Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 460 Arrival at Xunyang City

The leader was very angry!

Saint Liu, how dare you deceive the leader? !

She betrayed the leader and concealed such a big news!

Who would have thought that the living Prince Lin was actually a fake, a puppet carefully supported by Saint Liu?

As the Saint of the Heavenly God Sect, she did something shocking without telling the leader.

What did she want to do? !

At this moment, the room was silent and the atmosphere was depressing. Everyone present was thinking about the pros and cons of this.

Almost all the people present were the backbone members of the Heavenly God Sect. In the past year, their Heavenly God Sect suffered heavy losses.

First, after the assassination plan of Lin Hengzhong failed, it was retaliated by the Lin Wang Mansion. Several strongholds of the Heavenly God Sect in Linzhou were uprooted, and many elite masters were lost.

Then, the great elder died suddenly, and the cause of death was ominous.

The Heavenly God Sect, which suffered a series of heavy blows, is now seriously injured.

Now, it is also known that Saint Liu seems to have "betrayed" the Heavenly God Cult. This news has undoubtedly cast a shadow on everyone's heart again.

Of course, in addition to this, the prince of Lin is a fake. This news is undoubtedly another unexpected surprise for everyone present.

If this is true, doesn't it mean... the Lin family has no descendants? !

Once this news is spread, it will surely set off a shocking wave. Especially at this critical moment when Lin Hengzhong was stabbed and seriously injured and unconscious, once this news is spread.

The Lin Palace will definitely be in chaos!

Even, it will affect the turbulence of the entire Daning Dynasty!

In this way...

In the room, many people looked at each other and saw the meaning in each other's eyes.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!


After a long silence, the third elder in the room suddenly walked out and said respectfully in a deep voice: "Master, this is a good opportunity..."

"Now that Lin Hengzhong's life and death are unknown, if the prince of Lin is really a fake...spreading this news will definitely deal a fatal blow to the Linwang Mansion!"

The third elder was excited.

The black-robed master had cold eyes and a voice without any emotion: "This matter, our sect has its own plan."

Under the black robe, the shrouded figure seemed to be icy cold, which made people shudder.

"Pass on our sect's order to mobilize the sect members in Linzhou and Yanzhou to go to Linjiang City to wait for orders at any time!"

The third elder's heart was chilled, and he realized the purpose of the master, and his expression became more respectful.

"I obey your order!"

At this time, the fourth elder on the side also walked out and said: "Master, Saint Liu deceived the superiors and concealed such important news from the master. She has wolfish ambitions and has rebelled against the master... She must not be forgiven easily!"

The black-robed master glanced at him.

The fourth elder seemed to be seen through. He trembled violently, sweating coldly, lowered his head, and looked more respectful.

The black-robed leader had no expression on his face. His cold eyes swept over everyone in the room one by one, and he said in a deep voice: "You act according to the original plan. The capital is still under surveillance. The rest of you, keep a close eye on the situation in the Prince Lin's Mansion. If there is any news, report to our sect at any time!"


The black-robed leader slowly stood up and walked out the door.

When he reached the door, his footsteps paused slightly, and his voice was still hoarse, without any emotion: "Send someone to the capital!"

"Call the saint to see our sect!"


The appearance of Zhou Zhen and his men was just a trivial episode in the journey of Lin Jiangnian and his men from the official road to the south.

No one took it to heart, and it did not affect the journey to the south.

However, although Zhou Zhen was dead, the matter was not completely over.

After receiving the order from His Highness, the guards of the prince's personal army who had been hiding along the way quickly launched an investigation into the Zhoukou Gang to which Zhou Zhen belonged.

In a few days, the entire Zhoukou Gang was thoroughly investigated.

It was similar to what Lin Jiangnian guessed. The Zhoukou Gang was indeed just a small gang in the underworld.

To be precise, this gang was a small family-style gang. The leader of the gang, that is, the big boss, was Zhou Zhen's biological father.

As for the second in command, he was Zhou Zhen's elder brother!

Speaking of this family of three, they were quite a character. The father was smart, the elder brother was ruthless, and Zhou Zhen learned some kung fu. The father and his sons made a name for themselves in the underworld by escorting people in their early years.

After that, the reputation spread wider and wider, and the power became stronger and stronger. Finally, it formed a considerable force, and then gradually evolved into the Zhoukou Gang. Relying on collecting protection fees in several nearby towns, villages and towns, it gradually became the largest gang in the local area.

Naturally, it also became the biggest cancer in the eyes of the people.

