Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 448 Uninvited Guests at the Imperial Mausoleum

Zhiyuan looked startled when he heard this. He raised his head and met Lin Jiangnian's eyes.

He seemed stunned for a moment, but it wasn't very... unexpected?

She didn't speak, quietly waiting for Lin Jiangnian's next words.

"It's a long way back this time, and the journey is in a hurry. Not to mention the difficulty, there may be some unknown dangers..."

Going back this time is completely different from when I first entered Beijing!

When Lin Jiangnian first came to Beijing, he was in an elegant mood for sightseeing and enjoyed the journey leisurely and with great fanfare.

The purpose of the fanfare was also to attract those people behind the scenes to reveal themselves.

But the situation after returning this time was completely different.

Lin Jiangnian had to leave as soon as possible, and he naturally lost the mood and time for sightseeing along the way.

The trip is in a hurry and it is not suitable to bring too many people around. Especially his personal maid, Xiaozhu, whose body is inherently weak. The last time she came to Beijing from Linjiang City, she fell ill several times due to acclimatization.

The journey back this time was hurried, and if she kept rushing, she might not be able to hold on.

In addition, you will have to face unknown dangers when you go back this time. Lin Jiangnian couldn't guarantee whether anyone would be waiting for him on the way back.

Therefore, Lin Jiangnian not only had to prepare early. This time I have to go back very low-key and not attract too many people's attention.

In this case, it is naturally not suitable to bring too many people with him when he goes back this time!

Of course, Lin Jiangnian also had other plans.

In the dimly lit room, listening to Lin Jiangnian's analysis and plan, Zhiyuan's cold eyes fell on him.

"So, you want me to take Xiaozhu and the others to Jiangnan with my aunt?"

"That's right!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "Not only do you want to take Xiaozhu and the others to Jiangnan with great fanfare, but you also want to create an illusion... I'm going too!"

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes slightly and immediately understood what Lin Jiangnian meant.

Is he trying to mislead everyone?

Give everyone the illusion that Lin Jiangnian went to the Jiang family in Jiangnan?

"It's hard."

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment and then spoke.

Lin Hengzhong was assassinated, and Lin Jiangnian, the eldest son of Prince Lin, did not rush back to Linjiang City, but went to Jiangnan.

This is obviously unreasonable!

It’s very difficult to deceive those people!

"It's up to them whether they believe it or not, but as long as it creates the illusion."

Lin Jiang young laughed.

Everyone knew that he would definitely return to Linjiang City, but no one knew how or when Lin Jiangnian would return.

Zhiyuan was Lin Jiangnian's personal maid. She went to Jiangnan, and Prince Lin was suspected to be with her. Even if they still don't believe it, they will definitely find a way to find out.

Who can guarantee that Lin Jiangnian will not change his route back to Linjiang City on his way to Jiangnan?

In this way, it will definitely be able to deceive people.

You don’t have to be able to fool everyone, but you just need to be able to fool most people. By the time those people realized something was wrong, Lin Jiangnian had quietly returned to Linjiang City.

This is also the best way at present.

After listening to Lin Jiangnian's words, Zhiyuan fell into silence and did not speak for a while.

After seeming to hesitate for a while, Zhiyuan nodded gently: "Okay."

She also knew that this was the best way at the moment.

Lin Jiangnian hurriedly returned to Linjiang City. If he took them with him, they would be a burden. Zhiyuan was fine, but Xiaozhu and the other palace maids who followed him would certainly not be able to bear the long journey.

Naturally, Xiaozhu and the others cannot be left in the capital.

In this case, letting them go to Jiangnan is the best choice.

As Lin Jiangnian said, in this way, he can also take the opportunity to confuse the outside world and make people unclear about Lin Jiangnian's true movements.

It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone!


Zhiyuan's eyes were cold and faint, watching Lin Jiangnian quietly.

Lin Jiangnian saw it, gently stretched out his hand to hold the girl's delicate body into his arms, and gently stroked her hair: "What? Are you reluctant to leave your highness?"

The plan is indeed a good one!

But this also means that Lin Jiangnian will be temporarily separated from Zhiyuan and the others.

Thinking about this, I feel somewhat reluctant to give up.

Zhiyuan's eyes were still cold, but there was a hint of trance in his eyes.

After a while, he spoke softly: "Xiao Zhu, maybe you won't agree."


Zhiyuan spoke softly, with an expressionless face: "Xiaozhu, I rely on you very much."

Lin Jiangnian understood!

For more than a year, Xiaozhu has been with him as his personal maid. This sudden separation, Xiaozhu may not be able to accept it for a while.

"Xiaozhu is weak. She will definitely not be able to return to Linjiang City with me."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head. He didn't want to upset Xiaozhu.

