Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 446 The Xu Family Brothers and Sisters

News of Lin Hengzhong's assassination has not yet reached Beijing, so Beijing is still relatively calm.

But if nothing goes wrong, within two days, when the news comes, it will inevitably cause great turmoil and repercussions in Beijing.

By then, the entire court will be affected.

And more importantly, someone will definitely have their thoughts on Lin Jiangnian because of this.

If the assassination of Lin Hengzhong is true, Prince Lin's palace is now leaderless, and the only heir, Crown Prince Lin, is still in the capital. If at this time, we find a way to keep Lin Jiangnian...

For the imperial court and the new emperor, they naturally hope that Prince Lin's Mansion will be stable for now. At least, until Li Cunning had enough to deal with Linwang's Mansion, he hoped that Linwang's Mansion would be stable.

But on the other hand, the forces in Beijing are mixed, and naturally some people do not want to see stability in the world. He even wished that there would be chaos in the palace and even chaos in the world...

The world is in chaos!

For some people it is more beneficial!

Therefore, once the news spreads that Lin Hengzhong was assassinated and seriously injured, someone will inevitably target Lin Jiangnian.

It's even...possible to kill him!

Therefore, there was not much time left for Lin Jiangnian.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Jiangnian found his aunt and explained to her the situation in Prince Lin's Mansion.

When he learned that Lin Hengzhong was stabbed and seriously injured and fell into coma, Jiang Yuxiang was obviously extremely shocked and couldn't believe it.

"You're so good, why did you suddenly get assassinated?"

After a brief moment of shock, Jiang Yuxiang became worried: "What are the guards in Prince Lin's Mansion doing for food?"

"Your Majesty, how is he doing now?!"

Admittedly, Jiang Yuxiang didn't have much contact with this nominal brother-in-law. He even had some conflicts with Lin Hengzhong because of the Zhiyuan incident.

But no matter what, Lin Hengzhong was her brother-in-law in name only and Lin Jiangnian's father. If something happened to him, the consequences would be disastrous.

Faced with her aunt's anxiety and worry, Lin Jiangnian told her aunt the cause and effect of the incident.

Lin Jiangnian doesn't know much about the situation at present. He only knows that Lin Hengzhong was attacked and killed by a mysterious master. As for the origin of the master and his current situation, he is unknown.

The news was rushed from Prince Lin's Mansion day and night to the capital. The capital and Linjiang City are thousands of miles apart, so even when the news was delivered, it was already a few days ago.

At present, Lin Hengzhong’s situation is still unclear.

After Jiang Yuxiang finished listening, his expression became more solemn.

She knew the seriousness of the matter very well. If something happened to the prince, there would be chaos in Prince Lin's palace. At this time, the leaderless Prince Lin's Mansion needed someone to step up and take charge.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuxiang raised his eyes and looked at Lin Jiangnian, and said with a solemn expression: "What do you think?"

Lin Jiangnian told his aunt about his plan: "I have to go back as soon as possible to confirm the situation..."

Returning to Linjiang City as soon as possible is Lin Jiangnian's next most important plan.

After Jiang Yuxiang listened, he nodded slightly. With this kind of thing, Lin Jiangnian, the Prince Lin, would definitely not be able to stay outside any longer.

"But this way, I won't be able to go to Jiangnan Jiang's house for the time being."

Lin Jiang young spoke loudly.

Jiang Yuxiang shook his head: "Business matters are important. I will talk about the situation with the old man after I get back..."

Compared with Mr. Jiang's serious illness, Lin Hengzhong's condition is obviously more serious.

The Jiang family is one of the largest wealthy families in the south of the Yangtze River, and Mr. Jiang's reputation is certainly great. However, the Jiang family has long been entrenched and its forces are complex. Even if something happens to the old man, it will not affect the Jiang family.

What's more, with the big brother in charge, there won't be any trouble.

But here at Prince Lin's Mansion, things are different!

Once something happens to Lin Hengzhong, even Jiang Yuxiang can predict the seriousness of the matter.

"You should return to Prince Lin's Mansion as soon as possible to see what's going on. Stabilize the situation and don't let Prince Lin's Mansion become chaotic..."

Jiang Yuxiang stood in front of Lin Jiangnian, raised his eyes slightly and looked at him with a slightly serious look, like a serious elder, and whispered softly: "Remember to be careful when you go back. I'm afraid many people will be watching you this time." . After something happened to the prince, someone must want to kill him..."

Jiang Yuxiang obviously saw things very clearly and knew that the assassination was not that simple. It's true that Lin Jiangnian wants to return to Prince Lin's Mansion as soon as possible, but he must also pay attention to safety at the same time.

Right now, the person who should least have trouble is him.

"Don't worry, aunt, I will be careful."

Lin Jiangnian nodded. He had expected this and had already made preparations.

"But with Zhiyuan by your side, I feel relieved."

Jiang Yuxiang sighed softly: "Zhiyuan's martial arts are very powerful, and he can protect you at critical moments... However, you still have to be careful!"