In a few days, Lin Kong thoroughly investigated the Zhoukou Gang and confirmed that Zhou Zhen was not lying. The Zhoukou Gang did not have any grudges with Lin Jiangnian.

And that Zhou Zhen was just a small character who was used.

Of course, even if this was found out, Lin Jiangnian did not intend to let the Zhoukou Gang go.

Since they were going to root out the grass, they had to be eliminated.

After finding out the details of the Zhoukou Gang, Lin Kong took the token left by Lin Jiangnian to the local government.

Then, on a dark and moonlit night. The government office secretly dispatched a column of fully armed soldiers and horses to raid the base of the Zhoukou Gang, catching the Zhoukou Gang off guard.

The first and second bosses who were drinking in the brothel were arrested on the spot, taken back to the government office, and executed secretly!

Overnight, this small gang that was not well-known in the world of martial arts, and even not very noticeable, was wiped out overnight under the thunderous crackdown of the government.

Several days had passed when Lin Jiangnian received the information sent back by Lin Kong.

The Zhoukou Gang was wiped out, and the witnesses were killed cleanly without leaving any trouble.

At the same time, during the investigation, it was not possible to find out who was behind Zhou Zhen. Lin Kong did find some clues, but when he followed the clues to investigate, the person behind him had already disappeared without a trace.

Lin Jiangnian had expected this.

Although it was unclear what the origin of the person behind him was, he could be sure that the other party's purpose was... to come at him.

However, the strange thing was.

After Zhou Zhen and others appeared, Lin Jiangnian continued to go south, but never encountered any danger or trouble.

All the way was safe and sound, and no blind people appeared.

Until Lin Jiangnian received the information sent by Lin Kong, they had left Zhongzhou and entered Yanzhou!

All along the way, everything was safe and sound.

And the way back was very familiar!

A few months ago, Lin Jiangnian entered the capital from this official road. At that time, it was close to winter, and the trees around the official road were withered and yellow, and the world was bleak.

Now when I go back, it is spring, everything is growing, and the world is full of vitality.

It is a completely different scene.

And the people have also changed a lot during the journey.

The biggest change is probably the master and servant Xu Lan and Xiaolu.

At the beginning, the master and servant could not stand such a high-intensity journey. They often looked pale and tired along the way.

But after gradually getting used to it, the master and servant actually persisted.

This made Lin Jiangnian change his view of this Miss Xu... Miss Xu did not seem to be as pampered as he imagined!

And along the way, since the princess and her group joined, it did not seem boring.

Along the way, Lin Jiangnian still did not communicate much with the princess.

The princess is not good at speaking, and is lonely most of the time. Lin Jiangnian has the most contact with her, but he goes to see her every night when he rests.

While helping the princess suppress the coldness in her body, he also takes the opportunity to absorb the coldness in her body to improve his own strength.

It has to be said that it is twice the result with half the effort!

Staying with the princess to practice internal strength is much faster than when Lin Jiangnian practices alone!

As he absorbs more and more coldness, the Xuanyang Heart Method in his body is no longer pure, but more refined, and more rigid and soft than before.

Lin Jiangnian still doesn't know whether this change is good or bad, but he can clearly feel that his strength is getting better and better... At least from the feeling, it is a great improvement for him!

This princess is really a treasure to him!

If it weren't for the bad influence and the fear of being discovered by Li Piaomiao, Lin Jiangnian would even want to stay by her side for twelve hours a day.

When she sucked Lin Jiangnian dry, did Lin Jiangnian ever want to suck her dry?

As he traveled south, Lin Jiangnian's strength gradually increased. He could feel his internal strength becoming stronger and stronger, and gradually approached the third-grade realm.

This terrifying speed of improving strength made even Lin Jiangnian dumbfounded. He was even vaguely worried... Would such a rapid improvement leave any hidden dangers and sequelae?

Lin Jiangnian had also asked Li Piaomiao indirectly, after all, there was a master of the quasi-first-grade master realm sitting next to him, who was much more accomplished in martial arts than Lin Jiangnian and could answer many of his martial arts questions.

Li Piaomiao just glanced at Lin Jiangnian's question and did not answer.

But from her eyes, Lin Jiangnian saw a bit of an idiotic look.

He wanted to find Li Piaomiao to have a good argument, but Lin Jiangnian soon fell into silence and thought, and gradually reacted...

It seems that he did ask a nonsense question?

The strength of martial arts is improved too fast, which is related to the foundation. But Lin Jiangnian's foundation in martial arts has no problem. As for internal strength, all the strength Lin Jiangnian has now is the result of his hard work and practice.

