Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 453 Meeting at the Inn

Late at night.

Qiuye Town.

A carriage slowly stopped outside the inn.

A young woman jumped off the carriage. She was wearing a brocade skirt, and her appearance was naturally beautiful, with bright eyes and shining.

Behind her, followed a cold girl, wearing a plain dress, holding a sword in her arms, with no expression on her slightly tense face, looking coldly at the surrounding environment.

It was late at night, and the streets of the town were dark. Most people had already gone to bed, except for a few places where there were still sparks.

The lights were bright in the inn.

However, there was no sound in the hall. I don’t know where the inn waiter hid to peek, and the shopkeeper was also dozing behind the counter not far away.

Until I heard the faint sound of a carriage outside the door, I raised my head slightly. Is there another guest?

Although the town is not big, there are always travelers passing by. In the middle of the night, foreign travelers can only stay in his inn.

Sure enough, after a while, footsteps were heard outside the door.

Then, two figures stepped into the inn.

The shopkeeper looked up, and the next second, his expression was startled, as if he was a little surprised, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Two women with extremely beautiful appearance and amazing temperament appeared in his sight.

They have stunning appearance and good temperament, and even the clothes on their bodies can be seen at a glance that they are either rich or noble.

Obviously, they are not from ordinary families.

More importantly... the two look exactly the same!

Although the dress and temperament are completely different, they look exactly the same.

Twin sisters!

In the middle of the night, a pair of twins suddenly came to the inn. The shopkeeper couldn't help but take a breath, and his eyes saw a ghost!


As the shopkeeper of the inn, he has seen many people in the past few years. But I have never seen such young and beautiful twin sisters appear in such a place!

Aren’t such stunning women usually the treasures of those powerful nobles in their deep courtyards?

This late at night?

Two women go out alone, aren’t they afraid of being unsafe?

How many people in the world would covet this?

The shopkeeper was shocked, and his eyes fell on the plain-clothed girl behind him.

She looked cold and held a sword in her arms!

Are they wandering in the world?

After all, the shopkeeper has seen the world. After a short daze, he quickly came to his senses and stood up: "Ladies, do you want to stay overnight or stay in the hotel?"

"Stay in the hotel."

Jinxiu, who was wearing a skirt, said softly: "I want three clean rooms, and prepare some food and send it to the room later."

"Three rooms?"

The shopkeeper was slightly stunned. Two people want three rooms?

However, the shopkeeper soon realized something, glanced at the carriage outside the door, and nodded: "Okay, wait a moment, sir, I'll be ready!"

Let's not talk about why two such beautiful women appeared here at this late night. Since they can appear, it means that they are not small. The shopkeeper who is doing business dare not slack off, and hurriedly got up to find the lazy waiter in the back to work.

In the hall, there was silence.

"Finally, I can have a good rest for a night!"

After the shopkeeper left, Jinxiu stretched lazily, and a few traces of fatigue appeared on her face: "These two days, I am almost exhausted."

As Jinxiu said, she stretched out her hand to rub her waist, and couldn't help sighing: "It's so boring to travel!"

An Ning, who was holding a sword, stood quietly aside, without saying a word, but just looking around.

"What's wrong?"

Jinxiu noticed her eyes and asked in confusion.

An Ning retracted her gaze and shook her head with a cold little face.


Jinxiu saw this and curled her lips: "You only know how to learn from the princess, it's really boring!"

Jinxiu couldn't help but sigh.

It's okay that her own princess has a cold temper, and An Ning also follows the princess to learn. She was so depressed on the way, how could she bear two taciturn people?

"I should have let you follow the princess by yourself!"

Jinxiu curled her lips, as if she thought of something, and felt a little regretful: "I should have been with His Highness."

Hearing this, An Ning seemed to be slightly stunned and looked up at her.

"It's a pity that he ran too fast..."

Jinxiu's tone was a little regretful.

Three days ago, the affairs in the palace were settled, and the princess took her and An Ning on the road to Linzhou, and it was also three days ago that she learned that the Jiang Mansion was deserted.

Old Master Jiang in Jiangnan was seriously ill, and the Jiang family left the capital and returned to Jiangnan.

It is said that Lin Jiangnian also went with him.

However, the matter has not been confirmed.

It is unknown whether he really went to Jiangnan or changed his route halfway.

Anyway, Lin Jiangnian seemed to have disappeared, hiding his whereabouts, and no one had seen him again.

This made Jinxiu somewhat regretful... That guy ran too fast!