She warned a lot, but her eyes were a little reluctant.

Jiang Yuxiang was quite happy when she learned that something had happened to Mr. Jiang and that Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan planned to return to the Jiang family with her. In this way, there is no need to separate from Zhiyuan and this brat.

By the way, I can take this kid back and experience the scenery of Jiangnan.

Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened to Prince Lin, disrupting the plan.

Jiang Yuxiang had to feel a little regretful and asked Lin Jiangnian to return to Linzhou first.

Lin Jiangnian looked at his aunt who seemed a little disappointed, hesitated for a moment, and was about to say something. Outside the door, footsteps suddenly came.

"Miss, someone is coming from Jiangnan!"

The person who spoke was a maid, running over in a hurry.

Upon hearing the news, Lin Jiangnian and Jiang Yuxiang looked at each other.

The Jiangnan Jiang family are finally here? !

When Lin Jiangnian and Jiang Yuxiang rushed to the front yard, many people had already gathered in the front hall.

Someone from Jiangnan’s Jiang family is here.

It was an acquaintance who came.

"Second Young Master, Second Madam, the old man is seriously ill and I'm afraid he won't be able to survive for long. The eldest young master specially ordered us to come and inform you..."

In the front hall, there were several dusty figures standing, all servants who had come all the way from Jiangnan.

In addition, Jiang Ningkang, Jiang's mother and others were also standing in the courtyard, their brows furrowed and their expressions solemn.

He stared at the dusty figures in front of him, all of whom were familiar faces. The leader among them was a young housekeeper of the Jiang family, with whom he had a fairly good relationship back then.

"what happened?!"

Jiang Ningkang's voice was low and his face was solemn.

He had been worried when he received the letter two days ago. Now that the Jiang family members have arrived, he feels more and more uncomfortable: "Isn't the old man always in good health? How could he suddenly fall ill and die?"

The young butler lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "My master's health was indeed very good some time ago, but a few years ago, he suddenly caught a cold and contracted wind-chill. He became seriously ill and couldn't afford to be ill..."

"We have called all the doctors in the city to no avail. My master's health is getting worse and worse. I'm afraid... I won't be able to resist for much longer..."

"The eldest young master asked me to come and ask the second young master, second madam, and second young lady to go back as soon as possible..."

There was silence in the hall.

Jiang Ningkang looked embarrassed and gloomy.

Not only was Jiang Yuxiang asked to go back, but Jiang Ningkang and Jiang's mother were also asked to go back. This undoubtedly proved... that the old man's situation was very serious.

It even seemed like he was arranging funeral arrangements!

The situation is more serious than imagined.

Mother Jiang on the side couldn't help but blush when she heard the news: "My father-in-law is in good health, how come he suddenly fails?"

The atmosphere in the entire hall was dull, except for Jiang Shaoan, who was standing in the corner and looked at everything in a daze.

He grew up in the capital, and he didn't have much impression of the grandfather in Jiangnan, and he didn't have much feeling at all.

I originally wanted to laugh and make a few jokes to lighten the atmosphere, but seeing that my father and mother didn't look so good, I thought about it and swallowed it back.

Mother Jiang wiped away her tears and looked back at Jiang Ningkang: "Master, what should I do?"

Jiang Ningkang had a sullen face and took a deep breath: "My father is seriously ill, so of course I have to go back and check on the situation."

After all, he is his biological father. Even if he had different ideas at the time, blood will eventually dissolve in water. Now that his father is seriously ill, there is no reason why he should not go back.

But soon, Jiang Ningkang frowned again, a little worried: "Now that His Majesty has just ascended the throne, there are many affairs in the court. I wonder if His Majesty will grant leave..."

After hearing this, Jiang's mother couldn't help but said: "There are so many officials in the court, and one more of you is not more, and one less of you is not less. My father-in-law is in trouble, how can your majesty not grant you leave?"

Jiang Ningkang thought for a while, and nodded: "Then I will go and ask for leave from Your Majesty early tomorrow morning..."

Speaking of this, Jiang Ningkang saw Lin Jiangnian and Jiang Yuxiang who happened to be coming over again.

"Yuxiang, what about you?"

Jiang Yuxiang also heard what the people from Jiangnan said, and had previously suspected that the old man had deliberately pretended to be sick to trick her into going back. The matter is now so big that even the second brother is planning to go back, so it obviously doesn't look like a lie.

She nodded: "Second brother and I will go back together."

Jiang Ningkang nodded: "That's fine. In that case, I will have a companion on the road."

Having said this, Jiang Ningkang looked at Lin Jiangnian again: "Then Jiangnian, you..."

"I won't go with you. I want to go back to Linjiang City first."

Lin Jiangnian hadn't had time to tell Jiang Ningkang about the news of the incident in Prince Lin's Mansion. Jiang Ningkang didn't know about it, but when he heard that Lin Jiangnian was going back to Linjiang City, he didn't say anything and nodded: "In that case, be careful... …”

"Uncle, I have something to tell you."

