has outstanding military talent, but also his own martial arts strength should not be underestimated.

As early as a few years ago, there were rumors that Lin Hengzhong was already a famous first-class master in the world!

Although it has not been confirmed, it is enough to show that Lin Hengzhong's martial arts strength is unfathomable.

There are only a few first-class masters in the world. How could a master of this level be easily assassinated?

Over the years, countless masters have been rumored to have assassinated Lin Hengzhong, but without exception, no one has succeeded.

No one has even been able to hurt the King Lin!

Not only because Lin Hengzhong's martial arts strength is unfathomable, but also because he has many masters under his command to protect him. Who else in Linzhou can hurt him?

Therefore, when Li Ci Ning heard the news, his first reaction was to question it.

"Your Majesty, the news came from the group of secret agents planted by the late emperor in Linjiang City. It is absolutely true. This matter has spread throughout Linzhou and caused quite a stir..."

"It is rumored that the assassin of Lin Hengzhong was also a master. It happened that several masters around Lin Hengzhong were not around that night, giving the other party an opportunity..."

"I heard that when the great master retreated after seriously injuring Lin Hengzhong, he encountered many guards and masters in the Linwang Mansion, but still failed to stop the other party..."

"That night, many people noticed this..."

"Your Majesty, it is very likely true"


Lin Hengzhong was seriously injured in the attack and fell into a coma!

This news was too shocking for Li Ci Ning!

He was so shocked that he was restless and shocked. He didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Then, his face was solemn and gloomy!

He couldn't be sure whether the news was true or not!

But one thing is certain, if Lin Hengzhong is really in trouble now... The Daning Dynasty will definitely be in chaos!

Now that he has just ascended the throne, he has barely stabilized the situation in the court, but there are still a lot of messes in front of him.

The situation in the court has been temporarily stabilized, but the relationship between the various factions and the families under his command has not been cleaned up. He has just ascended the throne and his prestige is still shallow. Even if he has considerable real power in his hands, it is still unknown whether the forces in the entire dynasty will recognize him as the emperor and whether they will obey his orders.

He needs time!

It will take a lot of time to stabilize everything!

Right now, what he needs most is stability. The news that Lin Hengzhong was assassinated and seriously injured made him look shocked.

If all this is true...

Who assassinated Lin Hengzhong?

What is the purpose?

Is it to take the opportunity to disrupt the situation in the dynasty?

Or is there another plan?

The news that King Lin was attacked will definitely cause riots in Linzhou. How could the hundreds of thousands of soldiers loyal to the Lin family in Linzhou give up? They will definitely try every means to find the murderer. If this matter cannot be properly handled, the consequences will be disastrous!

And this is not the most serious consequence!

What Li Ci Ning is most worried about is... Lin Hengzhong!

"Is he still alive?"

Li Ci Ning spoke in a low and hoarse voice. His face was terribly pale and terribly cold.

Your Highness, the visitor said in a deep voice: "The gate of the Linwang Mansion is closed, and no news can be transmitted... I heard that Lin Hengzhong was seriously injured and unconscious. What is the current situation is unknown..."

"But it feels that the situation is not good!"

As soon as these words came out, Li Ci Ning's face became more gloomy.

After a while, he gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Investigate, quickly investigate who did this!"


After saying that, Li Qining paused, his eyes fixed again: "Convey my order, go to the Linwang Mansion, confirm whether Lin Hengzhong is alive or dead... Don't alert the enemy, and report back quickly if there is any news."


After the people in front of the hall left, Li Ci Ning looked pale in the hall, and seemed to be breathing a little fast. He couldn't help coughing violently for a while.

Perhaps the cough was a little severe, which made his pale face look ruddy.

He leaned back slightly as if he was a little weak, breathing fast, and his eyes were absent.

What he was most worried about was Lin Hengzhong's life and death!

If Lin Hengzhong was still alive, everything would be fine...

What if he died!

The world would really be in chaos!

Once Lin Hengzhong died, who could calm down the hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the Linwang Mansion?

Lin Jiangnian?

