Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 459 The Prince of Lin is a fake

Seeing Jinxiu nervously guarding An Ning behind her like an old hen guarding her calf, Lin Jiangnian burst into laughter.

"When did I bully An Ning?"

"I saw it all!"

Jinxiu glared at him lightly.

She was just behind and could see clearly.

When she saw His Highness standing next to An Ning, Jinxiu felt something bad for no reason.

Sure enough, in the blink of an eye, I heard His Highness teasing An Ning.

And An Ning's reaction made Jinxiu even more vigilant.

She immediately stepped forward and stood between the two of them, isolating them to prevent things from getting out of control!

Jinxiu pulled An Ning back two steps, then looked at her seriously and asked, "Did His Highness bully you?"

At this time, An Ning was lowering his head slightly, a little flustered. Hearing Jinxiu's words, he subconsciously raised his head and stuttered: "No, no."

Her voice was very soft and she seemed nervous, like a frightened timid girl. This is in stark contrast to the expressionless girl just now who killed several people with her sword!

"not yet?!"

Jinxiu was furious when she saw An Ning's reaction.

She just had it written all over her face!

What the hell!

Based on her understanding of An Ning, if anyone else dared to talk to her like this or tease her like this, they might not survive even a moment.

But His Highness teased her with such rude words. Not only did she not react, she even spoke for His Highness.

This girl can't really...

Thinking of this, Jinxiu's beautiful eyes widened slightly, and she suddenly became anxious.


This situation is wrong!

She had originally planned to brainwash An Ning during this period, and she must not let her fall into the hands of His Highness the Crown Prince.

But now it seems that this situation is getting worse and worse!

Jinxiu said angrily: "His Highness was clearly teasing and bullying you just now, and you still said you didn't?!"

"Why are you still speaking for him?!"

"No, no..."

An Ning lowered his head and defended in a low voice. Whether it was due to a guilty conscience or some other reason, a touch of pink appeared on her originally tight face, dotting her fair face.

He quietly raised his head, glanced at Lin Jiangnian on the other side, then quickly lowered his head and turned his back as if he was frightened.

He turned a deaf ear to Jinxiu's words and still had a cold face, but there seemed to be a different emotion in those bright and clear eyes.

"Your Highness, how should we deal with this person?"

Next to him, Lin Qingqing asked Lin Jiangnian how to deal with Zhou Zhen.

At this time, Zhou Zhen carefully looked around and swallowed: "Dear heroes and heroines..."

"I know, I've already said it... I, I really didn't mean it, I was blind... But, can you spare the little one's life?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at Zhou Zhen who was kneeling on the ground. He was just a small character who was being used and insignificant. All the questions that need to be asked have been asked, and there is no need to waste any more time.

"You go."

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen trembled slightly, and a look of surprise immediately appeared on his face: "Really, really?!"

"Thank you so much, hero, thank you so much, sir!"

Zhou Zhen's face was filled with excitement, and he struggled to get up from the ground as if he was struggling for the rest of his life.

Today is really a scary day!

When he turned around, a look of ferocity flashed across Zhou Zhen's face. He had to go back quickly and report this matter to the boss.

This revenge will be avenged by the Zhoukou Gang!

Thinking in his mind, Zhou Zhen walked quickly and prepared to leave this place.

But just as he turned around and walked a few steps, there was a sudden chill behind him.

The sword light is everywhere!

A sword sound passed through the air.

Zhou Zhen suddenly stumbled as he left quickly, and his whole body trembled suddenly. He lowered his head in confusion, and then he saw that his chest had been pierced by a long sword at some point.

The blade of the sword was smooth, reflecting his frightened and somewhat ferocious face at the moment.

Blood flowed.

The severe pain caused his whole body to twitch violently, and his eyes instantly became a little frightened.

The breath of death enveloped him!

His eyes were dull, as if in disbelief, he turned around with difficulty and looked behind him.

"you you……"

His face was embarrassed and his tone was difficult, as if he wanted to question something, but the pain in his chest prevented him from saying a word.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him and sighed: "I originally wanted to let you go, but there's something wrong with your eyes..."

"Every time I want to harm someone, I have the same look in your eyes..."

"I'm so familiar!"

"So, you have to die."

Zhou Zhen stared at Lin Jiangnian, his face pale, and he seemed to want to say something else.

