Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 445: At eighteen that year, standing like an ant


In the dark room, the atmosphere became solidified with the appearance of the gray-robed figure.

There seemed to be a chilling air permeating the air.

Chen Changqing knelt on one knee, his face slightly pale, and a trace of horror flashed in his eyes.

But it quickly dissipated.

"Mr. Chen, are you okay?"

In the empty hall.

In the end, in order to save the prince, Chen Changqing was beaten seriously by Chen Zhao and his life hung on a thread!

Show off your loyalty to the emperor and loyal ministers!

However, all of this was planned long ago, and everything Chen Changqing did had Chen Zhao's instructions.

Li Cunning looked at him and said in a gentle tone: "How is your injury?"

In a daze, Chen Changqing suddenly remembered that almost ten years had passed since he came down from the mountain as a teacher!

And what he dreamed of back then is now right in front of him!

In a daze, Chen Changqing seemed to think of himself when he was eighteen years old, standing outside the gate of the capital, like an insignificant and inconspicuous ant.

Therefore, he needs someone to regain control of all this power, and at the same time, he needs someone to control and use him behind the scenes.

Immediately, Chen Changqing spoke again: "Mr. Chen is as good at things as he is, and with one move, the golden cicada escapes from its shell and the prince and others are teased and applauded!"

Having said this, Chen Changqing paused for a moment, and then asked in a deep voice: "My subordinates are suspicious. What is the purpose of what Mr. Chen has spent so much time doing...?"

One move of 'Golden Cicada's Escape' successfully evaded everyone's attention, and even the new emperor did not notice it...

Speaking of this, Li Cunning's eyes flashed with fear.

In the end, he couldn't escape Chen Zhao's butcher's knife!

That is the widow of the Xu family!

Li Cunning asked suddenly.

"Remind Your Majesty to be careful... I didn't expect that Chen Zhao really had a problem!"

In the room, the voice of the figure in gray robe was low and hoarse, and his tone was cold: "You are innocent and he will not have too much doubts about you. What you have to do now is to gain his trust as much as possible and gain more power! "

In front of the palace, Chen Changqing knelt on the ground, bowed his head and said respectfully: "Reporting to your Majesty, this subordinate is Chen Changqing."

Even though Chen Changqing had expected it, he was still worried!

This is a game from beginning to end!

But Chen Changqing's heart suddenly sank.

Now it is the time for Li Cunning to hire people. Chen Changqing in front of him has excellent martial arts skills and is loyal to the court. He is a rare talent!

Under normal circumstances, Li Cunning would not easily believe the person in front of him. But now that Chen Zhao is dead and the serious troubles in his heart have been eliminated, Li Cunning does not need to worry too much.

The look in their eyes before they died tragically made Chen Changqing tremble all over.

The fate of life changed at this moment.

Chen Changqing said calmly: "The night before Chen Zhao assassinated His Majesty, he suddenly secretly summoned his subordinates and others into the palace. His subordinates realized that something was wrong at that time..."

Li Cunning chuckled lightly: "Chief Chen need not be so cautious. Chen Zhao's ambition has nothing to do with Chief Chen. I am not a tyrant, and I will not distinguish between right and wrong."

"My subordinates dare not make any demands."

"I wonder how Chief Chen found out that Chen Zhao wanted to attack me?"

"very good."

In addition, Chen Zhao has four close confidants in Mitiansi, which gradually led to the power of Chen Changqing, the leader, to be slowly emptied...

And his previous sacrifice of life to save him also made Li Cunning become somewhat interested in this person.

Chen Changqing stepped into the main hall and knelt down respectfully: "I pay homage to Your Majesty!"

He understood that Chen Zhao was threatening him!

Intelligence shows that Chen Changqing's ability to become the leader of the Mitian Division is inseparable from Chen Zhao.

On that day, Chen Zhao ordered Chen Changqing to trick Li Cunning into the Health Palace with the intention of assassinating Li Cunning. At the critical moment, Chen Changqing stepped forward and broke with Chen Zhao.

He has the right to enter the palace to meet the emperor at any time!

This also means that Chen Changqing will only have one master in the future...the emperor!

And as the leader of the Mitian Division, he will no longer be afraid of any officials or dignitaries in the capital!

This is the powerful minister!

And he paid for all of this with his life!

But it is precisely because of his principles that he has never been trusted by Chen Zhao.

Long ago, the people under him had clearly investigated Chen Changqing's life experience.

Everything he did that day was just a show in front of the Crown Prince!

Li Cunning issued a few imperial edicts in an understatement!

This Chen Changqing is quite a talent!

Although this person is Chen Zhao's subordinate, he is completely different from Chen Zhao.

"Presumably they still don't know that Mr. Chen is still alive!"

But a deep fear had already arisen in his heart.

The room became deserted again.