Not to mention that Lin Jiangnian is still in the capital now, even if he returned to Linzhou, would he really be able to suppress all this?

What if...

Li Ci Ning didn't dare to think further. The emperor who had just ascended the throne not long ago suddenly felt the crisis of oppression!

A rebellion that was about to come made him feel extremely oppressed.

Once the south was in chaos, the Daning Dynasty would also be in danger!

You know, the court now has to face not only the Lin family in the south, but also the growing Xu family in the north...

The Xu family, which is entrenched in the north of the dynasty and guarding the national gate, is also a hidden danger to the dynasty.

At this moment, Li Ci Ning finally understood his father a little.

"What do you think?"

After a long while, Li Ci Ning spoke in a deep voice, looking extremely tired.

In the darkness not far behind Li Ci Ning, there was a figure standing.

"It's unclear whether it's true or not, but... it's not impossible!"

"What do you mean?"

"I heard that there are four masters around Lin Hengzhong, but those four are not with Lin Hengzhong now. If there is really a master who assassinated Lin Hengzhong, it is not impossible..."

"Your Majesty, whether this matter is true or not, it proves one thing... I'm afraid there is a force that we haven't noticed, and we have to guard against it!"

"Who do you think it is?" Li Ci Ning asked.

"Your Majesty, in this world, there is probably only one person who has the ability to assassinate Lin Hengzhong, except for your Majesty and the court..."

Hearing this news, Li Ci Ning's eyes suddenly became solemn.

Obviously, he realized who this person was!

In this world, there is only one person who has the ability to assassinate Lin Hengzhong, except for the court!

Then there is only...

"Xu family!"

Li Ci Ning's eyes were deep, and then he said in a deep voice: "You, go to Xuzhou secretly and do something for me..."


After the figure behind him retreated, Li Ci Ning slowly stood up and walked out of the hall.

"Your Majesty, do you want to go back to the bedroom?!"

Outside the hall, an eunuch stepped forward quickly and spoke respectfully.

Li Ci Ning's face was pale, and he asked coldly: "Where is the princess?"

"Her Royal Highness the Princess is with the Queen Mother today!"

Li Ci Ning nodded and soon came to the harem.

Emperor Ning died, Li Ci Ning ascended the throne, and the former Queen Mother now successfully became the Queen Mother.

However, the palace where he lived remained the same, and he still lived in Jingning Palace.

When Li Ci Ning arrived at Jingning Palace, it was just getting dark.

In the front yard, Li Piaomiao, dressed in white, was standing under the eaves, with a cold temperament.


Li Ci Ning smiled and walked forward slowly.

"Your Majesty."

Li Piaomiao turned around and looked at Li Ci Ning who suddenly came over, as if he was a little confused.

"Linzhou, something happened..."

Li Ci Ning walked forward and didn't say too much nonsense, and got to the point.

After hearing the news, Li Piaomiao's eyes were slightly solemn, and he seemed a little surprised.

"Piaomiao, do you know Lin Hengzhong's background?"

"How many people in the world can assassinate and seriously injure him?"

Seemingly aware of Li Ci Ning's purpose, Li Piaomiao was silent for a while and shook his head: "Normally, there are only one or two people who can hurt him!"

"If it is an assassination, it is hard to say."

Li Ci Ning said in a deep voice: "This is not good news for us. Lin Hengzhong's assassination is a big hidden danger for the court..."

Li Piaomiao naturally realized that the first suspect of Lin Hengzhong's assassination must be the court.

If it is not handled properly, the court will have to bear the blame!

If the conflict between the two forces is provoked, the consequences will be disastrous.

Li Piaomiao was silent for a while, and then suddenly said: "I will go to the Linwang Mansion!"


Li Ci Ning seemed to have not reacted yet, and was surprised: "Piaomiao, you are going to the Linwang Mansion?!"

"What are you going to the Linwang Mansion for?"

"To do something..."

Li Piaomiao nodded slightly, and then looked at Li Ci Ning quietly: "How is your health?"

"I won't die for the time being."

