Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 443 The Princess Comes to Say Goodbye

Prince Lin was attacked, and his life or death is unknown.

As the prince of Prince Lin, Lin Jiangnian must return to Linzhou as soon as possible to stabilize the people's hearts.

Although Lin Jiangnian is not popular in Linzhou, he is the prince of Prince Lin after all, and the hereditary heir of the Prince Lin's mansion.

It is completely different when he is here and when he is not!

If Prince Lin is safe, everything will be fine. If something really happens, the consequences will be unimaginable.

More importantly, the news of Prince Lin's assassination came from Linjiang City to Beijing overnight. At this time, not many people know about this matter, and the news is still in Linzhou.

In two days, all forces will receive intelligence news one after another!

And Lin Hengzhong has four masters under his command. After receiving the intelligence, they will definitely return to Linjiang City one after another.

Although these four people are from the Prince Lin's mansion, they only obey Lin Hengzhong and do not have much respect for Lin Jiangnian, the prince. Except for Dongfang Guanshan who had met a few days ago, the attitudes of the rest of the people towards Lin Jiangnian, the prince, were extremely ambiguous.

More importantly, they had military power under their hands!

They were all generals in the Linwang army, and they all had the power to mobilize military power.

This was obviously not good news for Lin Jiangnian now.

If something really happened to Lin Hengzhong, these people would become a big trouble and threat to Lin Jiangnian.

Therefore, after a brief negotiation, Lin Jiangnian quickly readjusted the plan.

Go back to Linjiang City first!

As for the old man of Jiang's family in Jiangnan, he couldn't go there for the time being. However, after adjusting the plan, Lin Jiangnian was very calm and not impulsive.

At the moment, the situation is still unclear!

Lin Hengzhong was attacked. If nothing happened, it would be fine. If something happened...

Lin Jiangnian had to be more cautious!

Who assassinated Lin Hengzhong?

What was their purpose?

More importantly...

The capital is thousands of miles away from Linjiang City. Even if Lin Jiangnian rushes back now, he won't be able to reach Linzhou in a month or so.

And will there be any dangers waiting for him along the way?

After those people assassinated Lin Hengzhong, will they shift their target to Lin Jiangnian?

Is this a conspiracy?

Waiting for Lin Jiangnian to jump in?

After all, if Lin Hengzhong is seriously injured and unconscious, and Lin Jiangnian has another accident... Lin Wangfu will really be in chaos!

Therefore, after Lin Jiangnian calmed down, he began to prepare.

First, he had to send his confidants back to Lin Wangfu as quickly as possible to confirm Lin Hengzhong's safety. At the same time, he had to make preparations in advance before going back this time, in case he encountered the same assassination and danger again like the time when he entered the capital.


I'm afraid that Lin Jiangnian can't bring so many people with him when he hurried back this time!


The night is as dark as ink.

The inner courtyard of Zhao Mansion is cold.

After taking a bath, Zhao Xi changed into clean clothes and returned to the room.

Her waist-length black hair was wet, and the air was filled with hot steam.

Under her black hair, she revealed a slightly rosy, delicate and beautiful face, lingering in the mist, with an indescribable temperament and beauty.

I don’t know if it was because she soaked in the bath for too long, or for some other reason, but her rosy face became more and more watery, and her beautiful eyes seemed to be mixed with some emotions.

She changed into a light-colored dress for home leisure. The loose skirt showed her graceful body. Under the light gauze skirt, her slender curves could be vaguely seen.

Zhao Xi stepped barefoot on the carpet, revealing a pair of snow-white and well-proportioned calves, and her crystal clear jade feet without any cover, and stepped on the carpet back to the room.

The room was quiet.

The originally messy scene had also been cleaned up.

Zhao Xi's beautiful eyes fell on the soft couch not far away, and her face became unnaturally rosy as if she remembered something.


She felt a little hot and soft all over!

She forced herself to look away, not to look anymore, and not to think about it anymore.

She took a few deep breaths, and then she calmed down the shame in her heart.

But soon, she felt a little dull in the room. Faintly, there seemed to be a breath lingering...

Very familiar!

So familiar that she felt like retching for some reason!

At the same time, the taste in her mouth not long ago seemed to emerge again, even though she had rinsed her mouth many times, it still seemed to be lingering...

Zhao Xi's face flushed instantly, she covered her mouth, and felt like retching again.

At the same time, the shame and anger in her heart could no longer be stopped.

She was not clean!

She was not clean from beginning to end... She was "defiled" by that bastard!

Her body went limp, her breathing became rapid, and the aura still lingered around, making Zhao Xi's mind confused.