It's not some epiphany, eating some thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum to instantly improve internal strength... In this way, why should we worry about unstable foundation and any sequelae?

After thinking about these, Lin Jiangnian suddenly became clear and completely relieved.

There was no more scruples, and he concentrated on "sucking" Li Piaomiao.

And along the way, Lin Jiangnian frequently helped Li Piaomiao "treat", and he could also perceive the changes in Li Piaomiao.

Her appearance remained the same, but her temperament had changed drastically.

Although she was still not good at speaking and rarely spoke every time she was alone with Lin Jiangnian. There was almost no communication between the two. But Lin Jiangnian could see from her face that the eldest princess showed an expression that was inconsistent with her previous cold temperament.

She seemed to like to be in a daze and be stunned.

In the past, she was like a cold sculpture, making people afraid to look directly at her.

But since she lost her cold aura, she looked like a silly woman when she was dazed.

She looked cute for some reason!

Although she was still very cold, there was a contrast that was hard to describe compared to the past.

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but want to tease her every time, but when he thought of her identity, he forced himself to hold back.

It seemed that nothing had changed, but when he was with the princess, Lin Jiangnian vaguely felt that some changes had quietly taken place.

On the other hand, the twin sisters Jinxiu and Anning were very dedicated to their duties. Whenever Lin Jiangnian was alone with the princess, they guarded her diligently and did not allow anyone to get close.

For the sisters, this journey to the south was also full of novelty.

They grew up in the closed place of Jiandao since they were young, and then followed the princess to leave for the palace.

This was the first time they went on a long journey!

Especially to the far south, which made them somewhat looking forward to it.

In addition, the journey was not boring with the company of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Jinxiu was an extrovert by nature and was familiar with Lin Jiangnian. She often chatted with Lin Jiangnian along the way. Jinxiu always asked about interesting things in the south and inquired about interesting things in Linjiang City.

Lin Jiangnian answered one by one to satisfy Jinxiu's curiosity. At this time, An Ning also sat quietly holding a sword. Although he didn't say anything, he listened very carefully.

From time to time, his eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian's face, and his bright eyes were blazing.

I don't know what he was thinking.

"I heard that girls in the south are different from those in the north?"

Beside the carriage, Jinxiu asked curiously with great interest: "I heard that girls in the south are gentle and graceful, like they are made of water, and water comes out when you squeeze them... Is it true?!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her and chuckled: "Where did you hear that?"

"Is that what everyone says?"

Jinxiu blinked: "Isn't that right?"

"It's hard to say!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "Southern girls are indeed different from northern girls in some aspects, but it's not that exaggerated..."

"Your Highness knows women very well!"

Jinxiu smiled and said: "It seems that Your Highness has a lot of experience, right?"

"This prince is a serious person!"

Lin Jiangnian was not fooled at all: "Miss Jinxiu, don't slander my reputation!"

"Does your reputation need to be slandered by me?"

Jinxiu moved closer and blinked at Lin Jiangnian. There seemed to be a bit of playfulness in her beautiful eyes.

As if hinting at something.

Lin Jiangnian looked at Jinxiu who was approaching, narrowed his eyes and smiled: "I have indeed seen many southern girls, but I am not very familiar with northern girls..."

As he said this, Lin Jiangnian also approached Jinxiu: "Miss Jinxiu, do you want me to get familiar with you?"

As soon as these words came out, Jinxiu's delicate face appeared a blush, and a flash of panic flashed in her eyes, and she leaned back quickly.

But her expression did not seem to be very worried, and she smiled and said: "I do want to, but the princess doesn't agree!"

"It's okay, we can carry your princess on your back."


Jinxiu laughed happily, her eyebrows and eyes were smiling, and the crisp silver bell laughter spread along the carriage.

Next to her, An Ning looked at this scene, turned her head slightly unnaturally, and her face flushed.

It seemed that she didn't dare to watch the interaction between the two anymore.


She tightened her little face and muttered in her heart.

She said it to Jinxiu.

At the same time, in the carriage behind.

"Miss, don't be angry!"

"Being angry will make you sick!"

Xiao Lu hurriedly comforted her own lady beside her.

At this moment, Xu Lan gnashed his teeth, listening to the laughter coming from the carriage in front from time to time, anxious and angry.

"Fox spirit!"

Xu Lan's face was full of anger: "The one named Jinxiu is a fox spirit..."

"She only knows how to flirt and seduce Lin Jiangnian... She looks like a fox, and she is obviously just a maid, but she is so shameless..."

"Bah, disgusting!"

"..."(End of this chapter)

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