Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 450 The Journey of Torment

Outside the capital, on a forest path.

The sky is clear, and the warm sun is slowly setting. The spring breeze blows gently, and the trees in the forest are glowing with new buds, and the grass is green.

The cold winter has passed, and the temperature has risen.

The breath of spring covers the earth.

An inconspicuous carriage is slowly driving on the forest path.

Outside the carriage, Lin Qingqing, as a subordinate, is concentrating on her position as a groom, turning a deaf ear to the outside world and driving the carriage with all her heart.

She is well aware of the awareness that an excellent and qualified subordinate should have!

Inside the carriage.

The atmosphere is a little tense.


Lin Jiangnian sat in the carriage, looking at the opposite side expressionlessly.

Just opposite, Xu Lan, wearing a light green skirt, was sitting there straight, pouting her little mouth, looking a little aggrieved, but her eyes were wide open, looking at Lin Jiangnian.


Not at all cowardly!

Right beside Xu Lan, the maid named Xiaolu was standing next to her young lady, with a worried look on her face, watching her young lady confront the prince nervously.

She wanted to say something, but couldn't get a word in!

She was very anxious.

Lin Jiangnian had a headache looking at the master and servant who suddenly appeared!

He had calculated everything, but he had missed this point.

He didn't expect that Miss Xu would suddenly appear and insist on going back with him. No matter how Lin Jiangnian refused, Miss Xu would stick to him and refused to leave.

Looking at the stubborn little face in front of him, she looked like she was determined to stick to him.

Lin Jiangnian frowned even more!

The appearance of Xu Lan disrupted his original plan, and also made Lin Jiangnian somewhat puzzled. He had been very cautious in leaving the capital this time... How did Xu Lan know his whereabouts?


At this time, Xu Lan, who was sitting opposite Lin Jiangnian, stared at Lin Jiangnian stubbornly and faintly.

She looked aggrieved!

If she hadn't been smart, she would have been left behind this time!

After Lin Jiangnian agreed to take her back to Linjiang City last time, Xu Lan excitedly found her grandfather. Although her grandfather was a little worried, he finally agreed to let Xu Lan go back with Lin Jiangnian.

Now the Xu family has lost power in Beijing and is in a precarious situation. This old man Xu can't protect himself. In this case, letting Xu Lan go back to Linjiang City with Lin Jiangnian is better than staying in Beijing.

So Xu Lan excitedly began to pack up, imagining the scene on the way back to Linjiang City with Lin Jiangnian.

Until a few days ago, when Xu Lan came to Jiang Mansion again, she suddenly realized that the atmosphere in Jiang Mansion was not right.

After asking around, she learned that something had happened!

Uncle Lin was assassinated? !

Xu Lan was shocked to learn the news and immediately wanted to find Lin Jiangnian to inquire about the situation, but unfortunately Lin Jiangnian was not at home at that time.

However, her maid Xiaolu found out from Xiaozhu that Lin Jiangnian arranged for Xiaozhu and the others to go to Jiangnan, and Lin Jiangnian planned to return to Linjiang City alone.

Xu Lan was immediately worried when she heard the news. Return alone?

He promised to take her back with him?

Now he doesn't even plan to take Zhiyuan and Xiaozhu with him?

What about her?

Worried, Xu Lan immediately wanted to find Lin Jiangnian to ask him about it, but was stopped by the maid Xiaolu, who whispered something to her.


After listening to Xiaolu's analysis, Xu Lan's eyes lit up quickly!

It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Lin Jiangnian planned to return to Linjiang City alone, without even Zhiyuan and Xiaozhu. If Xu Lan asked, he would most likely not take her with him.

So, she couldn't ask!

On the other hand, doesn't this mean that Lin Jiangnian will have no one around him on the way back this time?

There is no Zhiyuan, and no Xiaozhu...

If she can go back with Lin Jiangnian, doesn't it mean...she can be alone with Lin Jiangnian?

When she thought of this, Xu Lan became more and more excited!

So, there is this scene now!

Xu Lan has been secretly watching the whereabouts of Jiang Mansion for the past two days. She knows that it is useless to follow Lin Jiangnian, and she also knows that Lin Qingqing, a subordinate, will go back with Lin Jiangnian.

So, with the help of the "traitor" Xiaozhu, Xu Lan learned about Lin Qingqing's movements in advance.

In the end, she successfully caught Lin Jiangnian off guard.