But in the end, not a single word was uttered.

The body fell to the ground with a crash.

Die with your eyes open!

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were indifferent, without any sympathy in his eyes.

Although this person was only a small role, his presence was still a hidden danger. Lin Jiangnian had no intention of leaving any trouble for himself.

Furthermore, this person is the third leader of the Zhoukou Gang. If you think about it with your toes, you can tell that this Zhoukou Gang is not a good gang. Naturally, this person is probably not a good person either.

Dealing with this person can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people!

Lin Qingqing stepped forward slowly, took back her long sword, checked the person, and only after confirming that he had died, returned to Lin Jiangnian to report.

"Go check this Zhoukou Gang."

Lin Jiangnian opened his mouth and ordered: "Check the forces behind them. Is there anyone who instigated them? By the way..."

“Cut the grass and root out the roots.”

After the death of a third-in-command, Lin Jiangnian from the Zhoukou Gang was naturally not going to let go.

We must eradicate the root cause to avoid future troubles!

However, there is no need for Lin Jiangnian to do these things himself. He can just give the orders and let someone else do it.

Lin Jiangnian's first priority right now is to return to Linzhou.

"Okay, let's continue on our way."

The minor hiccups that occurred on the road were quickly resolved, and everyone continued on their way.

Although six people died, for those present, it was nothing more than an ordinary thing.

Of course, it goes without saying that Lin Jiangnian and the eldest princess have experienced life and death in the past year, and have experienced too many crises, and countless people have died at his hands.

Today's Lin Jiangnian is no longer the same person who was extremely shocked when he heard about dead people when he first came to the palace!

Not to mention the eldest princess, Jinxiu and An Ning who were following the eldest princess were also used to such scenes, so they didn't react much.

On the contrary, it was Xu Lan and Xiao Lu. This pair of masters and servants had grown up in a greenhouse and had rarely seen such bloody scenes.

After seeing so many people dead, the master and servant almost vomited when they smelled the strong smell of blood in the air.

In addition, the previous bumps in the carriage made the master and servant's faces even paler.

In the carriage, Xu Lan regretted why she took a curious look just now. After seeing such a bloody scene, she could never forget it, and she could always recall the horrific scene in her mind.

It made her want to vomit even more!

"My great heroine Xu, can't you stand this?"

Lin Jiangnian was happy when he saw this scene.

"Do you think everyone is like you?"

Xu Lan glared at him, her face pale: "You, don't you feel it?"

"What does it feel like?"

"Don't you think it's disgusting?"

"I've seen a lot." Lin Jiangnian laughed.

Seen too much?

Xu Lan was startled for a moment, her eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian's face, and she suddenly fell silent as if she thought of something.


He is Prince Lin!

Such a scene is too common for him!

How many people want him dead?


Didn’t the previous Prince Lin die like this?

Thinking of this, Xu Lan was slightly in a trance.

I don't know what I thought of, but my heart suddenly tightened. After a while, she suddenly whispered a reminder: "You, you have to be careful."


Lin Jiangnian looked at her and saw Xu Lan biting her lower lip and looking into Lin Jiangnian's eyes. As if a little shy, he turned away slightly.

"Anyway, you just have to be careful...don't, don't die someday!"

"You cursed me?"

"No, no!"

Xu Lan's face turned red, and she said angrily: "I, I'm worried about you, what if you are assassinated one day, what if you are gone?!"

"Don't worry, there are many people who want to kill me, but no one has been able to do it yet."

Lin Jiangnian said calmly: "I am blessed with great fortune, but I am very capable of surviving."

"That's right, the harm will last for thousands of years..." Xu Lan muttered.

"What did you say?"

"No, I didn't say anything."


Next to the official road, there is a small village.

The village is small and sparsely populated.

At the same time, a residence.

Inside a house.

A dark figure wearing a strange black cloak hurriedly walked into one of the rooms in the courtyard from outside.

"The leader knows things like a god. Lin Jiangnian has indeed returned to Linzhou. He is now on the official road in the west..."

"Lin Jiangnian doesn't have many people with him. Apart from one female guard, there are only two women..."

"However, there is another carriage with a pair of twins, who are suspected to be the maids beside the eldest princess..."

In the room, this dark figure knelt on one knee and lowered his head to report the information.