This time, his plan was to go back alone, so it was naturally not suitable to take her with him.

Zhiyuan glanced out the window as if inadvertently, and said calmly: "You can tell her yourself."

"Then I call her to come in?"

Zhiyuan didn't speak, just nodded.

Lin Jiangnian then got up and came to the door of the room.

open the door.

The moment the door opened, there was a figure standing unsteadily at the door, staggering and falling directly into the room.


Xiaozhu looked panicked at the door. Just when she was about to fall, a pair of strong arms caught her.

Xiaozhu took a closer look, his face immediately turned red, and he was as guilty as a sneaky kitten: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

"I, I just passed by...I didn't hear anything..."

"I, I'm leaving now..."

Xiaozhu blushed and was about to struggle and run away.

Lin Jiangnian looked down at her pink face and said angrily: "Stop pretending, come in, I have something to tell you!"


Xiaozhu was startled and blinked his beautiful eyes.

Not sure why.

Come in?

His Highness called her to come in?

This, what is this for?

For a moment, Xiaozhu seemed to realize something, and his face suddenly turned hot and blushing, as if he remembered what he had experienced last time.

"This, this is not good..."

Xiaozhu was about to say something coyly when he saw His Highness had returned to the room.

She then quietly took a look at His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan in the room, and found that their clothes were still neatly dressed.


Haven't started yet?

With a feeling of shyness and uneasiness, Xiaozhu closed the door and walked in front of His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan. He lowered his head and said in a slightly nervous tone: "Your Highness, Your Highness, Sister Zhiyuan..."

"Xiaozhu, I have something to tell you..."

After Lin Jiangnian called Xiaozhu in, he told her about going to Jiangnan.

Xiaozhu was feeling shy, nervous and uneasy, still thinking about why His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan hadn't started yet?

Could it be that she needs help?

Can you help push it?


While still thinking wildly, Xiaozhu was slightly stunned after hearing Lin Jiangnian's words.

His eyes were blank and he blinked.

Why go to Jiangnan?

With Sister Zhiyuan?

After a while...

Xiaozhu finally understood what it meant.

Your Highness, let her go to Jiangnan's Jiang family with Sister Zhiyuan?

"Your Majesty, where are you, Your Majesty?"

Xiaozhu asked quickly.

When he heard that His Highness was going back to Linjiang City alone, Xiaozhu was extremely reluctant to give up at first.

Doesn't this mean that we will be separated from His Highness?

Xiaozhu, who was still in high spirits, suddenly lost his temper.

However, Xiaozhu is also very sensible. Although she is reluctant to leave, she also knows that the situation is urgent. She has also heard the news about the prince's accident and knows that his highness has important things to do.

It is even clearer that she is now a burden and insisting on following His Highness will definitely drag Him down.

Therefore, although Xiaozhu was unhappy, he still agreed.

However, he still looked at his Highness pitifully: "Then Your Highness, you must come to pick up Xiaozhu early, and... sister Zhiyuan?"

Young Lin Jiang smiled and touched her head: "Don't worry, you and Zhiyuan will go to Jiangnan's Jiang's house this time to see what's going on there first. After His Highness has finished handling the affairs of Prince Lin's Mansion, we will go to you together." OK?"


Xiaozhu's mood recovered a lot, and a smile appeared on his face again.

After comforting Xiaozhu, he told them some details about their trip to Jiangnan. After looking at the sky outside the window, it was already dark.

"It's getting late, hurry up..."

Lin Jiangnian spoke, and his eyes suddenly fell on the room again.

He looked at the two people in the room.

At this moment, the dim lights flickered.

Zhiyuan, wearing a light-colored nightgown, was sitting next to her, arranging the books on the table. Xiaozhu was standing nearby obediently, his eyes clear and innocent.

Both of them had already taken a shower and put on their normal clothes for home. The room was filled with a strong fragrance.

Smells great!

Xiaozhu's eyes met His Highness's.


Blink again!

Soon, Xiaozhu's face gradually turned red.

She quickly saw something else in His Highness's eyes.

His face turned redder!

He moved his head shyly, but there seemed to be a hint of... excitement in his eyes!

At this time, Zhiyuan had just finished packing the things on the table, and suddenly heard no sound behind him, and turned around in confusion.

Then she saw Lin Jiangnian appearing beside her at some point, and stepped forward to hug her gently.

Qingxiao whispered in her ear: "It's getting late, let's take a rest early?"

The voice was very soft, but it seemed to have some other meaning.

When Zhiyuan heard this, her delicate body tensed up slightly, and her face suddenly turned red with embarrassment. How could she not understand the hint in Lin Jiangnian's words?