“You lied to me!”

Inside the carriage, Xu Lan looked at Lin Jiangnian with a resentful look, aggrieved: “You promised me that you would take me back with you.”

Lin Jiangnian had a headache and sighed: “That was before… Don’t you know that something happened in the Prince Lin’s Mansion?”

“I know!”

Xu Lan nodded: “Uncle Lin is injured, so I have to go back!”

She said as a matter of course: “Uncle Lin is so good to me, of course I have to go back to see him.”

Seeing that Xu Lan was determined to follow, Lin Jiangnian was silent for a while, and finally mentioned He woke her up and said, "Don't blame me for not reminding you. The journey back this time is very tight and I won't have time to take care of you. It will be very hard!"

"I'm not afraid!"

"When you regret it, it's useless to complain!"

"I won't!"

Xu Lan raised her eyes, staring at Lin Jiangnian with sparkling eyes, biting her lower lip, and said firmly, "Don't look down on me..."

"I will never complain of being tired!"

"Okay, since you said so, then you can follow me."

Lin Jiangnian didn't argue with her. Since she was not afraid of being tired, then she could follow him.

He did not intend to change his original plan and planned to go on his way according to his original plan. Since Miss Xu insists on following, let her suffer!

As for whether the pampered Miss Xu will be able to bear it...

If she can bear it, then she will follow. If she can't bear it anymore, send someone to escort her back alone when the time comes.

When he heard that Lin Jiangnian finally agreed, Xu Lan's beautiful eyes immediately brightened.

"Very good!"

She clenched her fists, looked excited, and cheered.

Xiao Lu on the side finally felt relieved, it’s done!

His Highness is willing to keep the young lady with her. In this way, she will try to create as many opportunities as possible for the young lady and His Highness to be alone together, and strive to let her young lady capture His Highness as soon as possible on her way back this time...

Xiaolu secretly made up her mind.

"Don't be happy too early."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the master and servant: "Don't cry for two days."

"I won't... look down on others!"

Xu Lan hummed at him: "I am also a master after all... You are not afraid of getting tired, so naturally I am not afraid either!"

Lin Jiangnian ignored it, but Miss Xu still had some three-legged cat skills.

But what good can this little effort do?

I’ll probably have to cry for dad and mom by then!

However, seeing her current excitement, Lin Jiangnian didn't say anything more.

Some lessons must be experienced by herself before she will understand them better and become more profound.

After two days, she knew she was wrong!

as expected!

After successfully staying, Xu Lan, who had achieved her goal, was very excited at first, excited and happy.

I have even begun to think about getting along with Lin Jiangnian in the next period of time... It is a long road, from the capital to Linjiang City, such a long distance, and there are only four of them on the road!

...Except for Xiao Lu and Lin Qingqing, who acted as the groom on the way, she and Lin Jiangnian were alone together.

Be alone!

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

How could Xu Lan not be excited?

She is very much looking forward to what will happen along the way!

However, her anticipation and excitement did not last long, and was quickly exhausted in the continuous rush.

After leaving the capital, Lin Jiangnian did not choose to take the official road. Instead, he chose a forest path in a low-key manner and concealed his whereabouts.

Compared with the official road, the trail on the trail was obviously more rugged. The carriage stumbled along the way, and the bumps made Miss Xu very unaccustomed and uncomfortable.

Even though she was usually pampered, she didn't expect that the journey would be more difficult than she imagined.

...Obviously the last time I came to the capital, everything went well!

Miss Xu soon felt the danger of the road.

The journey was bumpy and uncomfortable, and as time went by, the journey became increasingly boring. Opening the curtain, all you can see outside is the endless road ahead, besides the dense jungle.

It was okay on the first day. After all, Xu Lan had some martial arts skills, so she could still withstand it. In addition, the excitement had not completely subsided, so she dragged Lin Jiangnian to talk about things with great interest.

But by the second day, her excitement had obviously weakened too much!

It’s so tortured!

The next day was still a boring journey.

There is no pleasure of sightseeing, and nothing imaginable happens. Nothing but a rush is a rush.

He even traveled day and night to save time. Miss Xu fell asleep bumping in the carriage the night before.

It was a very restless sleep!

I was woken up numerous times by jolts, and my whole body ached the next day.

She began to miss the soft quilt at home!

On the second night, there was no way to continue resting on the carriage, so a few people camped in the wilderness for the night!