In the dim room, a figure in black robes was sitting quietly on the main seat.

Under the loose black robe, there was an indistinguishable body.

Under the black hat, under the terrifying bronze mask, a pair of deep, calm eyes were staring at the black figure in the room.

The oppressive momentum made the room silent.

In addition, there were several black figures standing in the room, and the third elder of the Tianshen Sect was among them.

At this time, after hearing the report from the people below, the third elder's eyes narrowed slightly. Lin Jiangnian returned to Linzhou, which was what he expected.

But Li Piaomiao is actually with Lin Jiangnian?

This is a bit unbelievable!

Although the two were engaged, everyone knew that they were not involved. How could Li Miaomiao, such a talented person, look down on Lin Jiangnian?

Are you willing to be a royal concubine?

But, how to explain this now?

Li Piaomiao and Lin Jiangnian are together...

This is not good news for them.

In the silent room, the leader of the Tianshen Sect looked deeply and said nothing.

He seemed to be thinking about something.

He was silent.

There was always silence in the room.

Finally, after a while, the black-robed leader said in a deep voice: "Go down."

"As commanded."

The shadow in the room was relieved and exited the room.

After this person left, the third elder on the side stepped forward and wanted to say something: "Leader, if Li Pianmiao is really together with Lin Jiangnian, something bad will happen..."

"This Li Miaomiao has extremely high martial arts skills. If we want to attack Lin Jiangnian, it will be extremely troublesome..."

"This religion knows what's going on."

The leader's voice was hoarse and his tone was devoid of any emotion.

Then, he raised his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Come in."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door was opened again.

Then, a figure was thrown in.

He fell to the ground in a mess, his body was in a mess, full of scars, and his face was terrified and trembling.

"Mercy, Master, mercy!"

His voice was trembling with fear, as if he had fallen into the abyss.

Outside the door, the four elders of the Tianshen Sect walked in and said respectfully: "Master, this person finally confessed everything under the severe torture of his subordinates..."

The master stared at him expressionlessly, his voice hoarse: "Speak."

At this moment, under this familiar and oppressive bronze mask, this person knelt on the ground and spoke with a trembling voice.

"Reply, reply to the leader... Liu, Saint Liu Su did deceive the leader..."

"That night a year ago, I followed Saint Liu to the dilapidated temple... When we arrived, it was too late..."

"The real Prince of Lin has actually died a long time ago... I saw it with my own eyes, he couldn't be deader..."

"The current Prince of Lin is, is a fake..."

"He is actually the fake Prince of Lin found by Saint Liu..."

"Yes, it's a fake!"


The room fell into a brief silence.

Many people present were slightly surprised, as if they heard the news for the first time.


Only the four elders at the door had a cold face, and a playful sneer appeared at the corner of their mouths.

The man on the ground was a believer of his Tianshen Sect and a confidant of Liu Su.

He was one of the people who knew the truth about the dilapidated temple that night a year ago!

No one expected that the truth would be like this!

No one expected that everyone was deceived by Liu Su!

She didn't tell the truth at all, she lied to the leader.

She concealed such important news!

If it weren't for the fourth elder who found clues when investigating the death of the great elder, and followed the clues all the way to investigate. In the end, by chance, he caught this confidant beside Liu Su, and under coercion and inducement. He wanted to ask the truth about the death of the great elder, but he didn't expect to learn such an amazing news by mistake!

The prince of Lin is fake!

The prince of Lin who is alive now is just a puppet secretly cultivated by Liu Su, a chess piece of hers!

No wonder Liu Su protects him so much!

No wonder the relationship between the two is so close, it turns out... everything is her calculation!

After learning about this, the fourth elder immediately figured out everything. Liu Su betrayed the Tianshen Sect and the leader!

Such important news, she actually concealed the leader, no doubt she had a rebellious heart.

The fourth elder's eyes were cold, and a cruel sneer emerged from the corner of his mouth.

Now, let's see what she can do?

Her death is coming!

At this moment, in the silent room.

The black-robed leader stared at the man in front of him with deep eyes, without saying a word.

But everyone in the room could feel the deadly coldness of the leader, which enveloped everyone's heart.

Many people trembled slightly, and they all realized something...

The leader was very angry!

...(End of this chapter)

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