This is obviously what I want to do...

Zhiyuan itself no longer has much resistance to this. After all, it was no longer the same as before. Thanks to Lin Jiangnian's perseverance, Zhiyuan was no longer as resistant as before.

Thinking about it again, the two of them are about to be separated for a while. One will go to Linjiang City and the other will go to Jiangnan's Jiang family. After this separation, it is not known when they will be able to meet again.

Thinking of this, the last bit of resistance in my heart disappeared!

But at this moment, Zhiyuan suddenly realized something, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Xiaozhu, who was standing aside with a well-behaved look.

His face suddenly turned red.

"Xiao, Xiaozhu is still here..."

Zhiyuan said while trying to push Lin Jiangnian away.

She couldn't be so close to Lin Jiangnian when other people were present.

But Lin Jiangnian pushed further and whispered in Zhiyuan's ear: "It's okay, you can pretend she doesn't exist!"

Zhiyuan said nothing.

What do you mean by pretending she doesn't exist?

How could she pretend that such a big living person didn't exist?

"If that doesn't work... call Xiaozhu together?" Lin Jiangnian continued.

Zhiyuan's beautiful eyes widened, her face flushed, and she glared at Lin Jiangnian angrily.

How could she not understand Lin Jiangnian's thoughts and purposes?

This is obviously what I want to do...


Zhiyuan's face turned completely red with embarrassment, and she gritted her teeth and refused.

"Don't get me wrong... I just asked Xiaozhu to sleep with me."


"The bed is big enough. Is it okay for one more person?"

"you shut up!"


"Xiaozhu, why are you still standing there?"

Lin Jiangnian suddenly turned his head and looked at Xiaozhu who was standing there and blinking innocently: "Why don't you come over quickly and help your mistress change?"


Xiaozhu was stunned for a moment, not realizing what was going on. Looking into Lin Jiangnian's eyes, he stepped forward and cautiously said, "Sister Zhiyuan?"

"No, no... uh uh..."

Zhiyuan was ashamed and angry, so she tried to push Lin Jiangnian away. But the next second, Lin Jiangnian pinched her chin, lowered his head and closed her mouth.


Zhiyuan struggled, trying to get away.

But Lin Jiangnian has already mastered it and figured out the shortcomings of the kite. Soon, when he let go, the girl in his arms was blushing and panting.

"You, you know how to bully me..."

Zhiyuan's tone was a little embarrassed and a little aggrieved, and she punched Lin Jiangnian several times hatefully, but there was a hint of lust in her cold eyes.

The water mist filled the air, making it seem a little blurry.

Shortness of breath, aroma hitting my face.

"What? Don't you like it?"

Lin Jiangnian smiled and looked down at the cold and beautiful face in front of him, which was no longer cold as before.

"No, I don't like it!"

Zhiyuan bit her silver teeth, her rosy face still stubborn, glaring at him.

Extremely ashamed and annoyed.

"Oh well."

Lin Jiangnian said and glanced at Xiaozhu next to him: "Xiaozhu, please go out."

After saying that, he lowered his head and kissed the girl's stubborn mouth again.

"Uh... no... don't..."

The girl in her arms struggled, but her strength became increasingly insignificant.

At the same time, Lin Jiang quietly gave a code to Xiaozhu beside him.

Master and servant are united, Xiaozhu's face turned crimson when he saw this scene, and the excitement in his eyes became more and more obvious.

Instead of leaving, she cautiously stepped forward and came behind Sister Zhiyuan.

"Sister Zhiyuan...I'm sorry!"

"Well... you, you guys..."


Late at night.

The cold wind is blowing wildly!


Imperial mausoleum!

The lonely and cold wind filled the sky and the earth at night, whistling all around, and the atmosphere was desolate.

In the imperial mausoleum, there was a small room with dim light.

A lonely figure was sitting on the ground, staring blankly.

It seems as if he has lost all his energy and energy, like an old man.

"Father, he passed away..."

A low and hoarse voice came, as if talking to himself.


Then, there was a sound that could not be described as crying or laughing.

Somewhat weird.

After a while, the figure slowly raised his head, with a lonely look on his face.

He had an unkempt face with a weathered expression, as if he had aged more than ten years, and there was no trace of his former high-spiritedness.

"Lost, lost...completely lost!"

"What's the point of me being alive now?"

Looking at himself like this, he murmured to himself, his eyes gradually losing the last trace of luster.

He tremblingly grabbed a sharp piece of gravel on the ground next to him, took a deep breath, and was about to commit suicide.

A cold, slightly sharp voice suddenly sounded from the room.

"Tsk, tsk, Your Majesty, the Third Prince, didn't expect to commit cowardly suicide?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk...what a pity!"


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