She couldn't figure out why she had been so 'obedient' before?

Why did she let him do whatever he wanted after being fooled by that guy... She even satisfied his obscene and excessive request?

"Zhao Xi, Zhao Xi, what on earth are you thinking about?!"

Zhao Xi looked a little disappointed, and she was ashamed and annoyed and muttered to herself.

As if she could smell the slightly fishy smell in the air again, she hurried to the window next to her and opened all the doors and windows.

When the cold wind from the courtyard outside the window whistled and fell on her thin body, the cold wind stimulated her brain and made her shiver.

But at the same time, she seemed to be much more sober!

The complex and angry emotions in her mind subsided!

As the cold wind poured into the room, it gradually dispersed the strange smell in the room.

Zhao Xi stood at the window, quietly blowing the cold wind outside the courtyard, and only turned around after her thoughts were completely calm.

Her eyes fell on the soft couch not far away in the room.

She stared at the familiar place, a little dazed and absent-minded.

When the shyness in her heart gradually dissipated, and her rationality and sensibility gradually recovered, she began to become a little worried.

He is leaving? !

This departure will be at least one or two years.

Or even... maybe longer!

Given the relationship between the court and the Lin Wang Mansion, it will only get worse in the future. In this way, the conflict between the two forces will intensify, and no one knows what will happen next.

And Zhao Xi also knows that after Lin Jiangnian goes back this time, it is almost impossible for him to return to the capital again unless something unexpected happens!

... At least, it was like this before he promised her to come back!

He has no need to come back.

Unless it is... for her!

Therefore, when she heard Lin Jiangnian promised her very confidently that he would come back to find her.

Zhao Xi was very happy and moved.

Perhaps, this is also the reason why she was so obedient to let that guy succeed tonight...

He will come back to find her.

Zhao Xi believes it very much.

But at the same time, she also knew that this deadline... might be very long.

On the other hand, Zhao Xi was very sober and rational.

Therefore, when Lin Jiangnian proposed to take her with him, Zhao Xi did not agree!

Firstly, as the daughter of Prime Minister Zhao, she was destined not to have too much contact with Lin Jiangnian, let alone "elopement".

Secondly, her relationship with Lin Jiangnian was very complicated.

What kind of relationship do the two have now?

Strictly speaking, the two can only be regarded as... friends!

But, they are not completely friends!

After all, how can a friend do this?

Not only being honest with each other, kissing and touching legs... even helping friends solve their needs?

But if you think about it carefully, although the two have done this, they still have no relationship on the surface!

If you have to talk about the relationship, it is probably... the good sister of the fiancée?

Good girlfriend?


Thinking of this, Zhao Xi felt a little ashamed and guilty, but at the same time, he felt an inexplicable sense of excitement...

And soon, Zhao Xi seemed to have finally thought of something, and a trace of suspicion appeared on his face.

He was going to go back?

Then, what about Piaomiao?

How about his marriage with Piaomiao?



Just as Zhao Xi's thoughts were drifting, a figure slowly appeared in his sight in the courtyard.

It seemed to appear out of thin air, silently.

Under the moonlight, her white clothes were whiter than snow, and the cold wind blew up her skirt and her scattered black hair.

Cold and beautiful!

Absolutely beautiful!


Zhao Xi quickly noticed the figure that suddenly appeared in the courtyard, it was Li Piaomiao.

The moment he saw Li Piaomiao, Zhao Xi instinctively felt guilty again.

Like a kitten who had just stolen fish, he was a little uneasy.

But then, she quickly calmed down, and a happy smile appeared on her delicate face: "Piaomiao, why are you here?!"

Under the moonlight, Li Piaomiao slowly walked under the eaves, and her eyes fell on Zhao Xi at the window: "What are you doing?"

"It's a bit hot, let's get some fresh air!" Zhao Xi's face was not red, and her heart was not beating.

Li Piaomiao's cold eyes fell on the thin nightgown on Zhao Xi's body, and she asked suddenly: "Are you not cold?"

Originally, she was not cold, but after being reminded by Li Piaomiao, Zhao Xi felt a little cold.

She was already wearing cool clothes, and now the cold wind rushed in after opening the window, which made her shiver subconsciously.

"It's really a bit cold!"

Zhao Xi quickly turned around and went back to the room, took a coat and wrapped it around her body to warm up a little.

At this time, Li Piaomiao had already walked into the room.

As soon as she stepped into the room, she seemed to notice something, and her cold eyebrows frowned slightly, as if she smelled something unusual.

"What's that smell?"


Zhao Xi's face flashed with panic when she heard this: "Yes, is there any smell?"

