Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 447 The Xu family does not want to bear the infamy

Faced with his sister's personal attack, Prince Xu could only smile bitterly and sigh.

He wanted to refute that he was different from Prince Lin...but thinking about it carefully, it didn't seem to be any better.


Xu Xuan couldn't help but sigh: "I am also your brother after all, so I can save some face, right?"

Xu Chaoge's eyes were always contemptuous, "How many times have I cleaned up the messes you did for you? Which time didn't I help you to sort it out?"

"If father found out, your legs would have been broken long ago!"

Xu Xuan suddenly showed a flattering look on his face and walked forward: "I knew Chao Ge you were the best to me..."

"Stop, stay away from me!"

Xu Chaoge scolded him again, not allowing Xu Xuan to come near. Then she gave him a cold glance: "I have business with you!"

Hearing that it was business, Xu Xuan gradually put away the playful smile on his face: "What business?"

"Lin Hengzhong was assassinated!" Xu Chaoge said.

"I just heard about it."

Xu Xuan nodded: "Information came in last night. I heard that he was assassinated... but it feels a bit false!"

"What do you say?" Xu Chaoge looked at him.

"Who is Lin Hengzhong? Could he be the master who was easily assassinated?"

Xu Xuan sighed: "Others don't know it, how can we not know it? If a master at the first-level master level was really so easy to assassinate, Lin Hengzhong would have died countless times."

"He was still attacked in Linjiang City and took action at the Lin family's lair. How powerful a master must he be to do this?"

I have to say that Xu Xuan's words are not unreasonable.

In this world, if the Xu family says they don't understand the details of the Lin family, I'm afraid no one in the world will dare to say they do!

The person who knows you best is never your friend, but your opponent!

For so many years, the Xu family has always regarded the Lin family as its biggest rival, and it can be said that the Lin family has a clear reputation. Especially Prince Lin, the Xu family has always regarded it as the biggest threat!

Over the years, the Xu family has planted many informants and traitors in Linzhou.

"The news is not false."

Xu Chaoge said: "Lin Hengzhong was indeed assassinated."

The Xu family's spy in Linjiang City confirmed this matter!

Lin Hengzhong was indeed assassinated by a master!

"This is a bit strange!"

Xu Xuan asked doubtfully: "How many people in this world have the courage and ability to assassinate Lin Hengzhong?"

"There are only a handful of them, right?"

"Could it be the imperial court?"

Xu Xuan narrowed his eyes and said suspiciously: "The new emperor has ascended the throne and can't wait to attack the Lin family?"

Xu Chaoge said calmly: "He's not that stupid!"

"He has just ascended the throne and has not yet secured his throne. Attacking the Lin family at this time is tantamount to seeking death."

"Who else could it be?"

Xu Xuan thought thoughtfully: "Apart from the imperial court, who else today has the ability to assassinate Lin Hengzhong?"

After all, he was the only king with a different surname in the Daning Dynasty, and his prestige was greater than that of the Xu family, a hereditary king with a different surname.

There are many people in the world who want to kill Lin Hengzhong, and those who have assassinated Lin Hengzhong over the years are like crucian carp crossing the river.

But no one succeeds!

"Chaoge, do you think you can..."

Xu Xuan seemed to suddenly think of something and couldn't help but ask: "Did our father do it?"

Hearing this speculation, Xu Chaoge glanced at him.

"Don't tell me that you don't rule out this possibility?!"

Xu Xuan seemed to have thought of something and analyzed and explained: "Our father has always been at odds with Lin Hengzhong, and this time Lin Hengzhong did something extraordinary... He sent Zheng Zhiming to Xuzhou and killed so many people. He clearly doesn’t give face to his father at all..."

"Can father swallow this tone?"

Some time ago, Zheng Zhiming broke into Xuzhou alone and caused quite a stir in Xuzhou, killing many members of his Xu family!

That's revenge!

The Xu family knew that this was Lin Hengzhong's revenge for his father's assassination of Lin Jiangnian!

However, Lin Hengzhong did an amazing job!

Xu Xuan knew his father's violent temper, how could he swallow such bad temper?

"If it weren't for another member of Lin Hengzhong's men who drove Dongfang Guanshan to Xuzhou, my father would have planned to keep Zheng Zhiming... I guess my father would not be able to swallow this tone."

Xu Xuan analyzed and said clearly: "Didn't my father always do something secretly behind our backs some time ago? I suspect it may have something to do with this matter..."

"I'm not sure, it's really my father who did it!"

Xu Chaoge originally scoffed, but after listening to Xu Xuan's analysis, his eyes narrowed slightly.

I still don’t quite believe it, but I seem to be shaken!

"Why did my father do this?"


Xu Xuan slapped his thigh: "The man surnamed Lin has bullied his father. How can he bear this hatred? It doesn't matter if he can kill Lin Hengzhong, even if he can't... just think of it as a bad breath!"

"I heard that Lin Hengzhong was seriously injured?"

"Hey, if it's true, now Linwangfu will have some fun..."

Xu Xuan didn't know what he was thinking of, and he looked a little gloating.

Xu Chaoge was thoughtful. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't explain it for a while.