If she had known that it was boring to follow An Ning, a dull person, she might as well follow His Royal Highness.

Anyway, they were going to the Lin Wang Mansion, and it might be more interesting to follow His Royal Highness.

An Ning didn't say anything, looking at her expressionlessly.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Jinxiu glanced at her, as if she thought of something, looking her up and down, with a vigilant look: "Are you thinking about him?"

An Ning said expressionlessly: "You are the one who is thinking about her."

"I'm not."

Jinxiu denied it flatly.

How could she think about the Lin Wang's prince?

She was just worried that her only sister would be seduced by the prince of Lin.

This silly girl was stupid and foolish, and was easily deceived. As a sister, if she didn't take good care of her, she might be sold and help the prince of Lin to count money.

Fortunately, there was still a month before the trip to the Prince of Lin's mansion. During this month, she had to find a way to instill some ideas in An Ning.

She must not be deceived!

Be careful of the prince of Lin!

Jinxiu made up her mind secretly.

An Ning ignored Jinxiu, turned around and walked out of the inn, and returned to the carriage outside the inn.

At the same time, the innkeeper also came back.

"Miss, the room has been cleaned and is on the third floor."

"The waiter will deliver the food to your room later."

Jinxiu heard it, nodded slightly, took the room number handed over by the shopkeeper, and turned to the outside of the inn.

"Princess, the room is ready!"

Jinxiu appeared beside the carriage outside the door and reported softly.


A cold voice came from the carriage.

Then, Li Piaomiao, dressed in white, slowly walked down from the carriage.

She seemed to always wear this long white dress, with a cold temperament, and a chill that seemed to shroud her whole body, making people afraid.

Jinxiu glanced at her own princess, and felt inexplicably worried.

The coldness in the princess' body... seemed to be unable to suppress and break out again!

Several days have passed since the last time the Prince of Lin helped the princess "cure the disease".

Jinxiu knew that the princess originally planned to go back with the Prince of Lin, and she could just "cure the disease" on the way.

But unexpectedly, Lin Jiangnian suddenly disappeared without a sound and left without saying goodbye. In order to hide his whereabouts, that guy didn't let anyone know his whereabouts.

In this way, the princess can only go to Linzhou alone this time. Other things are fine, but the coldness in the princess' body broke out again, making her regain her former cold temperament.

Even if Jinxiu was slightly separated, she could vaguely sense it.

It will take at least a month to get to Linzhou from here. I wonder if the princess's body can bear it.

More importantly, will the prince of Lin be in the Linwang Mansion by then?

What if he is not there...

While Jinxiu was worried, Li Piaomiao had already gotten off the carriage and stepped into the inn.

The princess did not hide her whereabouts when she went south this time. Anyone who is interested can find out as long as they check. However, Li Piaomiao's identity is sensitive after all. She rarely shows up along the way south to avoid causing too much unnecessary trouble.

Of course, she is not worried about encountering any danger!

Even though Li Piaomiao only brought two personal maids, Jinxiu and An Ning, with him when he went to Linzhou this time.

But on this way south, neither Jinxiu nor An Ning worried about encountering any danger.

After all, in their eyes, their own princess is the biggest danger...

In the inn.

The shopkeeper saw that the pair of stunning girls suddenly came to the carriage outside the inn again, and immediately realized... There might be a more distinguished person in the carriage!

Which noble family is it?

Or the descendants of the princes?

Just as the shopkeeper was guessing, a figure in white slowly appeared in the inn.

With a cold and elegant temperament, as soon as he stepped into the inn, it seemed as if a chill instantly filled the hall.

The shopkeeper shuddered subconsciously, and his skin seemed to be covered with goose bumps in an instant, and a trace of fear immediately appeared on his face.

Then, he froze in place.

His eyes were stunned, and he just glanced at her and quickly retracted his gaze.

His heart was in turmoil, and he was horrified.

This woman...

Too scary!

Just a glance, there was such a terrifying aura lingering.

This woman must be good at martial arts.

Thinking of this, the shopkeeper finally realized something in his heart...

No wonder they dared to travel with such a pair of stunning twins in the middle of the night, it turned out that their master was so powerful.

In the past few years, the shopkeeper has come across many people from the rivers and lakes who stayed in the hotel, and has seen many masters. But there has never been one who can be as terrifying as this woman in white, with such overwhelming pressure that he can hardly breathe.

She must be a top-level expert in the martial arts world!

And this extraordinary temperament also made the shopkeeper realize that the other party was indeed not small.

It was not until the woman in white took the two twins upstairs and left that the atmosphere in the hall finally dissipated slightly.