The living conditions in camp are naturally not good, although they are much better than sleeping on a carriage! But for Miss Xu, who is used to being pampered and pampered, it is still a torture!

But maybe she was too tired from traveling these two days, so Miss Xu fell asleep. When I woke up on the third day, my whole body was sore, I couldn't muster any strength, and I looked haggard.

However, when she learned that she had to continue on her way, Miss Xu completely collapsed, and there was no longer any excitement on her face.

It’s so tortured!

She expected that the journey would be boring and hard, but she obviously overestimated her ability to bear it.

I also underestimated how hard the journey would be.

Rushing like this?

Who can bear it!

"What? Can't stand it anymore?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Miss Xu, who looked haggard and weak after two days of hard work, and asked, "Can't you stand it now?"

"Who, who said I can't stand it?!"

Xu Lan, who was still weak at first, immediately stiffened when she heard Lin Jiangnian's words: "I, I'm okay..."

“Not tired at all!”

Seeing that she was still holding on, Lin Jiangnian didn't expose her and smiled: "Okay, let's get in the car and continue on our way!"

"Let's estimate, if we travel in such a hurry, we will be home in another month!"

"A month?!"

Hearing this, Xu Lan's eyes suddenly widened with a look of horror.

One more month?

It had only been two days and she had been tortured like this!

Will this last for a month?

Is this still possible?

But at this time, Xu Lan could only hold on and not be looked down upon.

"One month is just one month, don't worry!"

Xu Lan gritted her teeth, hummed slightly, and continued to hold on.

He turned to look at Xiao Lu next to him: "Xiao Lu, do you think so?"


The maid Xiaolu next to her looked pale and pitiful: "Miss, I'm so tired..."

Xiaolu's face was obviously worse than Xu Lan's.

After all, she didn't know any kung fu, and the bumpy journey in the past two days almost took her life.

"Miss, I feel like I will die on the road..."

"It's not that serious, right?"


Xiaolu said pitifully: "It's only been two days, and I already feel like I'm dying. If it takes another month, I will really die..."

"Miss, I've sacrificed my life for your happiness!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? You're alive and well, don't say depressing words."

Xu Lan saw the pitiful appearance of her maid, and thought for a while: "Then how about you go back first?"


Seeing that the young lady was going to leave her, Xiaolu immediately shook her head and got up from the ground: "I can still hold on a little longer... I want to follow the young lady and not go anywhere!"


The carriage continued to drive on the path.

But the atmosphere in the carriage was completely different from two days ago!

The master and servant in the carriage had completely lost the excitement and expectation they had two days ago, and were left with only torture and despair.

Outside the carriage.

Lin Qingqing continued on her way.

Lin Jiangnian walked out of the carriage at some point and looked at the scenery ahead.

Lin Qingqing secretly glanced at the two people in the carriage, hesitated, and asked in a low voice: "Your Highness, are you doing this on purpose?"


Lin Jiangnian glanced at her.

Lin Qingqing sighed lightly: "Your Highness has been doing this on purpose these two days, is it to make Miss Xu give up?"

"Isn't this her own choice?"

Lin Jiangnian laughed and did not deny it.

He did it on purpose.

"If this goes on, I don't think Miss Xu can last more than two days..." Lin Qingqing said.

Being able to hold on for two days has changed Lin Qingqing's opinion of Miss Xu a lot.

Traveling overnight these two days, even she couldn't stand it.

"If she can't hold on, send her back."

Lin Jiangnian looked forward: "I remember there will be a small town ahead, right?"

Lin Qingqing nodded: "There is indeed a small town, and we have people in the town."

"Okay, let's rest there tonight."

Lin Jiangnian spoke, and glanced at the carriage behind him: "If she can't hold on, send someone to escort them back."


Lin Qingqing nodded, and understood what His Highness meant.

His Highness wanted Miss Xu to give up when she saw the difficulty. This time the journey back has just begun, and it is unknown what dangers will be encountered ahead.

It is indeed inconvenient for His Highness to bring the two of them with him, and it is difficult to guarantee their safety.

Escorting the two of them back alone is the best choice.

However, Lin Qingqing seemed to think of something, and couldn't help but look inside the curtain of the car, and asked: "Your Highness, what if Miss Xu holds on?"

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian did not respond.

Lin Qingqing thought for a while, and asked again: "Your Highness..."


"Miss Xu, she should like you... Do you know?"


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