"That's right, sister!"

At this time, Xu Xuan seemed to have thought of something again. He touched his chin and said, "Lin Hengzhong was assassinated. If nothing unexpected happens, Lin Jiangnian should go back quickly, right?"

Xu Chaoge raised his eyes slightly and looked at him: "What?"

"Aren't you planning to take revenge?"

Xu Xuan thought of something again: "Didn't that guy tease you last time? Don't you want to take revenge?"

Xu Xuan thought of Lin Jiangnian's rude words to Xu Chaoge on the night of New Year's Eve. With my sister’s character, how could she not hold grudges?

"That kid is determined to go back to Linzhou. If you really let him go back, sister, you don't know when you will have to wait until the next time you want to take revenge?"

Xu Chaoge's expression was cold, a strange color seemed to flash in his eyes, and then he said calmly: "Business matters."

When business came up, the smile on Xu Xuan's face faded slightly: "How did things go?"

Xu Chaoge glanced at him coldly: "Don't forget that my father asked you to handle this matter."

"Don't you have a sister here? I'm relieved!"

Xu Xuan flattered his sister and sighed secretly: "No one expected that the third prince would be so vulnerable..."

He sighed with regret, shook his head and said: "Some mud can't hold up the wall!"

I thought that this drama of fighting for the throne would be very exciting, but I didn't expect that it ended up being so anticlimactic, which somewhat disappointed Xu Xuan who was watching the drama.

"This is better for us."

Xu Chaoge spoke calmly.


When Xu Xuan thought about it, it made sense. If the third prince was a talented person, it would not be a good thing.

"It's a pity that I couldn't see through Li Cunning's true identity this time..."

Xu Xuan felt a little regretful.

This drama of fighting for the throne was so simple that Xu Xuan could not judge how many tricks the prince had.

To be precise, he is Your Majesty now!

Xu Xuan couldn't help but sigh, this time he came to the capital and he really came to the right place. Although it is a bit regretful, we did witness a lot of wonderful dramas.

The drama of the crown prince and the third prince's struggle for the throne has just come to an end, and on the other side, there is news of rebellion in the palace!

Chen Zhao, the old eunuch beside Emperor Ning, suddenly failed to assassinate His Highness the Crown Prince and died accidentally.

Immediately afterwards, the news came that Emperor Ning had passed away!

And this is one of the purposes of Xu Xuan and Xu Chaoge's visit to the capital this time.

Emperor Ning has been in seclusion for more than half a year, and various forces in the world have speculated, and they all want to know what is going on with this emperor. Xu Xuan and Xu Chaoge took this opportunity to go to Beijing to find out the truth.

Now that it is confirmed that the emperor has passed away, he is completely relieved.

Xu Chaoge said: "Di Ning is dead, we should go back and make preparations."

"It's almost time to go back!"

Xu Xuan nodded and sighed: "Those people have been keeping a close eye on us during this period. I even have a brothel...ahem..."

Xu Xuan coughed lightly: "With the death of Emperor Ning, the biggest threat to our Xu family is gone. As for the new emperor... he is still very young!"

The new emperor has not yet made any political achievements since he ascended the throne, and it is difficult for him to control the world situation in a short time.

For them, it is undoubtedly the best result.

"Next, our Xu family will only have the last opponent left..."

Having said this, the smile on Xu Xuan's face disappeared, and something seemed to be shining faintly in those cold eyes.

From beginning to end, the Xu family has only one opponent!

"It would be great if Lin Hengzhong was assassinated this time..."

Xu Xuan couldn't help but think: "In this way, our Xu family really has the final say in this world..."

"Dream less!"

Xu Chaoge interrupted him angrily: "Even if Lin Hengzhong is dead and King Lin's army is still there, the trusted generals under Lin Hengzhong still cannot be underestimated!"

Xu Xuan's eyes were disdainful: "What kind of trouble can a bunch of people stir up? Once Lin Hengzhong dies, they will all be in chaos. As for Prince Lin Wang..."

Xu Xuan thought of the young man who was similar to him in age and even more handsome than him in appearance. He curled his lips and said, "You don't really think that Lin Jiangnian can control Lin Hengzhong's subordinates." Will it?"

"Does he have that ability?...He doesn't!"

Xu Chaoge's face was expressionless.

"Are you jealous of him?"

"How can it be?!"

Xu Xuan denied it.

Xu Chaoge mercilessly exposed: "You are just jealous that he is Li Miaomiao's fiancé!"

"That's absolutely not the case!"

Xu Xuan stared and firmly refused to admit it.

Then he sneered again: "Besides, whether they can succeed or not is still a matter of fact. Emperor Ning passed away, and Li Cunning trusted his sister very much. How could he be willing to marry her to Lin Jiangnian?!"

"This marriage will most likely fail!"

Xu Xuan's eyes brightened and he felt inexplicably better.

What engagement?

It's all false!

It was a political marriage in itself. Now that Emperor Ning has passed away, how could Li Cunning be willing to marry his sister to Linzhou?

Thinking of this, Xu Xuan suddenly smiled.