If it weren't for him, I'm afraid Chen Changqing would still be the same confused person today.

At the same time, there is also an illusion that things are right and people are different!

Li Cunning showed a slight smile and spoke slowly: "You are now the leader of the Secret Heavens Division. In this case, you will continue to take over the position of the leader of the Secret Heavens Division in the future. At the same time, I will give you another imperial edict, ordering you to eradicate the secrets. All the accomplices left by Chen Zhao in Tiansi..."

Li Cunning interrupted Chen Changqing slowly and spoke slowly: "Although Chief Chen was deceived by Chen Zhao, his original intention was not like this. He abandoned the dark side and turned to the light in time to save my life. He is a rare loyal minister!"

When Chen Changqing heard this, his face was extremely solemn, excited and trembling: "I am willing to die for His Majesty!"

At that time, the former leader of the Secret Heaven Division was murdered, and Chen Zhao happened to choose Chen Changqing, who was in the limelight at that time.

Chen Changqing's expression remained unchanged, and he said in a deep voice: "This is my duty!"

And this is good news for Li Ci Ning.

This person was born in an ordinary family in Beizhou. He joined a small sect since he was a child. He has a talent for martial arts and has emerged at a very young age.

Chen Changqing was shocked: "I dare not!"

Never thought that one day he would hold great power and stand at the pinnacle of power.

"I am loyal to Mr. Chen and have no second thoughts."

At the age of eighteen, Chen Changqing went down the mountain and began to travel around the world, doing chivalrous deeds, and then came to the capital and joined the Secret Heaven Division.

Perhaps, he was kicked out by Chen Zhao...

And this person solved many cases in the Secret Heaven Division in just a few years with his outstanding means, and successfully promoted all the way to become the leader of the Secret Heaven Division!

Of course, to become the leader of the Secret Heaven Division, in addition to outstanding ability, the more important thing is... to have connections!

Now he has completely controlled the Secret Heaven Division. From now on, he will have the final say in the Secret Heaven Division, and there will be no one to hinder him behind him.

Chen Changqing's explanation is normal, but Li Qining still heard the meaning.

He has successfully won the trust of His Majesty and become a knife under the hands of the current emperor!

"Now I need a loyal minister like Chen Kuishou by my side. Is Chen Kuishou willing to work for me?"

Chen Changqing lowered his eyes and said respectfully: "Your subordinates, I will obey the orders of Mr. Chen!"

Chen Changqing said in a deep voice: "Chen Zhao intended to assassinate His Majesty, and he deserves death. As a general of Chen Zhao, I failed to protect His Majesty in the first place. This is my dereliction of duty..."

It was him, Chen Changqing!

Who would have thought that he was still alive?

"I dare not!"

This Chen Changqing seems to be different from others in the Secret Heaven Division. This person has ideals and ambitions, and has different goals and ideas from others.

He hid it too deeply!

Li Ci Ning sighed.

Everything is not over yet!

A play that fooled everyone!

In the quiet hall.

"Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. My injuries are fine now."

"Chen Kuishou saved my life and is loyal to me. I am willing to believe you."

Li Ci Ning looked at the figure of His Highness with a cold gaze. There was a document on his desk.


Chen Changqing still knelt on one knee and lowered his head. After a long silence, he finally breathed a sigh of relief as if he had been relieved.

But he repeatedly hit a wall and was beaten by reality.

In the room, the gray-robed figure looked at him expressionlessly, and his voice was hoarse: "What? Do you hope that something will happen to me?"

With the emperor's decree, he could almost be said to have the imperial sword in his hand!

No one would force him to become a prostitute, and no one would force him to kill those innocent people!

Chen Changqing closed his eyes, as if he could still recall the woman who died tragically in front of him not long ago, and the little girl who was only a few years old.


Li Ci Ning slowly retracted his gaze from the table and looked at Chen Changqing who was kneeling in front of the palace: "Are you Chen Changqing?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

This hidden danger must be prevented!

It must be eliminated!

He will never be controlled by others again one day.

A trap that has been set for a long time!

When he retracted his gaze, a trace of haze flashed in his eyes again.

"On the second day, after Her Royal Highness the Princess and His Royal Highness the Prince of Lin entered the secret room... Chen Zhao ordered his subordinates to trick His Royal Highness to come to the Health Hall, and his subordinates kept a special eye..."

That day, Chen Changqing performed a play in front of the prince according to Chen Zhao's instructions.

Therefore, Chen Changqing's expression became more respectful, and he bowed his head and knelt on the ground.

The gray-robed figure disappeared, and it was dark all around.

His cold eyes fell on Chen Changqing, and he spoke hoarsely: "I give you this opportunity to rise to prominence, but I can take it back at any time... Do you understand?"

Chen Changqing, who had just woken up, received a summons from the new emperor.