Li Ci Ning coughed lightly, and seemed a little weak.

"Ruyi Tower may be able to cure your illness!"

Li Piaomiao was silent for a while, and then he spoke.

Li Ci Ning was stunned, and then realized what his sister meant.

"You, don't have to take such a risk!"

"You have to give it a try."

Li Piaomiao was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "I heard something else!"


"The emperor's uncle may be in Ruyi Tower."

Hearing this, Li Ci Ning suddenly looked up, his eyes were astonished.


Jiang Mansion.

Inner Courtyard.

After listening to Lin Qingqing's report, Lin Jiangnian's face became stunned and surprised!

Then gradually became gloomy!

Lin Hengzhong was attacked?

Seriously injured and unconscious? !

This was something he could never have imagined. Lin Hengzhong's martial arts skills were unfathomable, and the Lin Wang Mansion was full of masters. How could anyone hurt him?

When Lin Jiangnian heard the news, he was incredulous and could not come back to his senses for a long time.


"Your Highness, the prince's life and death are unknown now, and the situation in the palace is precarious..."

Lin Qingqing's face was extremely serious. When she heard the news, she couldn't believe it at all. In her eyes, the prince was almost invincible, how could he be assassinated?

How could he be seriously injured and unconscious? !

But the news came from the Lin Wang Mansion, and the news was reported by a thousand miles of fast horses, so he had to believe it.

"Your Highness, what should we do next?"

Lin Jiangnian's face was gloomy. He thought for a long time and turned his head to look at Zhiyuan beside him: "Zhiyuan, what do you think?"

When Zhiyuan learned that the prince was attacked, she was also very surprised. But compared with Lin Jiangnian and Lin Qingqing, she obviously knew the prince better.

"I'm afraid this matter is not that simple." Zhiyuan frowned slightly and thought carefully: "The prince is a top-level master in the world. There are few people who can hurt him. There are only a few people in the world who can do this..." "And it's even more difficult to seriously injure the prince..." "What if it's a sneak attack?" Lin Jiangnian asked in a deep voice. The direct confrontation between masters and sneak attacks are not the same thing. "The prince is in a high position and his martial arts are unfathomable. It's not that simple to sneak attack and assassinate the prince, unless..." Zhiyuan spoke softly, and then as if he realized something, his voice stopped abruptly. He raised his eyes, and a solemn look appeared in his eyes. At this time, Lin Jiangnian, who gradually calmed down, also suddenly realized something, and the two looked at each other. Lin Jiangnian's voice was a little hoarse: "Unless... there is an insider?"

"Is there a traitor in the palace?"


Zhiyuan nodded heavily, his face solemn: "The other party must be someone close to the prince...even someone he trusts very much!"

After this, Lin Jiangnian fell silent.

Indeed, if you want to assassinate a first-class master, you must be betrayed by the most trusted person around you!

In this case, the situation seems to be more serious!

This means that there is a traitor in the Lin Palace, and even... there may be more than one!

And the assassination of Lin Hengzhong is more likely to be just one of their plans!

"Your Highness, the news that the prince was attacked has been heard in Linzhou, causing a lot of turmoil..."

Lin Qingqing's voice was low and a little anxious: "Now that the prince is seriously injured and unconscious, your highness must go back quickly to take charge of the situation!"

When Lin Hengzhong fell, not only the morale of the Lin Palace army was in chaos, but even the people in Linzhou were in chaos!

At the same time, after learning the news, the trusted generals under Lin Hengzhong will definitely rush back to Linjiang City overnight.

In this case, Lin Jiangnian, the prince of Lin, must go back quickly to stabilize the situation to avoid a bigger mess.

However, in this case...

Lin Jiangnian thought about it and turned his head to look at Zhiyuan next to him.

He had just promised Zhiyuan last night that he would accompany her to Jiangnan Jiang's family, but the sudden news once again disrupted all of Lin Jiangnian's arrangements.

Zhiyuan looked at Lin Jiangnian quietly and said softly: "You are the prince, you must go back as soon as possible..."

"Otherwise, there will be a big mess!"


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