Xu Chaoge looked at his virtuous behavior and didn't want to say anything more. He said expressionlessly: "Don't forget the business. There can't be any mistakes in that matter... Otherwise, my father will not be able to spare you!"

Xu Xuan waved his hand: "Don't worry, Chao Ge. I know what's going on and I can't be wrong."

He already had a plan in mind and was confident.

"It better be so!"

Xu Chaoge glanced at him coldly, and then said: "Father does not want to be reviled by the world, and our Xu family cannot bear the infamy... Whether you can inherit the position of father in the future depends on yourself."

After saying that, Xu Chaoge turned around and gave one last reminder: "Get it done as soon as possible to avoid long nights and many dreams!"

Then he ignored the slightly complacent Xu Xuan in the attic and left without looking back.

Xu Xuan was left standing there. After his sister disappeared, he curled his lips and said, "Don't want to be scolded? Don't want to bear the curse?"

"My father has such wonderful thoughts!"

"The common people in the world are not fools... Can my father deceive himself and all the common people in the world?"

"No matter what, our Xu family will definitely bear this reputation!"

"...You can't escape!"


The sudden news caused a big change in the atmosphere in the Jiang family.

After the guests came to the Jiang family in Jiangnan, Jiang Ningkang went to the palace to see His Majesty to approve the leave, while Jiang's mother started busy packing her luggage.

It is not far from the capital to Chuzhou in the south of the Yangtze River, but it is not close either. There is also a section of waterway. The trip back will be tiring and tiring, so we naturally need to make more preparations.

But after all, the news came too suddenly, and there was not much time to prepare. When Jiang Ningkang brought his wife and children to the capital from Jiangnan, he rarely went back to visit.

But this time, while Mr. Jiang was seriously ill, Jiang Ningkang planned to rush back with his wife and children, and go home to visit relatives.

And Jiang Shaoan, the eldest young master, was somewhat reluctant to leave when he learned that he would be leaving the capital for a while.

Ever since he came to limelight in Cuixianju a few days ago, Jiang Shaoan has been in full glory these days. Lin Jiangnian became famous after his first battle in Cuixianju. After the news spread, it caused quite a stir among the dandy circles in Beijing.

After all, that day, the scene of the Eighth Prince plopped down on his knees in front of Lin Jiangnian, begging for mercy and calling him brother-in-law was so shocking that many people had a new understanding of this Prince Lin!

In addition, the strength of Lin Jiangnian's attack that day was also terrifying. After the news spread, it became more and more outrageous.

Lin Jiangnian killed all the guards around the Eighth Prince with just a flick of his finger!

How could Prince Lin, with just one look, force the eighth prince to kneel down and beg for mercy, crying and begging for mercy!

At the end of the story, it was even said that Lin Jiangnian had been hiding for many years, but he was actually a master who had been hiding for many years...

The news spread outrageously, and what followed was curious speculation from various forces about this Prince Lin.

As the cousin of Prince Lin, Jiang Shaoan's status naturally rose with the tide.

Those children from the dandy family who used to look down on Jiang Shaoan came forward one after another to show their kindness, to curry favor, or to inquire... They all wanted to find out the news about Prince Lin from Jiang Shaoan.

In this way, being surrounded by so many people for the first time in his life greatly satisfied Young Master Jiang's vanity. He was addicted to it and could not extricate himself.

When I learned that I was leaving the capital, I was somewhat reluctant!

Night falls.

After Lin Jiangnian left his aunt, he went to the courtyard next door and knocked on the door.

Then, he opened the door and walked into the room.

In the cold and quiet room, candles were lit.

Zhiyuan, who was wearing a green shirt and white skirt, was squatting on the ground, packing her things.

Lin Jiangnian approached slowly and squatted down next to her: "Where are you packing?"

"Yeah." Zhiyuan nodded softly.

"Let me help you."

As Lin Jiangnian said this, he reached out to help pack the things, but soon he touched something made of gauze from the luggage.

He looked down and saw what he was touching.

Before he could speak, he saw the paper kite next to him quickly snatched from his hand, stuffed it into his luggage, and then tied it up.

"I'm done cleaning it up!"

Zhiyuan's tone seemed a little unnatural and she stood up slowly.

Lin Jiang young laughed and looked quietly at the soft and rosy face of the girl in front of him.

He stood up slowly, walked closer, hugged Zhiyuan from behind, rested his head on her neck, and took a deep breath.

“It smells so good!”

Zhiyuan's face turned slightly red, she twisted her body unnaturally, and glanced back at him.

"No, no dirty words!"

"Where is the dirty talk in this?"

Lin Jiangnian held her little hand and chuckled, "These are obviously love words."

Zhiyuan's face turned red, she looked away and ignored him.

She knew that the more she dealt with this guy, the more he would take advantage of her.

While feeling the girl's soft and delicate body, Lin Jiangnian quietly stared at Zhiyuan's face and called softly: "Zhiyuan."

The kite was indifferent.

"I have something to tell you."

Lin Jiangnian stared at Zhiyuan's eyes quietly, paused, and then suddenly spoke.

"This time, why don't you and my aunt and the others go back to Jiangnan first?"

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