Lin Jiangnian gave Jiang Ningkang a look and spoke. Jiang Ningkang noticed it and nodded: "Come to the study."

After the two left, Jiang Yuxiang quickly came to the young housekeeper from Jiangnan.

He is said to be a young housekeeper, but this person is also in his forties. He has stayed in the Jiang family for decades and is considered an elder who has watched Jiang Yuxiang grow up since childhood.

"Uncle Jiang, what happened to the old man?"

Jiang Yuxiang stared at him and said solemnly: "How could the old man be infected with the cold when he is so good? How could he suddenly fall ill?"

"What's going on, old man?"

"Tell me carefully from beginning to end!"



In a house filled with birdsong and flowers.

Loft room.

A young man in brocade robes was lying lazily by the attic, holding a petite maid in his arms, and his eyes fell casually in the courtyard.

The maid in his arms was wearing a light gauze dress, with her snow-white skin looming. She was lying obediently in the young master's arms, stuffing grapes into the young master's mouth with gentle and charming movements.

The young master ate the grapes that the maid put in his arms and nodded with satisfaction. The big hand that fell on the maid made the maid in his arms feel shy.

The scene was unsightly.

Until a rush of footsteps broke the harmony.

"Your Highness, the princess is here!"

came the urgent voice of a servant.

As soon as these words came out, the young master who was sitting lazily in the attic immediately jumped up and sat up.

"Your Highness, what's wrong?"

The maid in his arms was still full of charm, with a blush on her face, but she was suddenly pushed away by the young man next to her.

"Hurry up and go down, go away!"

As he said that, he drove her away mercilessly.

The maid was aggrieved and wanted to say something, but seeing the cold and impatient eyes of the prince, her heart trembled suddenly, and she dared not say a word. She quickly stood up and covered her collar and walked away quickly.

Xu Xuan quickly tidied up his clothes and tidied up the messy places around. After making sure that there was nothing unusual, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, soft footsteps came.

In the sight, a beautiful figure appeared in the attic.

Tall, elegant temperament, a beautiful and intelligent face, and capable black hair.

Slowly coming.

When he stepped into the attic, he stopped again, and his expressionless eyes fell on the attic and on the young man.

"Chaoge, you're here?!"

In the attic, Xu Xuan, the son of Prince Xu, waved at her with a look of surprise: "Sister, how come you have time to come to see me today?!"

Xu Chaoge looked at Xu Xuan in the attic coldly, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes, and then he said expressionlessly: "I have something to talk to you about."

"What is it?"

Xu Xuan waved enthusiastically: "Come and sit down!"

Xu Chaoge glanced around and said expressionlessly: "Dirty!"

The smile on Xu Xuan's face froze immediately, and a trace of guilt surged into his heart.

"Chaoge, what do you mean by this..."

"Do you need me to say it clearly?"

"Ahem... no need!"

Xu Xuan's old face flushed, obviously knowing that his sister had noticed something.

That's right!

However, he was also thick-skinned. After a light cough, he waved his hand: "I'm just bored... Don't worry, sister, I didn't do anything..."

As he said that, he stood up and walked towards the attic, trying to explain his behavior, but Xu Chaoge warned him with a look of contempt and disdain: "Stay away from me!"

Xu Xuan was hurt: "Chaoge, I'm your brother!"

"I don't have a brother as shameless and morally corrupt as you." Xu Chaoge didn't give his brother any face at all.

Xu Xuan: "..."

"You say that, I'm very sad."

Xu Xuan looked sad: "In your eyes, am I not important at all as your brother?"

"I hate men who are promiscuous and can't control their lower body the most!"

Xu Chaoge glanced at him lightly and said expressionlessly: "If you weren't my brother, you would have been dead long ago."

Xu Xuan shrank his neck in fear and smiled embarrassedly: "Not really... Chaoge, you won't be so cruel, right?"

Xu Chaoge glanced at him again and said nothing.

Xu Xuan felt a chill on his neck.

With his understanding of his sister's character...she could really do it.

"'s not that serious, sister, you have a stereotype. How can I be a man who is promiscuous and can't control myself?"

Xu Xuan defended himself: "Look, I haven't messed with other women recently...I have been in the capital for so long, and I haven't been to a brothel once..."

Xu Chaoge didn't say anything, looking at him coldly.

" least I am better than that Prince Lin, right?"

Realizing that he had made a mistake, Xu Xuan immediately wanted to drag Lin Jiangnian into the water: "We are both princes, am I not much better than him? That guy is really promiscuous, with many confidantes around him...He is obviously engaged to the eldest princess, but he still shows affection and doesn't even let go of the maids around him...What a beast!"

Xu Xuan gritted his teeth, obviously still brooding over it.

However, Xu Chaoge's face still had no emotion, looking at him coldly.

"He is not a good thing."

"You too!"


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