What he did in the Secret Heaven Division over the years could not escape Li Ci Ning's eyes. From the investigation data, this person's style of doing things is very principled.

And this person!

"Chen Kuishou, he is really brave and resourceful, and loyal to the court, which is really rare!"

Chen Changqing secretly made up his mind!

After changing his clothes, Chen Changqing followed the imperial guards to the Hall of Supreme Harmony to meet the emperor!

On the other hand, Li Ci Ning urgently needed the trump card of the Secret Heaven Division!

He raised his eyes and stared out the window, his expression gradually became solemn, and he remained silent for a long time.

The gray-robed figure in front of him could easily take his life.

I recall that when I was 18 years old, I was full of vigor and ambition and went down the mountain from my master's door to the world, wanting to plead for the people and do something for the people of the world.

"If you have any questions, you can come to the palace to report to me at any time..."

In the end, his edges were almost worn away.

Hearing this, Chen Changqing trembled all over, his face turned slightly pale, and he lowered his head: "I understand!"

Chen Changqing asked respectfully.

In theory, Chen Changqing was appointed by Chen Zhao as the leader of the Secret Heaven Division, so he should be Chen Zhao's man.

That day, before Chen Changqing protected the emperor, he secretly handed him a piece of intelligence. It was because of this that Li Qining was able to prepare in advance.

Li Ci Ning looked at Chen Changqing in front of the palace and suddenly asked: "I wonder if Chen Kuishou is willing to work for me?"

"This time, it's all thanks to you!"

A drama of breaking up with Chen Zhao!

Chen Changqing could vaguely guess Chen Zhao's purpose. After escaping from the trap, Chen Zhao lost control of the court.

Li Ci Ning waved his hand: "Chen Kuishou has made great contributions to saving the emperor this time. I will not treat the meritorious people unfairly. Chen Kuishou, please tell me what you want as soon as possible. I will satisfy Chen Kuishou."

In the palace.

The one who is alive is Chen Zhao, who is his biggest threat.

Chen Zhao promoted this person in the past to give Chen Changqing a chance, but Chen Changqing's performance obviously did not satisfy Chen Zhao.

"Thank you for your praise, Your Majesty!"

This is the palace of the Daning Dynasty, a symbol of the pinnacle of imperial power!

Chen Changqing had never thought that he would be able to set foot here one day.

After these words came out, Chen Changqing seemed to be stunned for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "But the subordinate is guilty, I am afraid..."

And this naturally became a thorn in the eyes of others.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Changqing slowly opened his eyes.

Even though the Secret Heaven Division had been seriously injured after several twists and turns, it should not be underestimated. Li Ci Ning must take control of the Secret Heaven Division as soon as possible, and Chen Changqing, the leader in front of him, is his best way.

Fortunately, such a thing will not happen again in the future... He will never allow such a tragedy to happen again.

His life is still in the hands of Chen Zhao.

Information about Chen Changqing's life and background.

Chen Zhao is still alive, and he is still hiding in this deep palace, waiting for the opportunity!

The gray-robed figure spoke expressionlessly, without any emotion in his tone.

When he walked out of the hall, Chen Changqing's eyes were a little dazed. He looked up at the open space in front of the hall, and he could see the whole imperial city.

And Chen Changqing's fate was completely changed with these imperial edicts.

After a while.

The next morning.

But the information from the investigation was not like that.

"Prince Lin!"

He could not see through Chen Zhao's purpose.

Chen Zhao, not dead!

This Chen Zhao, who should have died at the hands of the imperial guards, and even had his body hung at the city gate and despised by people, appeared in front of him quietly tonight.

Thinking of this, Chen Changqing shuddered.

"You saved him this time, Li Ci Ning will definitely entrust you with important tasks!"

Chen Zhao is still alive!

And now, he stands in the imperial city, above the power, and has become a hot minister of the emperor!

At this point, Li Ci Ning spoke again: "If it weren't for Chen Kuishou's advance tip-off that day, I'm afraid I would have been fooled by Chen Zhao..."

Li Ci Ning suddenly sighed and said: "If it weren't for Chen Kuishou's sacrifice to save me, I'm afraid I would have died on the spot this time!"


Li Ci Ning looked at the information in his hand quietly, with a touch of color in his cold eyes.

Then, he slowly stood up from the ground and looked up. A slightly pale, yet doubtful face was revealed.

Until... that person appeared!

A handsome figure gradually emerged in Chen Changqing's eyes.

In the cold room, Chen Changqing slowly spoke.

Even after becoming the leader of the Secret Heaven Division, Chen Changqing repeatedly obstructed Chen Zhao's plan to frame loyal officials. In this way, Chen Changqing slowly became a pawn.

The closer he got, the more he felt that Chen Zhao was unfathomable.

Chen Changqing's eyes gradually darkened.

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