She had already cleaned up and opened the window for a long time, how could she still smell it? !

Li Piaomiao didn't say anything, just sniffed again.

From the moment she stepped into the room, she smelled a very faint, very strange smell.

With a slight fishy smell!

A strange smell that she had never smelled before.

How could there be such a smell in Zhao Xi's room?

Li Piaomiao's cold eyes swept around the room, and soon, her eyes fell on the soft couch not far away, as if she found something strange on the carpet in front of the couch...

"I didn't smell it, it should be Xiaoyue who left it when she cleaned the room just now..."

Just then, Zhao Xi's voice came from the side, disrupting her thoughts.

Zhao Xi was a little embarrassed, but she concealed it well, and quietly threw the blame to the maid Xiaoyue. She walked to Li Piaomiao again and began to change the subject: "By the way, Piaomiao, why did you come to see me so late?"

Li Piaomiao looked at her calmly, "I'm going to leave the capital for a while."


Zhao Xi was stunned when she heard the news: "Where are you going?"

"Ruyi Tower!"

Zhao Xi was stunned.

Then she thought of something...

"You, you are going to Lin Wangfu?"

Li Piaomiao nodded.

Zhao Xi then remembered that Li Piaomiao had mentioned to her before the New Year that she was going to Ruyi Tower.

To help the prince in the palace prolong his life... To be precise, he is already the emperor!

Zhao Xi was a little dazed and reluctant to hear the news!

She didn't have many friends in the capital. Now Lin Jiangnian was leaving, and Li Piaomiao was leaving too. Wouldn't she be left alone in the capital in the future?

While thinking about it, Zhao Xi suddenly realized something.

She looked up at him and said, "You, are going back to the Lin Palace with him?"


Li Piaomiao looked at her with cold eyes: "Who?"

"Who else could it be?"

Zhao Xi stared at her, as if thinking of something, her heart tightened slightly, but a hint of mischief appeared on her face: "He is also going back to the Lin Palace, and you are also planning to go... Have you two already agreed to go together?!"

Faced with Zhao Xi's burning questioning, Li Piaomiao's eyes were cold, and it was unknown what she was thinking.

She shook her head gently: "No."

"Really not?!"

Zhao Xi didn't believe it, she stared at Li Piaomiao suspiciously: "Then why do you two plan to go at this time... Isn't it agreed?"

Li Piaomiao still said calmly: "No."

Zhao Xi slowly retracted her suspicious gaze, and for some reason, she was inexplicably relieved in her heart... She knew Li Piaomiao, and she had known him for so many years, and she disdained to lie!

If you say no, then it's no!

As a result, Zhao Xi didn't know why, but she felt relieved... Even she felt a little strange about this feeling!

Obviously, the two were engaged, so it was normal for them to go back together. But for some reason, Zhao Xi felt a little uncomfortable.

It felt like she was cheated!

After confirming that Li Piaomiao didn't lie to her, Zhao Xi breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time she felt abandoned...

"Okay, if you leave, won't I be more and more bored in Beijing in the future?"

Zhao Xi looked at her with a gloomy look: "Abandon me alone in Beijing?"

Li Piaomiao was silent for a while, and said: "If you want to go, you can go together."

Zhao Xi's heart moved slightly after hearing this. But then, he sighed and waved his hand: "Forget it, forget it, I won't go to trouble you..."

Li Piaomiao was silent and didn't speak.

At this time, Zhao Xi's eyes turned, and she seemed to think of something: "I heard that you were trapped in a secret room with him before?"


"What happened to you two?"

Before, Zhao Xi failed to pry anything out of Lin Jiangnian's mouth, so she planned to start with Li Piaomiao.



Zhao Xi naturally didn't believe it.

Li Piaomiao glanced at her: "Why?"

"You two are alone in the same room, how could nothing happen?"

"Did he have any thoughts about you? Did he not touch you?... Didn't you have a spring in your heart?!"

Zhao Xi couldn't say it, but she always felt that these two people were a little bit unusual.

She had this feeling from the beginning!

Lin Jiangnian refused to say, so Zhao Xi could only set her sights on Li Piaomiao.

Li Piaomiao looked cold and indifferent: "No."

"You're lying... I don't believe it!"


Faced with Zhao Xi's burning questioning, Li Piaomiao just looked at her calmly, his eyes falling on the soft couch not far away.

Suddenly he said: "Did he come to see you just now?"

As soon as he said this, Zhao Xi's face was obviously panicked: "How did you know?"

"There's a smell of him in the room."

Li Piaomiao looked at her expressionlessly: "You two are alone in the same room..."

"What happened again?!"

Zhao Xi: "..."

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