The shopkeeper wiped his cold sweat and breathed a sigh of relief.

A big shot has come!

At this time, Li Piaomiao had already taken Jinxiu and An Ning upstairs to the third floor.

Just as he was about to go back to his room first.

On the third floor, at the corner of the stairs, a figure was walking out of the next room.

It was Lin Qingqing who had just bathed and changed clothes.

Lin Qingqing's body was a little bit exhausted after the continuous journey these days, so Lin Jiangnian ordered her not to keep watch tonight. Lin Qingqing obeyed and went back to bathe and change clothes, ready to have a good rest for the night.

However, after resting until midnight, she was still a little worried and prepared to come out to take a look.

As a result, as soon as he walked out of the room, he ran into three people going upstairs.

Lin Qingqing looked at the three familiar figures that appeared in her sight, and her head seemed to be hit by something, and she was stunned.

Somewhat unbelievable!

"The eldest princess?!"

"Lin Qingqing?!"

Jinxiu, who was following the princess, recognized at a glance that the person in front of him was a trusted subordinate of Lin Jiangnian.

"You, why are you here?!"

Jinxiu was a little surprised, but then she seemed to realize something, her beautiful eyes lit up in an instant, and she said in surprise: "Lin, Lin Jiangnian is here too?!"

As soon as these words came out, it was obvious that the atmosphere around her had changed.

Li Piaomiao looked cold, but her eyes followed to the room not far behind Lin Qingqing.

On the other side, An Ning was still holding the sword in her arms. When she heard Lin Jiangnian's name, she subconsciously couldn't help but raise her head.

Facing three pairs of "covetous" eyes, Lin Qingqing felt great pressure in an instant.

These three people...

When they heard the name of their own prince, their eyes were obviously shining!

So excited?

Especially this Princess, no, she is not here for her own prince, right?

Wait, it seems... Princess is still the fiancee of her own prince in name!

Thinking of this, Lin Qingqing's heart skipped a beat!

Not good!

That Miss Xu is still in the prince's room.


Lin Qingqing's pupils widened slightly as if she realized something.

She was sweating profusely.

"It's over!"


Early in the morning.

The sun slowly shone into the room through the windowsill.

Lin Jiangnian opened his eyes.

After a comfortable night's sleep, he felt refreshed.

Lin Jiangnian sat up and stretched.

When he caught a glimpse of the ground not far away, he realized something... there was another person on the ground!

Lin Jiangnian looked at the floor and saw that Miss Xu was sleeping soundly on the floor.

Her black hair was messy and scattered, and she had a delicate face with her eyes closed, sleeping soundly.

Miss Xu would look quiet after she fell asleep, with a bit of Miss Xu's temperament.


Lin Jiangnian frowned quickly.

The sleeping posture of this Miss Xu was a little unflattering!

She was lying on her side, with her legs slightly bent and holding the quilt, and the quilt was sandwiched between her legs, and the whole person curled up into a ball.

There was nothing wrong with this sleeping posture.

But the problem is... this Miss Xu is not wearing any clothes!

To ​​be precise, she is not wearing any outer clothes.

She took off her outer clothes at some point last night, so Miss Xu was only wearing underwear.

As she turned sideways, her long white legs were exposed to the air and to Lin Jiangnian's sight, which was very dazzling!

Not to mention, her legs are quite long.

They are also quite white.

From this point of view, this Miss Xu is not without advantages.

She was only wearing a thin white undergarment on her upper body. The material of the undergarment was like silk, very smooth and thin, and her snow-white skin was vaguely visible through the undergarment.

As she turned sideways, her delicate collarbone was slightly squeezed...

Lin Jiangnian glanced at it inadvertently, and he had already made a judgment in his heart.

It was a small scale!

But not a large scale!

But Lin Jiangnian's face became strange!

She... what is she thinking?

A man and a woman were alone in the same room, and she dared to take off her clothes?

Dressed like this... Did she trust him so much?


Thinking back to what happened last night, Lin Jiangnian suddenly felt... Could she have done it on purpose?

Playing the game of seduction?

Not to mention...

Lin Jiangnian glanced at Miss Xu inadvertently again.

He glanced at her twice more.

Young people are hot-tempered!

Especially when they just woke up in the morning!

Very hot!

Can't calm down.

It must be said that Xu Lan's seduction really worked.

At least at this moment, Lin Jiangnian... really had some evil thoughts about Miss Xu who wanted to be sworn brothers.

"Sin, sin!"


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